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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> member these 4 words, we can do it! [ cheering and applause ] >> martha: oh my gosh is she amazing? we honour all the rosie's, they are so aptly honoured with this metal and we appreciate their service. we thank them and their families for all they did during world war ii if she doesn't inspire you i don't who does. that is the story of this thursday april 11th think you for being here everybody and have a great afternoon. tomorrow is friday, i will see you right back here music back. [ ♪♪ ] >> an iconic moment. o.j. simpson is dead at 76. the former football pro rose to fame on the field and on the screen but it was the trial of the century, "controversial acquittal of murder and in the
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death of his ex-wife and friend that mesmerized the nation. 's family and announced in a post today on x. he succumbed to his battle with cancer. apparently it was rustic cancer. welcome everybody i am neil cavuto. of course we all were member the trial in 1995, at something that captivated the nation. i want you to look back at this. >> the defence also claims the woman who said she heard o.j. yelling at nicole on his cell phone the afternoon of the murders now says he was only speaking sternly. tomorrow they have a lot more to be angry about when they find out what evidence the prosecution produces about the infamous missing bank i am. sean, fox news los angeles. and he looks exactly the same today. air good to have you back. it's hard to believe that's almost 30 years ago. it's the other side of the o.j. simpson story that simply made most americans to this day
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forget the prior 1. what do you make of that? >> it's stunning that people laud him. of courshe had his accomplishments in the field he was a lovable running through the airport or hurts as we know but having lived through the trial and the cases so many years ago it never leaves you. i'm sure many the routers now are never exactly where they were when the verdict came through. choose today to a member the victims, his ex-wife and nicole -- friend. victims of domestic abuse as well a legacy i hope is the fact people remember domestic abuse victims. nearly 1.3 alien women year like nicole, victims as well as roughly 17,000 murders. and not laud what o.j.'s compliments in sports. what really haunts me, i filed more than 2005 shots and on the
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fox network but i was never able to show the autopsy photos. if you see the photos yourself, you see the anger, the rage, the hatred in this vicious, brutal crime. nicole brown simpson's neck i remember seeing the side of her neck there was a huge deep gash, near the gift have -- decapitated. her arteries were cut. the knife in fact nicked her back on it was thrust so strongly into her. this was hatred, this was anger. you had the blood pattern back the blood drops going up. the index finger was cut 2 inches, you had the blood spot on the door handle and on the console where he would have to put the bronco in year, blood going up in his house on the wooden flo of his home. blood on a sock and this sort of thing. of course the verdict just shocked the country on both
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sides no matter how you stand. the racial aspect to this but i prefer to look at this more as the wealth aspect that if you are wealthy like o.j. you can hire the dream team. but so many other people are incarcerated who never have those resources. >> you know, i can't believe the kind of evidence he had a chance to look at, much of the nation some 2930 years ago did not. i'm wondering since a lot of that stuff often times tends to get out and it might have gotten out in an environment like there is today. this great divide that really existed between americans and african-americans that was rather pronounced then. it may not have been the case. >> that's a great point you're right we didn't have social media like twitter or x. or facebook at the time. those photos very well would have been out today and i do believe a percentage of americans, not everybody or all of american -- african-americans
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or others may have had a different view of this once they shot the -- saw the shocking aspect of those photos. not to say they were mystics prior prosecutors. a detective who took o.j.'s blood at the lapd headquarters than he went to his house with the blood bile in his pocket. that gave the defence, you know, and open, like an open on the front line to go right down to the yard line to try to claim perhaps it was planted. there was no reason really for the detective to do that and there are other mistakes. mark furman took the fifth not in the presence of the jury, whether he planted evidence, the issues as well as other mistakes. and a preservative on a glove that was found. you got a lot on that side, but the balance i think has to go to the mystic violence victims and the travesty and misguided justice that in my view that does happen with it's verdict.
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>> and investor respect he went to jail for close to 9 years but not for this. for trying to get a lot of his jump back as he would say in las vegas is weird. >> yes, he did that. there was some sense perhaps of justice but i think he remember ron's father sitting every simultaneous the trial and his sister kim. 's father scent a short tweet today about this but you have to thank there is some justice in that god has taken o.j. simpson finally and he is no longer with us. perhaps they would say there is some justice in that. >> eric chung think you very much now to other big developments we have followed today and will continue to follow, threats that are ramping up and attack that could be coming down. officials morning it could be imminent and follows israel's strike.
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and meeting with israeli defence officials on this much more, we go now to trade in tel aviv with the latest. >> good afternoon. attention remains high across the middle east as israel braces for an expected attack by iran or its proxies. the supreme leader speaking this week saying that this was the end of forum at him. he spoke with constituents and went on to say the israeli strike in syria this month was like an attack on iranian soil. he called the is really government an evil regime saying the country must and we'll be punished. reports overnight indicate the retaliation could be imminent. it doesn't align with comments from american officials including president biden who tried to send a message to iran over the past 24 hours that the united states stands behind israel. today behead behind u.s. central command is in israel meeting with defence officials. his visit is reportedly meant to coordinate a joint defence to an
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attack might look like. there is an understanding that the americans could help in case israel's air defence is overwhelmed. if such an attack directly from iran does take place, there is an expectation on the ground that israel would respond and the region like a closer to a broader war. neil... >> neil: we understand from antony blinken israel has not changed its date or plan on rafa. the ground invasion on and he seemed to be for the time being on a need to know basis. what's the latest? >> absolutely. all week the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been saying his forces will enter the southernmost city of gaza roth on. president biden called it a mistake this week than changed his tone. it's important to note the israelis say there we'll be hamas battalions when their forces enter. the reality is there we'll be fighters spread throughout gaza
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still nearly 200 days into this conflict and you've got a major issue of more than 1.4 million palestinians currently sheltering there with no safe place to go. neil. >> neil: trey think you safety to you and your buddies, your crew. doing a great job. in the meantime this was among many of the terror attacks and concerns the fbi director outlined and detailed today on capitol hill. some very scary stuff. david spohn has the latest. david. >> reporter: hello neil. fbi director wray is someone who's chooses -- who chooses his words incredibly deliberate lee. he is careful in what he says. today he 1 member's of congress the consequent is of not reauthorizing section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act better known as fisa. here he is an hour and a half ago. >> now, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the isis
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attack we saw at the russian concert hall just a couple weeks ago. >> section 702 specifically allows intel agencies in the u.s. to collect communications of foreign people overseas without a warrant. yes, that foreign person could be talking to someone in the united states, but only a specific communications between said foreigner and the american in the u.s. may be included in the suite. >> donald trump doesn't want to. i think if we would have been more efficient upper and more effective, we need to start consulting more with the leader of our party. >> former president donald trump told republicans to kill fisa just this week but january 2018 he actually reauthorized it, tweeting just signed 70 to build to reauthorized foreign intelligence collection. this is not the same fisa lot that was so wrongly abused during the election, i will always do the right thing for our country and put the safety of the american people first.
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meal, the speaker mike johnson who used to sit on the judiciary committee had many problems with fisa criticizing it over and over. he said yesterday on camera and on the record that after he went into a secure facility and saw some of the threats facing our country he has changed his tune on fisa. he wants to reauthorize it now. as for the future, it runs out 1 week from tomorrow. intelligence agencies are concerned. right now, both sides are fighting and it's not just publicans and democrats, some republicans are teaming up with democrats they normally wouldn't, and other democrats teaming up with other republicans on the other side of the issue. >> neil: so quickly on drums position, it seems to have hardened since those comments right before he left office. if he does not change his mind, still finds it to be a mistake and still thinks we should go ahead and kill fisa it still being used against me and was used against me and others. what happens then? is not softening that deal.
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>> that's right neil. president, former president trump says fisa was used to spy on his campaign. apparently talking about carter page the former campaign aide. carter pages situation is not related to 702. it's fisa that gets complicated and carter page though, there was a warrant approved to search his communications. so this buying on donald trump's campaign actually has nothing to do with the 702 renewal. critics of a former president say he is conflating the issue and right now wants to kill something that he praised back in 2018 when he reauthorized a. also said that he doesn't want to have to reauthorize in the future, you wanted to be something that is permanent in the future of the country to keep people safe. we will see what happens. >> neil: david thank you for that and the clarification. the former u.s. central command are now joining us, general what you think of the back-and-forth on the fisa think we and what
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are the former president views at black-and-white. you did draw a distinction right when he left office and a different view now. >> thanks neil it's great to be with you. what i can say is that as a senior commander who was the recipient of information derived from this authority, it was absolute essential to the work we were doing. bidding that work against countering terrorism. i agree with the fbi director, without this reauthorization, we lack a tool and we'll be less safe as a result. >> neil: like a 1 of the things that surprised me that we hear general is all of these revelations about what the fbi has discovered even at our border or other countries, china, for example,, it's the most dangerous time in our history he says. and that fbi has investigations into china that cummins every 10
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hours. in other words there is something new regarding china that generates an fbi investigation every 10 hours. that is incredible. >> yet absolutely. neil, were living in vary complex times here. we have significant adversaries out there, people who want to do harm to the nation. now is not the time to be taking tools off the table. it is time to make sure our men and women and military and federal law enforcement and intelligence community, homeland security, they have all the tools they need to defend the nation. >> neil: you know, a lot of people look at the 9/11 experience, 1 thing i found christopher wray doing today was looking back to the attack on moscow a couple weeks agago. that that is something that could be vary analogous today are forget about focusing on just 9/11 and that, what did you think of that quick. >> i think that is right.
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1 thing you learn after, you know, fighting terrorist organizations a couple decades is there a critically adoptable. very savvy. they will take advantage of every opportunity they have and they will look for vulnerabilities in the system and try to exploit that. so we've got to pay attention to this and we need to make sure we've got the right tools for our men and women to protect the country. >> neil: really quickly while i've got you commander, in your position as a former u.s. commander, this issue that is increasingly coming up about an imminent iranian attack on israel, and israel's vow that if they are attacked they will counterattack iranian facilities in iran itself. what do you make of that? >> yeah, i think this is a precarious time for the region here. i think all eyes are on iran to see how they will respond to this attack. certainly, some type of large
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missile attack from iranian territory i think would be a game changer in the region. i think it would if not bring us further to the brink of conflict, maybe even take us into open regional conflict. in the middle east. so i think this is extraordinarily challenging time right now and it's important to pay vary close attention to this >> neil: as well, what do you make of benjamin netanyahu who apparently is not worship -- sharing anymore details outside the fact and attack on rafah will happen whether the president likes it or not be a furthermore, the 2 -- secretary of state saying the israelis not telegraphed when it might happen or agree -- the degree to which it might be rolled out. they are not sharing that with us. we seem to be on a need to know basis, i wonder if it harkens back to just the increasing nastiness between the 2 leaders? >> i mean that could be the case, i'm not sure i'm the right 1 to comment on it. but my observation here is that
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the campaign is at a transition point. the departure of forces over the weekend, the retention of some forces in the middle of the country to kind of secure an area, i think these are all indications that the campaign, particularly from the israeli defence force side, is probably transitioning down to a different phase. may be a different approach as they look to adjust the threat of hamas down around rafah. i think we will see something different. i can't make much of the back-and-forth in the politica realm here but it's clear to me as a military professional we are kind of add up transition point in the campaign. >> neil: general commander always good to see you thank you >> thank you. >> neil: well this might be the battle of whose baggage is heavier? and more damaging. i'm talking about joe biden and if inflation is dragging him down because it won't go away. donald trump not only his legal problems but the parties battle
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>> neil: welcome back everybody. what do we call this next segment? we? we were thinking back-and-forth
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may be battle of the baggage because each of the leading presidential candidates has their own particular problems and issues that will come up in this campaign so the issue becomes which weighs down more. joe biden has this inflation thing that doesn't go away despite a better-than-expected wholesale inflation report. bottom-line most americans have a trend that indicates if inflation doesn't go away interest rates getting higher, a lot of folks are worried it will dry condemn. donald trump has his own issues leaving aside the court matters, also dealing with a party on the short end of the pr stick when it comes to abortion. the arizona decision that might and democrats -- hand democrats a key advantage. doug shown his fear, noel nick poor very good at gop fundraising. the me ask you since i ended with you on the fallout that republicans hope to gain before we get into the presidents issues or the parties issues on
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just what's happening with the economy and inflation. we bounce back from our worst levels today, better-than-expected wholesale inflation report, not much better but inflation still a big worry. i am sure if you're donald trump or republican series season on that is the issue that will get you back in the white house. what do you think? >> it is the issue. a lot of americans sitting at the everyday kitchen table don't understand wholesale inflation. all they know is when they go to the grocery store they're paying more for groceries and it's continuing. they know it's costing more with everything they due from trying to take a vacation to trying to get a mortgage. so you're seeing this and even though the democrats are trying to tell you inflation is pretty much in the rearview mirror and thanks are looking great, people don't feel it. and also a lot of people are remembering how better off they were under the trump administration they had more money in their bank, 3%
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mortgages, they are remembering this. and they are remembering where they were and i think this is going to help donald trap and i actually think he is playing on the fact that they were better off under his administration then they are right now, even though biden is saying its better. >> neil: alright what we can go back-and-forth onto if they're better off. we were knee-deep in the middle of covid-19 i'm not blaming that on the president but the economy granted to a halt. you have to pick and choose your date and times. but doug i'm curious then how joe biden encounters the inflation argument and all that. kind he is focusing right now and the party as well focusing on the abortion stuff and how republicans are behind a ball on that. but when he starts dismissing the inflation and gets it wrong that it was a lot higher under his predecessor, he's jumping off the tracks in a bad way isn't he? >> yeah, i think you're right neil. and i would quote no other
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than wrong -- braun who said president biden needs to stop talking about bridges and talk about every day cost-of-living issues that people are facing. is hurting the president with young people, with african-americans, hispanics, unless the president does what you're saying and focuses on the real here and now issue of costs at the pump and the grocery store and also mortgage rates gone back up to 7%. this could jeopardize housing. the president needs to acknowledge it and address it otherwise i think it's going to be real serious baggage for him going forward. >> neil: so quickly than to finish that thought back whose baggage is heavier or more difficult to drag around right now? joe biden's or donald trump's? >> elections are referenda on
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the incumbent and i would normally say joe biden, until and unless you focus on the republicans and how they've totally botched the abortion issue, combined with the florida decision 6 weeks is illegal. the arizona decision it can be banned. the court decision and alabama on ideas. i think events are making them pretty darn close but i wouldn't want to have either 1 of those on my shoulders as both candidates due. i think your staff was right that both are clearly having -- >> martha: most baggage you can roll on wheels which makes it easier. >> not these 2. >> neil: you're right about that. noel how do you sorted out? of course donald trump has a deal with the legal and the court thing. as we were sitting on the economy and concerns of insulation. how does this drag for whom?
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>> while i will tell you i think donald trump got a hail mary, who ever gave him the advise to come out on abortion and say he's going to flip back to the states. that was pretty crafty because i think making -- nikki haley did so well because she actually adjust abortion thoughtfully and said we need to have a very serious conversation and a real conversation because this is an issue that affects women. whoever told donald trump to come out and say let's turn it back to the states that's brilliant. that means he is open to a reasonable and open dialogue. remember and the midterms we lost because of this issue and it will rear its ugly head again in the elections. donald trump's base is secure, the evangelical vote is secure. the suburban women, the independent voter out there, that's not secure. and the abortion issue is vary important. donald trump just got a bay hail
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mary by saying i will turn it over to the states. so i really think that was beautiful and akin to abortion for republicans. >> neil: it depends how you balance it out, guys think you both very much. he seemed to be great experts on suitcases which can come in handy this busy travelling campaign. a lot more coming out, we mentioned donald trump and were mentioning the trial that kicks off monday. were also focusing on the president of the united states meeting as you know with the japanese prime mr. they had a big dinner in washington last night also the philippines president because they are in the neck of the woods where china is a big concern and they are about to address it and deal with it after this r glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back with scotts turf builder triple action! gets three jobs done at once -
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and casey don't think china is in that huge that to the country consider what christopher wray said about the fbi opening up a new investigation into china every 10 hours. put that into context with president biden meeting with the japanese prime mr and the philippines prime mr. there in the neck of the woods with china and very concerned about its behaviour and statements of late. stock to dan hoffman about the suit begins of this. former station chief in moscow. dan, you know, what is wild about this is there is a consistent theme here on an international security level, military level and what the heck they are doing in space level. china, china, china. what do you make of it? >> yeah, look i think just the same way we saw nato expansion with sweden and finland after russia president vladimir putin
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invaded ukraine who can think them for reinvigorating united states alliance with asia with south korea and also philippines and japan. just when you look at what china is doing here in united states and stealing our intellectual property, evict lotus spying and militarizing the south china sea and the largest, fastest growing weapons program. they are a threat to peace all over the globe. and they are aligned of course with russia and keeping russia and the fight with ukraine peer that's what we're seeing here, the bite into ministration doubling down on our alliances with the philippines and japan who were right there dealing with china's bellicose behaviour as you know in the south china sea. the philippines have some brave soldiers in a rusty warship and the chinese coast guard aiming their water cannons at them despite that they're hanging in
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there and define china's efforts to control that vary important passageway for freedom of navigation. >> neil: earlier in the week as you know there was a warning that came out and a potential downgrade certainly for china's outlook saying it was running up a lot of debt. nothing to the degree we are with our debts and deficits. but, you know, they are a financial worry, derek economy is slowing down. a lot of american executives still suck up and go to him every time they tell him to. china is in the world of her. back no a lot of ways because military actions have a nice way of sort of distracting your population right. >> they can and they can also make thanks a lot worse. china relies on spine because they can't innovate themselves. they have had a real problem
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with their real estate market and a bubble that burst on that. some china experts with whom i speak believe this downturn in the chinese economy might induce xi jinping not to mount more aggressive military operations to the extent he might want to invade taiwan and conquer taiwan. he might hold back on that with an eye towards improving his economy. but at the same time, his focus has been on this communist iron grip on his own population. we've seen multiple laws passed in china where if you are a foreign business trying to do some work in china, the chinese intelligence service owns everything that you doing. every chinese business has to report to chinese intelligence. that makes it difficult for foreign business to want to work there and that's what we're seeing. >> neil: thank you dan. dan hoffman former statesman chief in moscow. we will look at that and also looking at a child that's finally coming on monday for when donald jay trump delaying
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or pushing it back doesn't look like that's possible but he has been uniquely able to, you know, get a hail mary victory at the last moment but it's all slated now for monday in new york. juries election will begin then what happens after this it's handles the heavy lifting, ♪ breaks new ground, ♪ and most importantly, puts her at ease. you just have to get in the seat. isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence.
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file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! all right there is no pushing back this 1. the hush money trial for 1 donald jay trump is still on, commencing next monday april 15th in new york begin with jury selection. they will lay things out and i guess there are a couple things the former president's legal team might be able to pull off to get it pushed back or add some disruption but it doesn't look likely for now. former deputy assistant attorney general expert on all things legal, i defer to you tom. any last-minute hail mary pass thing his team can take to push this thing off?
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>> neil at this point, it's almost a virtual certainty of this trial will begin on monday. the president's lawyers have left no stone unturned in pushing various arguments and reasons and theories to persuade courts to bring this trial to a halt but so far they've been robust at every turn. every day there is 1 judge or another in new york saying this cannot be delayed its going forward on monday. so i think at this point the teams on both sides will just get prepared and strap on their battle armour and get ready to join the fight monday. >> neil: there is this under break last moment, last possible moment, the president could fire his legal team and say i've got to start from scratch or whatever. how likely is that? >> i would say unlikely. this is an extraordinary case, i wouldn't put past extraordinary measures. but by any standard that would be pretty remarkable. even if he were to do that i don't know if that was stop the trial period seems like every judge in new york has settled on april 15th being the day.
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they try to stop it so i think at this point it seems pretty likely this is going forward come hell or high water. >> neil: thing you have to find fair and balanced jurors, given the liberal slightly liberal nature of new york that wouldn't be a very fair judging pool. what do you think of that? >> yeah, and to say this is an unfavourable jury pool for trump is an understatement. probably 90% at least of potential jurors in this case we'll be biting voters. i think what's incumbent on the president's lawyers team to do is to be vary aggressive and the process were lawyers get a chance to question prospective jurors about their biases and whether they can really decide a case neutrally and independently and impartially. it's really going to be a challenge for them, it will have to figure out a way to get to the bottom of whether each and every -- every juror on the jury is capable of rendering a and impartial verdict. >> let me ask you about if he is
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convicted on any of these matters, he has no prior legal history or anything like run-ins with the law. you could make the argument that he wouldn't go to jail upon a conviction pack depends on how many convictions i guess. play that out for me. >> the way i see neil,, it's technically possible he would get sentenced to jail for each of the churches he is accused of, they carry a potential of a jail sentence. but i think for the reasons you mentioned i would personally be shocked if ultimately he resent the jones case. he would be a first-time offender as he pointed out, there certainly circumstances i could say a judge saying as being mitigating or extraordinary that would counsel against a long jail sentence. a lot of water has tickle under the bridge before we even get there. so yes, it's theoretically possible but seems unlikely. >> neil: what will the judges have with him constantly talking
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about the case or bad mouthing participants of the case, and just decide you're going to cool your jets in jail for a little bit. >> and from time to time i think we will get to that point. we haven't yet. this judge is aware of the need to run a tight ship. chi understands like he doesn't want either trump or any party in the case trying this case in the media or launching attacks on witnesses or family members. at the same time he's got to preserve the first amendment to speak. it's a fine line and i think it's 1 the judge will have to watch throughout the course of the trial. >> neil: thank you very much john. november kickoff time on monday. onto our next story. and impeachment effort to get him out of his cabinet position. it's a hail mary pass to see that happen. but right now the fight is even amongst republicans and democrats. some republicans in the senate say not so fast. this impeachment here in the senate, not so soon. s.
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senator schumer wants to violate 200 years of senate president and not hold his child. >> many people get the sense mitch mcconnell, you know, is not fired up about this, but
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maybe you could share do all of your colleagues share the same rage at this? >> i'll let senator mcconnell speak for himself but all i can tell you is that i'm pretty fired up about it. i'm not fired up about it on the basis of the politics. i thank the constitution gives the united states senate the duty and responsibility to conduct a trial. >> neil: 6 republik and colleagues in the senate are not too keen about demanding chuck schumer hold this impeachment trial at least anytime soon. chat has got the latest on this. hey chad. >> reporter: good afternoon you'll. the impeachment trial may have been concluding right about now have the house scent the articles to the senate earlier this week but conservatives demanded more time. this allows them to cast a spotlight on the secretary. record numbers of known chinese communist party members crossing the border. record numbers of people on the
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terrorist watch list crossed in -- crossing the border. he says he is not responsible? >> reporter: democrats believe they have the votes to quickly terminate a trial but in protest the gop is using procedural manoeuvres to block the senate from doing simple noncontroversial yield things like reassessing until monday. republicans want to make thanks difficult to underscore problems >> what are they waiting for? there is no case there and they know it. this is a political stunt. ala dragon out for publicity back everyone sees that decision. >> but even moderate democrats are not convinced the senate should convict. they believe the trial is a waste of time. >> is basely something i cannot wait to vote against and get it out as soon as it comes here. why weight until next week we we could vote today. likely they want to let it fester little bit?
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>> 43 republicans wrote to the senate majority leader calling for a full trial but it also means 6 gop members did not sign neil. >> neil: alright chad thank you. you hear about some people sort of tightening their belt of bit but when it comes to the young let's just say many are restless to spend. [ ♪♪ ] weeds... they have you surrounded. you're just gonna stand there? or are ya gonna take your lawn back. we're gonna take it back. we're gonna take it back. with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps your lawn growing strong. glorious! -agggghhhhhh! -aaagghhhh. no no no. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. our biggest challenge? uncertainty.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: all the right, that is a beautiful shot. catalina island in california, a very popular vacation destination for a lot of young people. anything with each and sand and water is a good destination and a nifty alternative to simply in a boring way saving our money and not having any fun at all. in fact, it is such a trend that is getting out of hand that a lot of them are racking up debt to do it the ark is not isolated to the young and the restless, plenty of old folks do the sames a pattern alone among the young who are restless. very good at personal finance come he tries to reach out to young people to simply tell them quietly, will you stop spending money like crazy! anyway, george, very good to have you. what's going on here? we just heard stories about some young people who are really tightening the belt and really being careful, but apparently not all of them.
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>> oh, absolutely. i won't yell, might want to give them a hug and say, i get it, it's hard, you want to enjoy life, but what this has really turned into, neil, is this ten mentality where the stats are showing us they're not only willing to spend more than any generation, they are also willing to take on debt to do it in that is where this becomes a problem because we are seeing credit card debt at an all-time high, over a trillion dollars. the average interest rate, the apr come over 22% now. so when you put that vacation on payments, you come back and pay for it six months later and that to me is the bigger problem. >> neil: when we look at the statistics -- the economy is still very strong, almost too strong, that is what has people worried about inflation -- this has gone on with a bandit. i was reading a lot of flights are booked right now through the christmas season, where people of all types are spending big, but they are putting on their credit cards, and that can be a problem, too, right? >> oh yeah and the companies are cashing in on this. you have seen the remarketing for all of the airline miles,
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and they trick you into thinking you are being a smart consumer when you play these games, but the problem is you are doing this at the stake of your own future, your own retirement, and it is born out of a hopelessness and cynicism of these generations feel. they are going well, neil, i will never own a house so i might as well take that vacation. it is not born out of a good, healthy place, it is just born out of this frustration with the economy and it is the boomer's fault, and i want to tell them, there is hope for you yet if you are willing to make sacrifices. >> neil: we boomers. not you. george, let me ask you about that. you can understand that, they are so frustrated, 70% of millennials don't think social security is going to be around for them. you mentioned concerns, as well, about all of these other economic joys like homeownership, that they might look at their parents and grandparents is enjoying but they are not going to have it, so you can understand, with the hell, i'm going to go for the gusto. so what do you tell them? >> first of all, i tell them,
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you're not going crazy. things are very expensive. it is harder to buy a home these days when homes cost, you know, six times the average income instead of two times the average income like it was in the boomers' days but that also doesn't give you a pastor just go deeply into debt and go woe is me, yolo. i want people to have jomo instead of fomo. in the next two years i'm going to aggressively pay off that debt and get on a budget and pay cash for that vacation and put it on a debit card so it doesn't burden me when i get back from that trip and these are things that we see people do every day on the ramsey show and it is very inspiring. we talked to a couple yesterday, 28 and 30 come on the ramsey show, paid off their house, so e are not crazy stories, these are everyday people choosing a different path. >> neil: you and your colleagues, i love you all, you carry bags of cash around, i get that, but a lot of people think that is crazy and i do not want any part of that. >> people do think you can't
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have fun if you live the ramsey plan. all we are saying is be frugal for a season so later you can live like no one else and go on the crazy vacations because i'll tell you come i have traveled with dave, he is not frugal these days. he may have been back in the day when he was broke but there is a time and place for that spending and it is not when you are broke. you have to get out of that and get your head above water and that is why i wrote the book, "breaking free from broke," to help people of all ages rise above that. >> neil: i told my kids, your mother and i are keeping everything in whatever is left over goes to the dog. thank you, george. wise advice. so the spending continues, and so does it in washington. right now, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 inew york city and mrs. "the five." ♪ ♪


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