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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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extreme marathon runnerr to who just became the first person ever to run the entire length of africa , it took him 352 days. the journey was acrossh ab 16 countries. it came with an abundance of challenges, includingundanc o poisoning being robbed at gunpoint. but it didn't stop him. he finallyally mad made it to tu where folks flew out to run alongside hiongside m to the fih line. >> congratulations, russ. t i was. >> god bless him.>> what are his feet look like? i don't want to know richa how you need a pedicure. i can guarantee you. well, that's one way. e it>> dana:el.that's one way t. yes. i mean, i don't know if i would recommend it, but i woul dt fo recommend watching us. tomorrow we will be here. thanks. that'sr us it for us, everybody. have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetim e tonight. we, the jury in the above entitled action find the defendan thet, orenthal james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. o.j. simpson o dead at 76. open the door now.
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open the door now. open the door. the media tries to whip up another george floyd riot did you see the tape?u se do you think mom and i killed the cars? bec she's a greaaut american.inton >> hillary clinton. the musical. thmusicai'm hillary clinton ands a star. >> plus, i want to tell jesse voters that i would love . select out of him >> america woke up to the news today that o.j. simpso>>n at the age of 76, was pronounced dead after a battle with cancer was. >> why did america's most infamous man captivate us?the hs the heisman trophy winner
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at ufc two, the all-pro running back in the nfl. g backthe first in nfl history to rush for over a thousand yards in a season. >> the man we're watching tonight, one of the great athletes of all time. >> many say the greatest runner we ever heard the football. his name is o.j.. when you draft the heisman trophy winner, you expect him ec to be big, fast and strong. you eventem to expect him to brk records. set a new record. what, you don't expect himthem t to rush for 2000 yards in a 14 game season, which is what the juice did. d hi >> they called him the juice for a reason. jews commercial appeal. >> ever need to rent a car fast. ? nobody does better by. nobody does you? the superstar. >> nobody has more of what it
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takes to get you into a ne: w lv or other fine car faster. >> and then it wasor on toerybo! the big screen. >> nordberg, how are you, buddy ? scott says i should be on my dealer this week and backhe e on the horse. >> it's really wonderful. oh, great. everyone should have a friend like oj's recognizable face was embraced by corporate america,dy and he was universally lovedvedy by black and white audiences. >> he crossed overnd in such a smooth and charming way into america's most elite circles. c monday night football, brentwood country clubir , the tonight show commercials. hollywood, in a way that a black athlete hadn't. up until that point, ath he hadt all until the night of june 12tht of, 19 94, when o.j. simpo went from a star to a murder suspect.
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>> nicole brown simpson, the ex-wife of football player b turned actor o.j. simpson, and th e mother of two of his children, and her friend ronald goldman, were found in a pool of blood outside her condo in brentwood. ey wer they had both been stabbed to death with a history of domesti tdeath,c violence ben the couple. o.j. quickly became the numberjc one suspect. >> it was a murder scene that shockekly d the nation.n, the press had never seen a story like it. that was until just five days later when they cut out of game five of the nba finals with the newse nb that the juice was loo. >> this is a fox news special report, los angeles police , right now is actively searching for mr. simpson. >> right now, we all the o.j. simpson record is still alive.s he's got to gogu. >> television told it all over the place. listen to. rjme a more iconic car chase than the white bronco.
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n thyou can't. over 95 million americans in homes, offices and restaurants all around the country watched . ran from the law, but even from his jail cell. >> o.jaw. star never faded. police officers were bringing footballlices and trading cardsr him to sign. >> but this was just the beginnin sign,g. itness >> america witnessed the trial of the century, beginnin agn in 1995. >> cable news was just19 beginning and court tv carriedl the trial live. the country was addicted . courtr the courtroom turned the players into household names. o playto judge lance ito, who? jay leno turned into a comedy sketch. e judge,the dancing itos. defense attorney johnnie cochran. got a parody character on seinfeld. and whld, o can forget kato kaen during that phone call? >> sorry. did something unusual occur? yes. and what wasual occu? that? i heard a thumping noise. how many times did you hear?
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objection. we. yes. three. can you demonstrate for us how loud it was? somewhat. yes. go ahead. yes, go aheao ahead. >> but just like it was whennnin he was running down the field in buffalo, it was all eyeg s on the juice in front of the jury. >> o.j. simpson trie drn o on the glasses prosecutors say he was wearing. the night he murderee glovesd his ex-wife, he tried to showhe the gloves do no tt firit. the jurors looked shocked, startled as o.j. stood before them, pulling, pinching and struggling to put them on. with disdain, he defiantly demonstrated his difficultut th telling the jurors they are too small for me. >> the o.j aral. trial gave us one most of the most iconic legal defenses of all time. >> listen. this is an it. kemp put this new cap on.year
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you didn't see me for a year.. i put this knit cap on. who am i? i'm still johnnie cochran with a nightcap. cochr and if you look at o.j. simpson over therean and he has a rather a large head. o.j. simpson r, in a nightcap from two blocks away, is stillo. o.j. simpson. it's no disguise. it ie,. disguise it makes no sense. n i it doesn't fit. ist doesn't fit, you mustt fi acquit. >> the trial lasted nearlyt, a year on the heels of rodney king. the lapd was was c called racisi at trial, accused of framing simpso n. dna evidence was fairly new. detectives werees wer accused of sloppiness and contamination. >> and america was on the edge of itse sed of seat. and jury deliberations lasted only 4 hours. the verdict was in. and in america, time stood still. >> superior court of california, county of los angeles. in the matter of the people of
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the state of california versus orenthalf th james simpson, cas1 number 8097211. we the jury in the involved entitle action find juryfindt or orenthale james simpson not guilty of the crime of murde violatir in violn of default judgment. 87 a felony at the foregoing statement of human being. >> of course you have lots of people, as you saw, had some pretty strong reactionsme obviously, you're very happy. i'm very happy for his family, >>r his children.ildr i'm very happy. i'm also vereny happ.appyy. >> i think justice was served. >> the verdict exposedse america's racial divide. divid >> whites were flabbergasted at the acquittal. the forensic labberga evidence was overwhelming. >> o.j. had gotten away with murder. many black americans saw it differently. for once, a person who looked like them was able to use the legal system to their advantage and get away systage that theyhave g believe white americans had gotten away with for far too
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longotfa. guil justice wasn't about guilt or innocence. abnoit was about being able to afford lawyers like the dream team l. you'd ask people.. o.j., innocent or guilty? and technically, he was innocent, even though everyonekw knew he did it. because, you know, that's what the law sayhalaw sayss. america's judicial system worked or it didn't work. depending on who you talk to,o. juries are filled with people, not machines. and sometimeries ares people sed a message without weighing messe all of the evidence. and that message is final. divd the verdict may have divided us and we disagreeedd, but theb trial brought us together. >>e tria a hundred million people watched. those are super bowl numbers. ed >> the episode produced rivers of content, tabloid tv,, the the kardashians and humokar. meo lots of it. some of it dark.
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his office has been using a lott this year. >> now, you lined up your halfhi back right behind your quarterback. your tight end has been running a curl pattern and now we call,h it big play action. the defense is frozen, allowing froz open to be openn th on the other side, opening a hole in the middle and ahe scene on the left. >> i r >> i really got to go.eao i got to ggoo. yeah. now, after the acquittal, oj tried to reenter polite society, but it was impossible. o.he was a socially outcast, a guy, a double murderer, free ,walking through the airport or sitting across from you at a barporing acror. >> simpson, for years, wouldr traipse around like nothinyeg hd happened. >> he'd play golf, he'd go to nightclubs. he'd dha he playeo interviews claiming he was looking for the real killere real k.
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>> if you promise that you will not ask me anothethatr question about never again, wewo won't have to talk about it anymore. justuld no t. >> they did you do it? no, i di d. >> no, i did not do it.fter w e after we finished filming, o.. said to me that he hadng a surprise for me, and ind genuinely was surprised. i think it was his idea of a joke wassurprise. >> and this is it. >> o.j. famously wrote a book called if i did it confessions of a killer. he called it a hypothetical kil calln of his murders of his ex-wife, nicole brown, and her boyfriend, ron goldman . >>d and when he was on his medh tour, o.j. said somethinisg bel that most to this day believe was his confessionhi when nicole fell and hurt herself. and this guy kind of got into a karate thing. and i said, well, you think you can kick my?
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and i remember i grabbed the knife. i do remember that pause and take, rememberbe hones the a charlie. and to be honest, after that, i remember, except i'm standing there is all kind of stufffled o around and what kind of stuff? and stuff? how now, you know, i hate to say this, but you writeg a about removing a glove before taking the knife from charlie. ? you know, i had no conscious memory of doing that. but obviously i must of because they found the glove there. >> o.j. may have not been found guilty in a criminal court of law, but he was found civilly liable for the deaths. and stilt hel to this day, owes the goldman family over $100 million. but it's just money. nothing will ever bring nicole and ron back. >> do you believe in heaven and ? yes. do you believe that you're going to seee in h nicole some?
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yes, i do. and my mother, my dad, i share my shoulder. and what would you say to her? you know, i haven't thoughtou of that. i would hug her. she, you knold hw, i haven't. there's a they know. i want to explain anything. [ la know that's what heaven and is all about. >> let's bring in actor triawitness at oj's trial, kato kaelin. katol, kato . how close of a friend was o.j.o? to you? well, i always said this, jesse. not a real close friend. i watally clos a put it. was they had been in tax terms, he was he was danish and i wasia donuts. so not not a close friend. i dis d hang out in the timee time that i was there, probably a handful of times just hanging out. >> okay. and now he's past. what do you thinnow hed,k of hia person? k at i you know, i look at it and foremost, jesse, i would just say that i would i would
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just put out my condolences just to the kidsth, to sydney, justin, and to arleen and jason and, you know, losing a father, that's that's never easy. but everything that i'm feelingw and i woke up this morning, saw the messages go out to the goldmansokd, kim and brad goldmx and i express my condolencespr to them. and of course, the i cherish memories of nicole. and, you know, she was a beacone of light. she really was. she was bright. she was funny. and i don't thinbrightk people e forget that. it's really about to young, tha beautiful people that were murdered. they were murderedre. they say he's innocent. do you believe o.j. simpson d is innocent? you know, i've given my opinion. my opinion was i think he's guilty. i have that opinion. still at todaye that today. and i you know, i was listening to this show and you sort of encapsulates thed the lastd 30 years. and i was going, oh, my, my,i wa your monologue is just it
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brought back so much to my feelings. i was it was wonderful,went you know, not wonderful, but it i walike i went back in time and i was thinking about that line you said about heavenabou o and believing it. well, you know, on his deathbed, i don'w, deatht know f he said a penance or not, but i really i really believ e he's guilty. >> and if he made peace with god or not. what was it like being int that courtroom with johnnie cochra n, marcia clark, o.j. simpson accused of double murder, sitting right across from you? well, you're next to judge itorx under oath, right? you know, jesse, it's i'm from wisconsin. and growing up, i cames --to cal to california to become an actor and a starife . n in but i've never been in aro courtroom my entire life, not evenom a parking ticket.n and the first time i'm in a courtroom is for a double homicide tim of a man who i'mf living on his property and a friend of mine, nicolethat, i didn't know ron, but i knew, you know, through the years,
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kim an butd i know that he'sa wr a wonderful person. so that i mean, that's what it was like. and to testify. yeah. and you know what jesse did to explain mysel. thaf on youras show many times that i was on the stand, i went through reviews with the defense and also the prosecution. and sometime thes i had that deer in the headlights look that was printed in so many different that prints and papers. it's because i wanted to be so truthful. and i was tryingt to to think oe making sure i remembered that question in the revieofw. i and that was because my experience of being a witnese ofy exs. lo you see a lot of stories nowstor about the criminal justice systemies and people still feet the criminal justice system one way or the otherem is just not right. going back to 1995, do you think america has changed at all? >> and if so, how has it it's -- it's gone. it's gone backward. it is still a division of white and black. they put split screens on when
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the decision came out of thet verdicoft and we haven't grown at all. and i see, you know, constantly and with the, you know, rodney king, you just happened o.j. just happened. george floyd just happened. so it's still as divid, ite. i think it's probably even more divided now. i think it's like just stepscont backwards. it just constantly happensly ha >> you think it's more divided a racially that is just a such a sad assessment. i just i'm so sad to hear that from you. do you think that the justice system has gottedo youn any bete gotten any worse since thisnc verdict? ? well, i look at me living in los angeles and i look at our day and i look out, in criminals are getting off for committing crimes. and i'm thinkingg commig this is the wrong way to do it. and i think that when you can openly shoplift somewhere and not be thrown into jail,k i it's wrong and the system is wrong. and i think that's part of the
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problem. anytand i also think, you know, education, you've got to beucatd educated. i mean, committing a crime is wrong. on. and that's you know, that's how i stand. and i think it's -- it's more and more common. it's more and more common with with homelessness. it's more and more common of people in streets. and it's the more we see it, e the more people seem to be accepting it. and it's wrong and theple ke ay can't do that anymore. and it's got to be a clean uanpe somehow. it's got to happen where the justice has to be priority numb one. it's long overdue. kato kaelin, thanks so much for joining jesse watters primetime. it is a crazfor joining thy andi what you said about the familiesli i think really,, really rings true. so thanks for joining us and thanks for expressini thinyg th. we really appreciate it. thank you for giving me time sat to to say that. i appreciate it very much. i ou.k you.canha >> the masters, hillary's musical and diy thursday ahead
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a day. call 1-800- 3297676. that's 1-800- 3297676. >> it's an election year ands an joe biden's in trouble. one reason why donald trump's attracting blacks. -fil-a >> yesterday at chick-fil-a it, was all lovel love. >> i care what the media tell you, mr. trump. t you,t. okay, for me, we do. giv let me give you a service. >> the media knows which waywayh the wind's blowing, so they're trying to stir things up. >> the george floyg sod deathgee and the riots that followed energize the base and kept f and
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the black vote in the democrat column. now the media is trying to runke it back, but we caught themre three weeks ago. dexter reed out of chicago, shot by police during a traffic stop. he's black, shot. 100 shots were fired. here's the famils black,y. >> why does the police keep doing this to a young black african ma>> why dn? if he was supposedly pulled over for a traffic stop, why do they have four guns pointed at him? he was scared. s athe had just bought his newdt car three days before that, and he would just grab them around in his car. he's like, mom, what? and i go, do right. >> thank y'all. e fa reads family's upset, and we're so sorry. there's nothinide,g losing a chs but they're not telling you the trutild.h. er rea dexter reed opened fire onolic policee. after he was pulled, he over. he shot at police first
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and they returned fire. his gun recovered and he emptied his clip. se'll show you the video in a second. but look at these headlines. seatbeltcond but the violation s with black man dead ne chicago's street aftes ofr cs fired nearly 100 bullets. police fire 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing black man during traffic stop. deadly chicago traffic stopp where police fired 96 shots. >> raises serious questionlices about use of force. >> not one of those headlines te tells you that reid is the one one who started the shootout. >> the media is looking for another george floyd to divide and conquer with. and the chicago mayor isnquer wn it as a mayor and as aan father raising a family, including two black boys on the west side of chicago. i'm personally devastated to seeo se yet another young black man lose his life during
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an interaction with the police, an interaction with the police.? he opened fire on police and police did what they're trained to do, return fire until the threat to their lives and to the lives of their fellow officers is neutralized . >> what the media won't tell you is the dexter reid didn't want to go back to prison because he was awaiting trial on gun charges. he'd also just been arrested b for shoplifting. we were warning this is the body cam footage of the shooting. >> and it shows a very different story than what the mediting anda is presenting. well, the windows are blowing te it on the wall, the windowat down. what are you doing are you d? all this on the wall that wented down to say, no, roll the window. don't roll the window up.! hey, do not roll the window up. lock the doors. well, lock the doors on.
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lock the door. now open the doors. the d and while you are off, all itse had to do was comply. >> roll down the window, catchn another gun charge, serve time, stay alive . t he but he tried to murder a policed officer in cold blood just to staerce officy out of jail. 11 shots were fired by reid. he onl shotsy stopped shooting because he ran out of ammo. now, knowing all of that, thish, is how cnn described how the incident. >> chicago police firing 96 shots in 41 seconds at one man in a deadly traffic stop last monthtraffi that killed 26-year-old dexter reid. newly released body cam video shows what led to this all. police say they pulled reid over for not wearing a seatbelt when officers approached his suv. the situation quickla seatbey
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escalated. >> why did it escalate, jake? police shootings can be complicated. >> we know. but this wasn'et. are police supposed to just allow themselves to be sho tdrive at and then let the shooter drive away? the mediawa also won't tell you this. some of those officers were black. f thos acthe one who got shot was blac. and trust me, this won't be thee first time between now and november that the media tries to pult timel something la this. so stay alerlertt. >> nationally syndicated radio host dana loesch joins me now. dana, this isn't eveneven complicated. the fact that they're tryingists to twist this and sell this thi as somehow controversial or ann egregious act by cops, what does that tell you? >> well, just it tells me that they need to get out the vote mechanism because democrat s can't sell it,sell can't sell voters on the economy, and they can't sell i on tht on stability internationally. so they have to come up inte strifed raci racialconsulat .
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that's democrats calling card. they've been doing this fore years. we've lived through this since we were kids, jesse. but to this, you mention the mediisrea with this washinga post buried this buried the fact that it was dexteshingt reid who fired the first shot and he didn't just fire shots. everyone needs to understand and read mad dumped into these cops. he emptied his entire magazinesn into these police. jesse, if i get pulled over and i'agazinthese pom mad, dumps who are pulling me over and asking me questions. guescopss what?e same response. because you present a fatal threat askin to that to the law enforcement officer, and they are going to use lethal force to neutralizentey're that threa. that is standard operating procedure. and a lot is talkethreatd aboutn it comes to bad policing. but everything that i saw in this video was toicins good g . these police protected lheir community from a letha was threat that presented itself to them. and they deserve our thanks. not criticisntedm, not condemnation, not stupid politicians trying to use this cre themselves at the ballot box. they deserve. thanks. now, as far as the medias at th, on this, shame on the media. they if it bleeds, it leads.on thejesse is a saint for a reasn
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and they're using this to save their bottom ling thise to, savd their their ad dollars, and they're using this to help their friends. the democrats, get reelected.d. it's shameful. it's sickening. it iand one last point about the mother who's crying about this. where were you when your son had his priors? where were you when your son was illegally in possession of a firearm hisrs cuba?e were? where was your.rear where were you when the recidivism your your e we straight fromm? to prison? straight to prison. where are these parents? they find the camerao priss fast enough, but they're not there when their kids need them. >> yeah, absolutwhen kide disasr everywhere. >> dana loesch, thanks so much . >> the dea thursday, what is dea, i mean, to you dea is what is called the good decemberthe a that cole and skippyme are getting screams wan delay are getting screams wan delay and i heard i had a choice colo.
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has a very speciala ve edition of the thursday we gotry tickets to the super bowl, nee national action network convention hosted by none other than the godfather of d.i. >> al sharpton. does anybody there even know what this means? happy guy. thursday happy heavy d thursdaya . >> what is d i meay.n to you d i m is what is called it guys. december diversity, equity? and inclusion. >> okay. got you. oh diversi , i guess you learn somethingy new every day. >> some people say dti standdas for dealing with earn. it should only hire people based on merit, note solely on one of those fox talking points. didn'tmerit? earn it. what about iq? dvr cue now what's the cute qualifications?
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>> i don't think it's smart qualifications because some people need be trained. >> are you being fair? well, if you hire the person som most qualified, isn'tperson that fair? well, it all depends. martin luthe ir king said we shouldn't judge people on the color of their skin, of theirontents character. >> is he wrong? we're not there yet. t. re not there yee i'm getting tired of seeing the same people having the same job. the sami don't feel no way. >> he's tired. >> george attorney gives a speech. why not focus on crime instead of trouble? sp right. how is kamala harris doing? i don't know her too >> what is her job? . secretar y, she. >> we run the country. she. ala ha yeah, kamala harris is running it because she's not really k at home. h well, who's gagging her? >> w might.ver joe biden be beyond joe biden. . i wouldn't say becaus>> joee s here. >> looked up and i said, that is not even close bsus is.c
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>> what is gospel harris' greatest compliment? oh, yeah.., right. >> okay, whatever it is, i'm not affected by it. >> me did the ad dream, and my dream is building bridges, not walls. what im s joe biden done for black voters? >> alice, say nothing. i'm not voting for joe biden. >> you put them on and you ain't black. gave us a holidan.y. e's he >>al he's healthy. >> i don't know who will you be voting for? independen u bet anyway? >> black.. it is our intention to be behind himtions to, but also hom accountable. >> so what has he done to theann black community since the end of my sentence? >> period? that's why are african american voters flocking to donald trump? >> they had a better wheny ha he was in office the first time. >> a lot of young people in particular who don'ttter w knowc their history, they are stupid. >> the trumpk cop maga.
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okay. oh no. you are mad that black people in there, he's helping them. how money wise, economy wise, he believes in taking care of america first. >> donald trump's a trash talkere believn ta. >> so sometimes, you know, should people gravitate to the trash talk? mrs is som itate to. trump, you're not a ne person, a guy that's true. but >> but actually, i am going to be on jesse waters. i know. what ab jesse, what is it?ers? what do you want to tell him? i want to tell jesse ward is that i woul tell jed love to[ ] t at him, but i know likesometimes i would like to to a lot of people want that he tall, brown skin guy . >> he's 21% black point one person black. okay. he's that's what i think percent about jesse wise. that's what i think about mosey all the way fox what about me you i you call for friends>>. u] yeah, right. all right. thanks so much. the masters with a surprise guest, a former world golf
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ladies and gentlemen, it's masters week. it's a tradition unlike anyil other shades of green. fill the tv screen. a and who could forget the azaleas? jim? nancy' canrgets voice is even more enchanting than judge jeanine. >> i know it's close, but what happens over the next four days at augusta national is transcendent. it marks for me the official start of spring. >> 90 years there, and almost nines changed. a there won't be a cell phone in sight. they're banishedinside if theren emergency, use a payphone. rememberof the what those are. a and if you're a backwards guy,yo you're not welcomed, turn it around. you're at the masters. now. the metswelcomed game, the menu's m frozen in time. >> not eveaste notn biden comicn break it. the famous pimento cheese sandwich. plus b chips and soda will costp you five bucks. >> but let's get to the golf. t tiger woods, a five time masters champion, quit this week.
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he's currently one under. so it must have worked. sorry, ladie, sos. >> walking up to the 18th green and masters sunday sinking. that last part, putting on the green jacket doesn't just make you a champion. c >> it makes you a part of history. bryson dechambeau looking to make history today started of f on fire, shooting a 65n in the opening round. he's in the clubhouse at seven under with a one stroke lead over-stroke scottie scheffler,r the favorite. >> so get read y to do nothing for the next three days except watch golf. >> in this case, i will allowe h you to change the channel from fox, but only in this case. >> david duval is a two time masters runner up and the former number one player in theu world is a two time. joinavid, thanks so much for joining. jesse watters primetime.ime", >> what is it about this a tournament that just mesmerizesy everyonebo? i would say part of the answer
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is what you brought up and that little dialog, it's an accountdf of the official start of spring. certainly for golfer as around the world. but at the same time, you got to reflect back to you are eight, eight, roughly eight months removed from the last major championship. so there's a lot of buildus rep to it. >> it's the fact that it's played at augusta national s in and year out and everybody who watches it or may have been there, there's some familiarity with the venue. >> yeah. i mean arity wi, you rememberwatchi watching with your grandfather, you remember watching the masterwiths, your daughter.. >> it's just such a special moment and really signifies everything about family and sports and golf. what were some of your fondest memories? participatts golfe in participate? >> i think i played a dozen masters. >> it was really you'd have tokr go back through to 98 through 2001. it was a stretch beforestarte
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i started having injury issues, but that wheres, i could have wn four straight and won none of them and i heard you talking that two time runner up and itry wonder if the runner up trophy at the masters might be the worst trophy in golfaye th or in sports, rather. you know, i mean, it's likne i don't need i don't need to be reminded that i don't have a green jacket, you know,televi and through my television days and doing some stuffsi, it came up and i was like, they're like, how long does it take to get over is, hot? and i was like, you don't you don't get over it. you know, it's -- it'syou don'tk a lifetime to to strive to succeed at the mastersee and open the u.s. open, the pga, the players t winning golf tournaments on the pga tour. >> and when things right inyou o your grasp and you don't get them, you don't really get over it. >>n't them it's like losing an election. i'm sure there's a few politicians that got that close and didn't get over the line. so t woods quit. >> he's won under.
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>> do you think that's a good strategy for him? >> you you know, i don't know if i can comment on that. >> i you know, whatever he needs to dthat.o look, he is you know, we can we can sit here and talk about if he's the goat or jack's the goat or if they're just cow goats or whatever you want to call it. but, you know, he's one of the b two greatest players who've ever walked the fairwauty. me some play this game and, you know, talking to friends and stuff during the lead up t today's opening round, it's likee you know, regardless of whether you think tiger's been hurt, tiger hasn't played, tiger hasn't competer kd. >> you know what is still tiger and so you don't put anythingt t him. >> well you battled them you're a great champion great >>. etitorhing i love watching you growing up. david ovalle, thanks so much folovegrowing r joining jesse we primetime. >> we love you. than",k you fo w r your time. he mus hillary the musical right backic
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this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. sign and start streaming today . throughout her career, hillary clinton has worn a lot r of hats. first lady, secretary of state. two time failedim presidential candidate and carpool karaoke preside. >> and your guide. oh, i called. >> but today, hillary has added a new hat to the collection. broadwayw ha producer her hillas debuting her new feminist musicahillary l sups, which, dee popular belief, is not for insufferable. >> it's short for suffragettes. it's women fighting for for t the right to vote. and it's exactly what you'he rid expect to be seen.
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>> and while you won't seeonsta hillary on stage, know that she's very hands on with this t ver project. she's even singing along during dress rehearsals . >> yes. g to i'm going to go out marching to do something. oh, great. i mean, i just can't i mean, i cannot tell you. i cannot tell you. >> it's such a joy. oh, it's going to change wege histoy. hillary says this musical tellingher of herself the new york times, quote, given my own life and career including the tension between the so-called establishment and activist voices, manyf th of the themes resonate with me personallye with.
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>> i hope she's not referring to this song. >> it's just that at the march, this old man, he called me a . oh, dori, congratulations your first heckle is in a bad thing. that's that's what they want yo think. i'm a great american. >> beats service is scheduled to open next week on. i know. if you want to get your tickets now, do now. because i'm not sure how long this thing is going to last. >> someone's been sending meng knee deodorant for a year. i didn't know how it came to my house, but it's coming to my t house. >> boxes. i don't know. i opened it up. boxet knowi it's mail, deodorann >> i asked emma, is this yours? she said no. soo so i take it. >> i open it. and smells pretty good.
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>> so i've just been using i've just been using free deodorant being sent to my house for a year. didn't think much of it. i kind of like i uct. ny >> and then gianni texted me m this morning and hore said, with a picture of the deodorant that i've been using. jesse. do you have this?i said i said, yeah. why? he said, i've been accidentally sendindn't hg deodorant orders to your house. can i have some of that back? i >> i said, no, i've been using it. i like it. >> let's see some texts. kelly from santa barbara, california. what a grand slam thursday. kato a hillary the musical.he >> plus dea thursday. wow, jesse. wow. the way you see tomorrow, rex.oi >> you don't hear that a lot from georgia. i rfk jr should rethink his vpa pick. kato for vp. kato is deep. i like michi mark for michigan. o.j. in god's courtroom now.
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and we believe god. >> judges barbara frompids m grand michigan. thank you for informing us of the truth of that. chicagicu foro. we would have never known if itr wasn't for primetime. y yo >> well, that's why you're not allowed to watch anything else except the masters anyth. >> susan from washington. i don't know who want to slap the most handsome man in the world. >> why, thandsome mak you. >> stuart from bel air, california. do i need to get johnny a sportt coat? i mean , how rude of him not o to show up to sharpton's event without a sport jacket. >> how rude. i'm waters, and this is my world. and welcome to hannity.elcome tonight, a deadly shootout caught on tape. to26-year-old dexter reed kille- during a traffic stoye


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