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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 12, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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ingredients to help you get back in shape. absolutely free. that's a day 42424. >> welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and those to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. sign up and starts today. all right. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us for making the show possible. us i say dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld. well, he's standing by with a great show to put a smile on your face. have a great night y. you can at here, go back to buyy
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ever pants on. happy thursday, everyone. yeah. >> yay! all right, let's do some jokes. or we call them jokes during. >> a state dinner wednesday, the japanese prime minister quotedstate star trek telling e house guests he hoped japan and the us, quote, would boldly go where no one had gone beforen ,to which biden replied, thank you, mr. sulu, but joe agrees. bold boldly gone where no one has gone before, even pohind the plants in the oval office. hey, folks, a loops a lot of alo joe biden, paul simonperfor to perform at the dinner. that is one of her favorite artists. she has a lot in common with simons in com. >> she also had a less valuable. partner like. >> i know you guys don't know simon garfunkel. you
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why am i explaining this to you ? >> while arriving at the white house for the state dinner, hillary clintoouwhile e whitn bf to admire a portrait of herself hanging on the wal admirl make a >> she loves to admire thingss o she's hung hung. i love that. i'm not getting that. larry epstein jeffrey. >>. >> oh. meanwhile, bill clinton paused to point outreg: mea a portraitd hung on the wall. all right. still some news. let's >> o.j. simpson died today. he did that, losing his fight to cancer. >> if only had a knife. >> thank you. fans who wish to join the funeral procession are advised to follow a slow moving white broncfuneral o. >> in lieu of flowers,te the family bronc asks that noert
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one mentioned. he murderewople.d two people inh carolina. >> man was arrested after he strippertd naked in the women's locker room of a planet fitness. m athe other women in the lock room were so shocked they immediately lost their and thank you, friends. back in a groove with jokes. democrats congresswoman from texas is calling fors to black americans to be exempt from paying taxes as a forxempm of reparations. i like that. and whit e americans are. responding exactly as you'd expectte ameri. and let's get on here. d all right. let's do a monologue. o a mothis is the monologue, pe. so a fed veteran reporter, ran e national public radio, went public this week revealing that the place is staffepo radi entirely by registered democrats. i bet he got so frustrated
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with what he saw. >> i got so frustrated with what i saw was sort of theh lack of different perspectives in our coverage. what i found was 87 registereddr democrats on our editorial staff. they were republicans. atditorial staffsomething's gono you know, if if we're reallygonw thinking about diversity and in our coverage, the response it was. >> it wasn't like it wasn't like, wow. it wasn't like we're going to change this or tr wasn'g toyk and address this. >> and i was just more like, wow, that's weird. it is weird. there are 87 democrats at npr, two zero republicans, which sounds like npr's entire but 80 7 to 0. >> talk about lopsided, like the time i played ping pong. stephen hawkinpong agag you sho. >> yeah, i should have won. >> but should you be surprised by this.
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i mean, what's he going to tells us next? that i have great abs. come? . all we all know that. the point is, when you overtlytl something that's supposed to be unbiased, you don't just lose halfpolitici your potential listeners. >> you create a lockstep atmosphere where any deviation from the approved message is met with hostility. so then you lose all credibilitom the messagewite out. yeah, that includes a liberal audience that craveses a approvr the way i crave bea arthur. now npr is publicly funded, meaning we help paa y for this. yeah, it's got to be the biggest waste of public funds since kamalabigges salarys and that's a womann who struggles to spell nprwh. yeah, but it epitomizes the broken trust between us andd our government. the deranged effort to sto ourpo trump has so deformed and weaponized our institutions. it's lik de a hunchbackions i with nunchucks. that's all right. and wht'likey it everything with three letters can't be trusteevd. the fbi, the cia, cnn, abc, cbs
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,nbc, npr. >> catch. >> ha ha ha. because even if you hate godzilla after russian collusion to cover upl of the laptop letter, all the media approved lawfare. the average person has more faith in trump because, he says the quiet part out lounu . >> unlike npr, whose hosts whisper lies likt loune that gag goblin himself. speaking of a new poll states that only 39% of americans trust that biden is competentrcenameric much less continent. >> and that poll was taken biden with spoon fed by univision. >> what isn before your view. constitutes the primary threatut to freedom and democracyes homee >> donald trump seriously? what is the spanish word for mommy? >> i keep waiting for him to tip over mid-interview-inter a fainting goavit told me
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about it. oh me? all >> this is why all the interviews of the president are to know cpr. now, this reporter, urietty berliner is pretty brave. and let me, le be the first to y he did not hang himself using noe bag.ot >> but uri liss, many instances there stories that might have held trump were held back like brian kilmeadee helpeo fourth grade, for instance, he recounts, he recounts how npr's main source on russians ho collusion was adm schiff, which is like getting your news on gazf whica from ra it's a lead ship, kept alluding to evidence like hunterunderb biden at a father's day picnic. >> it never showed uita fatherp and when the mueller report debunked all of it, npr, like joy bejar after. just buried it, moveikd on. >> he was trying to damage his presidency to even point>> anything we could to harm him. and i think what we latcheedusio
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on to was russia collusion was just rumors and, a lot of it based on pretty shoddy documents, evidence. we really latched on to adamo am schiff. he was like a muse to the was trump collusion. and then the mueller report came out and no collusion. >> and, you know, i think we sort of link to sort of the story kind of disappeared that surprise, relying on for truth is like having sheila jackson lee plan a moon landing . >> brilliant or even admit covid probably started in a wuhan lab. but since npr thought it racist, they wouldn't reportlabt . because if it doesn't fit the narrative, it's gone. and this is coming from governmentive it on covid. but hey, no biggie. it only took millions of lives. but who'g its right, dr. fauci? >> npr's executive editor and and her team reject berliners assessment. quote, we believe that inclusionthe among our sto with our sourcing and in our overall coverageitical is critical to telling the nuanced stories, the memo
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said. llin tbut let me translate it fr you. screw you. we're not changing a thing. meanwhile, in the real world, npr's is popular with peoplef of color as a confederate flag. >> koozie. as only percent of their audiee is black, 7% hispanic. numbers that reflect less than half of those populationhispanis regions, meaning all this talksi about diversity, is just that talk. tys justbut it scores with theie demo of liberals so mielke white, they cause so lactose intolerance. >> apparently, their definition of inclusionmilkitcause la doese reality. and so as npr became dnc ownm propaganda arm, it lost its audience. staf lilaid off. listeners who user their programs to treat did switched to relaxium. >> but, of courseourish what flourished diy? it flooded the staff. a trueedooding infection. and with that, and with that wokeism sprouted likea jerr jerry nadler does. chen's. i still know republicans, but we gott we the mgi policy,
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the marginalized genders and intersex people of color, thntorship program colou, whatever that is. >> i'm not letting it near my i' ,but eventually unfettered bias led to broken trust. ,you'd get better reporting from a crazy yellinge on the street corner. streunlike npr, he only asks for money once. >> let's welcome. yes, she still owes the world w an apology for giving us tom arnold comicorld legend roseanne barr, her. this guy is also jess berman. comedian jeff dye campana is italian for what the didll dd you just say? co-host of outnumbered. emily carbajalt sa. and he uses barbells for cuffd e
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links. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and formebarbei heavyweight world champion guyn, >>d roseanne. >> this is crazy. it is all crazy. the world's gone mad. insane. >> we get to dobad about it. i don't know. we nee don't knod to take over r and get some real news't kno on there, maybe? >> yeah. i don't know. they have 89 democrats. noifyhave 8crat, republicans cae you. >> it makes me mad becauset makd they take all of our tax dollars to just tell. tell that half the country is horrible. exactly where it. it's like we're. be we're paying a dominatrix to beat us up. hav yeah, i like that. yeah. have you ever done that? been a dominatriu ev don x or. yeah. >> geike thut i was a housewif it's kind of likate that lady. are you like, beat him?
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yeah, it would him. e i feel bad for men because, you know, a lot of men these days that's comingt of d out th, a lot of women are beating their husbands and boyfriendg t >> that's, you know, not a guyri being a man can't. y >> admit it, because it's considered like, you know, emasculatingecause. yeah. you know, i ask when i go out, you know, at the clubs how manyr men here are getting their beat by theirin women and they just they're how it's shocking i'm not kidding. no i know. you know, i know whenw wh seriyou're serious, jack. jack, what do you make of npr? you surprised? >> is this groundbreaking, earth shattering news to you? shg from npr hasall of is they have all these democrats identifying journalists. >> that's the problem. i read. it is terriblee yoread. there's nothing i try to give it a fair take. it is our fair shot it's tt. rei
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>> it's terrible. also, i read that npr, they heard that it's republi all democrats and zero republicans, and they hear that there's that democrats. os >> they're like, we're working on getting those numbers higher. sohigher s that's why what's gog to happen to npr? yeah, nothing nothing. greg: n nothing will happen. emily. emily, what do you have to saylp of ? >> this interesting thing. it kind of you know, npr is, s but a small part of the media landscape, but encapsulates everything . the media landscape. we're the outliers. we're the weirdodie, ws and it s a freak back. >> and it has a disproportionate it's sort of like a spotlight, a searchlighnate,f t, where, su, it's tiny, but it's been considered i construed as mighta for a really long time. itd i think its origins know it was noble in the beginning. >> it really did have a quartevq conservative listenership. it had over a quarter of independentconss and freethinkers. and it was really sort of an even distributiot wanstates representative of the united states.
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>> and then what happens? trump and all of a sudde an whaw to that point were you mentioned how they used ligh men lightir guiding throughout the russia conspiracy theory and everything, right? mm-hmm. ut theussiapiracy tkeep in mind so they interviewed him overov 25 times and then that toth my point about the searchlight that became what was amplifiedtb rippled throughout mainstream media. but ship was censored rippled be house for comments one to justuh 25 congressmen throughout history to be censured. and yet that those ored allies those demonstrated lives are what was amplified throughout , frankly,80 milli the globe to the tune of 180 million of our tax dollars . and now it has totally silenced conservative and yet it still te sort of exists in the memory a from everyone is being this honorable place. so the reality is that as wee totally eclipsed them with viewership , that thatrship it's just the truth just needs to come to light, which >> we'retruth awesome. >> you should be you'd be a great sign. language interpreterea. yes.
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yeah. i think otherwise. yeah, me too. yeah. you know, tyrus, there's t a dare. >> they justify thishis with th with this greater mission to defeat hitler. >> 2.0. right. well, hold on. will hogroup that's one sided always justifies their argument . es didn' >> mm-hmm. the white supremacist. they didn't say what really feel bad about we're doingy welt have to do it with all thesers e brothers. you know, it's not us, you know? it's just, you know, just don't know who to go around for the ,y you know, say, no, it's not that at all. >> so what they did was and what's funny is actually whitate nationalists have more members than the nra does because they will allow like larry elder's me. >> yeah. since we can come in thee ca meetings because we get accused for being independent and being called names, we're welcome in the white house. wereutt a sentence for them. so it just goes back to the whole thing where.
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they use that polite racism. mm-hmm. because i was no caust to bring in it was to eradicate the conservative voice, get rid of white men, because that's a problem. regardless of the good, and bring their people in. and then, of course, they would just pick overn anrs all ofd an people in. they're not qualified. and of course, the end of day, what wd thee find with hollywoe when you make the woke movies and all that stuff sounds great when you put it on paperan, n nobody buys it. so let them drown. yeah, right. you can't swim. e buyset n'they drive down, no lifejackets, let them go and we don't eat their garbage. >> who cares? like, just a. it's all part of the same thing. and i was moved because i got my tissui goe got that. >> we'll talk more about oj, but i gues s what? what if it wasn't for him?sn't we wouldn't have 24 hour news n cycle. that's true. opinion tv showsew khloe but you couple of. khloe yeah. so you know that led to partisanship in the death of journalism because everything became opinion after that. evern afterd after ow things after that, if it didn't
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go your way, the other side was wrong. yourhe was acquitted. and those who didn't believe it because apparently they were in on the jury meeting jur, allt got up because he was black and and anyone who voted for him, i don't like them. but that was the first of the a division. yeah. and it's blown into what it is now. wewathd it's all hav bwae jobsyt of it because 24 hour news cycle has to happen. pay your shows have to happen. we get to make fun of them all, which is nice for us. yeah whi , but that's what change in this country that that act changed way we look die the journalism died then because now you can have a place and get away with that because they're protecting us from the end of the world. >> all right. we've got to move on. we've got more . t it's going to be awesome. why? s you not to say that hamas ain't down with . if you'll be in the new york area with like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. wait, they have you surrounded
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>> gorgui, spread the word. it's homophobic these days to point out hamas. gays a a group of liberal professors aren't they all recently claime od that pointing outting hamas's atrocious record on hoy rights is inmas and of itsf homophobic violence? >> grantedic viole it was hard e them since they were all talking out of their. they wlkinbut they said this mid boggling during a discussion at rutgers university called, quote, palestine a is feminist and anti-imperialist abolition struggle all, end quote. you know, i bet that's news to palestinians who are not clamoring for will and grace reruns on al-jazeeraamouring non clamoring for that here. watcamouringh. ts w >> so i've been at protests where i've been told, you know s ,don't you know what hamas would do to you? right, if you were in palestine? >> and this is we have to i
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start naming this actually as homophobic, right? retlike you, you cannou can't rehearse violence to people and be like, don't you know, abby, you would be in really excruciating detail. >> i think we have to actually shift in. >> it's homophobic. it's violent. homophobic. and we. >> yeah. yeah. haha. so let me get this straight. >> sorry. i mean. n i'm.if >> if you say in actual factct that barbaric mass terrorists brutally killed palestinians that you homophobic that makes you guilty of homophobic. ic vie >> that's like saying gaining weight. it's fat shamingng gaining thes, with doctor who say you're homophobisec for callingb out homophobia. but should we really be all that surprisedia b, this idiocy? it perfectly reflects the hideous protests we seedail daily. what they're actually revealing is their own hypocrisy. whatthey will call christian bas anti-gay for not bakingt
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a wedding cake for, but then give murderers and a pass i because they're in the same camp that hates jews. clearly but i can clearly say that with 100% confidence that my gardener ence my pool boy, butler, chef, dog walker, food tester, clipper, back scratcher pilot and driver would all be better off in lovely speedo friendlybet israel than that hamas infested rupaul three show tune banningie it's more than maybe i should stop there while winning it out. feel good? yeah. jeff this incredible that the left can have it both ways if you are say something bad about , you're homophobic. then if you defendething, you'ro homophobic. this is why people are leaving the left why and. >> this is also why people feel like they're going insane because you can't just mak thne bece
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observation about a thing anymore without being labeled a bunch of names. >>t be yeah, just for being anw pe honest person. now people wiloplel say you shouldn't work anymore and you should. it's actually wors you shoult r. >> you're like, that's a guyu in a dress to go. what did you say? saot a, like, i'm pretty sure gy the biological guy. >> i don't know what to say. you'llt to s go, that's a proste and like, only fans, girl. and you're like, oh, everything is sort of like, just like, that's a communist and they go, this argument, everything is weird labels and theyreg: the words. >> yes they create the words. and then i andy f you so you doy use the real words emily. >> right. doy came you know what they thee up this word called what was called pink washing during. can you define what pink washing is? well, don't have to. pink washingdon't ha is like whitewashing, except it's for. >> it means that you will sayve nice things about to cover up y what you reallou ry mean you brainwashing? >> i thought when you left a white in your dryer with thee red. yeah. that wasn'a pink st pink shirt .
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>> i thought it was something i did before i went to the mustang ranc thoughth. all that was really good. you have that? yeah. i mean. >> i honestly felt like when i read this article, when i heard about this and listeninarticlg to them thai needed a translation, i didn't understand i most of that.eep >> they were saying not because i was it was so confusing s to me. >> and the words are so made uop and. if this is not the numbers one biggest reasonis and why we should not forgive student loan debt because this is a it comes out of, hey, that's good. >> this is a higher degree. >> total utter. hey, firing the lady with thends crazy hands is right. >> it really r. like. yeah. you're pretty painful pastry, jeff. your fi wow. called you by your first name. >> m's notme thaod good.
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>> well, that's daring to. maybe lay off the coffee. just a get trouble, i guess. >> yeah. let's not move. impossible. mpossibl we just watch this. this is what happens when wha you don't have a difference i of opinion in the room. you can be an idiourt becauseu'e you're surrounded by other idiots. so by their thinking surround. he i walked to the bathroomot and noticed there was a bomb in there. this is a joke. everybody chilice tha bombin th and it's. itshe' hadll 15 seconds to get t before blows. and i go, hey, you guys wantthey to get out? how dare you talk dar about explosive bombs doing. >> you know what? you're right. just go out to my car. i'll be right back. and i would leav dr rige. horror movie. don't go in. and if somebody. you know what? pleasean s go there. t >> yeah, they're just. they know what they're saying g. they. it's an echo chamber. you're right, though. they know there's not. [ sialking ]k like if hamas was in the bathroom, you said, don't go in there. there you go. what do said, never mind, because there's a thing
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they know that they're the safest place. this is america where you can th>> gree and youk aske will find other to come be with you. you can just sit around and just talk about. >> this is what single guys do. on wednesday night, a chili's at the bar trying to justify why they're alone on wednesdaygo ,you know, and they make up these crazy stories in, like, a yeah, i'm not with women right now because it's a choice. i'm focused on my careeri'd on, you know, i don't like, i just. the meantime, whatever they've been at chili' bee s, 14 hours is the same. >> i love chili's. chili's misses you coming back.c i'm having all the down myself, and it's just rose. it isn'tg: is it that evidence that it's like, screw misogyny. women are worse to women.u >> yeah. so women, they're basically say ,you know what? >> if you expand, that's. that's. that's homophobi thaa what is it with women? >> wow. you know, i think that women won have gone they've lost their mind.
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women have lose t their mind. and especially fat like. >> her. i mean, for real. my right. yes. ready? fat burner. fatyou.ig my sister is a big, fat. you never heard. her partner is a big, fat and live up in marin county where it's like waldo, all big, fat and better shot. good flip thing. >> he's on their balloton i and gets better yeah for some reason i don't that i want to go on record i love big fat i do too. >> i do too. ring a i need more of a big, fates flannel shirt. yeahbian, i'm. we love. we just want to cheer up a beayr to come down to chili's will say, oh, we should pick that a chili.k we i be all right. we got to move on.
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when i learnedething there, we learned that you never shut up. up next, undecided voters slamnd old joe and say he's got to go . it. >> it's that time of year again. answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue, ma'am, don't move. get a much earned. you should be more nice. >> i wasn't taking a break first. people like each other in head. you're worried about me. fox nation brings us back the beach now. you guys are 21, right? come spring break, new episode friday on fox nation, the only place to watch new episodes of cops all part of fox justice. don't miss your last chance to sign up and get your first year of fox nation for 2999. america streaming now on young back this i do feel eddie back you can do this you did do
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she just said she just said that is not good.t i bet joe is used to hearingo that every morning. >> oh, jeff. well, i kind of give credit for msnbc for running that. but at the same time, i don't ti think they expected it. >> no, they didn't. that's because they're checkinnk th the network going, wait, wait a minute. because if that was on fox, they bill that they just castt p in people or whatever. but they were going, oh, no, this is not what we though ayint telev they would do on live television. it was very often i was very optimistic. watch this madt s verye me very happy. w but if you watch later in the program, they interviewed a pane l of biden people and they interviewed dead voters. >> and they they said they'd all vote for biden. soeysaid tha it'll even out. what does that mean when you saw that, roseanne, when you saw all their hands up? >> does that make you feel hopefuyou feelemberl about nove that there's like a like if you think about the border iy there's no way anybody could vote for joe biden? >> no. that'sy anyone couldot they ofte voters from elsewhere becauseca
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no americans are going to vote for him. and it's really sano e going d. 81 mil he got 81 million votes, you know, and then just overnight, it sunk to 30% approval. it's shocking. yes. that biggest gender in american history, 81 million votes, you know, and it's almost unbelievable that almost unbelievable, tyrus.>> tha >> so it was well done lastg: night for me. good shot, tires. so that video was done by that guy. >> wasn't even msnbc. great. so i went down the rabbit hole bi because i had to watch this whole thing because i knew there was no way that old joe michael was going to let woul. tdown t so what michael started to do was trump is she started question the validity of the panel, but how did you vet theml
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how do we know these are real independents and are these not set up? so she was trying to discredit them ahead of time becausescredi they're like pal and they couldn't change it. yeah. so what they did waso wh they kt pushing them. what do they like about biden? what do they trust? they saiy biden?aid hed they he. yeah. that he would if they wered they in trouble, he would help them, which i'd be like, unless you're in trouble. literally right in i front i of them. >> when it goes down, he's not going to remember that. so you literallywn hisk an telle how how biden's not going to know what's going on. but they knong went out of theiy peopiscredit every last one of those people up there. yeah. and then she made the guy explaie d makes n to me. h she even did this. you know, they do this. explain to me how you've gotl ts all this together. like, what was the process that guys like are se guo we tha researched and we did a panel and she's like, also, that's it. so they already discredit it because they're not interested in facts. yeah. because if she was a realike journalist to be a follow up question, like, wow, cancer. so what do you thinkt food the biggest issue was? was it food? was the jobs? no, no, no.
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thes w the people were trump plants.b just like by the time we leaveev the show tonight, i'm pretty sure oj's murder is going to be connected to presidente trump. did you see? h >> her face. it was amazing. it actually move d to me because i you know, she she looked like she was really scared. likeked like was these real worg people who get it. what's that smell?somebody working. that guy. probably something. >> they're going to have pieces on everybody on there by tomorro w. all right, emily, last word to you. okay. so i know how normally i'm dealing and try to bring joy to everyone. however, the operatorsthe op united way that operates, the 200 plus call centers, the economic help lineay t s of thishe country, they're the ones that are alerted us to the baby formula shortage. alerting baband that families we defaulting on the subprime mortgage mortgages in 2008, meaning they are the onest
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that predict the economic future because they see it before everyone else. yeahonomic f s i, they have totd the alarm that a vast swath of americans, 36 million households right now, 36 million americans in it households are feeling are basically at poverty line.ty but because it is so far from the poverty line, thisbecause administration has drawn that they're not reporting it and they're not acknowledginmisg now. d th but these are families that are employed and they have assets, but theyfamilies t struggling te ends meet and they call these help lines and ally call the min resources touted by this administration, they can't refer them to because they make too much. they're not eligible. so they say we refer them to a couple of foodke mle the, some n organizations that don't have an income limit. but the reality is that 29% of american households are struggling and this administration refusesds are ago to see it or even say it because they say, oh, you can't possiblyy it's struggling. you make too much. but when eggs cost ten bucks cos and bread costs 20. no, that is struggling. so thiteans administration willr
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get their act together and that apologists media too or b in november, it's going to be a sweep or maybe don't get it together so that trump can turn it aroune don'it td us. all right. thank you, emily, for that. for >> i know it was negative news, but i'm a positive sidee side and it's going to make it harder for people to be fat becauss ite e drive thru was lie 50 bucks. and that's. >> so i guess that's the silverg lining in the sandwich that he's making is eat. >> yeah. coming up, strippers wantnt t to keep their ones for a shake in their bar, but when you have chronic kidney disease, there are places you'd like to be like here and here. not so much here. not so much here. first secret reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis as plastic
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tip sharinr whg system. they say the owner forced dancers to share tips with theoe rest. the staff, that's part of an illegal tipping tool. truepart of . haven't seen strippers this mad since i tried to buy a lapmi dance. >> colncd cash tires. she went to me. >> i thought, you know, i'm just curious. you know, i'm always on the side of strippers. st the i'm all i'm against them. i ridiculous. but you know what would you and why should they be sharing? >> this is something. this doesn't have a strip club. somt sens in restaurant to the waitresses is these managers and these owners started, oh, we're going to pull the tips and they takerd 50% and they spread the rest out. so. wow, that's rude. they're strippers. they shouldn't make funn't ha of spreading. but the point is, they don'tve this is a legit thing that happens. and it's not fair. nos and it's, it's actually whee like night shift is working, you knowrkin, the day shift coma
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in and they got to break bread. that's not fair. yeah, i didn't donat ne. i don't eat specifically to see a certain girl, a woman get her educatioo see n and become the l hygienist that she had dreamed to be. i feel likamed to bee that mone that money being pulled away from her to give thebe awam to e guy in the back. yes. it's not fair. that guyk's not f on in the bacw and not grind against me and not get $20 back, make me feel loved, and yet only, you know, tell me i'm special. >> yeah, i think it's terribleei . another failure of socialism. exactly. exactl it'ley. this is the problem. this is the practical consequence of biden's america. >> not actually blame barack hussein obama if that's his real, namee emily. you're a lawyer. do they have a case? yes. and i want to refer you guys back to the cheerleader or the nfl cheerleader. labor your that were sort of oni the same based on the same premise, which was that theyse were categorized a certain way that benefited the employertainr
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and them. so they didn't have to pay them very much. right. if you're an independent contractor, if you're a seasonal employee, i o dof you're x, y, z, then we don't have to payn you in accordance with national w, whatever. and also that the laws in that, for example,d the ninth circuit, even the west is best, that it also led to this in court because it encompasses typically in one back of the house is applicable or whatever. so the botto it inourt -m line n these poor these poor women. yes, absolutely they should it shouldy th not sti be like payit to the. we, we don't strip. it's getting blown d up that i e will protect with these women. >> yesme so, jeff, i assume you understood everything she said. >> karen, in response. un shei will not respond to emir but as far as this story goes, neves a little confuseory goesd at first. t >> never heard of the strip club. but yeahhi thin, i was as shocked as you were. so i looked into it, looked up on the internet at all. >> by god, women, women dancinga naked? yes. for money. yeah. you heard about this? great. yeah, i know. y h aboutgreg it?it's shocking.
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>> i'm so in the spirit wen research for the show. >> i went and madema a fewde sts ,and after my research,t si about six or seven places, i think this gal, what's her name? lavender plai . her lavender. she's earned those . >> and i think she should keep them. oh, yeah. what? what is a tip rule? makes no sense in any circumstance, whether it's starbucks n, whether it's right, any, anything. stop. i gae that it to that personp for their service. >> that's how it works. >> big.ays's it >> we solve this to say that a tip pool sounds of yeah. you want to join me at the tip e pool? i guess they have it at a brisk . oh, my god. what is it? classic destined forme movie fame. >> hey, if you'll be in the new
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learn more at starlight. walk a story in five words. think of anything five words. n >> now monopoly is a movieow.
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get this emily. robbi margot robbie is going to produce a live action movie base goio d the iconic board game monopoly. not a lot of details, but it haondgames bro access says it ps an incredible platform for storytelling opportunities.ies. how do you think they're going to change it? are they going to makehey'reoint anti-capitalism? well, no it one go to jail. >> great point. just like how scrap metal justhr recently redid their game so that you don't lose, you don't win, and everyone's happsoey doo maybe. however, i think what this also exemplifies is the fact that movies are now just if something good happens and they're like quick -- , do that 100 million times. >> oh, ruin the art of making the barbie movie because they're just going to do this with all the other blame game in life and whatever.g to and yeah, that was kind of boring. i'm trying to think of a board game i bought made into a movie. >> you know, that volcano mousetra ano p? >> that'd be a good movie. yeah. how about make me hungry hippo? i'm on operation candy land. >> oh, that sounds perverted. ohd., yeah.hey wi rosie. yeah. they're probably going to make
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mr. moneybags or proy make whate name trans. >> i guess they can do an is tr updated version of monopoly. maybe they could use it in this movie. what wouldversio monopol be then version? >> oh, yeah. e island, right? >> a little island that you go to where he's runningng the federal reserve and all the banks and everything. serve an just like in real life. >> i l just don't land on the hilton. >> the hillary clinton foundation. you're good. these pirates, you know. i wonder if they will touch on squatting. >> what if somebody is squatting? if they touchyou dummy. >> homeless people. this movie's never getting finished. yeah, they'lvie isng fil this movie, but it will never get finished. yeah, that's right. moviill start with all the bells and whistles, and then it will just be on the table. yeah, there'the table.s no endig in sight. so eventually your mom comes in and says, now for two weeks it's done. i'm picking it up.d yeah. and you're holding on to your fake money because
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you want win everyonyou're you moneye, anyone win a monopoly. nobody doe?s. so this better be a greatbe mystery. yetter be s. >> these names are movie jeff. these movies are that long now. it's like i think oppenheimer was never ending. ppenheimk all movies that are bd on a game was it? >> yeah. it's called watch tha now we're talking like grandpa love game, but i mean, they're going to ruin it. >> that's the old joke here. they're going to runoing t movir sure. >> they're definitely going to get rid of oriental avenue. i'll tell you, that's still there. wi, i know that won't be on the game. yeah, i heard that. if they do make a movie lizzo is playing the battleship. >> i star margot robbie is gonna play the community chest. >> oh, i can't think of anymore. >> all right, we got to move on. that wast. , be right back.
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