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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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engine starts to hum, you can get tired or sleepy and you feel toes on your elbow because someone has put their feet up. okay. and if it is a little baby, that is fine, or little kid. >> raymond: exactly. >> laura: we don't want to see a hairy man's toes on our arm rest. >> raymond: a psyche ward with wings, it is a disaster these days. leave it there, happy flying. >> laura: leaving people with image of hairy toes coming out on your arm rest while you try to nap on a plane. they are counting me down. jesse is ec92, see you on instagra am. >> carley: fox news alert and major breaking news out of middle east. israel is ready to respond after the u.s. warned attack from iran is imminent and could come within the next 24 hours.
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>> todd: u.s. embassy in jerusalem issued alert for embassy staff and other u.s. citizens in the country. you are watching "fox and friends first"s, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. madina madeleine rivera is live. >> madeleine: warning u.s. employees and their family to restrict travel outside of aviv. there is need for caution and aw awareness. iran promised revenge on israel as a compound was hit in >> d damascus killing two senior members of the revolutionary guard corps. the u.s. has tried to deescalate the situation. >> we're monitoring the situation closely,ir don't have
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a crystal ball and will not get into specific intelligence. we are in close contact with israelis to include today's phone call with the minister and u.s. commitment to israel security against threats from iran and proxies is iron clad and i will leave it there. >> madeleine: here is the white house on the issue. >> just shared earlier that the u.s. was quick to tell iran directly we had nothing to do with the strike in damascus, president has not minced words on his feelings about prime minister netanyahu. we have not gotten a clear answer if it was communicated to iran, don't attack. >> i just said we communicated to iran. i said we communicated to iran and said had no involvement, that is what i said, on the strike in damascus and warned iran.
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i said that at the top. madelei >> madeleine: idf spokesperson says we are ready to use a variety of capabilities idf has and ready with our strategic partners. w "wall street journal" reports, no final decision has been made citing a person briefed by iranian leadership. >> todd: expected to be a tense 24 to 48 hours. thank you. newly release the body cam footage showing traffic stop leading up to the police shooting of dexter reid. this video may be hard for some to watch. >> roll the windows down. roll the window down. what are you doing? >> roll this it one down. >> roll that one down, too. don't roll the window up. do not roll the window up. unlock the doors now.
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unlock the doors now. unlock the doors now. open the door now. open the door now. open the door now. [shots fired] [continued shots fired] >> todd: a preliminary investigation by the chicago police oversight agency shows reid firing at officers first and striking one officer in the arm. 96 shots in 45 seconds were fired. oversight committee -- questionable basis of the traffic stop and proportionality of shooting, copa says to reevaluate officers assignment
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pending an investigation. a mayoral candidate is speaking up for them, saying, don't shoot cops, when you shoot at cops, they are going to shoot back and not count the bullets. >> carley: reaction to the death of o.j. simpson. he died after a battle with cancer. >> news of the passing of athlete turned infamous criminal defendant has garnered reaction from people around the world, most importantly the family of ron goldman, who was brutally stabbed with nicole brown sim simpson. the news of ron's killer is mixed bag of emotion. we tirelessly pursued for ron and nicole. hope for true accountability has ended. a star witness cato calin lived
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in o.j. guest house. >> i believe he is guilty. on his deathbed, i don't know if he said a pentence or not, i believe he is guilty. >> one of the most divicive trials with 100 million people glued to the television screen, following this infamous white board bronco car chase despite overwhelming evidence, he was found not guilty . one attorney reacted on "hannity" last night, watch this. >> evidence was overwhelming, blood evidence, d.n.a. evidence, only one problem, the lapd framed what they believe was a
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guilty man. we were able to prove one piece of evidence, just the sock, had been tampered with and that created reasonable doubt. the predominantly black community and jurors did not trust lapd. >> on "hannity," stephen a smith said if he were a juror, he would have convicted. >> no question about it, he was guilty as hell. fore forensic evidence and it was clearly a crime of passion. there was prepond renes of evidence against him, he deserved to be in jail for life at the least. >> there were many expressing con condolences and support for the family. he lost his battle to prostate cancer. >> carley: range of reaction, thank you so much. federal court siding with epa to
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allow ev mandate to move forward. what this could mean further down the road. we will discuss that next. >> todd: is tom brady ready to return to the n.f.l. again? we'll tell you what he just said, don't go anywhere.
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food isn't just fuel to live. it's fuel to grow. my family relied on public assistance to help provide meals for us. these meals fueled my involvement in theater and the arts as a child, which fostered my love for acting. the feeding america network of food banks helps millions of people put food on the table. when people are fed, futures are nourished. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. visit >> welcome back, one major
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weather system on friday morning bringing soggy conditions and flooding. big low pressure system working up the east coast. it continues to move across the midwest across midatlantic into new england. this is forecast, this drags slowly across the region, windy, rainy across entire part of the country. there are spots where there is good news. forecasted highs today in the 70s, this is almost absurd. by the time you get into saturday, you get into the mid-80s. on sunday, wichita, 91 degrees, real heat and 87 in st. louis. we are getting all the weather. there will be snow across
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portions of new england. >> carley: wichita summer on sunday. >> todd: thank you. federal court fighting with epa on mandate allowing california to establish zero emission standard and electric vehicle requirement. in 3-0 decision court found federal regulation continue to act as the floor for emission regulation, but california can enact more strifngent program above federal requirements. lawsuit against california for trying to regulate vehicle emission. a trucker is here and says banning gas-powered vehicle can collapse the system. let's focus on this, this is your career, what does this mean for truckers in california and throughout the nation? >> it is going to be
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catastrophic for our segment of the industry. 96% of small fleets, of the industry is made up of small fleets, one and two truck operators. i have four fleet myself. this will cost billions of dollars we have no way to pay for, there is no infrastructure set up now. there is nothing about this law that makes any sense. if these folks were watching when the people in california couldn't get to their teslas to charge them up. we have nowhere to park our trucks along the highway to even sleep. if this mandate comes in, we will be supply chain crisis on steroids. >> todd: how do we charge all these electric trucks in california the electric vehicle
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requirement include end of sales of gas-powered vehicles by 2035, 35% of vehicles sold must be electric by 20tw26, only two yes away. what does this decision mean for the supply chain for making sure grocery store shelves are stocked? this is the question, what does this mean for every single american? >> it is going to be -- going to alter our way of life. life as we know it now, we're going to be in some third world country type status. you're going to go to the store and stand in line and the shelves are empty. tesla has trucks and fritto lay
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bought some. we haul steel. i had a permit load last week 112,000 pounds. how big of a battery will i need to pull that load? billions of dollars spent to put up charges stations and probably less than 100 built. >> todd: unreal, you expect small truckers to go out of business. what happened to thank you, truckers, for saving our lives during the pandemic? it is four years later and we have forgot the sacrifices. we appreciate your time. keep us posted. take a look at shocking video showing mob of migrants scuffling with police officers at a new york shelter. >> carley: did you hear that? >> she was a business -- would
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you pass it's00 >> shark tank. >> i wouldn't let her manage a candy store. >> carley: mr. wonderful going after new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, democratic primary opponent, marty dolan will respond to that comment next. how do you transform your outdoor space into your favorite room? simple. keep the blazing hot sun and heat away so you don't miss a moment. with sunsetter, you can enjoy cool, shaded comfort any time of day in your new favorite room. sunsetter, america's number one retractable awning for over 30 years, puts you in control of your outdoor space. choose full sun or instant shade with the touch of a button.
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for make a one or two to a full ten, it's your best productivity ever. how it's achieved a synergistic blend of b-6 b12 your niacin. there is caffeine. but i want to mention something here. the amount of caffeine is the same as an eight ounce cup of coffee. your mainstream cup of coffee. it's the same thing with the caffeine that is here. it's a catalyst for those vitamins to be more effective, more available. big news, though, zero sugar. that's a huge headline.
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kevin o'leary not holding back on his thoughts about alexandria ocasio ocasio-cortez. >> she is terrible. >> if she was a business. >> i wouldn't.
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>> would you pass on "shark tank." >> i wouldn't let her manage a candy store. >> wow. >> challenging marty dolan and he joins me now. good morning. not even a candy store or congress. what do you think? >> he is mr. wonderful and i would like to take mr. wonderful to meet the wonderful people of bronx and queens. the impact of aoc's terrible leadership is much worse than one candy store. if you are a business and put a plant in queens, you think twice about that. your bmw, you think twice about that. no, i'm going to greenville, south carolina, where it is pro-business. if you're not pro-business, not just you are a bad manager or
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leader, you are bad for the community. >> carley: remember she did not want amazon in her district. that was scrapped and people said, that could have been my job. >> when you talk about equal pay for women and blacks and whites, you have to have a path to a job. say your dad is working at the amazon facility and maybe you're a 12 or 14-year-old. you say, i can have a better job at that facility, that is how it works at laguardia airport. people working there, people that know them go get the jobs, they see the path. if you look at an empty lot, you can't see the path. >> carley: tell us about new york's 14th district. you are moving there soon. what is it like there and what are people saying? >> so we just got through petitioning.
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you got to get on the ballot, we are on the ballot and 2-1/2 weeks 7300 signatures, 5 or 600 people, we only met one who said, i'm good. the others said, this is great to have a choice. you want to have choices for jobs, everybody says, we need more good candidates and that is what i'm trying to do, be a good candidate. the policies of aoc as mr. wonderful pointed out, they are sel selfishly directed for her benefit, her fame, they don't get into the district. if you talk about the green new deal, you talk about something putting cost on the people in the district to replace their heaters. maybe they could do it over time. you have to replace your heater tomorrow all because of the
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green new deal. >> carley: here is quote from you, you say bail reform is a disaster, national guard in subway, toothpaste locked up in drug stores, criminals running free, resources directed to immigrants from all over the world. sure you are not a republican? >> no, i'm a moderate democrat. my dad is from argentina. >> carley: tell us about yourself. >> my dad came up from argentina, he left as a refugee from the perone dictatorship. nine of us, nine brothers and sisters and my mom and dad in a two bedroom house. we did not get help from anybody. people from latin america understand what is going on here. like if you are trying to turn
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the united states into venezuela, a socialist experiment. this is bernie sanders and aoc trying to turn the united states into venezuela and we've seen it before and know where it goes and normally republicans call democrats socialists, it is a broad tag, these are actually declared themselves socialists. >> carley: you are right to bring up your hispanic background, this area has heavy hispanic population and many are concerned about the past, when you talked about cuban migrants and socialism there. interesting to watch your campaign. 7000 signatures in two weeks and people want a choice and you offer that. thank you for joining us. great to meet you. we are back with a fox business alert. biden administration announcing 7.4 billion in student loan
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ballots today, cheryl casone from our fox business is here. >> cheryl: biden administration is getting ready to cancel more student loan debt finding work around that said they did not have authority to forgive that debts. today's announcement cancelled 7.4 billion for 277,000 borrowers, bringing total forgiven to 153 billion. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked about the newest move at the white house. watch. >> the state's plan is helping millions who earn less than $15 per hour have a monthly payment of zero dollars and is helping some borrowers get their debt cancelled faster. fighting to give people breathing room and using every tool to help bars. >> cheryl: the nation sit says
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on 28 trillion in debt due to fiscal stimulus and handouts from electric vehicles to student loans. >> todd: the sense of entitlement from illegal immigrants in regard to new york city police officers. >> cheryl: nypd officers get the brunt of this. this video shows two police officers in yonkers getting screamed at. an unruly man was be ing violen. kent was arrested and other migrants were trying to block the officers from continuing with the arrest. kent was saying, they are not
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taking me and a woman pushed the officers and tries to block them from putting kent into the back of the parole car and she was then arrested and charged with resisting arrest. she is still in jail being held on bail, $500. that romada inn took migrants in 2023 and nypd is having a tough time dealing with the mocks of mobs of migrants. >> carley: happy friday. news of o.j. death generating reaction across the country and bringing us back to the bronco chase ajoe concha will discuss how it changed media. >> todd: and entire country,
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masters tees you have off today. they put on a show yesterday at augusta. we will meet with outkick's dan dakich next. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away
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to o.j. simpson death example of how difficult it is to be the white house pres secretary. what do you think about that
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question and the answer? >> joe: every hour is amateur hour at this white house, how do you talk about this without mentioning the victims of a double murder. karine jean-pierre should have never been named white house press secretary, that is obvious enough and not to acknowledge nicole brown simpson or ron goldman. as far as the question, i don't know why you would ask does joe biden have reaction to o.j. simpson. o.j. simpson lived in california and joe biden lived in delaware or washington, d.c. his entire life. i did not get why it was asked, same time, the white house press secretary should have had a better answer than that. >> todd: is this your standard white house tone deafness or some effort to get -- >> carley: i think a curve-ball
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question. >> todd: the o.j. simpson -- we will see. the big takeaway from yesterday, the fact o.j. simpson died and all that happened in june of 1994 and the months and months of ensuing trial. talk about how the o.j. bronco chase and trial changed mod upper media coverage. as someone like you who made covering media your life's work, how much change did the o.j. saga lead in our business? >> joe: 1994, there is no seocil media or ability to texas anybody. the slow-speed bronco chase, 95 million viewers on friday afternoon in summer strictly by word of mouth. then the trial verdict when o.j. found not guilty, 100 million
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people watching. soap operas for seven months, no fox news or msnbc at the time, this is 30 years ago, soap operas were preemted for months. they were reality tv stars, but it happened in real life. m marsha clark, robert kardashian was one of the lawyers, bailey, the judge, household names that 30 years later, you could reel off the top of your head. bottom line, 1975, o.j. retires from football and before anybody knew sports marketing was a think hertz rental car signed
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o.j. the image of o.j. hurdling over luggage is one of the most famous of the 20th century. he did movies. this made the murders impossible to absorb. given his public persona. it would be like peyton manning or derek jeter murdered somebody. those guys? they are good people. it gripped the nation. >> carley: l.a. times typo getting attention this morning. that is because the paper incorrectly used trump's name in o.j. simpson oshg bit your. they wrote long before the city woke up in 2017, trump walked out of the correction al center
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freeman for first time in years. they said an earlier version contained typograph cal area and they were describing simpson leaving the correctional center. the error has been corrected. how does something like this happen? >> joe: slight praise to l.a. times for having an editor note. it is almost as if it never hap happened. not like trump and simpson are names that sound alike. this tells you that tbs, trump deran derangement syndrome is always on the brain. writing an obituaries and trump creeps in there, hard not to think it was intentional.
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i guess we move on. >> carley: your daily dose of tds. >> todd: masters kicking off round one. dechambeau shot a 65 in the first round, eight birdies and a bogey. career best round, not everybody got in all their holes because of darkness. here is what he had to say. it is always great getting off to a hot start. i knew it would be a tough day with wind and tomorrow. a lot of patient is good. in order to win major championships, you have to do everything well. >> todd: scotty scottie scheffler one stroke behind, his lowest score of his 25 rounds at the masters and tiger woods, one
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under, 17th overall competing with winds up to 45 miles per hour. looking to make the cut for the 24th time. dan dakich, i love saying that name, joins me now. what is your main takeaway from day one? >> dechambeau, did you know this, dechambeau's irons got approved on monday. he whips out these new irons and gets three straight birdies, eight overall, amazing to me. in golf, it is scottie scheffler's world. dechambeau jumps out lapping everybody. here comes scottie scheffler. next thing you know, he's only
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one stroke behind and other thing is this, tiger woods. he could walk around this course, put a blindfold on and get par. fascinated to see how he finishes up. he played late, got suspended and has to get up early and start playing, that will be tough physically for him. that course is uber hilly. dechambeau getting irons, okay. they were not approved a ago, monday they said yes and he is leading. >> todd: that is insane. if he's having this kind of success, it is something i may do, i love a good five iron, i could use a five iron. i would not in reality.
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look at leader board, dechambeau leading and scottie scheffler followed by hogart. dechambeau on pace for 28 under. that will not happen, record is 20 under, dustin johnson. will the low scores continue into the weekend? >> i think they will. you can't lengthen a course and this course is long. understand and everybody knows this, the masters starts back nine on sunday. we will not get to 20 under. these guys are so good and were yesterday, the wind was howling and cold. if you can go seven under, who is to say you can't go five under a couple other times. i don't think dj's record will
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be in play. 14 or 15 under, which will make augusta national mad, they take pride in keeping it five to 10. tom brady made the n.f.l. hard when he was in it. it may not last. could he be coming back? listen to this. >> god forbid somebody goes down, would you pick up that phone? >> i'm not opposed to it. i don't know if they will let me if i become an owner of an neville team. >> to come in like america j coming back? >> i don't know if they would let me, i wouldn't be opposed to it. >> todd: is he playing or is this serious? >> this is guy getting a haircut on a podcast and knows it will
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be news all across. he will be part owner of las vegas raiders. there is precedence because of what michael jordan did. he is now buying a team, i think tom brady likes the spotlight and likes to sell stuff and saw an opportunity to say something that would get you and me, specific to you and me, he wanted todd and dan talking about it early in the morning. >> todd: mission accomplished. dan, programming note, you have dan hurley on your show today fresh off his big championship win for my state. thank you, have a great interview with hurley. >> carley: breaking news, israel says it is ready after the united states warns of attack from iran. joey jones is here next. here is steve with a look what
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is coming up on "fox and friends." >> steve: coming up on "fox and friends" in 10 minutes and 40 seconds, learning more about the afghan national with ties to terror who was apprehended and released not once, twice, he is out and about and doesn't have to go back to court for a year. plus, the moment university of california berkeley law student, one of 60s, invited to jewish home for dinner turned on him and his life with a pro-palestinian rant. you won't believe it. gen-z tiktoker sounds off saying he makes three times federal minimum wage and can't afford to live. nick will join us now. and should kids have smartphones? debate grows on mental health
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impact. where is big tech in all this? making money. kara frederick will join us. we have a busy friday and kickoff nine minutes and 42 seconds from now on the channel you trust for morning news, todd and carley back in a couple. you are watching "fox and friends first". imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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♪ >> todd: pay attention to this. fox news alert out of the middle east. israel saying it is ready to
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respond after the united states warns an attack from iran is eminent and could potentially come within the next 24 hours. >> u.s. embassy in jerusalem issuing a major security alert for embassy staff and other u.s. citizens in the country. an iranian source also tells the "wall street journal" that attack plans are being discussed but no final decision has been made. joey jones is a fox news contributor, of course, and he joins us now. joey, good morning to you. the situation is tense, to say least. what goes through your mind when you hear all of this? >> joey: i think there is tackle and strategic. the tactical a strike took out more military leaders for iran. life expectancy of an iranian leader is probably as short as it has ever been when you couple this with what president trump was able to do. zero this out and say what does this mean for us? we can't fight a country on three fronts meaning ukraine, israel or the middle east and
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potentially the pacific or here at home, which is our greatest concern. obviously as americans and someone who fought a war, we don't want there to be a larger war in the middle east, israel has to make a calculation. the one truth that i do know coming out of the israel-hamas war is that an entire generation of palestinians have been bred into a lifelong fight to destroy israel. i know that that makes it sound like it's israel's fault. it's not. but any war. any collateral damage and war creates a psychologic enemy so they may physically impede or even destroy hamas is that doesn't mean they take the idea of destroying israel away from the palestinian people. one of the better ways to control that take the physical support from iran away. this is tactical. i think it's looking forward. and i think it's trying to get at kamala harris would say the root of the problem, which is iran. i just hope that israel has a plan and has thought this out and that somehow that we stop
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escalation in the middle east from happening because we can't afford, as a country, in the united states to support a war that gets larger than what it already is in israel. >> todd: when it documents that calculation that you mentioned, the world and clearly the biden administration are giving prime minister benjamin netanyahu a lot of notes, making it very, very difficult for him to figure out what he should do. he doesn't seem very confused. he seems resolute as to what israel will do if an attack. listen. >> we continue our nonstop efforts to return our hostages. we're also preparing for scenarios of challenges from other arenas. we establish a simple principle, whoever hurts us, we hurt him there is zero equivocation there. what is the response from israel and from the united states i know you said it's confusing and complicated. if iran attacks next 48 or 72
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hours? >> i think at this point, todd, it's easier to predict a response from israel than the united states. israel, if they have the weapons and munitions and physical support will absolutely retaliate if any attack is conducted on the homeland. i think one of the biggest concerns now is does iran attack an asset like an embassy in an arab nation or do they attack somewhere in israel specific or do they attack israeli troops in gaza which keeps it in the gray area? do they do it through hezbollah or do it with iranian military forces or missiles itself. i think israel's response will be very definitive. i think they will respond militarily. the united states is a wild card. to say an extent i understand. if israel can't fight this war without united states' support. the president of the united states does get a say either through diplomacy or through the supply munitions, however we have a president that waivers. we have a president that says one thing and does another, and we have a president whose body of work says he will do anything
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to not win a war. and that's a problem. that's a big problem. it's one that i hope we remedy in november but it's one that really plagues us across the board from our own military readiness to what's happening in ukraine, what's happening in israel and god forbid what could happen in the pacific. >> carley: that is why the u.s. embassy in jerusalem just issued that major security alert for embassy staff and other u.s. citizens in the country to try and get out because we just don't know what's going to happen. and if iran strikes directly and god forbid kills an american citizen, we could be an entire new place in this war that we don't want to be in. joey, thank you so much for joining us, we do have to leave it there. see you soon, thank you. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ crossin


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