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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 12, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> steve: it's 8:00 on the nose in new york city, this is friday, april 13th. we missed friday the 13th by one. it's the 12th, rather.
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afghan national with terror ties in federal custody after crossing the southern border and being released twice by federal officials. >> brian: new video shows group of migrants at a ramada inn getting into it with police. [yelling] >> lawrence: one trump supporter going viral for this interaksz with the media. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we love you. >> lawrence: she will join us live in a few minutes for an exclusive. >> ainsley: can't wait, she agreed and lawrence is going to talk to her. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember,
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mornings are better with friends. >> brian: afghan national with ties to terrorism is back in custody after he was apprehended at the southern border and released once and then again in the u.s. >> ainsley: griff jenkins joins us with details. >> griff: this is why catch and release puts america at risk. this man spent a year in the u.s. before being taken into custody after he was apprehended in california in march of last year and released by ice with alternative to detention because there was not conclusive information matching him to the fbi terrorism watch list. 11 months later, new information surfaces connecting him to a group known as hig responsible for attacks in afghanistan that have killed nine americans. ice arrested him in san antonio
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in february of this year. at that ko court hearing, a federal judge released him and said dhs failed to tell the judge he was on the terror watch list. bill melugin and i pressed senior dhs officials who told us it is not accurate to say they did not argue against his release, they made the argument he was a flight risk. they would not address if they told the judge everything they knew at the time. dhs spokesperson issued this statement to fox saying, dhs takes seriously responsibility to ensure those who enter the country don't pose a threat to national security. if they do, we deny admission and defer them to others for vetting as appropriate.
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this comes to put in context, chris wray, fbi director issues this stark warning. >> most immediate concern is individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. >> griff: the story was reported by nbc news that cbp released this guy and that is inaccurate. he is back in federal custody now, his court date is in 2025. >> steve: when this guy was grabbed on the southern border, they took a look at him, looked at his name, we might be on the terror watch list, they couldn't tell. rather than hold him, they released him. the second time, they said it was a flight risk.
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why take the chance? why not hang on to him until you know for sure? >> griff: that is exactly the point, steve. in that initial encounter, border patrol turns people over who may be from countries like afghanistan to the join terrorism task force and groups talook for derogatory in infor information. only later does the information become available. what is the secondary failure, whether or not dhs had the full picture in this past february two months ago when this judge released on bond and according to fbi sources, through work of david spunt and gibeson, it is not clear dhs shared all information with this judge. so he gets released and dhs
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lawyers did not appeal releasing him. they said they did say he was a flight risk. the fact he was released twice is raising eyebrows in washington. >> brian: you must be astounded to hear mayorkas openly admitting there was a crisis, for three years, they would laugh and blame fox for trumping up things, are you amazed how everyone has resolved to reality on this? >> griff: it was bound to happen. facts and images and numbers don't lie. what is interesting, the use of the word crisis seems to be paramount to them and they refrain from it for two years and now all of a sudden, it is a crisis. it is a recent epiphany or are
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they calling it what it is, a crisis? a humanitarian crisis, which we have shown images constantly and national security threat. >> lawrence: it is the poll numbers getting their attention. thanks. let's go through what has happened over the past three years, they figure out we have a crisis. drownings, record numbers, one national guardsman drown trying to save kids. you have the del rio-haitian crisis, three to four cara vans of people and record number of gotaways and people on terror watch list captured twice that are now in the country. do you think joe biden is now going to do something? he is saying he has no authority to do something. >> brian: he indicated, i'm going to talk to my lawyers, this will make him look like a
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fraud. i can't do an executive order. >> lawrence: maybe he had an epiphany. >> ainsley: timing is not lost on anybody, this seems to be number one issue. christopher wray speaking to congress and talking about he's never in the course of his career seen this many threats to america. he's doing it because if something happens he wants to say, i told you guys. i'm going to skate around it, i will not say it is because of the border, i am with the fbi, it is too political, if you don't close this order, something is going to happen and we're already seeing too many threat warnings already. >> steve: one thing missing from griff jenkins's report, he is on t terror watch list and he's not been deported. >> brian: to afghanistan, terror
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university? >> steve: take him back. >> lawrence: those that attacked cops in yonkerses hasn't been deported. >> brian: this morning wat watc cnn and they are flying drones and it said they want a wall. the world has changed. >> steve: setting table for joe biden to do this executive action at end of april so it looked like joe biden listened and discovered there was a problem and fixed it. >> ainsley: these are com common-sense issues. when joe biden opened the border, you had people thinking, what in the world. now people were watching other
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stations and wondering what the problem was. >> lawrence: border patrol, will they get an apology, this administration still spewing same talking point that they whipped migrants. will the president meet with people and say apology for being b babysitters for three years. we know you signed up to do your j job. >> brian: orchestration between administration and news outlet, t tu tuskenene. no wrap-around glasses. >> steve: another fox news alert. the irony is delicious. president biden using campaign donations to pay legal bills during the special probe of his handling of classified documents according to axios.
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sounds familiar. >> ainsley: they were critical of trump for doing that. >> brian: nonstop, it is crazy. pot, kettle. >> lawrence: can't make this up. >> ainsley: live at the white house with details, lucas tomlinson. >> lucas: many critics say it is pretty rich considering how often biden campaign and dnc mocked the rnc for picking up legal bills for donald trump. that is what happened, biden campaign was paying to get legal bills into the classified documents case. here is report from july of 2023 to february of 2024, dnc paid 1.05 to bob bower, professional l limit liability attorney for bob bower, lead attorney for handling special counsel probe
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including bringing on veteran lawyer david lofland. new round of loan -- 7.4 billion for 277,000 students, bringing this up to grand total of 153 billion and here is white house press secretary yesterday. >> save plan is helping millions of people who earn less than $15 per hour have a monthly payment of 0 and helping some borrowers get their debt cancelled further. lucas tomlinson n >> lucas: new fox news poll for
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gen-zers, more young people support donald trump, 18% more. student relief debt payment is way to get the youth vote and we remember when president biden boasted he was going around the supreme court. >> brian: military pay for your education? >> mine was paid for going to the naval academy. >> brian: there you go. >> steve: thank you for your service. >> ainsley: i've heard that argument from people in the military that said i had to potentially give my life to get free college. >> brian: must drive you crazy. >> you had to pay it back, five yo years. >> steve: lucas, the frustration of young people with our political climate and you know, yesterday we played this guy on
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tiktok, nick, that was his handle. he was on and frustrated, it had been seen by five or 10 million people, he's going through the list, he can't afford anything during joe biden's america. >> ainsley: a lot of people are feeling the same frustrations. can we play a clip of that? >> brian: go ahead, i'll play it. >> steve: he was on the show today. >> brian: thank you. >> i came out in the workforce, doing everything and it is not enough in the current economy. it is frustrating seeing handouts being given out and price of everything increases and when i go home at end of the day, i'm still struggling. it is extremely frustrated and the handouts and foreign aid, why water your neighbor's flowers when your house is burning down?
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average american needs help, regard lszless of who doesn't. >> lawrence: he said, i voted the right way, everybody knows what he was saying -- >> brian: like what the rock said. >> lawrence: this was told in 2020, protect democracy, you cannot let us have four more years, i did that and look what happened, i can't afford things. >> steve: he was cagey and did not reveal who he voted for, he said do your own research. he had done his research in 2020. >> ainsley: i really like him. >> steve: fantastic. >> ainsley: great interview and i wish him the best. maybe there is a career in politics. >> steve: he appeared on his show during his 15-minute coffee break for his 15 minutes of
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fame. he became viral because of viral know rants. >> brian: sean will give him another 15 minutes, if you see sean, mention it. >> steve: sean? >> brian: hannity. if you see sean. >> steve: we never see him. >> ainsley: on national tv. >> lawrence: you are something else. >> ainsley: come on, ted. >> brian: i want to make a mental note. >> ainsley: carley, get one leg and i'll get one. >> brian: are you taking her side? >> carley: brian will go in this. >> brian: i don't want to forget. >> carley: any sean out there. or jesse. we have a fox news alert, most serious one, u.s. officials warn of imminent attack on israel by iran in retaliation for the idf
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strike that killed a top iran ian commander. analyst jack keane joined us earlier. >> jack keane: iran has a finger on the trigger. iran does not want escalation of this that would lead to war with israel or united states. >> carley: u.s. ambassador in jerusalem reminds u.s. citizens of need for caution and increased personal security aw awareness. a shocking moment when uc berkeley law school students turned on their dean after being invited to their home for dinner. >> this is not your house. >> we have attorneys. >> you don't have to get aggressive. >> leave our house, you are guests at our house. >> carley: the students -- investing in weapon companies that supply israel.
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the dean gave a statement yesterday saying he was saddened and told the students his home was not a forum for free speech. three months after taking their vows, the golden bachelor jerry turner and teresa are breaking up. their wedding was broadcast in january. their divorce was confirmed moments ago. no word on what led to the decision. three men rescued after being stranded in the pacific ocean for more than a week and spelling out help in the sand with p palm leaves. that is like a movie. the group went out on easter and reported missing. the u.s. coast guard searched 78,000 square nautical miles. one farmer rescued two lambs from a storm drain in scotland.
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animals were trying to shelter from the rain. the farmer was able to safely get the cute lambs out and reunite them with their mom. hes this was first time any livestock got stuck in the drain. saving lambs, sort of biblical, lawrence. over to you. they are back with their mom, they should be. >> lawrence: a lot of good stories today. unforgettable moment on the campaign trail for one voter who got a big hug from trump at an atlanta chick-fil-a while meeting with supporters. >> i don't care what the media tells you, we love you. 4 p.m. >> come here, let me give you a hug. [cheering] >> thank you! tell my mama i made it.
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>> lawrence: look at the joy, here to tell us is that young woman, mckayla, founder of gras roots political group to conserve the culture. i've been waiting for this interview all morning. >> i've been waiting my whole life. >> thanks for joining us. you told the president when you were hugging him, i don't care what the media says, we support you. tell me what you meant by that. >> i am so glad that is the first question you asked me. so of course in the excitement of everything, i wasn't able to relay my message, but general c consensus would have you thinking if president trump were to show up to the hbcu campus an angry mob would form and he would not be welcome and the
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sentiment in the room was opposite, he was welcomed and people showed up in support of him and people were from all four institutions within the local hbcu community in atlanta and showed up in support of him. it is crazy to see people in an uproar when all four institutions were legitimately represented and represented by said students who wanted to support president trump. i appreciate we were able to let him know, regardless of social media, we are supposed to hate you, we don't. it was learning experience for my students, they saw how media can warp perception of opinion or a person because like i said, to think these students who attend these institutions are not smart enough to make their
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decision, they would only support trump because he bought chicken sandwiches, that is disturbing part. it was mainly urban media outlets doing everything in their power to turn other black people against these young black kids who were simply not shy to explore other options. >> lawrence: it is incredible and you hit it on the head. former president gave a lot of funding to hbcus. my hbcu tour to figure out what college i wanted to go to. tell me about the former president and his policies. what is gravitating young people toward the president and a lot of people traditionally republicans don't do well in black america, a lot of young black mamericans like the forme president. what is it about him? >> i think and this is a
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sentiment coming from the young people themselves, they feel like he is honest. we might not agree with how hes things and goes about things, he is telling us what it is. we don't feel like it is a snake in the grass waiting to bite us. here is my plan, here is how i plan to execute it, here is who is involved and how you can get involved. he is more relatable. he gives you that relatable feeling to where it is like, i'm just like you, this is what you said you wanted here is what i am going to do about it. they feel he is talking to them and not saying what they want to hear. >> lawrence: good point, what has biden done for our community? for black america? >> he locked up a lot of people that look like me and they are sitting in jail waiting for
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justice and an appeal of some sort. when it comes to what joe biden has done for black america, if we look at his record as a senator, it wasn't something that benefited us, one could argue he dedicated his senatial career to disrupting the way of life for black people. he did not want black kids going to the same kid as his kid, he did not want black people walking on the same sidewalk with his grandmother. he passed legislation with sole intent of oppressing a certain community and we're going to act like that didn't happen or can be overshadowed by somebody's comments down the line made us feel some type of way. feeling some type of way is different when you can feel that way at home. there are people as of right now, spending their lives in
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jail because joe biden thought they deserved it. and then you had somebody like trump come in and give us first step act to try to right the wrong done with three strikes rule and nobody is talking about that. >> lawrence: i need more time with you, we have to go to -- >> you can call me whenever. >> lawrence: we'll make it happen, bring you back on and talk about the president's plan to win more black voters. thank you so much. we'll talk soon. >> thank you for having me, you guys have a great day. >> lawrence: passionate about the community and trying to shame her. more "fox and friends" next. lim. see how at that's me!
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> brian: long island residents demanding considers after dumpings were found in a park and the be community has a history of cancer. fox news correspondent cb cotton is on long island. >> six drums filled with chemicals were found behind this
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cedar fence. signs warn people to stay out. people who grew up here fear the damage has already been done. >> she was diagnosed with breast ca cancer. >> i had to have a double masectome and go through chemotherapy. >> she considers herself one of the lucky ones. >> i have many friends with multiple cancers from my high school. >> she lived blocks from grumman aerospace in bethpage where she noticed an alarming trend. >> up until my teens every year, oh, so-and-so has cancer. >> a cancer link never proven, in 2002, contaminating soil and plume were found at the company's old dumping ground. clean-up of the site continues,
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discovery of six 55-gallon chemical drums was found last month. >> clean-up was bigger task than grumman was willing to do. they are red-handed. >> state department of environmental protections it poses no public health issue at the site. they are working for northrup g grumman to safely dispose of the drums. we are told the six drums contained chlorinated petroleum, it is not believed the chemicals leaked into the ground. people are gearing up for a class action lawsuit.
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>> brian: "new york post" and newsday, want the whole area dug up. they were discovered and not revealed. is there a strong push to have this whole area dug up? when grumman, huge hole in jobs and now left possibly poison behind. >> i think there is this discovery has definitely renewed concern for so many people. this ballpark behind me has been closed for 20 years because of concerns about contaminated soil and this latest discovery brings up fear for people employs the plan to safely remove the drums is underway. there are a lot of stake holders, local, state and federal authorities and people are pushing authorities to get this done swiftly because it is concerning. >> brian: ledgendary company,
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fighter jets during two world wars, but this is unacceptable. one 20-year-old tiktoker ticked off with cost of living. >> i'm trying my best, doing everything i can and seems to not be enough, it is ridiculous. >> brian: steve will talk to our gen-z panel about how they are keeping up. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. your best days of the year start here,
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when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. >> ainsley: this just in, paul whelan, marine veteran that has been in russian prison since 2018, is speaking out. he told a local news agency he
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is yet to speak with president biden and something needs to be done immediately. i will tell him i don't feel everything that needs to be done is being done. there is more that could be done. donald trump will meet with house speaker mike johnson at mar-a-lago this afternoon, they will discuss fisa reauthorization and ukraine. they will discuss integrity legislation. steve, over to you. >> steve: thank you. been talking about this two days now. nick sumner going viral for his rant on inflation and he joined "fox and friends" in the last hour. >> it is frustrating seeing handouts being given out and price of everything increasing and i go home at end of the day and i'm still struggling and it seems to not be enough in the current economy. average american needs help,
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that is all i'm looking for, who is putting us first. >> steve: prices are still on the rise according to consumer report with prices up 3.5% year over year. we put together a gen-z panel, people about the same age as that tiktok guy. how they are being forced to keep up with legislation. mike dukes, olivia coolcheck and jonas duke. good morning. you saw the tiktok kid and michael, you said, you know what, you watch and it felt like it was you saying it was you because you all feel the same way. >> yes, i think he spoke for every college student, including myself. college students is having to make trade-offs.
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to go further in depth and build off of it, it is more short term and long-term thing. college students are making trade-offs. do i spend $100 for groceries or let my $4.50 coffee accrue and have to look at bank statement. >> steve: you had to choose between textbooks and groceries. >> essentially, yes. when you look at data, there are colleges and universities that are more than $90,000 perrer yoo, fordham university, they just increased tuition 6.6% to roughly $90,000. i got an e-mail saying they will raise it another 4.4%. they say the pandemic is over, it is not for college students.
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>> steve: olivia, you are paying for school by yourself. when you see the tiktoker and he had to apologize for the language, he was frustrated by the people in washington, d.c. and hacked off about great big government handouts. you give $60 billion to a country i can't find on a map. >> absolutely, it is frustrating, i empathize with him, he speaks for all college students. like many others, i have, woed a full-time job while taking full-time classes and classes are difficult and take time. that is sacrifice i'm willing to make because interest rates are so ridiculously high for student loans, it is not worth taking out a loan. in a couple years, i will try to start a family and having to pay back loans while raising a family is not worth it. >> steve: jonace, one thing the tiktok kid said, he was sick of
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both parties in washington and refer to them as the uni-party. whoever is in charge is hurting america? do you feel like that? >> yeah, and a lot of gen-z feel that way. we have some of the most unpopular candidates running for president and you have trump who is embroiled in legal and not really talking about real solutions and biden we feel like is so far, so much older than us and can't even complete a sentence half the time. these are candidates we feel don't represent us. >> steve: real quick, when you think about the presidential election coming up in november of this year, we'll start with you, jonas. people your age for the most part always vote democrat, is that the case this year? >> i don't think so this year, i
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tell you why, students like us have seen tiktok like this and empathize with them and feel our lives reflected. we're about to enter the workforce and be making similar wages and wondering how to afford a home and start a family. we're looking to other candidates. >> steve: you are nodding your head. >> yes, we have seen that there are a lot of conservative women who are hiding their opinion and beliefs -- >> steve: on campus? >> yes, they are afraid of what is going to happen and i have experienced it first hand, i was -- for using the term biological woman. they are not going to share conservative beliefs. >> steve: final word? >> i think president biden is toast, he issive driving the cd asleep at the wheel. >> steve: driving the toaster. thank you very much, great
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discussion. coming up, a new video shows a group of migrants getting into it with cops in new york. [screaming] start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep.
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>> ainsley: fox news alert. wild footage shows unruly migrant mob scuffling with new york cops at that hotel shelter. todd piro has details for us, what happened? >> todd: a group of rowdy migrants scuffling with officers. copped called on tuesday after workers said there was an out of control guest. while arresting the subject, others confronted them. a 24-year-old person fought the cops and they cuffed her, she is charged with second-degree assault, obstruction of government situation and resisting arrest. kent is charged, as well. new cbp data shows there have
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been 46,000 chinese nationals since the start of 2023. majority of them are released into the u.s. and not deported or removed. back to you. >> ainsley: the trump supporter who went viral for a hug with the former president in chick-fil-a joined "fox and friends." >> it was a learning experience per my students, they were able to see and experience first hand how the media can warp the opinion of a person. more on that interview with lawrence, first let's check in with dana perino for what is coming up. happy friday, dana. >> dana: thank you, you are a ray of sunshine. congress quibbles over national security tell. a terror suspect made it across the border and released twice. and president biden reaches into his magic pot of gold for 7 billion to forgive student
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loans, how much is that? president trump's criminal trial begins monday. meet a lady who heard an intruder in her house and never expected it to be a reptile. we'll see you at 9:00. that's me! >> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't contain more than 12 minerals? you can't get much benefit from 8 to 10 minerals when your body needs at least 60 minerals to be healthy. now, try immuno 150 with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. i'm elmer heinrich, celebrating my 90th birthday as i make this commercial, with no dementia, no health problems, aches, or pains of any kind and the flexibility i had when i was 60. now, i have consumed immuno 150 for many years. i can still drive a golf ball 220 yards, work out, bench press 100 pounds, run, jump, and do about anything i did 30 years ago.
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hi, i'm kim, and i lost 67 pounds on golo. when i was diagnosed with breast cancer, food became my comfort. i didn't think i looked pretty anymore, so i let myself go. i've seen the golo commercials for a while. what stuck out to me most was there was no celebrity endorser. the testimonials were from real people. what cancer took from me, golo gave back. (uplifting music)
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>> regardless of what social media says i know they're trying to make us think we are supposed to hate you, but we don't. it was a learning experience for my students. they were able to see and experience firsthand how the media can warp the perception of an opinion or a person. he gives you that relatable feeling to where it's like hey, i'm just like you. this is what you said you wanted, here is what i'll try to do about it. they really feel it is somebody who is talking to them and not just saying what they want to hear. >> lawrence: that's mcail yeah, the young woman at the chick-fil-a to hug the president and the liberal press, people supposed to be supportive of the community tried to turn the community against her and the kids that are part of the h b-cu. >> ainsley: why? >> lawrence: that you can't support the former president. remember, brian, you know this.
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donald trump historically gave a lot of money to the h b-cu acknowledged she works there. >> brian: you have to keep coming back to ask. let's set you up in a program and historically it's the democrats that are segre segregationist. things reversed in the 70s and people should acknowledge that. it's insane. he brought up joe biden. >> she wanted us on different parts of the sidewalk. also brought up the first step act. the former president. >> ainsley: did she change to republican? >> lawrence: we'll have her back to have a full conversation but the one thing she said she talked about joe biden's 90 crime bill and said joe biden locked black men up and donald trump had them released. average-day person torching joe biden and what he has done to
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black america. >> steve: speaking of donald trump, he has a meeting today at 4:30 in the afternoon. speaker mike johnson will go down to mar-a-lago and talking about voting bill where it would make it illegal for somebody who is not an american citizen to vote. which currently is illegal anyway. it will be interesting to see what they have to say. >> brian: i think your story played into the story of the npr editor. why aren't you giving trump any air and anything positive from him? they keep telling us what to think. >> ainsley: you have a busy day today. >> one nation saturday night. >> lawrence: radio show today. >> as i look back over my career in law enforcement i would be hard pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once. >>


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