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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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resort no rate cuts, maybe the next move would be a rate hike. everything has changed for joe biden. >> yeah, that is not good news for biden. he will not have the advantage on the economy no matter what, by the time the election, he just needs to narrow that gap and this week's developments don't help him. >> neil: all right, always good talking to you, my friend. we will see whether you are on, always on a great deal. we are going to be exploring the implications of this, certainly what is going on in israel, the former prime minister, my special guest tomorrow, look at the impact for the economy and the world as this could potentially escalate. we are on that tomorrow. see you then. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everybody. kennedy along with janet and my judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, pete hegseth, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪
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we are awaiting former president donald trump along with my house speaker mike johnson to talk ab. we'll bring it to live the moment it happens but now let's get to the spirit desperate joe biden, as donald trump hoover's up black support like no republican in history. the big guy trying to win back the key voter group by giving a live virtual address at reverend avner mike al sharpton's civil rights conference. >> there are real threats we face. more extreme voices out there who simply don't want to see people of color in our country. they want to turn back the clock. voter suppression. election suppression. ripping away reproductive freedom. gutting affirmative action, gutting it, and attacking diversity across american life. these extremists are determined to erase the progress we have
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made. but together, we are determined to make history, not erase it. >> kennedy: the problem is the dawn is catching on with african american spirit the latest aggregated fox news national surveys show donald trump tripling his support among black men and black women since 2020. and sleepy zoom call is no match for the don's retail politics game. trump hitting up a chick-fil-a in atlanta and handing out over 30 milk shakes. one supporter is going viral after giving the former president a big old hug, and what she said about the media should have democrats quaking in their boots. watch. >> i don't care with the media tells you, mr. trump, we support you. >> kennedy: that woman later giving the medium or jabs. >> we were able to not only let him know that regardless of what social media says, you know, i know they are trying to make us think we're supposed to hate you, but we don't comment additionally, it was a learning
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experience for my students because they were able to see ad experience firsthand how the media can warp the perception of an opinion or a person. >> kennedy: she's absolutely right, richard. this is very interesting because the president so far and some of these battleground polls is doubling his support particularly with black men and what are the issues affecting them? they are not voting as a blob, they are individuals who are is concerned about the economy and immigration as any other voter in the country. does this surprise you? richard: no, it doesn't come i have done reporting on us for forbes and bet. the media in general, including here in our network come i think what we have gotten wrong is bc black male voters in this primary voting for trump or biden when the truth of the matter is there are three choices, they could also choose to sit this election out. >> kennedy: four choices? >> richard: sure, but when you talk to black mail voters, no matter where they live, all across the country on this, what
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you find is they will tell you the same thing, on average they are the bottom of all of the quality of life indicators in this country and they will tell you that life has not gotten much better, whether george bush or barack obama or donald trump, whether it was joe biden, they still fill their life's have not improved under any presidency, which is why the idea of sitting this election out is so easy for them to do. i think there is an interesting electoral marker to consider when you think about black men. in 2023 in ohio, where reproductive health was on the ballot, reproductive access for women was on the ballot, the group that voted in the highest percentage for protecting a woman's right to have reproductive health or access to abortion was actually black men by eight points, they voted 88% to protect a woman's right to have an abortion come out voting white women come out voting blak women, out voting every other subgroup, which says to me, as an analyst, these voters might be up for grabs, but when they show up to vote at the polls, they tend to vote on issues that you wouldn't expect them to vote on.
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>> kennedy: but one of the issues they are voting on, judge, is immigration, and one of the things that they are not getting from this administration's reassurance that the president and his administration are going to protect their jobs. >> judge jeanine: well, they are certainly not getting any reassurance from this administration, and in fact, i think one of the reasons that we are seeing more of the african american community moved toward donald trump's because of immigration because of the fact if you look at places like chicago, you know, the minority community, the black and brown community in the inner cities are losing to the immigrants who are taking over places where they had after-school programs or projects that kept kids out of gangs and all of that, and they are prioritizing the immigrants over them, subjugating the african american and the minority community. you know, i have to comment on joe biden. when he gets up there and he is not willing to answer a
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question, he is zooming into al sharpton's meeting there, at least kamala harris showed up, i don't know if she answered any questions, he said people want to turn back the clock and don't want to see you get ahead. i mean, that is the kind of evil messaging that is not part of the factual basis that people are living in today. they look back at how their lives were four years ago. in fact, how their lives were right before joe biden took office, and they know it was better under donald trump and so you know what, you can threaten them, scare them, and tell them that, you know, these people are trying to put you back in chains, which is what i think joe biden has said, and it is just not the case. blacks are smarter than that. don't categorize them. >> kennedy: also said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. he said that. he said that my radio show. pete, we look at some of these numbers, and it shouldn't be wholly surprising because the president has doubled his support. what happens if he doubles it
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again before the election, and how likely is that based on some of the immigration and economic numbers? >> pete: it's possible. these polls are definitely or probably voting for trump. that seems fairly definitive. sunk a desire not to vote but definitely or probably is pretty strong. those numbers are staggering. we had them -- outcome i think we have a press conference. >> kennedy: speaking of trump, fox news alert, trump and speaker mike johnson having a press conference right now. >> a border that is open. we have a lot of problems in our country, and we have an election problem and that is really what we are here to talk about today. speaker johnson is going to be briefing you on what we discussed, what we agree on, but i would like to demand that our border be closed because we have millions of people coming into our country -- millions and millions of people are pouring in at levels that nobody is reporting, nobody is going to talk about, but i believe you
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could add 15 million already in, some are terrorists. they come from jails and pri prisons. they come from insane asylums. they come from all over the world. not just south america, they are coming from all over the world, venezuela now so their crime is down 67% because of the fact they have taken the gang members, the leaders, and the members, and they have deposited them very nicely into the united states of america. that's just venezuela. is happening with the congo. it is happening with countries all over africa, asia. south america. all over the world, it is happening. our country is like a dumping ground, and we are going to have it stopped, and biden should do it immediately, he should close the border immediately. no legislation. he doesn't need this gentleman, he doesn't need anybody. i did it without any legislation. i had the best border we had and ever, recorded history, can close it immediately. if he had left -- we had to sty
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in mexico, catch and release in mexico, not here, we had everything. it was perfect. it was a great -- a great situation we had, and now we have the worst ever. i don't believe in history of the world there has been a border like this. but we probably have 15 million people, and they come from places that you don't want to know about, and they are going to be big problems, and it is getting worse. migrant crime, it's a new category of crime, migrant crime, and i am just demanding -- as a citizen, i demand, the board has to be closed. our country cannot take it. on no country could take it. it is not sustainable by any country. and we want to also mention election interference and we want to talk about election integrity for a little while. but basically that's what we are working on, and i will introduce the speaker, who you know very well. he is doing a really good job under very tough circumstances. and i appreciate he came to mar-a-lago, we had a great conference and there is a big
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turnout because people want this to be healed. they want our country to be united. i think most people are united on the fact they don't want people pouring in from prisons and jails in mental institutions. i don't want that to happen, they don't want it to take place and it is not going to happen for long. that is why i say november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country, that's the election, it's going to be the most important day in history of our country, thank you very much and speaker, thank you. speaker max thank you so much, mr. president, it is good to see you all, we're so delighted to be here with our former and future president in this beautiful facility, mar-a-lago is famous around the country and we are grateful to be here. with president trump as our nominee and the party we are very much looking forward to that historic day in november because we are going to grow the house majority and when the united states senate and win back the white house, as well. the american people need us to do that. they are excited for that day in
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november, cannot get here soon enough vehicle to speaker of the house when we are not in session, the speaker is required to go around and fly around the country and be with all of our candidates and incumbents all around. 23 states now in the blast several weeks and everywhere we go, one of the first questions people ask about is this issue of election integrity, the border is the number one issue, there has never been a political issue that scored so high in the polls, it does not matter where anyone lives because as we say now every state is a border state. they are deeply concerned about that. and election integrity is tied to the border, the lack of border security. president biden has created a catastrophe and he did it by design. we documented 64 specific executive actions that he took from the day he walked into the oval office, his agencies took under secretary mayorkas, to open the border wide, to invite everybody from around the world to come here, including hardened criminals and dangerous persons, and the result we all know, the official number is 9 million encounters at the southern
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border alone. just since joe biden took office. but the actual number is probably close to 16 million illegals who have come into the country because they desired it. they designed it. the engineered it to be that way. his actions did that. he ended there remain in mexico policy under president trump's administration. they reinstated catch and release that had been practiced under the obama administration. they stopped building the wall. they did everything exactly the opposite of what this president had achieved, and that's why we have this catastrophe. it has all sorts of terrible effect on the american people. we know that fentanyl is the leading cause of deaths for americans age 18-49. we know violent crimes are being committed on innocent americans now. laken riley and many others are now losing their lives because these dangerous people are in our country and it must stop. and the american people are demanding that it does. and it doesn't matter which political party that any american is in. they want safety and security and we can supply that.
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but among the problems that flows from this open border catastrophe is directly related to this threat to our election integrity. why is that? you need to understand something really important about federal law. since 1993, the national voter registration act -- we call it the motor voter law -- allows people to sign up to vote when they get a driver's license. if an individual only asserts or simply states that they are a citizen, they don't have to prove it. they can register that person to vote in a federal election and you see states are currently prohibited, believe it or not, the states are prohibited from asking someone to prove that they are a citizen. the federal voter registration form just has a check box, and if you do that, you are good, the states can't allow it. we think that is a serious problem. and so what we are going to do is the house republicans are introducing a bill that will require proof of citizenship to vote. it seems like common sense. i'm sure all of us would agree.
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we all want u.s. citizens to vote in u.s. elections. but there are some democrats who don't want to do that. we believe that one of their designs, one of the reasons for this open border, which everybody asks all around the country, why would they do this? why would they allow all of this chaos? why the violence? because they want to turn these people into voters. right now the administration is encouraging illegals to go to their local welfare office to sign up for benefits. well, guess what? when you go to a welfare office, they also ask you if you would like to register to vote. and so, many people, we think, are going to do that. and you know what? the numbers are so high, there are so many millions of illegals in the country that if only 1 out of 100 voted, they would cast potentially hundreds of thousands of votes in the election. that could turn and election. this could be a tight election in congressional races on the country. it could come if there are enough votes, affect t the presidential election. that is my house or public's are going to act. i want to announce to you today,
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here standing alongside president trump, that we will do everything within our power to ensure that we do have free and fair elections in this country. if we don't have that in a constitutional republic, we have nothing. it's the basis of who we are as a nation and we owe that to the american people, and so what we're going to do is introduce legislation to require that every single person who registers to vote in a federal election must prove that they are an american citizen first. they have to prove it. that will be a new part of the federal law and a very important one. our bill will establish new safeguards and put us on par, by the way, with virtually every other democracy around the world that also prohibits noncitizen voting. and this is a critical thing for us to do at a very critical time. our bill also will require states to remove noncitizens from their existing voter rolls. that's a big problem, too appeared and it will provide access to databases from the deferment of homeland security and the social security administration to help the states administer
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this. as the entity that is responsible for regulating federal elections, congress has this responsibility. we cannot wait for widespread fraud to occur. but especially when the threat of fraud is growing with every single illegal immigrant that crosses that border. this is something most americans are deeply concerned about. the latest poll says 78% of the americans who were polled say that preventing illegal immigrants from voting in our elections is a top priority. in every place i have gone around the country, whether it is out west, midwest, long island, deep south, it doesn't matter, everybody is concerned about this. we have a job to do. here's what you need to look for and i will turn it back to the president. when we put this bill on the floor, you are going to see a record vote by republicans and democrats. you will see that the republicans stand for election integrity. and then we will be able to ask this very important question of the democrats. they are going to have to go on record: do you believe that americans and americans alone should be the ones who vote in american elections?
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we are about to find out the answer, and i think that will be a very interesting one for everybody to see. mr. president, thank you again for hosting us today. i will turn it back to you. thank you. >> thank you. do you have any questions? [overlapping questions] >> reporter: motion to vacate or do you stand behind? >> we are getting along very well with the speaker and i get along very well with marjorie taylor. we have a speaker, he was voted in and it was a complicated process, and i think it's not an easy situation for any speaker. i think he is doing a very good job. he is doing about as good as you are going to do. i'm sure that marjorie taylor understands that. she has a very good friend of mine. i know she has a lot of respect for the speaker. >> reporter: do you support a ukrainian aid bill if the speaker was to move forward with it? >> we are looking at it right now and they are talking about
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in and we are thinking about making it a form of a loan instead of just a gift, we keep handing out gifts of billions of billions of dollars, and we will take a look at it, but much more important to me is the fact that europe has to step up and they have to give money. they have to equalize. if they don't equalize, i'm very upset about it because they are affected much more than we are. if the ukraine situation would never have happened if i was president. would never ever have happened. and everybody says that come including democrats, that it happened at such an outrage. millions of people are dead right now. both sides. millions of people are dead. cities are blown to ashes. you'll never rebuild those cities like they were, so beautiful, and this is something that should've never happened. october 7th should never have happened in israel. should have never happened. what happened there was outrages. iran was broke when i was president. people weren't buying oil from iran. they weren't allowed to. if they were going to buy oil from iran than they were not going to do any business in the u.s. and i said it to china, i said it to everybody, they were not
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doing business, they were broke. they didn't have money for hamas. they didn't have money for hezbollah. it would have never happened. october 7th would have never happened. it did happen and now it is a disaster and it is only getting worse. so it's very sad. and you know, i stand with the speaker. we have had a very good relationship. >> reporter: mr. president, while you were in office, you said you would sign a federal abortion ban congress entity or desk. why should they trust your word now? >> we don't need any longer because we broke roe v. wade and we did something nobody thought was possible. we gave it back to the states. and the states are working very brilliantly, in some cases conservative and some cases not conservative, but they are working, and it is working the way it is supposed to. every legal scholar, real legal scholar, wanted to have it go back to the states. democrat, republican, liberal, conservative, and we are able to do that. you know, what we did was give it back to the states and how
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the states are working their way through it, and you are having some very, very beautiful harmony, to be honest with you. you have some cases like arizona that went back to like 1864 or something like that, and a judge made a ruling, but that is going to be changed by government. they are going to be changing that. i disagree with that. [overlapping conversation] >> reporter: a follow-up. over the last decade, mr. president, you have been pro-choice and pro-life, which one is it? >> you know exactly which one it is. when i was in new york and when i was a democrat also just like ronald reagan, ronald reagan was a democrat, we sort of followed a similar path, but if you look at what we have done with roe v. wade, we did something that everyone said couldn't be done and we got it done and i give great credit to the supreme court and the justices for having the courage to do it. what they did is very simply give it back to the state, and i
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will tell you, the democrats are the radicals on this because they are willing to have abortions in the seventh, eighth, ninth month. they are even willing, and you can call it what you want, but you go back to the governor of virginia, the previous governor of virginia, the democrat governor of virginia, where he talked about execution of a baby after birth, and you can say what you want, but that is extreme and that is radical and nobody should have that, and it has to be ended. please, go ahead. go ahead, please. >> reporter: mr. president, do you think the motion to vacate rule should be finally changed, or do you think that it just created chaos? >> well, it's unfortunate people bring it up because right now we have much bigger problems. the country is -- we are a nation in decline. we are a declining nation. we have tremendous inflation. the inflation is coming back at levels that nobody thought they really would have. if you look at the categories of inflation, they have the worst categories. many categories are not included and if you included that, your
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inflation number would be substantially higher than it is now and it is already at records so inflation is back and a lot of bad things are happening in our country but that is the least of it. you've got russia could end up -- you could end up in a world war between russia, ukraine, and all of the chaos, and that is something that should never have happened, it would have never happened. what's going on with israel, october 7th, at what's going on with israel's could end up in a world war. we have a president that can't put two sentences together, a president that cannot find the stairs off a stage. we have a president that doesn't know what the hell he is doing, and we could end up in a world war. you know, we have just a little bit less than seven months now before november 5th. but that's an eternity when people are incompetent. [overlapping questions] go ahead, please be >> reporter: to you support the house isobel -- >> which one? >> reporter: the house fisa bill. speak are not a fan of it being
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on a probably better than anybody. they spied on my campaign, you do know that, right, and they did a lot of other bad things, i'm not a big fan of fisa but i told everyone, do what you want, they put a lot of checks and balances on it and i guess it is down to two years now so it would come due in the early part of my administration, on the basis that we live up to the polls because all of the polls, we just had another one come out, we are leading by a lot, but it comes out quickly, do what you want but i'm not a big fan of fisa i think it is terrible. yeah, bob? >> reporter: testifying at trial in new york? >> yeah, i would testify come absolutely. it's a scam. that's not a trial. that is a scam. if you read jonathan turley, andy mccarthy, the legal -- they said there is not even a case they are. that is election interference by the biden administration. they actually took their top guy, one of their top guys come up with him in the d.a.'s office to run it and it is a shame. what they have done is
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incredible. it is like an interference and it's got to stop. it is a third world country. this country is never done it. you read jonathan turley, andrew mccarthy, you read the legal scholars, recent go one of them said that whole thing is a scam. it's not even a crime. what they are doing is a crime here they are criminals. bob? >> reporter: why do you believe it is important for you to testify, take the stand, in this upcoming trial, and what are you watching as jury selection begins in new york? >> well, you know, jury selection is largely locked. it depends who you get. it's very unfair that i am having a trial there. it's very unfair that we have this judge who hates trump and has tremendous conflict, as you know, tremendous conflict, nobody can believe that this judge is in recusing himself. the conflict is at a level that nobody has ever seen before. though i have that and i have venue, we have all of these things they have asked for, they don't give us anything. it is a witch hunt that takes place in new york and that is
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taking place at it is very bad for new york and it is very bad -- and it is very bad for the judicial system. >> reporter: [indistinct] >> all i can do is tell the truth. and the truth is that there is no case. they have no case. you have to read the scholars. read all of the legal scholars. i haven't seen one legal scholar that said this was a case, and in fact, even you people said, oh, gee, it's too bad this is the first one. all of them are scams. they are all about election interference. we have a president that doesn't know where he is. he can't speak. the whole world is collapsing. the world is on fire. they have no respect for our country anymore. and the only way he thinks he can win is by doing this trials of trump. we have fani in atlanta, who has been so discredited now, that was a set up with her boyfriend so they could take trips and take a lot of money out. and that is something that should be dismissed.
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not just the prosecutor dismissed, the case should be dismissed. every single one of them is bad. look what happened with biden. he gets off scot-free with 50 years of documents and classified information come he gets off scot-free, and i am still fighting that trial. the whole thing is a disgrace, and it is a disgrace to our nation. >> reporter: on the verge of attacking israel. have you spoken with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu? how should the united states respond? >> i don't want to say who i spoke to, but the president of our country to actually put out a warning that he thinks we are going to be attacked or they are going to be attacked, that's pretty pathetic. they wouldn't be attacking israel if i were president, that i can tell you, and they never did. they wouldn't be attacking. iran was in no position to attack. they had no money. they were broke. but now they have $221 billion and they have a rack, who has
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$300 billion, and iraq has become a subsidiary of iran. all that we have done, all of the fighting come all of the death, look at what happened. how incompetent the whole thing is. i don't want to say who i spoke to but i think it is a very, very dangerous -- this is a very dangerous period of time in our nation and a big reason that it is dangerous that we have a president that is grossly incompetent. thank you all very much. [overlapping questions] >> kennedy: all right, there we go. that was the former president of the united states. and speaker mike johnson said the future president. what was your take away from that, greg? >> greg: well, we opened the show with joe doing his identity shuffle, spewing these catchphrases spoon-fed to him by some dei clone. now compare that to this guy. joe is the mommy on metamucil. that was godzilla with gonads of the size of pluto. i bet there are male democrats right now going, why can't we
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have that in our party? where is that man? where is that type of person? instead we have this emasculated husk of ahaz-ben who can only operate on identity catchphraset given to him. this to the segment initial topic. not just black and brown men leaving the party. all men. blacks just have to be the caboose of the strain leading the exodus out of the party. they appreciate things like law and order, rules, priorities, security. you don't hear that from biden. instead you hear about diversity, equity, inclusion, gender, trans. you know what? abortion is not going to get men to vote. but a disregard for the certain laws and principles that keep a society safe and secure for a family, that gets them there. i believe this is trump's election to lose, which is why you are seeing the media freak out.
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it is not just minority or white men. it's working men. it's tough to work hard and have the party that you belong to focus only on freeloaders, activists, and illegals. that pisses off men of every color. they are not full by the progressive tantrums of the nonbinary screamers on tiktok that trigger the maternal instincts of the affluent white female libs. awfls. thank you, michael malice. the reason why there is such a problem with the quality of life is that men, not just black men, have been disregarded in this war on identity. you know, we used to champion the interconnectedness of women and men. right? we are different. we are yin and yang. now it is us versus them because it is the oppression filter. men sense when they are in a place that it they aren't wanted, and they are starting to sense that it is the republican party where they are wanted. >> kennedy: all right, so
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judge, greg brings up a number of points that former president trump touched on. you know, one of them is, he is running as a law and order candidate. but also he is facing this trial that starts on monday. are those two things combined? and how can a couple of them together to be most appealing to voters? >> judge jeanine: you know, trump ran as a line order candidate in 2016 and i remember when he started talking about law and order the left was insulted that he said, oh, going to be a dictator, talking about law and order, which, you know, to me is music to my ears, it's in my dna. what he talked about today, and to answer your question directly, most people understand what is going on. they know when he is talking about this guy from the department of justice who goes from the department of justice to the feds to jack smith's office to fani willis' office to alvin bragg's office to help them out, you connect the dots, it's the democrats trying to stop trump. they have done everything. they have impeached him.
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they have spied on him. they have prosecuted him, indicted him. there is nothing else they can do other than -- i don't even want to mention it. i think the important message today is that the president understands the intersection that we are at right now, which is immigration being the number one issue for people in this country. and the fact that the elections and election integrity is so important because if the illegals start to vote they are going to vote democrat. they come across the board with joe biden on their shirt. they love joe biden. what he said, i didn't even know. i didn't know that if you go to a welfare office, they are going to say, would you like to register to vote? i didn't know about -- i know voter registration, you go in, you can sign up to vote there, too. so we have to make sure, in order to get rid of this lawless society that we live in, where progressives are letting everyone out in the name of diversity, which is absurd, making us victims, all of us,
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that the only way to protect this country is to protect election integrity, and that means, you want to vote, show me you are a citizen. you want to vote, show me that you are worthy of voting. because even though there is a law that says you can't vote if you are illegal, the truth is, new york city a couple months ago wants 800,000 illegals to vote in the next election. so this is a war and they are on the front line and i absolutely applaud him, and what they said about venezuela, crime is down 67% in that country, not only is crime down, violent crime, the murders in venezuela are the lowest they have been in 20 years. why? because they are here. >> kennedy: oh, how exciting. that doesn't tell my great news, richard, but the good news is democrats or republicans seem to be united on the free and fair election issue. they are both saying the exact same thing. we have to protect democracy and we have to protect the integrity of our elections. >> richard: true.
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listen, i want to start where the judge left off, law and order. i think -- this press conference was built as an election integrity press conference. and what the speaker got wrong was, the law that was passed, the motor voter law passed in 1993, 1996 congress passed the illegal immigration reform and immigration responsibility act. that act makes it explicitly illegal for noncitizens to vote. now, there is, in some places in new york, there is -- in maryland, there are instances where noncitizens can vote in local municipal elections. that does not mean that they can vote in federal elections, and there is no evidence -- >> kennedy: but do you trust -- >> richard: allow me to finish beer according to the heritage foundation database on voter fraud, there have been 50 cases of noncitizens voting in elections since 2002. so the idea there is this mass voter fraud happening where illegals are running to the polls and voting in mass
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numbers, zero evidence. don't interrupt me. not only -- not only is the heritage foundation says this, the bipartisan policy center has said this, the brennan center for justice has said this. the fbi has said this. over and over and over again, people keep saying that there is voter fraud, and there is no evidence of voter fraud. there is no evidence of noncitizens voting in federal elections, and until they prove that, then this press conference -- >> kennedy: why has the vice president been tasked with saving our elections of everything's fine? >> richard: what do you mean with task with saving our elections? >> kennedy: she is the czarina of not only the border -- >> richard: we are talking about the voting rights act and noncitizens voting -- >> kennedy: let's get pete hegseth going. >> pete: covid happens in 2020. >> richard: show me noncitizens voting. >> pete: change the voting
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rolls dramatically. getting rid of signature requirements. massive mail out battling, zero-point ability come and no chain of custody come in and between 2020 and 2024 what happened? your boy let 10 million plus illegals into this country. >> richard: and still no evidence of noncitizens -- >> pete: a lot of states where you do not need to be a citizen in order to get an i.d. and then they go to a ballot box where they don't even have to show an i.d. to vote. when i talk to people, they are ticked off about immigration. a lot of people come immigration is number one, but the next question they say to me, pete, can trump win? would be there? a reasonable time. it's things like this. they need to push this issue all the way to the mat, whether you cite the previous laws are not -- the democrats are proving they don't care about the law, they are not concerned about following it. they want ballots and where those ballots come from, they will take it. by the way, i didn't feel you shaking but i can tell, can you imagine joe biden having to debate that man? >> richard: let's not change the subject. >> pete: no, no, no, that was my big take away from the press
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conference viewed >> richard: it was an election integrity press conference based on a law that already exists. >> pete: joe biden could answer one question. >> kennedy: a rabid press corps who had a number of questions from the former president that had nothing to do with election integrity. so much integrity here. we have more of "the five" coming up. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals,
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orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt.
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you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: vision, dental, 401(k), and magic mushrooms. some companies are now seriously offering psychedelics to treat mental health as a new benefit. more and more professionals are turning to mind expanding substances like lsd, phyllis ivan, and ketamine to improve their performance. elon musk seems open to the
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idea, popping some acid with your boss. he said on x, "if drugs actually helped improve my net activity over time, i would definitely take them." greg, this seems to be your mill milieu. the one thing that bothers me is the long-term effects of some of the stuff can be very dangerous and they can put you in a psychotic episode. >> greg: like drug know my guns drugs are a functional object. don't conflate intention with function. guns can save lives and take lives. drugs we use them every day we have commercials in between our blocks that sell drugs and they have tons of little warnings said really fast. so you really don't hear them and there is no question, there is no question, psychedelics can have therapeutic effects under careful supervision, using this are ptsd and other things, can
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have a positive experience and they are helpful. my issue with drugs is the quick fix mentality that we are seeing. how can i use drugs to get me from point a to point b, whether point be is better at work, pleasure, or wisdom, if you deliver the benefits, enlightenment or wisdom, without the effort necessary to find that, you are going to miss out on the value from the achievement, and that will diminish the result, so you are hearing a lot about people trying to get enlightenment from drugs but that is temporary. because it's disconnected from efforts. effort plus enlightenment equals wisdom. people do drugs to escape -- you asked me, i'm answering. don't smirk. people do drugs to escape boredom and anxiety, but sometimes boredom and anxiety are necessary for you to take action. so let yourself feel before you do drugs. >> judge jeanine: is it a simple -- >> greg: she wasn't listening,
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anyway. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: were you listening? >> pete: i was trying to listen. it sounded -- i got it, greg. >> greg: no, what they are doing in silicon valley right now with the microdosing, i love when people laugh because they don't read about this stuff, people think it is making them smarter. >> judge jeanine: oh, my god. >> pete: correct. i know i can't and i know i shouldn't because i know too many guys, too many vets that have benefited from controlled psychedelics and others when other post-traumatic stress medications or simply popping pills sent them in the other direction. i don't know that most workplaces are probably conducive to doing more drugs to try to -- >> judge jeanine: let me ask you this. >> pete: i don't know enough about it. >> judge jeanine: if it makes you sharper, can you imagine if in the military, people under your command said, you know what, if i take some psilocin or something, it will help me in combat it. >> greg: they do that already.
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>> pete: foreign adversaries do that to try to create super soldiers. >> greg: fighter pilots in world war ii. >> pete: also things were not allowed to take because you do not want that in combat, so you have to be careful about what that is. >> judge jeanine: one of the things, kennedy, they talk about is the depression you go into when you are really high and when you go off it. >> kennedy: yes, but we have to be very careful here talking about recreational use and people who are self-medicating because they have issues with addiction. yes, they are going to experience depressive or psychotic episodes, and that can exacerbate whatever trauma they have been through and the addiction that has resulted from that. when i am most interested in is the data. in some of the studies that have been done, particularly marcus capone, who has taken vets to other countries, and through therapy-guided mdma and other substances, they have achieved phenomenal results, treating ptsd, and in some cases curing
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ptsd, which the va has not put forth enough medication coming of experts. they cannot get enough people to stay at the va to properly treat some of the returning vets who have been diagnosed with ptsd, so if there something else on the horizon that could truly help them, i am interested in the data and i think we do need more research and we do need to help people who have fought and who need it most. >> judge jeanine: speaking of that, richard, 1970, some of this stuff was part of the schedule one drugs, high potential for abuse, no medical value. and then 50 years later, it seems that they are recategorizing them, which goes to what we are speaking about. >> richard: and they should. the cat jumped over the moon because i agree with greg, but i think they are recategorizing them because when you actually study the methodology and the utilization of these drugs, you find out there are some benefits to it. there is a 2013 study done by the university of south florida found that psilocybin stimulates
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neurogenesis, the growth and repair of brain cells and hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that deals with emotion and memory, and some folks who are on, in controlled settings, medical environments, with these drugs, they are actually seeing amazing results. i think the warning here is, don't just go do them randomly on the weekend. go find a medical professional who is trained in this. get the therapy you need prior to taking these drugs. taking this medicine. and then take it with medical supervision and the support of a medical setting. and if you do that, the benefits of it can actually be rewarding. their studies from the university of south florida, studies from john hopkins, recent studies that show the benefits of these drugs, same as marijuana, at one point in time we thought it was the worst drug in the world and we found out there actually a lot of benefits to its eye think we have to be very cautious of this and we cannot with the baby out with the bathwater for something that seems to be actually working for folks and it is from the ground. >> judge jeanine: okay. ""fan mail friday"" is up next. ♪ ♪
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i hear that music and my feet just start tapping. my grandchildren, they're sixth generation of dancers. it's what my family is all about. i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots. i was surprised to learn so many more things from ancestry. 1892. oh and here's the boat they came over on. there was a julie healy, a mary healy, this is all their names? yes, yes. wow.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: no? no, "bad reputation." the renaissance version.
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first question from... c wells. oh, this is just from the last segment -- if you planted a magic seed, what would you like to grow from it? how about you, pete? >> pete: i think gummy bears would be amazing. of any type. >> greg: of any type? [laughs] >> pete: of any type. to go with our last segment. magic gummy bear plant. >> greg: judge, magic seed? >> judge jeanine: diamonds. >> greg: they are already doing that in the lab. richard? >> richard: good shoes. >> greg: oh, interesting. >> kennedy: capital. [laughter] >> greg: i'm going to go, world peace. only a magic seed could produce world peace. all right, time for one more. you meet your 19-year-old self. you are allowed to say three words. kennedy, what do you say? >> kennedy: hold on, bitch. [laughter]
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>> greg: don't do it. >> richard: life gets better. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: slow down, honey. >> greg: i'm going with "avoid bowling alleys." i won't understand it when i'm 19. i've got another one. but i understand it now. do you have a collection? does anybody have a collection they are obsessed with and can't stop collecting? judge? >> judge jeanine: cranberry glass. >> greg: cranberry glass? wow. richard? >> judge jeanine: forget it, it is just sick. >> richard: shoes. >> greg: something tells me richard likes shoes. >> pete: i think military coins. the coins, i have so many of them. i love them. >> greg: wow, that is not like you at all. >> kennedy: so basic, eye glasses eyeglasses. >> greg: there we go. i'm going to go with... what do i collect? >> judge jeanine: sweaters. >> greg: sweaters. >> kennedy: records? >> richard: that was too
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obvious but sweaters is -- i'm into -- >> richard: you are the new mister rogers. >> greg: thank god you did not say bill cosby. [laughter] i saw you edit yourself. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ we've never spoken. but you've told us many things. that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking, and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪ .
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♪ ♪ >> dana: it is now time for "one more thing." start with greg. >> greg: one more thing. tonight, 10:00 p.m. we have july lay banderas. jimmy failla. dagen mcdowell. my eyesight. tyrus. and let's do this. greg's ferrets going nuts in a foam pit. let's roll it. it's exactly what i said it was. ferrets going nuts in a foam pit, yeah. look at them. they do it all day. they're ferrets, can you dig it?
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>> pete: i did it. >> greg: thank you. >> kennedy: i love it. judge? >> judge jeanine: okay. have you ever had a piece of furniture in your house like your decorator insists on having in this bird had the same problem. they put a bird house in the bird's bird house attached to the wall so much. he pecked and pried it off and then proceeded to take it outside where he actually dumps it. safe to say the interior decorator is no longer allowed in this bird house. and, i will be on hannity tonight. look at that bird. got give him credit. >> kennedy: you will being the sexiest bird on hannity. >> greg: do you think there is a bird house inside the bird house, the bird house? >> pete: you never know. i have a new book coming out. june 4th. it's called "the war on warriors, behind the men to keep us free. not only how the military went woke but allowed itself go woke. let politicians set the terms,
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generals cowardly went along with it. greg, you will like the back if you want to read the back. i joined the military to fight extremists. >> greg: that same army labeled me. i thought he meant his picture. >> pete: that, too. >> greg: look at that picture. i know where that's going. >> pete: they did label me an extreme its 20 years later and tell the story how that happened. white rage, extremism the military is focused on all the wrong things bad for the war fighters. >> kennedy: superstar korean war veteran now a d.j. his name is captain kirk. he is 94 years young and he spends every wednesday at the spangle drive senior center to the delight of their residents. disk jockey new hobby. he was a school bus driver until he was 91. then he want to the get hip. how great is captain kirk >> kennedy: richard? >> richard: i'm sure he is spinning this woman talk about the beyonce bounce western wear is trending because of beyonce's
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new country album cowboy carter. cowboy boot sales have surged 20% since album released. online searches for cowboy hats, bolo ties levi jeans all trending because of queen b. right now her album is number within on the country charts. >> kennedy: it really is. i do think miley virus had a better version of jolene. >> judge jeanine: still a great version. >> greg: thank you to fox news channel, fox nation and especially greg gutfeld who helped me through this tough period. i don't think i could have written this book without your help. >> judge jeanine: and for the psilocybin. >> kennedy: that's it for us. have great night. >> bret: is that really what it says, kennedy? >> kennedy: yes. word for word. >> bret: okay. thank you. ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight, the u.s. is moving additional assets into the middle east as israel prepares for iranian retaliation over the death of one


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