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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! >> out of time. >> trace: it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night and
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does this sound familiar? >> i have one word. don't. >> to any act or, state or nonstate, trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel, don't. >> we have one word. don't. >> trace: the administration repeatedly using the word don't but it's been useless and false now u.s. troops are moving to the middle east as iran readies for a potential retaliatory strike against israel. president biden says he stands with israel except for the times he stands against israel. kevin corke is live with more on iran's revenge. >> they are calling it either the most telegraphed attack in the history of humankind. we've been talking about this for days. or we are all in line for a dramatic few days of hurry up
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and wait. either way we will eventually find out something as the iranian side... back for a deadly strike on an iranian diplomatic building in syria as the clock continues to tick the u.s. continues to closely monitor what they are calling credible threats of an iranian attack even as there are new reports that indicate that iran is looking to deploy on nonescalade tory response. >> we are devoted to the defence of israel. we support israel and will help defend israel and iran will not succeed. thank you very much be to even as the administration coordinates its next move there are critics tonight replacing blame squarely in the lap of the white house. >> i think what we can see is the risk is pretty significant.
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sounds like they have pretty specific intelligence about a relatively imminent attack that may be more than they let on about the timing and nature of the attack. >> meantime intel officials tell us to expect that iran may carry out strikes against multiple targets inside israel and they may even use proxies to carry out attacks. we will keep watching and waiting. back to you. >> trace: let's bring in former u.s. navy seal who trained with idf special forces cameron hamilton and a member of israel's special operations counterterrorist unit aaron cohen. thank you for coming on. the general had this to say. >> iran knows that war with them would destroy their regime economically and also they would likely lose it. the leverage has always been on
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the side of israel and the united states but we refused to use it. >> we are not using it but the whole thing is iran also knows this is very risky and yet we are hearing 24 hours, 38 hours tops they are going to do something. what you think? >> i think it's a major mistake. i think they know that. they are posturing, however, i will say this, the minute that israel has actionable intelligence it will destroy... 3000 ballistic missiles and the part of iran... i would not be surprised if israel has reconnaissance assets in iran right now preparing for a potential printable -- preemptive strike. it's the core of israel's survival. >> trace: it's a big statement but you may find out.
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he also said this which i thought was somewhat fascinating >> he said don't multiple times and it is international security policy. it's not even a deterrent. they suggest don't do anything that would draw soon and then we will excepted. this is really dangerous stuff. >> trace: when you say don't, a million times and they do and you do nothing, it becomes a statement of weakness. >> unfortunately that's par for the course for this administration, they have no spine. we see a classic case of poor leadership. ultimately this president and administration has been telling a lie and placating to many different groups. they will take whatever measures they can to ensure defence. the staging of u.s. military in the region is also prudent because not only are they able to provide assistance to israel but also potentially to provide assistance to american citizens and double manslaughter station abroad.
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>> trace: they are reporting that iran sent a message through some... saying u.s. assets are being used. those assets will be hit. if iran hits u.s. assets it changes the whole game. >> absolutely. the fact is the americans have the resources, they've got the manpower and they've got israel's intelligence as well working very closely i would assume with central intelligence and different security agencies. if u.s. assets, even a hair gets scratched, i would not doubt that the u.s. would move into a more aggressive posture with iran, with all that intelligence moving forward and then coordinating. we could be seeing simultaneous attacks. the iranians thank they were the israelis down i will say this.
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israel has had a lot of experience with hamas in the last six months and israel will do anything it has to order to be able to put this threat to sleep quickly. >> trace: we started with this whole conversation of don't. if iran hits u.s. assets near anywhere close to israel anywhere for that matter, that don't goes out the window and all of a sudden you have to do something. >> that's correct. iran's actions are very petulant. they will try to garner more public sympathy by invoking conflict and escalation of warfare. the hope is that they can... with a great fight against israel. i don't tickets want to work because they are seen as a huge outsider within many of the middle eastern nations that are trying to broker's peace -- peace and stability in that region. >> trace: if iran doesn't strike after saying and...
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does iran look week? >> they do look week and they might do some type of retaliatory attack. they may be congruent to what israel did to that embassy in syria. we will see how this plays out. intelligence will rule the day. if it's actionable israel will go. an iranian regime change is good for the entire middle east. they are the troublemakers and i have been for quite some time. i think it's time to get tough with this... >> trace: thank you both. former president trump admitting ... have totally abandoned israel as the war on hamas is now at the half year mark. >> more and more democrats in congress are expressing concerns over how israel is handling its war with the terrorist organization hamas after president biden harshly criticized israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu for
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the humanitarian situation in gaza. >> i think it's outrageous what i'm calling for is the israelis to call for a cease-fire. >> biden's move to unequivocally endorse a cease-fire comes as pro- palestinian protesters have plagued his campaign for months. >> there was an insurrection. >> shame on you joe biden. shame on you. a shame on you. [ inaudible ] >> today the new york times telling how powerful the pro- palestinian movement is in pressuring democrats, riding support for palestinians i cause once marginally championed on college campuses and in communities has transformed into a defining issue of the democratic left. galvanizing a broad swath of
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groups into the most significant protest movement of the biden era. a movement so strong that many on the right are criticizing the president and his party's recent remarks walking back us-led military and monetary support for israel as a ploy to ensure the pro- palestinian movement votes in their favour come november. >> he has abandoned israel and any jewish person that votes for a democrat should have their head examined. >> the u.s. and israeli officials fear that most of the hostages held by hamas since october 7th have been killed in captivity. this comes after hamas reportedly said it's unsure if it can even bring forth fun of hostages to exchange as part of the biden lead cease-fire proposal this week. >> trace: that's awful. thank you. let's bring in the host of the
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podcast... it's great to have you on the show. elizabeth warren was at the islamic centre of boston. she was asked if israel is committing genocide and she said the following, quoting here, if you want to do it as an application of law, i believe they will find that it is genocide and they have ample evidence to do so. her camp trying to walk that back but in essence she has linked israel with the nazis. >> imagine if an elected official came out and said this after 911 or if another country came out and said this after 911 that america was can -- committing genocide. this is insane that she would go against our only ally in the middle east and say this at this time. have not heard her stand up and talk about the american hostages. i haven't heard her speak about
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the hostages coming home. it's outrageous to think not only were this many people killed within they took hostages and american hostages and the democrats don't seem to care one bit about those people. >> trace: it's amazing to me and maybe you have a different take on this. is the administration, is the game here that they're going after the far left and after these pro- palestinian voters and forgetting about jewish voters? do they think that democratic jewish voters are going to fall in line and vote for them anyway? >> i don't think it's even just jewish democrats. i think there are many democrats in general who say you don't turn your back after an -- on an ally. turning their backs on their ally and on america. you talked about this threat from around. if they do this and israel do you think they are going to stop with the united states? we heard christopher rae, the
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fbi director come out and say he's never seen us in this kind of danger. there's never been this many red flags and yet joe biden is putting us at greater risk because he's concerned about a few votes. >> trace: this is a law student. she is refusing to leave a graduation ceremony at the lawton dean -- the dean of the law school's house and they had this kind of back-and-forth. [ simultaneous talking ] >> trace: the dean of the law school is a left-wing scholar. yet they are still protesting.
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>> they are seeing now what the effects of telling students you can speak up and you can say these things and you can trash other people. there is no recourse or no problem because of free speech. guess what? you don't get to stay in someone's home and trash them. they can say you have to leave. you have to consider what you are saying and to whom you are saying it. missus the state of our students today. some of our strongest and most powerful universities, some of our greatest universities in the united states of america. have students that are acting like this. let's go back to what you said earlier about joe biden. if you look at michigan, the uncommitted vote him out for him , 100,000 uncommitted. and many of those were at the university of michigan and michigan state. they are scared they are not want to get the youth vote. >> trace: we have emboldened a lot of young people to say and
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do whatever they want. it's great to have you on the show as always, thank you. condemning new evidence tonight that the crisis on our southern border presents a threat to national security. and afghan national with terrorist ties was apprehended at the southern border than released into the u.s. twice. jeff paul is live with details that are very disturbing. >> good evening trace. a federal source tells fox news based on the information available there's no reason to believe this individual entered the country as part of a terrorist mission. when you hear a little bit of the background of him, many are finding his ability to roam free for a year very alarming. he was first apprehended by border patrol a little more than a year ago in march of 2023. a federal source says that was in california. the time he wasn't on the terror watchlist so he was released. federal agents eventually learned he had ties to a radical
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group said to be responsible for the deaths of nine american civilians and soldiers in afghanistan. he was added to the fbi terror watchlist in february of this year and was then arrested by ice that same month. two weeks ago during a court appearance, sources tell fox news that the attorneys made the case that he was a fright -- flight risk but did not tell the judge that he was a match on the terror watchlist, citing it was classified. sources say he was released on bond as of today. he is back in custody but the case highlights the recent warning of fbi director chris ray regarding an increasing concern for coordinated terror attacks. they were on fox news and had this to say. >> it's common sense that if you open up the border we are not betting everybody that comes in.
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we should really take the fbi director's warning seriously. >> new numbers show the situation at the border isn't getting any better. there were 189,372 encounters from march. roughly the same for february but when you compare that to the first six months of the fiscal year 2023 to fiscal year 2024, the number of encounters is already higher. it's also worth mentioning border patrol has now arrested 76 people on the fbi terror watchlist for the fiscal year 2024. one of the northern border, 75 at the southern border. >> trace: we sat here last year saying it can't get any worse and here it is getting worse. let's bring in republican congressional candidates... thank you both for coming on, we appreciate it. i want to put the afghan terror fullscreen up if i can. you just look at this adding to the fbi terror watchlist...
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released on bond march 30th. now in custody, released twice in this country. how does this happen? 's. >> happens because the biden administration, the political leadership at the department of homeland security don't care about the safety and security of this country. the border has significant threats. drug smuggling, human trafficking. all the things that we see and and that makes sometimes are people like this who are known terror suspects who come into the united states and have used the conditions that were occurring in march of 2023 when the agents didn't have sufficient time to put them through the proper vetting and found out after he was released that he was a terrorist threat. >> trace: he said this a number of times but he just said here is the threat we are looking at. watch.
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>> i touched on this earlier but there is already a heightened risk of violence in the united states before october 7th. since then, we've seen a rogues gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against americans and our allies >> he talks about a rogues gallery and we have no idea who is here. we have no idea who is not here and what their intent is. >> we know it's a lot of people. thanks to joe biden, people who run his administration, they've surrendered our national sovereignty and allowed 10 million illegals to walk into our country. how many isis members are included in those 10 million? how many hezbollah fanatics? we know that hundreds of these folks are on a terrorist watch list. there's probably thousands if not tens of thousands unknown future terrorists among them. the unspeakable evil that we saw
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last october 7th in israel, you better believe the radical islamic jihad ease want to do that in america. we need to be prepared. >> trace: you can bet they are watching. i want to put the stat that jeff had on the screen earlier. this is the number of encounters at the border in the fiscal years and we are talking about this and you go back to 2023 and it's a little bit higher but i can't believe it's higher because we said this time year ago it could knot possibly be higher and yet here we are. >> it's amazing. the worst choices ever made as it relates to border policy and no reverse from the disaster that they've caused and no end in sight as long as this president and that political leadership still exists in the department. they knew better when they tore down the control levels that they had this is the result of it. the symptoms and the risk and the hazards that we are all going to face because they blew up the border. this is what happens -- why wouldn't they take advantage of
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the situation? that's why the department exists because of what happened in 911. the immigration was abused what -- by those hijackers. >> trace: the president keeps saying i'm not sure what kind of power i have. he knows exactly what kind of power he has to turn this thing around because he opened it up. >> i don't think joe biden believes in a secure border. they care more about ukraine's border with russia than our southern border with mexico. they believe an amnesty. i've gotten in trouble for saying this but it's because they want to import the whole world here because they expect those voters to vote democrat. they've surrendered our national security. we need to report every illegal alien. if you break our laws you should expect us to find you, catch you and deport you at all we have to do if we want to survive as a civilization. >> trace: great to have you both on. thank you. we are about to see history
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unfold because former presidents hush money trial, donald trump's hush money trial starts monday. the first former president to stand trial on criminal charges. we are told the case is weak but a conviction is likely. we go inside one of the toughest tests of america's elite warriors, the army rangers competition. later in the nightcap, not sure why but people are obsessed with this topic. it's a viable debate on x. over the correct order to get ready for the day. here's the rundown, showering, brushing your teeth, getting dressed and eating. what the proper order to get ready? we will read the best responses coming up in the nightcap coming right back.
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>> trace: history about to unfold. donald trump three days away from becoming the first president to... back live to the senior national correspondent kevin corke with a preview. >> not only will he become the first to stand trial in a criminal case, he will also do so against the backdrop of a presidential campaign in which he is also the presumptive republican nominee. >> it's a scam. that's not a trial. that's a scam. >> defiant as always. jury selection beginning monday in the big apple. trial expected to last six to eight weeks. while jury selection is expected to be about a week or two, prosecutors and lawyers will
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have to whittle down a pool of potentially hundreds to just 12 jurors and six alternates. each will have to answer 42 questions designed... also tonight a judge turned down the request to postpone the trial because of ongoing publicity about the case. the latest in a string of denials. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in criminal defence attorney and former prosecutor david gelman along with... general -- gentlemen and keeper coming on. they have said this case on its face is weak. would you agree with that? >> yes. one of the fundamental flaws of this case is that the da here for new york city is reaching out and trying to prosecute the law of the united states of the federal government here that
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donald trump allegedly gave himself illegal campaign contributions in 2016. the justice department looked at this and dropped it. the federal election commission looked at it and dropped it. everyone else who looked at this case thought there was no evidence to win a case in court. the da here is dragging in this week case in order to score political points designed to harm trump and harm the presidency and also interfere with our national political elections. >> trace: the same lawyers who say this is a week case also ones that say he is likely to get convicted. >> of course he -- they are going to say that because where they had? they are in new york city. do you think president trump is going to be able to get a fair jury of like-minded individuals? if you do i've got a bridge to sell you. there's no way he's going to get a fair jury, let alone a fair
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judge. look at what the judge has done so far. he's denied every motion they've tried and he's not even being a judge right now on this case. he should have recused himself. i don't see how he's going to win but he will have a great ground for appeal. >> trace: i wonder if the defence will ask the judge convey to the jury to may be give them the option of lesser charges of convicting him on lesser charges. >> that's an interesting tactical question because maybe if you are worried about maybe losing the whole thing you might actually give the jury something like a misdemeanour. that's what it is that worst is a misdemeanour which means no jail time, a fine. this is just accounting rules which just like the new york attorney general case with the valuations of the trump report, nobody is harmed, the government is not harmed, the people
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weren't harmed. >> trace: makes you feel as if the legal system doesn't have a remedy for something like this. we haven't seen this thing knocked out. there doesn't appear to be a remedy. >> you are exactly right. this is called political persecution. if i'm trump's attorneys, those of the first two words on wanting to say in his opening statements come monday or whatever they do to start the trial. he keeps getting -- going after from the legal system because they do not want him either to run for president or they just don't like him or maybe both. i don't know but this is a total sham of a trial. as a former prosecutor if you put this on my desk i would throw it away. >> trace: i want to ask you very quickly what you think of president biden using campaign dollars to pay legal fees?
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>> it's illegal for them to do it just like it's legal for trump to do it but you wouldn't know it because the dnc had been attacking trump for months and months now for the same thing they are doing with biden. hypocrisy reigns again. >> trace: thank you gentlemen. we appreciate it, have a great weekend. we take you inside one of the toughest tests in the u.s. military. we go to georgia to get a preview of the army's best ranger competition where elite warriors have their physical and mental limits taken to the extreme. >> reporter: an annual showcase of the country's toughest soldiers. >> true american heroes out there busting their butts every day. >> reporter: the best ranger competition starts with 56 teams from 29 units from across the army. >> the competitors out here are high-calibre athletes and
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soldiers and it just a brotherhood that we have amongst each other. that the best part of the competition. >> reporter: by day three, only one t-mobile get the best ranger title. >> it's good to have that mental toughness going forward and understanding that there are a lot of best ranger's here and they are the best of the best for a reason. >> reporter: 32 challenges mimic real combat situations. this is the perfect example. right now they are shooting pistols at different targets and as you can see, the key to this challenge is precision and focus fox got the chance to get a small taste of the action before the competition started, we jumped out of a 34-foot tower. the minimum height that simulates jumping out of an aircraft. we also went through an obstacle course called the punisher. while the name sounds daunting it's nothing compared to what the rangers do. throughout the competitions,
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rangers get little to no sleep. the soldiers were run upwards of 60 miles for about half of that, they will be carrying thousands of pounds of weight. by saturday, half the teams will be eliminated. >> trace: coming up, pro palestinian speaker takes the mic at a city council meeting in california and goes on a very dangerous rent that includes threatening the life of a local mayor. and a long island senior reminds us that age is just a number with his sick beats. plus east coast residents are reporting strange lights in the sky. the day's best viral videos are next.
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♪ discover our newest resort sandals saint vincent and the grenadines, now open. visit or call 1—800—sandals. >> trace: the fox news at night commonsense department
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understands the metropolitan water district of southern california with 19 million customers is raising its rates 17 percent. that's on top of a property tax increase. if you read the far left los angeles times you were told it's to cover rising costs and conservation efforts. commonsense things it's actually to cover rising costs because of common -- conservation efforts. during the drought which ended last year, californians were given a mandate, save water or get fined. residents not only complied, they conquered. they saved so much water, the water district lost revenue. customers conserved water to not be penalized but are now being penalized for conserving water. the los angeles times explained by saying climate change seven times in the same article. not enough rain climate change, too much rain climate change. normal rain, climate complications. then ever explain the
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complications because climate is the new racism, sexism, vaccine is. once it's ordered there can be no doubt, debate or dissent. the issue is settled. commonsense think that it's only a matter of time before crazy california mandates electric vehicles and penalizes drivers for not buying enough gas. let's bring in a couple of southern california residents... julie to you first with the crazy california commonsense. it's unbelievable, they are raising the rates because people did such a good job of conserving water and people are like what you talking about? you said you would find us if we used to much water and now you are finding us because we didn't use enough water. >> this is what happens when you elect woke ideologues who don't have any sense of how to run a business or how to enact a reasonable policy.
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>> trace: it's insanity. it's one of those things where people look at it and are like that's not true. i was talking to a buddy who said it's not true. it's true. they are doing it. it's crazy. i'm going to move on. the washington examiner talks about san francisco mayor wanting to stop crime. it says shoplifting plays into the latest problem, street vendors keep popping up in the city, some of which are legal and some of which are selling sold -- stolen goods. they want to crack down on unlicensed vendors especially the ones selling stolen goods. they pushed for a 2018 state law that prevents police officers from enforcing regulations on street vendors. it's like the water thing all over again. it really is. it's the water thing where you can't arrest the criminals because crime in california is actually legal. i don't know where to go.
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>> i tell you what we start going. call this the stolen goods swap meet which is what you are looking at in this area. if you handcuff law enforcement they are going to endanger the entire community by not being able to enforce the laws that we have on the books. do you know a blue -- do you know what we've seen it's gone from grab and go to a giveaway. if criminals are simply able to take what they want without penalty because the law enforcement offices aren't allowed to do their job, it's not that they are not there, at that they've been prevented from doing what they've been hired to do which is protect and serve these communities. you will have these shining cities on a hill which supposed to be attracting culture and polymers only attracting crime ... so here is a pro- palestinian speaker at a city council meeting. watch this. >> regardless of whether you elect people into office, they
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will backstab you and let you die and for that reason you want to criminalize us with metal detectors, we will see about your house. remind you that these holidays that we practice that other people in the global south practice believe in violent revolution against their oppressors and i hope one day somebody breaks the guillotine and kills all of you [ bleep ] >> those are threats. that can't be legal. >> she is now in jail and is facing 18 felony charges and has a one million-dollar million dollars bail she was crying on camera today. i think she does favour because she dropped her the mask and exposed what's going on. if you go to these reddit threads you see what they are doing behind the scenes when they are not public. they talk like this. this is how they think and how they believe and she showed the world exactly how these people think. >> trace: when people tell you who they are, believe them and that's the whole thing, she is right. this is the stuff they are talking about before they go and
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protest. >> sometimes we say actions speak louder than words but words are weapons and that is one of the things that this illustrated. fighting words start fights. these words are not just divisive, they are dangerous. sadly everything is on social media and the vitriol goes viral and that makes this doubly dangerous. >> trace: thank you both. first into nights viral videos, a 94-year-old korean war veteran from long island has vowed to not let his age keep him down. he djs and helps the seniors get down on the dance floor. he plays a range of genres including country, western, doo-wop, swing, calypso and latin. this bird had a bone to pick after somebody decided to decorate his birdhouse with a replica of his birdhouse.
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the angry bird packed the tiny birdhouse until he finally tossed it right out the front door. a lot of people on the east coast now seeing strange lights in the sky. many say it looks like a neon green fireball. the american meteor society also got reports from people in new jersey, delaware, connecticut who all saw the fire or the ball of fire in the sky at 3:45 wednesday morning. what you think these lights are? if you have a viral video share with us. coming up, leave it to our nightcap crew to ask the really important questions like what is the right way to get ready for the day? weigh in with your best answer to this question because it's like shower eat brush her teeth and whatever the last one is. you have to put them in the right order. everyone's are different. you will laugh at this. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. alive look at budapest hungary where the wildly popular rubiks
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cube puzzle was invented way back in the day. coming right back with the nightcap and how you start your day.
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>> trace: we're back with the
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nightcap crew. tonight's topic ready freddie. there's a new bible debate on acts over what the correct order to get ready for the day is between showering, brushing your teeth, getting dressed and eating. what do you think the proper adding ready order is? you can't start this with anybody but kevin corke because he will tell you the proper exact order and how things need to be done. >> i brush my teeth while the water is getting hot than you shower than you get dressed and eat. >> then you will have stinky teeth after you eat. i eat and have coffee before i do anything. i don't always get shower because i'm a mom and then i brush my teeth. >> trace: you have to get dressed before you leave. >> i start my day with prayer and it... means getting dressed but also consider the fact that if you
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shower the night before your sheets are always crisp and clean. maybe the morning order would be coffee, teeth brushing and to get that nervous energy before you eat. >> copy asap for me. even in the bed before i got out of bed. i will take that coffee. definitely eating is a priority and then brushing teeth, showering, getting dressed and doing whatever. >> trace: okay, i think i've got it here. we have yours? >> i'm going to keep it clean and short and sweet. i have to make the bed. i have to make -- then i get my workout at my home gym to turn my brain off with the coffee and then i will jump in the shower and brush my teeth in the shower >> trace: i meet and then you shower and then you dress and then you brush your teeth and then you were out the door. is there a proper order to
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getting ready? yes 64 percent. >> what happened to exercise? don't you work out in the morning? hayden says eat brush soured dress. >> trace: thank you for watching america's late news, fox news at night. have a great weekend everyone. we will see you right back here on monday.
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