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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 12, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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because talk about the beyoncee balladbeyoncs. western wear is trending because of beyonce's new countr beyoncey album. >> cowboy carter was cowboy boots salet s have surged 20%ed. since his album has been released. >> not only that, online searc searches for cowboy hats, bolo e ties and levi jeans aren b. all trending because of queen bee. and right now, her sonright g, s her album is number one on >> ky virus charts and reall is not for the beehive. >> i do think miley cyrus had a better version of jolene is so great. >> but are you?g thank you to fox news channel, fox nation, and especially greg gutfeldguoe thro who helpen through this tough period. i don't think i coulk d have written this book without your help. >> and for the silly side. well, that's it for us. >> have a great night. >> america is full of race f
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hustlers from the hustlers slinging rock on the corners to the hustlers in congress trading stocks. >>to the hustler but there's noi powerful in this country than the race hustleris al sharpton has been hustling since the 80s. >> he started off as a street a soldier in a tight tracksuit, organizingsuit against corporations, politicians and police. >> todaycorporations,, sharptonr player in the democratic party. he runs s the national action network. >> it's an activist group that rakess an in millions a ye. >> sharpton gets a nice cutice u evert.y year. sharpton throws a big old party and invites all thethis y top democrats. this year's theme s thd i will. >> we're marching from here gei ill ackman's office without protest. d thursday day is the new n worl the battle of the next decade is d-ii. we have heard so many attackse and some of them inaccurate
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about diversity equity inclusion programs. >> i mean, this overt racism attack on diversity, equityy, eu and inclusioitn. they're not a fan of our i thursday's it's okay but itm e doesn't seem like they're a fan of biden eithee r. >> what is joe biden done forha black voters? analystss jo say nothing. >> i'm not voting for joe biden. you'd put them on. these are intentio.n to bee behind him, but also hold themim accountable. >> so what has he done for the black community? achat has e fomy sentence, peri. >> who will you be voting for? t independent wirein. >> african american voters flocking to donald trump. they had it better when he was in office the first time he's helping them. >> how money wis e, economyomy wise wise, he believes in takingof care of america first. s isn't an isolated incident. a new "wall street journal" pollisolatedw poll shows trump'p doubling with black voters since since 2020.
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20d 30%g states, trump sai with black men and 11%omen with black women. >> now that holds. eleccrats will never win another presidential election. >> democrats need to get. it together. >> when you see numbers liket that that, what it means is that people are upset with what democrats are doing or not doing for them. i believe the democratic party really needs to have a come to conversation with itself, part of where black americanse starti are starting to get really frustrated is because we've said over and overt realated i t to see. >> you have to back up the promises that you're makin o bag . >> biden heard them loud and clear and decided to show up virtually beforehi biden turned on his webcam. >> sharpton gave the crowd a warnin,g no heckling. >> we are an organization hec that care and then the hecklers are here. i'm the heckler in chief. you will not heckle here, e out heretoda for me today. >> the audience was primed forpd
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the president. biden shuffled for t up to the m and bragged about everything he's done for black american s rebuilding racist highways, keeping obamacar,e and, of course, saving the planet. >> promise cap to rebuild all of america, reconnecting black community have been cut in half by interstate highway systems. in half t to protect and expand obamacare. a promise kept e to advance environmental justice and to make the most significant ever investments in climate ever in all our historyl of. >> joe has no clue how to c relate to any american, letrica alone black americans. nobody has time fon ler a electc buses or racist highways, and yoacist hiu can't take credt obamacare and has your boss's name on it. . biden didn't even have the guts to show up in person hav. obama was there and he didn't need any help with theit's cal black vote. it's called retail politics. you showics. up, shake hands,
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show people your real care, t yo what the media tells you. >> mr. trump. >> lsupport. okay. yes, we do. y let meou give you a. come on. come on. come on. yes. i'm going to get rid of biden. yes, that's better than any campaign ad money can buy. one of those women, a grassroots political activist, explained trump's appeal this morning. >> watch. they feel like he's honest. l they feel like this is someboe who, while we might not agree with how he says thing e wis, how he goes about things. at least he's telling us what itingsg us is.. they just feel like he's more relatable. he gives you thake he't relatabe feeling, too, where it's like, hey, i'm just like you,
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you know me. this is what i this is what you said you wanted. s whatoum going to try to do about it. >> they really feel like this is somebody who's talkinabout in to them and not just saying what they want to hear. americans, regardless of race, just want somebody to tell it to us like it is. it here's trump today. >> we're a nation in decline. we're a declining nation. we have tremendous inflation. the inflation is coming back at the ck that nobody thought they really would have. >> if you look at the categ categories of inflation, they have the worst categories, many categorieey havs are not included. and if you included that your inflation number would be substantially f yo higher than it is now and it's already at records. >> so inflatio andn is back and lot of bad things are happening in our country. we have t ofa president thatt can't put two sentences together. we have a president that can't find the stair can'tencesa stage. we have a president that doesn't know what the he's presit doesn'hat thdoing. and we could end up in a world where, you know, we t a little bitn
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less than seven months now, monthse before november 5th. >> but that's an eternity when people are incompetent. t. donald trump look crisped crisp to term and direct and he di zoom. pear over >> biden can't be honest because he's terrifiede of alienating any more of his base. >> the white house won't o even condemn o.j. or even send condolences to the families of his victims. >> was there any reaction from o the president to o.j. simpson's death? do you know if they ever crosse j simpd paths? >> so how when? so i'll say this. our thoughts are with or with his families during this difficult time. obviously with his family and loved ones. and i'll say this. i know that they have asked for some privacy. and so we're going to respece gt that. >> i'll just leave it there. nobody's taking thisnobody i administration seriously. cnn searcheds ta day and night to find biden superfans, even they're laughing at him.
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>> but if you could change one thing about jom.u coule bid- what would it be? you wouldn't shuffleon with? we're laughing to.ding today, we're finding out.en biden's campaign put up a jo'sb posting for a new dni director on 120 grand a year. if anybody's interested, no dei amount of dni is going to dig biden out of this holegoin. he either needs to start being honest with voters or needs to hustle off the stage. >> let's bring in senior fellow at the manhattan instituteing i, chris rufo. chris. oh, man, i bet they would have liked to see chris rufo at the al sharpton deicer. summit. you >> what would you have gone there and told them?m? t i would have gone there and told them the truth. the thing to knowu sa about. >> what you saw with aw l sharpton in the 1980s and 1990s has now become
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institutionalized. it's become part of administrative policy in corporationsand and universities, in schools and government agencies. >> it's now called d.iions andva there are hundreds of thousands of these fake jobs in our institutions f. he but the game is the same as it was with al sharpton. iit's a way to extract rants, extract money, extractct money e from the supposed oppressor class, and then distributet thw to people who don't advance anything productively. an left-wing,ly puse racialist ideology. but this is a fake ideology. wha it has almost no support. when al sharpton promised to march ont promio the offices of bill ackman, one of the most successful inventor investors in america, if you look at the video, you'll notice something very interesting. intere it's a group of retirees who are obviously paid to beup there and they're not enthusiastic, they're not engaged, and they'ret entht notitted to authentically committed to the grift. and that's really all itgraft a. >> i mean, who imagined finding trump voters at an al sharpton conference?
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it's just absolute insanity. and you're right. you know, it's a shakedown. but when you filter it through the d. i h.r. department, it makes ite. less offensive. is that all this is about? is this just another patronage mill, another shakedown? s >> that just soundshand a little bit better. >> that's exactly right. so it's an inside outside game. you have the old school street activists like al sharpton gam leading protests, putting media pressure on these institutionsn. and then on the inside. >> corporations, for example, onse decided to pay what i a dti tax. every executive in the united states knowt des that dti is anti excellence, anti merit anti-competitivey ex ness, but they've decided that's an insurance that's worth paying. that's the dynamic that we needc to change. >> w it's insurance. you're exactly right. and when you see evidenc: it's e that a lot of these very wealthy companies are axings their dti, what does that tell
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you? >> it tells you that we have successfully changed the incentive for thesethe in executives. we've now said no more dti institutcentives futives.e polii of colorblind equality. treat everyone equally as an individual., not as an avatar of their racial group. this is the american way., th >> this is fair.isis this is just this is going fai back american putti excellence. and so we are putting pressure on dti p. >> we're abolishing the institutions of dti and redo states, and we're not going to stop there. this is a fighp t that americans s have to fight, and it should the i. end of dt >> biden's reelection campaign says it's not the end of 120 grand a year, chris. i don't know what they're goinge to do. >> that's probably a bad ome go >> well, you know, they probably try to make you put your pronouns in your email signature. to makyothey'll make sure that n google has their artificial intelligence, they'll keepgeneri
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generating, you know, black george washington. they don't do anythingt do of significance. it's all empty symbolism. it's all word game anyth s. and i hope that the dti director is very effective forei the biden campaign and cripples its prospect s in the fall.'s 100 >> yeah, it's 120 grand less- they spend on ballot harvesting. grany well spent, according to me. >> chris rufo, thanks so much. have a great weekendank yoh hav >> thank you. >> ahead on prime time, it's an honor to have you at mar-a-lago ,my $18 million house on the ocean in the bay. it's that time of year again. answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue, ma'am, don't move. get a much earned. you should be more nice. i wasn't expecting that. >> great. people like shooting each other in the head and worried about me. fox nation brings us back to the beach. none of you guys are 21, right? cops spring break new episode
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tonight on fox nation. the only place to watch new episodes of cops all part of fox justice. don't miss your last chance to sign up and get your first year othe war f fox nation for . >> america is streaming. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds with the murder of hundreds of precious children orphanage bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help. we're praying for god's help. praying to a vineyard volcano. our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000 israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis . >> the international fellowship of christians and jews is on en,h the ground reaching jewish people of all ages. children. mothers. the elderly. even holocaust survivors. emee but we can't do it without you.
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that save up to $800 on select sleep number. smart batteries 0% interest for 36 months. jump now in sleep number >> an illegal immigrantt on the fbi's terror watch listit is back in custody, but onlyafte
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after getting caught and released by border patrol twic rele. >> national correspondent mike tobin has the shocking repor th >> jesse, for a long time, people like you have worried with the constang timet flowlowf of people over the border that someone with ties to a t, radical islamiclami organization would try to get into the u.s.. organild trynow we have a case e who did on the terror watch list. r watchlis corwin from afghanistan roamed free in thehi u.s. for 11 months, pickedck up. and released twice. a federal source say s corwin entered the u.s. at sanya, central california, in march of 2023. he was not yet on the watch list. so corwi of 2023n was set free. but federal agents acknowledge corwin is tied to hezb islami, a radical group said to be responsible for the deathsf of nine american civilians and soldiers in afghanistan. whencan civis an information abw to the group was developed, corwin was picked up againas in february of this year for reasons unexplained. federal prosecutors did not give that information to a judge. so corwin was released judge s u
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he's been picked up again. but a federal source says based on the information available, there is no reason to believe this individual enterermation df the country as part of a terrorist mission. the border remainserrorist poror our cameras caught around 30 migrants reaching the wall in el paso fridaught ad 30y mor. their body language indicatess they're confident they willf el get in. the city of el paso says agents avy of 1000 suchts every migrant encounters every day. >> it's important that we dosomh something to secure the border becausbordere we're experiencino many criminal that are already hat haysingur country illegall . >> releasing pictures of a new stash house that was raided in el paso. agagents say they have found 136 depots for human smuggling h year. that's already half the total of last fiscalalf th year.coming >> it's becoming the normal course of business tcourse righ. >> it's a stash house almost every day. customs and border protection pe just released new numbers showing that 76 people on the terror watch list were picked uct erp trying to get intog the u.s. this fiscal year. numberto
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s also show a decrease in border traffic or encounters since december, but the trafficr is still significantly higher thanaffi when president biden took office. >> jesse, back to you. >> migrant crimes quickly: mi becoming one of the largest issues affecting the american people. comis all acrosss the united states are being terrorized by violent illegalsth s ar. roll while biden rolls out the red carpet for them with his open border polic y. o take >> but donald trump's pledging to take care of the problef them and keep our citizens safe. >> when republicans get back citiower , we have millions of people coming into our country, millions nto our of people are pouring in at levels that nobody's reporting nobody's going to talk about. but i believe you could have 15 million already. >> and some are terrorists. they come e from jails and prisons. they come from mentalnd ins institutions and insane asylum. our country is like a dumping groundan and we're going to havee it stopped. and biden should do it immediately. he should closit stoppe the bort
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immediately. he needs no legislation. they come from places that you don't wantely. islatione from to know about and they're going to be big problems. >> and it's getting worse. it's migrant to crime. >> it's a new category of crime, migrant crim ce and ie just demanding i just demand as a citizen, i demand. >> the border has to be closed.d our country cannot take it. no country could take it. not >> it's not sustainable by any country. >> any help can't come fast enough. while body >> j cam footage showsootage a migrant mob scuffling with police in a new york hote o that was turned into a shelter for illegals. officers respondedshelter to ar from a hotel worker sayingke that unruly migrant was getting violent and was throwing things and other people i. n the shelter. when officers arrived on the scene. they attempted to detainin the suspect in the hotel lobby, but they were quicklsuspecy overwhelmed by migrants who swarmed them and then triedt to pull the perp away so he couldn't be arrested. >> they even tried to block the building's exit so police couldn't take the violen ttt
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to the squad car that locked up in their. i mean, yeah. no, no, no, no. >> that's going to be m m m. it's crazy, but things don't stop once the cops got inside. other migrants continuede to to interfere with the arrest, t including one woman who threw herself against the cop car to one womars to stop officers from opening the door. opening the to assault officers before she was subdued and arrested arrested. move out away.
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1097 the same migrants causingcn trouble at this hotel are now complaining about the shelter's conditionsg at. they're claiming workers are stopping them from achieving their american dreams. >> o'grady even though what they do is aggravate us. they abuses verbally. they come to our propert abuseya harass our wives. >> they steal our money and property from our roomlety >> the abuse as verbally and take our belongings without our permission.y abuse . if we complain, they call the cops. if we complainduntreel offende . >> we come to this countrywithin with an american dream. >> america first legal founder stephen miller joins me no w. i mean, these are just tough scenes to watch. know, if you got to pull people out like that,
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that's the law. you're not allowed to cause cause on sorry, i don't care what they do in venezuela. >> you're not allowed to be an unruly alien in this country. jesse, you're not allowen dntry to break into the country. you're not allowed to live in the country. you're allowed to work in the li in iy. llowed you're not allowed to be here, let alone to commit crimes h here. as we have a criminal migrant invasion wl on our hands.yo let me speak bluntly to you. that's all right, joseph. >> i speak bluntly tonight, i'm sure. please. the few months we've known each on for a long time, i goingry d to be very direct. n, speaking tonight as privateic citizen. miller, this is your choice, america. if you import the third world, you become the third world. e d,simple as that. elect joe biden and america becomes the third world. elecd.t donald trump and america remains america. that's it. two paths, america.
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two choices.e your choose your future. f third world or an american century. that is it. because what you're seeing in new york, what you're seeing in l.a., what you're seeinyorkgs on the texas border, is coming to every city, every town from every part of the world. i i mean, the by the policy so insane. you have legal immigrantsg showing up from terrorist countries and they're putting it in the systemrrorist and san well, we don't have any information on them. let's just let them in and see let's le what happens. oh, this guy is here from a terrorist hotbed. and, you know, just let him man see what he does. we'll find out later, i guess. that'sfiut the joe biden immigration policy. suicidal doesn't even begin to describe it. >> miller the best part about that last piece we saw with tobin, they said, yeah, he's a terrorist t, but he wasnt here on a terrorist mission. >> what? he was there to see it as a notification because he talked to joe biden and joe biden said if you ask him if
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he's here to hurt anybody, they said, oh, let's ask him, joe. no, he told us he's not here goi to hurt anybody. he's going to say the terrorisnm for his home country. so they said, okay, great, let him in. let him enjoy his lifem en in america. let him enjoy the sightseeing. maybe he'll go tjoing,o the grad canyon. maybe you'll go to mt. rushmore. yes. this the kind of migration it into is getting into america. >> miller it's now it's about money. >> and even the media is admitting it's about money. mhis is a headline fro the associated press.. a healthy us economy's secret se ingredientt immigrant workers eager to fill jobs. >> miller i was told they were here because they had been killed in their home countriesto ,not because they were going to take our jobs. yes, because everybody knows if n illegal alien from, bei afghanistan who's being persecuted the safest watl to get out of danger is to travel 7000 miles, not to any other country in the middle east.
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the 7000 miles to the junglesof of panama through central cen america. through mexico. yes. that's the easiest waytral to avoid the tribal leader who doesn't like you. >> just a quic lk 7000 mile journey. jesse, they're taking jobs. they're not fillin.g all job growth under biden is going to foreign workers and americjob growa workers aree their jobs, losing their incomes and losing their futureir ts i will not have an illegal alien,lega steven miller, on my show no matterhen mi what. okay. i want the real miller. don't you dare takdon't e hie ya thank you so much. remember that weeken d we weree righ right about your lunch. >> south dakota has the blueprint for success. recently, we led the nation in new home building. but we're still growing so fast
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of our foods factory to table ultra processeactoryd and it's e many americans obese, diabetic, sick and miserable. >> but we had no idea that some of our foods contain potentially dangerous elements. >> food that we feed our childrenod . an investigation conducted by consumer reports found that lunchables tested positive for leadbull. >> every kit we tested contained lead, cadmium or both. while the amount of heavy >> eveontainedkits did not exceed any regulatory or legal limits, regularly consuming heavy can increase health risks over time. these products also contaican id high levels of sodium, which can raise blood pressure and is a concern eveniuh can ra young people. b >> consumer reports trackedncer the amount of lead in lunchables and compared it to california's maximumse lev allowable dose levels. >> it found that the turkey and cheddaelr lunchables reached 74f of this daily maximum limit, while the pepperonthis di pizza
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atached 70 3% and the cheese pizza 69. in other words, that's a lot of lea d. >> led can cause severe developmental problems over time , especially in kids, even in small amounts. led has been trace.d to tonso to of health issues like obesity, asthma, cancernsf, eproduct and reproductive defects. defetning a's no the only thing we findbo a little concerning about the lunchables. >> the ingredients list for the crackers, ham and the cheese. it's an entire paragraph. it would take me maybe a minutee and a half to read all of the ingredients, slip over a turkey and cheddar lunchable and you'llingredier get a longt of ingredients. >> i can't even pronounce these wordi can'nce thess. >> i can't. this little plastic box is chock filled with additives, preservatives, with extremely high levels,s of saturated fats, sodium added sugar. and if you turn around an extraf cheesy pizza lunchable you.
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oh, my god. not much better. the kicker here is that according to consumer report s, a vers there's a version of lunchables sold to students as part of the national schoo asl lunch program. >> that's even less healthy than what you buy in storehy th with about 25 to 40% more salt . primetime reached out to kraft hines about this concerning report and here's what they told us. >> quote, we are extremely disappointed with the reporting from consumer reports. thtthe fact is thare all lunchables products meet strict safety standards. >> consumer reports admits that none of the food they tested exceededth any legal or regulatory limits. >> we are proud of lunchable s. you're proud, huh? this begs the question, why do fda regulators allow such high levels of lead in food? >> we serve the kids. and why does it feel like americans are preying on othere americans and making them sick for profit?
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>> author of hooked food free will and how food giants exploit our addictions. ans. chael mos michael, i mean, some of thesee things in here, it's going going to make your stomach turn. makeit should be illegal. how are they getting away with this? >> you know, i was really surprised by this one, jesse. i meaneall, not only by led in i a product that so many kids have been eating for so manyny years, but also by kraft's react should. right. consumer reports is highly reputable. these are the folke. e folks who test things like refrigerators. so we don't spen td $1,000 on oe that's going to break in six months. i would have thought that kraft would have sai od, thank you fol bringing this to our attention. >> the letter that youy woul grr the problem, we're going to start testing and use this intelligenceg this to get as muh of it out of our product as possible. >> but here'out of our pros whag on here. and i think this may be affecting kraft's thinking, right? this play by kraft is a really big one to get in the schools.
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other food companies like fast food are doing the same thing becausfae they think it's calle. it's called creating brand loyalty. et they think that if they canir get, you know, their product prod of a kid served by a teacher, whoever that kid is forevera teac more going to e loyal to that product. so they're walking loyal to groy store and going, hey, that's what i had in school. that's what i am. i mean, what parent could got to stardom young? that argument, mike, if one of these things is 74% of thent o daily allowable lead, what happens if you have two boxes of lunchables? >> well, exactly. 100%, yeah. and so how does the fda allow that? >> does kraft heinz own the fda ? >> you don't. you know, as my reporting ed showed over the year reps, i mee in many ways, these companies are more powerful than the federal agencies are. powerthanderal agthey're suppoe them on our behalf. i'm really, really curious how how the fda or the usda
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will respond to this one. jesse all right. well, we're just going to feed this to johnny and we're going to throw the res: going t of themn in the garbage. >> michael moss, have a great weekend, everybody. we warned you. jfk and the rfk campaign next after advil. >> let's dive in. what about your. for before or after advil? dual action bites, pain, two ways advil targets pain at the source. >> acetaminophen blocks, pain signals, advil, dual action. when i started mypillow, it was just a problem solution. one product company. well since then, with the help of my dedicated employees, we now have hundreds of products. some you might not even know about to get the word out. we're having a $25 extravaganza to pack to use my pillows. $25. mypillow sandals, $25.
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>> visit take linked and get 15% off with promo code trim. take lean ecom. >> who exactly was lee harvey oswald and why did our government lend a hand to this man? >> oswal lend a d was dischargem the marines and defected to the soviet at the height of the cold war. he walked into the americald wap embassy in moscow, renounced his citizenship and declared, quotroe, my allegiance is toy the union of soviet socialist republictos. oswald confidently told the soviets he had information of special interest and spent the next three years in the ussr. >> the soviets were interestedto in the information oswald had before defecting. lee harvey oswald served as a marine corps radar operatoreratr in japan, a role that gave him t
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crypto clearance higher than hi to one of the two bases where the cia ran their u-2 spy planes out of the very planes used to conducto cod aerial surveillance over russian territory. al s six months after oswaldsixo defected to moscow, a u-2 spyy plane was shot down by the soviet union. >>s shot the first time in the coldn war era, the pilot, francis gary powers, raised the question of whether it had something to do with oswald, the self-declared traitor. >> but the u.s. government didn't treat oswald like a man just committed treasonlike a m.. three years later, after betraying his country, oswald decided to come home and instead of handcuffs, the u.s. embassy gave oswald a loan and a passport. and when his passenger ship landed in new jersey.w jery >> oswald, along with his new russian wife, were welcomed by travel agents with ties to american intelligence t.
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>> the theory was that oswald may have been a partry of a navm intelligence program where american officers pretend to be disenchanted with capitalism, were dispatched to the soviet union. they'd be recruited by the soviet s and then fed back and i divided states, acting as what the communists thought were double agente doubs. >> this would explain why oswald wasn't arrested for defectinthis wou hg. instead, he was immediatelytely contacted by george de morgan's child, known as the baron,worki who working as an intelligence asset for the cice aa. tted the baron admitted later that a cia officer told him to contact lee harvey oswald. lee and what's the first thing i he does when he makes contact? nge doesthe baron moves him likn to dallas. over 60 years later, there's another kennedy rattling
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the establishment'ars cage. rfk jr.s he's the candidate playing a more than a spoiler in this year's election, and the democrats know i i yeat. ps alr >> trump's already capitalizing on it. it president delivering a clever message to democrats. >> watch this. essage t i were a democrat, i'd a vote for rfk jr. every single tim democe overy sg biden because he's frankly more in line with democrats. kennedy is a radical left democrat and always will bedy is ae. ette but he's a better man than joe biden, that i can tell you. anit's great for maga. run >> i hope he continues to run. biden knows rfk jr is a threat. to his legacy. >> seen a legal seal team attacking rfk ballot access, even blocking secret service protection, which rfk rfk jr calls an abuse. n roge >> jets quarterback aaron rodgers, who was on rfk jrrs shortlist, says we'rewg watching another kennedy put their lifennedy pu on the line .
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his uncle kills the we know cia was involved right. i mean like they can't declassify because it's so. you knowcaus the fbi was involv. hoover hated the kennedys. bobby's in danger, you know,ne like he's putting himself on the line. yeah, why? he believes in this country. that is likeuse he b. i said earlier, the archetypee of everything we lovaree about luke skywalker and han solo. thesker and han soe people belie in something. ppens to we hope nothing happens to rfk jr. but if jill stein was democ a headache for democrats in 16, imagine the kind of damagera, ke a kennedy will do to the establishment in 24. >> it's the kind of damage that's permanent. all these moms who've been in government forever who arer-d insider trading like crazyin l and line in their pockets during their terms and post career. how's that working out?
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the two party system that we got in place doesn't work, hasn't hasn't been working. it hasn't worked. and really since jfk was nee in office. and we need somebody who's willing to lay it on the line. that's why i love my bobbydsome >> like lauren's a senior advisor to robert f kennedy jr link is rfk jr in danger? >> well, nice to be with you, jesse. no, rfk jr is not in danger. >> we have great security. we've got gavin jr becker and he's also not nervou s at all. is i i mean, this is a guy who picks up rattlesnakes with his bare hands. he jumpss up off cliffs, he walw around barefoot on planes. so no rfk jr is not living i in fear, but this is just part and parcel of how corrupt the dnc is. they know they can't run on any accomplishments. e joe biden's been around for 50 years and he has nothing to run on. >> he's an utterfo calamity.ala. >> look at the border crisis. we had over 300,000 illegalr migrants come through the southern border in the month of december. >> he can't run on immigration. we're 34 trillion dollars in debt. he can't run on biden nomics. so, of course, they're shaking in their boots that we're givingof cours them a run for f
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their money. >> well, i don't know ifor it's brave to walk around on a ' plane with barack. >> that might just be bad manners. but i'm goin be bag to leave the alone. you hear donald trump saying vomocrat, listen, you should vote for rfk jr. >> how does rfk jr seee se the trump threat? >> well, first off, this is politics. i thought donald enrump this video was very entertaining. what i was focused on this week wh o trump was reallye making me crave chick-fil-a. i want to go get a waffle fry and polynesian right now. >> but when it comes to this election, jesse, no one knows these beltway fancy, expensive consultants. they don't know how anything is going to go. look, in 2016, they said hillary has a 98% chance of winning. she's going to be the first female president feminist icon . . a week later, hillary was back in chappaqua hikingwood the woods. so nobody knows what's going to happen. let's calm down, see how it plays ouso nobodyg to ht in thet months. >> all right. well, you need to calmew month n about that.
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>> thank you, jesse. >> jright. >> enjoy the chick-fil-a. i hope you get your polynesians. thank you so much, man. >> see you later. all right. well, before we go, i just wante to correct something that primetime aired on march 26th. as i was commentinth g, the fedsrati rating p. diddy's holmes and the allegations made against them in lawsuitngs. ite a sound bite played from his former bodyguard, genescrees deal. the text at the bottom of the screen said, quote, diddy's former bodyguard accuses himof of drugging girls. however, mr. deal is not discussingrugging diddy in that soundbite. he was speaking generally about unname. d people inc the music industry. >> mr. deal did not accuse ing girls.druggi >> up next, sink or swim. >> imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over
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maccallum. >> is he a goo marthad, excellet neighbor? he actually lives in the town that i grew up in. so i had to move when i heard that steve had moved int o the neighborhood. >> and so wherever i go, if it's awalgreens, if shoprite. >> oh, you work with martha? i have her. mr.. all right, well, now it's time. to get some revenge first get s question. >> the fight in the summer will be mike tyson versue revete paul. both have recently been on fox, but which one said he's, quote, scared to death? was it iron mike or the problem child? jakethe problem chil, i'm goingr thoughtful, both of you. >> and theth answeoughr is righw i'm scared to death. but the that's one of the less t nervous i've become. >> all right. e bei think it was scared to deu of hannity. >> all right was. . talking smack is the category. >> j economy biden's
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is better because four years ago, you couldn't buy toilet papey isr. >> was it mayor pete or as we call her here? >> hmm. i know most this stuff, jp says, because that kid who went to yourf high school is in the room with her. >> i'm going to go with theo mayor. okay. >> if you just look at where we were at four years agoat, per you couldn't buy toilet paper. sometimes i don't remembertocki that. >> it wasn't even that's where people were stocking up on toilet papeup oet papr >> yeah, yeah, i think stock i stocked up. >> that's why it was so accessible. someone my wife said, it's too f thin. i got to go doublet,. >> yeah. what's on tv? which presidential fibber said that what shaped nis interest in politics was watching the republican and democratic conventions on tv. >> as a nine-year-olcs was windn was it bill clinton or joe biden? clint
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>> hmm.on do they have tv when joe biden ? >> that's the question. i guess maybe it was that's . >> i'm going to go with clinton because you said fibber. yeah. okay>> i'm g. st this is going to steer it. and i goeet to yeah, i think alex, the republican and democratic catches on television. >> all right. martha needs this one. so in the interest of sportsmanship, we're going to make the finais onen l worth two points. >> okay. all right. there we are. you can just do that. i can do whatever i want. okay. chelsea, what was primetimeo wht getting mooned? >> the whole country stoppedev i to. >> watch the solar eclipse this past monday. but one basketball legennto d wasn't impressed, calling the people who watched it losers charles or shaqd called the clippers. ecs, girls,loser >>sers, losers. >> standing outside watching the to see.
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oh, you get back very much martha raddatz on the hot seat win. baby i think i went swimming and i'm thanks twitter in around her old neighborhood. >> i try and tel l her who you be. can i take these? you know, we're going to nee>> d a big change. palace in lumber is pricey. thanks inflation. >> thank you, guys. hey, jack. thank you,>> tha jesse. >> happy birthday, you. happy happy birthday, mom. t >> there she is with jesse,sh junior and rookie. she's not even a dog lover wit,t but she tolerates rookie. i love you so muchtolerate. h eo >> enjoy whatever you're up to in maine, you're probablywh not watching. you watch the five more than the eight. more tha. ndth i get it. but i love you anyway. have a happy birthday. ve let's do some texts. >> patti from florida. can't wait to meet you in fort
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myers tomorrow and get my book signed. >> will johnny be ther me? >> who cares? seriously, what do you want johnny to sign your book? bill from chicago. >> don't you know miller's first name? use it. usestephen. right. not soon. it's going to be one gary froml be texas. >> if migrants came to take the jobs of lawyerse th and newscasters, we'd never hear the end of it. for meb ofrs at least i tell yo cnn. >> but i thinki te chatgpt you'l probably take cnn's job to win from grant, florida. i th said.f he >> if he can't pronounce it, prt. n't eat i that would probably limit my menu. quick. >> anyway, i'll see you at fort myers tomorrow. i'm waters and. myeri y world now.


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