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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 13, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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on it. i went on to and jamie was the first person to call. i explained to her some of the things i could do. he showed her some pictures. he's resurfaced, my flooring, he's done plumbing work. he's refinished this beautiful table here. >> we need to send it for a week. well, it won't be dead end with top rated certified pros in over hundred categories. angie can connect you with the right pro for any project. >> find top rated certified pros in your area at angie aecom love the king of late night. >> i look great tonight shop now for must have gutfeld merchandise t-shirts hats you name it there's only one of me and celebrate your favorite show by now at shutdown >> a editor david jimmy bell taking the dow down guyn i'm rachel campos-duffy and this is a special edition of thew york "ingraham "
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for new york city tonight. ck we're declining nation. we have tremendous inflation. the inflatiotlsn is coming back. levels that nobody thought they really would it'sd. and it's already at records. so inflation is backand a lo ant of bad things are happening in our country. but that's the leastu've gotusse got russia could end up and you worla end up in world war between russia, ukraine and all of the chaos. >> we have athat president that doesn't know where he is. he can't speakwhole . they h the whole world is collapsing. the world is on fire. >> they have no respect for our country anymore. he's not the only one who thinks that. a new "wall street journal" stat of swing state voters abl show that they overwhelmingly feel that trump is the one whoe is best able to handle issues like the economy and the border crisis. and an ap poll out today reveals when it comes to the cost of living, 58% thinkde that biden hurt them. % and that includes 34% of democrats and 57%, what
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of independents. so what''ss guy to do? he won't change his family policy. so instead, he'll tr b voy to buy your vote by paying off billions more in student loan debt. how much more? spst $7.4 billion. >> and the white house isins as wiying to spin this as a huge financial win forn he americans. >> but the president was in madison, wisconsin, yesterdaalket y, talked about st loans. he talked about ways to givee americans a little bit more breathing room, making sure that they can go afte r dreams. right. making sure that borrowers studdave been really crunched by by by student loans has an opportunity to get out from that. and that's something that republicans could be helpful with. than the waythey getteady get in and they get in the way and block what the president is doinhel: joig. opin joining us now is charlie hurt, washington times opinion editoih and fox news contributor will cain, my co-hososfriendt ol friends weekend. >> so, charlie, i'll start with you. of stuff know usually when thia
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of stuff happens, you see them move. >> you seetethe middle the presn candidate move to the middle. that's what i think james carville wants himts to do . ron klein seems to be telling you to do that, but he doesn't want to dotho do >> what? what's he going? what's going to happen here? >> i think, quite frankly, rachel, he he's incapablofe of moving to the middle because he's laid down all of these crazy left-wing markerinans that have and to think about, you know, all the ways he's gone so far, so much farther than anything barack obama ever tried to do in terms of really sort of fringe wackoow objectives that that pleases only the far left extreme of his party. and at the expense of of obviously normal people in the republican party, as well as independent s. a and but, you know, he's painted himself into a corner at thisf t point. >> and his only you know,e fr i don't think he can get out of it, quite frankly. >> yeah. it just doesn't seem lik nol: it e
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a winning strategy. well, the other strategy he has is, okay, i'm not going i'm e my policy.nk the >> i'm just going to tell you the economy. i know you think the economy's ba bad. d. the economy's really great. you're just, you know, notgreat. you're not feeling it, but it's great. >> well, i wouldn't dismiss thisn't dismiss this from presii to dismiss student loan debtsmi don't know. that's an ideological move on on behalf of the biden administration. i known adi don'at's a rush a u i think that is uglygl, practicl politics. i think that we'll also hear and point out and we shouldd how ugly that it is that welders have to pay for the college debt of. 26 year olds. but it's not s o much ideological as it is just sheer ugly politics of buying votes. h >> right. this is the type of thing we've seen in mexico where they hand out grocerie ake yours in the line as you wait to make your way to the ballot box. >> this is paying of f people to vote for joe biden. and i'm afraidid to the point i'm not dismissing it. >> i'm afraid that can be effective. i't cawell, first of all, i thik i think you're right. it does sound like buying, ng
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you know, latin american style, except it's in reverse. >> usually poo you're paying off cas the poor people. but in this case, we're taking money from the pooking poor,r, , the working class, and paying off rich, privileged, you know, yo class kids. so that's that's one aspect of it that i like that doesn't.l work. but, charlie, could this have the opposite effect? could you end up ford ga sai th? you would gain as well? sad for the ugly sheer, g kids get those young kids who back in, could you end up losing more votes, people whot are just disgusted and repelled, especiallyg as we're looking at $34 trillion in debt. >> i certainly agree that, you know, the reason that they're doing this is that it can>> it be effective and is proven effective in terms of buying votess. this j it's through obamacare or whatever it is that they're tryingt happen b to do.n this just happens to be in direct violation of the supreme court, a violation of the constitution andit's i they're full steam ahead. >> it's incumbent upon republicann repue cases to maket of just how disgusting this is. and as points out, justt you'
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how unfair iret is thatforcin you're forcing a welder, you're forcing a people, american citizens who maybe were not even able to afford the college tuition for their own children. >> right. you're forcing those people to suddenly have to pay the tuition of children that they're not eve n children . and the fundamental unfairness of it, i think, does backfire e. s but republicans and donald peump has to make that castoe. and it has to be so scaldingop clear that people are shoul as enraged as they should d be about. >> yeah, i think that aoc gave away the game well the other day when she on a late night talk show host talk show and she said somethinge effect, thet of, you know, well, you know, this will be great for them she because then they can go on vacation and obviously. >> well she just gave it away. yeah. and i don't look you know, i think your and my roles are often that i play the role of the optimisofhet t and you pm
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the role of the pessimist on your saturday and sunday morning. so i don't want to come in here and steais saturdl your nor do i want to necessarily be a pessimist. sot i will say, you know, whiloe so many different swing states seem to suggest things are moving in the directioy swi of president trump. so many different polls have been moving the direction of president trump. the bettin and preg markets today actually moved the other way and moved in a favorable direction towarde directs. so what i think that's goingcts, to what i think that reflects is a lot of different things. it reflects perhaps some state abortion laws that helped democrats. it could in this respect paeg people saying thank you for paying off my college loans. >> but what i think woulhrenic d have a schizophrenic next four or five months of public goes back and fortgoes bach. h. and what that will mean is democrats will lean in on every single thing from abortion t, a threat to democray to try to keep this thingswingi swingingng back forth betweenl:d biden and trump. and they'll be a surpris tbe ae sure. yeah. all right. thank you, will and charlie, great stuff. ha all right. well, one key issue shaping 2024 is the fact that bide n com knows he's in trouble with minority voters. and so it shouldo come as nolkin
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surprise that we saw biden talking to univision this week. and today, he stopped by al sharpton's national actionl shae network watch together. >> we've kept our promises to, make some of the most significant investments in the black american community ever, e despite the fact that latinos and black americans are majo blr blocs for the left, biden still can't get the same reaction that trump does. take this viral moment from trump's visi aatlantt to an atl, chick-fil-a this week. >> mr. t what the media tells y. >> mr. trump says he supportse o what okay for me. let me give you a. >> joining me now is the woman u from that interaction mikayla montgomery, foundendr of consere the culture. mikaylyla whata, do you want yoo taken with donald trump that day? >> well, above all else, he was our president the leader of the free world. so i don't know.
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cool our as a person who respecs my offices wouldn't take the opportunity to tak e picturee with the president. >> so, of coursei'an i'm goingst to want my picture. but i supported donald trump last e election, and i definitely feel like i would probably be supporting him again this election. sog said that being said, yes, y my picture with the president. laso, mikayla, you are part of n organization called conserve culture. >> i don't knoy. maw what thatrvativ is exactly. maybe you want to tell us a little bit, conservee e culturei that culture. okay. i don't know if that means you're conservative or notver n i'm curious what your circle of family social circles, whereo are they at with donald trump, especially to where they were in the last election? well i come from a generationally democratic family, so my are actually not trump supporters, but they do not t support me because i support him. and that is something i can be very grateful for to have
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in my family. is somethso, yeah. >> all right. but i also understand that there was a other young woman there with you that hadun her photo taken with donald trump was there. whd part of that interaction and she got some negative blowback. what happened? at>> so,so, unfortunately, the o many who enjoy, you know, utilizing her opportunity to take a picture with the president has faced some severe case os of bullying ever since r then. she's being ostracized from. her community people are claiming that she made in. ckery of her institute and, you know, how dare she-- take a picture with a man like trump? and it's just it really speaks to college, especially an hbcu is supposed to be a space where black people can go and express themselves freely without feelino anfreeg they have to be. a certain way to be accepted by their colleagues because that, unfortunately, is how we feel when we're in non-black spaces and we feel the need
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to counsel it. so going to an hbcu is supposed to a time where you can go and express yourself freely, yourher that be social commentary or political identity. so it's really, really sad to see ho when some people who are polc studying policy decidey to exercise their first amendment right and express themselves and their individuadl they can be ostracized or demonized for something like that. she she didn't even come out mr as a trump supporter. she was just somebody there trying to obtain more information, just trying to see what candidates had to offerbecast, because clearlyt the black candidate only said, if you don't vote for melack,s. you black. without delivering any tangible. so now the actioso now tn item r us as voters would be to go to each candidate and ask theles am what are you planning to deliver if we put you in office cond? >> and donald trump tookto the second to speak to each and every student and ask them u what matters to you? how can i earn your vote? >> and we need to see more oft n that in our community. all right. ou will be interesting to ask her and you and everyone else what kind of tangibleind o
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the biden administration has delivered over the last four years. it soundfo s to me, from what i'm hearing from minority communities, is that they are not impressed. mikayla, thank you for joining us. you're a free thinker and that's a wonderful thing. all right. the world is on high alertths. and the us is monitoring incoming some credible threats of a in n imminent iranian attak on israel. >> joining me now with all the details, white house correspondent jackie hendrick. >> jackie, tele latest.l. rachel, good evening to you. the president didn't initiallypf explain what he's going to do,fo what the u.s. will do if irallon follows through with an expected imminent attack on israel. he jus ust sat his message to iran is don't. so we asked or else what? t initially, he didn't respond, >>t he turne ad around to give n answer. >> watch. don' are a- t. l >> we're all americans. we are devoted to the defensesul of israel. we will support israel. we will defend help
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defend israet sury ml, and iran will not succeed. >> thank you very much. iran issued the bidens administration a warning of its own. if the u.s. getsn if involved'st american forces in the region will be attacked. ivit's clear if defensive acts like intercepting iranian missiles would triggert. but biden's critics say america is already involved becausfe of inaction and what biden does now matters a lot. >> we've lost deterrence. the iranians have alreadcked isy attacked israel once on october 7th through their proxy, hamas. >> conti continuee on american interests in the region now over 100 times sinc d october seven. >> it's not a good time to go wobbly if you're the ths wh president of the united states. this is one of those times when when leadership really and message discipline matters. >> arab allies. u.s it holds the u.s. responsible for a likely israeli strik.eyria that killed an iranian general in syria. israel has not taken responsibilityel has not for ite u.s. says it was not involved. the pentagon is no w moving more assets into the middle east region to bolster deterrencemmande.
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and the centcom commander is in israel to coordinate the pentagon alsds uo is askingn israel for a heads up before they take any action appae. ons apparently upset at the pentagon top brass that they didn't get heads up before this damascus strike that put u.s. forces at risk the region. on his way to rehoboth tonight, the president said he's worrieda about americans when he was asked if he's afraid that they're going to beid are . , rachel? thank you, jacqui. appreciate it. iate it.trump issuewell, trumpr challenge to joe biden over the border. >> we'll explain next. it's that time of year again. answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue fell, don't move. get a much earned. you should be more nice. i was in second. >> great. people like shooting each other in the head. you're worried about me? fox nation brings the heat back to the beach. none of you guys are 21, right? spring break new episode tonight on fox nation. the only place to watch new episodes of cops.
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unleashing transformation for your health. he bid >> nothing says strong on the border like the bidenenca administration, i think. here's what i can say. we'v e all options, right? we do.l be evaluate all optionops as it as it regards as it relates to executive actions. >> we believe the president believeslievaluate it's importat to evaluate those options. we haven't made a decision as it relate what wes to what wv looking at. we're always looking at options. i just don't have anything. we're always going to evaluateg to our options. i don't have anything to share. we haven't made a decision. othe i to evaluate other options as it relates to executive action. we're going to evaluato evtee af our options, as we've been saying, but we have to continu e . >> be really clear here. republicans need to act.
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they need to move forware forwa well, with an answer like that,e s whilo wonder we're in situation that we're in. i guess they're evaluating optionnues while illegals contib to pour in. maybe memor has a bad mey because the migration policy institute says biden took 296 executive actions on immigration in just his first year. trump only o had 86 and manycuse of biden's executive actions focused on reversing or starting to undo trump policie s . >> joining me now is sean duffy, fox news contributor of finess't of fox business. is the bottom line. o this sean, i want to get your thoughts on her. but let me trump just first go to this because donald trump just addressed the border a little bit ago. >> so, listen, biden shoul d it immediately he should close the border immediately. he needs no legislation. thishe doesn't need this gentle. he doesn't need anybody. he can do it. i did it without der we. >> any legislation. i had the best border we've hade and evercord close recorded his.
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>> he can close it immediately . >> she keeps up about options. donald trump laid out the blueprint on what to d>> si >> well, so if joe biden open the border with executive action, he can close the same border with executive action. >> and there were three and a half s. years in this administration, three and a half years in, and they're talking about evaluating their option opttheir s. two ye their term is almost up. i mean, they should have taken action a yeao r ago, two yearsle ago or three years ago. >> and the problem is, ifhe you love, why would you open the borderof and let an 800% increase of chinese nationals come into the country? known terrorists, unknown terrorists coming into the country, drug dealerckers.s. traffickers, they're all funneling in. we don't know who theyd let' ari >> and the let's be honest, joe biden has a lot of leftistas ,his administration, that are pushing him to keep the border open. but, joe, se the politics ofe ia of this. >> he sees the polling and most americans, liberals and conservativetives have a s, have a. concern about the border, about the border. so he's thinking, he iking about action. but he isn't only because
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he's got these lefties pushing him to keep it open, doesn't it doesn't make sense. >> and he does it on univision, which shows that hispanicsh shom don't like what he's been doing. and he's trying to signal to them, maybe i might do something. just wait. just hold on. stayh me. reall with me. all t >> because because he thought that if i opened the bordehispr all these hispanics in those hispanics that were here would love it. t he soon realized they actually hate it because they're americans and it's bad achel: cugh? for the american people. >> can i play you this clip from joe scarboroughbecaus becae here's what he thinks. >> if you run a family restaurant, you need more workers. if you run a hardware store on main street, you need more workers. r, you're an entrepreneu you need more workers, you need immigrants. we are fueleconomy isd our econy is fueled by immigrants up, upll and down the employment chain. >> sean i actually respect joe scarborough for saying this. he's telling the truth. fo them.r a lot of them, one of the main reasons is cheap labor. the democratlabor.
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s party has declared war on working people on their wages and they're bringing in cheap labor. he's admittingbor.s admitting i >> but just listen, does joe scarborough really care about small businesses acros aca country? they do not. look at the rules, the regulation, the taxes and tt that they burden these small businesses with. of course, they don't care about the small busie reasonl. >> the reason we don't have workers in america is because joe biden, the democrats keep paying the american people to stay home to notan. ve to >> there are so many freebies,go so many giveaways that people don' t have to go to work. >> if you take those away, people will have to get back into is the workforce.with >> and so, again, this is at democrat created problemhis ab and now with a democrat created solution to open up our borders. and is ex thi this about voting. is this about bringing in more vote? i think it's worth asking about the congressionaam dislons districts getting getting more illegals into democrat congressional states and districtta s to get bigger numbersr appo for apportionment that only help democrats out. >> i don't r yeah, well, a lot of peopleed s have left those blue statetas to red states, so you gotw in to fill them up somehow. semean, they're bringing those
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illegals over there. all right. great stuff, sean. thank you. al later. littleu later all right. liberal city insanity. tsa gets ticketed for her four't year old's bathroom emergenchry while violent criminals roam free. >> we're going to explain that nex that,t. it's a new day, one where our shared values us towards a more secure future. through august a partnership built upon cutting edge american, australian and british technologies will develop state of the art next generation submarines and build something stronger together, securing decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going forward and staying forward together. >> victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated $30 billion in its investors trust funds now available. over $50 billion has been
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saturday at seven eastern on fox, you prepare for the unexpected. so do we. true work builds work. we're offering technical performance fabrics and an integrated workwear system so you can perform at your best work through work when you can't watch listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. any anywhere fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> why does new york city keeppt putting violent offenders back on the streets? >> a group of venezuelan are finally in ice custody after allegedly attackinalg nypd officers at target. but not before freed they were freed without bail for the assault. and then there's the gang memberbeen arres who's been arrested nine times this year alone for burglary and on weapon and drug charges. he's been freed multiple timesch . he's finally locked up now b with a cash bail of $20,000. but it took far too long.
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and according to the "new york post", a man with a lengthy rap sheet attacked a podcastedcaster r with nunchu in broad daylight. the post sayto ws too, was cut loose with no bail, reportedly by the same judge who freedd a woman suspected of bashing a subway cellistofay in the head with a bottle. and then there's this. >> walking on the street at hit by a stranger. she was left with a broken jaw. she lost some teeth and hasd suffered permanent nerve damage. friends, judy was arrestedr th and charged for the assault. >> the 33 year old pled noantd w guilty and he was released without bail. >> joining now is paul mauro, attorney, former nypd inspector and, fox news contributor. >> paul. these criminals keep doing the same thingdo thiere is n. there's no consequences. i feel terrible for the victims. but alvin bragg, a lot of these guys that are doing this kind of stuffd , they told the votero they were going to do this. when, you know d, alvin had it
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on his website. >> it's practically a wolf manifesto. it was, you know, realistically, new york city at this point has chosen its >> re. solesc thank you.enthe cu you know, we've chosen our obsolescence. okay. so let's loolp here. k at the culprits here. you have to start. the prosecutors have had enough and you have tstuff tho start w. the legislatures stuff that gets done out of out of the way. >> we don't really it it's nott, t very. it's votes in the legislature. but thhee albany legislature, the state legislature is where inl of this stuff born. richard, we're u np 40% in crime in new york city over the last five years. and, ythey areall right.r goin and yet they're touting these thiser cate crime drops that w have far going on this year and not even in every major category. go jcesince the criminal justice reforms were up about a third in the seven majors, the quality of life crimes are up. half of them don't get reported. and you see stuff like this. s why it'sand that's one of thes why it's such an issue now, because now we have video,u havt you have social media. you can't hide this stuff, right? people feel it on the street ate >> and they know. yeah. speaking of that, bethenny frankel, she's a reality tit
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v star. she was one of the people that was punched in the face. she saw other women on tik tokk talking about it. happ i happenedoy, to me, too. i want you to hear what she did to my quality of life. this shes tell is she's telling her daughter, listen. >> new york is i, in a way, debo >> iu t is a shell of its former self. you don't want to scar e kids. k you want to freak them out. what do i do? scare my kid her out like i'm choosing fear. y alte i want to instill fear in hernr because my alternative is pain and death like and crime. i. i can't disagree with her as a mother. yeah, right.ling >> everyone feels that. what a wonderful lesson to be tellinr younu want tg our youngy okay, you want to come here? you know our cities. it's not just new york. our citiesr the are the nations crown jewels, right? these are our centers of of traditionally culture, commerce, immigrant aspiration immigr . >> and they are still the place where 80% of thehe american population eitherd come lives in or nearby.
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>> and it's where people bounce off of eacw h and come up with new ideas, etc., etc.. >> the dying. all right. that's. eople wh >> another chosen obsolescence. and i could go through the laundry statistic. who can afforde af to leave? have left. but you're right. there's a lot of working class people that are stuck hereople u for. >> or they have family here and they can't get out of the situation, but they voted for it. and so hopefully things will get things will changn e. they keep voting for it. you know, we had a chance here to put in lee zeldin and we didn't and know all the people who voted for hochul are complaining. hochh, it's not good. >> thanks so much. thank you. you got it>>. teps >> a 68 year old woman walking up the steps to her church in new york city this weekend, 815 in the morning when a d of dressed all in black ran up aheahed of her and then threw her down the stairs. the woman hi,t her head,motion fracturing her skull. now, as she lay motionlessle, nearly motionless on the ground. this demon rifle through bag an steg and her pocket,. stealing her phone, her purset k with 300 bucks inside. my aunt was strong enough that she actually di shed get bk
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up and she attempted to walk towards her car when she gotthig to the car. it seems like the suspect was off the bloc her k watching. he then stole the car and she had walked home where her daughter called 911.pdat >> oh, it's just unbelievable. but we have an update on thatr-l story that laura brought you earlier this week. d a 16 year old male has been arrested after allegedly arg that 68 year oldat woman as she was goingas s to sundahey mass. unbelievable. he's been charged with first degree assaultn charst, first de robbery and grand larceny. >> not enough, in my opinion. t he iturns out he's connectedth to another robbery for just three days before the attack. the queens d.a. says he followed a womafollown from a bank, demanded all of her money, and then stol e her car. s we spoke to the attack victim's nephew who tolstild us still in. icu, recovering, but was able to recognizertin her family. she's starting to get some movement back and we all, of course, praying for her recovery. verywow.
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>> soo while criminals are able to roam freely around mass, new york city, getting attacked, even going to mass t, they are cracking down on some things like youn youngg having bathroom emergencies. mexicocies sasaki has a wasit enjoying a day out on the park with her four-year-old son when he told her that he needed b go to the bathroom urgently. they ran what she thought was pi to the nearest bathroom, but it was closed for public use with no options.n so saki didid what any desperate mom do.and le i would do this. she blocked him from publicand viewth. i love go to the bathroom. and that's when she says things got insane. >> magical. thank you for joining us todaya . tell us what happened after that. yes. so my sod to n, after he voiced to me that he really needed to go and he was about to go in his pants. hid behiwe hid behind the the te abandoned toilet building, which we ended up. >> that's what it was.
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and all of a sudden, five,e, s u six officers just swarmed right behind me. and demanded us to stop, pull over and aggressively just toldh us this is not allowed. this is against the law. i'm writing you a ticketw.itin and just didn't even give us an saternative on where we coule d have gone to the toilet. so at that point i had to argue and say, wely wl what do you do when a toilet is out of order and a child needs to g go.o and there's no toilet at the park? >> so obviously they didn'swersm have any answers to that, which was appalling. and yeah, they told me that i can go to the view restaurant, which is a restaurant. on that guestbut,icy gue only customers can currently go to any restaurant is what i was thinkings . but that was their answer. and apparentlybathro is a bathrr but there are no signsows, and u arrows, nothing. >> so how was anyone to know? well, i walk around the citynd d every so often. it smells like pot and everywhere. i'm wondering why they're cracking down on aear-ol four-year-old and not all the drug addicts and homeless
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people thae thlearlyt are clearg a lot worse things. yeah, no, absolutelythtold. that's what i told them, too.f there are adults doing it right in the river in fronle ats of we have people, and yet those people are invisible to them. they are cracking downibthem crackingg pe on literally just everyday normal people doing the pettiest littlest things. ttle thiing finding everybody ld right at battery park. you just saw our segmentt just t before about all the crime that we're seeing in new york with paul. so what does this tell you about the livability, how things have declined.w thinh the last five years? yeah. yeah just even h. >> no, i would say with just even having a four year old child in the past four years, the crime has definitely been more apparent. subway stationnss, just anye asa public space has been just a lot harderul and way more.fama assault is happening just apparently to every family and child. it's very, very visible. and these basic needs ars justsr diminishing and they're becoming disgusting. yeah. bathroome not s are not usable n if they are open. and it's a big problem. .l: six cwell, six cops on at
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four-year-old who had to do a bathroom break becauseex the bathrooms don't exist at the park are they're broken down at the park. a terri owhat terrible lacksito of priorities on your. this is from the public recreation. they said on your statemen stat the department of parks and recreation. we want ever enjoyy new yorker u be able to enjoy our parks and feel comfortable in them. >> publiric in parks t is prohibited, and we ask everyone to use the designatedhe provided with mexico. we also spoke to them on the phone and they told us they were working on updating signage regarding the bathroom. what's your reaction to that? it was kin>>d of hilarious because we went back down there today with another report and saw that they had reinstated a new sigthatn, that bathroom door, which they did exactly what i told thems to do, which was put and some alternate signs for bathrooms and arrows. sid i had teach them like teachers. and they actually posted these signgns.s. when but, you know, it's like y you can't just you can't give us a ticket or ticket
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someone else when you don't have any kind of direction or >> r. on bathrooms >> how about not ticketing, mom? trying to deal with an emergency with the4-r four-year-old and go after real criminals. thank you so much foh. >>r home.ely >> you got it. i you're a great mom. all right. trump saids hu absolutelshy goig to testify in his hush money trial. >> the details on that just ahead. >> you're being watched the new show that's changing crime. tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey criminals, we're still watching shawn sticks. larkin returns to the show where every shot tells a different story. but every frame uncovers the truth. buckle up, america. crime cam 24/7 returns new episode tonight on fox but h nation, all part of fox justice. don't miss your last chanceo ho to sign up and get your firstto year of fox nation for 2999. america is streaming., >> we love being outside, but the sun makewe can selectk
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people were rushed out of the westfield shopping center in bondi junction, which is in the city's eastern suburb. yes. and then there was i saw a woman lying on the floor in chanel. sorry i didn't see him properly . i was running, but, it's just it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it. what police are still trying to
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determine a motive and have not ruled anything out at this point. the suspect's identity also remains unknown. stay with fox news channel for more on this developing story. now back s, lawyers fortentiall the former president are going to try to whittle down a poohunl of, potentially hundreds of people to just 12 jurorsr, and six alternates. what's more, each juror, whethe rachel will have to answer 42 questions, designed, of course, to discern whether or not they can be impartiala ta about the formerll o president. >> a tall order in new york city circuit. >> yes. all right, kevin, thank you so much. you know., joining me nowdavis o is mike davis, former gorsuch law cler k and founder of the article three project. also with me is sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel and fox news contributor. so all theributor.sol, the triaw york city, which is overwhelmingly voted for, you know, joe biden, i think
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by 75%. only 22% voted for trump. so can trump get a fair trial in new york? rial i oh, i think it's going to behink i think it's going to be very hard for him to do so. >> i think the motion to change venue should have been grantedd . but on the other hand, it's -- it's so a political prosecution that who knows ift n anybody can get an acquittal in such unfair acqui circumstans here. >> former president trump may wellbe abl be to. >> wow. all right, mike, let'se go throughqu some these questios that kevin corke talked about. the jury is going to have to answer these questionnaires. so here are some c of them. don do you currently follow donald trump on any social media sites ? have you done so in the past? do you have any strong opinion s whether a former president may be criminally charged in state court? dout h you have any feelings ore opinions about how mr. trump is being treated in this case ? heir mike, it also asked people to explain where they get
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w their news from. what do you make of all these questions? are they a good? pro >> well, this is part of a very biased process by this democrat manhattan judge. >> one sean, he donate.d to president biden's campaign against trump in 2020. he donated to another anti trump group, his adult daughter, warren was shot as a leading democrat consultant fonf biden and kamala harris from many other democrats. and she's making money offinal of this criminal trial that over which her father is presidingtice howquestion. js >> notice how this questionnaire does not ask these potentia they arl jurors r they are associated with the biden campaign. y ar they only ask if they're anti-trump, but they don't ask whether asso witassociated with biden-harris causes. >> yeah, that certainly is notst fair, to say the least. so here's what trump jur said earlier today about jury selection. >> watch thin iss. et jury selection is largely luck. it depends who you ver get.y una it's very unfair that i'm having a trial there. it's very unfairirethis jud. t y
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we have this judge who hates trump and has tremendous conflict. t., you know, tremendous himse conflict. nobody can believe that this judge isn't recusinglfe confli. >> the conflict is at a level that nobody's ever seen beforeet . >> so i have that and i have venue. we have all these things we've-. asked for. they don't give us anything. it's a witch hunt. caall i can do is tell the trut. and the truth is that there's no cas have noe. >> they have no case.eful so it is shameful that this m judge has not recused himself. it's just making a mockery of our system. but what do you makef.o what donald trump just said? >> well, i want to go back something that he covered a lot of topics i wanteu to back to something mike said this very important. he talkeryd about the juryt they questionnaire. >> and there are some questions on there that are standard a. de >> but they asked a veryt lo specific questions. had on the surface it looks like, well, the judge is being being evenhanded becausehave you they ask for questions, having to do with thing s. u >> have you ever been to a trump rally?
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you knowyo, have you ever are ya part of a trump or you ono-trum a list server or an email forp? for pro-trump? and then they ask for questions are you anti-trump? trum but are you part of an anti-trump group? did you go to an anti-trum p rally? but mike makes a very important point. poial juroa juror or potential r who really doesn't like donalde trump and wants to get on thatoe jury because he or she is hostile to donald trump, who can always say, well, nop i'm not part i'm not part of ann anti-trump organization, ganiza and i'm going to answer that. >> no, but how mantiy organized russians have anti-trump in their title? but you want ask to ask is, areu are you on president biden's listserv or on the listserv of alvin bragg or somebody like that? >> and so that's going to ife the looks at first like it's evenhanded, but it can be manipulatedte by a juror,ge
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potential juror who wantsd as to get on that jury. and the judge should ask much more questions. he should get into muc h more.nd here is another thing. are are you a member of? >> and they list five different groups, five or six groups. well, they're they're considered to be by many people. >> right-wing extremist groups, the proud boys, the three percenters, the the boogaloo boys, i think is one of them. oe >> l they only have one left-wig extremist group and they're antifa, but there's yet another problem. what about this? by listing thesee su five superi extremist right-wing groups,ng they are sending an implicit message that president trump is affiliated with groups. >> so some of these people, some of these prosecutors and judges, even if they're legitimate, reallyr trying to be fair minded, ard that theyase can't even be that way. >> so i don'ist thin -k this that the jury questionnaire.
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is is even handed. nextll good pointsmike, . mike and saul, thanks so much. nextn bi, life in biden'stic america gets even more radical. the patriotic display that's triggering liberals. our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. my wife and i have run it for the last 30. american technology is making us more efficient and customer friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions process insurance claims and make deliveries. but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses like ours. our leaders need to strengthen, not weaken, american. >> attention. former marines and family members stationed to camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp lejeune, north carolina, for at least 30 days from august
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tosses limits away. so available at walmart and drink circle. welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and toast to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. >> sign up and start streaming today. >> life in biden's america. life in biden's america is becoming more radical and crazyh by the day. who better to discuss the details in seattle, radio hostttero detail, jason rantz. jason, our first story is one you exclusively exposed members of a regional country line dance team say they were kicked out of the dan dance convention because organizers claimed, get this co that their american flag attire made attendees feel quote,unsafe triggered and unsafe. par >> here's a part of your interview with the team's co-captainwith the. >> our five tops were spending
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a small percentage of the of the convention goers and it was suggested maybe they would boycott it. my team doesn't take we camecal stance, so to dance. we're a patriotic group. we support our militare toy, our veterans, our first responders. we're we are. we are group of patriots. >> jason, liberals are nowibera triggered by their own flag. i mean, what's going on here? >> well, what doesn't trigger that at this point? i mean, seriousl>> whaigger thyt we have to just step back and say this is a huge problem, that if you ark any thiseou are actually offended at american flag imageryd at, at a country e dance competition, that's going to be on you, you should probably just stay away completely. this is our flag. probabl. i if you don't like what it stands for, okay. either keep it to yourself kee. e th just don't leave the house because none of us are willing to just put asidp. none any of h patriotism because it might trigger you. trig niceook like such ladies. they don't make me feel unsafe at all. all right, let's move to this. ey don'tl unsafe jason a pro-palestine berkeley
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law student. she doesn't understand the law. she actually confronted her own dean at a graduation dinner that he invited her to at his house. >> watch this. not only ask not only your doctor. we have attorney and doctor. we. okay. you don't have to go. please leave our house and your guest at our house. first amendment right. >> no, no, no. wow. this is getting crazy. so which is more frightening? jason, if the student hasn't yet mastered constitutional. >> this is her professor's house. well, here's scary. she's going to be a lawyer. this is someone who is going b to become a lawyer. and she's going to get in fronto inof a judge who probably alsoe went to u.c. berkeley and decide on some reallyd de important cases. i mean, this is just scin realo,
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you know, god bless that professor. i can't say it, but she she probably could say this. she kind of is very punchable. and at some point, that's what's blan to end up and i don't want it to get to violence. but at some point you're going to show up to people's houses and you're going to pull stuff like that. going to com houses ae wit with consequences. >> well, jason, to be fair, aoc has a degree in economics and shnsequence invented the grn new deal and everything that's adding to the $34 trillion in debt that we're in. all right. well, next nex, caught on. and so the relentless radicalg left is now workshopping a new word, jason. d latino.e according to axios, latino. it's a gender neutral way t to describe a refer to people with latindescribeo and it's su. so where is it surging on? university campuses, museums, what? and amon g and the media,a of of course, catchall terms like hispanic or latino have come under scrutiny for blurring important nuances and presenting b a large part of the population as a monolith. that's what axios says.ho
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so how insulting is it that youy have these academics and saying that they need to rewrite your language? rewryour lanit's not inclusive.> >> there's no there's no the way that even people are doingthin this. i think actually axios made this entire story up, and i can definek th latino. >> it's a word that insufferable white progressives use because they think it's going to land them their first latino friend. let's just be honest it. impre >> they are trying to impress latinos. all they're doing in this condescending nonsenses, all the is pushing them away. >> and the democrats own this, which explains why the polling r shows latinos are heading to republicans. >> yeah, it is as popular as latin acts, which we don't know what it means on hispanics. >> all right, jason, thanks so i much. well, that's it for tonight. i'm rachel campos-dufft for y i laura ingraham. make sure you check out my podcast from the kitchen tablchecfrom thee. with.. this week, we have an interview with abigail schrier. also shot and i discuss marriage and our 25th anniversary. >> also, don't forget to tune in tomorrow morninu then.g. >> l hello, everyone. i'm kennedy, along with judge jeanine pirro. richnn


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