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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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have these academics and saying that they need to rewrite your language? rewryour lanit's not inclusive.> >> there's no there's no the way that even people are doingthin this. i think actually axios made this entire story up, and i can definek th latino. >> it's a word that insufferable white progressives use because they think it's going to land them their first latino friend. let's just be honest it. impre >> they are trying to impress latinos. all they're doing in this condescending nonsenses, all the is pushing them away. >> and the democrats own this, which explains why the polling r shows latinos are heading to republicans. >> yeah, it is as popular as latin acts, which we don't know what it means on hispanics. >> all right, jason, thanks so i much. well, that's it for tonight. i'm rachel campos-dufft for y i laura ingraham. make sure you check out my podcast from the kitchen tablchecfrom thee. with.. this week, we have an interview with abigail schrier. also shot and i discuss marriage and our 25th anniversary. >> also, don't forget to tune in tomorrow morninu then.g. >> l hello, everyone. i'm kennedy, along with judge jeanine pirro. richary.kennedy d, pete hegsethe
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gutfeld. >>te heg, it is 5:00 in new york cityrk , and this is the five we are awaiting former president donald trump and house speaker mike johnsontalk to talk about election integrity. they are at mar a lago and we will bring it to you live the moment it happens. >> but now let' get to this.let' desperate joe biden is int to t a panic as donalhed trump hooves up black support like no republican in history. ke the big guy trying to win back the key voter group by giving line which ritualressa address at reverend al sharpton's annual civilt nd conference. >> there are real threats we a face the more extreme voices tut there who simply don't wan to see people of color in the future of our country. they wanpeople ocolor int to tue clock. voter suppression, elections, stripping away reproductive freedom, getting affirmativeive action, gutting itac
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and attacking diversity acrossit life. these extremists are determined to erase progress we've made,de. but together we are determined to make history, not a racist. >> problem. s catc the don is catching on with african-americans. the latesthiafrican american foe surveys show donald trump tripling his support among black men and black women since 2020. >> and sleepy zoom call is noic match for the don's retail politics game. trump heading up a chick-fil-a in atlanta and handing out over milkshakes. one supporter is going viral after givingsupporte former prel big ol hug and what shend said about media should have democrats quaking in their boots. >> watch what the media tells you, mr. trump. >> we support you. that woman later giving the media more jabs. >> w ae were able to not only lt him know that regardlessal m
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of what social media says, you know, i knowedia k they are trying to make us think we're supposed to hate you, but we don't. and additionally but, it was my a learning experience for my students because they were able to see anst experienceow the firsthand how the media can more that perception of an opinion or a person. she's absolutely right, richard. so this is very interesting because the presidenis is vet sa some of these battleground polls is doubling his supporoll with black men. and what are the issues affecting themme? they're not voting as a blob. they're individuals who are as concernedth about the economy and immigration as any other voter in the country. does surprise you?: no >> no, it doesn't have actually done some reporting on this for comes bet and i think the media in general. >> right. including right here hereon at our network, i think what we've done wrong is i think we see the election blacy black male voters in this binary of voting for trump or voting fo trump or bide when the truth of the matter is, there's three choices. they could either. they could also choose to sit this election. >> i've been to stories about how black more choices
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talkbe inaccurate choices, sure. but when you talk to black male voters, right no matter where, they live, and i've done reporting all across acro counts what youge they find is they'll tell you the same thing. >> on average, they're at the bottom of all of thers i quality of life indicators in this country. thisry and t you lifer, w hasn't gotten much better, whether it was george bush or those barack obama, whether it was donaldrge busha or trump, wf it's joe biden, they still feel that their lives have not improved under any not presidency, dea of which is why the idea of them sitting this election out is so easy for slection them to do.rn >> but i think there's an interesting electoral marker to consider when you think about blacck menk men in 2023, in ohio, where reproductive health waso, where on the ballo, reproductive access for women was on the ballot. grdthe group that vote the highest percentage for protecting a woman's right to have reproductive health access to abortion wasaborti actually black men by eight points. >> they voted 88% to protect whitman'% as right to have an abortion out voting. white women are voting. black are voting.her every other subgroup which says to me, as an analyst,
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that these voters, they might be up for grabs. >> and when they shofow to vote at the polls, they tend to vote on issues that you wouldn't kene expect them to vote on. >> but one of the issues that they are voting on,dy judge,immigr is immigration. and, you know,at and one of the things that they are not getting from this administration is reassurancadme that the president and his administration are going to protect their jobs.: >> well, they're certainly not getting any anwey reassurancee m from this administration. and in fact, t i think one of the reasons that we're seeing more of the african american community move toward donald trump is because of immigratione because of the fact if you look at places like chicago, you know, the minorityy community, the black and the brown community in the inner cities are losing to the immigrantssing to who are takiy places where they had afterschool programs or projects hms that kept kids out of gangs and all that. and they're prioritizing immigrants over them, subjugating su and theand erican, minority community.
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>>thnority but you know, when i. to comment on joe biden, when he gets up there and he's not willing to answer a question, he's zooming answe to al sharpts meeting there. it was kamaln'a. ow if >> harris showed up. i don't know if she answered any questions, but he said there are peoplshe wantlocd to turn back the clock. there are people who don't want to see you getwant ahead. i mean, that is the kind of evil messaging that is not of part of the factual basis that people are living in today. they look back at how their lives were four years ago, in fact, how their lives were right before joe biden tookw itw office. and they know it was better under donald trump. bed trump know what?, scar >> you can threaten them, scare them, and tell them that, you know, and teu know these pei trying to put you back in chains, which i think is what joe biden han, whics. e. >> and it's just not the case. blacks are smarter than that. >> and he also said, if you don't vote for me, you ain't you at black.radi right. he said that he said that on a radio show. but, you knoow.w we look at some
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of these numbers and it shouldn's,t be wholly surprising because the president has doublethed his support. what happens if he doubles it again before the election. and how likely is that based on some of the immigration and economic numbers? le >> it's possible. i mean, these polls are definitely or probablylls ar voting for trump. >> that seems fairly definitive. yes, some could decide not to votthat sy definitivenoe, bur probably is pretty strong. >> and those numbers are staggeringetstrongthos. >> we had him up for a second, but 6% of black women in 2020 voted for and speakingnferen of trump. >> fox news alert donald prump on speaker mike johnson holding a press conference right now. >> let's listen in. we have a borderes that's open. >> we have a lota of problems in our country and we have anlyw election problem. and that's really what we're we talk about today. speaker johnson is going to bet. discfing you on what we discussed, what we agree on. >> but i would like to demand that our border be closed because we have millions
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of people coming into our countrns of pe comin y millions and millions of people are pouring in at levelsing, nob that nobody's reporting nobody's going to talk about. but i believe you could have 15r million already and some are terrorists. eadyme arethey come from jails and prisons. they from mental institutions and insane asylums. >> they comeane ums. from all og the world, not just south america. they're coming from all over the worl fm ald. venezuela announced that they're crime is down 67% because of the fact that they've taken the gang member s, the leaders and thes, and members, and they've deposited them very nicely ted intotes of the united states of america. and that's just venezuela. ith h it's happening with the congo. it's happening with countries all overe africa, asia, south america, all over the it's happening. our country is like a dumping groundy isg and we're going to e it stopped. and biden should do it immediately. he should clos ite the border. immediately. he needs no legislation. he doesn't need this gentleman. he doesn't nohe d anybody can do it. i did it without any
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legislation. i had the best border we've had in ever recorded history. he can close immediately.. he would have left. we had stay in mexico, remain in mexio. ease we had catch and releasen in mexico, not here. we had everythinxicog. ct it was perfect. it was a great a great situation had. liev >> and now we have the worst ever. i don't believe in the history of the world. there'istory of s bes a borderen lik ae this, but we probably have 15 millione people and they come from places that you don't want to knoomu don't w about and theg to be big problems. and it's getting worse. it's migrant crimed it i . it's a new category of crime, migrant crime. and i'm just demanding. i just demand as a citizen, i demand the border ha str be closed. our country cannot take it. no country couldnnot tak it. bly it's not sustainable by any a country. and we want to also mentionedt election interference. tegrit we want to talk about election integrity for a little while. but basicallhiley that's what w working on. and i'll introduce the speaker who, you know, veri will ithe sl
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a really good job under very tough circumstancelys. and i appreciate he came to mar a lago. we have a great conference h. there's a big turnout because people want to be healed. they wanbecause t thist country. they want our country to be united. >> and i think most people are united on the fact that they don't want people pourinon thetg in prisons and jails and mental institutions. >> they don't wantand jails in a happen. they don't want it to take place. thatit's not going to happenke t for long. and that's why i say that november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our countr they. most the election. it's going to be the most important da iy in the history of our country. >> thank you very much. and speaker, thank you. thank you so much, mr. president. and it's good to see you. all.e with o we're so delighted to be here with our former and futurefacili president in this beautiful facility. mar-a-lago is famous around the countrty is famouy and we're grateful to be here with president trump as nominee and the party. we are very much looking forward to that historic day in novembe r because we
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are going to grow the house majority. we're going to win the uniteo g. states and we're going to winam back the white house as well. the american people needericanno do that. they're excited for that day in november. cannot get here soon nove. the speaker of the house, when we're not in session, the speaker is required to go around, fly around the country and be with all of our candidates and incumbenth all ie all around. i've been to 23 states now in the last several weeks s. te everywhere we go, one of the first questions that people as k about is this issueer i of election integrity. the border is ths the number one issue in america. there's never been a political issue that that scored p high in the polls is a matter of concern. and it doesn't matter where anyoneatter where lives becausey now, every state is a border state. they're deeply concernedntegri about that. an election integrity is tietyd to the lack of border security. >> president biden has created a catastrophity.e. and he did it by design. we documentewed 64 specific executive actions that he took from the day he walkedd utive ao the oval office and that his agencies took under evcretary mallorca's h to open the border. why? to invite everybody from around
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the world to come here, includiny from ag hardened crims and dangerous persons. >> and the result? we all know the officialsult we9 million encounters at the southern border alone just since joe biden took office. but the actual number is probabltualy close to 16 mile illegals who have come into the countr iy because they desired it. they designed it, the engined to be that way. his actions did that. he he ended the remainpolicy u in mexico policy under president trump's administration prent trump, theh and release that had been practice under the administration. they stopped building the wall. uilding thyerything exactl opposite of what this president had achieved. and that's why wt had e this catastrophe, it has all sorts of terrible effect hass. we kno the american people, we know that fentanyl is a leading cause of deathl is for americans age 18 to 49. we know that violent crimes are beinent g committed on innot americans. now, lake and riley and many othersnow.ny other who are now g their lives because these dangerous people are in our country. ouan. must stop
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and the american people are demanding that it does. and it doesn't matte doesn'tr wr political party that any american is in. they have the same desirice, wat safety and security, and we can supply that. >> that but among the problems that that flows from this open border catastrophes open b is dy related to this threat to our election integrity, is thattand you need to understand something really important about federal la somethily impo since 1993, the national voter registration act, we voter calll the the motor voter law allows if ale to signowle to vote when they get a driver's license. if an individual only or simply states that they are a citizen, they don't have to it. can r they can register that person to vote in a federal electioegsb and you see, states are currently prohibited, believe it or noitt. states are prohibited from asking someone to prove d fromo provthat they're citizee federal voter registration forma . just has a check a box. and if you do that, you're good. the states o that, can't allow.erious and we think that's a serious problem. and so what we're going to d ano, repub the house republicans
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are introducing a bill that will requirlie proof of citizenship to vote. >> it seems like common sense. i'm sure all of us would agree we only want u.s. citizens to vote in u.s. elections. but there are some democratsn wb who don't want to do that. we believe that one of their designs,elon one of the reasonsn this open border, which everybody ask all around the country, why would they do thisd thy, why w? >> would they allow all this chaos? why the violence? because they want to tur whce?n these people into voters. right now, the administration si encouragingpeople to go to tr local welfare office to sign up for benefits. to a well, guess what? when you go to a welfare wel office, they also aslsk ifvote you would like to register to vote. and so man.y people, we think,a are going to do that. >> and you know what? if the numbers are s higo high, so many millions of illegals in the country that if only oned out of 100 voted, they would cast potentially hundred s of thousands of votes in the election that could turn an election this this t. could be i tight election in our congressional races around the country. >> iection congressionalt if ths
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affect the presidential election. 's are and so that's why house republicans are going to act. going to actg to announce to gee a day here standing alongside president trump that we will dio everything within our power to ensure that we do have freed' and fair elections in this country. if we don't have that in a constitutional republic, w thae have nothing. it's the basis of who we are as a nation, and we owe that to the americanwe ase owameric peos and so what we're going to doat is introduce legislation to requireto that everyote in single person who registered to vote in a federal electio ana must prove that they're an american citizen. first, you have to provemetizenw that will be a new part of the federal law and a veryw important one. our bill will establish new safeguards that will put us osafeguarn, by the way,ith vt with virtually every other ot the worldo prohib that also prohibits non-citizen voting. for >> and this is a critical thing for us to do at a very criticall time. our bill also will require states to remove non-citizensteo from their existing voter rolls. that's a big problemll to and ad it will provide access to
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databases from the department of homelanbase thed security ane social security administration to help the statesministra admir this act as the entity that isis responsive able for regulating federal elections. congress has this responsibility c, cannot wait fr widespread fraud to occur to occur, especially when the threat of fraud is growing with everyud single illegalat b immigrant that crosses that border. this is something mostorde americans are deeply concerned about. >> the latest poll says 78e lat% of the americans who are polled say that preventing illegal prevent and voting in our elections is a top priority in every place pin every i've gd the country, whether it's out west, midwest, long island, deepand, dee, it doesn't matter. everybody is concerned about this. we have a job to d erned about thiso. here's what you need to look for and i'll turn it back to the president when put this bill on the floor, you're going to see a record vote by republicana s, democrats. you'll see that the republicans stand for election integritye. and then we'll be able to ask this very important question of the democratso y import theyu
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to have to go on record. do you believe that american bs americans alone should be the ones who vote in american electionld be ths? , and we're about to find out their answer. and i think that will be a a ve very interesting one for for everybody to see. mr .. thank you again for hosting us today. i'll turn it back to you. yes, sir thank you, sir. here. thank you.. do you have any questions for today or are you standing wellnd me about that we're getting along very well with the speaker, and i get along very welker anl with.. marjorie. we have a speaker. he was voted in and it wasnd a complicated process and i think very it's not not an easy situation for any speaker. i think he's doing a very good job. he's doing about as good as you're going to do. and i'm sure that marjoried frie understands that. and she's a very good friend of mine, and i knondmine.w has .
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of respect for the speaker and he does support the ukrainiaorter: dn aid. so if the speaker likes to move forward with it. we're lookintg at it right now and they're talking about it and we're thinking about making maki of a loan instead of just a gift. we keep handing out gifts of do of billions and billions of dollars and we'll take a look at it. >> but mucll h importantly to me is the fact that europe has to step up and they have to give money. wep an they have to equalize. if they don't equalize, ifm very upset about it becausme affected much more than we are. the ukraine situation would have never happened if i was t e would have never, ever happened. and everybody says that, includinody g that it happenedpd is such an outrage. people, millions a people aremio dead right now. both sides, millions of people are deadnsople are. ties a >> cities are blown to ashes. you'll never rebuild the citiere ,certainly not like they were so beautiful. and this is somethintheyg should have never happened october 7th, should have never happened in israel, shoul7th shouer havea happened. what happened there was outrageous. iran was broke when i was president. peopl fromen't buying oi
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iran. they weren't allowed to. if they were going to buy oil from iran, then they weren't u. going to do any business in the u.s. and they said it to china. i said is.i saidt to everybody.u they weren't doing business. they were broke. they didn't have moneyey wer . have mon hamas. they didn't have money for hezbollah. it would have never happened . seventh would have never happened. it did happen. and now it's a disaster. . itnow it iand only getting wors. so it's -- it's said, you know,. i stand with the speaker. we've had a veryhad a ve good relationship. thank you, mr. prime minister. wellyou he said that he would sn a federal abortion ban from the senate. your dad was an american construction worker, that you would not do it now sk. ifur wor you were reelected, because we don't need it any longer >> roe v. wadeked and we did something that nobody thought was possibley though we gave it bace states. and the states are working very brilliantly, in some casesve conservative, in some cases not conservative, but they're way incases noconserg and it's g the way it's supposed to. >> every legal i real legal scholar wanted to have it go back to the democrat,.
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republican, liberal, conservative, republ and.wa we're able to do that. you know, what we did was give it back to the states and the w the states are working their way through it. >> and you're going you're havinh it, ang some veryh beautiful harmony, to be honest with you. >> you havone well, you have some cases like arizona that went back to like 1864 or something like that. and a judge made a ruling. but that's going to be changedby by government, going to be changing that. >> i disagree with that. excuse me. mr. up all over the last few decades, mr. president, you have both yourself pro-choicen and which one ofact you know exactly which one it is. >>wh and when i was in new york and when i was a democrat also a just like ronald reagan, you know, ronald reagan was a democrat, too. itn, ronald of followed a veryr path. but if you look at what doneade with roe v wade, we didme something that everyone said couldn't be donthin
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e. we got it done. cre and i give great credit to the supreme court and thege to justices for having the courage to do it. what they did is verdo aty give it back to the state. and i'll tell you, the democrats are the radicals in this because they're willinlg to have abortions in the seventh, eighth, ninth they're even willing and you can call it what you want, but you go back to the governor of virginia, the previous governor of virginia virginia g, democrat governor of virginia. we're talking about executio, wy of a baby after birth. and you can say what you want, but that's extremeou and that'sd radical. and nobody should have that. and it has to be it. se >> please go ahead. go ahead, please. mr. president, d reportesident,y a motion to be ruled should be final? you change o cr you think that's just creating chaos right now? >> well, it's unfortunate people bring it up because right now we have much bigger problems. >> the countryer probl a, we'rel a nation in decline. we're a declining nationin. we have tremendous inflation. the inflation is coming back at levelsing backt
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that. the >> nobody thought they really would have. if you looe.k at the categories of inflation, they have the worst categories. many categories are not included. and if you included that your inflation numberd be substantially higher than it is now and it's already at records of b >> so inflation is back and a lot of bad things are happening in oure happeng . you've but that's the least of it you've got russia could end up g and yoa u could end up in a world war between russia, ukraine and all of the chaos. that's something should have never happened. it would have never happened. oc on with israel october 7th and what's going on withtoa israel could end up in ae world war. we have a president they can't put sentences together.prs we have a president thatid can't find the stairs of his stage. e hell we have a president that doesn't know what the he's doing. and we could, end up in a world war,we you know, we have just a little bit less than seven months now, months before november fifth. >> but that's an eternity when . ople are incompetent go ahead, please. do you support ahead house side,
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the bill that was passed? which one? the final. the bill which and did you talke about? >> well, i'm not a big fan of pfizer. i looked at it and i studied hog and i know it probably better than anybody. do kknow, they stayeon ad in my campaign. you do know that, right? and they did lots of other badt thingsrid a m not a . n of pfizer, yfa but i told everybody, i said, do what you want. they put a lotou of checks and balances on and i guess it's down to two years now so that it would come due in the early party part of. my administration on the on the basis that we live to ther polls because all the polls we just had another one come out. >> we're leading by a locoout, n but it comes out quickly. >> i said, you do what you want, but i'm not a big fat t a. >> i think it's terrible. yeah. >> across the board, you know,or the testifying requirement ok?re yeah, i would testify. absolutely. it's a scam. it's a scam. that's a scam. not a trial.scam >> that's not a train. that's a scam. if you read jonathan turley, if you read andy mccarthy, if you read the legal the leg, thed there's not even a case there. that's election interference
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by biden administration. they actually took their top toy,ll one of their top guys put him into the d.a.'s office to run it. and it's r a shame what they have done is incredible. it's election interference and it's got to stop. it's a third world country. this country has never don d woe it. but you read jonathan turley, you read andrew mccarthy, you read jonat, andr, the legalt every single one of them said that whole thinhesaid tg i a scam. it's not even a crime. and what they're doing is a crime. they are criminalsarg is a. >> p >> so bob and i follow up on that. why do you believe it is important for you to testify? take a stand , this upcoming trial? and what are you watching as jury selection? >> yeah, here you are. well, you know, jury is largely. luck. it depends who you get. it's very unfair that i'm having a trial there. it's very unfair that we this hat judge who hates trump and has juemendous conflics tremt, as yu know, tremendous conflict. nobody can believe that this judge isn't recusing himselfdgc the conflict is at a level that nobody's ever seen beforeat
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. >> so i have that and i have venue. venung. all these things that we've asked for. they don't give us anything. it's a witch hunt that takes att place in new york and that is taking place. and it's very bad for new york. and it'ss very b it bad and itd for the judicial system in new york. >> it's given us a lot of testifying. i tell the truthinct. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth. and the truth is that there's no c case. c they have no case. readagain, you havase.e to read the scholars, read all of the legal scholars. i haven't seenl scho one legal scholar that said this is a case. and in fact, eveact, even you pi said, oh, gee, that's too bad.s >> this is the first one. all of them are scams. ey are >> they're all about election and interference. we have aa we have aident president that doesn't know where he i't s. >> he can't speak. the whole world is collapsing. v the world is on fire. they have no respect for our country anymore pect e. e and the only way he thinks he can win is by doing this. you know, trials of trump. we have forn
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i and who's been soredite discredited now, that was was p with, a boyfriend, so they could take trips and take a lot of money out. an that should be dismissed. not just the prosecutor dismiss dismd, be dismissed. of th >> every single one of them said, look at what happeneemd with he gets off scot free with 50 years of documents gets classified information, he gets off scot free. and i'm still fightingge sco tr. the whole thing is a disgrace and it's a disgrace. >> our nation, from somebody attacking her, reporting to the u.s. and, israeli intelligence reports. have you spoken with israeli haveetanya prime minister benjamin netanyahu? how should the united how should t in the same way i should i don't want to say who i spoke to, but for the president of our country to actually put out a warnina wn that. he thinks that we're going to be attacked or they're going to be attacked. that'se atta pretty pathetic.eyw >> they wouldn't be attacking israel if i wereouldisrael i prn i can tell you. and they never did. they wouldn't be attackingev
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. iran was in no position to attack. y. y had no mone >> they were broke. but now they have $221 billion and they have iraq, who has $300 billion. >> and iraq has become a subsidiary of, iran. >> with all that we've done with all of the fighting all of. all of the deaths, look at what happened, how incompetent the whole thin etent thg is.i spok but i don't want to say who i t spoke to, but i think it's a very, veryhi dangerous period. this is a very dangerous period of time in our nation and a big big reason that it's dangerous i that we have a president that's grossly incompetent. thank you all very thank competen you.nedy: >> all right. there we that was the president, the former president of the united states and speaker johnson said the future president. what was your takeaway from thatwhat was awa, greg? >> well, we opened the show with joe doing his identity shuffle, spewing these, you know, catch phrases, spoon fed to him by some dea clone. >> now, compare that to this.
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you know, joe is m the mummy on metamucil that? was godzilla with the size of pluto? i bethe size of plutt they're ds right now, but why can't we have that? ? our party. where is that man? where is thawhere ist type of p? and instead, we have this emasculated husk of a has beenen who can only operate on identity catch phrasedentits that were just given to him. >> this is related to the him segments initial topic. dt's not just black an brown men leaving the party.alle blact's aln.l men. black blacks just happened caboe the caboose of this train, leading the exodus out of the party. >> they appreciate things like law and orde se priority security. >> you don't hear that frocuritm biden. >> instead, you hear about diversity, equity, inclusion, trans. you know what? abortion is not going to get men to vote, but it disregard for the certain lawsa disreg, principles that keep a society safe and secure for a familya
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that gets them there. >> i believe that this is trump's election to lose, w which is why you're seeing the medihya out. and it's not just minority or white men. it's working, man. it's tough to work hard and have the party that youg to belong to. >> focus only on freeloaders. activist os and illegals. that off men of every color. >> you know, they are fooled by the progressive tantrums of the non-binarprogressy screas on tick tock that trigger trigger the maternal instincts of the affluent white female libs. >> apples. the >> thank you, michael and the reason why there is such a, you know, a problemca with the quality of life is that men, not just black men, have been just in ts war on identity. you know, we use we usedhampio to champion the interconnectedness of women n dif men. >> right. we're different. we're yelling. yang but nownt.we are y us vers. >> because it's the oppression filter. men sense when they're in a place that they aren't
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wanted, and they're starting to sense that it's the republicanrting toe that i e they are wanted. >> all right. so ad. , judge greg brings up a number of points that former president trumnts thatp touched. you know, one of them is herunn is running as ina law and orderd candidate. >> but also he he is facing thisate. that sta trial that starts on monday. are those two things combined? and how caare th n he couple thembe together to be most appealing to voters? >> well, you know, mos trump ral as a law and order candidate in 2016. >> and i remembeinorderr whene e he started talking about law and order. the left was insulted. they said, oinsulted that heh,ht a dictator. he's talking about law and order, which, you know , to me was music to my ears. >> it's in my dna. but yos whknow what he talked about today. >> and to answer your question directlyd, i think most people understand what's going on. >> they know that what he's talkingen he is a trump pes this guy colangelo from g the department of justice, who goes from the department of justice to the feds to jack smith' theh'ss to fani willis a office, to alvin bragg's office
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to help them out. >> i mean, there is you connect the dots and the democrats trying to stop trump. they've done everything. they've impeached him. they've they'v hed hie spiem. d on him. they prosecuted and indicted him. i mean there's nothing else't they can do other than i don't wantt. nt to mention i >> but i think the important message today is that tha the president understands the intersection that we'residei at now, whiconh is immigration being the number one issue for people in this country. >> and the fact the elections and election integrity is so important because ifare the illegal start to vote, they're going to vote democrat . they come across the border with joe biden on their shirt. they love joe bide board w thei you know what he said? i didn't even know. i didn't knoi know thw that yoi welfare office, they're going to say, do you want would you likeay, to, register to vo? >> i didn't know about i mean, nn now motor voter registratio . you go in, you can sign upsi to vote there, too. so we,e have make a make sure in order to get rid of this lawless societ rid oy we live
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in where progressives are letting everyone out in the nameprogre of diversity, which is absurd. making us victims all usto pro that the only way to protect this country is to protect the electionte count integrity. and that means you want to vote. show me you're a citizen vote, you want to vote. show me that you are worthywort of votinhy og. says >> because even though there is a law that says you can't vote if you're illegalyof, the truth is new york city a couple of monthss ago wants 800,000 illegals to vote in the next. a war a so this is a war and they're on the front lineabou and absolutely applaud them. >> and what do you said about venezuela that crime thato is down 67% in that country. not only is crime down crime, the murders in venezuela are the lowest they've beenars. in 20 years. why? because they are here. oh, how exciting. that's. that doesn't sound like great news, richard.or but the good news is democrats and republicans seem to be on the free and fair election issue. >> they're both saying have
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the exact same thing. we have to protect democracy and wetoemocracy have to protecs the integrity of our elections. >> true. >> r. start where the judge left off, which is the ideal of law and order, because i thin k this was a press conference built as an election integrity, presintegrs conference. >> and what the speaker got wrong wahe speaks the law that s passed. >> motorboat the voter bill was passed i in 1993. in 1996, the congress passed nthe illegal immigration reform and immigration responsibility act. immin responsibilityt, it expliy illegal for non-citizens to vote. nogal for noncitizw, there is is in new york, there's there's in takoma parkther and in maryl, there are instances where non citizens can vote in local municipal elections. that does not meannlocal that y can vote in federal elections. and there is no evidence. but do you trust no evid. >> no, wait a minute. allow me to finish. according to the heritage foundation's databasw me to acn fraud for non-citizens, there'sa been fewer than 50 cases of non-citizens voting in electionssetizens v 2002. ti
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>> so the idea that there'sdee thisis mass voter fraud happenig where illegals are running to the polls and voting in mass numbers is zero evidence. >> yes, but you know, hold on. >> what about that? right. but not only is this, not ontly only is the heritage foundation said this, the bipartisan center has said this. >> the brennan center for for s. has said thian cente >> the fbi has said this over aa and over and over agaiinn. no keep saying that there is voter fraud and there's no evidence of voter d. fraud.f there's no evidence of non-citizens voting in federal electionsting in . >> and until they prove that, then this this press conferenceh ,why then why is the viceen ta president been tasked with saving our elections if everything everything's fine? >> what do you mean saying? well, because donald trump, she is the one that she is thewith czarina, not only of the border, but also, you know ,she's the serena of doing anything. >> she's everything about talking about the voting rights act. >> and we're talking about non-citizens voting. let'- a tals just get people we're- talking about in 2020. >> cobb it happensnedy: le.
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>> and legislatures. but doesn't non-citizens vote? governors and others chang e? the voting rules dramatically getting rid of signature requirementsnoncitiz>> pete:, mt balloting, zero accountability, chaihaing rid of of and in betwn 2020 and 2024. >> what happened? ustodyndyour boy let ten of 10 n plus illegals into this country. >> still, we have no idea wherec they are and their and theity live and work in a lot of states where you don't need to be a citize n order to get an id and then they go to a ballot box where they don't even have to show a.y go to n to vot so when i talk to people, they're ticked off whn. mmigraratiovo >> a lot of people immigration is number one. but the next question they say to me is ptie mmigratir one, b,? >> will that will will it be fair? will it be fai pete,r every single time? and it's things like this, i think it puts this issue all the way to the map, whether you cite previous laws the, not the democrats have proven they don't care about the law. >> they're not concernedno e provinout about following it. >> they want ballots. and wherever those ballots come fromllowing they w, they they tt it, by the way. i didn't feel you shaking,he
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but could tell you, you imagine joe biden having to beat that mancau. n? >> let's not change the subject. no, no, no, not's no. m my big takeaway from the press conference, because the election integrity press conference conferen and joe biden couldn't answer one question why he won't >> phome awa y rabid press corps: a ra who had a number of questionbise the former president that had nothing to do with election integrity. >> but there's so muchle here. >> we've got more than 500. stay with usave more. than j >> they need a lot back first. and it's scott's turf because the rapid grasranteed.s, it gros two times faster to see the lawn giving you a stronger lawn miller freedom. >> and it's got stir build a rapid grass today. it's guaranteed feedlot, feed it with ashley's all new high performance furniture. >> you can relax, it's life resistant. these pieces are easy to clean
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will direct ship dog food to pet rescue shelters. pet food that will save pet lives. our rescue shelter has inundated with over 500 dogsbu in our care for the last three years. the cost to feed them is staggering. but thanks to the puppy food bank, we can financially care bank, we can financially care for them until they get adopted. support from the puppy food bank is plea seorg. miracle. so what? rescwith pete go to puppy food bank dawg. your $15 a month donation will help puppy food bank support pet rescue shelters with pet food donating and puppy food bank will send you a very nice giftrged a l. >> i love your dress. >> i love your dress. oh, thanks i splurged a little because liberty mutual a little because liberty mutual customized my car insuranc and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been tellin just first wogt just first wogt diy.d you hear them? y. i just said her first words. can you say mama never eat? can you say auntie? neve for whar.
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how many people could you tell ? >> only pay for what you need >> only pay for what you need every day, even everrised toy b >> i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots. i was surprised to learn so many more things. the familyhe boatey came name . wow. wo w. here's the boat they came over on. yeah. yeah. wo >> yeah. men tell us when they use just the y. there's a great before and after. then there's the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men. type two diabetes. discover the ozempic tri zone. y 000. then ole >> i learned my a1 c c and lost m some weight and studies. >> the majority of people reached anuch as s agency under seven and maintained it. i'm under service. i was sent back lowers. the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or as stroke, heart attack or
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disease. i'm lowering my risk. pens, or i lost weight. i wasn't big. isn't fothr people wityroid h te one diabetes don't share needles or pens or reuse needles. don't take ozempicic to it. your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasik,ain, ora sye type two or if allergic to it, stop the jump and get medical help right away. help right away. if lems mayur. in your neck, severe stomach pain or an allergic reaction, pain or an allergic reaction, seriou include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your providerts like aboutn problems or changes. taking a step back with taking a step back with a sulfonylurea or insuli increase low blood sugar risk side effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may leade. dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes is about the power of three with those epic syndrome, working in your truck breaks your mind vision, dental for one k and mushrooms. some companies are now s seriously offeringerious psyches to treat mental health as a new benefit. >> a new more and more professis are turning to mind expanding substances like lsd, the side
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and ketamine to prove their performance. >> elon musk seems to be open to the ideelon ma of popping some acid with your boss. >> he said our next quote it drugs actually helped improve my net productivity over timnett i would definitely take them. >> all right greg this seems to be your miller you you know, the one thing that bothers me is that the long term effects and some of this stuff can be very dangerouthe stufs and. >> they can actually put you in a psychotic episode. well i you know, the thing is like guns, drugs are a functional object. you need to don't conflate intention function. >> so guns can save lives. guns can take lives, drugs. >> we use them every we we have commercials in ourhat sl plots that sell drugs and have tons of little warning thes said really fast. so you really don't hear the m.
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>> and there's no question, there's no question psychedelics can have therapeutic, can effects r careful supervision. >> we're using this for ptsdan and other things that can have a positive experience and they're helpfu andl my issue with drugs is the quick fix mentality that we're seein g how can i use drugs to get me from point a to point b whether point b is better at work? pleasurebe or wisdom ifm, if you deliver the benefits, whether it's enlightenmentyo wisdom without the effort necessary to, find that you'rear going to miss out on the valueei from the achievement and that will diminish the is the resuldu . so you're hearing a lot about people trying to get enlightenment from drugs, is but that's temporary because effo disconnected from efforbect effort. effo plus enlightenment equals wisdom. people do drugrt pequalss to es. >> borg you ask me,m an i'm answering, don't smirk. people drugs to escape boredom and anxiety, but sometimes boredod anxim and anxietyssary are necessary for you to take action. you
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so let yourself feel beforef fe you do drugsel b. stening, >> is it as simple as it looks? anyway, i was. were you listening? did you get it? i was trying to. is. i don't know was tryg to that sounded. >> i didn't know. i got it from drugs. >> what are you talking what they're doing? silicon valley now with the microdosing. i love when people laugh mic because they don't read read about this stuff is peoplehi that's making them smarter. >>. ouldn't ct >> i don't want to panic, but iy know i can't and i know it shouldn't because i know too many guy many ves, too many vets that have benefited from controlled psychedelichave bens and when other post-traumatic ot otheredications or simply popping pills sent them in the other direction, i don't know that mos t workplaces are probably conducive to doing more drugs to let me.ete: i just don't know enough about it. you know, if i don't kf it makef you sharper. >> i mean, can you imagine in the military if itary, people underd, your command. >> so, you know, what if i take some psilocybi knon or somethinr
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microdosing, it'll help me in combat. >> well, there are to that already there. >> there is some of that already are certainly of foreign adversaries that have no controls. >> do a lot of that to really trdversariy to create super solr fighter pilots in world war two fighter. i mean so there are but there are also a lot of things you're not allowed to take because you don't want the up and the down in the combat either. yeah. and so thou have to be careful about what that is. >> one of the things, kennedy,s. dep that they talk about is the depression that you go into when you're really you are highd then when you go off it, yes,vey there is the swinging the other way. >> you have to be very careful h talking about recreational use and people who are self-medicating because they have issues with addiction. yes, they are going to experienc yes,e depressive or psychotic episodes and that can exacerbate whatever traumah an they've been through. and the addiction that has resulted from that what i'm most interested in is the data and some of thee darcus studies that had been done, particularly, you know, marcus capone, who was takingtaken ve r countries and through therapy, guidedies, and other substances,
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they had achieved phenomenal result have acs treating ptsd and in some cases curing ptsd, which h the va has not put forth enought medication, enough experts. they cannot get enough people to stay at the vat en, lt properly treat some of the returning vetsso who have been diagnosed with ptsd. so there is something elserestei on the horizon that could truly help them. i am interested in the data and i thinthe dak we do need more research and we do need to helop people who have foughto and who need it most. >> you know, speaking of that, richard, in 1970, there's some of this stuff as partd, the schedule one drugs, high potential for abuse, no l value.rugs >> and then 50 years later, itr, seems that there are risks them which goes to what we're speaking about and they should i thint we are>> richak clearlyg have jumped over the moon because i agree with greg, but rei that recategorized them because when you actually study the methodolog
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y and thee utilization of these drugs, you find out that there are some benefits to it. >> there's a 2013 study that was done by the university of south florida that found that psilocybin stimulates neurogenesis, the growth and repair brain cells in thepat hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that deals with emotion brain tals with an. >> and so folks who aretr in controlled settings, in medicalolle environments are with these drugs, they're actually seeing amazing results. >> i think ing amazing resu warning here is don't just go do them randomly on the weekend go finds a medical professional who's trained in this. >> get tha tt therapy you needts prior to taking these drugs. they're taking this medicineh ma and then take it with medicall supervision and the support of a medical setting. >> and if you do that, the benefits of it cant can ac actually be rewarding the studies from the university of south florida. there are studies from johns sts from j studiess in recent ss that show the benefits of these drugs are the same as marijuana. >>juana, ain tim at one point iw thought it was the worst drug in the world, and we find out that there's actually a lot of benefituntot of bes to it. and so i think we have to be very conscious of this. and we can't throw the babot wit with the bathwater for something that seems to be actually working for folks
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and it's on the ground. >> okay, then. now friday is up nex tt from the blank exclusively on nation . it's time for crime. the evidence that's come out very compelling. who is brian kohberger? it's like something out of a horror movie. the only thing worse than being accused of a crime is knowing you're guilty. they were as unlikable a pair of defendants as ever. see? none of you guys are 21, right? i am not drinking. i'm drinking a lot. that's a cop. he said it was the first crime scene he'd ever walked into where he needed an umbrella. i say i did the warm up trial for the o.j. fiasco. everything that you think you know about the menendez
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no pulling muscles from a shelf no bad reputation. " oh the renaissance versequestion and first question from c wellsh if you oh, this is just fromisgm the last segment. >> if you planteent --d magic s, what would you like to grow it? you peat. i think gummy bears would be amazing of any type of any to g, any type to go with our last segment. >> yeah, yeah. >> magic cubby bear play judge magic seed diamondshey diamond. >> they're already doing that in the laalreadb. >> richard. good shoes. oh ard? interesting gold from lier capital i kennedy 20. i'm going to go world peace. hi good and only a magicace. produced world peace. >> all right, i've got time for one more. you meet, your 19 year old self. >> kou're allowed to saye al th.
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>> kennedy. what do you say? hold on,. o n,i'm got. >> don't do it. yeah. wow. life gets better. >> just slow down, honey. >> i'm going to go with a void. bowling alleys. when >> i won't understand it when ga i'm 90, but you will get another one. >> but i have one. i understandno t i undet now. it now.body hav >> do you have a collection too? it's anyone. have a collection they arese obsessed with and can't stop collecting and. >> oh. oh. ooh. udge jeas. erry glas >> cranberry glass. wow. richard, i'm very glad. yeah, forget ichard?t it's just sick shoes. somebody tells me. richard like shoes. sard likeit's military >> you know, the coins you get here. i mean, i have so many of them. love thei them. wow, that's not like you at all. but this is soll basic. >> eyeglasses. eyeglasses? >>g: there.
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>> it was my parents going nutns . the phone did. yeah. look good on paper. they do it all down. >> that bad red card, you dig? k >> i dig it. thank you. i love it judge. okay. have you ever had a piece of furniture in your house thart ,like your decorator insists on having? well, this bird haistsd the same problem. they put a little birdhouse in this bird's birdhouse the p created the bird house attached to the wall. so mucecd ith impact and tried r and then proceeded to take it actualloutside where he actuals it. safe to say the interiore intero longer allowed in this bird house. and i'll be on hannity tonight. look at that bird. >> you'll be the bird on here. do you think there's a bird house inside the bird house inside. make a little birdhouse bie in r soul. i hope so. i hate to never know. >> so i'm announcing i got a new book coming out in junne
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>> it's called the war on warriors behind the betrayal us us free. ho it's not just about how the military went broke. it's how the military allowegodm to go. >> well, not politicians set the terms generals cowardls, coy went along with it. >> and greg, you like the back. if you want to read the backi jn of i. >> i joined the military to fight extremists. 20 leaders that same army labeled me when i thought he meant that, tha >> comt'e on, you looks that picturego right? >> i know where that's going in class age, but they didn't label me an extremist. 20 years later, and we tell the whole story about how that happened, whether and stori rage, extremism, the military is focused on all the wrong things, and it's bad fortased ol the war fighters. >> well, i've got a superstar who is a korean war veteran who is now a dj. >> his name is captain . wedne he's 94 years young and he spends every wednesdaysd at the spangled drive senior center to the delight of their was resident disc jockey new hobby. he was a school bus driver sch l he was 91, and then he wanted to get hip. >> how is captain kirk?
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>> oh, richard, i'm surek he's spinning this woman because talk about the beyoncé ballads, western is trending because of beyonce's new country album. >> cowboy carter was cowboy boots. onles have surget saled percente his album has been released. not only that, online searches foearcher cowboyr hats, bolo tii jeans are trending because of queen bee. and right now, her song,w her s number one on the country bettts and really is not dow.n sex assault to be hot. >> i do think miley cyrus had a better version of jolene but of is still a great story. >> you know absolutely thankn an you to fox news channel, fox nation and greg gutfeld who helped me through this toughi do periodn't . >> i don't think i couldlp have written this book without your help. and for. ♪


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