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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  April 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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rachel: it's the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend s tarting with this. former president trump c hallenging jury selection for hush money case set to begin on monday and it's making h eadlines. pete: didn't help track for the problem. ♪
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we need to continue the game. pete: for the skyline game, you need to zoom out. i wouldn't cue that for at leeanne that . got to be something distinct about the sat atlanta skylinee missing. rachel: looks like summer is coming. pete: already arrived in hat leeanne tafanely. talking about flip phones and smart phones and how to raise good kids and good kids with judgment. like you, we don't know. we're doing the best we can and trying to infuse them with the right values and in the world today and the worship god has gone mad it's a real challenge.e is trying to raise them to resist the culture and be okay with that.
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will: rachel has a way to swan dive off the high dive on t opics. pete: do we all go up there and cannon ball? that's a compliment, rachel. rachel: thank you. from will, it's just -- pete: never feels like it because it's a little back h anded. but we're glad you're here, thank you for joining us on the third hour. more to come across the board for sure. if you were watching at 5:00 yu saw donald trump stroll out with speaker mike johnson and election integrity and u ltimately millions of people here illegally and we want to make sure none of them can vote and we think they're trouter r f you are the stream guard and one
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of the questions they asked about is what's coming up this week. this week in new york city is jury selection. here's what donald trump said about it when he's asked. >> it's a scam. it's a scam. that's not a trial. that's a scam. you know, jury selection is largely luck. lyric jury selection is what makes or breaks any trial and that is how difficult it'll be to find an impartial jury in new york city. >> i think the big e challenge is in new york with manhattan
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and going for new york and there's a much different mix of people, much different jury pool on the point of him testimonying and obviously his -- testifying and obviously his lawyers haven't made the decision yet and trust worthying tried cases myself, you don't determine whether or not to put the defendant on the stand until you know how the evidence comes in and how your case is going. this is the just so many issues this case should not be going to trial on monday and here we go and have it. buckling up.
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pete: oversight in some of the key swing states and import over 10 million illegals and don't know where nay are or what their status is and a lot of states giving driver's license for anything and don't change -- don't unchange the covid rules or make them strong again. you've got a possibility for problems and that's part of what they were trying to get ahead of at the press conference and see if congress takes up any legislation. will: it's already illegal and that's the rebuttal is why pass
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a law to force democrat states to purge the voter roles of people who are illegal. rachel: right. will: speaking of the boarder and effects of border policies, not just on the voting rules but on the national safety as well. pete: these are the ones that pinged off the data base and rachel: think about the millions of got aways and we don't know who they are and likely two h alfs of turkish people in the territory and people were got aways we are people want to
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stand in the system and they turn themselves this n to the border patrol. tom homan said this about the handling of joe biden's surge. >> border patrol under orders for three and a half years and process quickly and release quickly and no overcrowding and nothing to see here. we have secure border. border patrol has time to do a deep dive. they can't go through pocket trash or investigative i nterviews and some put it back and have an associated on terrific lori harmon watch list and they don't have time to do this and pete: this dude from
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afghanistan tries to cross the border illegally in 2023. mohammad car win at 48 years old and picked up by cbp in march of 2023 and suspended ands pings he would be on the terror watch list and couldn't confirm and ice arrest him and let him go right away because they don't have enough information. even though he's crossed i llegally. this we do know. he was released twice by ice under alternatives to detention. he should have been held till the hearing and no way to do it but re-lesion him and check in on an app. spends a year running around the could country and confirm what he knew in the beginning beginning ands
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the super complicated pete: it's a tool that's used if the fbi is not focused directly and number one threat and right wing are
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pete: you look at all the u nmasking what they've done and going on with all the unmasked a lot of names leading to all the dust up of michael flynn and all the stuff at the beginning and f isa said you need to warrant if a american was included in that. it was a tie and the speaker voted for it and it was a tie breaker. it was 212 to 212 and it was awkward and donald trump was asked and mike johnson is in the back and a lot of conservatives are frustratedded with him. i think fisa's days. rachel: it should be gone. pete: gone and heavily certified and surveil foreign people doing ill on our country but not americans.
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it's been becaused so rampantly, i don't know how they can vote in good corns for that. conscientious for that. conscious for that. >> i'm sorry, i don't trust the government and will: the connection between mental health issues and smart phone and it's a social media and it's the portal to social media. the effect that's had opportunistic kids and put it into their hands at a young age and directly correlates to the bad mental health outcomes and a four point plan for how to improve kid's men it will health.
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mental health and the fourth norm is the important. one, no smart phones before high school, two, no social media before 16, three phone tree schools -- phone free schools and the fourth is far more independence, free play and responsibility in the real world. if you give them nor freedom that we all had as kids and have freedom and have iphone, they'll sit outside and be on social media. if they have flip phones, they'll text each other and say meet up at the playgrounds or pizza shop. we've got to give them back freedom. can't just take the chance but have to give them freedom.
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will: i have a seventh grader without a phone and probably the only seventh gradered in school without a phone. that affectses his social life. makes sense, it would. if i get him next year we've talked about eighth grade. if i get him a flip phone or whatever and text his friends as jonathan described, the problem is nobody texts. rachel: i think if you had young kids and what you could do is get in a group with other p arents, you know, you know your kid's friends parents and say, listen, let's make a pact. we're going to have our pete: i
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think a lot of parents would welcome that. rachel: i think so too. pete: again, in some cases that's the entire school and lobbying your middle school principal saying get the phones out of the schools. rachel: there's no phones in my kid's school. i p i don't understand the rational of the phone in the classroom. the benefits is focusing and p aying attention. when you're that young, focus and pay attention on climate i was at the knicks game last night with my three bop boys and watching it and fun and great game. groups of -- i'm not being pejorative about this, it's frustrating to see families with kids younger than mine and they're volunteers anding their phone and you're at madison square garden at new york knicks
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game. what are you doing over here face timing somebody? they've tracked that and the attention span is shrinking and things that kids could do like enjoy this amaying experience of being at a knicks game, they have like this is anxiety and foe mo and see what my friends are doing and post to my friends i'm here.
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rachel: i was looking for patrick the other day, my son, and i couldn't find him. he was up in a tree and i couldn't see him. will: i know that your parents said something lake this about you. can you believe she's on this reality show. rachel: he doesn't know what archie bunker is probably. he's too young. will: i appreciate that i think. i'm older than pete. all in the family. rachel: he's got a little more archie bunker in him. rachel: turning to headlines
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with a fox news alert. will: president biden is warning of imnathanial hackette a rhinoindian attack -- imminent iranian attack in israel. >> shohei ohtani 's former intermenter released on $25,000 bond and ordered to undergo gambling addiction treatment. he was formally charged with bank fraud after being accused of stealing $16 million from ohtani kansas city kansas cityg ambling it away. pete: pete, shohei ohtani. will: there are 180 million lost and $140 million something won and net loss of $141 million. yes. rachel: do you below the baseball player ohtani didn't
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know anything pete: we would of had to have known. will: i don't feel comfortable speculating at this moment. on to the ufl. rachel: one thing i sent that was useful. pete: i had already seen it because other vet hads sent it to me. it was a picture of it and it's
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backwards and put it up because they thought it looked good. what a lot of people pointed out is if you're obsessed as a commander with focusing on all the other thins like what is the gender make up or what is the racial makeup and have you done your extremism training and that's the focus throughout the military. and you lose focus on how to fire the rifle properly or how do i do my job on the ship to maintain it. when there's a shooting war, we
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can have guys shooting pronouns or do we have a serious military defense to defend the country? that's at stake and we save or lose it and that's the thesis of the war on words. rachel: maybe that gun has a l ower carbon footprint too and all the other things they're doing to the military. pete: we're going to attack our enemies in electric vehicles. that's another big focus of the looks at the meant gone not willing to tell poll cigses your ideas to save the planet are going to get people killed. war on warriors anywhere books are sold. will: pete: thanks, will. will: the homeless crisis and no idea where the cash went and if it made a dent in the problem. bolden state and has its only. more.
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i don't want you to move.
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i'm gonna miss you so much. you realize we'll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? oh, we know. we just like making a scene. transferring your services has never been easier. get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity.
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will: our next guest says he's advocated for a federal audit from the beginning and it's republican senate candidate and former major league baseball infielder steve garvey joining us now. great to sea you, steve.
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lyric this is crazy, if you spend that much money, shouldn't you know where it's going to go in california? i california >> i was stunned and stunned to see how it deteriorated from the first time i came to california and put on a dodger uniform and had a wonderful 20-year career and started bidding businesses and had a passion for the state i love. the passions this year is the boarder and it's homelessness and there's answers and getting back to $25 billion in the last three years.
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where she a third of the h omeless in california in the whole united states. we have 6,000 homeless and 16% more in the last year and that's with $30 billion being sent in california. there's a lack of oversight and california interagency h omelessness and stop counting or figuring out where the money was going in 2021. they've reignite that had and let's face it. this is one of the most compassionate issues in our lives.
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>> obviously the weather in california and i think the thing is it's the lack of leadership. how will go encampments and h omeless walking on the beach and stores are shut and what come withs homelessness is crime and drug dealers are there and there's an element that is just so sad to see. when i walk the streets, i got us down to talk to the people and i asked how did this start and three, three years ago this or that and i'd las vegas to see
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the private sector and i nvestment banking and doing great and this big thing between laurie street and main street, get involved in the whole h omelessness and i guarantee this is private sector and i get back to washington to make a federal audit that will get to the bottom of this and it'll make a difference. will: it's definitely leadership and tolerated if not incentivized and i was there 30 years ago and it was bad but i know it's only gotten worse. steve garvey, great to talk to you. thanks. will: the real risk of fake meat products and brian kilmeade t
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alking to author glen green walled and senator marco rubio and mike rowe.
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rachel: where is the beef? plant-based products taking over menus and grocery isles, a new study is pushing back on the s o-called health craze. nothing healthy about it. saying you're betting off eating real meat and of course you are. researchers are finding people that have a diet high in fake meats and higher blood sugar and higher risk with heart disease and don't and cofounder of true author and good emergency and kelli means joining us and great to have you on.
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fake meat was $4 billion in 2018 and now it's $10 billion and it's being pushed and a war on ranchers and farmers right now. tell me the connection here. >> well, in on honesty, rachel, whoever is doing pr for the fake meat industry i want to hire. they're convincing americans to eat this toxic clog arkansas sludge and convincing americans the problem doesn't wild horse saloon. this is loaded with omega 3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids and vitamin a and e and beta carotene and what's that we need to thrive and step back and look at ingredients of the fake meat and key protein and cheap one in
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glycosate and we need to start trusting farmers and stop trusting the science experiments that are happening at ultra processed food company. rachel: and those that don't look healthy at all and one of the people pushing in and making a lot of money off of this fake meat and, you've looked at healthcare costs and just how much is spent on people getting to be sick. you say a lot is based on what we eat and how much would we save if we focused on food instead of pharmaceuticals.
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diabetes doing for it and look at cdc ten leading causes of american death, nine are f ood-bourne ills and we'd wipe diabetes, heart disease and covid deaths and wipe them off the map. rachel: yeah and it takes personal responsibility just as parents we can do a lot at our own dinner table and stepping away from the ultra processed things and that means our own bodies. >> the food companies want your
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kids sick. a sick kid, a depressed kid and addicted kid is profitable. that's the raw economic factor and that's really sad. as parents we need to realize to get the science experiments out of your fridge. these are designed to get them addicted and stuck to hole fads and trust the warm warmers. the title of your book again? >> good energy. rachel: you've got good energy. thanks, kelly. >> you got it, rachel. rachel: president biden's master plan chipping away at student loans play it down the middle on israel and drives forward on abortion. will that be a swing or a miss? will and pete go off the wall next.
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♪ >> i'd be happy to play. i told him this before when he came into the oval and before he was sworn in.
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said i'll give you three stroke ifs you carry your own bag. will: trump versus biden on the golf course or even in a presidential debate. president biden propses to take on trump on the green, what about that debate stage. what's the play book for his re-e lockerbie bomber. what, pete, is his masters? pete: off the wall with all the plays the president is use with different strokes or clubs and he's using in hopes of winning the 2024 election. election pets done multi-multiple iterations and 7.4 billion more of b orrowers who won't have to pay back their debt.
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will: using executive authority and supreme court said on several occasions doesn't have authority and totaled up to $ 153 billion now, which is 9% of total student loans out there that he has forgiven. pete: this $153 billion comes from somewhere. and some of it is from hard w orking taxpayer young people who didn't go to college and incur debt and are now paying the taxes to pay for other kids to get their debt relieved, which is why the polls haven't really bumped for him amongst young people and moved in t rump's direction. will: pull out the pitching wedge and chip away. lack at approval rating for people under 30 when it cops to joe biden. disapproval rating up to 64% and this is very different than it was four years ago. pete: no doubt. how is your sand wedge game? will: i'm awful at golf. pete: i'm not good at golf either but my short game is compared to phil mickelson. will: i need several sleeves. joe biden trying to play it down the middle into the fareway when
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it comes to israel and hamas. jaire i've been very blunt and straightforward with prime minister and work with the cabinet and bring back a s ix-week ceasefire we need now and getting in over 100 trucks and it's not enough and we'll see what he does in terms of the better and the commitments he made. pete: boy, reading off that paper. if your golf game looks like wills or joe biden's trying to hit it down the middle, you get a snap hook in either direction and that's what's happened on his stance on israel and palestine. will: he's made neither side happy and nassau county nating to see what the jewish vote will be because in america, it has been completely towards d emocrats in the past but he'd be surprised if that's the case today. he's not only made that con stitch june seizure disorders upset -- constituency upset but the far left in gaza. pete: he can't go to any public
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event right now and without disruptions from activists that are saying it's a genocide in gaza. you're not doing enough for the palestinian people because of the far left base, which the democrat s have happily c ultivated which being obsessed with israel and the defense and don't know how to hand and will worried about the votes in michigan and they need them and moving more in that direction and going for that way and take off with these guys and don't know where to attack right now. will: with the driver, the issue they're driving. pete: this is the driver. will: abortion. they are putting everything they can, at least for now on abortion. tax donald trump's stance on abortion and donald trump gave a speech this week. pete: he came out preemptively and said i'm the one that overturns roe v wade and i don't support aings thattal ban and something that was previously approached with and he said it's the claim and not ready to go and millions and billions of
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dollars that will be spent. quickly pivot to those with abortion and going without abortion and this is one we can do again. will: states putting in and democratically chosen restrictions on abortion and u sing those states against donald trump as we saw this week in arizona. pete: they're inserting ballot initiatives in states where they can because they think that motivates their voters to come out. arizona recently got a more stringent pro life bill and supreme court revived an older one that bisically makes abortion illegal in the state and democrats trying to seize on that. will: it's a play for women and all the other constituencies joe biden lost ground. hazard around the green and here are some of the issues and the most important issues to voters and coming to the economy on immigration and border security and the feeling, when you're
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playing golf or having a presidential debate, you're up to the game. pete: no doubt. these two will, if you're not demagoguing, they'll define the trajectory of the election and that side will ultimately try to yell and yell and yell about abortion and the future of democracy which they never quite find treating other candidates on the score card of what voters are talking about and people t rying to move into place where is they didn't talk about it. will: i told rachel last night filling in for ingram and there's things to pay attention to and betting markets favor joe biden starting yesterday and some of the issues swing back and forth and most think it's an effect of abortion and beside the betting market and the swing states that matter are all going on the line. pete: national polls don't matter at all and these states
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right here is what matters and where the electric moves and it's a binary choice and other polls that include third party candidates that make it an even better picture for this guy in those polls and right now these are the kind of numbers worrying the white house and have a can date not going to get better and not getting any younger and numbers aren't improving for him and golf game not getting any shrewder and have to pull clubs out of their cart and hide them like in the clubhouse. will: this debate in the masters and in week on the will cain show had bret baier and hung out for 30 minutes and asked bret, what will be the path for joe bide and talked about bret and his relationship with golf and the fascinating guest on black victim to black victor and t alking about victor hood and oj simpson and go right there to fox news and and apple, spotify and subscribe and listen wherever you want.
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pete: he's got a good golf game too. will: 2.5 is his handicap. pete: top do it yourself p rojects and tools to elevate your space and chip wade is h ere. ere. we'll talk to for moderate to severe cr him.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. will: weekends for diy projects
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and the best projects are the ones that benefit the entire family. pete: diy expert chip wade is here and he's going to roll. what do you got? >> talk yarn to table and everyone likes idea of a garden and attainable solution and these are raise the garden beds from lowe's. i got one in the back and mar ragaini doing her thing up here in the front and even behind. i have a fultons of bonny plants and all kinds of different options, but themed garmin kens from my favorite the veggie and salsa going to jalapeños and easy to grow and gardening and spring fest deal going on right now and all kinds of awesome deals and get these delivered straight to your door. it's really nice. pete: i had one from you and lowe' rachel: it's not hard on the back. >> taxpayers right. it's a great solution for k eeping straps from coming l oose. this is called shock strap and the difference is it has a cool bun jim jordan inside that holds tension so hooks don't get loose and it's made of polyurethane
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and not rubber and not deteriorating in the sun and cool loops in addition to the zinc plated hooks and shock and must have and envy oveveryone's workshop and garage and invented in nebraska right here in the u.s. is where they're made. amazing. super cool and whether you have a small garage or big, these are huge, modular and scaleable whether the big storage c abinets, tables or islands, l and you cannot miss with these. next stop, if you want a s eamless solution for security in the backyard, big or small, this is great. no batteries and no key and single hand operation and open it like this and see this cable, check this out, the cable goes through the post and allow it is to hope. it has a hood on the other side so no sneak jim jordan people can reach over -- sneaky people can reach over and unlock and one hand open from the backside
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and with all the solutions and rust proof and they also have great stuff for your garage door and sheds. and last stuff crafted in the industry standard for contractors, for tradesmen and even diyers and this is ram board floor protection, stair protection, countertop protection. it's great for foot traffic, for mud, for protecting the particulars. five times thicker than standard builder paper and again, it protects from our little rascals that are always out here having fun as well. find this at or any big box. or our site. it's all there for you. we'll be right back. chip, great to see you, man. >> thanks. >> thanks. rachel: in time for father's da. too.
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pete: it is the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend. we start with a fox news alert. joe biden saying this about iran's imminent attack o


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