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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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say you're sorry. >> a right dan? >> it's a miss this part of our time's recent report shows increasing number of wealthy americans are getting passports from second countries to go with her u.s. passport high on the list of countries is italy, portugal, malta and greece. one of the reasons is that with the ability to live or travel freely throughout europe. apparently where the other reasons is, if the pat's passports is a from portugal or greece they're less likely to be taken hostage. it is a sad commentary on our times when americans could not admit when they are traveling that they are from the united states. >> that is it for this week show. thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. hope to see it right here next week. ♪. arthel: president biden is heading back to the white house in this hour to meet with his national security team as
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concerns grow that iran may attack israel at any moment. welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi eric. eric: hello everyone i'm eric shawn for the present expected to arrive at the white house this afternoon returning from his weekend from home in rehoboth delaware. over a possible threat iranian attack against israel baird commandos from the revolutionary guard we are showing repel from a helicopter today. they were seizing an israeli affiliated cargo ship the sapping of this strait of hormuz. comes nearly two weeks after the suspected israeli strike on iran's compound in syria that killed a top ra iranian i rgc commander. israel has been preparing for a reprisal to that. reportedly could come at any time. israel's military on high alert the nation says it will respond to any attack. >> we take very seriously the threats coming from tehran.
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our defense system is ready we do not know what will happen we are ready to protect our civilians and retaliate if we have to retaliate. arthel: you're getting it right now just a short time ago to fox news were from prime minister benjamin netanyahu before i get to you, jackie let me share this with our audience. at this quote is really citizens in recent years and more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed but we are prepared for any scenario both in defense and attack. the state of israel is stronger. the idf is strong. the republic is stronger. we appreciate the u.s. standing by israel side as well as the support of great britain, france, and many other countries but i establish a clear principle, whoever hurts us, we hurt them.
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we will protect ourselves from any threat and we will do so with coolness and determination. no going to jacqui heinrich live it 1600 pennsylvania avenue. what more can you tell us from your perspective there at the white house? >> arthel, israel's cancel school. they have restricted the size of group gatherings. the defensive forces are on high alert. you have a centcom commander who was in israel has now departed. jordan has closed its airspace so a lot of anticipation of something may be coming soon. president biden left his rehoboth beach house where he was set to spend the weekend so we could monitor what is happening here at the white house. >> that is the big toe. we treat other people's mail but we know what's happening you have seen for air france diverting flights and not going there but you know the saying is coming. it's pretty sure it was going to happen today it's a holy david starting tomorrow it's wide
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open. >> israel has vowed to respond to any iranian attack. u.s. has vowed to support israel's defense. that you are a warning from iran to the u.s. not to get involved u.s. troops in the region will be attacked it is unclear what iran considers to be american involvement and if that includes intercepting iranian missiles that uss asked israel to consult with us before any retaliation but israel said their response will really depend upon what iran does. >> we will have no other choice but to respond, to retaliate. we will not allow iran to change the equation in the middle east or the relations between israel and our neighbors we have no interest to open a front with iran. if they attack us will not sit idly by pickwick since morning around seized a portuguese flag british owned cargo ship the national security council here condemning it as an act of
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piracy by i rgc terrorists. its crew is being held hostage, the nsc calling for their release. defense secretary lloyd austin had a call today with this is really counterpart reiterated the u.s. unwavering support for its ally. the pentagon has been pretty tightlipped about exactly in what manner the u.s. plans to assist in helping defend israel. arthel: jackie, i am wondering if you happen to know if a president biden has spoken with a netanyahu today? are we expected to hear from president biden today? >> we've not gotten any readouts yet on any calls the president has had we know he is headed back into the white house. typically when he returns to the white house he takes an marine one, lands on the south lawn we have a chance to ask them questions we just learned he is a motorcade and back to the white house there will not be a pool presence to be able to ask him questions. so far we do not have any announcements on expected public remarks from the president tonight.
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of course about changes we will let you know. arthel: absolutely. jacqui heinrich live at the white house. thank you. later this hour will get reaction florida congressman carlos henman is a member of the house armed services and homeland security committees. eric, meanwhile over to you. eric: is really on high alert we are prepared for any scenarios as benjamin netanyahu and trey yingst from tel aviv and the latest there. are you seeing any sense of preparation, anticipation waiting to see where and if iran could strike the jewish state? >> say eric, good afternoon israeli forces are on high alert tonight bracing for an iranian response israel defense minister releasing a statement saying they are closely monitoring a planned attack by iran and its proxies israeli officials telling fox news they believe this attack could come in phases understanding there are clear indications across the region
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that point to a flashing red light of an iranian attack the jordanians tonight closing their airspace israel at home front homefrontcommand announcing all educational activities across israel have been canceled they are limiting and gatherings up to 1000 people israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing a statement tonight saying quote for the past weeks israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. this to be the first time in history such an attack took place would clearly draw some sort of israeli response. as part of the reason the americans have been so involved in the process over the past 24 hours you set centcom and general michael here on the ground in tel aviv meeting with top officials. determining what a response might be and also how the americans could assist to shoot down iranian drones or missiles targeting the israelis. as we are talking here this a number of updates coming in.
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indications israel understands this is going to be a long evening parade they want to ensure the public is not panicking but is also prepared for the hours ahead. again we can report israeli officials are on high alert at this hour. we understand their special instruction from israel homefront command israeli prime ministers meeting tonight with the cabinet including israel's defense minister to determine to what an israeli response would be to an iranian attack and understanding where the american support is going to come in. the americans have been very clear they will support the israelis in what they are calling ironclad commitment. president biden returning to the white house today cutting his trip to delaware short. understand the hours ahead could be uncharted territory for the middle east. eric: getting word the idf that i iran has launched the idf says iran has launched uav from its territory. you a visa from iran toward
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israel. we know these are drones for drones can fly under the radar for the idf prepared saying uavs are on their way potentially to attack israel. any sense of where that could be? what the targets could beat military, civilian, any update on that? >> fox news can confirm a cold and to multiple sources drones have been launched from iran toward israel but will take these drones hours to get here. this could be just the initial phase of the iranian attack against israel. israeli officials are meeting tonight to determine what their response will be to this drone attack. there are a variety of methods the israelis could used to shoot down these drones including fighter jets and some of their more air defense systems on the perimeter of israeli territory. we are talking but some of the larger systems out the iron dome we have discussed over the past
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nearly 200 days amid the war between israel and gaza. larger systems such as david "slaying goliath" and the arrow system. remember this all began earlier this month the israelis targeted the consulate in damascus, syria akilling a top iranian general n charge of the weapons shipments to places like syria and lebanon. it is what the iranians have called a redline that was crossed with the israelis have warned iran not to launch such an attack as is underway as we speak. they're almost certainly will be an israeli response to this iranian drone swarm that's headed toward the jewish state. as we speak right now again we are reviewing the comments being made by israel's top spokesperson and the military. the israel's are trying to keep civilians calm. understand this will be a very long night. he could come in multiple phases. again the information fox news can confirm at this hour, dozens
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of iranian drones have been launched towards israel. it will take these drones hours to get here for the could be intercepted by fighter bets and air defense systems as we speak israeli officials are gathering close to here in tel aviv at israel's version of the pentagon to determine what the israeli response to this attack will be. eric: the fortunate news is these drones are detected as you said it takes time, several hours for them to get there. so the israeli military it can be prepared if you have said to shoot them down. this could be the first part of the escalation cruise missiles potentially next. any sense of what those targets could be and how far this could go? >> for the past 48 hours i've been talking with a variety officials and israel. all the way up to the defense minister trying to get an understanding of what would take place if such an attack
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occurred. we do not know what the targets of these drones will be. there's been a mixed reporting over the past several days if the iranians would only target military installations like bases in the northern or southern part of this country. or if they would target major population centers like tel aviv where we are standing right now. there is an understanding regardless the israelis see this as a direct attack on their territory. they will want to send a clear message to iran according to the sources we have spoken with this is not acceptable. i thought come in or close to israeli airspace yet. the main concern is not just the drone attack from iran and cruise or ballistic missiles that could be fired at the same time. the real concern tonight is the lebanese militant group
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hezbollah the largest proxy in the middle east. a proxy according to sources we talked with in the defense establishment here has more than 1000 rockets and missiles all aimed at israel. if there is a response from the israelis, the understanding is iran could further activate hezbollah to target israeli cities for them and targeting israel since october 8. a day after the october 7 massacre. but they focus their attacks on the northern part of this country. they have precision guided missiles and other capabilities that can target major population centers like jerusalem and tel aviv. they have not used them yet. at the concern is iran could feel pressure from israel and some sort of counter attack and activate hezbollah or other large proxies in the region. including iran back trent eight in yemen. often the distance. the buzz of its an israeli drone for that drone has been in the
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air over the past several months collecting intelligence but also monitoring the situation here. understanding israeli cities have been on high alert. this coun countries been at ware october. tonight we are and charted on preunprecedented territory. israel right now as we speak is determining how they will respond to it attack that is underway. at this point it is a drone attack launched by the iranians. dozens of drones we understand headed toward israel and many will be shot down or intercepted. it is unclear what the target of these drones is at the moment. we will be able to gather more information as the night progresses. eric: a new step from the terrace and iran to attack a potentially israeli territory the jewish state it self with ih these drones. as you mentioned hezbollah has upwards. we will get back to you as soon as we have more information, thank you.
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>> right now we will bring in dan hoffman fox news contributor former cia station chief in moscow. let me talk to you about what i am hearing. tehran has launched dozens of drones toward israel. that is going to take hours. they know that. they could have employed hezbollah to do a terror strike in tel aviv, god forbid. i'm just saying they could have done that. what, in your estimation is there point at this time? they know is going to take ours for it's kind of a warning shot if you will pray they know israel has the capability to either shoot down those drones or to block it with an air defense system. so how do you see what's happening now? >> you are asking the question i'm sure president biden is asking right now the situation room. based on what we know and there
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is intelligence on plans and intentions for it what it looks like is iran once use their drones reportedly blocked from my iranian territory as well as from yemen to stress and probe air defenses this would be just the first wave of attacks open up opportunities in the coming minutes, hours, days for follow-up cruise missile or ballistic missile attacks. you might see attacks from lebanese hezbollah, from syria as well as from iraq. the question is how far will iran go? israel is under attack right now from iran there is no question about that. the attack has begun. arthel: the attack has begun what should the united states do? >> we need to be engaged with israel. we have been doing that on a very continuous basis. but the gen gene general as wels secretary office and have been in touch with their counterparts i'm quite sure our intelligence
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agencies are in touch with their counterparts. we are going to be a wargaming this. it's very dynamic but we are tracking what iran is doing better going to discuss with the israelis and track with the resresponses going to look like. we have to be very aware of any threats to u.s. persons and installations and israel as well as in the region. when you're in the fog of war as we are about to enter just because iran is aiming at israel, targus and israel that does not mean where that missiles are going to land. we have u.s. persons that installations in that region that are grave risk. we should be thinking about them as well but. >> what you think is happening considerately of u.s. personnel in harm's way? what is being done as far as you would be able to tell us to protect them? >> from my experience it first thing you want to be doing is collecting the intelligence so you know where the attacks are coming from. the best thing you could do is
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preempt the attack before any harm is caused to our people or our installations and that goes to israel as well. you can bet u.s. persons, our installations the israeli partners we are all on high alert right now. in defending ourselves to be aware as well israel is preparing counterattacks to follow up whatever attacks iran might launch in the coming days. i feel sure israel will be launching counterattacks as well we are looking at the potential for escalatory crisis. it is a good thing is we mention the previous hour president biden is back at the white house because it is all hands on deck right now to deal with the crisis. >> but that counterattacks from israel with those be correlated in terms of the heft, the weight of attack from iran.
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to strike just as hard will be measured in those terms? they want to destroy iran's capability to launch attacks. israel has the intelligence for they know where iran's ballistic missile sites are you might see israel targeting those in military sites, military bases to degrade and diminished capability to strike israel. i think that is where they would probably be focused. arthel: we talk about the united states as backup. who else could be dragged into this? who else is right now planning, just as the united states is planning? >> i think the concern we have is at the time of a crisis as we are in and the potential for war between israel and iran, iran has never had better relations than they have right now with china and with russia, two countries on the security council at the united nations for the idea we would be able to
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reach a diplomatic solution is pretty far-fetched. i think that's a pretty grave concern. you can bet our nato partners france and the uk in particular will be assisting israel with intelligence collection and potentially mounting concurrent defensive measures both in the red sea and strait of hormuz for they've got people in the region to be concerned about. arthel: who did you say i'm sorry the producers talking in my air which nation were you referencing? >> i was referring to our nato partners particularly france and the uk. arthel: got it, thank you have to let you go eric has some when i doing to ask you, dan, is there anyone who can speak to xi jinping at this point to get iran off the ledge and back down, stand down? >> i do not think china has the leverage to influence iranian behavior.
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right now i think iran is making their decisions, their calculations are based on how the united states and how israel are responding. we have entered the phase and now where there is a war comic kinetic strikes going to take place in iran's calculus will change for to be dynamic but based on how israel potential united states response. arthel: dan, could you stand by for us we have eric right now. steve pr or prime minister benjn netanyahu told his nation whoever hurts us, will hurt them but will protect ourselves from any threat we will do so with coolness and determination. victoria joined just deputy nationalnational security advisr president trump. welcome. iranian drones on their way apparently to attack israel. the sabbath ended a few hours ago. what do you make of this and how do you think the idf will react? >> good afternoon.
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i think what trey reported from jerusalem is important. the iranians are doing this openly from iranian territory they're not simply using hezbollah or hamas but i'm sure all of them will participate in some way. they are sent in these directly from iran the last time this happened was in september of 2019 they launched a similar spectacular attack against the refinery in saudi arabia. that was seen as a very deliberate escalatory provocation at the time. i think that is the most significant thing we know right now. eric: what you think will come after that? how does israel react? >> israel is going to try to knock down as many of these things as they can breed open source reporting is showing us we have american tankers in qatar on the move into iraqi airspace we have seen uk activity out of their basis in cyprus. probably patrolling the eastern mediterranean but we will start to see all these pieces and
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moving on the chessboard as it were. the israelis will be focused on taking out all of these drones they possibly can. preparing for what happens next what comes the next day. that is only have to be so concerned about more than 100,000 precision guided missiles that hezbollah is stockpiling in lebanon. eric: about a hundred 50000 according to some reports and iran has wanted a cruise missiles. do take any signal or significance they are starting with the drones that are very public, takes hours to get there as opposed to just suddenly launching cruise missiles against israel? >> yes, not in a funny way but a grim way or watching the train wreck happen here. bear in mind they have the assets in lebanon they also have significant assets in yemen. since october 7 we have had houthis firing off more than they had in the past iran is
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continuing to equip them but train them on these more sophisticated weapon systems. i think everyone has feared is there would suddenly be this pinch her grip on israel. it is starting to materialize. eric: could iranians have the houthis attack the south in hezbollah from the north and all three together against the jewish? >> that is what i think the nightmare scenario has been. we will see how this plays out for it's critically important that the united states is seen as standing unabashedly in a bipartisan way with israel. i would strongly urge my colleagues in the congress, take up the standalone package of assistance that passed in november. get that through the senate paid the president should sign it, nobody needs to politicize this. make it clear materially and then through our actions in that region the united states is with israel they're not going to
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cease to exist because we won't let it. eric: the same time you have a potential attack and retaliatory attacks. do you have any sense tehran could ever get the message to back down? i mean the syrian compound has been called an embassy but it was really a military compound the two top by rgc commanders in charge of their rating activities in syria and iraq were killed along with seven or so other top military officials. why wouldn't iran potentially target israeli military sites versus perhaps civilian sites. we do not know where the drones are going. >> that is very true for the good news is the iranians are not 100 feet high and they have pretty significant problems at home. so their ability to carry this on as an item is limited. if israel can hold strong, if they can inflict damage as a dan
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was saying on the sites or iran might launch these sites or if they are very strong on the northern border. they have significant assets and capabilities of their own. especially if they feel they have first and foremost partnership in support of the united states. they do not differentiate between us we should make that a strength. that also support from nato partners. my hopes would be high they can repel this. it's going to be difficult, there's no doubt about it. eric: is there a possibility american assets could be involved in shooting down these drones are arms a or missiles coming out of ironic? >> in an odd way they already are the david sling program that's eight medium range missile defense system is a joint breakdown project it already is an american asset and a weight that is they were. there is increasingly a joint program as well.
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i think that's more of the kinds of things they will want to be using right now. they've been highly resistant to having american personnel boots on the ground. in the country because to become such a big target. that's why things why our strategic stockpile are so important that has to be ready for israel to be ready to use of the crisis is emerging. eric: the saudi attacks reference in 2019 where they attacked directly in the oil fields basically was one and done. after that will batteries to protect the arabian oil fields. you think that to be the playbook here? one attack to try to send a message. i may just be these drones and nothing else. >> it could be the. you are discussing when is deputy national security advisor is pretty deeply involved in
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that. it was spectacular it was designed to terrorize the world by shutting down oil production put it wound up heroic even. but then there was back and forth for the next couple of months. ultimately president trump made the decision to end january 20 that is what shut the irradiance down. they were then why it for the foreseeable future at least for the rest of the trump term. eric: why have they been shut down now? the iranians the biden administration has been way too apologetic and conciliatory toward the iranians. they stopped enforcing all the oil sanctions allowing the iranians to primarily sell to china at a discounted price for they've got tons more money over 2 million barrels a day they are selling their much more flush
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with cash. they also have not been brushed back strong they have attacked us over 100 times since october 7 we have lost three people, others have been wounded the administration has been very, very cautious in how they have responded. that can lead to this escalatory cycle. eric: finally talk about the administration being cautious. is that the strategy that is or is not needed when derek dealing with the terrace in tehran? we see if you give them an inch they take a mile. we see the oil sanctions, you did that money been sent to tehran. through the decades call for death to america. they hate the west and continue to target jewish state to eliminate it. what is your view on s somebody strategic issues? >> sometimes caution can be strategic certainly president trump ever had a significant interest in getting embroiled in another war the middle east.
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he knew if they kept pushing adventure to brush them back you have to let them know you are serious. the rains are essentially bullies for the try to take advantage of the week. they exploit folks dependent on them they're very abusive to their own people. when you stand up to them and make it clear we have capabilities they don't. but it's true of us and the israelis would reach out and touch them in ways they had not anticipated that is when they might back down but hoping the white house tonight is looking at more creative options then we have been using for the last six months. >> victoria coates with suggestions for the white house and others to do the iranian threat to those bullies into run former deputy national security advisor to president trump. thank you for joining us good to see you. arthel: eric, thank you. republican congressman carlos mendez is joining us now. thank you so much for being here. i do want to start with this because as you well know next
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week the house is set to vote on a stand alone israel aid bill. no funding for ukraine. no funding for the border print how will you vote? i will send with israel always will stand with israel. i will also help the speaker brings forward a stand alone for ukraine. we need to help ukraine. this is all joined. iriran as helping russia with weapons. north korea going to establish a new world order they are poking us again in the middle east and trying to do harm to our greatest ally in the middle east which is israel. i am standing with israel. whatever we can do to help israel, i will be there. steve ever going to focus on is going to pick up you said it is time for stand-alone packages for ukraine as well and keeping
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in mind you've got the puppet masters behind this russia and iran working together. do you think given we are now look at live pictures at 11:30 1:00 p.m. over israel that we are in a hot war? you have drones on the way there somewhere, we are not exactly sure where. do you think given there is a hot war in place in progress right now some of the bipartisan bickering will be set aside? >> it is a bipartisan victory. we have disagreements inside our own conference. sometimes i do not recognize our conference anymore we need to get by that point we need to see aggression for what it is. you cannot bow down to aggression. you cannot let it happen. in ukraine you've got ukrainians trying to fight for their freedom but we have to help them for it all they are asking for our arms and munitions most of the monies on basement here in
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the united states. israel, obviously it's her greatest ally. we have to help them face this threat. administration is looking at ways that we can intercept as many of these drones coming israel's way parade the fewer of them that get through the response from israel can be proportional and hopefully this does not get out of hand. none of this is by coincidence. weakness invites aggression for this is what we are seeing. arthel: listen i'm getting worried right now from the white house saying iran has begun in airborne attack against israel. president biden is being regularly updated on the situation by his national security team. we are looking now at live pictures of the president landing their joint base andrews before he heads to the white house again for meetings with this national security team on
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this hot board war that's now tg place in israel. your reaction to what i just read to you in terms of what's coming for the white house? >> i would hope it's all hands on deck from the white house and from the u.s. government because this is a very serious situation that can get out of hand very quickly. and so cooler heads have to prevail. again this is israel being attacked directly by iran. i'm sure israel is going to take some action against iran. at least those areas where the attacks are coming from but like i said before, previous guest was right. this administration has demonstrated weakness in the face of iran. they have lifted or failed to enforce many of the sanctions that are now putting billions of dollars into iran's hands. which in turn they can used to build weapons. fund at their proxies and create chaos in the region.
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all because of the failed policies of this administration. i do not think this would have happened under president trump. president trump would never have allowed iran to interfere in this fashion in the recent he would've showed up much better strength against iran. and given them a message we are serious about protecting our allies in helping our allies. if you go too far we will respond. again it's a very serious situation. and hopefully it will not escalate -- it won't get out of hand. but it is very serious. arthel: congressman thank you very much for joining us. thank you sir. eric: cheap national security correspondent jennifer griffin joining us on the very latest on the pentagon. jennifer, welcome. what are you hearing about this attack? the drones heading toward iran that u.s. can or may be involved. >> what i can -- faculty back up
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and explain to what u.s. central command, the white house on the national security officials here at the pentagon as well as the white house have been doing in recent days. it is very clear they had clear intelligence iran was planning a strike to retaliate for the april 1 attack in which israel carried out the airstrike that killed the top by i rgc iranian revolutionary guard corps generals. u.s. central command general who has been and is there for the last two days meeting with his counterparts in the israelite defense ministry. they have been sharing the latest intelligence as well as coordinating any potential responses. the u.s. goal and the pentagon goal in this based on my conversations with u.s. officials is to ensure this does not spread to a wider conflict. there was an expectation based on what iran was saying that iran was going to retaliate. and so now the question is will this be a proportional response
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and if no israelis are killed no americans are killed will there then be a further response? what we know the u.s. military has done they have forward positioned some additional naval and air assets. basis across the middle east. 30,000 across the middle east. aircraft carrier strike group and the red sea as well as two u.s. navy warships in the eastern mediterranean that are equipped with tomahawk missiles. that u.s. does not want to get involved in this. i think what you are seeing in terms of careful diplomacy being led by u.s. central command by meeting with his counterparts across the middle east know and overreacts rate this is not spread. the u.s. does have a commitment to defend israel.
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and it will be there if this escalates. so right now what we are seeing is likely based on what the israeli officials are saying what some eyewitnesses on the ground in iraq are saying, dozens of iranian drones are on route to strike inside israel. israel some of the greatest air defense systems in the world there are patriot missile batteries as well as the iron dome and other defense capabilities. if this is simply dozens of iranian drones which fly very slowly as my colleagues have reported it will take several hours in the next hour -- two before we know the location of where they plan to strike. israel has the air defense capability you've seen the messaging from israel for people to be close to their shelters. to stay home. for schools to be canceled tomorrow. they do not want any civilian
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casuals if there are israeli casualties that is going to escalate this further. that u.s. on high alert. they do not with the u.s. military based on conversations i have had in recent days and weeks they do not want this to spread and they are doing their best to contain this and ensure this does not escalate. my guess given the telegraphing that has occurred by iran, usually iran does not behave in this way they carry out terrorist attacks or use proxy groups to target and catch the u.s. and others off guard. the fact they have been telegraphing for days and the intelligence has been so clear. even with the window of timing it is no surprise this is occurring tonight suggests to me this'll be a limited strike. ill be something the iranians can propagandize for their own people and domestic consumption to said they have struck at israel in retaliation for the airstrike on april 1.
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but, as we know in the middle east things can go awry and we are in a very uncertain moment because this is historic because iran has never and we do not know the target of this drones at this point. it doesn't look like they are headed toward israel. it would be the first time iran his struck from my iranian territory, israeli territory. that is an escalation of itself. eric: a major escalation and eigand amajor new chapter in mit history of tehran directly striking the jewish state. he did talk about something in terms of waiting for the attack tonight. number one very public. number two these drones take our so israel know exactly where they are with other military assets. in that way the best scenario more of a public type of demonstration by iran versus a
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savage attack but the fact is you just pointed out iran waited until the end of shabbat this is not the war, not a surprise after sundown on saturday night, the sabbath is over. that could indicate in some ways this may be more of a public posturing that is as if these drones do not kill anybody. so as not followed by cruise missiles. >> saw the aftermath after that after theu.s. killed soleimani e rgc general in iraq than there was a telegraphing expectation iran would respond the target was pretty clear. was a base u.s. forces with iraq. it was delivered from my round they were done and there is not going to be any further action so that the u.s. did not have to respond too. and it did not escalate. it is not clear at this point too.
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loosen the element of surprise is a big part of military tactics and strategy but they've lost the element of surprise for the fact jordan closed its airspace in a certain window of time the fact the iraqis were expected also there airspace to be used. this is the biggest open secret in the middle east. the question is what will follow and whether all parties will remain disciplined or the iranian proxies decide to get in on the game producer earlier today iran overtook a civilian ship in the strait of hormuz. that's extreme provo provocatioo solve the statement from the white house for the president will be meeting with his national security team at the white house in the coming hours. i know for a fact here at the pentagon, people were here at very, very late at night last night for they've been watching this but this is not coming as a surprise to the u.s. government or the u.s. intelligence
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community. there've been careful, careful behind-the-scenes conversations to try and ensure this remains very it contained and does not get out of control. eric: hopefully that will stay contained and in control as we've just seen that motorcade leaving andrews air force base the president en route to the white house after being in rehoboth beach cutting short his weekend there of course. statement from the spokesman saying among other things the president's team is quote in constant communication with israeli officials as well as other partners and allies. this attack, she says, is likely to unfold over a number of hours. president biden has been clear our support for israel security is ironclad. the united states will stand with the people of israel and support the defense against these attacks from iran. militarily, since you are at the pentagon, how does the united states do that? how do we help our ally our
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strongest ally in the middle east tried to repel and respond to the chair is from tehran? >> again, right now -- mike this is based on my assessment at this point. i do not think that u.s. military unless something goes terribly wrong that u.s. and military i would not expect to be involved in any kind of response for they will be there in case israel cannot handle the defense measures that are already in place in terms of missile defense. in case something goes off-track. let's member the assets the u.s. military and navy have in the region. not only bases across the region, across the gulf he had the aircraft carrier stripe group accompanied by several destroyers in the red sea. he had to u.s. navy warships in the eastern mediterranean. that u.s. is very, very
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well-powellpositioned across the east and the has been since october 7 rate since the attack inside of israel. the resupply of weapons and especially ammunition as well as missile defense missiles has been key that is why the bite administration the white house and pentagon have kept those supplies of weapons going to israel. so it is not get into a position like we have seen in ukraine they are short of artillery or defensive missile weapons. that is what i expect to see. as well as their shield decides to get on the game. on a 50000 and 11 on was targeted into israel. if lebanon to simultaneously
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strike israel triggered the u.s. getting involved further. iran is going to keep this between iran and israel. this would be a significant show of force for the cameras. the night skies a bit lit up at some points with israeli missile defense shooting down these drones. and i think iran will be able to go to their people tomorrow and said they struck back and retaliated. but i think i would be very surprised if hezbollah and others decided to strike at this moment because they know the u.s. is poised to intervene if israel is in any way, shape, form overwhelmed in the coming hours. eric: we can only hope hezbollah and houthis keep their powder dry and this is contained to at least these drones israeli fighter jets have scrambled to
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face them it is a slow motion folding against israel. as always at the pentagon will be sending both the latest. we'll get back to you soon, thank you. arthel: but right now let's bring in dr. rebecca grant irs independent research president. dr. grant, i went to pick up her jen just left off. she is reporting based on her expertise in reporting iran basically will more than likely use this strike as propaganda and not expecting tehran to employ hezbollah, and hamas. how do you see it? >> i think jennifer has made an excellent point. this attack has already been launched. israel has picked up those indications. let's remember it was just back in november israel and 35 lightning strike fighter
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actually shot down a trent eight cruise missile. iran has to know that israel with its iron dome air defenses and its integrated air defenses it has a really good chance that hitting a great many of these drones coming in. arthel: and so dr. grant i'm going to read a statement to you that's coming in from all around revolutionary guards saying it has targets specific places in israel by launching dozens of drones and missiles. israel channel 12 tv says iran has launched cruise missiles at israel with shorter flight times then drones. again this is from israel's channel 12 tv saying iran has also launched cruise missiles at israel with a shorter flight time then drones. how does israel prepare for that? >> exactly but israel is pretty
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good at picking up cruise missiles. they are fairly slow flying and israel can pick these up on radar for the question will be are they coming from multiple directions? ain that statement iran is being so cautious i think because remember just in the past week we had foreign ministers from saudi arabia, uae, iraq and qatar telling iran to cool it and hold off. iran is not popular in this region. the other states do not like the mischief they have created with the terrorism and the support for hamas. this attack on israel is not going to win iran any friends. it's going to put them any more difficult position. and of course this certainly justifies, most likely, some israeli retaliation. best a possible case is the israeli defense forces and the air defenses are able to knock down a lot of these and maybe hit up parking lot and some
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trees and not a lot of damage is done and iran feels they have responded. at step i'm not going to win iran any friends in the region. arthel: as you said dr. grant, if in fact the air defense system israel has the iron dome or perhaps any fighter jets that could shoot these incoming missiles down, i would ask you that if that does not hit the people there in tel aviv as we look at the saliva shot 11:49 p.m. a gorgeous city. the people are on edge. we hope that nothing happens there as the israeli defense forces prepare. but let me ask you if in fact that happens what you just pointed out it does not actually hit the ground there. but iran can go ahead and say we did respond. we did send a warning over too israel. would that be enough? or do you think that even though they are saying this is going to
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be done in multiple phases. do you think perhaps this would be enough? the world is watching. iran has made us point, we have the power. >> well, they have made the pointheirpoint they've also donn a way to telegraph the incoming rounds giving israel the best possible chance of shooting down and intercepting. that tells me iran is a little bit nervous as to what israel could do in retaliation. iran, they make such a bad decisions they felt they had to make the strike. i do not know they are going to want to repeat this kind of strike. and certainly as the missiles and drones hit israel they are justified to retaliate so iran is playing a dangerous game here. this does not impress me it's not going to impress others in the region is not going to impress china. is not even going to impress
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russia. they really are this type of attack. they are trying to make propaganda statements and hope they do not get too much retaliation. arthel: when you are saying they're not going to get backing from russia or china that says a lot. i'm going to ask this question, i think they know the answer but let me ask you does iran really want a connectic kinetic war wi. military involved? >> iran knows the israelis alone can do a lot of damage. just look at the strike that was carried out april 1. others strikes can be very, very precise. if you are a leader and iran and you launched drones and missiles at israel he would be very worried about your personal safety at this point. not russia and china will still support and away but they are going to have to be concerned about their own safety after taking this type of step.
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arthel: you just pointed out iran does not want retaliation full force retaliation from israel. let alone potential involvement with the u.s. military. that said, what happens now? here we are it's almost midnight there in tel aviv, and israel. what happens now do you think dr. grant? works are now israel forces are attempting to track these missiles. who knows what they are seeing. to see where they are headed and shots between at what the fighter jets they have out. another important thing we have u.s. military forces throughout the region from syria down to iraq and the red sea. those forces are on very high alert for force protection at the moment sprayed that's very important to central command is watching this very closely. probably some liaison with israel in terms of information
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about the incoming attacks. israel's job right now is to try to identify that attack if it is coming and work out the response. >> is it possible you have a coalition from qatar, maybe from saudi arabia making phone calls to tehran saying what you doing and stop it. >> excellent point. there is definitely that because again the gulf states did not want iran to do this. they sent to their foreign ministers to make this point to iran, do not do it. just like president biden has said. do not do this. they are behind this but iran is a terrible theocracy that supports terrorism. are they going to listen? i don't know but they have chosen to telegraph the military response and that tells me they are a little bit worried about what israel may do in return for their trying to get off the strike.
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they faced and hope they don't get hit too hard in retaliation. arthel: really quickly, 20 seconds wrapping up do you think this is going to escalate or do you think this is going to de-escalate? >> i'm hoping iran will be deterred from doing anything further. i'm really hoping israel will knock down a big chunk of any of those cruise missiles or drones heading to tel aviv. i'm putting my money on israel to shoot down a whole lot of them. eric: dr. grant we appreciate your expertise. thank you for joining us on this very tense day. we will speak to you again probably tomorrow or the next few hours here and fox news. thank you. >> thank you. so far as you can see the live shot of tel aviv as we approach midnight in israel. to recap iran reportedly launching dozens if not more drones are toward israel.
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this marks the first time the theocratic regime has directly attacked the jewish state from its own territory. some reports said earlier iran is not only preparing the drones but also cruise missiles for potential attack. we have not had any indication cruise missiles are a further type of armaments are involved in any potential attack just as it stands right now the reports from the idf and others attack drones are on their way to attack israel. the encouraging news iran it's been attacked with these type -- israel has been attacked with these drones of the past they've been shot down by helicopters and is really idf fighter jets. so they know where the drones are for the know are some of them are. they can reach them attack them and try to bring them down for it does not know exactly what
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targets the iranians have prepared to try and hitch. but as of right now the state of israel, on war alert with an attack incoming from iran the world must hope for peace and that it does not spread beyond that. more breaking news from israel. jon scott next here on the fox news channel. and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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jon: the rumors of war swirled in the intelligence community for at least a week, and now it appears they are coming true. iran has launched dozens of drones in antt


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