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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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throughout the information passed run on twitter but i've got dozens of e-mails from iranian national saying we do not support the regime. the fact is iran has unofficially declared war on israel part israel's going to respond aggressively and take care of business are going to do it swiftly. israel's not playing around this point. >> aron kohn special operations veteran of the israeli defense forces. thank you for sharing your expertise tonight. so, the missiles are still in the air but still on their way. the suggestion at least on the iranian side is that this may be the end of it. let's hope so. that is how fox reports on this saturday, the 14th of april. of 2024 i am sorry it is the 13th. i am jon scott. ♪ >> the "big weekend show"
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beginning with fox news alert i am griff jenkins along with nicole saphier and jason chaffetz. tonight iran missiles at israel. president biden the white house and we expect to hear from former president trump any moment from pennsylvania. first we had to tel aviv for drinking live with the latest we understand the u.s. has been responding to these missiles and it's a possibility some of these iranian drones may have made it into israeli airspace, what can you tell us? >> good evening, fox news can confirm a massive drone and missile attack is unfolding right now against israel launched by iran. it's taking place as we speak, sirens continue to sound across the country. in jerusalem there interceptions reported, is rest missile defense system is active.
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this began earlier this evening with iranian drone attack. drones take hours to arrive at their target. since then, the idf israel's military confirmed missiles are being used by iranians. with not been able to independently confirm whether crews are ballistic missiles are being used but this is a developing story that risks dragging the region into a broader conflict. a few minutes ago behind us we could see israel's missile defense active in tel aviv. it was used to shoot down some of the incoming fire and other parts of the country even as we write out there are sirens sounding and it gives a sense of how unpredictable the situation is. i want to show you on my phone, you can see the red alert system israel uses to update the civilians that need to head to bomb shelters and this is the past few minutes of the red alerts coming in across this
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country, the nuclear facility, the dead sea hotels and other locations including jerusalem, the largest population center here. this is going to unravel qui quickly. israeli defense officials according to sources continue to meet at the pentagon israel's version of the pentagon. they are preparing what israeli response will be. it's understood israel will respond to this attack to iran and unprecedented moment in the middle east, direct iranian attack on israeli territory in response to a strike earlier this month watched by his rabbi killed seven members of iran's i rgc. >> if i could follow up, you are reporting 20 minutes ago there may be an indication this is going to be the extent of what's coming, the matter may be concluded according to iranian officials, what can you tell us
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about that? >> i want to read you a statement released by iran's permanent mission to the un, a lengthy statement filled with propaganda so we will get to where the iranians are trying to get out to the world in terms of their messaging. as one that stands out from the statement provided by the iranian government and its qu quote, the matter can be deemed concluded they are referring to this additional attack launched against israel. clearly iranians are trying to contain what has just taken place and what continues according to these alerts on getting on my own to take place at this moment and that is a massive multifaceted attack against israel if this is an attack israelis and americans were prepared for. earlier today we understand phone call between u.s. secretary of defense what often and israel's defense minister to try and understand what the
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joint response might be from the americans and israelis to this attack. the intelligence on this was spot on. i've been speaking with defense officials from lower levels intelligent all the way up to the defense minister has 48 hours to get an understanding of how israelis were preparing. israel's air defense systems have been on high alert this evening israel's homefront command, the organization within the military responsible for communicating with civilians without message limiting public gatherings and canceling all educational activities so israel was ready for the attack and wanted to walk a fine line and the line was between keeping the public informed and prepared and ensuring the public was not panicking. marketing is a israel's second largest city of tel aviv. later we could see intercept around flying through the sky off the skyline toward
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projectiles launched toward israel for the public is calm promotional runs on groceries or banks must know chaos in the streets, simply instructions by israel's military for civilians in certain parts of this country to stay near the bomb shelters. understanding the rc, a massive attack against israel launched directly from territory could be first chapter in unpredictable book. iran has proxies across the middle east engaging israel since october 7 massacre and while we can talk tonight we have to remember israel is at work for nearly 200 face. gaza as we are talking we can hear just overhead enshrine the airspace is dependent above us right now and they know their threats from other proxies directly funded and supported by the iranian regime. we are talking to major proxies, houthis and haven't backed by
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iran hezbollah according to our sources has more than 100,000 rockets and missiles into israel and i can tell you according to a source i spoke with earlier today israel knew especially with the support of the united states they would probably be able to handle the initial iranian waves that target their country tonight, the one unfolding right now as we speak. the biggest concern for israel and its military and i is iranian proxy has block in southern lebanon prepared to attack if given orders by iran. they've already been attacking since october 8 watching daily rockets and anti- think missiles into israel but they have precision got missiles and coordinates of the city we are standing in and on a moments notice could launch another major attack so israel is bracing for the possibility of this situation to unravel. >> unprecedented situation, excellent reporting.
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stay safe, thank you. let's bring in mark levin, host of life, liberty and levin. thanks for taking time on this unprecedented event. what can you tell us, what is your reaction, your thoughts on what you are seeing play out on our tv screens? >> i'm not watching the tv screen, i'm in israel and i'm in one of these rooms in a hotel, a very strong hotel and what the american people don't understand, nobody is panicking, these people are very, very strong. the fact that i'm sitting here, i am pissed off. i'm here with a lot of people so people need to understand there is no panic in this country at least from what i can see. this fortified area, this hotel
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is because the iron dome has set three of four of these drones over jerusalem where we are. they function perfectly but israelis jets flying around, they've been ready for this, they are ready, people here are ready. one thing your analysts mentioned, i'm saying this as an individual, keep talking about has block and 150,000 missiles. what you think israel would do if they shed 150,000? israel has nuclear weapons, i'm not saying they would use them but if they actually thought the cities would be obliterated, maybe it's time the enemy looks at what israel could do. this is urban warfare, israel has a powerful air force, a missile system, too.
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massive think capacities, it knows what's going on with has block in the north, they are not stupid. also notice what's amazing is these gulf arab states, they are not going with iran. the israelis could go in there and knock down as many missiles as they could as well as the united states. you haven't heard people from saudi arabia, egypt, they hate these terrorists, they want them even though they can't say so but all these intelligence taking place between these countries if you look in the region, it's almost all arab countries in the jewish state in the united states and there's iran and all these terrorist groups they've funded and the american people need to understand when donald trump is present, iran is incapable of doing this. joe biden for over $100 billion
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into iran directly and indirectly and in appeasement policy and we paid much of what is taking place right now including with hezbollah, hamas and the houthis and the american soldiers and sailors in harm's way, magnificent red blood, american heroes. none of this had to happen, not of it. i sit here pissed off, that's how i am. >> please stay safe but president biden said don't forget that was his message and has been for a long time. don't. do think that's working, is not resonating x. >> my shoulder was supposed to air, look at it. it had a great effect. general kane, i but he said something extraordinary, is
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context, alternating with israelis and others in the middle east, he said they recommended multiple times to the white house, the state department they hit iran, refineries, missile sites and so forth in response to the endless terrorist attacks against our troops, israel and so forth push them back, they know when they are stopped and slapped down hard, they quiet down for a while. instead the biden a administration has attacked our ally openly repeatedly, obsessively, publicly. they've threatened to cut off arms, they don't even have all iron dome missiles because they were starting to slow walk, investigating israeli company that provides an essential part for the iron dome.
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joe biden is a ping-pong ball, he says i support israel but we had enough of this, we cannot allow our citizens to keep running to the basement every three days and picking off our people left and right. has block has 150,000 messages, we are supposed to sit here? i suspect the biden team is trying to figure out how to keep a lien on israel with israel's trying to figure out is how we respond but we have to keep looking over our shoulder. that is the issue. your experts have been fant fantastic, some will be limited, some have said is the first wave, we don't know. i suspect is railed will get a handle on that but look at jordan, shut down airspace so israel could do what they needed to do and you look at, they are brooding, iran is trying to overthrow jordan. iran has taken over iraq.
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karen has taken over yemen, and lebanon. iran is not interested in a two state solution, five state solution is almost fundamentalist regime. the something by think and the other reprobates can't seem to get through their heads, this is not a war about a two state solution, it's important bigger than israel. this is a war for the survivability of the planet whether the planet will be mostly free or tierney and iran has gotten away with this over and over and it's too bad it false to this little tiny country to confront them we will see how much biden supports israel or he will support them in a week or so we'll see because he's a funny way of
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showing, says one thing and does another i want to thank the american armed forces, the best of the best. i feel one 100% secure two of the greatest momentary's, united states and israeli. >> we know the u.s. has come up with confirmed the u.s. has a shot down some drones are missiles underway. mark levin, joining us live on the phone from inside israel. stay safe and keep us updated on any think you get from that and. thanks for joining us. >> go america, god bless. >> next, more on biden's response to the iranian escalation. breaking news coverage and iran's attack on israel continues. or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that.
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we are back with fox news alert, president biden touch his delaware trip short and is back in washington monitoring the iranian attacks. fox news white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is at the white house with more on biden's response. >> good evening, president biden is in the situation room, he is consulting with secretary of defense, secretary of state,
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homeland security and cia directors, national security council basically all of the top brass in his cabinet u.s. watches this unfoldment determines how it will counsel israel in its response. neither u.s. nor israel want to invite war with iran but everyone is watching this message iran posted through its mission to the un that indicates potentially thought even before these aerial oranges made contact in israel iran may be seeking an offramp posted in part, the matter can be deemed concluded however, should the regime make another mistake, iran is more severe. conflict between iran and broke regime which the u.s. must stay away from so before telling us how this is going to impact any
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counseling the u.s. is giving to israel, everybody is watching see what unfolds in the next few hours. we were told by the security council this is expected to unfold over several hours. we don't expect to hear anything from the president, the white house called would almost medially after he got here from rehobeth. what that means is you don't expect to see him publicly but we know he's having that high-level meeting the situation room this evening. we know the u.s. is closely correlated with the usual allies in the region we speak to, jordan for instance, egypt, a couple of days ago as the u.s. was pairing, not secretary blinken making phone calls to china, turkey and saudi arabia trying to get their help encouraging iran, not to further escalate anything and the regions so we are awaiting any comment from the president on paper at least what might happen tonight but unlikely we will see
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him on camera given that this would be unfolding over the course of this evening. >> behind closed doors you may not have gotten reaction from anyone but is the white house aware here in the last few moments seeing house majority leader's police saying they are going to deviate from their regularly scheduled plans on the legislative agenda early in the week depending aid to israel and condemnation of iran, are they aware? >> we don't have any reaction on that yet. i wouldn't expect to necessarily get any tonight, i think what we are going to first hear from the white house and it will likely be on camera tomorrow after the u.s. has had a chance to assess the impact your, the u.s. support for israel and what happens next, it's going to be
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contingent upon what israel sees as an appropriate response to the incoming tonight so on the legislative front i'm sure there will be discussion about that is the beginning of the week unfolds but this is fresh, we haven't seen the extent of the attack yet or if it's going to have any second front for proxy groups, the message from the un seems to indicate her message from transmission to the un seems to indicate they are saying this is one and done and they don't want to escalate this any further. i would note what we are watching layout tonight was a slow moving and highly telegraphed attack, the u.s. sent commander all the way to israel to coordinate with them on how we would jointly assess what should happen next given the desire not to watch this escalate into a regional conflict so this was something iran telegraphed early on and a
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slow-moving situation already the u.s. has had a chance to help israel respond to shooting to some of the incoming we have not seen the end of it yet. >> jacqui heinrich live at the white house, thank you so much. look back to tel aviv, trey yingst on the ground with the latest. >> good evening. as we speak, i can hear a plane overhead, difficult to tell, it doesn't sound like a jet indicating there is still air activity. we've mostly heard military planes overhead as israelis are securing their airspace. in the distance we saw some of israel's missile defense systems active as the intercepted drones and missiles prostitute israelis airspace predict with a lot of developments here at that doesn't sound like a fighter jet now. a lot of developments here going to take if you event, the story
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is changed each and every mi minute, unprecedented attack against israel launched directly from iranian territory, israel's war cabinet meeting at the israel's portion of the pentagon a few miles from here to determine israeli response. according to reports of this hour, the u.s. embassy and israel directed all u.s. government employees and families to shelter in place immediately. we understand u.s. jets have assisted israelis in donning some of the drones targeting their territory in this initial iranian wave. sirens a few minutes ago were sounding across the country. israel's homefront command, military organization responsible for mitigating with civilians told people and the southern most cities and northernmost cities to remain close to bomb shelters. those instructions quickly were
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altered as of drones and missiles targeted cities across the country. there were explosions and interceptions and israel's largest population center of jerusalem and some of that video is significant and shows how many israelis were in shelters tonight, talking more than a million people heading to bomb shelters as this rainy attack unfold at this hour, it not over despite comments made by iranians and now we wait to see what the israeli response will be to this moment in the middle east. >> thank you, trey. >> thank you for the latest there in tel aviv, we appreciate it. rachel, what you take of what's going on right now? >> i'm kind of reeling a little bit from the moment we had been on, he brought nuclear war, he said israel is getting tired of
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what they see happening is concerned about what has law could do so i think i am worried and worried about this getting bigger and a lot of americans are sitting on pins and needles and we tickle our heads maybe the mark levin's welcome pre prevail. >> we heard iran put out a statement to the un essentially saying this missile attack this would be the end of it, they won't do anything further but how do we know iranian backed rebels will not also be in parallel by land and sea attack? perhaps iran will be the only direct with this which we still don't know target, the time but i asked, is there any intel, do we have any information, rbc any movement on the ground these
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rebels counter attack at the same time? >> it does seem very intelligent is good, this was foreshadowed long in advance felt actually, we are going to go back to trey yingst lived with the latest, things are happening moment by moment what's happening? a fantastic question about the biggest concern for israel as we speak is an attack from iranian proxies across the region, namely iran backed has a look, the lebanese militant group has more than 100,000 rockets and missiles, precision guided munitions smuggled into southern lebanon fight iranians. thank kat planes that landed damascus and smuggled these components into lebanon in preparation for the event you are witnessing right now. this is unprecedented moment in the middle east for a variety of reasons the first direct iranian
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attack sort israeli territory, crohn's and missiles in the skies of this country intercepted tonight. we saw those brown coming off a few minutes ago from a fighter jet overhead in tel aviv trying to secure airspace here but the biggest concern is an attack from has a lot because israel response to this event, not a question of if but when and how. there were sirens earlier this evening sounding across the country, interceptions taking place, a million people heading to bomb shelters, israel is under attack as we speak in their defenses meeting close to hear to determine what the response will be. if they put pressure on iran, strike directly and iranian territory, we are entering uncharted territory. israel has been out of work for the past six months. tonight is the most dangerous moment since the war in gaza
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erupted you can see in this video, the sirens sounding in israel, significant attacks taking place against this territory. >> stay safe. >> stay safe, we can hear sirens going off. next, fox news alert, former president trump response to iran's attacks on israel, lived from pennsylvania. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate
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we are back now with a fox news alert. president trump about to address a rally in pennsylvania. about iran's attack on israel. a short time ago posted on to the social quote israel is under attack, the should never have been allowed to attack, they should never have happened if i were president. fox news correspondent alexis mcadams live in pennsylvania night. alexis, i know the crowd is excited, patient gathering for a
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long time. excited to see the president. many of them were gathering as these attacks were happening you get a sense the people in the crowd are aware of this moment we are in? breaking set is the most dangerous moment in israel since the war in gaza october 7. >> good evening from pennsylvania where people are talking about how they feel like america looks week on the world stage. they will wait for former president donald trump to get on the stage behind me in this important thing state and talk to voters across the country about this attack on israel. short time ago former president trump posted to social this would never have happened if i were president. trump saying america is stand by israel is up to say more should have been done to prevent this thing america looks week. >> i worry we waiver and do not
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show strong leadership support. >> i appreciate when trump is in office, when he makes a threat, everybody believes it. that is not the case now overall we need leadership in our country. >> this is proof the world does not respect doesn't respect to the office. does not respect joe biden. >> president biden is being briefed on this attack, president trump is making his way to this rally in pennsylvania, his motorcade just pulling up moments ago and friday president biden morning expected the attack by iran could happen very soon saying simply a question when he was asked what was his response? he said don't when asked for his message but that didn't work. former president donald trump called president biden pathetic and claims iran would never have
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attacked israel if he remained in office. presumptive 2024 republican nominee saying biden could get the country into a world work. >> this is something that should never have happened, october 7 should never have happened in israel what happened was outrageous. karen is broken i was president people want buying oil iran, would buy you off from iran, they wouldn't do any business that i said to everybody, they weren't doing business, they were broke, they didn't have money for hamas or hezbollah, it would never have happened, october 7 would never have happened, it did now it's a disaster and only getting worse. ♪ >> we expect the president to come out strong with those remarks about was happening in israel. he says according to his team, will send a strong message on what his beliefs are saying this would never have happened if he was in the white house.
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another thing is mentioned, iran didn't have the money to attack when trump was president. >> they wouldn't be attacking israel if our president that i can tell you and they never did. they wouldn't be attacking iran wasn't no position to attack, they had no money, they were broke now they have to 21 billing dollars and they have iraq who has 300 billion iraq has become a subsidiary of iran. with all we don't, all the fighting and death, look what happened, how incompetent the whole thing is. ♪ >> former president donald trump said yesterday as you heard when he was at mar-a-lago he believes the world is on fire, a dangerous time in believes our country doesn't have respect anymore so we are expecting to hear him talk about that in a short time and she will take the stage in pennsylvania. when this happened in israel, it was a fundraiser, he lost to
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president biden in 2020 when that happened, he was also posting to truth social and came out strong against what's happening in israel. >> you, appreciate that. interesting points, iran was broke under president trump. before that, you know very well written congressman obama sent a plane load of unmarked bills to iran so they really wanted iran to become regional power and donald trump. two and here we are again. you can't deny the biden penetration is directly responsible for funding these attacks. >> the obama a penetration and continuation with the biden administration has been a position of appeasement and are trying to be nice and placate them and enrich them giving them billions of dollars as you say, pallets of cash going over there but also because we are not energy independent, because we allow them to allow the price of
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oil and gas to go up, they get rich and when they get rich, they have billions of dollars to fight these fights. >> it's more than just money though, donald trump is right that today would not have happened if you are president and look at the time line, 2006 un security council imposes sanctions on iran for drones and missiles. biden and obama 2015 reverse that as part of the iranian deal. 2020 president trump reverse that and paid sanctions against permanent band for missiles and drones from iran. 2021 biden reverses trump. 2022, iran sense drones to russia to attack ukraine, biden does nothing. still, we are seeing drones and missiles from iran, biden does nothing so if trump or president, he's right, this would not be happening. >> a lot of americans right now are pining for the days of peace and prosperity under donald trump, stark contrast we are
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seeing and we are praying for everyone in israel across the middle east strong military having to clean up this mess joe biden has created in terms of american foreign policy. coming up, fox news alert, israel is put on island as iran orchestrates an attack on the middle east. an army general perspective on what it means for all of us and our allies. stay with us. f iranian drones ad
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missiles as he takes the stairs. we expect him to attack the current administration on their handling of the situation at perhaps also get into whether or not sanctions waived by the fenestration could be funding some of iran's terrorism the president stands there laughing, he will make comments now that will be historic on the heels of unprecedented attacks for the first time striking israel
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directly. it's never happened, a historic moment and as we hear traditional songs, it looks like the typical rally but comments of the leading candidate for the republican party will issue comments now which will be in the history books. >> hello, pennsylvania. what a great day. [chanting] >> the pilots had to windy to land so i said that's okay, land anyway. [cheering] it's windy out here. [cheering] windy but beautiful. it's pennsylvania. i'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful commonwealth what thousands of proud, hard-working american, that's what you are. we are here to help, we are going to win unzipping, defeat
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crooked joe biden and make america great again. [cheering] before going any further, i want to say god bless of the people from israel they are under attack because we show great weakness, the weakness we jump, it's unbelievable not have happened if we were in office, you know that, we know that, everybody knows that but america praise, we always send our support to everyone in harm's way. this is an attack that would not have happened. to think about what have to go through the things we put up with them up with the border, no energy dependence, all electric cars, what everybody like to buy an electric car? [booing] we will return and it will happen quickly, revive american strength we will restore
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america's strength at home. all over the world, today we are considered a joke. it's going to be for long, believe me. it will not be for long. we will be rebuilt the greatest economy in the history of the world likely had it just four years ago. it was announced inflation is close to 4% again, he recalled. when i left office, we had virtually no inflation. first of all, crooked joe claimed it was in transitory and that he said it was not going to happen and then he said -- >> we just heard from a president trump addressing the attacks in israel. anthony joins us right now, thanks for being on with us we heard former president trump talk how these attacks wouldn't have happened under him in regards to the fact that the biden administration has
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released sanctions on iran and given direct funding and allowed the missile ban to expire, what is your take? >> i think that is absolutely right. maximum pressure campaign on iran when i was performing duties under the country of defense throughout the trumpet ministrations was very effective, they didn't have the means to do what they are doing, they didn't have the means to even wage the type of work they are through their proxies from lebanon and. iraq and yemen so the arabian peninsula is on fire because of the biden at ministrations funding of iran to do x billion for the six hostages and not enforcing sanctions and allowing them to trade oil with china, tens of billions of dollars, all that money goes into the means of war, most of it does and
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funding of hamas and hezbollah and houthis rebels. even funding the 131 -- 136 drones think tip to russia to attack ukraine so let's american dollars paid for a lot of this candidates right squarely on the shoulders of the administration and the split policy they are trying to have it both ways with islamic voters and the progressive left while pretending to be supportive of israel, this is what happens when you don't have a clear vision, divide the american people to try to maintain your power and you are not standing shoulder to shoulder with our allies despite slings and arrows who take. this is about national security, global security, economic
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security. think about the economic ramifications that can come out of this if this persists. >> general, we have been watching live pictures, we are seeing defense systems whether iron dome responding to drone, we note the u.s. has assisted in shooting down at least some of these ground. we've been hearing sirens, we know they have the david klink system and larger missiles, the arrow system. how do you assess things based on what you've seen now? this comes with the backtalk historic moment, unprecedented attack, this is the first time iran has directly at israel and appears they are going not only in the northern areas desert major cities like jerusalem, tel
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aviv. >> great to chat with you again, david slang, 90% success rate. the patriot about one into, iron dome 80 to 90% and arrow three is a high 98 -- 99% success rate so first three, the iron dome, david slang patriot will shutdown drones. ballistic missiles coming in at zero three that engages so very capable military. the question is whether or not they have sufficient stockpiles to sustain defensive measures against forming ground and swarming ballistic missiles over time, how deep do those stockpiles go? remember this administration a year ago made israel give up a bunch of 155 artillery to
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ukraine so israel is capable of defending itself. i have read are cabinet approved a strong response so i think you might seek offensive measures here, they are not going to worry about what the biden administration is trying to tell them to do. >> this is jason chaffetz. this was foreshadowed, telegraphed, you can see this coming in for a couple of days we've been talking about this. from the military standpoint, are they doing that on purpose to lessen the blow so there isn't an escalation or is this a distraction perhaps there's another blow in another direction? how you read that from the military standpoint? >> what i think is the intelligent was probably pretty good on this, particularly from israel and we have some sharing agreements and once we made it
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public, once israel made it public, i think iran was on the horns of a dilemma, go ahead and do it or do they not or do they wait? they made a decision and it is good to hear it true what they say, you can never believe what they say but if it's true that this is kind of their shot until something else happens, gladys refreshing for what they have done is poked the bear and i think israel sees, they haven't hesitated going to rent before went they destroyed a nuclear production facility several years ago so what i see is israel taking the fight to iran and give them as good as they
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are getting right now. >> so many questions, i'm curious how this new front with iran my affect how israel is fighting the war in gaza if at all but in general, myself sitting behind this desk on the couch at "fox & friends" the last year or two, the idea of world war iii, something we never thought we could be thinking about talking about how worried are you that might be happening? we are in a crazy situation right now. >> you and i have talked before about going from energy independent energy dependent, dependent on iranian oil, venezuela oil and how that makes us depend on arabian peninsula for energy which is so important fueling our economy. this iranian attack emboldens the shi'ite elusive groups and hezbollah and hamas and west
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bank, houthis and those attacking our soldiers and syria and iraq so seen as baghdadi is coming in saying look at us doing this, we are seeing riots in the west bank. the utter incompetence of the biden administration, the worst secretary of state we've ever had in the history of our country antony blinken, who he talks to because he hasn't done any diplomacy and this is when we need that, we need to talk to our allies and partners in the region, the saudi's, and varieties and all the other so we can find a way forward and keep israel is our greatest ally in the region. >> great insight as always, thank you for joining us this evening for we are seeing and unprecedented situation unfold.
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let's go back to tel aviv check in with trey yingst on the ground, what can you tell us now? >> good evening, we continue to get updates each minute about the situation on the ground. israel is still on high alert bracing for the possibility of more drones and missiles during their territory. according to our sources, israel cabinet is still meeting trying to determine what the response will be to this large-scale attack that sent more than a million people to bomb shelters across the country. we are getting numbers from israel's homefront command responsible for sending out the alerts to let people know of incoming fire. they say 720 rattlers have been sent out as a's ongoing attack unfolds. we note the u.s. embassy and israel or all personnel and families to shelter in place until further notice and gives you a sense of how serious the americans are taking this
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threat. earlier today we know there was a phone call between israel's defense minister and u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin. the coordination between the americans and israelis has been closed throughout this entire situation. the intelligence about what would take place was correct. israel's homefront command have the opportunity to warn civilians, they need to stay near to bomb shelters earlier in the evening before the attack took place in one people to avoid large public gatherings and cancel all educational activities across israel so right now if the country is not panicking despite the fact that israel remains on the brink of larger war. we should be clear about what's taking place, direct attack from iranian territory targeting israel sending people to bomb shelters, reports of injuries my interceptions taking place over major population centers including jerusalem and it's not over yet. we are also having to collect
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elements out of the region understanding israel faces threats from iranian proxies in places like yemen with iran backed houthis and lebanon lebanese military group has a lot drones and missiles of their own. they have been supplied weapons by iranian regime often smuggling to places like southern lebanon and there is a real threat tonight that iran continues provocative actions against israel has escalated and already sensitive situation and i want to read and update getting in right now, president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu receptors become a from tonight likely understanding what the response will be coordinated between americans and israelis and becomes as we are getting a new statement and just now from iran's foreign military sink iran will not hesitate to take further defensive measures to safeguard adjournment interest against military aggressions.
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we are hearing propaganda tonight part of the reason we are incredibly sensitive reports and confirming types of missiles used against israel but what we can confirm, unprecedented attack with drones and missiles launched from iranian territory sending people to bomb shelters in israel and israelis believe is an ongoing situation tonight. >> 3:00 a.m. there, great coverage, stay safe, keep us posted. reporting continues, remarkable coverage. thanks for being here, a different situation but that will do it for us. we'll see you back here tomorrow 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show put breaking news. john robert will take it now. ♪ fox news alert breaking news this hour israel under attack. i riran launching dozens of dros and cruise


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