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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  April 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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♪ >> tonight tomi and i was real, stay with me, i went to look at these red alerts right now. sirens are sounding right now in communities across israel. we just saw some sort of missile interceptor from an area around tel aviv directly u.s. watch this unfold and determines how it will counsel israel in response. >> nobody's panicking, these people are very, very strong. i'm sitting here and i'm pissed off. >> breaking right now, israel is under attack. that evening, i am brian kilmeade with a special edition of one nation. unprecedented times as we see iran launched an attack against israel as predicted, first-ever direct attack on israel from
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their soil. he was officials confirming iran fired ballistic cruise missiles at israel in addition to attack drones. we saw a lot of drones and we still see them russia using them against iranians. this is in retaliation perspective israeli attack on iran's consulate in syria last week, israel doesn't think it's a consulate, drones and missiles, or details in a moment i sirens sound off in jerusalem with explosions hard in the skies. let's get our team fired up. let's check in and tel aviv with trey yingst, what is the latest? >> israel's security cabinet held a meeting tonight and voted to give power to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the country's defense minister and an additional cabinet member to decide how israel will respond to this unprecedented attack.
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dozens of drones and missiles fired into the country, military says majority of them were intercepted outside and israeli airspace but those who put pass air defense systems slamming into israel soil, some images are quite shocking to the people who have been at work for six months but it seemed tonight with never experienced in their lives, correct attack from iranian territory targeting major population centers across israel. we do understand there are special instructions in place for civilians told to avoid large gatherings in some areas to stay close to bomb shelters. benjamin netanyahu telephone call tonight with president biden to discuss the situation, records indicate to world leaders spoke for around 25 minutes. israel's defense minister speaking with his counterpart, secretary boyd austin. there's a real understanding on
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the ground that israel will likely respond to this attack, a step up on regional escalation matter. iran says israel crossed a redlined this month when they targeted to talk iranian generals in syria with a strike and tonight israel worried iranian proxies across the region including houthis and government, has a lot and southern lebanon could get involved at the situation escalates further. >> so far, it's pretty clear in the released from rent that they consider it older, legitimate defense of the action response to aggression against dipl diplomatic. it could be deemed concluded, they want us to end if i'm to believe their words. you don't believe israel feels that way? >> absolutely.
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iranians are claiming tonight this was a legitimate response to the killing of mohammed, a top iranian general killed in the strike in damascus. a man responsible for the smuggling of weapons and components into southern lebanon used against israelis by has blah, a group attacking israel since october 8. when we step back, israel understand if they do respond tonight or tomorrow or in the days ahead, iranians could respond again in the region has to brace for the piloted possibility that it rattles into a broader conflict. americans understand the risk and part of the reason who seemed a shift in tone in the biden a penetration, president to secretary of state thing they stand behind israel. we understand the americans participated in shooting down drones attacking israel and
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phone calls sending a message to iran if they continue to isolate the situation, americans are standing behind the israelis but this could be the first chapter in a difficult unpredictable book for israel. uncharted territory tonight. iranians watching direct missile and drone attack from their territory targeting israeli soil, a major escalation across the middle east. >> i will check in and about 20 minutes, jennifer griffin, chief national security correspondent getting work and pentagon. would you say it's correct to estimate at least 200 drones and various types of missiles? >> i would not say, dozens were shot down by the u.s. military, air force and navy were involved and as well as jordanian
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missile-defense intercepted what we were reporting a little while ago, we confirmed cruise missiles were fired from romanian territory and 100 attack drones, the same 136 drones iran has put in ukraine but what is extraordinary tonight, u.s. central command has been extremely busy in the skies over the middle east. u.s. military intercepted, we can report based on conversations i've had with senior u.s. officials, dozens of protect drones before they got to israeli airspace so very few of the missiles and drones made into israeli airspace, that is good news. israeli air force in the skies above israel as well as along
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its borders protecting, shooting down many of those drones. this is what you call layered defense. what we saw tonight was an extraordinary success in terms of missile defense, we've heard about the iron dome in terms of missiles and rockets of the gaza strip in lebanon part of the arrow missile-defense system we are hearing more about the coming days. let us israel's missile-defense system that can fire into the atmosphere and intercept ballistic missile, it can take on a missile from 1491 miles away so that's extraordinary. then the david sling we don't talk a lot about but it's designed to protect israel from drones and incoming medium range missiles so this is going to be studied in terms of defensive measures have the u.s. military
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working with israeli military and allies in the region defend israel from unprecedented attack involving more than 200 drones, missiles fired from iranian territory toward the state of israel. >> and aqs helping out, there's a report that jordan even knocked down what seemed to be a missile over there airspace. >> we been reporting on gordon all night in terms of not just one missile but jordanian air force has shot down dozens of drones as they were flying over jordanian airspace, boys & from sources in the region who i spoke to suggested gordon is a key part of this defensive shield stopping, violating jordanian. we seen reports that they still has an alert, there airport has
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been shut for a few hours. this is the u.s. air force and military on highland drawings the skies over the middle east. >> great job, thanks for staying on tonight. appreciate it. twenty right now, michael wilde, member of the house foreign affairs committee, he fights wars and now helping us analyze what's going on. your thoughts about whether you hope the president, we are waiting for the breeder's they had their conference call. what you hope the president relate to him? >> i would help not only it's for president biden say privately they would walk up to the white house lawn, right now or phrase thing in the morning let the entire world no israel, enemies need to hear that the
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big question in my mind is israel decides to respond, hit iran, we have their back? this could happen a check to block response like a rented after soleimani, president trump took out fairfield general and president trump after that despite the clutching from the democrats and others, president trump on escalation bladder and synthetic, it's over. israel could take that response your but at the end of the day i think israel is going to res respond, will be supported? >> help should they respond? this is admiral daniel, his assessment of the damage done to his country from as many as 200 missile strikes.
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>> so far, we've intercepted a vast majority of incoming missiles. in continued to intercept, as well as cruise missiles and ballistic missiles outside of israel's border. a number of missiles fell inside israeli territory, causing minor damage to military base with no casualties, only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will be well. >> minor damage, no one except one little girl, we hope the best your thoughts about that language? >> i think they are pointing out that they did not sustain major civilian casualties despite throwing all of us out there and there was a huge success for
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israeli and u.s. and coalition missile-defense i have to say the coalition the trump administration together to the abraham accords holding the saudi's, jordanians and so many golf allies, a few years ago nobody would have imagined the growth state standing with israel helping defend israel against an iranian attack and only through him accords and trump administration that all of this is happening. the biggest way we could support israel is dry up the cashing iran. billions of dollars, it chinese money i 90% of illegal iranian oil because we are not enforcing mentioned so they are going to be able to do this over and over again, resupply hamas, keep supplying has blah, keep building drones that they are giving to the russians to attack rain and resupply the houthis until we get to the source and
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problem and that is going maximum pressure on iran. >> you said it's a big one for china, as a part of the reason you believe that? will get cheap oil from iran? >> they are getting cheap oil from rent. number two, all the navy ships wearing themselves out in the red sea and mediterranean should be on the pacific or at home getting ready to go to the pacific and getting repairs and third, these dollar missiles shooting out thousand dollars drones, we already didn't have a lot and will also need in the pacific exhausting ourselves in the middle east once again and xi jinping the chinese are smiling all day long and it's all because of bad policy out of this white house. >> we are waiting to find out what is the readout from the phone call? if you know president biden,
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let's not do anything, have seen the way the interactions have gone lately. thanks so much and we will have that in a little while. >> the time he says the escalate, they see opportunity and thus the core of the problem. >> mark levin, go back to israel, michael wants anybody but keep it here from a continuing coverage on the attack on israel. the most part it seems over. don't move. stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.
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>> imposter to the united states, 6:00 a.m. there. thank you for getting up with us, or not going to bed. your thoughts about the nature of these 200 rockets headed in your direction? >> a game changer, a game changer. before people in the middle east could pretend when iran sends
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hezbollah tissue hundred event sends hamas to buyer thousands of rockets at israel somehow iran is not involved and now that vail has been removed, iran is directly involved. the firing of 200 cruise missiles, fairy big accurate missiles, difficult to intercept caught drones, expressive drones at israel is an act of war, it can't be put on to anybody else so we are in a different ballgame as of tonight. israel responds immediately will be a factor of how much damage was actually caused according to military spokesman. the damage was minimal, and young girl was injured. we have the final tally but the fact that iran it can fire at us that amount of weaponry and just walk away, that is lala land,
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that's likely to happen. we are waiting to see what our allies do insight. >> saudi arabia calling for restraint but don't you to answer what you think the consulate was in damascus, a violation of un charter have a better, many boot people believing it's right in damascus make it could be different military headquarters. i come from the policy, once you is your embassy as a military headquarters to carry out acts of aggression in another state, loses his symptomatic immunity, is just a military headquarters. the military in the building plotting to make attacks on
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israel from syria, it's got immunity? what world? israel had every right and even a duty to take out both leaders. >> what's it like on the ground? are used to being a regional conflict especially since october 7, what was it like today knowing other be in the world knew this attack was coming? >> we felt as we always feel, we are secure, strength, unafraid. i'm sitting here all night long, my family is not afraid but we take precautions. most of our apartments have a field drink, secure rooms, school has been called off for 48 hours, large event, weddings call office zero we are not cavalier about it but we are not covered either by any stretch of the amount of nation.
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iran thinks it subdue us or intimidate because even with 200 cruise missiles. >> just going over exchanges tween this administration and your administration and israel, antony blinken said if israel keeps disrupting gaza but they are becoming indistinguishable from hamas. the president of united states and basically lets everyone know he plastic be on the phone today before they give the secretary of state time to speak out against you, how would you characterize your relationship between the u.s. and israel right now? >> on that level, the relationship is strained. united states continues to provide imitation for israel. tonight the united states helped a great number of these drones and cruise missiles and i completely expected that, regional conflicts like this in the united states by our side,
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remarks about hamas equating are very painful but also injurious to israel and the united states. why would hamas agree to a temporary cease-fire and release hostages if the message is again and again, hold on? get a couple hundred palestinians were killed in this war because that's what happened when hamas hides be timed civilians even though we are trying to avoid that and the united states and israel will break ranks and imposed cease-fire. the chromatically, it makes no sense. >> you cannot leave the terrorist organization together and headquarters so i think the prime minister made that clear, hopefully president biden understands that. thanks so much, appreciate it. joining us right now, former foreign policy advisor and genius of israel.
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this is unprecedented, we've never seen iran attack from their soil and go after with this type of velocity against israel. you heard him say it's a game changer, is that how you view it? >> we've known this circle of fair strategy toward israel, to using proxies around israel. hamas and the south, obviously the houthis, syria on israel's order so this whole strategy of having proxies terrorize israel revoking israel to respond to proxies never respond to erin directly. tonight change that, iran fired a massive barrage, they intended to hit israeli soil. in that sense i agree with ambassador will warren and puts israel and a new normal because
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unless israel now, there are encouraging things we saw but with that said, your response some way that's meaningful that runs the risk of normalizing this idea that iran can directly hit israel from its own soil. , now every and being able to launch what they watched tonight without any response would set a new precedent. >> they put out an immediate statement saying essentially iran's military reaction was a response to their aggression against the tip about pres presidents, it can be deemed concluded. everyone i've talked to set they've not concluded and you said it can't be concluded but it could happen worse. hezbollah started with their hundred thousand rocket arsenal at the same time and what hamas
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had left in the south and iran over the top, do you agree it could have been worse? >> it could happen but there was one other factor was critical, one that was extraordinary u.s. israeli cooperation in the recent days and have been quite critical including conversation with you on your radio show in recent weeks of the biden f ministrations distancing from israel, politically diplomatically the un, publicly in ways that i think send confusing messages to hamas and to iran that's been unhelpful. however, in recent days the administration has sent a strong message that the u.s. was locking arms with israel, the central command was in israel yesterday and i think the coordination between the u.s. military and idf has been deep and tight and i think there's a wonderful capabilities providing to israel that were important
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and the most important factor is we learned in the days ahead about very important and encouraging cooperation between israel and arab countries in the region, i think the damage that was done to israel present as minimal as it was despite the large garage by iran from limited damage was made in part because israel worked closely with saudi arabia, jordan and other countries in the region with real damage. >> the abraham accords were successful but iran was the problem in this a penetration said iran, let's pretend like it's old times and be friends. they locked in our face and everyone is paying the price. so much on a saturday night. appreciate it. meanwhile, we will monitor breaking news out of the middle east and over israel to see if
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the rockets have subsided. mark levin will be next, don't move. ♪ in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea
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god bless the people of israel, they are under attack right now. that's because we show great weakness. this would not happen, the weakness we've shown, it's unbelievable and it would not have abbott's if we were in office. everybody knows that but america praise, we sent our absolute support to everyone in harm's way. >> 6000 people agree to the president in america and took time to remark about that unrest in israel as they absorb missile attack first time ever from iranian soil into israel as we been hearing over and over, a game changer. we are going to follow, try to get the readout before the conversation was like 8:00 a.m., 8:00 p.m. eastern time between bibi netanyahu and president biden. we don't know what the delay w was. we will give it to you when we get to it. we will continue to cover this breaking news let's get the perspective but literally in the
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eye of the storm, host of life, liberty and levin, normally he's been on for about two hours ago but special coverage tonight. what is it like there? >> very quiet. people there are not panicking, very strong. i think the people here have had enough, kicked off, attacked, raped. you say game changer. is anybody told they are leaking to nbc news? than 90 minutes the last drone that was taken out how they are worried about israelis will be to act, too aggressive, uptight about what they did in damascus, already trashing the israelis. trying to figure out how to respond militarily but how to respond within the definitions and boundaries of this lousy,
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awful biden administration imposing on them so great guy, israel needs to do this, israel needs to do that but israel is under attack by the administration. of course we the american people help israel these drones. this is who we are, the position the united states government. it's not his position, this is the position the united states government for 76 years when harry truman first recognized the state of israel, he's not doing any special. what he's doing is awful and horrendous. on the one hand got great american heroes stationed the other hand, attacking the ally right in the middle of a major war leaking to nbc. they are at the state department. they do not want israel to route
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relate to iran. hamas needs to be defeated. we are not going to do it, israel is prepared to do it. this can't go on this way. it's not like there are always nice guys in the middle east, the contrary. it's a horrendous seen in the middle east. it just happened in the prior administration under donald trump, palestinians call the shots. if iran doesn't get to call the shots. they don't get to shoot missiles emphasis, people come here and realize it's a civilized nation every three or four days people are running to the basement. we wouldn't put up with it 1,150,000 missiles will keep saying hezbollah has, they can target tel aviv, thinking target -- millions of people. these are populations.
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when we sit here if we had a country with 150,000 missiles in our cities? i sent a few hours ago, how can they never talk about the fact that israel has? not that they would use them, her from the media and experts act like it's not a big deal? what you think might happen if 100,000 targeted missiles hit tel aviv and jerusalem i am fine, i am pissed off, these people need to be defeated. it can be vetoed, they are not a 10-foot tall -- these are not 1. anyway, go ahead. >> we know this, yemen, syria, lebanon, all basically controlled by iran. gaza, controlled by iran. iraq, too. 2500 troops there on an island so this might be the moment is
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as we are in a war, this will make it worse. iran for only get more powerful more rockets if we don't finish up so this might be the moment where israel does what they did to megan and bombing out the nuclear program and syria, is the term when netanyahu says this is for our survival, i'll do it regardless of what america says? >> it's amazing. then netanyahu has to sit here and decide who will for years now, he's got to decide, right my people in different countries once and for all or do i listen to the biden administration? not think about that. do i protect my people country? or do i have to buckle down? for the people understand, he
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has to make a decision. that's what he's done. biden wasn't schumer on the floor to say this needs to be proposed. it is so diabolical and outrageous. goes onset, iran wouldn't have been able to do any of us but for the fact that i confronted them on them. buying has given more money to iran think he has to ukraine. iranians are in no position to do any of these things so is a game changer. my question is, what are you banging on netanyahu for? not only did they create this duration, not only rearm the enemy but undermining seeking to you nbc news and you and i agree, i don't these isolations
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but i'm going to state right now, russia cut through ukraine, poland better watch out, these guys are serious, people say, what are we going to do? world war ii, they better open their eyes because it's setting up world war ii and not because we are so, it's because we are not standing up to these forces. >> you got to go for total victory. look out for the baltics, they'll know it. just sitting by and republicans, too. thanks so much, appreciate it. mark levin helping us out. straight ahead, a lot of breaking news coming through. the conversation between netanyahu, israel's president, we are going back out to trade used in a moment and over to jennifer griffin again. special coverage of israel being under attack. ♪
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now with breaking news on iran's air raid on israel, 200 rockets, missiles and drums together have gone into israel, most of which knocked out of the sky. some of which have mentioned on a military base. trey yingst on the ground, covering it for us all night long. just over 6:00 a.m. there. is it over? >> good evening, it appears to be over for now, there are mixed reports that the still be iranian drones in the sky headed toward israel but the bulk of the iranian attack is done at this moment. things are across tel aviv, israel's largest population center behind jerusalem appeared to be pretty much normal, people are calm, no one panicking. israel's air defense systems largely did they are intended to do, intercept threat headed toward the jewish state. we could see intersections
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overhead and the circulating of darrell three system able to match what we saw to those videos. it is significant because this is israel's largest system, the most capable system meant to intercept ballistic missiles and not just focus missiles, cruise missiles and attack drones. the region now waiting to see how israel will respond to this. israeli cabinet meeting here, israel's version of the pen pentagon. they ultimately voted to give the power to three people, israel's prime minister, defense minister and another cabinet member to decide how israelis will respond but there are two critical phone calls tonight, one between benjamin netanyahu and president biden at another between israel's defense minister in his american counterpart, secretary lloyd austin. during the short calls, they discussed the initial iranian
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attack and what is really response will be. the coming hours and days, the region will be focused on two major things i want to see if iranians will attack again and to see how israelis will fund. initial reports and israeli media indicate there will be response, is really looking to send a message to iran in a direct attack from iranian territory will not be accepted and will draw direct israeli response. >> no one knows better than you, this could happen worse. it has a lot decide to time there rockets on the north at the same time iran close over land from a different direction, hamas has rockets left over in gaza, if they wanted to, they probably could have overwhelmed all the missile systems, is there something to be learned? is there a message we should take from that? >> is a great question and there is something we can take away
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from decision. iranians have more capabilities than the use tonight. this was a significant unprecedented attack that's plunged the region into truly uncharted territory but iranians did not involve there two major proxies left with significant arsenals in the region and we are talking about iran fact reason yemen and iran fact has a lot in lebanon so that is the x factor in all of this. if it continues to escalate in the middle east continues to client this escalation flatter, iranians certainly could involve hezbollah directly can a broad attack. >> will check in with you again and hope it's over but as the sun comes up, who was find out. breaking news from the white house, jacqui heinrich is there, i know we had this meeting it o'clock eastern time waiting on the readout, what could you tell
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us? >> i'll read it to you for the very first time together because we are watching to see if there's any information about how the u.s. counseled israel and what would be an appropriate response. this statement reads from the president, earlier today iran and proxies operating out of yemen, syria and iraq launched unprecedented air attack against military facilities in israel. i condemned the attacks in the strongest possible terms. at my direction to support the defense of israel, u.s. military moved air defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week, extraordinary skills and helped israel take down nearly all incoming drones and missiles. i've just spoken with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm americans ironclad limit to the security of israel. i told him israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend and defeat even unprecedented
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attack sending a clear message to those that they cannot effectively threaten security of israel. tomorrow i will convene my fellow leaders to coordinate a genetic diplomatic response to iran's brazen attacks and engage with their counterparts across the region and we will stay in close touch with israel's readers while we have not seen attacks on our facilities today, we will remain vigilant as to all the threats and not hesitate to take all necessary action to protect our people so a couple of significant pieces of that, this statement for the first time i believe is confirmation from the u.s. these strikes heading toward israel not just coming out of iran but also coming out of yemen, syria and iraq and also nearly all of them were taken down before reaching israel, we did hear from the israelis before but the line i
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am paying attention to his i've spoken with netanyahu to reaffirm the commitment because we seen this nbc report saying apparently there's concern within the white house at israel might have taken action that could drag the rest further into regional conflict so we are waiting detail on the. >> a lot in there, thank you so much. we got to take a break here, that was the breaking news. the breaking news in the middle east and dissect what was not said in a statement. special coverage, one nation. don't move. ♪
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you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent.
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you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg with uncovering extraordinary news for the last few hours. 200 different rockets, cruise missiles, drones all over israel, think like 99% are not out of sky thanks to the missile defense system. jordanians have knocked down quite a few drones, fractional the streets down there and talk that egypt might have played a role as well we are reviewing the fact that it looks like rockets have, of yemen as well as iraq iran proper for the first time possibly. moments ago jacqui heinrich related and we heard together the statement from the white house essentially says president
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biden releasing a statement moments ago thank i will convene my g7 leaders to courtney genetic diplomatic response to iran's brazen attack. my team will engage with counterparts across the region what they are worried about and notice they said in the statement take it military sites, civilian sites will be something israel will probably have to respond to something else coming out nbc report, mark within alluded to this officials are concerned israel could do something weekly in response without came through a strategy. already it seems they are going in reins on a country, and attack literally from all sides. it seems out of work from their chief ally. thanks so much for watching. oth jon scott will have more coverage after this. the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
7:57 pm
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