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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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being discussed publicly. trey so it's not yet being discussed publicly, but we do know the israelis have a variety of targets picked out already in
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iran. certainly there is a spectrum that we're looking at here. they could target iran's nuclear facilities. of course, the israelis have been incredibly concerned as the iranians continue their uranium enrichment program, getting closer to a nuclear bomb. they could choose targets like a drone factory, for example, where they manufactured many of these shaheed drones that were used in the attack overnight and that are also sold to the russians to target ukraine. there are a variety of options on the table. certainly the americans are going to try and encourage the israelis to do something that keeps the region back from the brink of a broader escalation and war. but israel will ultimately make the final decision. and we do understand the security cabinet overnight voted to allow just three people to decide. and that's israel's defense minister, israel's prime minister and another member of the israeli cabinet. just past 6 a.m. there in tel aviv, where trey is and has been reporting all night, doing a great job.
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trey, thank you. well, the middle east is on high alert yet again as iran launches that unprecedented retaliatory drone and missile attack against israel. for more on this, let's bring in fox chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. jennifer john, officials i've spoken to who are involved in this issue regarding national top national security officials are breathing a sigh of relief. frankly because we are told that for now, it looks as though iran has paused its attack on israel. this first wave, and hopefully last wave involved more than 200 missiles and drones, most of which the idf says were shot down outside of israeli airspace. that was with the help of the u.s. military forces across the region. as well as neighboring jordan. because jordan shot down a number of drones and missiles that entered its airspace, and that became a big part of this. tonight's combat,
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frankly, with the jordanian air force protecting its airspace and its sovereignty, we've seen images that we've just ingested into our system that have been provided by jordanian citizens, showing some of the remnants of the drones and missiles that landed in amman, jordan, and the night skies over amman lit up as missile defense. and these intercepts occurred. a big night for the u.s. central command across the middle east. we saw from the president's statement that not only were there these 200 missiles and drones fired from iran that included ballistic missiles and land attack cruise missiles. that's something we confirmed with u.s. officials earlier tonight. but in addition to that, the president's statement references that some rockets and possibly drones and cruise missiles were fired from from iraqi territory. lebanon and
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yemen. so these that means that iranian proxies did try to participate tonight not in the large way that you would have expected. hezbollah which has 150,000 missiles in its storage arsenal, that we did not see that kind of activity on the lebanese border. but there were some rockets and missiles fired across the border. often that is just a sign that hezbollah wants to say, we are here. we're still here to not look like they totally sat out this incident. but for now, we're told by u.s. officials that this phase of attack by iran is over. i would expect that now discussions will move to the un security council tomorrow, tomorrow. and the u.s. will use its its diplomatic weight with g7 members as well as the un to punish and really chastise iran for carrying out such a massive
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and unprecedented attack on israel tonight, what is really to be celebrated is that missile defense works. we're going to hear a lot. i think about the arrow two and three missile defense shield, which protected israel from ballistic missiles tonight. and we'll know more about bomb damage assessment tomorrow. and whether any israelis were killed in these attacks. so far, no reports of any any israelis killed. that will probably factor into whether and how how israel decides to respond. they may decide to take their case to the un security council. they certainly will have a lot of, i think, a lot of support from members. we've heard from france tonight, we've heard from we've heard from the us and other key allies, the united kingdom and others condemning, iran's attack on israel tonight. john, any idea,
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jennifer, how many ballistic missiles were fired? it's not clear at this point. we do believe that more than 101 way attack drones, those are the shahed 136 drones that iran manufactures. they sell them to russia, and they have been used in ukraine. these have been really menacing drones as well as they've provided these drones to the houthis. and that has been menacing, commercial shipping in the red sea. the us military has had to shoot down the us navy has been very active in recent months in shooting down almost daily. these drones, which are are trying to attack and take out commercial ships in the red sea. so these drones really have become a huge problem not only across the region, threatening the freedom of navigation, but also in ukraine, where they've been provided to russia and they've been causing a lot of damage. but the really the real hero tonight is certainly, allied air forces, which intercepted
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these drones before they entered israeli airspace. israel's missile defense and other this layered defense within the region and cooperation among allies to protect israel. and that is what happened tonight, a very promising result, a good result, i guess i could say, although there is one girl or young lady injured, jennifer griffin. jennifer, thank you. thank you. let's bring in retired us army colonel joe buccino, who previously worked as the centcom spokesman in joe. this this attack was large . it was frightening, but it was mostly ineffective from a military perspective. how do you how do you see it? well, i actually think this was exactly what iran was going for. the mullahs were split, is what i'm told. the mullahs in tehran were split between the hardliners that wanted a very aggressive strike, inside of
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israel, a kind of a multi-pronged strike, plus a push with lebanese hezbollah in the north. and on the other side, a much softer approach. and this splits the difference, right? i mean, they knew the drones, the ballistic missiles were going to be shot down, were very likely not going to be not going to make it into any kind of target in any city, and thereby not necessarily trigger an enormous, ferocious israeli response. you know, iran here does not want a regional war. they really had to respond. so if you think about turn one, here was the israeli strike on the consulate. this was turned to iran, had to split a really fine needle here in order to control turn three. and that's what we're all trying to figure out. here is what israel is going to do in turn three. yeah, because israel is not likely, it would seem to me to just turn the other cheek and
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say, okay, well, you know, we knocked down virtually everything that you shot at us, so we're going to call it even. it would seem that there is going to be some kind of israeli response. and i guess the question is how big and what's it going to be aimed at. right, john, this is a new thing right now. there's a new precedent. iran has sent ballistic missiles and drones into, israeli cities. now, they were all shot down, but nonetheless, there's still iran fired them at israeli cities. so israel has to respond and the united states is trying to carve out a way with israel that they can respond in such a way that we call it. we put a cap on escalation at terme three, and perhaps there's a message to the mullahs in tehran via qatar that lets them know we're going to take this strike on, say, your fast boats, your destroyer out in the arabian gulf. and then we're going to put a cap on
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this. you know, if we could do that, that would be a success. that would be a win for israel. what about the drone factories? i mean, those drones obviously have been a problem for israel. they're a problem for ukraine. those those shards are, you know, killing the ukrainian people left and right. why not take out that factory, for instance? right well, yes, john. and of course, it's more than one factory factories throughout the south. and a little bit in the west there in iran, they're not that hard to reproduce. they're not that expensive. so if you take out those factories, you're not really setting them back. you're setting iran back. maybe months is the best you're doing, but nonetheless, turn three to me at and to netanyahu, i'm sure turn three is more about the message than about destroying any capability or killing killing any iranians . so, okay, i mean, there there are a number of targets in iran. you could go after probably without, you know,
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despite catching many iranian people or military people. well, i guess israel has to strike the balance of exactly what it wants to do. you know, how much damage it wants to direct at iran. but then iran could always launch a counter counterattack. you know, and that's why we're on this knife's edge. you know, the region is a is a tinderbox right now, you know, one target that that we had at centcom, we used to have this target at centcom related to a possible strike inside of iran is one of their naval bases inland, in the south. you know, you do that strike at night. you're not really killing a great many iranian troops, but you are killing some, no civilians. and you could really limit the damage and limit the collateral . collateral damage and maybe send your message that way. but but this turn three is going to
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be so crucial. the way it's adjudicated, first of all. but more important than that is the way that it's messaged. message to the region, message to the world, and then in private message to the iranians. and what about their nuclear facilities? i mean, would you expect that that fordo or isfahan or, you know, one of those major nuclear facilities might see some kind of israeli response? oh, yeah, absolutely. we've seen in the past israel, israeli air strikes on those nuclear facilities. that's harder to do. it takes months. i don't know that it would give the kind of message that netanyahu is looking for, because it would be obscure in terms of the origin. it wouldn't necessarily be credited back to israel, and it would take many months or several months. for that attack to go in. so i don't think that would give the effect that
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netanyahu and israel is looking for right now. all right. colonel joe buccino, who was the, centcom spokesperson for the us military. joe, interesting times. thank you. thanks, john. thanks so much. let's bring in our senior congressional correspondent, chad pergram, with a look at how things stand on capitol hill tonight. chad well, john, house majority leader steve scalise tells fox that the gop will shift its legislative agenda for next week, focusing on israel and iran. the house hadn't planned to address appliance legislation. the liberty and laundry act and the affordable air conditioning act that's canceled now. the house will instead turn to bills to support israel and condemn iran . scalise said there could be an aid package for israel, but he did not rule out a comprehensive aid bill for israel, ukraine and taiwan. now, the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell,
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reiterated that the house should pass the international aid supplemental spending bill that includes money for ukraine. and in just the past couple of moments, the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, he's echoed mitch mcconnell. he says, quote, given the events of tonight, it is even clear that the best way to help israel is for the house to pass the senate's bipartisan national security supplemental bill next week. now, scalise tells fox he would not rule out assisting ukraine. scalise also says the house will revive a resolution supporting israel. it would condemn anti-semitism and also opposes calls for unilateral cease fire. now warren davidson, he's a republican representative from ohio. he said that, quote, no activity by iran or israel merits a vote on ukraine aid. and gop tennessee senator marsha blackburn called for the u.s. to, quote, quickly launch a retaliatory strike on iran. now, just the fact that the u.s. shot down iranian drones
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creates a question of war powers, multiple administrations use old congressional authorizations. from 2001 and 2002 to bless contemporary military engagements, and the administration can also operate under the egis of the war powers resolution of 1973 that requires periodic updates to congress, but no direct authorization from capitol hill. john. so is there the possibility, you know, based on what you just said there, chad, that that somebody on capitol hill is going to complain that it was a bad idea to shoot down iranian drones and missiles? well, you know, sometimes this gets to be very touchy between the parties because you have both democrats and republicans who want to assert their constitutional rights under article one of the constitution , which is pretty clear that more power is, at least in terms of declaring war lies with the congress. that is an issue. that's an issue dating back to using these old
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authorizations, aumfs, as they're called from. oh one to go into afghanistan, oh two to invade iraq in 2003. whereas you could lean on the second article, the constitution, which says the commander in chief is the president. and so there's kind of a split there, but you have some in congress who will always talk about that . they have the right to declare war. now, an actual declaration of war. that's pretty rare. we've not declared war since 1942. it was on romania, of all places. but again, you know, you have to have some sort of declaration there. i mean, they did this with the tonkin gulf resolution to get into vietnam. but the fact that the united states has shot down iranian drones, that is a big deal. and, you know, there's an old saying up on capitol hill that you might not be able to be a little bit pregnant, but you can be a little bit at war. all right. chad pergram, nobody knows the workings of capitol hill better. chad. thank you. we're
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going to take a short break in our coverage of these extraordinary events of today. iran's first ever attack on the israeli on israeli land. more in just a moment. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thirsty help fuel today with boost high protein complete nutrition. you need without the stuff you don't so here's to now boost weeds. i have you surrounded. take your lawn back with scots turf builder triple action. it gets three jobs done at once. kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scots triple action today. it's guaranteed. feed it. feed it. now adt professionally installs google nest products. cool. you're all set. calm this system. we should go with the most trusted name in home security adds the intelligence
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miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the sport mat and wireless remote call now. for the first time in history, iran launches a direct attack on israel, launching hundreds, perhaps 200 drones, missiles. these ballistic missiles, as well as cruise missiles. let's bring in former deputy national security advisor under president trump, victoria coates, who's also vice president of the kathryn and shelby cullom davis institute for national security and foreign policy. so 200 missiles, drones, cruise
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missiles, not a great deal of effect on the israeli homeland. what should the response be from the israelis, possibly from the u.s? the u.s? well, john, good to be with you. i think you've hit on both the key points here. first is that the iranians did this obviously and very openly from iranian territory, something that hasn't happened since 2019 when they hit the saudis. so this is this is an escalation on that sense. but at the same time, the things that they shot off, they knew perfectly well the israelis would be competent to take out. and the israelis did do that very successfully. so, you know, it's a curious sort of moment where we had the slow motion attack this afternoon or this evening. then the successful israeli shoot down. and the question is, what happens tomorrow? right. so if you know, they have, you know, you can't even say that they've
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bloodied israel's nose, they really didn't accomplish much here. so if israel launches a muscular response, then, iran can what play the victim? play the victim? well, that's a little hard for me to see. i mean, i think they did do their escalation in terms of the location of their launches. they could have done a lot of this from lebanon or from syria or from yemen. and they chose to do it actually from from iranian territory. so that may be what they're calculating is their escalation. and so we'll see what the, what the israelis want to do. you know, if they did send some ballistic missiles that could that which the iranians claimed but is not yet confirmed, if that was true, and arrow had to be had to be triggered, that could give the israelis some thought about hitting some launch sites in in iran. if they didn't, if they just sort of said they
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did, then maybe the israelis would prefer to hit targets in lebanon and syria. but again, we're going to have to see, in your view, is this mostly for iranian domestic consumption? these attacks? well, no, i think it's more for regional. john. i think they want to continue to be seen as the strong man in the region. i think they want to be seen as not afraid of the israelis and as as trey was reporting the strike on jihadi in damascus was a very big deal, maybe not quite as high profile as qassem soleimani, but jihadi had been part of the irgc since 1980, so he was a very senior official. and for the israelis to demonstrate to the iranians that they can reach out and get them wherever they want to, and in this case, in damascus, in a safe compound, you know, that's that's really disruptive and disconcerting to the iranians. so i think there may be a
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little bit back on their back heel here. victoria coates, a former deputy national security advisor. victoria, thanks for your expertise. thank you. more breaking news coverage on iran's unprecedented retaliatory attack on israel after this break. they slept on me for 15 years. things i collected pollen, dust, dander. all that time. they could have protected me. allergies mattress protectors blocked 99.9% of dirt, dust and allergens for cleaners at alaris. find out where you buy bedding. realtor com is the only site that lets you find homes with assumable mortgages, so you could take over the seller's mortgage at a lower interest rate. don't all apps do that? not really. go to to learn more. what's this? my new pony. and i love him. yeah. no no, no. thank you. i ran the numbers on
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anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates, you know, once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. it is the kind of attack that has never happened before. a spokesperson for the israeli defense forces says iran fired about 200 missiles at israel directly from its territory today, its first ever military attack on the jewish state from iranian soil. us officials confirming iran fired both ballistic and land attack cruise missiles. american forces have shot down dozens of those drones on top of idf efforts to repel the attack. trey yingst live in tel aviv with more on the breaking news. trey yeah, john. good
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evening. the middle east right now is in uncharted territory. dozens of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and attack drones launched from iran and its proxies toward israel. many of them intercepted before they actually entered israeli airspace. but others were slamming into the soil across this country. sirens were sounding, sending millions of people to bomb shelters on the skyline here in tel aviv. we could see missile interceptors coming off of arrow systems that the israelis use to intercept ballistic missiles. this was really an unprecedented attack. and was an attack that the israelis had prepared for, for days in the past two weeks since an israeli strike in damascus, syria, killed a top iranian general, the iranians have been threatening such an attack. the americans have been speaking with their counterparts here, trying to help this key ally prepare for such an attack. and now the region waits to see how
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israel will respond. we know overnight, israel's war cabinet met to determine how exactly they would proceed. a vote took place and they ultimately gave the decision making power to the country's prime minister, defense minister and an additional member of the cabinet. now, israeli media today is reporting that within 24 hours, the israelis could respond. they have a variety of methods to do so, and a spectrum of different targets. they could hit inside iranian territory, if that is indeed the response. but again, the region is bracing to see what comes next. one thing of note here in this response and attack by iran overnight, we did not see much involvement from the lebanese militant group hezbollah, iran's largest proxy in the region. that could be because the iranians are understanding that as the escalation ladder is climbed, they themselves will have to preserve what firepower they have, just as the israelis are doing so. and so again, the middle east waiting to see what
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comes next. but overnight, a really unprecedented attack by iran as they launched dozens of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones into israeli territory. john and almost certainly israel will respond. trey, the question is how, how quickly and how strongly? exactly and there will be many discussions taking place. you can expect the americans to be on the phone with the israelis again tomorrow to determine exactly what that response might look like. some reports this morning indicate that the americans have told israel they will not participate in offensive actions against iran. this would make sense given the fact that in the past, the americans have stood behind the israelis when it comes to defense, but let them act alone in terms of offense. israel again has a variety of targets they could hit if they do decide to strike back in iranian territory. but also the israelis will want to
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calculate their response because a broader regional conflict does not serve the iranians or the israelis. remember, israel has been at war for more than six months, fighting hamas and islamic jihad inside gaza. they faced daily attacks from the lebanese militant group hezbollah and also the iranian proxy in yemen, the houthis. and so they will have to calculate how they proceed and ensure that their forces are prepared for difficult days and possibly months ahead as the fronts remain active on the south and in the north. of course, with hezbollah. john. all right. trey yingst on standby for us in tel aviv. trey. thank you. so the middle east is on high alert yet again as iran launches that unprecedented retaliatory drone and missile attack strike on israel. for more on this, let's bring in our chief national security correspondent, jennifer griffin. jennifer john, we have more details on how the us military assisted israel tonight in defending israeli territory from these iranian
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attack drones and ballistic missiles and land attack cruise missiles that were fired at israel. over 200 missiles and drones were fired at israel tonight, most of them intercepted outside of israeli territory. but we now know and can report that the us military intercepted approximately 780 iranian attack drones before they entered israeli territory. we also know that the us military was involved in shooting down at least one, if not more, ballistic missiles fired by iran. we can report that not only the us air force, but also the us navy naval assets were involved in intercepting these missiles fired from iran tonight, we have a new statement from defense secretary lloyd austin, who spoke to his israeli counterpart tonight. he was involved in that two hour meeting with the president at the white house. in the situation room. secretary of defense lloyd austin writes at
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the direction of president biden, us forces in the middle east on april 13th intercepted dozens of missiles and uavs. you know, that's drones en route to israel, launched from iran, iraq, syria and yemen. and that's significant, john, that some of those missiles and drones were launched from iraq, syria and yemen. the iraqi prime minister landed in washington earlier today, and will be meeting with president biden tomorrow. our forces this is, according to defense secretary austin, remain postured to protect u.s. troops and partners in the region, provide further support for israel's defense and enhance regional stability. he goes on to condemn the reckless and unprecedented attacks by iran and its proxies. but it's significant that both the president and defense secretary pointed out that the proxies of iran were also involved. tonight, we most of the attacks, most of the missiles were fired and drones were fired from iranian territory. that's significant. that's never happened before in the
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history of israel. but we also now know that some of the proxies did try to engage israel. many of those drones and missiles were shot down before entering israeli airspace. but clearly yemen, the houthis in yemen, as well as some of the proxies in iraq and syria, tried to get in on this attack tonight, most notably, for the most part, the lebanese border has been for the most part, quiet, suggesting that hezbollah does not want to expend its vast 150,000 arsenal of missiles that it could have launched tonight if it had wanted to participate. we've seen some rockets fired across the lebanese border, but very minor in terms of what hezbollah has in its arsenal. so all eyes will be on that lebanese border. but i think in terms of u.s. officials that i've spoken to, a sigh of relief that for now, iran has paused its attacks. they do not expect
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additional attacks per se, as part of this this response of retaliation by the iranian regime. the question now is how will israel respond? we expect this to move to the un security council tomorrow, and the u.s. will also be meeting with g7 members about how to, essentially to express their their, you know, their condemn this attack by iran. and what measures will be taken going forward. but i would expect that there will be a very heated discussions at the un security council tomorrow. john yeah, that's that's a given. just about jennifer griffin. jennifer. great reporting. thank you. let's bring in now former cia operations officer laura bowman. laura, assess the chess game here. the iranians obviously felt that they had to respond after the killings of several of their top military leaders, they launched a huge attack against israel. but it
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was largely ineffective. so why did they do it this way? and what happens now? tomorrow? we need to do what we should have done on october 8th, and that's bomb the smithereens out of legitimate iranian oil and military targets. this has been going on for more than two decades. and what i mean by this is iran has been killing americans and her allies. a lot of people in the united states forget that the beginning of the iranian phrase is, death to israel. but the second part of that phrase is death to america , for it is really important that we remind tehran who we are. when you mess with our most important ally in the region, you're going to get a response. you're suggesting a us response to this iranian
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attack? absolutely, yes i am, and i know that that i know that there are many voices in this administration in particular who say, no, we shouldn't do that. the thing is, there. or tehran's attack on israel is also an attack on us because they're not going to stop there. they're going, remember, this is the same regime that has tried to, attack people in the united states. we know that for a fact. there have been cases against it. you know, when i was in iraq and afghanistan with the cia, the iranians were going directly against us. they were trying to kill us. i held in my hand c4 that was confiscated from proxies that iran wanted to use to kill us. this is not this did not just happen a few months ago. this has been going on. and inside
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iran. the regime needs an enemy, an external enemy, because there's a small group of basically politicians who are younger, that are coming up in the power structure inside iran. they are more radical than the students who took our embassy in 1979. let me ask you this, though. i mean, to this, do you do you think that i mean this this attack was largely ineffective? yes. they launched 200, maybe 300 drones and missiles toward israel, the israelis, the jordanians and the united states shot virtually all of them down. i mean, do you think that the iranians were expecting more damage, more destruction than this? so it was it was effective in terms of tehran's strategy, which is basically to say, hey, we are willing to actually step forward and engage rather than hide behind
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their 13 proxies in the region. you know, so this was as much. sorry. well no, i'm just we're up against a hard commercial break and i have to i have to say goodbye. but we appreciate your information tonight. thank you very much. thanks. laura bowman, former cia operations officer. and we will have more breaking news coverage of iran's direct attack on israel coming up after this. eggs make all our family moments better, especially when they're eggland's best taste. so fresh and amazing. deliciously superior nutrition to. for us, it's eggs. any style, as long as they're the best eggland's best. i guess i'm not the easiest person to please. i like things just right. oh, that's why i love redfin's home recommendations. they know what i want even before i do a home. that's just right. yes, yes.
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suleimani here, i you know, i'm sitting here with, you know, multiple pieces of iranian shrapnel in my legs, you know, they decided to retaliate back and hit u.s. bases located in iraq, you know, really what they're trying to do here is show that they have power. they want to show to the middle eastern states that they're still involved and flex their muscles, what i would say that they, they didn't do is they didn't use anything of any technological capability that outmatches israel or certainly the us assets that are on the ground, you know, as, you know, the us and israel have successfully taken down most of those attacks. yeah. so it seems to me that it's mostly a dud, if you will, as in terms of a counterattack. am i wrong? yeah. no, i would not say it's necessarily a dud. it is a message. it is a posturing. and i don't know if it's much further than that. i don't think that, you know, there should be any type of, you know, security, alertness here
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in, you know, stateside or, you know, reason for, you know, financial markets to go haywire , you know what? what it should, you know, give, take to though, is to the iranian government that, you know, the us is not there, lightly. and you know, the biden administration, the department of defense should certainly, take note of this, you know, put any other assets that we have, you know, at sea, up in the air, you know, iran has quite a young, you know, military base that has, a quite large stockpile of weapons. and, you know, we're talking in the hundreds of thousands of these, these missiles. but the technology and the capabilities, you know, are quite, nascent, you know, from the ability to be able to be defeated by the iron gate and other, air defense mechanisms, a possible site. john paluska. thank you. thank you. and we'll be back in a moment. saving on your education should be a
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miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the sport mat and wireless remote call now. a fox news alert after iran's first ever direct attack from its soil on israel, with perhaps 300 missiles fired of various kinds, we want to bring in former deputy national security advisor under former president trump victoria coates for some final thoughts. your your opinions, victoria, on how the
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united states or israel should react to this iranian provocation of provocation. well, there are two things in jennifer's reporting, john, that caught my attention. the first is she confirmed that ballistic missiles were fired from iranian territory toward israel, and that that perhaps the eisenhower strike group was involved in shooting some of those down, that that is a big deal. and so we'll want to get some more information on that in the morning. but then all eyes will turn to the security council at the united nations tomorrow. and if that's where this is going to move, in diplomatic terms, and i think the biden administration needs to drop their much more sort of appeasement policy of two weeks ago when they abstained on the resolution 2728, which decoupled the release of the hostages from a ceasefire in gaza, they've got to go in hard demand for the release of all of the hostages or their
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bodies, if that's all that's left, and drop this talk of a cease fire after what happened today. but the biden administration has not been particularly supportive of israel in these later stages of the war against hamas. no, that's true, but i would hope that what has happened today would change their their calculus a little bit. realize that hamas is not acting in a vacuum. they're acting with the support and the fighting fire dancing of iran. and that's what this is all about. now, john victoria coates, victoria, thank you. and thank you for joining us for our continuous coverage of the breaking developments in the middle east. more coming up. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thirsty help fueled today with boost thai protein complete nutrition. you need without the
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