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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  April 14, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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biden releasing a statement moments ago thank i will convene my g7 leaders to courtney genetic diplomatic response to iran's brazen attack. my team will engage with counterparts across the region what they are worried about and notice they said in the statement take it military sites, civilian sites will be something israel will probably have to respond to something else coming out nbc report, mark within alluded to this officials are concerned israel could do something weekly in response without came through a strategy. already it seems they are going in reins on a country, and attack literally from all sides. it seems out of work fro respone
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and whether it will be a military one. this morning. also breathing a sigh of relief after a successful interception of hundreds of missiles and drones, those fired by iran unleashing the arsenal in retaliation for the april 1st attack on the iranian consulate in syria. i'm jonathan hunt, live in los angeles. it is now 10 a.m. sunday morning in israel, where they are finally looking to assess the damage following iran's first ever direct military assault on an israeli territory. that damage is minimal, with israel's air defense systems, along with us military action taking out 99% of the iranian drones and missiles. but the message iran wanted to send is very clear. together with our allies and partners, we are operating at a
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at we're operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. we will continue to fulfill this mission. the white house is monitoring the situation closely. president biden has been in contact with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. president biden releasing a statement late on saturday night which said in part, quote, at my direction, to support the defense of israel, the us military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week, thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our service members, we helped israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles. the big question now is how will israel react and will that reaction include
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military action? for the very latest, let's turn to fox news correspondent stephanie bennett, who is live in london. hello, stephanie. hey, jonathan. yeah, as well as president biden, we're also taking a deeper look at how other world leaders are reacting to the situation as more than 300 drones and missiles were intercepted by those allies last night after this unprecedented attack. now, of course, as well, we've just found out that israel has reopened its airspace. but still several foreign airliners have canceled their flights going into the country because of the situation. now, this, of course, is the islamic republic's first ever direct attack on the jewish state. the idf, as you mentioned, says 99% of the drones or missiles were shot down before they entered israeli airspace, some of which were launched from iraq and yemen. now, world leaders reacting, of course, here in the uk, prime minister rishi sunak posting on exit. he condemns in the strongest terms
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the iranian regime's reckless attack against israel. the uk will continue to stand for israel's security. the canadian prime minister saying they stand with israel and that these attacks demonstrate yet again the iranian regime's disregard for peace and stability in the region and the european union's foreign affairs chief called the attack an unprecedented escalation and a grave threat to regional security, and the german ambassador to israel, saying germany's solidarity is with all israelis tonight, whom iran is terrorizing with this unprecedented and ruthless attack. and of course, we also heard from the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. he posted on social media platform x, saying in part, quote, we were intercepted and together we will win. for now, the un security council will convene today, sunday, of course, in a few hours for an emergency meeting. this, of course, a developing story which we will bring you more information on as and when we get it. jonathan. stef, a lot
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of focus, i think, in that un security council meeting or a lot of interest will be on what the russians have to say and what the chinese have to say on this. any indications from china, in particular, of how they're reacting to this? yeah, we are getting little tidbits from china tonight. in fact, china apparently is deeply concerned about the escalating tensions in the middle east after iran launched that drone and missile attack. of course, that was coming from the foreign ministry spokesperson last night. germany's counselor. they are actually going to be visiting china next week to talk to them more in depth about this situation and the way forward. as you mentioned, many western leaders and allies have been encouraging china to take some sort of action and mediate this situation before the attack. but now we'll have to see how it unfolds. and definitely that un meeting to later today on sunday will be very interesting
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. we'll have to take a look. steph, thank you. a lot of reaction. of course as steph mentioned from the president, there's also reaction from a former president and of course from politicians on capitol hill, all of them monitoring the situation unfolding in israel. for more on those reactions, let's turn to fox news correspondent chanley painter. hello, chanley. hey, jonathan. that's right. so here in the u.s. the white house releasing a statement from president biden condemning iran's attacks against israel, the president spoke on the phone with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to, quote, reaffirm america's ironclad commitment to the security of israel. the statement goes on to say the president will convene with fellow g7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response later today. meanwhile, former president trump addressed the attacks at a campaign rally in pennsylvania. watch. i want to say god bless the people of
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israel. they're under attack right now. that's that's because we show great weakness. this would not happen. the weakness that we've shown is unbelievable, and it would not have happened if we were in office. you know that. they know that everybody knows that. but america prays for israel. we send our absolute support to everyone in harm's way. iran's actions are also garnering reaction from members of congress on both sides of the aisle, including from the house majority leader steve scalise, announcing that the house will now refocus this week's agenda from themed legislation to an aid package for israel. posting, quote, the house of representatives stands strongly with israel and there must be consequences for this unprovoked attack. also, senate majority leader chuck schumer releasing a statement saying, quote, we stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of israel. iran's regime must take immediate steps to ratchet down their recklessly aggressive
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behavior. republican senators are asking schumer to allow a vote on the house passed israel bill, while senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is advocating the house take action on the national security supplemental, providing resources not only to israel but also ukraine and taiwan. all in all, it does seem, jonathan, that congress is primed to tackle by partizan support legislation as soon as possible. send it back to you. we shall see if congress can get anything meaningful done. that would be a nice change. thank you. chanley. joining us now is behnam ben taleblu. he's a senior fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracies. thank you for being here, benham. i wonder, first of all, how you think israel will and perhaps more importantly, should react to this. it's a pleasure to be with you. thanks for having me. it's an excellent question because this is historic, historic in several ways. obviously, it's the first time the islamic republic of iran
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directly launched projectiles from its own territory against israel. it's also historic because it's the first time the regime chose to strike a defended target. as you know, israel has the best or one of the best layered air and missile defense architectures in the world. but the third and perhaps most important reason it's historic. it's the first time the israelis have literally taken on a state to state threat in this face to face fashion since the 1973 war. so it's about five decades since they've had to face a state to state projects threat directly faced against them. and the islamic republic of iran. here, regardless of some of these missiles and projectiles being intercepted or not, tried to break a new, norm, you could say, or wanted to establish a new rule that it could strike directly at the jewish state without having to pay a price. so if there is no kinetic retaliation by the israelis here, the islamic republic will get off scot free. and you can expect more, not less, of these attacks. so
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you're saying that israel should respond militarily? there should certainly be a military component, and there should be a broad diplomatic component as well. make no mistake, israel right now has the ability diplomatically, not just through the un security council, but with a whole host of countries like the uk, like france, like jordan. right next door, where things have been rocky since the israeli military response after the october 7th terrorist attacks, which the islamic republic was backing, by the way, to reset the chessboard against the islamic republic, to call for a first and foremost maximum pressure on the government of the islamic republic, as well as maximum support to one of the longest suffering victims of the islamic republic, which is the iranian people. i i was reading president biden's statement. menem, it seemed to me, without saying it directly, that he was kind of saying,
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hey, israel, this is a win. you got this win because 99% of those projectiles were taken down. most of them didn't even get to israeli territory or over israeli territory, take it as a win. maybe we should call it even here. is that a fair reading of the president's statement? and if so, is that the right tone from the white house? i think that's the tone the white house has been communicating. in fact, there's even been an axios story thus far hinting exactly at what you just said. in my view, that's born of a faulty philosophy. it's born out of an overreliance in deterrence by denial rather than deterrence by punishment. and here's what i mean. we've largely, but not exclusively, been trying to block or impede or shoot down iran backed houthi threats from yemen to international shipping. we've largely been trying to block or shoot down in the past some of these iran backed shia militia threats against us bases in 2023 and
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2024 from iraq and syria, against us positions in iraq and syria. just relying on costly defenses. remember, air and missile defenses are exceptionally expensive, and until the adversary knows that, they will threaten to lose more than just the projectile they fired, they will not stop with these kinds of operations, as there is a direct line from failing to respond to previous iranian missile and drone and even rocket activity in the past that led to this. for example, the us has still not responded militarily to the first time ever the iranians killed a us citizen with a ballistic missile, which actually occurred in september 2022. now iran just in the last hour or so, its military commanders have said that if israel does try to retaliate, then israel will face an even larger attack than the one we have just seen. and it also
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said that commander also said that if the us helps or backs israel in any retaliation, then the us or us interests, bases, etc. in the middle east could be targeted too. so how should israel and the us react to that ? just ignore what iran is saying and go ahead with what they in particular israel thinks is the best path? well, this is actually part of the iranian strategy here. lest we forget, the islamic republic often uses military means to achieve political ends. and even though its attack on the jewish state brought america and israel closer together than they ever were in the past few months, particularly since october 7th, the islamic republic struck israel against the backdrop of six months of the israeli war against gaza, where iran is hoping to continue to inflame tensions and grow the distance between america and israel. and so
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right now, the islamic republic is trying to put distance between joe biden and prime minister netanyahu. and that's precisely why they're dangling the sword of damocles over us bases in the region, to paint the target on these forces and say, if america struck, it is because of israel. so they're trying to get their political ground game to keep american allies and partners apart from one another. and from the us itself. we simply cannot let the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism exercise that political veto and normalize the striking of the jewish state. benham. we've just been looking or are still looking at some pictures from the streets of tehran, iranians out waving the flag of iran, etc. obviously those kind of demonstrate, as we've seen before, organized very much by the leaders of the islamic republic, rounding up a few hundred to make it look like a huge demonstration in support
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of them. but what of the theory that that this was an attack that was telegraphed? it was an attack in which iran said, we're sending drones. they'll take a few hours to get there, knowing that israel has one of the best air defense systems in the world, knowing that israel would shoot down most, if not all of those drones and missiles. and iran really just wanted to say to its people, hey, here we are. we just launched 300 projectiles at israel. look what we're doing. but they didn't really want to invite quite a larger conflict. what of that theory? well, certainly. well, certainly the government of the islamic republic doesn't want to invite a larger war, but the government of the islamic republic thrives in a state of conflict. they know they cannot win against the israelis in a conventional military conflict, nor can they scroll all the way up and win an escalation cycle. and what they're trying to do is inflame tensions, land
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blows, use military means to achieve political ends, and make it look like they've done something. i do not think the regime in this sense was just striking at israel to save face. this is a historic precedent shaking strike in the history of the islamic republic's missile and drone program. they have never struck a defended target before. they have never done territory to territory strikes with these kinds of weapons before. so this, in my view, was about testing the defenses of israel, seeing if america would come to israel's aid. this was really the ground game for, i think, a much larger kind of shift in the islamic republic's security doctrine than just trying to save face and with respect to the quote unquote, demonstrations you mentioned in iran, if the government of the islamic republic even cared about the wants, views, values and wishes of the iranian people, they would have noted that since 2009, you've had iranians of all stripes
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protesting, saying, not gaza, not lebanon, my life only for iran. fundamentally, you couldn't have a bigger gap in the middle east today than the state and the street in iran. and you see that in boom and bust cycles of protests, particularly those that were touched off after the killing of a 22 year old iranian woman named mahsa amini last year, leading to protests in over 150 different cities and towns and even villages. so these protests very much are the current ones, i should say. these demonstrations are state sponsored to try to keep the lid on that society, which has been pushing up against that state for quite some time now. and so this strike was trying to kind of signal resolve to audiences at home and abroad. the israelis very obviously, ben, have a very long list of targets. they can, hit in iran if they so choose to do so. the us knows very well what those targets will be, and they would
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range, obviously, from weapons depots to nuclear facilities to the headquarters of the islamic republic leadership, does israel go after any of those high profile targets? if it does decide on military retaliation, do you believe or do they keep it at a lower level? and speaking of a lower level or perhaps a more consistent level, israel has been or reportedly been quite good at cyber attacks against the islamic republic, supporting local acts of sabotage against the islamic republic. they've been able to engage in lower scale scale drone strikes against military facilities of the islamic republic, such as, missile depots and even drone factories and even drone storage facilities in the past. so that could be married up. you could likely see a several style counterpunch, a cyber campaign, a sabotage campaign,
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potentially even aerial strikes if the us greenlights it and works with the israelis against limited revolutionary guard corps facilities that authorize the strike. conversely, you could have a simple or more limited deterrence by punishment strategy against the regime's oil facilities, which continue to be the lifeblood, the illicit lifeblood, one should say, to generate revenue to pay for all of these unmanned aerial threats, be they drones, cruise missiles or ballistic missiles. there are a lot of options here. i don't think the israelis could solve anything militarily. it's a question about managing the optics and the x factor really is what will washington do? ben and ben taleblu, it is fascinating to talk to you as always, sir. we thank you for being here and we will be back to you later for more on our coverage of what benham just said is an unprecedented situation in the middle east, iran striking directly at israel, sending 300 drones and missiles toward israeli territory. 99% of those shot
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down, the damage minimal. but now we await israel's reaction. will it include a military component? we shall find out over the
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the first time in history, iran launches a direct attack on israel, launching hundreds, perhaps 200 drones, missiles. these ballistic missiles, as well as cruise missiles. let's bring in former deputy national security advisor under president trump, victoria coates, who's also vice president of the kathryn and shelby cullom davis institute for national security and foreign policy. so 200 missiles, drones, cruise missiles, not a great deal of effect on the israeli homeland. what should the response be from the israelis, possibly from the u.s? the u.s? well, john, good to be with you. i think you've hit on both the key points here. first is that the iranians did this obviously and very openly from iranian territory, something that hasn't happened since 2019 when they hit the saudis. so this is this is an escalation on that
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sense. but at the same time, the things that they shot off, they knew perfectly well the israelis would be competent to take out. and the israelis did do that very successfully. so, you know, it's a curious sort of moment where we had the slow motion attack this afternoon or this evening. then the successful israeli shoot down. and the question is, what happens tomorrow? right. so if you know, they have, you know, you can't even say that they've bloodied israel's nose, they really didn't accomplish much here. so if israel launches a muscular response, then, iran can what play the victim? play the victim? well, that's a little hard for me to see. i mean, i think they did do their escalation in terms of the location of their launches. they could have done a lot of this from lebanon or from syria or from yemen. and they chose to do it actually from from
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iranian territory. so that may be what they're calculating is their escalation. and so we'll see what the, what the israelis want to do. you know, if they did send some ballistic missiles that could that which the iranians claimed but is not yet confirmed, if that was true, and arrow had to be had to be triggered, that could give the israelis some thought about hitting some launch sites in in iran. if they didn't, if they just sort of said they did, then maybe the israelis would prefer to hit targets in lebanon and syria. but again, we're going to have to see, in your view, is this mostly for iranian domestic consumption? these attacks? well, no, i think it's more for regional. john. i think they want to continue to be seen as the strong man in the region. i think they want to be seen as not afraid of the israelis and as as trey was reporting the strike on jihadi in damascus
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was a very big deal, maybe not quite as high profile as qassem soleimani, but jihadi had been part of the irgc since 1980, so he was a very senior official. and for the israelis to demonstrate to the iranians that they can reach out and get them wherever they want to, and in this case, in damascus, in a safe compound, you know, that's that's really disruptive and disconcerting to the iranians. so i think there may be a little bit back on their back heel here. victoria coates, a former deputy national security advisor. victoria, thanks for your expertise. thank you. more breaking news coverage on iran's unprecedented retaliatory attack on israel after this break. this
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morning to iran's cold donated attack on israel. as israel weighs its options on how to respond. but it is a difficult situation, with iran already warning that us bases will be targeted if washington backs
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any israeli retaliation. everyone obviously very concerned that this could grow into a much wider conflict. multiple thresholds have been crossed here that have not been crossed before, and i think it is correct to say that, we're going to be looking at a new middle east in the future. i'm jonathan hunt, live in los angeles. it is sunday morning now in israel as they assess the damage, which is thankfully minimal. israel's air defense systems along with u.s. military action, took out 99% of all the iranian drones and missiles. that's according to the idf. but there are some injuries. a seven year old girl is said to be in critical condition. she apparently was struck by shrapnel. joining us now, vice president of research at the foundation for defense
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of democracies and former terrorism analyst at the treasury department, jonathan schanzer. jonathan, thank you so much for being here this early morning, i wonder what you think comes next. that is the big question. i think facing the entire world today. absolutely. jonathan, look, i think the first thing is that the israelis, i think are, are breathing a sigh of relief, as you noted, that 99% shootdown rate was, i think, an incredible testament to the israeli missile defense system, that three layered system of what they call iron dome. david's sling and arrow. all three systems appeared to be clicking last night. and i would also say that the regional architecture was also very successful. the fact that you had the us shooting down some of these drones and missiles, from bases abroad, the brits shot down several from, planes that were scrambled out of cyprus. the jordanian shot them down. so
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what you've done is you've taken off some of the pressure from israel to respond immediately, despite the fact that a handful, perhaps 1 or 2 got through last night. but now there is the question of what to do internally in israel. they had a cabinet meeting yesterday, apparently weighing the possible responses. they don't need to act immediately. of course, the iranians waited more than a week to respond to israel's most recent attack, to all of the iranian aggression that preceded that. so i think the israelis do have some time. if they want the conversation between, netanyahu and president biden last night, i think was probably the pivotal one, because there is that question now of whether biden's supports a full blown israeli response. i think there's no question that the israelis believe that a full throated response is warranted right now from the israeli side, it's really a question now of, are the us and israel aligned totally partially or not at
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all? and i think we'll be learning about that soon enough , what do you think a full throated, as you put it, response in the eyes of prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet might mean does that mean hitting iran's nuclear facilities? does it mean taking out a part of the islamic republic's leadership in tehran, even, or something far lower level than that? jonathan. well from what we understand, last night, one israeli base in southern israel was hit. i think that certainly would be responded to in kind. but i think we could be looking at potentially oil refineries, other oil facilities, different kinds of bases associated with the irgc, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, which is the organization that has been coordinating the activities of hamas and hezbollah and the houthis and the shiite militias that have been attacking for the last six months unchecked aggression
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from the islamic republic. but then, as you note, there is this opportunity. we have not seen a direct strike on israel from iran. really for decades. i don't think it's ever happened, for that matter. and so what this does is it opens up opportunities for the israeli military to potentially strike that nuclear program that we've all been talking about for the better part of 15 years. the israelis know exactly what they want to strike. they've been working on plans to do so to some weird extent right now. this does open up an opportunity for israel to engage in the way that perhaps it's been fearful of doing over the last 15 years because of this direct action out of iran. iran is no longer hiding behind those proxies, and i think what has been a rather craven way of fighting war, they've been fighting israel to the last syrian and lebanese and gazan for years now. now the israelis do have
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that opportunity pursuant to international law, to respond exactly as they would wish and to target strategic entities within the islamic republic. do you think there's any, reality to the theory? see, jonathan, that iran, the leadership of iran was trying to save face here. they telegraphed out this attack. they sent drones. they said, hey, these drones are on their way. they'll take several hours to get there. they know very well how good israel's air defense systems are. do you think they were just trying to say to their people, look what we are doing. we are taking this huge action against israel . and after all, the iranian people don't get a lot of information other than that which comes through the state media there. so they can say, look what we're doing. but they didn't really want to invite a big reaction. any, any reality in that theory. do you think? look, they were clearly trying
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to hedge last night, the statement that they issued saying that they consider this matter complete after their strike is over, you know, they're clearly saying, we don't want to get hit. we're hoping that this is ending here. but i think it's fiction. i think they're lying to themselves that you could fire hundreds of drones and cruise missiles, at israel and not expect a response in this part of the world in particular, where deterrence is crucial. so i think that it was not something that was possible. how significant, jonathan, do you think it was that that we did not see any significant action from hezbollah up in lebanon, because one would think if iran is launching any major attack on israel and it really wanted to do any damage, the easiest way for the iranians to do that is to say to hezbollah that their proxies, their fire, hundreds
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of those very powerful missiles that you have from lebanon into israel. but we didn't see that is that significant at all? it is. the hezbollah could have fired what they call pgm's, the precision guided munitions that they have been amassing. had they done that, that would have been i think, the precipitating factor for an all out war in the middle east. but i would say that this was probably the second most drastic step that the regime could have taken by firing hundreds of missiles and drones out of iran. it was about as fierce of an escalation as one could have expected. under the current environment, other than perhaps those pgm's or maybe just a multifaceted multi-front saturation attack. i truly believe that last night was a test. i believe that the iranians were trying to see
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whether iron dome, david's sling and arrow were able to work in concert, whether israel's airspace was hermetically sealed or close to hermetically sealed. i think the iranians did find that the israelis performed well beyond what they would have expected. i think that they now understand that trying to attack israel from abroad is a fool's errand. and certainly israel got help from the rest of the regional architecture that has been built by centcom central command over these years. and so i think iran may have realized, okay, this is not something that we can do. maybe hezbollah is the only real effective tool against israel given the proximity. but then, of course, that means that if a war erupts between israel and hezbollah, that iran will lose its most powerful proxy because the israelis certainly have hezbollah outmatched. i do think this was testing the water. it was poking and prodding. i think iran got its answer, but i'm
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not sure that the israelis are going to let it end there. that message in response, that determination on israel's part to ensure deterrence is a key part of the psychological component of this war, and that will play out in the next few days or perhaps weeks. jonathan, if we're on, let's say, a 0 to 10 scale, ten being, as you put it, an all out war in the middle east, let's say we were currently sitting at a five, 24 hours ago. where are we now? on a scale of 0 to 10? you. know, it's a it's a hard thing to note. i think watching, israeli media over the last several hours, i would say that they have no question. in their mind that a response is needed. in response to these attacks in iran, that iran needs to be
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attacked. so, absolutely, this has escalated. if it was a five before, it's probably at least a seven or an eight. i would say, though, that the temperature is not as high, given that nothing significant was hit or damaged. as i understand it, there was a ten year old bedouin boy, a young girl that was, that was injured as well. but the what it could have been, it could have been a lot worse. and so i think it's for that reason that, cooler heads are prevailing, but you have to remember something, jonathan, this has been the, the norm now in israel that it's israeli technology that has been intercepting hamas rockets, hezbollah rockets, houthi rockets. and that's what has allowed for cooler heads to prevail. it is a false sense of security. it's not something that's sustainable when you're dealing with enemies. right, of israel that are dedicated to its destruction. there were actually calls in the in the iranian parliament today where in unison, the parliamentarians
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were cheering death to israel. the israelis are keenly aware of the atmospherics, and they're going to want to make a statement. right. okay. jonathan schanzer, wonderful to talk to you and get all of your insights. jonathan, thank you so much, so here is where we where we are now. we await the israeli decision on how they will react to having 300 missiles and drones fired at them by iran. will there be a military response from israel? the world waits. we will be
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12:48 am create a planning a richer way to wealth. continuing coverage of iran's drone and missile attack on israel. let's bring in retired army green beret captain john paluska. john, from your standpoint as a military man, what did iran accomplish here? if anything? yeah. so they accomplished exactly what they wanted to do in retaliation for the killing on there of senior military officials. i mean, if you look back to, you know, what had happened when we united states took out cas and suleimani here, i you know, i'm sitting here with, you know, multiple pieces of iranian shrapnel in my legs, you know, they decided to retaliate back and hit u.s. bases located in
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iraq, you know, really what they're trying to do here is show that they have power. they want to show to the middle eastern states that they're still involved and flex their muscles, what i would say that they, they didn't do is they didn't use anything of any technological capability that outmatches israel or certainly the us assets that are on the ground, you know, as, you know, the us and israel have successfully taken down most of those attacks. yeah. so it seems to me that it's mostly a dud, if you will, as in terms of a counterattack. am i wrong? yeah. no, i would not say it's necessarily a dud. it is a message. it is a posturing. and i don't know if it's much further than that. i don't think that, you know, there should be any type of, you know, security, alertness here in, you know, stateside or, you know, reason for, you know, financial markets to go haywire , you know what? what it should, you know, give, take to though, is to the iranian government that, you know, the
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us is not there, lightly. and you know, the biden administration, the department of defense should certainly, take note of this, you know, put any other assets that we have, you know, at sea, up in the air, you know, iran has quite a young, you know, military base that has, a quite large stockpile of weapons. and, you know, we're talking in the hundreds of thousands of these, these missiles. but the technology and the capabilities, you know, are quite, nascent, you know, from the ability to be able to be defeated by the iron gate and other, air defense mechanisms, a possible site. john paluska. thank you. thank you. and we'll be back in a moment what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and i still love to surf, snowboard,
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miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the sport mat and wireless remote call now. a fox news alert after iran's first ever direct attack from its soil on israel, with perhaps 300 missiles fired of various kinds, we want to bring in former deputy national security advisor under former president trump victoria coates for some final thoughts. your your opinions, victoria, on how the united states or israel should react to this iranian provocation of provocation. well, there are two things in
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jennifer's reporting, john, that caught my attention. the first is she confirmed that ballistic missiles were fired from iranian territory toward israel, and that that perhaps the eisenhower strike group was involved in shooting some of those down, that that is a big deal. and so we'll want to get some more information on that in the morning. but then all eyes will turn to the security council at the united nations tomorrow. and if that's where this is going to move, in diplomatic terms, and i think the biden administration needs to drop their much more sort of appeasement policy of two weeks ago when they abstained on the resolution 2728, which decoupled the release of the hostages from a ceasefire in gaza, they've got to go in hard demand for the release of all of the hostages or their bodies, if that's all that's left, and drop this talk of a cease fire after what happened today. but the biden administration has not been particularly supportive of
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israel in these later stages of the war against hamas. no, that's true, but i would hope that what has happened today would change their their calculus a little bit. realize that hamas is not acting in a vacuum. they're acting with the support and the fighting fire dancing of iran. and that's what this is all about. now, john victoria coates, victoria, thank you. and thank you for joining us for our continuous coverage of the breaking developments in the middle east. more coming up i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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