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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  April 14, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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she's called him or connected with his people to say, we have
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to do something. and that resulted in the attack on the american base. it was largely a failure, and i think most of it fell outside of the grounds of the american airbase in the middle east. but they essentially said, we have to do something. we have to save face. i'm just curious because we were told for 2 or 3 days ahead of time, something is coming, something is coming. of course, intelligence could have picked that up, but do you think anything similar happened or could have happened here with iran calling the united states or israel and saying, we have to do something, and here is what that something was, something that amounted, yes, you're right. an unprecedented state action, but also a failed action. i'm almost certain that there were back channel communications of some kind, and they basically openly said it was going to happen. so i think the same thing happened before the biden administration retaliated for the u.s. troops that were killed, i think this has been going on for a while. the problem i see is there was no way iran could anticipate this being such a dismal
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failure. so we should operate on the assumption that they expected to kill israelis and to damage israeli military targets. and given that i think their failure may make them less likely to do so in the future. but given the nature of that regime, given their desire for regional hegemony and the fact that they are a nihilistic death cult, you know, who believes that they need some sort of armageddon like event to bring about the islamic rule ? i don't think we should ever anticipate them to act rational and not do these types of insane actions. all right, all right. jim hansen, thank you very much for your insight in your time. appreciate. thank you. jim good talking with you. likewise. well, speaking of president trump, he was he had a rally last night and he talked about this issue as it was unfolding in shanksville, pennsylvania. here's president trump, i want to say god bless
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the people of israel. they're under attack right now. that's that's because we show great weakness. it would not happen. the weakness that we've shown is unbelievable, and it would not have happened if we were in office. you know that. they know that. everybody knows that. but america prays for israel. we send our absolute support to everyone in harm's way. this is an attack that would not have happened. i mean, to think about to think about what we have to go through, ukraine would have never happened. israel attack both october 7th and today would have never happened. then he blamed price gouging and junk fees. but all of america knows that the real blame for this nightmare lies with one person crooked joe biden. so that was donald trump. clearly very proud of the fact that he was a peacetime president, that during his presidency, he's
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bragging there. and i think a lot of people have to give him credit for it. that no wars were started under his watch. and if anything, despite all the accusations that came his way as he entered office, that he would escalate things and cause world war three. really, he brought the temperature down in terms of foreign policy and global conflicts around the world. and that was a major message that he had yesterday. virtually everything they alleged would happen under under donald trump has occurred under joe biden. virtually every dystopian picture they painted would happen under donald trump. has occurred under joe biden. we sit on the precipice of world war three, two different wars across this world, not just skirmishes like flashpoints in the world that could metastasized into a much bigger war. yes the subversion of democracy at home, certainly, when it comes to our most fundamental values, like the freedom of speech, everything they said would happen under donald trump has happened under joe biden. and don't forget, will and pete, that the southern border is
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open and we now have more known foreign terrorists coming through into our country, which, you know, in, in, in light of what has just happened, is very frightening that they could be, you know, staging something, some sort of retaliation. ian. that's not a crazy thought. pete no doubt. not to mention all of the american bases that are inside syria, which, by the way, we learned last time, not all of them have the type of integrated air defense systems that israel has. so if they were to swarm dozens of drones at us bases in syria, they don't have the capability to shoot them all down. so there's probably a lot of information that iran will gather and use from this failed attack in some other direction, if they want. and the will to your point, the scary part about this is that all of those things you said are true, and we're at the whim of whether or not iran or israel would like to escalate or would decide to escalate. and then the white house releases a photo of a late night meeting that they had
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last night, as if to reassure us, except we have to look at the people in the meeting. i know i was just saying that anthony blinken and kamala harris has got a crooked headset on. you got lloyd austin, you've got c.q. brown, the new chief. i mean, these are these are not a group of men and women that inspire a lot of confidence about the trajectory of america's response. and so we're wondering whether or not iran will or see this as sufficient or whether israel will say, hey, we need another attack. and you, by the way, i, i'm listening to the verbiage around this is very interesting. it's all a kind of a chess game because we're saying it's unprecedented. and the first attack from from iran. yeah. kind of, except iran has been attacking israeli and american assets all around the world directly with like 10 to 5 degrees of separation or, excuse me, 5% of separation. they've been directly attacking. i guess it's just that missiles and drones were actually launched from iranian soil, which is right. right now there's barrages coming from
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lebanon. i mean, there's barrages coming from all over the country. excuse me, that region against israel, from iranian backed assets. so it is an escalation but really no difference disappeared. you brought up five degrees of separation. it is the first overt state on state action which feels like for many, the bridge has been crossed. i think the great question for us this morning is the one that we've tried to ask is how much of this was telegraphed with the intention of it being performative in hopes of not provoking an escalation? i, i thought, in other words said was right. so in other words, did iran telegraph this as a face saving move that they knew would largely be a failure in order to appease or appear strong at home while letting the united states and israel know this is the end right? right. but that's coming from the iranian side, from the israeli side. you know, last night we had mark levin on and he was saying israel's getting tired of all this. israel's,
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you know, getting sick of all these attacks from all these different places. and maybe they should, you know, take care of things once and for all. so that's maybe the iranians say, okay, enough is enough, but maybe on the other side, israel says this is our opportunity to end this. and so, as you said, pete, america is not necessarily in a position to determine whether this gets escalated or not. and that's the weak position that we're in right now. whereas i think everyone feels like under donald trump, there was just much better leadership and people were taking their cues. other countries from where donald trump was at, i mean, i think that is the operative question. was it performative or not? and you'd have to get inside the head of the mullahs to know that, like what percentage chance did they think it would be successful? because if you send 300, what was it? well, or 370 drones, if there was communication or if there was communication even. sure. but even even within that, within communication, if you launched that many assets, you got to believe some of them
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will get through. and how many of them did you want to get through? was there one place where you wanted it to be successful? i don't know, maybe we'll get some leaks on that in the future. all right. we move on this morning to a fox news alert. israel weighing options after iran fired hundreds of drones and missiles directly from its territory. we'll talk to someone who experienced the unprecedented attack from the ground next. oh, yeah, man, take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freaking talk. what the dodge hornet rt. the totally talked out crossover. it's time for news about the news. sling tv has the same news programing you love. starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programing you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? it's the same news for less starting at $40 a month. sling. there are many
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to end. shop now at show allegiance comm. we're back with the fox news alert right now. israeli airspace is back open while schools and large gatherings remain canceled as israel weighs its response to iran's massive drone and missile attack. aryeh lightstone served as a senior advisor to the former us ambassador to israel. he joins us live from israel with a firsthand look. ari, thanks. thanks for joining us this morning. what was it like being a part of that? the anticipation of it and then the actual event itself? oh, the anticipation was rather terrifying. and the most terrifying part of it is explaining to your kids that they're going to be shot at again. we have four kids, all under the age of 15, and the prospect of spending yet another night in the bomb shelter was not anything that we were looking forward to, but we spent most of the night
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watching the us and israel and jordan. even in the uk, shoot down this horrendous attack from iran and felt enormous amount of pride that what israel and the united states are able to do when they put their mind to it. how much time did you spend in a bunker? meaning like what was the exact or basic amount of time that the attack unfolded? for someone that was in israel? yeah. so we got reports at 11:15 p.m. last night that drones had left iran, which is a funny thing to watch in real time on x, you know, the country that you're staying in actually being attacked. and it said it's going to take anywhere between 3 and 6 hours for that to come. but don't worry. simultaneous with that happening, there will be cruise missiles launched from iran that will get there faster, and surface to surface missiles, and expect lebanon and yemen to jump in as well, as well as syria and iraq and in general throughout the night, there were reports that were happening. you've got this red alert app, which tells you where missiles can be hitting and when you need to go down to the shelter. with four kids, it
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was just more prudent to have everybody there in advance and not to wake them up in the middle of the night. and i was on a sort of news watch throughout the night, trying to figure out what was going on. speaking to leadership in washington on the republican side, obviously, and various other people who were concerned about friends and family in the in the area. so it was an all night event. what's your sense? we're trying to get a sense of whether or not iran would have, would have believed that this was a performative attack, meaning, hey, we have to do this, but we don't really want to escalate. or was your sense that the barrage was was so large and the different assets so variant that they would have had to have believed that it would have had some level of success? i'd like to say that i think that points as well important. it's purely academic. iran looks at the biden administration and sees complete and total weakness. so they believe that when biden says, don't just look how iran thumbed their nose at president biden and they proceeded with this, whether it was performative or whether it was
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deliberate, over 300, attack objects headed from iran into israel in the middle of the night by the way, leaving a saturday night, leaving the staff preparing into passover. so much for, like, the truce during the holidays. that action happening was chest. and whether biden's don't was to iran or whether it was to israel, and they put a bet that when biden says don't, he's talking to israel. just like all of the don'ts in the last six weeks have been about israel and not about hamas. interesting, what do you think happens next, ray? what do you think, what's the calculation of the israeli government? is there a response to this? is it an opportunity to advance and finish the job in gaza? what's next, do you think? well, the lesson from october 7th is when somebody says they're going to kill you, don't let them. and what you had leading up to october seventh, literally a decade plus of israel receiving missiles day and night from hamas and gaza and being told,
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limit your response. you've got this awesome air defense. israel continues to have an awesome air defense and was able, with the united states of america and other allies, to shoot down iran's missile barrage. that does not mean that it's permitted to shoot at a sovereign country. israel will choose its time and place to be able to hit back, and i would expect that hit to be rather explosive, because biden's administration has been weak on this. i don't expect it to be immediate, but i expect it to be meaningful. so you don't expect it to be a meaningful immediate, but you think it will be eventually a meaning. there will be a response to this interesting aria. lightstone, i'm glad you're glad your family's okay. i'm sure it was a long night. we appreciate you joining us this morning. thank you pete, god bless. thank you. all right. a fox news alert. tehran reportedly warning the us will be targeted if they back israel in any retaliation efforts. former cia station chief dan hoffman on how the us intel community is likely responding to the threat. candreva support
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first thing for the us intel community is to see the world through iran's eyes. and i'm sure that's what israel is trying to do right now. iran launched, you know, a over 300 combine drone, cruise missile, ballistic missiles against israel. that's a very disproportionate response to israel's kinetic strike on iranian iran's, general mohammad zahedi, who was responsible for the irgc coordination of operations in lebanon and syria against israel and reportedly was involved in the planning of the october 7th massacre. i think israel does want to strike back, but iran is banking on the united states reining in israel and inducing israel not to do so, at least for the time being. i think that's why iran had greater risk tolerance. iran doesn't want a conventional war they would lose against israel or the united states. but they took this greater risk because they felt like they could count on the united states seeking to
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de-escalate, follow these iranian strikes. you know, dan, you said that iran sent this. we all anticipate this or we all suspect this is in response to the killing of an iranian ambassador in damascus. and you you described this as a disproportionate response. so an escalation. but it largely failed. so i'm curious now, there are those who say that's because of the capabilities of the united states and israel in defense. if you look at the events from last night, dan, in your estimation, how much did that reflect the capabilities of the iranian military? in other words, was this just a small percentage of their capability? do they have much greater capabilities? like what did we get? what did israel get from iran? well, i think iran is waging war on israel, that those are significant strikes on israel's homeland. and i just think israel is going to
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have to respond to that, whether it means taking out some of those iranian sites from which they launched the cruise missiles and ballistic missiles and drones continuing to launch those strikes. this is i, i'm we talked about this earlier in the program. iran did cross a red line by launching these strikes directly from iranian territory rather than using proxies. i know the end result sometimes is the same, but those proxies typically are delivering attacks, conventional arm attacks, small arms attacks, and drone attacks. this was cruise missiles, ballistic missiles. and i don't think israel can let this stand. this is where israel needs to achieve some escalation, dominance or else face some serious attacks down the road that are even. worse than the ones we witnessed overnight. so to be clear, dan, you see this. you're interpreting the events as the first act in a state on state war. not a performative face saving measure that was telegraphed ahead of time for projection of strength at home in iran. you see it as the first act of a state on state
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war. well, so i think iran might have done what you said. i think their goal was to show that they could counter israel. after after the killing of the irgc commander, zahidi. but the way that israel has to see this and it's different than perhaps iran wished israel would see it, the united states government, by the way, might wish to see it as performative and that the indication of that is that president biden's plan today to meet with the g7 and talk about a diplomatic solution. but israel has to look at this as the kinetic strike and the war that is raging right now in the middle east. and what to do about it and de-escalating might not be their best option. taking options off the table is never a good idea. i'm sure that israel will be considering all of the available options in the coming days. dan hoffman, thank you so much for being with us this morning. all right, a fox news alert g7 leaders set to hold emergency meetings today as israel weighs its next move.
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a live report next. plus, a retired army general on the role that the us military played in mitigating the destruction of iran's unprecedented attack. start your day with nature. made the number one pharmacist. recommended vitamin and supplement brand. i'm bobby brown and i started jones road because i wasn't done. jones road is a modern approach to my beauty philosophy. clean. good for you. products that are versatile and easy to use. learn more at jones road, your best days of the year start here at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors. zero turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the number. one selling compact tractor in the usa. plus the year's best deals like 0% apr
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we're back with a fox news alert. iran launching its first ever direct attack on israel as tensions in the middle east reach a boiling point. several nations, including the us, the uk, canada and germany are quickly coming out to condemn iran's actions. and israel says it's treating at least 31 people for injuries. stephanie bennett joins us now with more. stephanie. good morning guys. yeah, a lot to unpack this morning. israel saying they defended themselves very well alongside their allies, while iran warning not to retaliate back. now the idf
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says 300 missiles and drones were fired in total, 99% of which were shot down before they entered israeli airspace, some of which, we are learning, were launched not just from iran, but also iraq and yemen. now, israel's minister of defense praising their international partners, saying the support from international allies was always tight. but last night it was unprecedented. the us, jordan and the uk just among some who intercepted many of those drones and missiles, the us in particular, shot down approximately 70. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying in part, quote, israel is strong. we appreciate the us standing with israel. whoever hurts us, we will hurt them. we will defend ourselves from every threat. meanwhile, iran's ambassador and permanent representative says the islamic republic of iran would not hesitate to exercise its inherent right of self-defense when required. should the israeli regime commit any military aggression again, iran's response will be
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stronger and more resolute. president joe biden yesterday condemned the iranian attacks on a military facilities in israel, and pledged a coordinated g7 diplomatic response for now, the united nations security council. they are set to meet later today around 4:00 eastern time. israel requested that council condemn iran's attack. guys, back to you. all right. thank you, stephanie. thank you. stephanie. joining us now is retired us army major general dana pittard. major general, thank you so much for being with us this morning, as you as you look at the events overnight, what do you think we should anticipate next coming from both the united states and israel? first of all, i think we should just sit back and think about what occurred. what occurred was, an unprecedented attack by iran against israel from the iranian homeland. for the most part. and it absolutely failed, nearly 300
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drones and missiles, were were shot or fired at at israel. and it failed due to the cooperative efforts of israel, the us and others in the region , to do so, so what should happen next? i mean, it's humiliating, first of all, from a for iran, all their talk, everything else they've done. and that's what that's the best they can do, and for, for israel. israel's obviously very fortunate, but you know who your friends are. and that was shown, really in spades yesterday, so what should happen next? well, iran believes that it's over, at least that's what they signaled. and israel has a decision to make, and for israel, they might want to take counsel from what occurred four years ago when, when president trump, president trump's administration, killed general
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soleimani and the iranian response was, missile attack in iraq against us soldiers. but no one was killed. there were some, there were some injuries, but no one was killed at that time. president trump said, i got what i wanted, which was the was general soleimani killed and you let it go, so at this point, israel needs to consider that, maybe now they can focus more on gaza, make sure that they are watching what's happening in iran, and then at their choosing, they may decide to do something different, but right now, maybe they should take counsel on what was done before by president trump. general, what is the role of the us in making sure that this does not escalate? and what can the us do in terms of its relationship with with israel, but also the back channels it has? i was just reading that apparently we had reached the biden administration, reached out to china, and asked them to try and deter iran from from
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launching these attacks. obviously that didn't work, but what are we doing? what can we do? what should we do to make sure this doesn't escalate and become worse for americans? well, first of all, we're the most powerful nation in the world. we're doing what only the us can do. and that is, talking back channel to certainly iran, through china, as you just mentioned, to say, look, okay, you had your shot. it failed, let that be it or there will be grave consequences. you saw what the us and israel were able to do against 300, different drones and missiles, and that's just on the defense side. you don't want to see what we can do offensively. we could destroy iran if we wanted to, but it doesn't have to happen that way, so there's a there's many important levers, that the us has militaries. lee, certainly
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diplomatically, the alliance in the region. so i think now is the time to do that, to say that's it, iran, stay in your box. but of course, we know iran has been has been conducting this, this war by proxy with israel. i don't see that stopping, so it will continue. sure will, general pittard, thank you for your time this morning. thank you. general. thank you. good to see you. all right. iran's unprecedented attack coming just days after biden urged china to dissuade the rogue regime from striking israel. what it means for relations with beijing coming up next. right now, pet dander, skin cells and dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt you see and the dirt you don't. your carpets aren't clean until they're stanley
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china and said, help us here, help us get iran to not attack israel. and obviously that didn't work. what does that tell you about our relationship? joe biden's relationship with china, how much influence he has over them or not? well, good morning, rachel. good to be with you. you know, this is ridiculous. it's like the situation with ukraine when apparently the biden administration reached out to china to say, please restrain russia. and of course, russia has been anything but restrained now for more than two years. it's the same thing with iran. i think what the biden administration needs to understand is these things are not happening despite china. they're happening because china's just fine having the united states tied up both in europe and in the middle east. they think this is great. yeah, i was just going to say this is completely in china's interest. maybe you could break that down for people who maybe aren't connecting all the dots. why
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would china want us tied down in all these different wars? well, because china, of course, is eyeing taiwan. and doctor kevin roberts, the president of heritage, and i actually went to both taiwan and japan six weeks ago to sort of see what we could on the lay of the land, on the ground. and, and china is watching taiwan like a hawk. they, they jinping, the chairman of the chinese communist party, has signaled that he wants to take taiwan. and my fear is that they think this this year would be their window of maximum opportunity for that. and so for them to take taiwan, they need the united states to be distracted. they need us to exhaust our resources, particularly in ukraine. but they also are going to need a lot of energy, rachel, because they don't have any domestically. and so what they're doing is buying up now more than 2 million barrels a day out of iran is going to china at cheap, discounted prices. and they're stockpiling
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that same thing with russia. wow. i mean, this is actually a very scary situation. you see, you know, there's probably only a six months left for china to make a move with with taiwan, we still have the war in, in ukraine. that doesn't seem to be going very well. and now we're on the precipice of a larger regional war in the middle east, perhaps, what worries you the most here? i mean, do you really think that we could be on the verge of something like a world war three and. and what can be done to stop that trajectory? well, however. yeah, however, ironically, in 2020, during the campaign, joe biden was saying over, over and over again that donald trump was bringing us to the edge of war. turns out it's actually joe biden. it sure is. victoria, great having you on. thanks so much for your insights. all right. they need a loan back fast and you need scotts turf build. rapid grass
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