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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 14, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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fox news alert. iran launching its first ever direct attack on israel. the jewish state says right now it's treating at least 31 people for injuries, including a ten year old girl and overnight, israel reopening its airspace for the first time since the unprecedented attack. however it is reported that several foreign airliners did cancel their flights to israel. iran launching a total of more than 300 missiles and drones toward the jewish state. but we're told, the idf says, that 99% of the threats were intercepted. together with our allies and partners, we are operating at a at we're operating at full force to defend the state of israel. and the people of israel. we will continue to fulfill this mission. trey yingst joined us
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from tel aviv with the latest. hey, trey. yeah. hey, guys. good morning. overnight, dozens of ballistic and cruise missiles were launched by iran along with a variety of attack drones. the israelis say. the majority of these projectiles were intercepted outside of israeli airspace. the united states helped israel, its key ally in the middle east, to shoot many of these missiles and drones down, though when they slipped past the air defense systems on the perimeter of israel. and these jets that were in the skies, some of them slammed into israeli soil, damaging at least one israeli military base and sending more than a million people to bomb shelters here in israel's second largest city of tel aviv, we could see some of the interceptor rounds coming off of the skyline. israel's most advanced missile defense system, the arrow three, working to intercept some of the ballistic missiles that were launched toward israel in just about two hours. israel's war cabinet will meet here in tel aviv at the kirya, israel's version of the pentagon, to
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determine if and how israel will respond to this unprecedented attack. we are truly in uncharted territory for the middle east right now. it is the first direct attack from iranian soil over the past two weeks, as iran has threatened to launch such an attack. israeli officials have said there would be a response if iran decided to do so now. iranian officials this morning in tehran are saying if israel does respond, they will launch another attack. and it really raises the question about what a regional escalation ladder could look like. remember, israel has been at war for more than six months with hamas and islamic jihad inside gaza. they've been facing daily fire from iran's largest proxy in the region, hezbollah. and there is a real concern that if this does continue to escalate, iran could activate hezbollah to start striking israeli population centers like jerusalem and tel aviv. but again, overnight, this day really of terror for many in israel, people heading to bomb shelters, concerned that these
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missiles and drones were going to slip past air defense systems. at least one child was injured in this attack and again today, israel preparing what their response will be to this unprecedented moment. guys, back to you. trey, we've had the privilege of having you on throughout the morning. we've talked about the attitude within iran and within israel to these attacks. i'm curious to ask you as well about the attitude within hamas. there was a sense after october 7th that the goal of hamas was to draw the broader region into war. i'm curious, and i know there was an attempt at some negotiations that failed with hamas here very, very recently. i'm curious how this entire incident has is seen within hamas. it's a great question. and that was absolutely one of the main objectives of hamas and islamic jihad when they entered into southern israel on black saturday, october 7th, slaughtering around 1200 people
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and taking more than 260 hostages. as that war continues, that has been really the only agenda item for hamas. they know they can't win a war against israel. and so the next best thing for that organization is to destabilize the region, to try and draw a divide between israel and its key allies like the united states. and they were able to do so to an extent. but when the united states understood that israel was going to face such a large attack from iran, the tone from the biden administration shifted. and they went from saying israel was making a mistake with a planned offensive into gaza's southernmost city of rafah to saying that they stand behind the jewish state. and so that's where things stand today. there has certainly been a shift in focus from the war in gaza to this larger attack from iran. and part of that has to do with the initial strike that was conducted by the israelis on april 1st in damascus, syria, taking out mohamed saadi, a top iranian general responsible for smuggling weapons and components into syria and
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lebanon. the shift in focus right now is something israel is going to keep in mind when they have this cabinet meeting later today with the war cabinet to determine the next steps. understanding that at this moment, this precipice, they once again have western support, something that they lost temporarily in the aftermath of their response to the october 7th massacre. yeah. and to your point, trey, i think it was chuck schumer who not very long ago was calling for regime change in israel, now saying, hey, we need to get more funding for israel, he said that, i guess yesterday. so we just had a woman on really interesting person, elie cohanim. she was a special envoy on iran during the trump administration. she said that yesterday. this is what she told me. she said yesterday that attack was basically has changed the middle east. and she says that because as, she says that the other countries around did not respond, that
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basically she said the abraham accords are still in effect and that she thought that was quite significant and should not be unnoticed. what are your thoughts from your perch? there it was certainly one of the most dangerous moments in the middle east in recent history. you had us embassy personnel across this country sheltered in place. you had more than a million people in major population centers like jerusalem heading to bomb shelters as missiles were intercepted overhead. the israelis were using all of the air defense they have in their arsenal. and they were, for the first time in the country's history, taking on a direct attack from iranian soil and it can't be understated how significant this moment is. it really can't be overstated. this is a change in the middle east, and it is also a moment where israel has to make a critical decision about how to
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respond, because if the israelis strike too hard in their response against iran, they could draw yet another attack. and there will be a back and forth unfolding that could unravel very quickly into a broader regional war in the middle east. and if they don't respond to at all, they risk iran feeling emboldened and feeling like they can launch attacks at will from iranian territory. and so there are some critical decisions that will be made in a matter of hours. here in tel aviv, you're looking at officials like israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, israel's defense minister yoav gallant, cabinet member benny gantz and others who will have to make this decision. and there is a spectrum of responses that the israelis will have to consider. they could do nothing. and from the biden administration's perspective, that's likely what they would like to see. or they could target iran's nuclear facilities and anything in between. and so these are very tense moments. again, this is uncharted territory for the region. and israel is still at
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war with hamas inside gaza. they are still at war with hezbollah in southern lebanon today. this morning, following this attack from iran, there were fighter jets over the skies of gaza targeting hamas positions there. there were fighter jets over the skies of southern lebanon targeting hezbollah positions there. there are israeli jets still in the sky today on high alert, concerned that iran could attack again, or they could use their proxies like the houthis in yemen, to launch fresh attacks. there are multiple fronts that are active as we speak, and it is truly a moment where there will need to be significant leadership in the middle east to chart a path forward to ensure that millions of people are not at risk. if this does unravel into a larger regional war. trey, that was a really helpful and thorough overview of what's at stake here. no doubt trey, thank you so much, it takes a unique understanding being there for
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trey to really pull together, the strategic implications of this. and all morning, we've been trying to figure out how choreographed this is, how significant of a development it truly is, and it is unprecedented, but i want to break down a little bit of the x's and o's just a little bit for, for folks at home and for us, too. this is a new kind of attack from iran. i mean, israel has long been surrounded by enemies, but the distance is part of what made it such a long night in israel, you might say. a lot of people we've talked to this morning have said we spent the entire night in a bomb shelter. why is that? if you measure the distance from tehran to jerusalem, it's about a thousand miles, different systems were employed by the iranians, not just out of iran, but also out of iraq and syria and lebanon and even down in yemen and saudi arabia. so different systems fly at different speeds, at different altitudes. they take a different amount of time to get from iran to israel. so a cruise missile or a ballistic missile, and the only difference between the two, for the most part, is one flies on an arc and another has a more
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direct propulsion system. so engaging them is different. they take different amounts of time to get there. some fly at five 600 miles an hour, so if you're going a thousand miles, that might take two hours, which would give you a sense why we're getting a warning here in the united states, an attack is imminent. there are drones and missiles in the sky, and they haven't impacted yet, a drone flies even slower than that. so if it's coming from iran, it might take 4 or 5 hours to get there. some of these are 1,000 pounds. they have a payload of 60 to 2, six from 60 pounds to 600 pounds of explosives. so very significant and very large. what our understanding is, is with all the incoming that was coming from iran, over 300 drones and missiles, a lot of the defense of israel wasn't just the internal systems. it was american platforms of fighter jets as well as idf fighter jets. so while the incoming was going, israel was sending jets in this direction to shoot at the drones and the missiles. i mean, it's not as if we're looking at a aircraft to aircraft fight where the israeli jets have to worry about the drones. the drones are one way suicide drones. so
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if you can engage those drones in the air and shoot them before they get to israeli defense space, that's obviously preferable for casualties inside israel. and what we're hearing from the idf, it was 99% successful. so a lot of geography came into play because attacks from syria or attacks from lebanon are right in iran's backyard. one other thing of significance for a long time, israel has or excuse me, iran has promoted that. their missiles have a range of greater than 1000 miles. it's always been 1200 miles or 1500 miles. that was always symbolic to say to jerusalem and israel, we can reach you. that was always the propaganda purpose of a thousand miles. is we can get from us to you. all these countries in the middle don't matter anymore. if we wanted to strike you, which is why this was such a fear for so many, why this is so unprecedented. they've been signaling a desire to do that. last night, they actually did. the idf showed a fantastic ability to intercept it, though, and that'll bring us to some of these missile defense systems that israel used, they've got multiple
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layers of the types of things they shoot down. you hear a lot about iron dome and the patriot missile system. well, there's an arrow missile system and a david's sling. the arrow is meant to hit stuff high up in the atmosphere. so we're talking stuff very sophisticated. i'm not. it's not clear if iran had used hypersonic missiles, which they didn't in this weather. the arrow system would engage that, i don't know. we should, we should we should look into that . david sling is more medium to long range rockets as well, so this could have been employed as missiles. get closer to israel and then you move to the other two that were more familiar with, which is the iron dome, which is what was used mostly internally to say with rockets are fired by hamas or rockets are fired by hezbollah or mortars, you would use the iron dome. and then our patriot missile system layers on top of that as well. so we'll move to the last screen to give a sense of some of the assets that we have in the region. the reports are that out of the mediterranean is where a lot of our fighter jets deployed from in order to intercept. and if you're if you're got warning that an attack is imminent and you're able to take off on an aircraft
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carrier, you can move over the state of israel very quickly and get into other territories where you're able to engage these assets before we have assets in the red sea, obviously bases throughout the arab peninsula, but also, as we've talked about on this program, to, in iraq and syria, there are a number of american military bases which could have given early warning. they could have been missile capabilities there, too. so this was not just an israeli response, guys. i mean, obviously we had a huge impact here. well, not just america and israel, but the point that elie cohen, i mean, the guests we had just a few minutes ago said is that she and i was trying to make this point to get trey's reaction, which she was saying, is that jordan and saudi arabia, that these are members of this abraham accord that were also in some ways assisting in this and that she felt like this was really a moment for donald trump to be proud, because this abraham accord was holding up and containing this from
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getting out of here. i think it's a really good point. i think so too. if you look at a really great if you look at 1967, you look at 1973, the wars that were that were waged against israel, those were wars, were countries piled on top of and wanted to take an opportunity to strike israel. and in this case, it's really one country, the other countries involved are satellite countries of iran. so you look at the leadership of iraq is largely shia. you look at bashar al-assad owes his life in in syria to the iranians. lebanon's been co-opted by the iranians. so the extent to which countries are involved, it's because they're just an extension of iran. all these other arab countries, which are more sunni muslim, have been effectively pulled off the battle space through the abraham accords and diplomacy. so now it's a one sided enemy. we're effectively facing there in the iranian shia resistance. and the point is, you have donald trump, who was trying to put in place something to bring some sort of peace to that area. and we and we know that from his own presidency, that it was a peace
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time presidency versus, joe biden, who is sort of managing conflicts, funding them and getting us more involved in wars that frankly, i think are not in our interests. and china seems to be licking their chops, wanting us to get more involved as they eye up taiwan. really nice job. thank you. great stuff. all right. today g7 leaders in the united nations security council will hold emergency meetings after iran's unprecedented attack on israel. and this as president biden is reaffirming america's support for the jewish state. madeline rivera is live in washington with the latest. hey, madeline. good morning guys. us support for israel's security was in full display this weekend, with us navy and air force assets in the region shooting down dozens of iranian drones and missiles. in a statement, the president says iran and its proxies operating out of yemen, syria and iraq launch an unprecedented air attack against military facilities in israel. i condemn these attacks in the strongest
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possible terms, but what happens next is unclear. during a phone call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saturday, president biden reportedly told him that the us won't support any israeli counterattack against iran, per axios. he told netanyahu the failure of the iranian attack was a result of the joint defense efforts by israel, the us and other partners in the region. and he told the prime minister to, quote, take the win. us officials had already aired frustration through media reports that israel left them in the dark on the strike on iran's embassy compound in damascus april 1st, which led to iran's retaliation this weekend. so they're making it clear they want to be notified ahead of time should israel decide to respond. iran, for its part, isn't dialing down its rhetoric, saying it will strike again with greater force if israel does fight back and it's warning the us to stay away. in a statement, defense secretary lloyd austin says we do not see conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel.
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all of this complicating us efforts to try and de-escalate the situation, which will likely be a big topic of conversation with the president, speaks with g7 leaders today. will rachel and pete. all right. thank you. madeline. madeline you got it. of course. all right. now to your headlines, starting with a fox news alert. video from tehran shows iranians celebrating the streets after iranian forces carried out their first ever direct attack against israel. iran launching more than 300 drones and missiles towards the jewish state, with the majority of the attack intercepted by the idf and its allies, israeli officials say they are treating at least 30 people for injuries . a lawmakers are urging the white house to stand firm on supporting israel after last night's attack. house gop leaders say congress will consider legislation in support of the jewish state. this week, house majority leader steve scalise, writing, quote, the house will move from its previously announced legislative schedule next week to instead consider legislation that supports our ally israel and holds iran and its
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terrorist proxies accountable. and places of worship are on high alert. this morning after iran's massive missile attack here in new york city, nypd officials saying, quote, while there are no credible threats to new york city at this time, we continue to deploy resources to houses of worship and sensitive locations throughout the city. and those are your headlines there. we go. all right. former president trump sounding off on america's weakness on the world stage in the wake of iran's attack on israel. weakness that we've shown is unbelievable. and it would not have happened if we were in office. you know that. they know that. everybody knows that. trump 2024 national press secretary carolyn leavitt is here to talk about that next. it's kubota orange day's shot, the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment. and get 0% apr for 84 months, or up to
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off on america's standing on the world stage as iran launches a major attack against america's best ally in the middle east, israel. joining us now with more trump 2024 national press secretary carolyn leavitt. carolyn, it's great to have you here. that was it was a really interesting moment for the president to showcase what he would have done, what would not have happened had he been president. the crowd seems to be eating it up, but tell us more about what his thoughts are on this particular very dangerous situation in the middle east. president trump was made aware of the attack on israel last night on our way to his rally in pennsylvania, and he made it a priority to ensure that those remarks were at the top of his speech to express 100% support for israel. and as he expressed last night in pennsylvania to a massive crowd of people that were on their feet clapping and cheering, is that the sad truth is, this would have never happened to israel if president trump were still in the white
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house just a few years ago, there was peace in the middle east. president trump got arab nations to come to the table to negotiate peace deals with israel that never spoke before. he was the negotiator in chief. he signed historic sanctions on the iranian regime, cutting off the neck of the iranians. they had never been more weak, more broke. and just in a matter of a few years, joe biden has reversed all of president trump's very effective policies . and now they have been emboldened. and we've seen that aggression in the world is in chaos right now because of joe biden's weakness. and it just shows how petty and ridiculous this trial that we have starting in new york is tomorrow, when the world is at war, when our border is under invasion by terrorists and criminals, when inflation is increasing, the democrats and joe biden are focused on prosecuting the former president of the united states. we're going to get to that trial in just one moment. but how do you reverse that reversal? so the president were to win. how do you put the chaos back in the bottle in the middle east? it starts on day one when president trump walks
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into the oval office. the world is going to know that we have a strong commander in chief, that is going to put america first, that is going to lead through an an approach of peace, through strength. he will slap sanctions back on the iranian regime, a bloodthirsty terrorist in the middle east, like soleimani, will once again be gunned down. russia's invasion of ukraine will end. president trump has promised to end that war in 24 hours, and china will no longer be promising to take taiwan. our adversaries will be deterred just by the fact that we will have a strong commander in chief and a rebuilding of our military, like we saw in president trump's first tum. well the nation traded away, you know, low inflation and world peace for no more mean tweets. yeah, i know i hope they're happy with their trade off, let's get to the trial because your point is well taken that this is what will commandeer much of president trump's, if not attention, his time over the coming week. he said the other night that he will testify. i'm sure his attorneys will also provide feedback on whether or not that will be the case. but what do you expect this week from
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president trump? we expect him to fight for truth like he always does. and what is taking place in this city this week is a travesty of justice. it's an unprecedented time in which we have the sitting president of the united states and joe biden weaponizing the justice system against his political opponent. this is what happens in third world banana republics, not here in the united states of america. and this case is a biden trial at the behest of a far left district attorney in alvin bragg, who has spent more time prosecuting president trump than the violent criminals who are running free in the streets of new york right now. and the case is being overseen by a partizan judge. judge merkin is a partizan democrat. he has donated money to joe biden's campaign. how can you honestly oversee a trial against a presidential candidate when you yourself support that candidate's opposition? it is election interference. and the american people see that president trump will continue to fight for truth. now, they don't want him to do that. they're politically persecuting him. and then they're also gagging him. they want to take
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away his first amendment right, because they know he exposes the truth about the corruption and the corrupt actors who are leading this case. and it starts with joe biden. yeah, it is election interference. i think the american people see that. what i think is interesting is that i'm watching him on the screen right here. strong coming up to the stage, making a strong statement on the situation with israel and iran. and i think about joe biden, like, could joe biden, with the trial looming? and all the persecution that donald trump is facing and what he has to prepare for the next day, could he handle a late night rally like this? i mean, it's really there's so many issues. what you brought up, will, but there are so many ways that we can see one, one president versus the other, including the economy only four years ago. record breaking. that's right. the americans have never had a stronger contrast than the one they will have on the ballot before them on november the fifth, we had a secure border. now we have a wide open border. we had peace around the world
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that we have chaos. we are on the brink of world war three because of joe biden's weakness. and this trial this week and in the coming weeks is going to backfire on the democrats, just like all of the biden trials have. our campaign has never been stronger. president trump has never been in a stronger position to win. he is tough. he is tenacious. we will continue to fight for truth in the courtroom and to win the votes of americans on the campaign trail, and they want to confine him to a courtroom. but unfortunately for them, president trump has a big, beautiful plane that we will continue to use to fly around this country and earn votes. he has the power of truth social to spread truth to the american public. our fundraising is exploding, and when you go to rallies like the one we did in pennsylvania last night, there has never been more energy, more spirit, more love from the grassroots voters of this great country. so we'll continue to fight every step of the way. yeah. and to your point, rachel, last night there was only one president that gave a live statement and it wasn't joe biden. we're still waiting to hear from biden. exactly carolyn. carolyn, thank you so much. thank you. thank you very much. all right. back
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problems as well in the region. what does that look like for you? yeah, i think absolutely. i mean, we need the most upmost support right now, especially, you know, to our partners in israel, you know, what we've seen over the last few hours of evolve is, iran using low grade, you know, technology to crash into these, you know, border regions inside of israel. and, you know, as we've seen, some of them have been very ineffective, this is really a political response into what is going on in the retaliation for the killing of their consulate and military members down there. if you think back to, you know, what had happened, when the us took out the shadow governor, kason soleimani, who was responsible for the iranian shrapnel still in my legs now, you know, they did respond and they then they retaliated with, you know, some ballistic missiles that went into iraq and, you know, were unsuccessful and, you know, killing us americans, you know, what we really need right now is, is the utmost support from
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from air dominance, because we know that iran doesn't have that. and, you know, from the, the region stability, i would say even more so, russia right now is looking at this and saying, you know, we've been, receiving some of these low grade drones that we've used in, in ukraine. they've been helpful. but really what they're thinking is that they're they're wanting to be a war power. and it is unfortunate that, you know, they can't come and help be a peacekeeper. and so they're actually losing a little bit of a position. and so it's an interesting dynamic. the shift that iran is making and showing to the middle eastern countries and how russia, ukraine conflict is also subsequently involved because we do know, you're right that tehran has exported a lot of these drones, these suicide drones, to russia for use in the war in ukraine. you say low grade. i think that's significant in that it's not that they're not capable of killing a lot of people should they reach their destination. it's just iran would know that
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the defense capabilities of the us and israel likely would be able to intercept them. and iran also has hypersonic missiles and higher capability missiles that maybe would be more difficult to intercept. so your your thesis is iran knew how this would be received for the most part and took that political calculation. yeah i mean, this is the political response. i don't think either side can benefit from a full scale war right now. clearly, israel is engaged in in clearing and a semi occupation of gaza right now, you know, iran while they will probably achieve more success of their political agenda through supporting, any, you know, is islamic terrorists, you know, militants on the ground, you know, between hamas and, and other quds force type activities, you know, full scale war would not benefit either of these countries. and i don't think the middle east, you know, wants this to happen. will this, you know, end today? will it end next week, two weeks? i think it will be rather short lived, you know,
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there's really no need for, you know, americans here in the us to be, you know, concerned at bay of the security. i know i saw new york city is stepping up security, which is great. no need for financial markets to go into disarray, you know, we just need the support of the biden administration to come in heavy, to come in strong and for iran to say, okay, we're not going to mess with these guys anymore because, you know, they've got the full support of the us military behind them. let's hope iran gets that message. this white house, their statement of don't hasn't been very effective. but let's hope they do get that message and calculate accordingly. john thank you for your time and for your service. we appreciate it. thanks. you got it. all right. a live report from tel aviv coming up next. plus a shocking number of terror suspects caught at our southern border. our next guest says it's those we don't know about that haunt him the most. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers
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is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey criminals, we're still watching sean sticks. larkin returns to the show where every shot tells a different story, but every frame uncovers the truth. buckle up america. crime cam 24 seven returns new episode friday on fox nation, all part of fox justice. don't miss your last chance to sign up and get your first year of fox nation for 29.99. america is streaming when you can't watch, listen. get the latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. we're back with the fox news alert iran saying it informed the us its strikes on israel will be, quote, limited and that it had notified its neighbors at least 72 hours before launching its first ever direct attack against the jewish state. trey yingst joins us from tel aviv with the latest trey. yeah, exactly. we are learning more this morning
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about the iranian response and this attack of dozens of drones and missiles targeting israel overnight. the iranians say they let the americans know that this was, in their mind, considered a limited attack and meant for defensive purposes. following the israeli strike earlier this month that killed one of iran's top generals, mohammad sajjadi. now, moving forward, the question is whether or not the israelis will accept that assessment and urging by the united states and the biden administration to limit or stop their response to the attack. remember, this was truly unprecedented. you saw israel's top air defense systems active across the country, david sling and the arrow system working to intercept these drones and ballistic missiles that were fired at israel. there was clear coordination in advance. clearly, the iranians say that they told their neighbors up to three days in advance that this attack in response to israel was going to take place. and
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that's part of the reason that the american and israeli intelligence was so good. the iranians have been projecting they were going to respond since the hours after that strike in damascus on april 1st. so the question now is how israel will respond. they have a variety of targets they could hit. if they do decide to strike back in iranian territory. they also could decide to do nothing. that's part of the conversations that will take place this afternoon at the kirya here in tel aviv. israel's version of the pentagon. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, israel's defense minister yoav galant and a variety of other war cabinet members will make this decision. but ultimately, we can't expect more conversations to take place between the united states and israel, because this close coordination is something that israel had not seen in recent months. they were facing new criticism from the biden administration, but in just a matter of 24 to 48 hours, the tone of washington changed and they stood behind israel as they were attacked by iran overnight. all right, trey, thank you so much for that
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latest update. meanwhile, the terror threat at the southern border continues to grow. according to cbp, 76 people on the fbi terror watch list have been apprehended at our border since october 1st. more than 400,000 illegal immigrants have flown in on commercial flights as part of the white house's parole and release program from migrants from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela through the. though the program is not taxpayer funded as the recipients or their sponsors pay for the tickets, we're here to discuss is retired border patrol chief chris clem, chris, thanks for being with us this morning. a lot of focus on those countries i just mentioned. but in the wake of the news overnight at one of the concerns that has to be on every american's mind is all of these individuals on the terror watch list. yeah, absolutely. i mean, that's very alarming when you see those numbers that are already met and will expect to exceed last year's already, high water mark when it comes
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to those on the terror watch list. first, you know, grateful that our border patrol agents are able to identify them when they're processing, but that that system is only as good as the information in there. so it's oftentimes limited, if we don't receive a hit while we're taking biometrics, we don't know who they are. so that is, that is also a concern, you know, and again, those are the numbers and the people that we know about. one of my big concerns is the nearly 1.8 million known got aways under this administration. i was just looking at cbp data earlier and, we've already met and exceeded every criminal category over the over under this administration that we did in the previous administration. so, you know, who is and who are these people that are getting away from our border patrol agents and law enforcement? they're the ones that are ending up in our neighborhoods committing the crimes. and possibly people that may have been on that terror watch list. here are some of the numbers from from various countries around the world 86,000 cubans 168,000 haitians, 77,000 nicaraguans, 102,000 venezuelans. and although as you mentioned the
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gotaways, we probably have some indication of those on the terror watch list that we've caught and giving us an idea of where they are coming from. could you give us some idea what countries are we talking about? are sort of feeding those we're catching or perhaps losing from the terror watch list? well, i don't want to get into too much detail because i really don't have a lot of that detail anymore. but when i was chief, a lot of it was, colombia and south america, countries, because of some of the nexus they've had with, with different regimes. but a lot of them are coming from middle eastern countries and former soviet bloc countries. so they're just they're from all over the world. there's not one specific location in and that's that's why border security is national security. because this is not a problem of just to our neighbors, to the south, they're flying in from all over the world, from countries that are not our allies, that wish to do us harm. and they're showing up at our at our border. thank goodness we're arresting. but i am very concerned with the 1.8
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million gotaways because, quite honestly, people are focused too much on this immigration problem, not focus on this national security problem. look, just in the last few months, we've had the fbi director testify twice that all the bells and whistles are going off, it's long overdue for this administration to take the border security piece. the national security piece at our at our southern border, make that a priority, number one, to keep america safe and keep our community safe, we appropriately focus on illegal immigration. it should be pointed out as well. as we saw chants this week of death to america in michigan. those are among legal immigrants to the united states. so we ought to be paying attention to who's coming in to this country. thank you so much, chris, for being with us this morning. you got it. thank you for bringing this topic up. you bet. as global tensions surge, how can you talk to your kids about the impact of war? well, doctor nicole sapphire joins us live straight ahead. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping in 99% of people over 50, and it
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wasted time. go to insurify and save today. as conflict escalates and continues to escalate around the globe, many parents are left wondering how to address the issue with young children in an age appropriate manner. doctor nicole saphier is the author of love, mom and joins us now with important insight. this is such a great question, nicole. first of all,
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welcome. it's a great question. you know, i sometimes bring my kids to work. i have my daughter with me and, you know, war broke out in the middle east as she was with me. obviously, we're going to have that conversation. what's the best way for other moms to have that conversation? you know, rachel, being a mom is hard, and especially during times of conflict and being able to talk with the children, it can be really challenging and while there is not, you know, an easy way to kind of skim past it, there are some things that you can do to maybe make it a little bit easier on them. the first thing is find out what they know already, because likely they already know a little bit and make sure it's in a very neutral environment. i like to have conversations that are serious with my children, say around the dinner table when we're eating. you certainly don't want to have the conversation right before bed. you want to make sure their little nightmares you want to make sure that their little minds are at peace before they go to bed. you know, maybe they know something about it, but they're not really that worried about it. and that's okay, because they have a lot going on in their little lives. but some of these
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kids are worrying in silence. so you really want to make sure and talk to them through it. you also want to make sure that you're using age appropriate verbiage for them. you know your kids better than anyone. you know what words are going to, you know, make them worried or make them upset, and you want to avoid those. so make sure you're talking to them as the child because they are children. and also you got to limit the news sources and where they're getting their information from. listen, they do have a right to know what's going on in the world, but you have the right as a parent to protect your children. so i personally prefer my children get news from me and not external sources, because what do you see on outward media? you see a lot of clickbait and things that are meant to invoke emotion, and we really want to avoid that. i also like to focus on the helpers, remind our kids that people are helping each other, and instead of focusing on the negative aspects of what's happening, talk about the people. the first responders, the military, others who are protecting others. and lastly, after the conversation, keep checking in with them again because they still may be getting more and more little tidbits of information as they go to school their around their friends. so check in with them, make sure they're doing okay,
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and as long as they feel your love and feel supported, that's the best you can do for your kids. this this particular war has so many emotions around it, especially in schools. you're seeing it play out, you know, a lot of anti-semitism, a lot of tension between students. what about that aspect of it? this is a very scary time, especially for the 8 million jews that are living in the united states. it's not only something that is happening in the middle east that feels so far removed. it is a personal attack on who they are, what their values are, their family. and so these are very sensitive subjects, and you have to make sure you don't want to inflict bias. you don't want to inflict prejudice when you have these conversations with your kids. so be very careful on that. but make sure that your children feel safe because we feel the conflict internally. you can only imagine what your children are feeling, and especially because they don't understand the implications of what's going on. yeah, i think we're sitting on a tinderbox. so i think the sooner you have these conversations, the better. i also want to remind people to pick up your book. it's called
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love, mom, which is why we're asking you about these mom topics right now. it's available april 16th. you can catch love, mom. there's a live show feature, bring your favorite moms this monday on fox nation. do you want to tell us a little bit more about that? so we have this great live show going tomorrow with myself, martha maccallum, sandra smith, janice dean, carley shimkus, and a live audience. we took questions. it was amazing. we tackled a bunch of topics that every mom's interested in and specific to what we're talking about today in this book, some of the things we talk about is parenting in the digital age. and with all the influence of social media and all the other things and i can already tell you there's some tidbits of advice in that that specifically from martha maccallum, that at the saphire household we've already adopted . that's great stuff. thanks, nicole, for joining us. thanks for having me. you got it. more fox and friends after this. did you know there's no t in skechers? what are you talking about? romo t is always in sketchup. t and these sketches slip in. t and d sketches slip
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