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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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new video shows israeli defense forces intercepting drones and
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cruise missiles launched from iran as israel successfully shut down nearly all the aerial threats with help from their partner nations including the united states. welcome to fox news live. a secure call with g7 leaders earlier today. the group unanimously condemning the attacks reaffirmed their commitment to israel's security. president biden telling prime minister netanyahu that the united states will not join the strike against iran. troy gangsta is live in tel aviv with the latest developments. >> israel and a precipice deciding what to do in response to this massive attack launched overnight. hundreds of drones and missiles fired towards a jewish state by iran. after four hours of deliberations the israeli war cabinet has wrapped up their meeting here at israel's version of the pentagon. it was at that meeting where the israelis were deciding when and how to respond to this attack.
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a variety of options on the table. ultimately, the decision will be made by the israeli war cabinet. you mentioned president biden speaking with g7 leaders today. there is an understanding that the americans will not be part of any possible israeli response against iran. that statement by president biden was not calling on israel to offer any sort of restraint in their response. we do have new video showing israeli jets overnight as they were intercepting some of these drones and missiles fired towards israeli airspace. remarkable video. it aligns with the reporting we had early on indicating that israeli jets were in the sky before this attack took place. the intelligence here was spot on giving them an advantage to shoot down some of these incoming projectiles. some new video released showing the missile launches from iranian territory. the first time in history that such an incident has taken place
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israeli forces do remain on high alert across the country. the command responsible for communicating directives to civilians here still telling people to avoid large gatherings and canceling educational activities across the country tomorrow night as israel waits to see what will happen and what decisions will be made by their top military officials here in tel aviv. >> many thanks. president biden pledging ironclad support for israel in a call with my minister benjamin netanyahu last night after the united states shot down nearly 70 iranian drones. lucas thomason is live at the white house with more. >> also making it clear on that call between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that they would not support, not take part in any counter strike against iran. john kirby said the president's goal is to lower the temperature
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in the region. >> it will be up to the israelis to decide what the next step is here. president biden since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. >> president biden just wrapped up a call with g7 leaders where all parties agree to beg israel not to launches counterattack it last night president biden issued a statement saying " thanks to these deployments the extraordinary skill of our service members we helped israel take down all of the incoming drones and missiles. u.s. officials say 70 of the drones and missiles launched in iran were shot down by american airstrips. u.s. central command had destroyers on the station. twenty-three interceptors. u.s. air force as they deployed to the region. they also engaged a patriot battering northern iraq shut
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down a missile. ahead of u.s. forces in the middle east offering his assessment to last night's attack. >> iran could not replicate last night's attack tonight if they had to. they have now been employed in a major combat test. frankly, that test has failed. israel is much stronger than they were yesterday. >> joe biden was skeptical of missile defense. last night, it saved israel. >> thank you very much. joining me live from tel aviv, israeli government spokesperson. >> thank you for having me on, mike. >> how will israel respond? >> israel will do its utmost to secure the future of our nation.
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an existential fight as you know iran has made it clear that they want to destroy israel, they want to wipe us off the map. the big puppet master. an atm for so many proxies battling hamas. so, we are at a quagmire. we are making decisions as i speak consultations and meetings being had. one thing is for sure. we must return security to our people. >> the success of your defense system send a deterrent message to iran and other adversaries across the middle east? >> i certainly hope that it did.
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this was a great failure on the iranian side. i do not want to pat ourselves on the back too much. if you could imagine just a few more of them getting group, there could have been major carnage in israel. iran did their utmost to kill israeli men and women and children. it includes the strengths that hold the 133 israeli hostages in gaza that includes activating the home office on october 7 to perpetrate the largest attack against jews since the holocaust it includes has blood getting involved in the war on october 8 all strings lead back to the tyrants of tehran. i hope they got the message last night, but it is not over until it is over. how do you respond to the president?
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>> i have heard that narrative. it will be decided by my prime minister. iran started this war through their proxies. we still have to destroy them bring home the hostages. we still have around 60,000 israelis on our northern border that have been displaced, internally displaced from their homes. they need security so they can return home. we cannot just bow our heads and hope for the best. there was a time when jews were fully defenseless. that is not the case anymore. we have israel, we must defend ourselves. >> we are reporting that the president told netanyahu that
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the united states will not join a counter attack on iran. how do you respond to that? >> we appreciate all of the support that we get from the administration. 82% of americans support israel in our fight for existence. we are, at the end of the day a sovereign nationstate. the one and only jewish state. a tiny country smaller than new jersey with a population the size of london. iran says it day in and day out. iran is now playing some kind of a game of let's call it a day. we will see what happens. either way the proxies are still actively attacking us. hamas bringing in hostages. they don't pose a threat to us
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anymore. >> do you worry about a threat of escalation? >> i certainly hope that this is not the new standard. the theoretical regime sending over hundred of missiles and drones against. you remember when the missiles first started coming over from gaza. it is not a big deal. now it is a massive deal. it is a huge deal. we appreciate the strong words from the president of adult and don'ts. i'm not sure the messages got through to iran. consultations are being had. we will decide what needs to be decided at the right time and place. people were concerned that october 7 we would run in guns a blazing, no. we approach a situation with a very clear head. operating according to military experts in a way no other army has done in the history of
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modern warfare. so, we will assess the situation and we will act when we decide the time is right. >> israeli government spokesman. thank you for your time today, sir. >> thank you, mike. all the iranian attacked drones. we have senior fellow and keystone defense initiative rebecca heinrichs and senior defense planetary lieutenant daniel davis. welcome to both of you. let's start with fresh reaction from john kirby from the white house. in terms of whatever next step they want to pursue. that is a sovereign decision of course that our israeli counterparts have to make.
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i don't think you can come away not convinced that the president didn't mean every word he said ironclad commitment. >> do you agree, rebecca? >> he also said the united states had an ironclad commitment to nato. how president biden asked if israel decides to retaliate, it has significant geopolitical implications to other regions of the world let's see what he means by ironclad. the other thing that's important to remember is on the point of missile defense. it is true that israel's layered missile defense system performed beautifully with the help of jordan, the help of the united states and even the brits. that does not mean that they are required to now say we are dead. to play the part is you convince the adversary that he went ahead
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and tried to do this. he failed, but now he will be on the receiving end of retaliation that is how you communicate a key part. >> i think it's critical that we take a look at what is happened here. why did they attack into israel proper? because of what happened on april 1. choosing to assassinated general , they have been doing this for a while. they chose to strike in a diplomatic facility. the most in-your-face emotional kind of target you can get. any country in the world would respond. breaking any kind of international law. does not matter what country you are from. this is the response. i just think too many people are characterizing this as an attack out of nowhere. they responded to what israel did first. you cannot let that go. >> how significant is the --
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escalation. >> the first time in attack launch from iranian soil. they are operating in other places including and consulates in syria that that gives them immunity if they are the ones launching funding, constantly barraging israel. israel has a right to defend itself the there should be no sanctuary. on the point about escalation, the biden administration has been almost obsessively concerned. the way you deal with escalation is turned to the adversary convince adversary not to escalate. you do not restrain your ally. that just means u.s. allies are in a losing position. the best way to deal with escalation is to fully back the israelis, fully back ukraine, fully back taiwan and tell them
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do not act aggressively against the sovereign people. >> do you where we are getting into a cycle of attack, response , attack, response. >> just like they did on the previous, you don't get to hit the embassy. nobody gets out. it is an international law that we agreed to. it doesn't matter where you take them out. i assure you as bad as we thought the iraq war, if we go when we get sucked in, that is absolutely not in america's interest and we will pay a big price for that. the air defense worked brilliantly for israel. those interceptor missiles, they use a lot of them. getting into an extended back-and-forth, iran can launch thousands of these drones that
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by themselves are easy to knock down. if you run out of interceptor missiles, they can get through. >> what more should the biden administration do in this critical stage? >> i would fully back israel. we are the backstop. we are the ones that provide the strategic deterrence to get into the region so israel can do what is necessary. they should not be restraining israel so they can take out these necessary targets. i would back the israelis. i hope that congress sees this as a warning. a supplemental package on the floor and gets a book that helps all of our allies in the region. our adversaries are collaborating together to harm them and us. >> the chances of taking them out are very low.
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i ran for the first time ever to have a nuclear weapons program. we don't want that. >> thank you both for your time and your analysis today. the house is now set to change its legislative schedule. we will have reaction from brian mast. that is him. fi next.
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her uncle's unhappy.
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i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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lawmakers on capitol hill reacting to iran's attack. the houses schedule will be changed in order to consider legislation to support israel sooner than originally planned. we are live in washington with the latest. >> a renewed sense of urgency on capitol hill for lawmakers to address aid for israel. divided over how the u.s. should respond. bipartisan calls are growing for the house to take up a $95 billion foreign aid package to the senate passed in february including money. the legislation has lagged where some hard-line conservatives have been outspoken about their opposition to more funding for ukraine. the progressives are not happy either because they want to cut military aid for israel. how he thinks mike johnson will
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proceed. >> i expect the speaker of the house probably next week to put in israel bill, israel support bill before the house. i think that it will be followed by a bill to support taiwan and the indo pacific and number three, i think he will put a bill to support ukraine. >> gop members have already tried twice to pass a standalone military bill for israel. successful in november killing an emergency proposal in the house. it went nowhere in the senate. tim kaine making it clear they will not be accepting any package that does not include aid for ukraine. >> both of these challenges involve the u.s. defendant against illegal attacks by authoritarian nations, ukraine and israel. in the senate, we have turned
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down and israel only bill in the past. because we believe these two challenges are linked. >> house speaker mike johnson facing another challenge. continuing to dangle a threat about seeing him saying that funding for ukraine -- mike. >> lived near capitol hill. thanks a lot. >> of course. >> let's bring in florida republican congressman a member of the house. congressman, welcome. >> good to be with you. >> what is your reaction in terms of the iranian attack and israel's defense. >> i think israel did a fantastic job defending itself. 136 drones and others that were fired in that direction. last week we saw a letter come out by house democrats not just friends.
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nancy pelosi, mainstream democrat, they want to see an end to arms transfers going to israel. those arms part of iron dome, knocking them out of the sky, they don't want to see them transfer. the long-range missile defense system, they do not want to see those transferred in the time that we see this increased need for israel to defend itself. i think that is important. >> what are your expectations for both in the house this week and how will it ultimately get to the president's desk? >> resolutions about the congress and how it feels about the iranian strike. ultimately spoken about in aid package of some sort. israel and a silo, ukraine in a silo, taiwan in a silo, that is the way most house members would expected to be. they have received the
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individual silo aid packages. they have chosen to not take those up. very unlikely they get a package that ties israel and ukraine through the house or even get into the weeds of how the house works pass the rules committee which allows you to get a bill to the floor of the house of representatives. i don't see that making a pass the rules community. >> since the attack, the white house leak that president bided told by minister netanyahu that he should take the win. is that appropriate that that was leaked out in the private conversation between two world leaders? >> none of that as a statement make sense to me whatsoever. this really goes back to something that we knew already. we sell general commends the -- mackenzie expressing one of the dangers and their policy against iran. the biden administration has very specifically taken iran off the table as a target. what that equals is it they are
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not a target, there is no deterrence. we see the biden administration trying to come up with anyway to prevent israel from giving a response. whether it is to say the u.s. will not be a part of any strike against iran, that it's a strike against that continuation. whether it is a we don't want to see armed ships to israel, the list goes on and on of ways they are showing that they are not ironclad. about as ironclad as a handshake with a used car salesman. >> publicly telling iran don't, and yet they did. how about that? >> that goes to what i just spoke about. he gave a statement of don't which the world already knew, any intelligence agency can specifically go back in reference general mackenzie sank the biden administration took iran off the table. they are not a target.
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there is no deterrent. iran is not deterred. if they feel like the united states of america is not planning on putting any type of direction. >> calling for strongly standing with israel. does that encourage you that a democrat is standing up to the far left of his own party? >> israel is a bipartisan issue. i mentioned the letter of 40 democrat members of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi being one of them. others say they don't want to say anymore arms transfers. basically what that states is to be able to say listen, screw around there with our allies and find out what happens. >> the great state of florida. we thank you for your service and thank you for your time today, sir. >> the united nations holding an emergency meeting following iran's attack on israel.
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we will have more on that after the break. bea ♪
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the united nations security council will meet today after iran launched a direct attack on israel. it will be held to determine what is next. we are live at the united nations with more details. hello. >> hi mike. a strong exchange of words from both the israeli and iranian ambassador to the un security council president. ahead of the emergency meeting for this afternoon. israeli ambassador and his latest post on x calling for the council to now impose sanctions alongside his earlier call for the council to condemn the attack and designate the iranian revolutionary guard as a terror organization saying the iranian escalation is a violation of israel sovereignty,
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international law and a charter. the iranian ambassador pushed back and wrote to the council to say the drones and missiles were in self-defense following a deadly april 1 strike on the iranian consulate in syria and therefore aligned with the un charter. israel has not publicly claimed responsibility for that strike, but the iranian ambassador says after the latest aggression "the matter can be deemed concluded and writing however should the israeli regime make another mistake the response would be considerably more severe. it is a conflict between the iran and rogue israeli regime in which the u.s. must stay away. as we wait for a global leader to convene in new york city, there are no credible threats to the big apple. a security advisory group for more than 2000 jewish institutions in a new york region told fox jewish synagogues and community centers will keep using the same
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protocols that have been in place since the october 7 attack in israel. >> we rolled out a program to any jewish institution in greater new york, they did not have security guards, we were willing to contract with the security guard company and provide them with the guard, a school five days a week, a synagogue during the sabbath and for locations that only had one security guard, we have been guiding our institutions to be vigilant in their security and access control making sure that there are cctv cameras and guard situations all being checked on a regular basis. >> police sources tell me there will be increased patrols at a jewish iranian and palestinian places of interest across the city today. mike. >> skillfully fighting the wind and rain to do a great job. thank you so much.
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taking a look at the diplomatic aspects of this attack. let's bring in david hale. gentlemen, welcome. let's start with iran's explanation for the attack. conducted on the strength of article 51 containing two legitimate defense. the military action was in response to the regimes aggression against our diplomatic emphasis in damascus. the water -- matter can be deemed concluded. what about citing the un charter >> it certainly is not over. i expect they are pulling back because they don't want to continue to a total war equation the activities continue. citing the un charter as a bit
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bizarre and hypocritical for the iranians who were not old enough to remember held american hostages. blowing up to american embassies in attacking other diplomatic facilities. i don't think that we need to lose sleep for that factor. that is why it is so important. >> blaze, what do you make of the iranian argument for those strikes? >> the islamic revolution and the regime of tehran with an act against the u.s. embassy. ever since then they have been using proxies, drones, missiles to attract israel. forces in iraq and syria. a regime that has been aggressive for a long time. this really is not a defensive act.
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>> john kirby from the white house asked about efforts to manage israel's actions. >> i've been around this my entire life. take issue with the way something may be done. >> the biden administration has been pretty open about it. is that effective, is that appropriate? >> i think that the pattern has been in the past. whoever is in the white house allowing israel to defend itself by itself. it has been more often the case of coming in as a conflict in spirit ideas on solutions of the political level. after the conflict is over. the goals can be unrealistic. they come in behind-the-scenes
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like we did in 2006 about women to draw the line and draw a peaceful outcome. this moment is a time we need to stand together with our allies. it is also america. >> what is your assessment of u.s. israeli sanctions at this time. when there was a security guarantee for israel. i think we need to go beyond that and understand that our interests are aligned. we are fighting alone, that is exactly what israel is doing. israel is fighting not just their adversary but our adversary as well. not just backing them and then
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perhaps having disagreements with them. >> are you confident that the un will do anything meaningful? >> i do not suspect that they will do much. i think that it is important that we try. taking nine positive votes and no vetoes. i imagine we will have a difficult time. more important is the gathering in the united states to build a structure and build on iran. the political and diplomatic. >> final thought for you. >> speaking of alliances, the thing that stood out was the regional partnerships. they had been held strong. not just the u.s. and uk. coming to israel's defense because unprecedented celebrating those. we need to cement those partnerships. they have not been isolated by the gaza war.
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>> former ambassador thank you very much. >> president trump slamming president biden at a rally in pennsylvania last night. the politics next.
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former president trump says iran's attack on israel would not have happened if he were in office and then he criticized the biden administration failures. easton pennsylvania. >> hi, my. telling them united states standing by israel. watch. it would not have happened, they
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know that, we know that. america prays for israel. president trump was at that rally in pennsylvania. warning that the attack by iran could happen soon. the message had been don't to iran. trump who is the presumptive 2024 republican nominee were in a war as those events. they told me the united states just simply appears weak on the world stage. watch. >> he does not respect. it happened with iran, hamas,
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russia, china. they would not have even had the money to attack israel at this point. the u.s. needs to be strong and stand with our partners. the president is in manhattan. inside a new york city courtroom tomorrow. that is kind of where his focus is. with me today is ceo ryan taylor let's start with house speaker mike johnson. >> what is important right now is that we stand with israel.
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we should not be dictating what their policy is. we should not be doing what chuck schumer did. i don't think that that is true. i don't think biden is dictating what they should i do. i think they told him what he would be participating in. i think we are being strong on the world stage. we are showing wants to this conflict in avoiding a war. >> a lot of what president biden told was leaked out. was that appropriate? >> whether it is appropriate or not, it happened. i think the president should be showing more. we are only going to achieve peace in that particular region. the comments made by president trump yesterday are spot on. that would not have happened under his watch.
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we sell alexis and battleground pennsylvania. out talking today about this conflict. let's play it clip for him. >> i think it really demonstrates how astonishing we are not standing firmly with israel. a nation can launch hundreds of drones towards israel. i will not be talking about conditions ever. >> senator federman standing with israel. do you root -- do you worry this is dividing our party. >> i don't think that it is dividing our party. i think we have a commander-in-chief trying to make the best decision for our country security and ally security. he sent aircraft carriers and destroyers there this week in anticipation of this attack. trying to pass a foreign aid
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package in the senate. it is being held up by house republicans. i am not worried about it dividing our party. i think the side of our party that is frustrated in totality will realize that come november your thoughts. >> candidly house democrats are not in favor of israel. i think that that has been very clear. talking about the republican opposition. getting the supplemental package , the house is important. democrats will join republicans in doing that. to have a unified look at israel >> we have a few more minutes with you guys. please stay with us. we will have more with our panel
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the attacks coming up next.
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it's hard to take a look at what resident biden has done. it was the previous administration that decided to get us out of the iran deal. so much dramatically closer to nuclear weapon capability. before mr. trump was connected. >> the trump administration escalated in the middle east. ryan taylor. briefly happening in a presidential election. making the best decisions to protect our country and allies. deciding if they agree or not.
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>> it is having a profound impact. looking at michigan for that real life example of what is playing. he has a real problem out there. back and forth. >> i worked with both of you guys on capitol hill. i am intrigued by how this all plays out on the hill this week. i realize you don't have crystal balls. what do you anticipate? >> i think mike johnson will have to bring it up. i don't think that the senate will be able to take it up or i don't think it was the senate. it will end up passing the senate package that was already passed with funding for ukraine as well. >> i do think they get something done. >> absolutely. i agree with katie's assessment. senators have said they will not
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have an israel only package. the speaker has to show that he can get it done first and give the chance to pass. >> our republican on the panel, are you worried about people going after the speaker's head. they don't like what is on the floor. >> clearly articulating to the rest of the conference. thank you so much. white house national security communication john kirby on with shannon bream. an exclusive interview with john kennedy.
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