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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  April 14, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. shannon: i am shannon bream unprecedented attack lodges hundreds of drums ballistic missiles at israel last night with the vast majority
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intercepted by israeli, u.s. and other allies. the question now, what is next? ♪ israelis is celebrate as they survive a night of terror with little damage on the ground. >> i believe we won today. we learned a valuable lesson. israel will not go down without a big fight too. >> now a flurry of diplomacy to stop the conflict from escalating but will speak with white house national security communications advisor john a kirby republican senator john kennedy of louisiana. then. >> on monday and new york city i'll be forced to sit fully gagged and not allowed to talk, do you believe it? this is what you call a communist show trial. >> president trump headed to court his new york hush money case. the first ever criminal trial of a former american president. will speak with a member of tromso legal team attorney.
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what has happened here in arizona is a new inflection point. shannon: controversial ruling for a swing state highest court with the nationwide debate over abortion rights at front and center on the campaign trail again. shannon: our sunday panel weighs in all right now on "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪. shannon: a lo from foxnews in washington to the latest headlines on iran's attack in israel releasing a statement last night condemning the attack and the strongest possible terms and praising the extraordinary skill who helped israel take down nearly all incoming drones and missiles. g7 to coordinate a diplomatic
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route response but will that be enough? white house national security communications advisor team coverage from lucas a a tumble o the white house in trey yingst in israel. trey, we begin with you. cook shannon, good morning. overnight hundreds of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones were launched by ironic toward israel. most of the projectiles were intercepted by fighter jets and israel's missile defense systems outside of israeli territory. some of them slipping past and slamming into the ground across the country. we can see on the skyline of tel aviv advanced arrow system works to intercept some of the missile and drone fire launched by ironic. we do understand after the attack took place that included air raid silence in jerusalem, israel's largest city and explosions overhead there is a phone call between president biden israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu. israel's defense minister yoav gallant speaking with lloyd auster for this after the war cabinet is meeting here in tel aviv at israel's version of the pentagon trying to determine if and how israel will respond earlier today defense minister yoav gallant saying this. >> the campaign is not over yet we must remain alert and attentive to destruction published and command we must be prepared for every scenario. having said this we have sorted it the most significant wave of the attack and we did so successfully. >> israel must walk a delicate line here but they do not want iran around to fill embolden to launch attacks from their own territory toward israel for they also do not want to drugged the region into a broader war. shannon: trey yingst working around the clock for us. thank you so much head over to the white house now. with an lucas of tomlinson goodd morning.
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>> four years as a senator joe biden was skeptical of missile defense but last night it saved israel. >> our commitment to israel security and its proxies is ironclad. >> one week after criticizing israel over its war in gaza president biden pledge the full support of the u.s. military to defend the jewish state in the run up to last night's attack. but it rushed back to the white house yesterday afternoon from his house in rehoboth the beach one day after saying he expected in the attack from iran soon. i didn't huddle with national security team here at the white house and the situation room. a statement biden prays the actions of u.s. forces quote we helped israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles. u.s. officials cite 70 of more than the 300 drones and missiles launched from my ron were shot down by american warships and fighter jets. >> mr. president what would you say to iran in this moment? >> don't. [screaming] to word repeated by biden and
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his cabinet for months. >> to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation, i have one word, don't. >> don't. >> don't. >> former president donald trump wade in last night. >> the weakness that we have shown is unbelievable in it would not have happened if we were in office. you know that. >> later this morning president biden will host a call with g7 leaders to discuss the diplomatic response to iran's attack on israel by the republican house majority leader steve scalia says he wants to rush a new bill to get more aid to israel and have aided to taiwan as well. shannon: lucas tomlinson live at the white house thank you for joining soweto's community advisor john kirby. welcome packet to have you with us. underplay something the president set a said a couple do
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about where we are in our support of his or her in light of the around attack. >> i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security and its proxies is ironclad. let me say it again ironclad. >> we were referred again and again. president biden told israeli prime minister netanyahu during a call on saturday the u.s. will not support any israeli counter attack against iran for that's according to a senior white house official. where are we with israel with respect to responding to this attack? >> first we need to soothe the war cabinet decides in terms of what next step they want to pursue and that is a sovereign decision the israeli counterparts have to make. i don't think we can look at what happened last night in the way, shape, form and not come away convinced the president meant every word he said the ironclad commitment. several hundred drones and missiles launched in the course of several hours.
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almost every single one of them knocked out of the sky and did not make it into israel. that is not by accident. that is a terrific testament to the superiority of the israeli military but also to our own military superiority and the effort, the risk come the resources president biden committed to help defend israel. shannon: what was sent to them now about a response and may choose? >> again is going to be up to the israelis to decide what the next step is here. i would just say this, president biden since the beginning of the conflict has been very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war. to keep the tensions are escalating. everything he has done. if they he has moved in the region. every decision and discussion he has had is all designed to not let this become a broader regional war and that's where it still is. shannon: we have been very public. this administration about critiquing israel moves in special democrats things like moving into rafah. we have been a managing that a
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bit are we also going to manage how they respond to iran? >> we will have to wait and see with the israelis decide to do. i do not know. i've been around allies and alliances my whole professional life i cannot think of a single one if it is a real alliance where you can't have honest conversations with one another little bit every now and then and take issue with way something might be done. we are not bashful about that with our good friend israel. the other thing we are not bashful about and certainly president biden is not been bashful about is making sure that when we say were going to help israel defend itself, we are going to put something behind that. we did that last night. >> you know there's a number of critics, most of my gop side of the hill who say we should not be in this position. therthe things done by this administration that let iran think it had opening here or others that would go after israel. senator marsha blackburn post annex lesson at a president trump around was appropriate president biden gifted them billions of dollars they naïvely said don't. don't is not a foreign policy.
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like a veteran leader for the uniform about us refusing to be tougher on iran at the un. here's a bit of that. >> wheat refused to push the un to renew sanctions on iran's a drone missile program. now they aren't literally flying towards israel. >> unity conversations about unfreezing assets. about waivers on sanctions. could this administration had been tougher on iran? did they sense an opening? what's it's hard to look at what price invite is that with respect iran and not say he has been tough on a rod or have not put pressure on them. additional 500 sanctions. shannon: are also leaving sanctions break let's take about the ballistic missiles located late launched more than whether ballistic missiles but how many got through? the reason they did not get there is because president biden made sure we pre-position forces in the region to help israel shoot them down. this ballistic missile program of their sin not turn out to be.
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shannon: why not support something that stopped the program are contained in some way so it's not launching it israel and were not getting it devolve defensively? >> the sanctions put in place look at the resources we put into the region. it is hard to take a look at president biden has done and say we somehow have gone soft on ironic part is a previous administration that decided to get us out of the iran deal. and now iran is so much dramatically closer to potential nuclear weapon capability than they were before mr. trump was elected. shannon: said not fair to say that have opened open up cash ad opportunities we know are fungible and benefiting elites and people there who chant death to ame american debt to israel. >> wheat you and i've had the fungible the argument before. i take issue with that characterization the sanctions relief has come about is not even sanctions relief but the additional funds have been made
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available to iran, due to sanctions relief and program the trump menstruation put in place can only be as for humanitarian goods. it is not go to the regime. the idea that the regime felt over freed up to support the proxies it does not comport the facts that have been supporting the proxies for many, many years. >> it comports with their language they physically cannot do that. i suck about china. to head off these attacks have been a number of visits secretary blinken is supposed be going to meetings in china as well. number one oil customer for around. critical elements to russia to help jen up at the weapon system and be able to go after ukraine. this relationship a child it
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does not seem to be working to our advantage for they do not seem to be worried about the advantage from us they were visits for us. but so not dispute the back china can do more. china should do more in terms of the middle east. in terms of the relationship they had with tehran. and yes, we have asked them to use that influenced a positive effect i will at present she speak to what he is or is not willing to do but they have not put that kind of pressure on tehran. we certainly want them to do that. china is also not the leader they claim to be the united states as demonstrated us talk about aid number of centers house members obviously the bigger package the white house would like to see which like to see this week. but the white has a sign
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something that comes as a standalone aid measure for israel because of the president's desk? what you take a look at last signed a take a look at what's happening on the eastern flank in ukraine and around down vest. speed, time is of the essence for the fastest way to be able to support our partners in ukraine and our ally in israel is to move forward what the senate passed in a bipartisan way paid the bipartisan bill. and we know if that bipartisan legislation gets to the floor and the house it will pass. there are enough votes for put our message is coming to the speaker, get that on the floor but let's get it voted on to that aid can't israel and ukraine and the fastest possible way and not have to go back to the senate for renegotiating. it is solid it puts a solid piece of legislation they should move on it. shannon: that they do not send you something standalone with the president not signed in a bill for israel? >> i will not get had the
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president's decision space one way or another. we will have to see what makes the way to his desk. the fastest way to support our friends is to move the senate built forward and get it on the house floor. shannon: the house something is going to change up it's house this week and try to get something moving. admiral, always appreciate that's our time, thank you so much. shannon: joining us republican senator john kennedy of louisiana. welcome back to "fox news sunday." so your response to the calls there are democrats and republicans but you heard admiral kirby said that with the senate package to get done. the speaker has not moved in the house but what is your message to both of these bicameral institutions today? well, i think my position is pretty clear. i love israel. i despise putin.
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i despise the communist party of china. and i despise the ayatollah and iran. i do not want america to be the world's policeman. but i don't want those guys to be the world's policeman either. with those guys, if you turn the other cheek you just get in the neck. more sheep is not going to solve the willful problem. i expect, i don't know but i expect the speaker of the house probably next week will put an israel support bill on the floor of the house. i think it will be followed by a bill to support taiwan and the endo pacific. and i think he will put a bill to support ukraine. now i think his bill is going to make the money over what. that will require ukraine to pay
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at back. we will seize some russian assets to pay for it. i think the bill will be limited to military aid, not humanitarian aid and i think there'll be some strong they'll be some strong encouragement to make europe, which is vastly more wealthy than russia to do a better job of putting its money where its mouth is. and i think the bill will pass. it will come back to the senate and unfortunately i predict that if it comes back to the senate the big issue on those bills will not be ukraine. the big issue will be israel because it is clear that president biden is being influenced by the hamas wing of the democratic party. shannon: too that point we have senator sanders and one of your colleagues who says in a piece in the boston globe this week he said not another nickel to tread
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one previous america want to be on the side of history of standing with people who work child killers and dying of starvation question those are his words. >> yes. and in the past 60 days we have seen president biden go all wobbly and in his support of is. and today the white house is already leaked to the press early this morning when they are going to participate in an israeli response to iran just did. more sheep is not going to solve the w will problem. my advice to the president to today, mr. president, don't. stop it. support israel. go to amazon and by spying online. peace through weakness and effort works.
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now with these hard hard men. >> what about the issue of rafah there's more than a million civilians many are refugees from other areas within israel. they are told to evacuate and they are there now but we know how boss uses them as human shields. that fact is they are there. the u.s. is weighing in on this but we are cautioning them where indicating we are not supportive of a mission there. israel says getting to hamas is extinguishing an existenial threat to them but what are we to do about the civilian popularity cup in the middle of this thing? >> and move them into the peninsula. that would require the consent of egypt. we send that b billions of dollf year in aid to egypt. egypt gets in billions of dollars of free money from the international monetary fund that america controls.
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we need to sit down with egypt and say we are moving the refugees and we are going to do to hamas what we did to isis and al qaeda. egypt will not like it. but egypt will understand by we are insisting on them doing that. now if the refugees don't want to move that is their choice. but there is an answer to this. if we just show a little bit of fortitude. shannon: we know egypt would not be for that planet she said they're not going to like it. we will see what measure of leverage the u.s. has there. they feel it may actually violate a treaty. that they have got with israel for the un security council's going to meet this afternoon. not looking for pro israel, what you expect to see the this
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afternoon? >> a lot of blah, blah, blah. probably our state department will go along with it. look, our state department are pretty good at diplomacy. they are pretty good at haggling over language at a un summit. they are not good promote more. we are in a bar fight here. the state department wants to quote plato and socrates and read beowulf. the last 60 days they've already gone wobbly. wobbly in their support of israel. the presence as it's ironclad. they may be poor under biden but they are not stupid. we need to stand with israel. we are not at war or hezbollah
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or surrogates for iran. the is a rompe iran for israel t work with iran. iran hates americans. hate americans. iran hates jews. they want to kill jews and if we turn the other cheek to them we are going to get it in the neck. shannon: i want to ask you quickly to what there is talk whether you guys will move aid this week. ross expected a secretary mayorkas with respect to the work chuck schumer says it is absurd. the house is not approved anything is going to get rid of it pretty quickly. i know you feel differently about that. >> the united state house of representatives has an paycheck cabinet official. made a series of charges after an investigation. sa said last week that we are
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not talking about some snow bro who eats chicken and mcnuggets and spoke smokes weed and has an opinion for this is the united states house of representatives. in the past 200 plus years we've had 21 impeachments by the united states house of representatives. we have always held a trial in the senate unless the impeached official quit. we ought to do it now. senator schumer is coming up with all kinds of excuses. and talking about how many lawyers can dance on the head of a pin. he is trying to muddy the water to make it deep it is not deep it is simple. he does not want to have the united states senate examine secretary mayorkas and president biden's open border policy that's not a good reason to violate 200 years of precedent
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for it my advice to senator schumer is the same to the president, don't. follow senate precedent. let's stop the senate from a rotting from within. >> and see if it makes it onto the calendar. senator, thank you always good to see you. >> thank you shannon. shannon: general keith nicalek here to break down defense systems work. and what comes next. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t...
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shannon: of the drones in the air over iraq in iraq and jerue site widespread praise that prilosec taken almost all the more than three to drones ballistic and cruise missiles fired in from iran. general keith kellogg for a closer look. listen we had in coming from iran to the targets in israel. there are a number of defensive weapons israel has that patriot missiles, the iron dome, the iron being me. what can you tell us about how it worked last night question ricketts integrated system in the air defense you have to many allies were there to both the bricks, the saudis were there, the jordanians were there we were there the aircraft's was a comprehensive defense that you sell. with the attack that came in was the largest attack we have ever seen in history. there's frank layton opening any genie back in the bottle after this one is a very complicated attack. we had to use all the systems meet the israelis from the arrow
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system that is her high end system. david sling in the bottom one is the iron dome. we had is everything with 300 drones coming at you have to get the conference of attack to prevent the compet conference ok they were doing it. ishe did it pretty effectively party something to remember because now they are saying we go back to our respectable bulk corners. no, 99% of the scents were destroyed in route coming in. think about the attack they had on us after he killed a soul mate. they sent 16 missiles, 16 this was 300 drones and missiles as well. this is one of those how the israelis are going to react? you're not going to go back to the respective corners, the genie is out of the bottle know where they go? >> don't look at the assets we have in the region. you had heard me talk with admiral kirby about this the fact that apparently our president is telegraphed israel they do not want to be involved the u.s. will not a mess of counterstrike. we have assets in the region but
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what just move back and forth use of the genie is out of the bottle how does it resolve? iran says it has concluded, we are done i'm guessing israel does not feel the same way because they do not feel the same way. you can have all the assets in the world like the eisenhower battle group. another went like the ford about a group whatever you want to put in there. it's not the assets you have it's the will to use those assets going into a fight going into danger. we should have basically said to the israelis who got your back. don't go any further. not that we are not going to support a conference of strike from the israelis back on the iranians. because they will go back that does not mean the the going to o downtown that does not mean they're going to go after the nuclear facility they will respond because they have too. sort of like dancing with a bear. you don't decide to stop advancing when you want to you stop dancing when the bear went to to stop. i think now the israelis are the bear at the iranians have to realize that pretty got to reestablish detergent deterrence
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in the region the only people determining are the israelis not as progressive a lot of assets to do that. we will see how this plays out as we wait. thank you for giving us of your expertise. >> appreciate it. shannon: joining us now from tel aviv is sharren haskel. she is also of course served in israel's military, welcome to "fox news sunday." >> thank you so much for inviting me. shannon: owe it to ask you about all the cautionary tale we are hearing from here in the u.s. from our sources in the present has told israel they do not want to be involved the u.s. in a major counteroffensive. what is the mood there in israel and we what would you expect after what we told you numerous times our defense of you is ironclad the u.s. will come to your defense if it comes to that. >> what is the mood here in israel? we have been to a very terrifying and intense night. as a mother of three babies we prepared our shelters with mattresses and supplies of food
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and water. it was very intense. we are a bit relieved this morning. we are relieved this cooperation provides us also an incredible defense for our family and for our children. it means this vicious and violent attack by iran on our communities. on our nation was interception and 99%. it means the money we have invested billions of dollars in the best minds in our heart and time into defending our country actually worked. maybe i'll use this opportunity to thank the american government and people for cooperating. for the love and support we received from you. shannon: by contrast or videos coming out of iran have people celebrating in the streets. i know you have talked about the fact you believe the ironic
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people for the most part are being oppressed. they actually need to be rescued from their own leaders. is there any scenario in which that happens? there's been a stranglehold for decades on that country where the people who do attempt to step up and protest their leadership meet often times with very terrible ends. >> absolutely part i really hope that happens. an issue happened as of the three of the suppressing and violent regime. if you look around the world those marchers you see in support of israel, the jewish community are marching hand in hand with iranian communities. with a radiant refugees because they understand the real force and the biggest instigator of terror in the middle east and in the rest of the world wishes iran. we have eight mutual goal it is to fight it together. iran is attacking not just israel.
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iran is most disabling force that we have. it is attacking our values. this is radical regime attacking our values. the way we lead our liberties, our freedom and it has to be stopped. at this attack from last night would have happened to any other country the results would have been devastating with probably thousands dead. that's proof for the rest of the world how important it is for all of us to stand together against this of violent and double regime. shannon: will israel's facing threats on many, many fronts. trent knesset member sharren haskel thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. shannon: back your help campaign trail silt heating up. trump is ahead of present a bite and swing through that same state next week will breakout out the panel, they are next.
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anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. space another check on your head headlights out of israel iran fired more than three or drones, ballistic and cruise missiles towards israel overnight. nearly all of them intercepted by israeli/u.s. and other allies. a runt launched a response retaliation for the deaths of top iranian leaders in a consulate in syria this month
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which toronto blamed on israel president biden is convening a video conference meeting this afternoon with other g7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to iran's embrace and attack time never assigned a group co- anchor america's newsroom on the fox news channel dana perino. former democratic congressman harold ford junior former bush white house advisor karl rove and politics reporter shelby talcott. welcome to all of you preplan for a lot of different topics but let's talk about foreign policy that is our story of the day. we have policy polling for fox news in recent weeks like hamas, have the presence handling china is deeply underwater. this brand-new pulling out this week and think voters give mr. trump significantly higher marks on his handling of foreign conflicts. dana it was part of his speech last night and will be part of the campaign trail.
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>> every week we see something that could be seismic in this campaign we see the dobbs decision and then arizona and the ruling about abortion. it could be the cpi the inflation of her coming up and then you add this possible potential of world war iii. i think there's something to be said about the administration saying don't. they say don't to israel but they say don't to the migrants, don't come. very few things that are working when it comes to send don't but now they're saying to israel don't retaliate. pre-october 7 you may have been no said to israel that they okay, we can manage it. they are in a different mindset now. and let's look at this in a way that says our allies, we worked well together but the saudi's joint end. and that u.s. and israel all working together. it is not right to tell israel you could not have a cost to iran for doing this. let's benefit from the pack
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everyone's moving in the same direction. biden in netanyahu went to press on the gas on the brakes at the same time. and if you do that you end up turning in circles. somebody needs to figure out a way to help israel do what they need to do with the help of their allies and a way that gets them in the right direction. shannon: it r raises other conversations about the foreign policy of this administration it is. real clear defense at peace with her all the sins of pet russian invading ukraine, hamas invading israel, china greasing his pressure on taiwan, china and russia getting closer. it goes on and on and on. there's a very long list this white house is going to have to confront. >> for small happy sunday, it's good to be with you. people say foreign policy does not weigh in on voters minds heavily is not ordinarily at the top. i think when karl and dana were in the white house foreign policy was at the forefront. they say to the american people you have not been attacked in
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the john kerry campaign. 1980 ronald reichel was elected. 2006 he invited was helping the litany in a more forceful way. this issue in the middle east i think the region is more susceptible to a bloke more sore than has been since early 90s the late '80s early 90s. it feels different this time because of the proximity to technology and we were able to access it. i don't know. a slisten to it senator kennedyd even admiral kirby, the options we have a site listen to senator kennedy should be go to war theron? what happens in the region if the offensive response and i agree with dana we should not tell them not to respond but we have to be willing to share this is what will happen if you go forward as aggressively as you say you plan too. it's a tough pickle we are in. one thing we should do is two
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things in america first the white house should say we are standing with israel but we are ironclad with them. anyone who suggests otherwise is wrong we massively coordinated with them without our help there's more of this missiles that would have landed. and two, democrats and republicans we should provide israel. we should provide ukraine and taiwan every tool and resource the need for those of us who believe are secured at the beginning this is the beginning. we don't do it now will disadvantage our allies even more. shannon: is so that tough a political issue for the white house are going to have to deal with, when they do want to be talking about is the issue of abortion. without happen in the arizona supreme court rulings how the vice president out there in arizona making the case about reproductive freedom. here's a member of congress he was a democrat from arizona saying this, i've never seen anything like this in terms of people this early and great this is happening. they are going to walk to the polls in november but they are going to run to the polls in
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november. karl that the key critical swing state. >> that is absolutely. i've got a view on this trump is going to be hit for being said women should be punished if they have an abortion. or in 2017 he said he was in favor of a national ban he's being hit as the architect of dobbs by appointing these people to the supreme court his response is to say it's left up to the states. he gets advantage by talking more about this. i take as my lesson glenn in virginia they talked about it for three weeks in the closing days of the off year elections for the legislature. they said we are in favor of 15 weeks with three in session. they showed empathy on the issue and they want everett house of delegates a district that joe biden carried by 10 points or less in every senate seat won by one byjoe biden by nine points r less. my only criticism would be what if they would have happened for four or five weeks? maybe they would have found a
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2000 additional boats to take the house intelligence. so the former president, it strikes me is engage. tell people more than you went left up to the states. if you are in a state like arizona be reasonable and sam not in freight in favor of unlimited abortion like abide in his prime not in favor of abortions in the second and third trimester i am empathetic. i understand this terrible decision women have to make any may have to be advantage rather than saying i don't talk about it, leave it up to the states. shannon: i will say is plenty of opportunities or talk about is nonstop on the campaign trail but he did have this long so should be too posting he said in part you've got to do something we are counting on you but whether they decided to preserve for the ballot is something to see. he is trying to say when i press on alabama they close this loophole on ivf now calling on arizona to the same thing with abortion. >> was interesting about this and you make a good point. when i talk to people close to
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the trump campaign they have pointed out to me that by donald trump talking about this issue more it has sort of muddied the water for the biting campaign to attack him over it. remember a few weeks ago, before donald trump came out and talked at all they say he supports national abortion ban. now they're saying he does not support a national abortion ban lying about not supporting a national abortion ban but this is also tying him to the strictest restrictions. they are having to explain their argument more now than they were before. i think on donald trump's messaging it has also open the floodgates for republican lawmakers to sort of start talking about the issue of abortion in more political terms. donald trump is said throughout this entire campaign that you need to be thinking about this in part from a political standpoint because you to win the election in order to do what you want in office. that has been interesting to see
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the shift. we are seeing more and more lawmakers come out as a some of these restrictions are too severe. shannon: this is one of the things with the picture debate fox to send out to a letter with other media group saying this, the stakes of this election are exceptionally high rate there's no substitute for the candidates debating with each other before the american people their visions for the future of our nation. we joined other media groups to say both the presumptive nominee should agree they will have debates an into the before the e begins. or at least before the november votes show of hands who thanks that debate happens between these two? okay, day and if you think the debates happening? what's i think they do absolutely. i am waiting for this. this will be the thriller from manila, this is going be fantastic. >> when he is asked, donald trump will you appoint judges or justices to the court that believe and dobbs or don't believe in dobbs that's the issue. in all of these states democrats
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have prevailed on the abortion issue. maybe you are right this could be the outlier. shannon: we talked about the messaging on it as a thing. republicans have lost control the message. can they retake it? what sets an example of getting control of the message ivf becomes an issue, they act. problem is arizona the republicans cannot act the recess for a week. quick action to resolve this in empathetic reasonable ways the way to go "republicans have never been able to come to a core agreeing message on abortion parade that is the end all be all problem that they have had. shannon: panel, you are amazing. thank you very much for cap next history will be made tomorrow with the start of the first ever criminal trial of a former president or one to see if one of president trump's attorneys will scharf joins us next. ♪
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shannon: starting tomorrow jury selection in president trump's first criminal trial will get under way, could take days, maybe weeks. the 12 jurors ultimately seated along with some alternates will be asked to consider 34 felony counts in connection with money paid to an adult film star who says she had sex with trump and took the money to keep quiet. prosecutors are trying a novel legal theory that elevates misdemeanor charges related to falsifying business records to felonies by claiming they were falsified to conceal another crime. the case is expected to take a couple of months. it will not be televised. high profile witnesses may include michael cohen, the defense will try to paint him as unreliable and self-interested. it's possible hope hicks and another woman who claims she had an affair with the president could take the stand, but will the former president? if joining me now, attorneys for the former president will sharp.
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welcome to "fox news sunday." >> great to be with you. thank you so much for having me. shannon: first of all, this is an area where roughly 84-85% of manhattan's vote went for president biden. how tough is it going to be to get a jury you think can be neutral? >> i think that's important. we're talking about a show trial. it's a 6-week-long media extravaganza in the media capital of the world where the only realistic consequence even if president trump were convicted is, frankly, a talking point if the -- for the biden campaign. i have a lot of faith in our team that they're going to be able to get the best possible jury. but i think it's really important to note that the fact that this case is being brought at the height of election season makes the process of picking a jury even more difficult, makes the possibility of having a biased jury even more likely. and that's a real problem. shannon: the president a couple of days ago said he'd be okay taking the stand. there are those who say, one legal analyst said if he was my client, i'd beg him not to do
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it. michael cohen is skeptical the president will take the stand. here's what he said last night. >> the likelihood of donald trump being on the stand is equal to the likelihood of me waking up tomorrow 7-6 and playing center for the new york knicks. it's not gonna happen. the one thing that, you know, every time donald opens his mouth, you know that something nonif truthful is coming out of it -- nontruthful. we also know that he's not a good defendant. he's not a good witness. shannon: he does tend to get frustrated with judges, with attorneys in a courtroom. he's given to hyperbole at times. this is different than a campaign stop or a press conference. it's under oath. would he take the stand and do you have any worries about that. >> i think that's a decision for president trump and the trial team depending on how the trial progresses. i would say that i think if he does take the stand, president trump will be a compelling witness. he did nothing wrong here. the truth is absolutely on his side. so that's a decision that's going to have to be made down
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the road. but one way or the other, i have full confidence in both president trump and the team that he has around him. shannon: how worried are you about michael cohen? he says people are going to be surprised by what they're going to hear. he says he's not the lynch pin to this whole thing, in fact, lanny davis says this: the case against trump involves multiple witnesses besides cohen to corroborate the crime of paying illegal hush money under new york law as well as under federal law backed up by multiple witnesses, documents, text messages, telephone call records and documents. you guys clearly are going to go after cohen, but he says it's not just me, all kinds of things will back up my story. >> i'm somewhat limited because of the wildly unconstitutional gag order entered against president trump by the judge in this case which just goes to show how outrageous this whole process has been. with respect to michael cohen as we've said consistently in pleadings, this is a man who numerous counts have found guilty of perjury in the past, and i think the ultimately the jury's going to have to weigh
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the credibility of the various witnesses. i truly believe the truth is on president trump's side and there's nothing the new york d.a. can do to change that basic fact. shannon: would the legal team consider this idea that's being floated of when you get to the jury, before they get to deliberations, asking for lesser included defense, meaning giving them an opportunity to say we will convict on misdemeanors instead of these felonies, or do you guys want to go for broke, felonies or nothing? >> one of the craziest things about this case is the fact that what we're dealing with here are misdemeanor offenses that through this weird legal chemical process alvin bragg has attempted to convert them to felony offenses. there's no question the statute of limitations would not allow this case to have been brought in the first place, so that's a real legal problem with the case itself. and i expect that will play out in the coming weeks. shannon: we're out of time, but i know that you're part of the supreme court decision or case that's going to be argued on the immunity issue too. we'll have you back to talk
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about that. will similar of, thank you. we're going to take you back live to israel to get the latest on the ground as the world awaits israel's response to iran's barrage of drones and missiles amid new warnings from iran to both israel and the u.s. next. ♪
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leaders this afternoon. shannon: that was british prime minister rishi sunak in britain, iran launching an unprecedented air attack against israel. the u.s. military helping to shoot down dozens of the hundreds fired at the jewish state. trey yingst is live on the ground in israel around the clock. hey, trey. >> reporter: shannon, good morning. as we speak, the israeli war cabinet is meeting trying to determine if and how israel will respond to this unprecedented iranian attack overnight that included hundreds of drones and missiles. just before the meeting began, war cabinet member benny ganz, the former defense minister, released a statement saying that israel was reviewing its options and wanted to build an international coalition to respond against iran. he also said israel reserved the right to respond at a time and place that best suits israel. right now the israeli people are bracing for the possibility of continued attacks from reap january proxies across --
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iranian proxies across the region. they are still fighting the war inside gaza, they face renewed fire from yemen and lebanon, and again this fire overnight, the first time in history iran launched an attack on israeli soil. shannon? shannon: trey yingst, we appreciate you, your team, your crew. stay safe. thank you for giving us a window into everything that's owning going on there were. that is it for today, we'll sew you next "-- see you next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ latest. go to church. have a blessed sunday, everybody. ♪ ♪ finish. maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks very much for joining us this morning. welcome to "sunday morning


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