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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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unprecedented attack on israel f.happening right now the un security council holding an emergency meeting for their set to get started shortly. this is as israel calls for a global united front against tehran for this is a live shot right there at the united nations in new york city. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i have arthel neville. hello everyone thank you for joining us or bring it un security council meeting as soon it starts. meanwhile as we all saw last night explosions lighting up the skies and israel paid the idf claims it has intercepted or did 99% of iran's missiles and drones. that caused a major escalation by tehran jewish state now vowing to respond the war cabinet at this hour has not yet decided exactly what that response will be. >> is radical islam most regime attacking our values the weight that we live, our liberties, our
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freedom and it has to be stopped production administration is acting like done. we defended israel against these attacks for this is not escalating for this is escalating too. >> cannot take your eye off gaza. the end of the day it got to get those hostages back and i believes still need to destroy hamas but do not send the fire department to extinguish 80% of the fire. >> again we are going to bring you updates on that un security council meeting throughout the hour. once it does get underway. we have like a fox and team coverage for you right now. lucas of tomlinson is at the white house. trey yingst is in tel aviv will start cb cotton purchased light at the un in new york city. what are we expecting to hear from the u.s. and other world leaders? >> hi arthel but israeli ambassador is calling on un security council to designate the iranian revolutionary guard a terror group and condemn the
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attack. but, for any resolution to pass on to the council in simple terms there has to be nine affirmative votes, no vetoes for the israeli ambassador has a series of letters ahead of this afternoon's meeting. one of them to the un secretary-general. he accused iran of continuously trying to destabilize the region. the ambassador made a post on x where he wrote quote iran is closer than ever to nuclear weapons. just imagine what would happen if these drones weren't missiles carried nuclear warheads. enough is enough. ambassador is called the iranian drone attack a violation of israel's sovereignty of international law and the un charter. but the iranian ambassador wrote to the council to say iran's and drones and missiles were in self-defense following strike on the eye running consulate in syria. therefore aligned with the un charter.
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israel is not publicly claimed responsibility for that strike. but the iranian ambassador said after the latest aggression the manner it can be deemed concluded and writing help ever should the israeli regime make another mistake iran's response will be considerably more severe it's a conflict between iran and a rogue regime from which the u.s. must stay away. new york city is the backdrop for the security council meeting today. police sources tell me their increased patrols jewish palestinian and i ronnie and interest in the city nypd says there are no credible threats. david hill former envoy to the middle east said he is not sure meaningful resolution will come from today's convening of global leaders. he says united states will need to use every opportunity to gather support for its ally. >> i imagine it will have a difficult time. more important as a g-7 gathering in with the united states does to build a
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diplomatic strategy that returns pressure on israel i'm sorry on iran not just military pressure but sanctions, political and diplomatic and public pressure as well. next the meeting just got underway. we we will be monitoring, back o you. >> cb cotton life at the un. thank you. >> president biden calling for a quote united diplomatic responses he participated in a videoconference g-7 leaders earlier today. the president spoke with my with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the phone call he reaffirmed ironclad support by the u.s. for israel security. the president also indicated he would not take part with israel if it launches a counterattack lucas tomlinson live at the white house with the very latest of all this. kai lucas. >> we just live in the last few minutes president biden is wrapped up conversations with congressional leaders talking about successful operation last night.
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early on "fox news sunday" john kirby said the goal is to lower the temperature in the region. >> is going to be up to the israelis to decide what the next step is here. i would say this of president biden, since the beginning of the conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war to keep the tensions from escalating. as you mention president biden spoke to g-7 leaders were all parties agreed to ask israel not to launch a counterattack against iran. the white house released a statement after the call sink with the actions iran is further step toward the destabilization of the region at risk of provoking uncontrollable regional escalation for this must be avoided u.s. officials on the call 70 of the more threaded drones and missiles launched from around were shot down by american warships and fighter jets. two guided missile destroyers shot down six ballistic missiles the other 94 were shot down by israel's air defense system so
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missiles were shopped out outside the earth's atmosphere. second time in history combat is taken place in outer space. the u.s. air force deployed two squadrons present b by oncologye two squadron commanders to offer his congratulations on a job well done. the patriot battery shutdown ballistic missile outside northern iraq for jo. jordanian jets also shutdown drones. describe the mood in the situation room this is all taking place is very tense. not everyone is patting putting themselves in the back right now arthel interviewed former prime minister previous our need to strike back. after incurring 330 hits my wayy iran will think twice next time
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if a very painful price. counterparts the u.s. will not support israel taken counterstrike the present by his urging restraint fears of a wider war in the middle east are growing. they met today after unprecedented attack. any results in the war cabinet meeting? >> good afternoon we found the massive drone and missile attack against israel, launched by iran overnight the israeli war cabinet met this afternoon for around four hours in tel aviv at israel's version of the
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pentagon. they were discussing the possible options to respond to this iranian attack according to reports it israeli media there were some disagreements but the timing and scale of the attack. how large the scope it might be but there were no disagreements regarding the fact the israeli position is that a response should be taken. there was some italian root retaliation we don't know when that will take place and what it will look like. we have new video to show you here the israelis shooting down some of the drones and missiles overnight. this video captured by israeli fighter jets say the majority of the projectiles were intercepted outside of israeli airspace. those that made it past the jets often were intercepted by advanced missile defense systems. leasing a video of their own showing ballistic missile launchers. one of the wors worst-case scens for the israelis they were preparing for concert this puts
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israel in a corner making a for shoals feel they must respond to sendsent iran a message these ts of attacks the coming days and weeks will be coming as the regent braces if they will respond amid new threats of iranian retaliation if it does take place. sparthel: alright trey yingst we'll keep watching this very shaky situation live there in tel aviv. thank you very much. seafort meanwhile back at home lawmakers on capitol hill are calling for more action against iran. and for more support for israel. republican congresswoman nancy masonancymace spoke with me earn "fox news live." because i do not greet the president on announcing it to the world. again, he just weakened israel by stating to iran publicly that we won't be by their side if they decide to retaliate. sanctions should be on the table. assisting israel any way, shape, possible spin on the table. so too should we ensure we are
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not aiding and abetting our funding the other side of this fight with iran or anyone who aligns with iran. eric: speaker mike johnson's that they would be considered in the arms package for israel could be voted on perhaps this week. florida democratic congressman of the house foreign affairs committee joins us now. good to see a jew think they'll be a vote on this really package and iran has shot itself in the foot because it will hill. >> thank you for having me. steve scalise in both the speakers that we will be voted on something this week. it is about time that we get serious about helping our allies make foreig foreign policy stan. iran showed yesterday and the irresponsibility of launching attacks that could have been
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destroyed yesterday. we have tried to play nice with iran in different ways everything must be done to make sure iran never gets a bomb they stop destabilizing the region. eric: what type of steps of the u.s. and her allies take about iran their tongue the international coalition to face the terrorist. >> that is actually a should be smart it should be surgical should be strategic. a lot of sites iran has a mightt have at the time of their choosing when it suits israel best. no country would stand for 300 plus missiles, cruise missiles,
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ballistic missiles going into space. it was not just military targets it was the entire population. no country would stand for that. just because they are bulletproof vets stopped the damage happening in israel that something should not happen to the folks that fired all of those rounds. that is a ridiculous sort of concept. we got to be smart we do not want this to become a regional conflict with russia and china. the united states has an ironclad relationship with israel but expect the administration to live by that. they prove that yesterday democrats and republicans need to come together and stop politicizing this issue get a foreign aid package passed like they did in the senate. >> the u.s. will not participate in a retaliatory strike by israel. what you think about that? and you think israel could take
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out perhaps some that manufacture these drones? they weren't just used against israel. russia buys them to use against ukraine. quickset is exactly right. iran is the drone factory for the russia war and north korea since weapons as well. these things are not happening in a vacuum. they are all linked together. i think the president is being smart and strategic as far as not wanting to incite china and russia saying the united states is about too go into iran. but i was the understanding israel has to do with they need to do but then letting everyone know the united states will of course protect israel. israel's perfectly capable of doing this on their own. we will be by their side. no doubt we will be insisted them with intelligence capabilities and will think anything is eminence. this is going be smart,
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strategic but there is no doubt while you want to make sure it does not spread to a conflict in israel has to spend message to iran you cannot get away with this sort of attack. this was not a response. this was an act of war for the first time in history of iran a proper attacking israel with hundreds of missiles. understand a ballistic missile can carry a nuclear warhead. that is what you would use. there's a reason they use that missile it is a specific reason letting the israelis know at any point in time if they get nuclear weapons they can deliver one in israel. eric: do you see that as a message to israel? you are right to many critics have said why would they need intercontinental ballistic missiles and why would they reach israel. do you think this could be a message the world try to figure
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out how to contain ironic does not become north korea they got nuclear weapons. some pulses of work others have been a colossal failure. this terrorist out there reading and people offending hamas funding houthis it's time we have a real response to what is going on in the middle east. see for the terrorist regime must go. many americans agree with that. congressman, good deceived thank you for joining us on this breaking news. >> thanks for having me. for president trump going after current president biden after iran's on precedent attack on
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israel. as eastern pennsylvania with the story. here on the go to pennsylvania a very important swing state of a crucial when he come out on the stage and let people looking to him for answers of what was happening israel put that broken when he was inside of a big fundraiser in bucks county. came out strong trying to say we need to stand by israel, watch. >> ukraine would have never happened. israel attacked both october 7 and today it would never have happened. then he blamed price gouging and junk fees. all of america knows the real blame for this nightmare lies with one person, cricket joe biden. >> president joe biden was briefed on this attack a yesterday former president trump was at that rally and fundraiser in pennsylvania. days ago biden was warning the iraq attacked by a rod could
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happen soon. his message repeatedly to iran is been simply don't do it. that did not seem to work. trump presented 2024 republican nominees say biden could get into a world war voters we talked on the ground in pennsylvania tell me the united states just appears weak right now. listen. >> i am worried about weak leadership. normally people look to america. they say what is america going to do? i am worried on an international scale makes a threat of them believes he will follow. thathat is not the case now. around this broke when he was in the white house. it would have the cap against is a former president is in new
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york city. it's going to be the criminal courthouse tomorrow. which we know eric shawn will be there covering all of that will keep posted on what happens in the courtroom. >> eric shawn will definitely be covering it. alexis mcadams, thank you very much. eric: eric shawn is carrying that tomorrow throughout the whole trial on the fox news channel. speaking up -- when my former beads of the united nations the emergency security council bid meeting at the united nations right now. the ambassadors giving their statements were israel calling for global united front against iran. israeli ambassador yoav gallant is expected to speak. our live coverage continues right here in "fox news live" " that's me!
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eric: united nations security council to this emergency session where you are looking at u.s. ambassador robert wood is the deputy ambassador at the un mission at the un speaking for the united states. let's listen. >> in close contact with israel's leaders. and let me be clear, if iran for its proxies take action against the united states or further action against israel, iran will be held responsible. we note secretary's statement warning the region is at risk of
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plunging into a deeper and wider war on multiple fronts. the united states is not our actions have been purely defensive in nature. the best way to prevent such escalation is an unambiguous condemnation from the council of iran's unprecedented large-scale attack and unequivocal bull and its proxies and partners to refrain from further violence. our goal is to de-escalate and then get back to the issue at hand. securing an end to the conflict in gaza by getting a cease-fire in gaza through a hostage deal as well surging humanitarian assistance to palestinians in need. thank you madam president >> pickwick think representative of the united states. >> thank you. >> and blunted language from deputy ambassador to the united states you heard directly looking indirectly at the
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iranian ambassador saying that if there is any attack by iran on the u.s. so it would be met with strength. it was a direct, specific language to our iran to also try to de-escalate the situation. we will bring you more but the security council emergency session. especially when the israeli ambassador speaks. [background noises] [inaudible] >> i know you citizens of israel are also keeping your cool for to urge you to listen to the directives of the home front command. together we will stand and with gods help together we will overcome all our enemies. >> we do not seek a war with iran we are not looking for
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escalation here. we will help israel defend itself. arthel: white house pledged continued support for israel despite a warning from iran to stay away from the conflict for israel is facing threats from a running back to terror groups on multiple fronts while the war in gaza still is still raising tes across the region rejoining as now john is a retired air force and brigadier general. so first if i could, you just heard the deputy u.s. ambassador to the robert wood and his effort to de-escalate? >> arthel it is an important inflection point for the united states and for israel to now turn the types of world perception against iran instead of the piling on leasing is issue for the last six months. certainly this is precedent-setting by iran is an opportunity to further identify them as a malign actor in the region and use diplomacy and
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economic tools to further isolate them in the eyes of the rest of the planet. arthel: un security council meeting is in progress as we just shows you, you expect the council to vote today designate the revolutionary guard corps a terrorist organization? this is per israel's requests. if they were to do that what buh that designation do? >> arthel, i rgc has been the largest seller of state-sponsored terrorism in the world for decades. it is invaded embarrassing the united nations is not recognize that. all of the malign activity we have seen in the region over the last six months or decades in syria, lebanon, iraq, gaza and in yemen has been because of the eye rgc influence with the ayatollah time now for the world to stand up recognize and publicly proclaim the world will
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not put up with a state sponsor of terrorism like iran. arthel: do you expect the council to vote in favor of the labeling them a terror organization? ask arthel, now is an opportunity for us based on the clear breaking of the precedent to do so today. frankly going back to my original statement, now is the time for the world to refocus his condemnation on the root cause of all these problems which is iran. arthel: listen, israel's war cabinet, trey yingst is reported on this earlier in the n newscat israel's war cabinet meeting this afternoon the movie ended with no firm plans to strike back on iran at this time. but a response is likely to come. what is this tell you? >> arthel it is important in the israeli war cabinet is not publicizing to the world the time and the specifics about how they're going to respond. unfortunately our president has
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already responded not just in support of defense but that the united states would not support offensive action and does not support active united states of participation and actual israel did it is exactly right. they should keep all options on the table because it furthers the strategic difficulty and iran. by not telegraphing their hand it makes things more difficult for iran going forward. arthel: want to read a statement and i may come back to that the second greatly received by the time this is newly released a statement, several of them but this is from around the foreign minister of tehran. saying tehran has no intention of continuing defensive operations. but if necessary it will not hesitate to protect its legitimate interest against any new aggression. so general it's a potential high states tit for tat and terrorist proxies of course. how do you stop the volley?
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>> ultimately it was clear the iranian attack last night though precedent-setting was carefully calibrated so would not do any real damage in israel. they are afraid of escalation. and right now, again israel has the opportunity to make a decision about how to respond. the most pressing threat to the nation of israel is not directly from iran which of the north from lebanese, has villa 100,000's have been displaced in the northern part of the country. that hezbollah has proceeded well south of the un designated river. but there's ever a chance for israel to take the advantage in the offense if against that pressing threat, it is now against those surrogates of iran. this is a great opportunity for israel to do so likely with support of the international community. arthel: it seems like israel has the support of a large part of the international community. i want to ask you, are you
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concerned about iran's nuclear capabilities? and just in general, what are you watching as this delicate situation unfolds and tell me why. >> we should all be concerned with a nuclear capable iran. that back during the obama and biden administration we give $150 of sanctioned relief it back to iran. i know they are on the doorstep of nuclear capability. that furthers the strategic from within the region. we know they are a state sponsor of terrorism. we know they like instability and sowing the seeds of instability throughout the middle east. now you and on the ultimate capability of nuclear prowess in the hands of a terrorist supporting iran. it makes things all the more difficult. not just for us, the united states in the region but specifically for israel that has to account for the deterrent strength of nuclear capable iran in the near future.
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arthel: general i have to leave it there and i thank you for joining us. >> thank you ma'am. eric: iran's and present attack on israel sparking fears among some jewish americans here at home. while universities have been facing calls to stop anti-semitism could receive more protests in favor of iran's attack? we will have that straight ahead live. y. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months
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♪ ♪ discover our newest resort sandals saint vincent and the grenadines, now open. visit or call 1—800—sandals. arthel: iran's first of a direct attack on israel sparking new concern about jewish leaders in the u.s. madison is live in atlanta with more. >> we have spoken with several people in the jewish community here in atlanta. they are describing yesterday's events as a devastating situation. especially since a lot of them have family living in israel. lieutenant colonel is the jerusalem director of the american jewish community idf
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preserves once a check started she did not get much sleep. >> the first thing is get on a plane and fly to israel immediately. my husband was alerted to reserve duty. the extent of the threat was such something israel never faced before. >> she says today there's a great sense of pride because at 99% of the missiles and drones were shot down. we spoke to a local rabbi care in atlanta who said he spent the night also wide-awake with other jewish americans. they all called, text and facetime their family and friends all through the night. >> from interconnected through technology. it is hard to be away. but also feel blessed everybody was accounted for and everybody was safe. and 99% of the missiles that came in were intercepted.
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no one in the jewish community slept last night. >> the rabbi tells us the jewish community has felt isolated since the attack that adamant the hostages need to come home. arthel: indeed. madison scarpino thank you. >> iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [applause] in addition there are reports of drones having been fired on israel from yemen and iraq as well. [cheering] [applause] eric: can you believe what you're seeing there? pro- palestinian rally in chicago yesterday but he saw the speaker from that u.s. a palestinian community networking told the crowd iran attacked israel they applauded and cheered. what do we make of this here at home? those who support iran's attack
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and will receive more support for the radical islamic terrorists in tehran? founder and chairman of the brandeis center for human rights under the law. ken, what do you make of these type of videos? another group announced the room of actavis started chanting hands off iran. what is your reaction when you see this? >> good to be with you, eric. i think this is important. important to think about. these are the moments when the anti- israel activists give up the game. sometimes people are lulled into thinking these are peace activists or human rights activists. but the fact is they are gleeful about an escalation of war. an attack on the jewish state. peace activists do not praise escalation of war. human rights activists do not support attacks on civilian populations. when you think about the time he called it reminds me seven anti-
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israel activists began protesting israel on and off college campuses even before the israeli defense forces swung into action. that is because they are not opposing israel's military. they are not really addressing human rights. they are praising any attack on the jewish people. that is why i would say that what we are seeing when it comes to the organize a zionist movement cannot be understood as anything other than an organizer hated grouper and tight semitism organization. eric: one could understand support for the palestinian cause and the palestinian people for a two state solution. but in this case it seems to go so far beyond that. you think the reporting calling some of these demonstrations in the u.s. a pro- palestinian rallies, pro- palestinian demonstrations. you think that's appropriate or correct reporting? or should they in some cases be called pro- hamas or pro iran,
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or pro- radical islamic terrorist killing protest when the calling for wiping out israel. >> of these groups were truly pro- palestinian they would want to support things that help the palestinian people not just actions that attack the state of israel. earlier this afternoon i was working through a college campus in the midwest. i saw a protest activity happening in which students were urged to have a moment of silence for quote unquote the martyrs of october 7. they were being led by someone at the bearded gray or it meant mind, it appeared to be a professor. they were not being asked for a moment of silence for the victims of october 7. not for the israelis who were murdered. not for the women who were raped. not for the ones tortured not for the hostages still being held all of these months later.
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but rather for the perpetrators some of whom died in action. this is the people for whom they are giving praise in memory. this is not pro- palestinian this is pro- hate. eric: why did they do this? what is behind that? >> they really don't think that what is happening and now could be understood in terms either of a response to a particular is really action with respect to gaza. nor even with respect to israel's history of defending itself and taking various actions with respect to the palestinians. what we are seeing is the resurgence of a hatred which is showing its ugly face. any time one sees the jewish people entering the news in a prominent way this is something i have seen to some extent over
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the last 20 years which is the following. any time and shoes are attacked including attacks on the state of israel there is a gleeful response usually an uptick on anti-semitism on college campuses. it's important to think about it because it is so counterintuitive. it's not just when israel takes some sort of military action to protect his people. it's when there is an attack on israel. that is why what i would say what has been happening over the last several hours really gives us a moment of insight or clarity. but we are seeing now is not protest against actions but really an explosion of hate that triggered by attacks on the jewish state. eric: sadly we will likely see more pro-iranian protest and in the coming weeks it. ken, thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> good being with you. arthel: we are keeping a close
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eye on developments in the middle east of course. and of course at the united nations we will bring you updates as they come in. meantime border officials are sounding the alarm about the number of god always who are slipping into our country. a live report from el paso, texas is coming up next. becau s you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15
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eric: returning to the southern border ages of the el paso sector are reporting a spike in the number of illegal migrant crossings. that area has also seen an increase in the known god always. senior correspondent mike tobin live in el paso, texas with the very latest from there. >> hi eric we talk about the human smugglers operating up in the mountains for it i could show you right now why the pictures for there's a group on the mountaintop with the binoculars. this is pretty typical example of a group of scouts that work up of the mountains we were up in there yesterday. we saw them at work all day long from our vantage point there were two groups one group on the
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mountaintop just like what you are looking at today with binoculars apparently watching law enforcement on the website. there's another group that took 12 all them young men up above sunlandpark, new mexico. with their own set of scouts. by all appearances they were for the u.s. pulled into the parking lot at the base of the amount of those young men came down the mountains for the piled in the cars made a break for. it's an example of the hotels at work. smuggling routes and human trafficking networks. they migrate seeking to cross illegally often fall prey to these cartels facing extortion, kidnapping and even death. the lucrative nature of the trafficking that incentivize cartels to exploit vulnerable individuals subjecting them to inhumane conditions on both sides of the border. trying to join the ranks of the got a ways the people never
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check and engage a legal process. the el paso sector ranks third on the southern border for apprehensions leads the nation with god always with about 50000 god always for the fiscal year back to you. mike big the gal at right here in fox's life. ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. here's to getting better with age.
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arthel: it is known as the officers of science celebrities like kim kardashian, robert downey junior, and rob lowe all rubbing shoulders with the world top minds at the breakthrough prize awards but christina
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coleman live in los angeles with more. so do tell, christina. >> i love this story but some of hollywood's big stars including robert downey junior, bradley cooper, and orlando bloom took part in a star-studded gala disobeyed the achievements of top scientists last night for the celebrate with a number of celebrities including kim kardashian, adam levine at the breakthrough prize ceremony what has become known as the oscars of science for the breakthrough foundation hosted the gala at the academy museum of motion pictures. the charitable foundation is dedicated to advancing knowledge of scientific technological innovations to improve people's lives. tech titan elon musk attended the gala he reiterated the importance of honoring life-changing scientific achievements. >> i think we should celebrate breakthroughs in technology. because they help make life better for people. >> we are being a recognized for inventing a new kind of cancer treatment called cart t cells it
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is the first one made from the patient's own immune system. i am pinching myself it's really exciting to see something like this. >> each of breakthrough prize pe was $3 million presented in the field of life sciences, fundamental physics and math. >> this is wher one of the input important nights in science. it's the academy awards for scientists. it's a very special night. and products to change the world but so for tonight those scientists are changing the world. >> this was the tenth annual breakthrough prize ceremony. arthel: all right, it looks like fun christina coleman thank you very much. and by the way, the united nations security council's holding emergency eye runs on precedent direct attack on
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israel. presented china for speaking. coverage of the latest on my rounds attack jon scott would have more right here on fox nssv news. who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews
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