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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  April 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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israel's airspace reopened as were cabinet with college tory fox team coverage this evening, lucas tomlinson standing by the white house, the biden demonstration, cb cotton at the un security council meeting and retired vice admiral is here to talk about where israel might be considering. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with more on the israeli war cabinet this meeting today.
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>> good evening israel's war cabinet met here in tel aviv, israel's version of the pentagon, for more than four hours tried to hammer out the details of what the israeli response to the brazen attack overnight might look like. hundreds of drones and missiles soaring through the sky in israel last night. the majority intercepted outside israeli airspace. it attacked the israel has never seen in the country's history and one that sources say will likely draw some sort of israeli response. israeli media says in the cabinet meeting. they were keyed if it agreements of what the scope should be in the timing of that attack. if this takes place at raw and has threatened to launch more and missiles and drones towards the jewish state. we'll have to wait and see if they make good on the promise. tonight the region bracing for more escalation as israel is
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releasing new video the fighter jets shooting down the drones and missiles overnight. they were successful in doing so and also had the help of the american air force, we know the iranians released a video showing the ballistic videos be launched from the territory. reports indicate american officials believe around half of the missile launches crashed or failed to launch from iranian territory certainly assigned the israelis believe the iranians are not prepared for prolonged conflict. something in preparing for internally understating ivanka to activates proxies in the region. jon: trey yingst on the ground in tel aviv, thank you. , president biden pushing for a united diplomatic response in a meeting with g7 leaders, he pledges ironclad support to israel but he told benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. will not take part in any counter strikes. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with the latest on
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that. >> a short time ago president biden spoke to congressional leaders about the successful shootdown of all the iranian drones and missiles. on "fox news sunday" john kirby said the goal is to lower the temperature. >> is going to be up to israelis to decide what the next step is. i will say this president biden, since the beginning of the conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming a broader regional war to keep the tensions from escalating. >> president biden spoke to g7 leaders where all parties agree they want to urge israel not to launch a counterattack against iran. officials say biden told israeli counterparts that the u.s. would not support israel and a counterattack against iran. in a call with the upcountry reporters white house officials say they were not given ahead by iran who would launch a massive attack. u.s. officials say 70 attack drones were shot down by u.s. air force jets. two missile destroyers, shot
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down the six ballistic missiles, the other 94 were shot down by israel's missile defense system. some of these ballistic missiles were shot down outside of the atmosphere and space, since october 7 massacre, at outerspace for the first time in history. the u.s. air force jets are deployed to squadrons for the region to shootdown dozens of iranian drones, president biden called the two squadron commanders to offer his congratulations on a job well done. the u.s. army patriot battery also shot down a ballistic missile outside of northern iraq, british and jordanian just engaged and they described it tense in the situation room, the former head of central command offered his assessment earlier about the strike last night. >> iran could not replicate last night's attack tonight if they had to. i think israel, this morning is much stronger than they were yesterday and iran is weaker than it was yesterday. >> for years as a senator, joe
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biden was skeptical about missile defense. last night is saved israel. >> lucas tomlinson. funny how things change over time. lucas is live at the white ho house. >> the united nations security council convening for an emergency session after that attack. israel asking the council to condemn iran's attack and designate the resolution regard core as a terrorist group. cb cotton is live at the un with the latest there. >> the un security council meeting is still underway but ambassadors from some of the member nations which has spoken this far have all agreed that the iranian drone attack puts the middle east at a tipping point for further conflict in the region, to no surprise, the strongest rebukes of the iranian escalation came from the united states france and the united kingdom.
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u.s. ambassador robert wood said that iran's intention was to cause significant death and damage in israel. he warned the fire ant in his proxies took further action against the u.s. or israel. iran would be held responsible. >> the united states is not seeking escalation. our action have been purely defensive in nature. the best way to prevent such escalation is an unambiguous combination from the council of iran's unprecedented large-scale attack and unequivocal colony in his proxies and partners to refrain from further violence. >> the majority of the security council member nation so far have condemned the iranian escalation. some of the member nations have urged israel and iran to show restraint and de-escalate the situation. israeli ambassador has called on the security council to not only denounce the attack but
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designate the iran and revolutionary guard as a terror group. the iranian ambassador has said the drone attack. iranian ambassador said drone attack was a promise for retaliation of a deadly april 1 on the consulate in syria for which israel has not publicly claimed responsibility. after saturday night strike the iranian mission went on to say the matter can be deemed concluded. the un secretary-general said at the start of the meeting that everyone had a stake in peace. >> it is time to step back, the survival of any action of confrontation would be the least. civilians are already betting and paying the highest price. if we have a share to this responsibility to engage with all parties concerned of further escalation. >> the meeting is ongoing and were going to be monitoring.
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back to you. jon: cb cotton reporting from the un. let's bring in the former director of the missile defense agency, vice admiral james syrian. when you were director of the mda, you were working on the kind of success that we saw last night being able to take out ballistic missiles at the edge of space. it must be heartening to see some of the work come to fruition. >> it's great to join you and see the systems work of last night. these systems have been decades in the making in the co-engineering that's gone on between israel and the united states over a very long period of time on the various systems including iron dome gave the era and all the work that the u.s. has done with standard missile that is out there on the destroyers today and was in combat action last night proved to be not only fruitful but highly successful.
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i saw the report last night of 99 plus percent. it was not an overnight sensation that this was done this is a joint partnership starting in the early 2000 for this to happen. jon: at the same time you had to be on the edge of your seat last night. it only takes one of the missiles getting through or one of the counter missiles failing to cause terrible havoc. >> it does that i was watching it with intent interest. but what you have to understand there is a very heavy shield over israel right now and it's a combination of not just what israel has and what the air force is bringing or what the u.s. is bringing it to integrated air and missile defense picture that includes our ships at sea and sharing information and forth with allies so there is a very stringent command and control operation that happens. each system can take each threat as the profile changes, that's what you saw the success.
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you saw the tightly controlled integration between not just systems by countries. >> taking out a ballistic missile as it is flying i've heard described as something hitting a bullet with a bullet. is that a fair description, how would you describe it. >> is a fair description but there missile defense systems that have proximity warheads, the later system that have been developed had been hit to kill and it's vitally important for us to have the technology because you want to obliterate the warhead, the proximity warhead you can have debris flying toward the intended target hit to kill obliterates the warhead and the higher we can do that the better. >> of assistance, is iranian saying that israel has been punished for it strike on the embassy which is as much a military compound is anything.
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has israel been punished and it doesn't seemed like the missile attacks did much damage at all last night. >> i can tell you in my mind it was escalatory in terms of what iran did and i can tell you it is up the tension in the region. what i can tell you the missile defense and how it worked last night has bought the policymakers time to de-escalate the situation and ask the counterattack but given the lack of emotional damage, physical damage to people and infrastructure will be much more measured in the policymakers in the g7 and the united nations is are doing today. >> you think the meeting at the un is likely to result in condemnation of iran that's what israel says it wants but will actually happen. >> i cannot predict that, how the individual countries will
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vote, i tell you that our allies had been strong in the support of israel and that came in loud and clear which i was very proud to see. jon: is there anything if iran were to try another one of these, this one was telegraphed, i've been reading about it in the defense intelligence agencies were warning about this for a week or more. if iran were to all the sudden try one that did not get this kind of warning with the counterattack that counter majors be as successful as you think? >> absolutely. i assure you that all the soldiers and airmen in seamen are on watch today expected in a tactic, but will come in the next hour. i can tell you whether this comes tonight or in ten days, the response and the professionalism of the military
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will fight this weather is tomorrow or ten days or a year from now. will be on watching betty. >> iran has said it will attack u.s. forces or u.s. interest if the u.s. were to participate in any further anti-iran acti activities. you think that's more or less alone hot air? >> i would not underestimate anything that they say. we have taken measures in each of those areas that are interested in the area to protect. we are ready if they decide to make another fatal mistake and launch another attack. >> you are the man that helped develop the missile defense abilities of this country and israel and i think all of those sons and daughters in harm's way appreciate your contribution as to people of israel, thank you very much. >> there is a great team effort behind the missile defense
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agency and all the combatant commanders, it wasn't just me, myself. >> i understand that but you were running this for a good long time. thank you. >> for more on iran's attack on israel but spring in south dakota senator mike rounds is also a member of the senate armed services committee. what does this change if anything on capitol hill senator. >> hopefully it'll bring additional pressure to get our supplemental package complete. we needed for ukraine and is israel. it is critical that we get something done as soon as possible, hopefully there will be a discussion about it and we will move forward united. jon: there are politicians on capitol hill who have been anti-israel in the last weeks and months. especially given the destruction in gaza, do you think this may be changes their mind in some way. >> time will tell.
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we need to stand with israel, i think the president indicated our support for israel was ironclad but i would've liked it better if he would not have publicly suggested to them that they not respond to this attack. i think that part was a mistake. israel's decision should have been a private discussion that he could've had. i think it sends the wrong message to iran that they can get away with that. they have been attacking american forces and we've been defending ourselves and would not been responding and taking out those directly responsible for the attacks. we have folks in the red sea right now that are on the task force that it been taking out the attacks for months. they have been spotting them out of the air and taking them out as quickly as they come through. the vast majority of which is been successful. at some point you can sibley not swap them out of the area have to go in and take them out the leadership, the planning for
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that has got to be completed. that is the example you we should be setting. with regard to iran it was a failure last night on their part, they did. they had expected to create real harm and devastation israel. they failed to do so. just because they failed to do so think about how we would've responded if that attack would've taken place against us. would we have allowed 300 separate attacks to come into our country and then simply look back and say we will not do anything about it will look the other way. i think the president while he may offer advice and may be confidential rather than public. jon: is there politics involved in the warning to the israelis from the president. >> it is consistent with this administration has treated our own troops in the middle east. we have young men and women in the red sea right now. the eye is there, they have been attacked consistently. will go back in and take out the
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launchers but we have not gone after the houthi leadership. it is time to take a second look at the approach that we are taking. sometimes you have to escalate to de-escalate. that does not seem to be part of the plan right now but i think it should be considered. and they have to have the resources to do so. congress should act on the supplemental. >> they detected softening of support for israel? >> is interesting they will try that right now as we allow the houthi to shoot at our forces and we haven't done anything except take out the launchers. is there consistency in the message that they're getting from this administration of restraint and they can take their shots and a good possibility that we may not respond to those responsible. the answer to that is yes.
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if that is our policy, working to find out whether or not it works. unfortunately, the rear well maybe other attacks of armed forces by individuals allied by iran and that's unfortunate but that is part of the message that we are trying to change. if he attack her forces we will come after you. that is not the message that this administration has been providing and once again with israel, think about this if it was our country what would we do if there was 300 separate attacks on our country would we expect our allies were considering or offering ironclad support to publicly suggest that we would not go back it'd take a second shot of those perpetrators who we have warned in the past not to do it. >> senator mike rounds of south dakota, thank you for coming on. jon: continuing coverage of the
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world's response to iran strike on israel after a short break. ♪ liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. ♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals.
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[shouting] jon: that is footage from tehran. iranian celebrating mass ice
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attack, jewish leaders in the united states are worried the violence might spread to their communities. madison's carpino is live in atlanta with more. >> a lot of people in the jewish community tell us they had a sleepless night after l last nit iran attack. one rabbi says he's devastate. >> we see what iran is capable of and we have been warning the world for many, many years that this is going to happen. now we saw that happen. we would not of been able to fight off all of these missiles and drones without the ironclad support of the united states of america. all of us in america should be outfall. >> another rabbi in new york city said the situation is absurd. he said when the attack started last night. nypd and jewish leaders immediately started correlating. >> since october 7.
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the security budget of our synagogue has doubled. we are spending over $300 per family on security, our members would not come to the synagogue otherwise. >> lieutenant colonel is a jerusalem director of the american jewish committee. she is in the idf reserves and visiting the u.s. she says once the attack started, she had nonstop contact with family and friends in israel. >> on the one hand huge amount of tension and now the morning-after there is a great source of pride in the israeli capabilities. in the israeli resilience. >> some people the jewish community that we spoke to said that since october 7 attack between hamas and israel they have felt isolated.
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here in the atlanta area of law or several synagogues have received bomb threats and so were began. >> madison scarpino. thank you. jon: president biden pledging support to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, iranian linked terror groups make threats on multiple fronts, all of this taking place of the war rages in gaza fueling fears of a wider war in the middle east, joining is now national security institute founder and executive director. jamil, the attack last night largely fizzled. israel and the united states were able to take out most of those 300 missiles with very little impact on israel. does that suggest to you that any response from the israelis will be perhaps muted in a while coming. >> one might think so and that would be a reasonable approach, centered around made a great
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point what would the united states do if they were 300 missiles, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones fired in the united states that american cities. we would not set by even if we knock them all down we would not sit by and let that go on responded to. we should not be surprised if the israelis do in fact don't go back and get aggressive against iran will see the scope of that. i do think it was a mistake for the president to say we are not good to do anything to back israel from the offensive capabilities we will deep onto back them defensively but if they go off and support equity do anything. that is a mistake we want our allies with us, if we were attacked in the same way. jon: you took my question, the president did say that. he said the responses up to israel and the united states is awkward to participate. do you think that is a mistake? >> i do. senator brown's made a great point we've been taken on the chin from iranians and american soldiers have died in iraq and syria during the iraq campaign now at the hands of the iranian proxies can top has below just
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in the last few months alone we see the americans killed in jordan by iran and weapons and proxies and we have not done the weapons of the red sea. they have targeted our ships as well. the idea that iran's will stop doing this we don't hit them back directly. it's exactly the opposite you got directly where it hurts to have it affected enter the action. jon: we saw the footage of the iranian celebrating industry, do you think they basically don't know that there attack emotionally fizzled. >> and tried to demonstrate to the population that they are strong, tough and we sent the 300 missiles and some had an impact. they're probably cheering the fact that a young woman of seven or 10-year-old young woman was injured by shrapnel that's the leadership of iran, that is exactly the problem and why a response would be appropriate if israel chooses to do so. >> here is some of the celebration in tehran how manufactured today's and not possible to tell.
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i'm a little surprised that a hamas and has below has not done more to pylon israel during the critical time, are you? >> we will see that coming, has the lot and hamas has done plenty they conducted the terrorist attack that killed over a thousand israelis, kidnapped over 250, if you think about that that's the equivalent of a dozen 9/11 attacks of adjusted basis. since then has below has rained rockets down for many years there already in the fight will continue the fight on half of iran and its proxies. right now we see the different phase, iran is attacking israel directly from their own territory. i think that merits the response of how and when and what the israelis restrained themselves and if they do, that's not they have to or they should but there's a plea choosing to do so and the u.s. should they enter back the capability and should be involved that are made against us in iran and the proxies already.
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>> iran has threatened the united states as a result of last night's activities, jamil jaffer, thank you. >> more on the aftermath of iran's unprecedented attack against israel when we return. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. are you sure? bring it on! but with weathertech's heavy—duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. the underside features an innovative solution. shock absorbing rings disperse the impact of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo.
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>> we're meeting in empire which wants to eradicate all values of the free world that is why they were met with the strong response last night, i think the world has to understand, this is another development in the war which iran is waging against the free world and has to be met according. >> israel waives its response after iran's first ever direct attack against. the islamic republic fired more than 300 drones at israel and other projectiles prompting emergency gatherings of israel's war cabinet in the g7 including president biden and american allies. right now the un security council is holding an emergency meeting in response to iran's attack. >> former president trump quickly reacting to iran's launch on israel during the campaign rally in pennsylvania last night. it would've never happened if you were in office. alexis mcadams has details.
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>> good evening from pennsylvania where former president donald trump was on the ground in the very important swing state and came out at his rally with a strong message that the united states has to stand with israel. >> wish shown unbelievable and it would not happen if we were in office, you know that everybody knows that but america prays for israel. >> as joe biden was being briefed on the attack, president trump was out of rally and fundraiser in pennsylvania. biden warned that the attack by iran could happen soon. his message to iran had been simply don't but that didn't seem to work, trumped the presumptive 2024 republican nominee saying biden to get the country into a world war as voters say the united states appears weak on the world stage. >> i am worried about weak leadership because normally people look to america and they say what is america going to do
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and i'm worried that we waiver and do not show strong leadership. >> former president donald trump saying iran was broke when he was in office and said these attacks would've never happened. jon: alexis mcadams. more on world reaction to iran strike on israel after this break. form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! ooo, that looks complicated. that's why visionworks organizes our frames by shape and price so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference. if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild starts talking to you.
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[shouting] >> we took down most of the drones and vessels as you noted. another ally stepped up as well. >> quite frankly, the united states and other partners that helped israel defend itself against more than 300 drones and
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missiles. it's an extraordinary example military superiority that is demonstrated to the whole world last night. >> a flurry of bipartisan action in washington in the wake of iran's attack. house majority leader steve scalise say next week's schedule in the house will be changed to prioritize in israel support package. chad pergram joins us by phone. >> afternoon the city but geordie leader chuck schumer says all top four congressional leaders spoke about the middle east that was chuck schumer, house speaker mike johnson, mitch mcconnell and house minority leader hakeem jeffries. the best way to fund israel as for the house to take the foreign aid supplemental spending package approved by the senate in february and put on the house floor, the bill scored 70 votes on the senate. as you say the house is retooling the schedule this week. it'll focus on assisting israel and condemning iran. fox told the house to have a new
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legislative schedule tonight but nothing is final right now. one bill could be a straight aid package for israel the house majority leader steve scalise did not rollout including ukraine and the bill. the house also wants to revive the bill from last week to condemn anti-semitism and cause or a unilateral cease-fire. mike johnson reiterated on fox that the house approved in israel aid package months ago but that went nowhere in the senate. fox has also asked if the conservation in the little east could stall the house from sending over the senate and articles of impeachment for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. the house already delayed sending the articles over once, the plan is to send articles to the senate on tuesday and swear in the senators and jurors on wednesday. a senior house republican source tells fox in the past couple of minutes, they are not sure if this could again postpone the
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mayorkas impeachment trial, the source said iran could change that. jon: chad pergram covering the goings on capitol hill. thank you. >> for more on the war against israel let's bring in felice friede spun the president at the media line organization and worked extensively related to the middle east and israel. felice, iran has always hated israel. it is always attacked it through its proxies. hamas, hezbollah, the houthi. why do you think iran decided that it was a good idea or a safe idea to attack israel directly. >> into the port in question to ask. we haven't seen the iranian proxies be very vocal, be destructive sending not just the arms that we see through tunnels but also the missiles above.
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we seen attacks on united states and seen this going on for years. we've also noted there many that we interviewed that this moment that we also see the proxies are pressuring iran itself in the ayatollah. why are you having us do your dirty work, why are you getting the ball directly. what are the things that came out from israel's taking out of the brigadier general's is that they felt this was the point that they needed to show off and possibly even test the arsenal. no one is looking at the moment to see what is iran looking at as they are bombarding the studies in israel. city by city something unprecedented anywhere in the world. imagine the united states every single city was bombarded in one swoop. we are talking drones in speaking about ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. there is lock that many of them were dismantled and attacked,
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hit on by the united states and by the israeli forces, the uk and france will work in tandem. was interesting to know is jordan, they got involved because of their own strategic alliance in the region particularly because they're concerned that iran is one of absolute self perseverance. has to do with the fact that they constantly have drugs ammunitions coming into iran, they have to protect their borders. it is not one of a piece with israel but not any means if you remember they recalled their ambassador from jordan to israel. he still has not come back. >> one would think that given the seriousness of this attack last night, largely unsuccessful as you said, 300 flying projectiles aimed at you including ballistic missiles, that is nothing to sneeze at. one would think that the israelis would be on the same page as to how to respond. i don't get the impression that that is necessarily the case.
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>> this evening it is a very difficult predicament with having a meeting in the war room beating. it's based on the decision of three people, prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the defense minister. they want to see some kind of response. the kind of response of what that might be. not on the same page because you have those that want something immediate. they want to immediately last night, others were calling for that as well. then you see more on the center side and even those that have been in the past stating that they don't feel this is the right time that one should brace for some kind of response at a future date, let's bear in mind that you have the northern border and you have things happening all along with the who houthi with the straits and the seas really strapping the entire world in terms of shipping.
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we cannot forget all these things are happening alongside hostages that are being held. october 7 is where began on this ground. jon: the old expression revenge the best served cold comes to mind. i imagine the iranian leadership having seen what happened to the general ied back at the beginning of april. there going to to be looking over their shoulders a lot in the coming days. >> they might be looking over their shoulders but they're using the club book proliferation and we can forget that either, what is the end endgame. you see the region de-escalate but you see the same other golf nations don't want to see iran becoming nuclear incapable of taking them out, whether it's israel or not they're worried again and the united states has to remember what happens in this region affects the united states and the world globally.
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>> felice, thank you for your expertise. >> you are welcome. jon: we will be back with more "fox report", after this. ♪ for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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jon: the first-ever direct attack last night. the islamic republic fired 300 drones and missiles at israel prompting emergency gatherings of israel's workout hit him the g7 including president biden and american allies. the un security council is holding an emergency meeting in response to that attack. let's take a break for more for a minute. a list celebrities from robert downey junior to kim kardashian joining tech chi tycoons on this saturday night, the breakthrough price ceremony recognizing scientist that change the world. christina coleman reports from los angeles. >> some of hollywood's biggest stars including robert downey junior, bradley cooper in orlando bloom to pardon a star-studded gala to celebrate the achievements of the top scientist last night. they celebrated with a number of celebrities including kim kardashian, rob lowe and adam
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levin. they attend the breakthrough price ceremony and the oscars of science. the breakthrough foundation hosted the gala at the academy museum most in pictures, the charitable foundation is dedicated to advancing knowledge of scientific and technological innovations to approve people's lives. tech titan elon musk attended the gala and reiterated the importance of honoring life-changing scientific achievement. >> i think we should celebrate breakthroughs in technology because they help make life better. >> were being recognized for a new kind of cancer treatment called t cells made from our immune systems. it is really exciting. >> each breakthrough price is $3 million and presented in the field of life sciences fundamental physics and math. >> life and science.
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>> i've seen before me they created a amazing companies into change the world and being inspired by that. >> christina coleman from los angeles, thank you. calling all mcdonald's lovers if you're obsessed with mcdonald's french fries, this is for you, the chain is rolling out the world's first ever scented billboards if you get close enough you start to smell the brands signature fries. >> mcdonald's presents and smells like mcdonald's announcing the first billboard that smells like mcdonald's. jon: would you take a with? we will have to see if they make it to this country. one of the jungle's fiercest
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predators take on an unlikely foe a tiger at the oakland zoo was tossing around a defenseless beanbag chair, she looks like she's having a terrific time, lola was rescued in 2022 from an abandoned roadside zoo in oklahoma. the beanbag never stood a chance. >> for the missile attacks on israel will continue with more, "fox report" after the break. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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