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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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house speaker had to say about it for. >> he understood the urgency of this from the very beginning. a few days after i became speaker, would back in october we passed her israel support package. it is been sitting on chuck schumer's desk ever since. we tried again about a month and a half ago many democrats 166 as i remember the house voted against, why? presidential biden said he would be to that. the house republicans in the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel. we're going to try again this week. cooks are going to try to guarantee it happens we can guarantee is will drop on twos that you can get it you will not want to miss it. that does it for us. we'll see out next weekend. great to be with all of you guys. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ fox news alert i am jon scott in new york but right now israel is weighing how and when it is going to respond to iran's
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unprecedented missile and drone attack on its territory. israeli war cabinet meeting ended just hours ago without a decision. that u.s. is speaking out on a matter saying it is not looking to escalate the showdown with iran. president biden time prime minister benjamin netanyahu that u.s. will not participate in offensive operations against iran. asuse of it wider conflicts continue to grow. u.s. played a major part in helping israel intercept 99% of the 300 projectiles launched at it. no significant damage reported. tehran's retaliatory attack had been anticipated following a sussuspected israeli strike on iranian consulate in syria that strike killed at least half a dozen people including top reading command. i am jon scott now to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. thanks a bit former speaker kevin mccarthy retired four-star general jack keane. before we go toward guess i don't nurse them are republicans and conservatives of such a tough time discussing the issue of abortion for a particular given where the democrats are on this issue. i understand everyone does not agree on this issue. a lot of times it depends on your view of morality and faith. when life begins. there will be differences of opinion. first, let's set the stage. when the court decided roe v wade and nationalize the issue of abortion. and not through the legislature or the presidency, but justices of the court unelected lawyers. that was an abomination for the constitution says nothing about abortion it certainly does not
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give a handful of lawyers the power to impose their moral views and will on the entire country. even ruth bader ginsburg understood that was outrageous. most people have actually read roe v wade know it is nothing more than a sociological essay. so the supreme court struck it down. something conservatives and constitutionalists, something objective people have wanted for a long, long time it is to their credit they did. when you strike down in opinion like that, what is left? what is left is the tenth amendment of the constitution, federalism. states get to decide a whole bunch of things for the death penalty, criminal law and of course before the roe decision the vast majority of states were deciding the issue of abortion. about 30 states allowed it, 20 states outlawed it and everything in between. that is what we mean by federalism. you could move to a state, you can stay in a state depending if
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you like the conditions in the state. i was say to my fellow conservatives since when have we actually control the federal government? we don't control it even when we win elections for they create this massive leviathan. they have judges to impose the will on the people where's our judges that they are conducting themselves constitutionally well not. so this idea there should be a federal law but does this or that, is a mistake. we cannot rely on the federal government to protect human life. we cannot rely on the federal government to secure the border. we cannot blend the federal government to properly provide resources to the united states military. we have to dupe this issue out in towns, villages, cities, states come across the country. the issue isn't whether we can get a federal law that outlaws abortion, we can't. for two reasons. number one if we could've we would've come right lindsey
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graham? we can't, we do not have the votes in fact we do not have the support of the majority of the american people for the most part. number two the court put the issue back work was before rove in the states. so no legislation that seeks to impose its will on a state, no legislation whether it is from the left which seeks to nationalize abortion at all levels and for all purposes or whether it is us that seeks to outlaw it. that is the law for this is a constitutional republic like it or not that does not mean the federal government has no role i said the states have plenary power the federal government has power on federal lands. the federal power -- make the government has on interstate commerce. international commerce. federal facilities. and so, with respect to those issues the federal government remains in charge when it comes
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a thing wholly within a state estate makes those decisions so our fight has to be a moral fight. our fight has to be a relentless fight. our fight has to beat not to the federal government to do x, y, z which will be held unconstitutional anyway. you want to bring litigation bring it under state constitution. bring it against state legislatures in full so forth and so on. i do not know a single republican state legislature that is out lot abortion altogether even in the most conservative states. i'll discuss it. the gallup poll the most recent one as did pugh. most oppose abortion there's an area we can say baby lives.
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22% say it in the last three months rather than banging our heads against a wall in trying to do things that are either unconstitutional or simply a matter of reality not going to happen, how about we focus on areas where we can make a difference. the american people probably are with us. in many areas related to abortion and abortion restrictions. the percentage of americans wanting abortions illegal in all circumstances has fallen and the last several years from 21% to 13% women and men hold similar views on the legality of abortion each stage of abortion favorite in the first in a posting in the second and third trimester. democrats are the only group that they should generally be legal in the second trimester, democrats. not independence. not republicans. less than half of all three partiers and gop, dem, independents think abortion
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should be legal in the third trimester. although democrats are split 44 -- 44%. so that is their problem. now we have pugh 19% want abortion without any exceptions whatsoever. that is the biden, schumer, pelosi, sanders position. that is the position of the national democratic party. they represent 19% of the population. that is it. even support partial birth abortion even though they say they don't. i will explain that right now. they proposed a piece of legislation in the senate and they voted on it with the dobb's decision was illegally leaked by one of the justices. i believe i know which b book cannot say with certainty. they leaked it so what did the democrats in the senate do? they immediately took their bill, rested to the senate floor is defeated 51 -- 49.
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wait a minute didn't they have a majority of democrats? they did but it was defeated why? joe manchin would not go along with it. in fact he was so extreme and radical haven susan collins and lisa murkowski voted against it they are pro- abortion big tim, why? i'm about to slay with the democrat party, biden position is on abortion. it is so extreme. republicans don't use it against them i will never ever know. our friend tom wrote at the daily sentinel hero if it were constitutional, which it is not because the supreme court just ruled such a law would not be. the women's health protection act is what they called it wit or prohibit required repeal of require repeal of 11categories n regulations and any that might be quote similar" to them guaranteeing the courts will be pulled right back into the abortion business. what does that include?
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anything that might delay some patients from getting an abortion. quote indirectly increase the cost of doing so whatever that means. or even necessitates a trip to a doctor's office. the women's health protection act would also outlaw other measures the supreme court has already upheld in the past after row. that women's health care protection act list of parental involvement laws, notification and consent among measures that complicate access to abortion services. they would eliminate parental notification if a teenager is pregnant and going to an abortion clinic. general com, 12-year-old, 15-year-old. that will be outlawed as a matter of federal law 70% support parental notification the democrats do not when all is said and done the women's health
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protection act would retroactively and prospectively prevent any and government at any level from enacting or enforcing quote from the proposed law, any law, rule, regulation, standard or other provision of the force and effect of that law that conflicts with any provision of their act. they women's health protection act would prohibit any government anywhere from doing anything that could potentially reduce the number of abortions from actually taking place. not only that it would require every government everywhere to repeal any statute, regulation or anything else that may be already on the books that could potentially have that effect. you get my point, conservatives? this must pass 51 -- 49. hewitt federal action question whatwith this is a federal actin you will get. i'm not talking about areas federal enclaves were federal action is in fact constitutionally permitted. such a good effort to impose a federal law on the whole
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country. the saving grace is a supremes court in dobbs that would be unconstitutional. now come abortion advocates claiming health protection act would mainly codify the supreme court decisions and the roe decision. detecting the right to abortion by legislation. it is eight live. it goes far, far, far beyond it. i want to play something for you. he was doing an interview and made a statement which will be as in every republican and the democrats are going to try to continue to politically exploit abortion. this is what he said, go. carter's a very contentious committee hearing yesterday fairfax county kathy trant made her case for lifting restrictions on third trimester abortions as well as other restrictions now in place. she was pressed by republican delegate whether or not her bill would permit an abortion even as a woman is essentially dilating ready to give birth and she
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answered that it would permit an abortion at that stage of labor. do you support her measure? and explain her answer. >> i was not there. i certainly cannot speak for her. i would tell you one, the first thing i would say is this is why decisions such as this should be made by providers and physicians. and the mothers and fathers that are involved. when we talk about third trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of the mother with the consent of the physicians. more than one physician by the way. it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. there may be a fetus that is not viable. in this particular example if a mother is in labor i can tell you exactly what would happen. the infant would be delivered paid the infant will be kept
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comfortable. the impetus it would be resuscitated is that with the mother and family desired. and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. i think this is blown out of proportion. >> rational endgame of the democrat party position partial birth abortion. isn't it amazing the press never pushes a pelosi, schumer, or abide by it in, what is your endgame? what exactly is the position of the democrat party on abortion? if it is not the position held by every senate democrats other than mansion two years ago which includes abortion no matter what at all times paid for by the american people without any role for the states utterly unconstitutional but let's put it aside. let's talk about morality. what exactly is the position? the official position of the democrat party. let me tell you about partial-birth abortion they say
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that really happens. over 10,000 times a year, that is a lot. even if it happens at once, what's the morality of killing a baby? let me explain it to you this is an federal law. section 1531b1 the term partial term abortion means an abortion. in which the person performing the abortion aid, deliberately and intentionally and vaginally delivers a living fetus, a baby, until the case of a head is first presented the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother or in the case of breach of presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the naval is outside the body of the mother for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person would kill the partially delivered living fetus, baby.
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b, performs the overt act other than completion of delivery that kills the partially delivered living fetus. it sounds pretty bad. i will be specific and real human terms, registered nurse brbrandon schaefer witnessed several partial-birth abortions and working for an ohio abortion as she described one of these abortions july at nine , 95 letter to then congressman tony hall. the baby's body was moving. it's little fingers were clasping together. he is kicking his feet. all the while his little head was still stuck inside. doctor haskell, i do not know who that is obviously, took a pair of scissors inserted them into the back of the baby's head pretty open the scissors up he stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked out the baby's brain. you have to kill it. it is a living bay beat. whether it is headfirst, or
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feetfirst there are a variety of tools and methods for killing it. what about the third trimester when we know a baby can survive it. is it just a choice question of the details to follow the science. they do not want to follow the science. they don't want to follow the signs at all why are they so hot to trot over abortion? in any form or any way. defending the police, open borders, fentanyl coming across. the most loyal part of the democrat base is not the black community is that the jewish community it is single women without children. no matter what other issue they vote they vote in large numbers, it democrat. this is their issue. they want no conditions whatsoever. not everyone the exception they
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would know condition on abortion. populate significant parts of suburban america. that is their target. that is why they are for with no conditions whatsoever. it is time to press them. it's time to expose them it is time to show people what partial-birth abortion is and tell them joe biden supports it. the democrat party voted for it. you parents they do not want you to have any role whatsoever in the process. abortion on demand for any purpose exists in seven democrat states and the district of columbia today. do not tell me it cannot happen. we will be right back. gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. former spea speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. kevin mccarthy, you are able now to sit back and watch what is taking place in congress. not just the house but all of congress. and you can see the glide path is basically where the democrats want it right now. we are going to have to really show up in big numbers and change the electoral map, increase the numbers in the
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house. when the senate and elect donald trump to have any hope of saving this country, aren't we? the democrats are not interested in compromise. they are interested in monopoly power. >> people sit back if they sit back and think about how much further the democrats would go. republicans have the house they are able to stop a lot. i will tell you this for everyone sitting at home. this is a unique opportunity if the election was held today president trump would win simply on the merits that people can measure what we have been able to accomplish but on the card of joe biden himself more around the world a brighter white open fentanyl killing americans at five embassies have to evacuate. the decisions he has made has harmed us for decades the way he got out of afghanistan, attacking our own allies. walking back our support for israel which we have to as american stay firm the only democracy with our truest friends in israel.
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what you find is i believe the republicans can pick up the senate one of the best maps they have it. even in the house we have an opportunity to gain seats it's easier to win seats in this election t that was in the last two. if you look at voter registration republican numbers are up in pennsylvania for their up in florida pair there up in a number of the swing states. so, if we do our jobs and bring more people than just republicans, invite everybody who wants to have a secure border. west earlier this week inflation is back based upon democratic policies. we have watched crime continue to rise in our streets. we know america could be better. we know america is too big and too great to settle for something so small as democratic policies. mark: do you think, kevin mccarthy the obvious effort by joe biden to paint trump as a dictator, as a threat to our society antidemocratic which of course is him projecting onto trunk. that is joe biden with help from that media in massive amounts of
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paid advertisements. do you think that is going to work with enough people it's going to throw the election the wrong way? >> i hope it doesn't work. remember in the last election we have an electoral college you are all the best with laying out what a republican constitution means. joe biden won that election by 48918 votes out of the entire nation. every vote matters. we have walked with the democrats did less i remember they got 51 people in the intel committee to lie to all americans, former cia director individuals to tell you not to post a new social media of a "new york post" article inside a newspaper? we watch them lie again i think the american people have woken up we watch with the democratic policies have done to this nation. we cannot allow it to happen but i trust the american public a much more but the one thing i believe just as reagan told us we trust but we verify we have to come out and vote and make
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sure america has the right direction. mark: ever horrendous open border and it is open for a reason. it is not just because joe biden likes foreigners. under the census they count the number of people who are in the country not the number of citizens. my thinking is a monk of the things they want to load up these congressional districts with this many of these people particular in the metropolitan area so they can get more seats in the next census. don't you think that's part of biden's calculation? >> i don't think it is just biden himself i have heard democrats literally sat on the floor of the house. smile and laugh at me when they say that to us. you have to understand what is it me when you're borders white open? and why did this take place? it started january 20 the day joe biden came in they stopped finishing the wall put the small portions that were left undone. the next think they did by making this white open border,
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how difficult is it to get on a terrorist watch list? very difficult do you realize last february we caught more people on the terrorist watch list and a one month than the entire last four years under president trump? do you know how make chinese dissidents we have actually caught? those that we have not have gotten through. just this year 22000. people are coming from 160 different countries. they are not just walking up from blanton american who is coming across a question what we caught people in the terrorist watch list from yemen coming into california. who are they talking to? what do they have planned? have we forgotten what happened on 911? a few individuals that want to do damage to this country we watch the weakness of this president building up to iran. helping them fund. we have and mark, this is the real policy discussion we have to have. there is a law that says iran not able to sell their oil.
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biden allows it. they were only producing 400,00s 3 million they are making billions of dollars with biden and they are using it against america and they are funding terrorism around the world. mark: is socially horrendous this whole immigration issue you can see what happened in dearborn, michigan. barack obama is one of the last years of his presidency opened the floodgates for people quite frankly from the middle east. he did intentionally people can google it, they can look it up themselves. people need to be invented it. they need to show allegiance to the united states. they need to be willing to assimilate into our culture, our country that's the whole point of diversity within the united states. we cannot have people coming here who bring their hate, who bring their ideology. no intention of showing allegiance in the country but are here to destroy it. obviously not everybody too
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many. we will be right back. me to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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this is a fox news alert i am jon scott in new york but leaders that g7 harshly condemning attack against israel the statement leaders stressed the importance of pulling any tensions in the already chaotic region. they also called on ironic and its proxies to stop their attacks and say they stand ready to respond to any future
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escalation. the white house is also highlighting its role. they helped israel by shooting down dozens of drones and missiles. jury selection begins tomorrow former president trump's historic criminal hush money trial but he is accused of falsifying records to hide the true nature of payments to a former lawyer. that lawyer paid off an adult film star allegedly to keep an affair with the trump quiet. this is a first criminal trial ever for a former u.s. president. it is expected to last six -- eight weeks. i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." mark: welcome back america buried kevin mccarthy, you mentioned israel. we ramp anti-semitism taking place in this country would not dishonor college campuses, we see these taking place all over the country produce all that goes on in dearborn, michigan
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but it's also in new jersey, california and other parts of our country. i have yet to hear joe biden give a speech or make even a strong substantive statement condemning it. i've yet to hear him condemn what took place in dearborn, michigan and said he sent senior campaign advisors to these areas of the country begging these folks for their votes. while he is trashing israel. trashing is really who live in judea and samaria and make it difficult if not impossible for israel to literally defeat hamas while he funds iran. what do you make of this? >> it is devastating remember what they said they said death to america. what does that do? president biden changing his policies. let's be very honest with the american public hamas is a terrorist organization. hamas is holding hostages and americans as hostages. they took the babies, they
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raped, they murdered and this is a president now backing away. israel is our greatest ally. israel is a democracy. israel has the ability and we should never walk away from this. my real fear here is a real effect on biden and his policies. you watch as these people chant death to america. instead of the president standig up for america going after that type of speech he backs away from it and backs away from our allies. the day he took office, iran became stronger. he did not enforce the sanctions he has allowed them to get billions of dollars. they fund hamas. they fund terrorism around the world. the world is less safe because of his actions. mark: kevin mccarthy there's a new recent news article that hamas tells negotiators it does not have 40 israeli hostages needed for the first round of cease-fire. these are mostly elderly,
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babies, women. they say we cannot find them anymore so they either kill t them, let them die or sold them into slavery. how come the president of the united states is not making a speech about this today? what's he should have from the first stay tuned never negotiated the terrorist organization if they are going to hold hostages. remember there are americans held hostage. these are babies. these are seniors he is backtracking from where he stood at the beginning after october 7. we are now more than six months into this people being held by this terrorist organization. we have a president now leaning more towards the terrace that he is to democracy and freedom. that is unacceptable and should never stand. mark: i want to switch it quickly while we have a moment with you. this judge, these judges and this judge in new york and
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manhattan with the phony case not jury of donald trump's peers but joe biden's peers. they're going to try to get a conviction and there as fast as they can. the democrats are going to run on it. have you ever seen anything like this? so her run the sea of networks that are excited about it. >> this is offensive. when you talk about the fear of democracy which were talking to on college campuses this is what we talk about. and get that with the democratic party is trying to do to our democracy. kick people off the ballot could withhold an individual paired withhold information from coming out that's printed in papers. another using a judicial system to go after our nominee, president trump. simply because they were afraid to run against the policies. i have never seen anything like this. this is what we talk about what we talk about democracy. this is what i feared they are using that power. if they were successful in november regaining the house or keeping the senate think how
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much further they will go. we have now found out, after elon musk had purchased twitter that use it not just on elected officials, on all of you across america. they will use it on anyone if you disagree with them. that is different than america. that is what we all need to join together. mark: bite isn't evil autocrat pretty was about his opposition in prison and impose his own black dog government for its really grotesque. kevin mccarthy, thanks so much. be well my friend and god bless. mark: we will be right back.
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mark: welcome back america. we heard the great retired four-star general jack keane. if you were up to me you'd be secretary of defense, general whether you take it or not i don't know that's a whole other story.
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i want to focus with you on the middle east iran, our funding of iran, the lifting of sanctions on iran, iran surrogates, iran is the mothership of terrorism throughout the middle east and perhaps throughout the world. i mean i feel like we are vulnerable to iran they will have a nuclear weapon and we are not focused on iran et cetera putting her foot on israel's throat. what you make of this? which is pretty staggering in the biden administration has failed miserably in terms of their strategic objectives in the middle east. it starts with iran. iran is controlling the middle east in terms of the aggression taking place their strategic objectives with they talk about all the time. they are very clear. their goals are to dominate and control the middle east and to control the flow of oil out of the persian gulf principally. to achieve that they state to objectives one is to drive united states military outs of
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the middle east into is to destroy the state of israel. and as a result of october 7 which they help to plan they helped hamas to train for which they help them to execute the reality is they operationalize all of their proxies in concert with the ground invasion of israel. this is who they are really all about they are the kingpin here to what is happening and the pressure as they referred to it the ring of resistance around israel. they are controlling all of it the training of the supporting of it, the fighting of it, thinking about how to conduct that operation. and yet the biden administration fundamentally ignores the reality i just said. in fact they tried to distance themselves bite at the beginning by saying we have no specific evidence that indicates iran was
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involved in the decision but with their referring too as we do not have a message. we haven't interrupted a message or we have not heard a conversation. the conclusion is obvious what is taking place here. we do not exploit the economy the fact of the matters is it's vulnerability trump administration showed us how vulnerable they put them in the tank, biden came in and began to remove those sanctions. the second thing is all of that recesses go into offense. people are not very much aware of this. iran does not have much capability to defend itself not much of an air force that much of a navy. even their ground forces are very limited. they put most of that money into offense of missiles and drones. so therefore iran is very vulnerable to limited measured attacks against capabilities that they have it. they fundamentally believe they
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are not going to be attacked. their proxies will absorb the blow from the united states and allies in the region that pretty much is their pattern of activity they do not get attacked themselves they do not think it's going to happen. so if we took those measures and believe meet the commander at central command who controls the middle east for the united states i know for a fact that command through sources has made a recomrecommendations scores om to take down limited i rgc assets and iran. they get them to shut down all of their activities. this is doable but the biden administration ignores it completely. it is absolutely staggering. they believe the approach you take with iran is too political and diplomatic channels and to demonstrate our sincerity we should appease them and make concessions to them. that strategy has failed miserably. mark: we will be right back.
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mark: welcome back america. general jack keane what about nukes in the view of other nations including those involved in the abraham according what's going on in the middle east right now?
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quickset is very revealing. personal did with nuclear weapons iran is holding back on developing a nuclear weapon for them got all the capabilities to do that. i suspect strongly the reason for that is not so much concern about the united states but concerned about israel taking action against that. they believe they can accomplish so much by what is unfolding in front of us right now. that is the strategy that art pursuant too. i'm glad you asked this question about the arabs in the middle east. it is not revealed or public it does not get talked about much. but the reality is when we are talking with the arab nations that truly matter kingdom of saudi arabia, uae, egypt and other arab states in the region, they are of one mind to hear it. that is the fact iran is the major threat to stability and peace in the region for that is number one. not the palestinian israeli issue. number one is iran. number two, privately they want
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hamas destroyed. they are not going to say that publicly but they know hamas is an achilles heel for them in terms of peace and stability. second, they are fed up with the palestinian authority leadership it is corrupt it has been corrupt for years they have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into these guys nothing is ever been achieved appeared there fed up with the rejection of over chores the israelis have made some of which have been incredibly reasonable and they rejected all of them. they wen want new leadership the for sure. the other thing is after this war is over the kingdom of saudi arabia and mohamed has said this just as recently as a couple of weeks ago privately he fully intends to open up the diplomatic cabinet with relations with israel, why is that? he sees israel as a centerpiece of the struggle against iran's influence and domination of the
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middle east and they want their technology and e an economic bet for mutual cooperation. that means the arabs still to this day want to form a coalition with israel to do if iran is the principal enemy in the middle east despite the war in gaza which is going on. it is not talked about publicly because they do not want to talk about it publicly. but that is really where they are and it's a great question you asked. mark: even jordan today, hamas with the backing of iran is trying to form a revolution there again. the king of jordan and his people are now very concerned about what hamas is doing underscoring your points if you understand this and you see this in the arab leaders understand this and so forth than what is it missing in the united states? is it because john mccain said antennae blanket is a dangerous man he is an ideological man who's going to get people hurt
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and americans killed? is it because they embrace this idea of a realignment in the middle east where iran sort of bounces out israel as other scholars have written. what is driving this? what cisco back to the obama administration and many people around biden are from that administration. blinken, jake sullivan and others. the reality is right from the very beginning right after obama was elected and before he took office. i know this for a fact he had a letter he sent to the supreme leader and iran. he was trying to create a nixon type that he had with china he wis attempting to do the same thing with iran. they believed to be the seminole foreign policy achievement of their administration. they never gave up on that it obviously led to the so-called nuclear deal with the iranians. the people around biden to this day and biden was a part of obama's administration, believe
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diplomacy is the way to work with iran to achieve stability in the middle east. what is the evidence that has any validity whatsoever? there is none out there. but they refused to let go of this. and at wo work with the israelid work with the arabs to deter iran's aggression. which i just indicated can be done. we are not doing it. this administration, believe me is not going to do it. the art where they are. they have rejected every recommendation the military has made to take even a limited military action against i rgc assets in iran. they are not up to the task of doing this. and the separation that now achieving with israel, politically and diplomatically is absolutely appalling to see something like this where they are no longer supporting israel's war aims.
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i never thought i would see something like that. mark: the of the ideologues in charge millie testified they did not support the weight we pulled out of afghanistan that biden and a blinken or in charge for they are in charge here. they reject competent military advice that is effective. general jack keane i want to think of your past service in your service today. god bless you my friend. >> always good talking to you and your audience, thank you. mark: we will be right back. we're here with chris counahan
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>> welcome back america you not only witnessing history of living it. the question is whether we decide to raise liberty or tearing me, whether we decide to embrace our founders were joe biden and bernie sanders. whether we decide to support israel or iran. good versus evil, that's what's
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going on in this country. we talk about the media and the culture and how they have been devoured by the left, there's no question about it but there is tens of millions of us and just talking to ten or 20 people were army patriots that love our country who believe in our history who admire our founders. we have people in our family so fought for this country, many of whom who have died, let's not surrender this. the biden and the other reprobates, getting engaged in some way, somehow in your own role in life. we can beat these pastors. i'll see you next time on life, liberty and levin. ♪


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