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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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the term limits and out of respect for the term limits i recognize that having served here in the house for 20 years, it is time for me to call it quits and allow a new generation of leaders to come in. i've had my opportunity. and i leave this institution really loving and respecting it even in the most chaotic form that were currently in. trey: one of my former favorite colleagues patrick mchenry from the great state of north carolina. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> you the best. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. until next week you can find us online at gowdy america or trey gotti podcast. good night from south carolina.
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iran's unprece stles d defense. >> it showing that it wants to achieve. >> were living in the arab drone warfare. >> what your message try rhiannon this moment. >> don't. >> "the big weekend show" begins with the fox news alert. thank you for joining us i'm griff jenkins, jackie deangelis, doctor nicole saphier and charlie hurt. iran attacks israel and the biden administration response under the microscope. iran unloading more than 300 missiles and drones 24 hours ago, now the idf is calling for two more brigades to gaza. foreign correspondent trey yingst is in tel aviv tonight. >> good evening, for four hours today israel's war cabinet met here in tel aviv.
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israel's version of the pentagon to hammer out the details of what an israeli response to the brazen iranian attack might look like hundreds of missiles and drones soaring through the skies overnight toward israel. an unprecedented event for the jewish state. one expert in the region say will likely draw a response. israeli media is reporting there was disagreement in the cabinet about the timing and the scope of what a retaliatory attack might look like. we know israel has released new video showing their fighter jets overnight intercepting some of the drones in missiles this was seen as a success for the israelis great even when the projectiles made it past the jets many were intercepted by israel's array of air defense systems including the advanced systems including david's sling and arrow system. the iranians releasing new video of the ballistic missile
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launches and reports indicate many of the launches failed assigned for the israelis that iran may not be prepared for a prolonged conflict but is something israel has to prepare for hit self understanding that iran could further activate its proxies in places like yemen or lebanon. griff: thank you. anti-israel and anti-american rhetoric escalating at home. pro-palestinian activists to march on the convention the summer celebrating iran's attack on israel. >> have to report something to everyone. so it begins. iran has responded about 30 minutes ago. [applause] >> there are reports of drones having been fired on israel from yemen and iraq. >> this is when this country in the world needs us because the united states is what going to
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defend the criminal israeli state. all all the anti-war committees in palestine support coalitions here must be ready immediately to be out in the streets and to stop the u.s. from expanding the war. >> hands up iran. hands off iran. that is alarming and studying video. jackie let's start with you. jackie: what are your thoughts. >> that's what this administration is catering to. if you think back to october 7 and what the response was from president biden. he said we stand with israel, those were his words but have his actions actually match the words. they haven't, resetting your six month later, no aid package to be seen, he wants to tie that to all kinds of other aid rather than separating it out and making sure that he gets to israel and now he's telling benjamin netanyahu were talking to stand by you if you want to strike back against israel. what is benjamin netanyahu going
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to do stand there after an attack occurred. it's a really rough situation to be in. he's caving to the pressure of the groups that are in pockets of this country where he's worried about boats. in michigan he only one in 2020 by a margin of 3%. he's worried about not only because of these kinds of issues but also because autoworkers. he's thinking about 24 and how he's going to get himself reelected for another term. he's not taking about the american people and is not taking about the overall country and how it should end by israel audit time like this. quite frankly it's appalling. griff: you raised michigan. a week ago today in dearborn michigan another demonstration chanting death to america out there. we have a soundbite of what the organizer had to say and when we asked karine jean-pierre to respond to it here's a little bit of what happened. >> is not genocide joe has to go
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at the entire system that has to go. >> it was a pretty significant display. if your hearing for me, i think that's important. the other part that i want to be very clear about, peaceful protests is something that the president has also been very clear that is important to give folks space to peacefully protest but any type of violent rhetoric we are going to denounce. griff: you solve a chance death to america and th and the whitee says they condemned that but what we saw to chicago is any prelude of what we get is he at the dnc and here in michigan where biden is fighting for boats. nicole: watching those videos overnight and iran celebrating the attack on israel is similar,
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do you remember nine 9/11 young palestinians celebrating in the streets after the attack on america. it reminded me in the growing anti-americanism all throughout the region. israel remains our biggest ally. though the only ones that are aligned with our moral standards, our democracy and so forth. it's not only the anti-american feeling across the world is growing here the united states and infiltrating in the united states. receipt and michigan in chicago and not only karine jean-pierre but we have members of congress who are refusing to condemn death to america chance. there's one thing the freedom of speech and another thinker allowing the anti-american sentiment some super me in our country and not to mention with the open rolling admission across the southwest quarter we have the 1.8 million unknown guideways and we already know how many have been on the terrorist watch list. were in a very dangerous situation and very alarming. this 2024 election this is very
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serious and honestly we cannot let politics get in the way of our security. griff: charlie doesn't appear to the protesters chanting death to america or hands off iran that they would love nothing more than to actually kill them. >> is a great point. after the october 7 attacks, the things that we heard most of all from the pro-palestinians we were talking about worrying about the innocent people in palestine in gaza which everybody has concern for innocent people in gaza. what is interesting. they completely's flip the script, they're not pretending to care about that. what they care about are the armed militants. in this case are talking about a man butchering the armed militants attacking israel. the same people have no problem with what happened on october 7. that was a fantastic win as far as they're concerned. i think you're exactly right. the biden campaign, all they
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care about is how do we pander to these people, they look at these people and there's nothing that they're not going or aren't willing to sacrifice in terms of principles or whatever in order to favor with them so they can win michigan. you do have free speech is and you can say what you want to but if you have a politician who is eagerly seeking the support for the people who believe these things then you have a real problem at the top of that campaign. griff: devereaux problem at the united nations a few blocks away. return to another fox news alert. the united nations security council wrapping up emergency meeting on iran's attack as israel's ambassador with the push of the revolutionary guard corps to be designated as a terror group. cb cotton is live at the un. what can you tell us. >> israeli ambassador called for
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the emergency security council meeting after calling the iranian drone attack a violation of international law. he also called on the council to reimpose sanctions, condemn the attack and designate the iranian resolution regard as a terror group. he also reminded the council during the meeting that israel can respond to the latest show of aggression. >> this attack crossed every redline then israel reserves their legal right to retaliate. were not a frog in boiling water we are a nation of lions following such a direct attack on israel the entire world left alone israel cannot set the action we will defend our future. >> during today's meeting all security council members agreed that there is a risk for broader conflict in the middle east.
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several of the members did condemn the iranian escalation but to no surprise the strongest rebukes of the iranian drone attack came from the united states, france and the united kingdom. u.s. ambassador robert wood accused iran of being complicit in providing funding and trading to the military wing of hamas in october 7 attack and he said in part iran's attention was the cause significant death and damage to israel with the latest drone attack. the ambassador also had this morning. >> let me be clear. if iran or its proxies take action against the united states or further action against israel. iran will be held responsible. >> rather than outright condemnation, some security council members urged israel and iran to show restraint and de-escalate the situation to include russia which is growing military ties with iran russia's un ambassador said that iranian strikes did not happen in a
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vacuum but were a reaction to what he called an egregious attack by israel referring to the april 1 airstrike on an iranian consulate in syria. israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. iran has maintained that saturday's drone attack on israel was self-defense in iran's un ambassador reiterated the messaging to the security council. >> had a no choice but the inherent right to self-defense on the international law. madam president the current situation is clear to all from the start of the use against palestinian people in gaza more than 34000 civilians. >> the un secretary-general at the start of the meeting also urged restraint and de-escalation. he also said everyone had a steak at peace. back to you. griff: cb cotton live at the un.
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jackie let me come to you were getting the reaction there and iran says they had no choice, make a reaction. >> i expect nothing less than what happened at the un specifically because they had the un rwa and had to fire some people within the subgroup that was helping the palestinians for orchestrating october 7. this is the agency that you're dealing with. when i hear the iranian ambassador i think is right to call it the islamic republic. my mom came from iran iran as we used to know it before the revolution. it is now completely changed. in some ways our similarities to what you see with hamas leadership of some of the innocent palestinians as well in innocent iranians. this regime is so totalitarian and has embedded its tentacles within the region to the proxies all over very quietly, slowly but surely.
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of course they're going to say that. it's our job as the united states to say this is not okay israel does have a right to defend itself. all of this started to change after abraham accord after president trump was able to bring about real change in the middle east. as soon as the saudi arabians started to get a little closer to israel and say we want to do business and be part of the global order. all of a sudden hamas attacks in this way. were sitting in a situation where this a administration has to take a stand they can't pander to the pocket group to has to stand up for what's right although deterrence would've been the right option in the middle east that has been lost on us. >> this is where we are. coming up on the jampacked big we can show. >> your message to iran in this moment. >> don't. >> i have one word, don't. >> outrage over biden's message to iran before the attack and now the administration is getting ripped for bankrolling all of it.
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>> any country, any organization or anyone thinking taken advantage of the situation. i have one word, don't. >> what is your message to hezbollah and its backer iran. >> don't. >> don't, don't, don't. >> what your message to iran in this moment. >> don't. >> he did, they did. were back with the fox news alert, the tough guy talk did not enter iran from attacking israel as we saw last night the white house is passing the buck as it blames china for failing to de-escalate the rising tensions in the middle east. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house. >> good evening, we just learned moments ago that half of iran's ballistic missiles failed to launch or crashed short of their targets. none of this was given out on a background call for reporters at the white house earlier, we
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heard from national security council spokesman john kirby on "fox news sunday" who says that he wants china to do more to rain and iran. >> i want to dispute the fact that china can do more, china should do more in terms of the middle east and the relationship that they have with iran and yes we've asked them to use their influence to a positive. all that president xi speak to what he is or isn't willing to do but they have not put that pressure on tehran and recently want them to do that. >> democratic senator john fetterman says president biden needs to not condition any aid to israel. >> i don't agree with that. i think we should follow and have israel's back in the situation. i don't agree with the president. that doesn't change anything that he is a fantastic president and i'm proud to stand with him a campaign for him and vote for him. >> speaking of missile defense, president biden's defense budget
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cuts it by $400 million, tomorrow iraq's prime minister comes in the white house and perhaps will deliver a message from iran. nicole: i want to come to you jackie. you see the white house, john kirby was trying to blame china for what was going on right now, possibly when this administration may take some blame. i want to go back to the interview earlier today with shannon bream on "fox news sunday" in john kirby. take a listen to this. >> is it not fair to say that there is moved by this a administration that have opened up cash and other opportunities which we know were fungible in ways that are not helping the iranian people but benefiting the elites and people there who chant death to america. >> we have this fungibility argument before. i obviously take a different issue with that characterizat characterization. the sanctions relief that is come about, not even sanctions relief but the additional funds that are made available to iran
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due to the sanctions relief program that the trump administration put in place can only be used for humanitarian goods and it does not go to the regime. the idea the regime felt like they were freed up to support these proxies because of that it just doesn't comport with the facts. they have been supporting the proxies for many, many years. >> saying we will use this money in the way that we want to use it. >> real quick, he said that we have to go to earlier this week when the deputy treasury secretary testified on capitol hill talking about the money going to iran and he had this to say. >> in iran they prevent any dollar that they get that them direct access in the country will be used for the irgc before its use for other people. >> what is your take. >> it's amazing not only the sanctions in the billions of dollars that they have gone there directly from the united states everybody knows that money will be used whatever they want to use it for for drones
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were missiles in this attack but also this administration and john kirby not taken any responsibility for what president biden did the first day in office tamping down the u.s. energy industry and open up the floodgates for iran to put 4 million barrels of oil back on the market on the black market, selling to russia, china and india to build up its coffers to the tune of roughly $70 billion when president trump was in office there was a fear factor but it was not all that, it was the fact that he had bankrupt them and they were able to rise up and do anything or threaten in any way and money talks and that regard. that's why it's important to realize by holding the producers back in allowing iran to come back to the market in taking us out and rejoining the nuclear deal that was a bad deal still allowing them to work secretly on their new clear weapons program and also creating a situation where they are back in
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the global space like this. that's why we stand here today, what happened in the last three years did not happen in a vacu vacuum. nicole: not to mention that president biden rolled back the ban on iranian missiles at president trump and reinstated. that is not a president biden continues to allow iran to get money just last month, take a listen to this, matthew miller, state department spokesperson on a new waiver. >> with respect to the waiver itself, we issued the waiver and i would emphasize as you heard me before these are waivers that are been regularly issued to iraq going back to 2018 under previous administration. >> a great point they did start under the trump administration but last week iran was able to get 20 billion for electricity because they need it but the point was made if your joe biden near the commander-in-chief and the leader of the free world. just because it's after the trump administration. what we saw yesterday stop allowing him to get the money.
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they clearly have one goal and that is committing terrorism. the lead sponsor of terror on the planet. >> first of all the idea that the administration is trying to blame china for all of this goes to show how horribly biden administration has eroded american credibility all over the world and i get that they going to try to blame all of this on china. he needs to come up with a new biden doctrine the don't thing is not working it didn't work in ukraine or russia and it doesn't work in gaza and it's not working with iran. it doesn't work anywhere. at the end of the day i think jackie is right. it comes down to american power and if america's wealthy and has a wonderful output of oil and has power and strength then you don't have problems like this. donald trump understood that. the current administration is furthering it all the way. people are dying because of it.
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jackie: can i make one quick point when president biden was vice president under barack obama he withdrawal redlines in syria and allow people to trample over them so nobody took the administration seriously. when president biden says don't and all the admirals say don't and then it happens there is no retaliation or anything like that. that is a redline that they have crossed and there is no respect for us anymore. nicole: we have to leave it there, trump takes on biden. >> it's time for cricket joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states and i to debate. we have to talk about what he is doing and where we are going. nicole: the media is joining together to make the same request. that is next. ♪ we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market.
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♪. charlie: welcome back to "the big weekend show" donald trump sending a heated message to president biden on iran's attacks and so are trump supporters, fox correspondent alexis mcadams is in pennsylvania where trump held a fiery rally after the attack. >> former president trump was in pennsylvania when the news of the attacks on israel broke he came out strong saying america must stand by israel and said this never would've happened if he was in the white house. >> i want to say god bless the people of israel they are under attack right now. that is because we show great weakness. it would not happen with the weakness that we've shown, it's
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unbelievable and it would not have happened if we were in office. you know that, we know that and everybody knows that. >> joe biden was briefed on this attack, trump was at a large rally into fundraiser where he is really trying to work on his ground game. biden said the attack by iran could happen soon, his message has been simply don't. that did not work. trump the presumptive 2024 republican nominee saying biden could get the country into a world war, voters on the ground in pennsylvania say the united states appear was weak on the world stage. >> i am worried about weak leadership. normally people look to america and they say what is america going to do and i'm worried that were feckless in waiver and do not show strong leadership on international scale. >> as president trump is back in new york city were helping in a courtroom tomorrow. he's focused on what's happening in israel saying we must show that we stand with our allies there. back to you.
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charlie: we kind of talked about this a minute ago. it is true this in a whole array of catastrophes going all wrong in the world you can make argument would not have happened at a president trump it is policies. jackie: absolutely you can make the argument and he would make himself a president biden would be willing to get up and debate him. this is the first time that we have two presidents with a track record and they could go toe to toe on each issue. you know as well as i do the handlers don't want biden on the stage because you don't know what will happen when he's off script. charlie: i can't think of anything more important in a fulsome debate on this. media organizations got together and send letter to the candidates and say it's too early for indentations for any candidates. it's not too early for candidates who expected meet the eligibility criteria to publicly state their support and intention to participate in the commissions debates planned for this fall. could you imagine in 2024, two
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people running for president and not debating. >> the vice presidential debate is already set for september. you can about the vice president have a debate and you're not. i'll just tell you what i think, this is my own theory and i can be completely wrong. i think the biden fully intends to debate and wants everyone to tug, bake and plead so people will play down and say he's holding out because he can't do it and set the expectation so low and he over delivers. charlie: if the media does not go crazy over this is malpractice on their part. >> i think president biden refusing to commit to a debate is the most antidemocratic thing that i can certainly see. he can't just have a mar-a-lago that like people being on social media pandering to your base. you have to have an open dialogue and in the form of debate in the precipice of a world war iii, essentially because policies that biden rolled back from trump this is the perfect time to say whose
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policies were better where would we be right now. it's absolutely they need to have a debate. charlie: joe biden is going to save democracy. coming up the liberal media salivate at the even of trump's trial in new york city. that is next. >> history books will record what happens tomorrow in the history books will record what will happen in the day in months moving forward as it relates to ♪
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♪ ♪. jackie: welcome back to "the big weekend show".
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tomorrow donald trump's trial kicks off with jury selection in the liberal media is downright giddy over the fact that he'll be held up in court. >> not to history in the making, tomorrow in new york donald trump faces a rendezvous with justice becoming the first former american president to stand trial for criminal offense. >> i don't know the playbook but i understand donald trump is going to come out every day import hot water on the proceedings. >> trump has thrown hail mary after hail mary to try to prevent his trial from happening. >> the history books will record what happens tomorrow in the history books will record what will happen in the day in months when we move forward. jackie: whether overlooking is a possibility that the jury poll may be tainted. >> is going to be a challenging jury. it's easier to find a stray manatee in manhattan then somebody who is a natural trump supporter, this is one of the most hostile jurisdictions to trump and that's going to be reflected in the jury poll. jackie: hard to know where to
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start. i will start with the jury poll and the blue city and state. really tough to get a fair tri trial. charlie: the remarkable thing is so highly politicized that the jury questionnaire should be are you a democrat or republican. at the end of the day that's always going to come down to, no facts of the charges that are ridiculous, they've gone through all of these efforts in charging federal crimes and local jurisdictions. it is insane. at the end of the day the entire thing is political and you may as well try to get a jury if trump can try to get republicans. one republican on the jury is all he needs. jackie: out of all of the charges against him in the cases that are against him this is the least serious but having said that would require a lot of time he has to be in court and has to
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go on for some time before he can move onto the next won this is a critical time we have major issues as we've been discussing throughout the show going on globally that he can speak to the american people on. he's not been able to travel in campaign. he has to be in court tomorrow. >> much of the media is excited to watch. he could technically go to jail if found guilty on this but as jonathan turley pointed out today he said basically alvin bragg took a dead misdemeanor intruded into 34 felonies that the federal government passed on because the statute of limitations and there was no case. when we heard trump say he's going to testify you can expect he will find a way to bring the argument back to would anyone else other than the one named donald j trump be facing these charges on this trial into charlie's point it only takes one juror that believes these charges shouldn't have been brought against him to bring to
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it a mistrial. jackie: back to the media mistrial there salivating when it comes to anything that has to do with him or trying to get them. nicole: absolutely did you look at the headlines, trial of the century, the calm before the storm, are you kidding me this is about hush money from infidelity. i understand falsifying documents is illegal so that is what is being brought up on charges right now. where's the media will be talk about the atrocities that occurred against is really people on october 7. they don't like to talk about those details and the fact that we continue to shipped illegal migrants all throughout her country and are going through these towns and redistributing our funding and resources to them these are the things that the america people care about, their training in this to a complete circus and were being laughed at across the world no wonder anti-american sentiment is rising. we are an embarrassment. jackie: voters see this. charlie: i don't think it's what you're hurting. all the aspects of it people
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know all of these things, there is not good to be anything new here. the only thing that is new is all of these people are using the justice system to carry out attacks on their political opponent and as we've seen all along for a year now voters don't really like that cohen says something is coming. >> everybody knows about stormy daniels is not like the morality of trump's character is on trial right now. come on we are past this. jackie: coming back on th "the g weekend show" gen z struggling with mental health with any other generation could it be smart phone insanity. a social psychologist thanks so andy has a remedy. tomorrow a huge box in front starts at 6:00 a.m. eastern, gregg jarrett, brett tolman breakdown trump's trial dvr the show if you cannot catch a live
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>> welcome back to "the big weekend show" there is no evidence that gen z is struggling with mental health. a quarter to 18 to 16 -year-olds told gallup the less happier when they compare themselves to other people their age. one prominent social psychologist says smart phones are creating anxiety and depression riddled generation. he is urging parents to take them away from young kids. >> what i propose is for simple norms the fourth is most important. here they are. no smartphones before high school, too, no social media before 16. phone preschools. the port doesn't get talked about as much far more independence free play and responsibility in the real wor world. if you give your kid more freedom as we had when we were kids. if you give them freedom they
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may have an iphone though be outside and sit on social media but if they are flip phones in order to connect they will text each other the way millennial's did and say let's meet up at the playground were meet at the pizza shop. we have to give them back freedom and we can't take away the smart phone, you have to give them freedom. >> the debate about technology and kids touched on nicole's book love mom, she expanded on this with fox news senior meteorologist janice tina fox nation special love mom the live show. >> my kids and copy were i'm on the phone in there like mom, are you listening to me and that's the moment where i was like i need to be a better example. >> the sapphire boys have adopted martha's method. now we all do homework together around the kitchen table. i am on my phone a lot. it doesn't matter what i'm doing on my phone. i have to put it away and be present in the moment. griff: we have the book right
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here. i'm going to begin with you doctor sapphire, let's talk about this you go into this a little bit and with the phones. a parent of one teenager and 120-year-old. really important stuff. nicole: you have girls and have boys and it's really challenging trying to be apparent in the digital era especially with the rise of social media. while i like a lot of his little things of advice, a lot of things we talk about in the book. it's not just my story but a lot of different stories and martha maccallum dug into technology. some of the things she was doing in her household. it was a great idea checking the phone as the kids came in for the day. why do you need your phone when you're at home surrounded by her family. sitting around the kitchen table, everyone doing their homework together, creating the interaction so they're not been isolated. while he mentioned they should be on social media until 16 or have a phone until a certain age. at the end of the day you're seeing a rise in mental illness.
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people of all ages, 16 -year-olds, 24 euros because of the increased use of social media and or technology. we have to make a way that we are less depended on it and create more interaction. one of the things about this book that i love so much. as moms, being a parent it is very difficult. we all learn from each other. from the i started on my motherhood journey and many of you know is untraditional. i became a mom when i was in high school so i kind of grew up and while raising a baby and looking back now that i have two younger children. i realize things that maybe i could've done better, maybe some things that i did in this book i was able to interview somebody fox moms, ainsley earhart, martha maccallum, also non- fox moms summer my patients one is a goldstar mom in our fox viewers that roden and i learned something from every single mom and here, i took notes some
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submitted scriptures for quick reference, the bad days that you need support, i cannot tell you how beautiful this book is. if you haven't got it for your mom's or wife's or friends. i'm telling you you missed out this book make me laugh and cry but it warms my heart so much. >> you signing this after the show. what do you think of what she's talking about. the clearest observation that i've had with phones and my two daughters is anxiety part is a major part of all of this. >> i think you put your finger on it, the answer is mom, mom and dad in the amount of time and effort that goes in, a big reason why people wind up on the smartphones is because parents are not investing the time and to take them out. to take kids out and get them to do things that are interesting that are way more interesting than this stupid stuff and social media stuff that is
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daring and dangerous and that is a challenge and you get a reward from. jackie: all say this since i'm the only one that doesn't have children. i look at this from a business perspective, the phone makers and app makers are designing the apps to keep your kids addicted. it's up to the parents to set the rules and the boundaries and make sure that they stay healthy. nicole: amen. >> nicole's book love mom goes on sale tuesday. if we didn't give you chance to buy it, go buy it you don't want to miss it. this fox nation special love mom featuring your favorite fox moms drops tomorrow you could check it out go to fox nation you will not want to miss it. the big four i i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big we can show for a time for the big four. our picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. i'll go first. global markets are expected to react to the developing situation between israel and iran part of course i am watching the oil markets $85 for wti, $90 for gas prices on the rise as we go into the peak of the summer driving season. if israel is to strike back to a run in some way, they are producing 4 million barrels of oil. that's in jeopardy comes up to market you will see one of the old school spikes in oil prices that nobody likes it. meantime do not forget to set your dvr to into the big monday
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show week pms. >> of gagas prices are already g up. more sliding invited 46% of voters thank think that biden'st bad for america. 42% say trump is mostly good for america. so we will see. if we have a good debate it will be even clearer because you want that debate. >> yes. >> of the golf fans scotty shelter came out on top here masters ascended shooting 11 under par two and a seco and thd green jacket. as tiger woods recorded his worst ever score. tigers score 16 over power. scheffler is expected to take home over $3.5 million as part of his winnings. remember you can watch who was tiger woods on fox nation right now. it is the green jacket regrets it is indeed found the house is expected to take action on a direct israeli aid package were
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house speaker had to say about it for. >> he understood the urgency of this from the very beginning. a few days after i became speaker, would back in october we passed her israel support package. it is been sitting on chuck schumer's desk ever since. we tried again about a month and a half ago many democrats 166 as i remember the house voted against, why? presidential biden said he would be to that. the house republicans in the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel. we're going to try again this week. cooks are going to try to guarantee it happens we can guarantee is will drop on twos that you can get it you will not want to miss it. that does it for us. we'll see out next weekend. great to be with all of you guys. "life, liberty & levin" starts righ dozen people including top reading command. i am jon scott now to "life, liberty & levin." ♪


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