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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 15, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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term limits and out of respect for the term limits i recognizel having served in the house for 20 years, it is time to call it quits and allow new generationl leaders to come in. so, i have had my opportunity and i leave this institution i'm a really loving it and respecting it, even in its most chaotic form that we are currently in. >> trey: one of my former favorite colleagues, patrick mchenrey: y from the great state of north carolina.join thank you for joining us on aigt sunday night. >> you are the best, trey. bes >> trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us.than i hope you have a great weekend and i hope you can find
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again with madeleine rivera, live in washington. madeleine good morning, carley and todd. the president is facing two tall tasks when he meets with the prime ministers of iraq and the czech republic. today, he's working to maintain the international coalition of support for ukraine. at the same time, he's trying to deescalate the situation in the middle east. after that unprecedented attack by iran
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against israel over the weekend, president biden says the u.s. will step in to help israel defend itself. what he says the u.s. won't do is participate in a counter-offensive. if israel does launch one against iran. louisiana senator john kennedy has some tough words for the president with respect. go to amazon and buy a spine online sign, peace through weakness never works. not with these hard, hard men. israel's not at war with hamas or hezbollah or yemen. those are all surrogates for iran. israel is a war with iran >> iran hates america, iran hates and iran what to kill. >> we press national security
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john kirby about sanctions waiver the biden administration says can only be used for humanitarian goods. the state department says the waiver was initiates r initiated europe the trump administration, who is emboldening iran. >> it is hard to look at what president biden has done and say we went soft on iran. the previous administration got us out of the iran deal. they are closer to a nuclear deal than before mr. trump was elected. >> madeleine: the president will talk about helping iraq during the lasting defeat of isis. carley and todd. >> carley: thank you. let's bring in rebekah. what are options on the table
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here and what do you think they are going to do? r >> rebekah: israel must respond forcefully. what iran has done is striking inside iran, huge departure of the war-fighting doctrine. israel must convince iran they benefit from the attack is com completely erased by cost israel am impose on them. we are talking along the lines of attacking iranian nuclear program infrastructure. something that is a military target, supporting command and control and leadership and oil infrastructure, something very s significant. unacceptable damage in war fare is what they must do.
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>> todd: biden said don't, iran did. co coincid coincidence they did? >> rebekah: 100% predictable. biden administration said don't, don't, don't and the iranians went ahead and did that anyway. what does it tell you? that nobody respects biden. that has huge implication strategic capability of the entire world. if iran does not listen, russia or china does not listen. why is that? everything that president biden and his team have done so far is the opposite of what one must do to convince your adversary not to escalate. biden tried to micro-manage prime minister netanyahu and how they conduct war-fighting operation and released $6
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billion to iran basically, of course it goes toward their military operation. biden did not respond after the i iranian proxies attacked 170 times u.s. forces, giving them brain damage. no one respects him. my concern is, what is next after red lines it crossed? >> carley: that is big question, you mentioned israel attacking on the iranian side, if they take that option, will it be de deterrent? r >> rebekah: they must out escalate. various ways of striking nuclear program support sites, there is an attack we're brilliant at that and have cyber
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capabilities, we used it during the obama administration. it does not need to go boom, although that is what they and population of the countries look for. but only thing only entity you need to convince are iranians. >> carley: a lot of options are on the table. thank you for joining us. >> todd: continuing coverage on the situation in middle east. congressman cory mills and idf soldier rudy ropin, who has been on the ground since october 7th. stick with us all morning long. >> carley: happening today, jury selection begins in the hush money trial, everything you need to know about this coming up next.
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>> todd: happening today former president trump's hush money trial begins with jury selection, first ever former president to stand for a criminal trial. >> carley: that is a big deal. brooke astor is here. >> brooke: jury selection could take two weeks. jurors will be asked 42
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different questions, including where they get their news from, if they have attended a trump campaign event, follow him on social media or if they have attended a trump -- made political contributions to. former president is facing 34 accounts of falsifying business issues, regarding payments to stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 election. the statute of limitations have run out, alvin bragg must intend trump intend the to secure a second crime to secure the conviction. >> one of the crazy things about the case, what we're dealing with here are misdemeanor
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defenses that threw a weird process, alvin bragg has attempted to convert to felony offenses. >> trump is expected to attend the full trial, he said, i will fight for myself and this country. election interference like this never ham happened inlet usa before and hopefully will never happen again. his other cases are classified documents, federal election interference case and georgia election interference case. expected to last through june and could face up to four years in prison. >> todd: brooke singman live. bring in mark smith, constitutional attorney and former member of president trump's transition team. each side has a strategy,
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prosecution and defense when picking a jury. what would your strategy be on behalf of president trump? >> you know, the phrase jury selection is not being beiaccur, you are engaging in jury deselection. you want to get anybody off the jury that could be die-hard anti-trumper that will be anti-trump and kind of personality forceful enough to persuade others to vote against trump for good of the country. make sure anyone with strong rabid anti-trump views, get those jurors off the jury. juror deselection is more important than notion of jury selection. >> todd: to that point, how accurate is this process in
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really getting at true background of these individuals? when you have done this in the past, have you had after the fact, we discovered this person was really a bad selection because they had these things in the background we did not get at during the selection process. >> most important thing is ability to interact with jury and ask questions and have perspective jurors answer questions back. here is where it is interesting, todd, if you think about it, the democratic biden party has succ successfully gotten donald trump into this courtroom. in most cases, the judge wants to go home, the parties want the case over as fast as possible. here i don't think the incentives aline. i suspect the judge and alvin
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bragg and his office are fine letting this drag out or let jury selection go on for weeks on end, which would help president trump get on identify people that are anti-trumpers. on the other hand -- not campaigning and not doing what he need to win the election in november. >> todd: i would play 4-d chess with you, are you confident selection of the jury pool, hundreds of people making their way to the courthouse in manhattan today that was random as supposed to beo or any opportunity for somebody to tip the scales? >> no, i suspect it is very random at this point, they will bring jurors in, usually at the beginning of the process of selecting a jury, they ask
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perspective jurors, any reason why you cannot sit through this trial for medical, business reasons and usually if you say, i can't, they ask questions to make sure it is a valid reason. the judge said anyone that raises their hand ands i am not able to be sitting through this, they will be let off the jury. any other defendant, manhattan would be a good place to dry a case like this, people are familiar with coy fididn'tiality agreements and book-keeping issues, when you are donald trump and that last night, hard for him to get a fair trial. selection of who will sit in the jury box has been random, we'll see what happens as they are asked questions by lawyer says. >> todd: all eyes on the manhattan courthouse for next
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couple of weeks and months. we'll be uch watching. >> carley: their dr. nicole saphier has a new book hitting shelves tomorrow called "love mom" and celebrates motherhood with a collection of stories from moms at fox news. i am part of the live show available on fox nation, it is outside today. here is a sneak peek. >> i think sometimes you need to take your foot off the gas and one day off won't impact anything hopefully. take the day. sometimes you need to take a day for yourself. sgls >> my big piece of advice, accept help. >> my kids know i'm going to check their phones, they will not be on social media. my kids have caught me on the
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phone and mom, like are you listening to me and that is like the moment i was like, i need to be a better example. >> carley: senior meteorologist janice dean, here is she is with the fox weather forecast. that was a therapeutic session. >> janice: i agree. >> carley: with cocktails next time. >> janice: i'm in. you made the cocktail argument. >> todd: cocktails? can i come in? as long as i can drink, i'll serve you. >> janice: on fox nation now and nicole's book comes out tuesday. amazing. let's talk about the forecast, there is a lot going on, we have potential for severe weather today and warm tchlsz across the u.s. will fuel storms as area of low pressure eshgjects from rockies to plains.
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this afternoon into tomorrow, same areas getting potential for hail, damaging wind, heavy rainfall and tornado risk. here is risk today from central texas toward dakotas, including kansas and oklahoma, main areas we see, severe threat getting into springtime, this is tornado alley for a reason and we could see that fire up today, also, mid-atlantic, potential for large hail, damaging rain and isolated tornados, these are forecast highs today, 80s on the map, 81 tomorrow, 83 in jackson, 89 in dallas, we are getting close to the 90s getting through tuesday and wednesday. that is going to help fuel storms in severe weather impact. feeling more like june, may in some areas, as cold front moves through. you can see the forecast heat
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index, feeling like close to 90 in a lot of areas next couple days and front moves through. 91 in midland. temperature departure, 13 million below average across west, we could see snowfall, rest two of had thirds of the country, temperatures above average including in new york city, we will hit 75 today and then 70 and 50s again. >> carley: couple days of assists, we'll take it. >> janice: then it will be springtime, oh, so hot. >> carley: thank you, see you later. >> todd: people say money talks. you have heard that expression. historic attack on israel after joe biden gave a lot of money to iran. cheryl casone crunching numbers. >> carley: former idf soldier is here to give us insight on how israel could respond, that is next.
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>> todd: president biden set to host prime minister of iraq after iran fired 300 drones and missiles at israel, u.s. helping to take down nearly all of them. just moments ago, rebekah telling us israel next step is clear. >> >> rebekah: israel must respond. this is along lines of attacking iranian nuclear program infrastructure. >> carley: president biden told israel the u.s. would not participate in a counter attack against iran. iran does not think it will face co consequences. >> iran is vulnerable to limited attacks they have. they believe they will not be
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attacked, their proxy will absorb blow from the united states and allies in the region and that is the parent of activity. they don't get attacked themselves and think it will happen. >> carley: president biden as approved a sanctions waiver giving iran access to a lot of money. >> todd: cheryl casone. >> cheryl: president biden approving sanctions waiver granting iran access to $26 billion. iran now attacking israel for first time in history, not the first time we've seen this money become someastronaut flush for . they have been given access to fun funding sin president biden took office. it could fund a proxy war while
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stif stifling women in iran. iran-backed militia, iraq, syria, yemen and concern from the nuclear watch dog about iran st stockpile of enriched uranium. >> todd: what do the attacks mean for oil prices? >> cheryl: all eyes on oil prices today. right now down, wti, $84%, the global contract is down. vestors are walk watching for a respond from israel, that would change the oil market story. iran is an oil exporter, third la largest opec exporter. china, market it slowsly watching contracts and russia is calling for restraint but not condemning iran.
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wti is lowlower, that could cha this morning. analysts warn how israel respond is the story when it comes to oil and could make prices go possibly over $100 per hour, any attack on oil production or export facility in iran could drive the -- closure of straight of harmus will lead to prices in the $130 range. wti contract is sitting 84 dollars and change. going into the summer driving season, there is a lot of other factors that play into the m market. >> carley: thank you. bring in rudy rockman, reservist called up after the october 7 attack. rudy, you posted video of the
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israeli defense system at work on saturday, you took this video it shows missiles and drones be ing intercepted. you were just below, this was taking place above your head. what was that like for you? 300 drones and missiles coming from iran to israeli air space? >> yeah, thank you for having me. first time i experienced something like that, i was probably seven years old, we have had rockets from lebanon, gaza and now add iran. it is not comfortable, there is fear of a feeling that maybe some debris will fall although i have no fear something is going to happen to me, i live my life without fear. it is reality israeli people have to face. we are no longer living in reality where we have to fear for our lives or have enemy
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nations that have capability or intention to take us out. >> carley: israel is in a position they have to deter iran from attacking, while preventing a wire war from breaking out. what response would you like to see take place militarily? >> i would like to make clear, israel is not at war with iranian people. we are no way at war with their peep e8, the persian empire had great relation with jewish people and before fall of the is shes hawe have to go to the soue and understand what iran's goal is. i don't think there goal is to take out israel, their goal is to take over the world. israel is strongest country in the region. if you look at what unites you
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go muslim world, it is hatred of israel. if they position themselves as strongest country this is why they are targeting israel. before we attack iran, we need to take out capability like with shamir and scud missiles in the past, we need to take out hezbollah. no one wants casualties on either side. i hope israel will work with the lebanese government to take out hezbollah and give back land to lebanese people and lead to real reality of economic exchange and peace with the u.s. and lebanon. once hezbollah is taken care of, then we need to focus on iran. iran has proxies it can use to take out israel and need to take out the pieces before we go
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check mate. >> carley: hezbollah, not just hamas, it is also that lingering threat of what could happen north of your country and then there is aulso the united state and our reaction to the middle east and there was a phone call that took place between president biden and prime minister netanyahu and our president said, essentially encouraged israel not tom respond saying you got to win, take the win. what is your reaction to that? >> i don't think when we're getting shot at, that is a win. that is ridiculous. irregardless which president is in power, i think israel need to be not-for depend /* independen alouing a president to dictate
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policies to israel. in the time of shamir, israel knew iraq had weapons of mass intrukz /* sdrukz destruction. we need to take out our problems before they take us out and we've learned throughout jewish history and i hope the relationship is not something that prevent us from be ing independent. >> carley: what is mood in israel following seven months of war in this attack that took place on saturday. >> i wish i could show you view of jerusalem of people in the street, men, women, children, muslims, jews, christians, all together living their lives. we are under fear of terrorism and attack and this will never take down our spirit of living and continuing and that is the
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real mission iran and all terrorist groups want to push, take out our will and spirit to continue and they will never take that from us. >> carley: thank you, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> carley: you are welcome. todd. >> todd: lead-up to jury selection in donald trump hush money trial. >> all trump needs is one cultist, trump supporter to sneak into the jury and change the whole thing. >> todd: joe concha is sneaking into our conversation, that is next. and scottie scheffler taking home second green jacket, in just three years. we have highlights from the masters. now he can get home to that wife who is about to give birth.
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>> rust armor, luis ggutierrez e sentenced today. prosecutors are asking for 18 months in prison, she was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for allow ing a
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bullet. alec baldwin has pleaded not guilty. >> todd: former president trump will appear in a courtroom in his hush money trial today. cue the media. >> we know what you feel and don't feel about this guy, how do you get a jury to ignore that and look at the facts. >> all trump needs is one cultist, died in wool trump supporter to sneak in and hang the whole thing. if were donald johnson we were talking about, he would notz be on social media posting, he would be in contempt. >> carley: joe concha joins us now. good morning, media going to have a field day, of course. there is inconvenient fact this
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is a very weak case that alvin bragg brought forward. the statute of limitation expired for some of the charges. how do you balbans here? >> joe: there will be no b balance, this is all they have for juicing failing networks, cnn, trump's first criminal trial historic and solemn moment for america. no, it really isn't. if you listen to any legal analyst that looks at this case, statute of limitation expired long ago. jonathan turley, as respected as there is in this business, said this is unprecedented event for . if that is the basis of thursday
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indictment, alvin bragg could not have raised weaker basis to prosecute a former president. it seems they are boot strapping this misdemeanor into a felony to try to prosecute trump in new york, where he is not the most popular person in the world, something like 12% of the vote. this will be played up as if trump committed some sort of crime he has to go to jail for. it seems jonathan turley and others like andy mccarthy says this will not get far as taking out trump. trump will use this as part of his campaign, the justice system has been interfering and this is election interference.
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>> todd: throw me in the list of lawyers who thinks this is the worst case ever brought. mislabeling problem. here are headlines on the trial, new yorker calling it trump's trial of the century. "new york times" says in final rally trump casts himself as mrit cat victim and trump's trial strategy, deny, delay and dents great. trump is not really getting the shaft, they think he is benefiting from this. why don't they think trump is being victimized? having to go to court during middle of his campaign, involving charges mislabeling, where there was no victim. i don't understand any of the headlines, joe. >> joe: i want to see the show on fox nation, todd goes to trial and you try cases like
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court tv. have you practiced law? >> todd: i did. >> joe: really? >> todd: i had something about to go to trial, on the virge, it settled. >> carley: all about todd. >> joe: oh, boy, look, this is going to be cast as you saw from headlines, "new york times," "washington post," "new york times" has not endorsed a republican candidate and "new york post" has never endorsed a republican candidate, you will not get any balanced coverage. he will try to delay this to go past election day to avoid what he is guilty of. you are sfupposed to be innocen until proven guilty, he is now being guilty until proven
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innocent. despite what happened in iran, this will dominate coverage in the foreseeable future. taking our eye off the ball, which is joe biden, who is struggling as far as inflation, crime in major american cities and border and immigration, that all goes away because this trial, which most think is a sham will take center straage. >> carley: a judge will ask what source they get their news from, proving how political this trial can be, in a jury pool only 12% of people voted for donald trump in 2020. >> joe: todd piro goes to trial. >> todd: todd goes to the golf course, to the masters, elf sh scottie scheffler claiming his second green jacket.
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he's good. >> his stardom confirmed. [cheering] >> todd: just an amazing round during an amazing tournament, shooting four under sunday. celebration looked different, walking off the green with his caddy, instead of his wife, who is expecting the couple's child any day. he had said he would drop out of the tournament if she went into labor. >> my son or daughter will be my main priority and golf will probably be fourth in line. i still love competing, i don't plan to take my eye off the ball any time soon. >> todd: he will return with a 3.6 million dollar check for winning the event. each day, i said scottie scheffler is in the lead, to my
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wife, would you want me home now? >> carley: play the tournament. >> todd: she said, just stay. >> carley: fairy tale ending there. good stuff. house is teeing up foreign policy bill upon meant to hammer israel in respond to drone and rocket attack. congressman cory mills is here next. >> todd: lawrence jones will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: good morning, nothing happening in the world today, there is a lot, we have you covered this morning in this jam-packed monday edition. courtroom drama, jury selection begins for trump's hush money trial. we will react to mounting concern over finding a fair jury. and biden will meet with prime minister of iraq with middle east on edge after iran's attack
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on israel, trey goyingst is liv from israel. and showcasing biden foreign policy weakness and david perkins with what that means for nuclear ambition. and the latest on mayorkas impea impeachment, and jason chaffetz on the polls spelling trouble for the biden administration. this is coming up on a special edition of "fox and friends," don't go anywhere. a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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>> todd: a fox news alert. the house returning to session today for a robust foreign policy week in response to iran's unprecedented attack on israel over the weekend. >> carley: 17 bills are expected to hit the house floor meant to hammer iran and show support for or ally, israel. cory mills sits on the house services and foreign affairs committee and joins us now. good morning few. this is going to be a complicated process. what are your exceptions when it comes to forcing any form of israeli aid package this week? >> well, i think, first off, we need to be reminded that we passed an israeli aid package months and months ago. we passed $14.3 billion, was an offset pay for from the irs. and the senate and chuck schumer has refused to try and support our ally. why they have actually done it is because they want more money for ukraine. look, there's a lot of us who have asked 100 percent audits on
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ukraine. there is a lot of us who have asked what the actual definition of success. what is a military strategy that wins look like? they're unable to provide it. right now we know our great u.s. ally in the middle east needs support. what we need to be looking at the military defense that he need right now to try to rearm things like the iron dome which has kept the israelis safe. i think we need an aid package that is not going to drive americans into economic default. >> todd: okay. to that point, what exactly is going to be in these bills and will there be a push to tie it to ukraine again? >> well, i think there is definitely going to be a push to tie it to ukraine, todd. we have got some people who are just ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. i wish they were america, america, america. unfortunately our border walls and open invasion that's going on in the south and in the north is being completely ignored for everyone else's priorities. look, for me, i would like to see at a minimum, if they are
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going to tether ukraine and israel together, at least make sure that you have policy riders like hr 1, the low cost energy act that's going to help to build economic growth in america. something that's going to actually impact the americans to get our cost of gas down, the cost to heat and cool our houses down. let's start prioritizing america first. let's start trying to get policy writers supporting america as well as for our allies abroad if that's what is necessary. >> carley: congressman, did you see this news u.s. official confirmed to fox that roughly 50% of the ballistic missiles fired by iran failed to launch or crash before reaching target. that official said so much for the vaunted missile capabilities of iran. that seems like a piece of good news. >> well, it's a piece of good news. we have always known that iran's actual equipment, which many of it is supplied by china and russia, is not at the highest qualities. but i also look at this and wonder whether or not it's a very similar incident to what they did after the successful counter-terrorism strike by
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president trump where we eliminated kassem soleimani. they then returned by firing ballistic missiles that never impacted any of thinking designated targets. we have to keep in mind vaughn always on the verge of revolution. they have to appease. this could be the same thing. they have to realize historic thing for triune launch from their nation not by proxies not by outside areas like by lebanon or syria. this is direct. this is a actual attack on israel from iran. so, we will see what our ally responds with we will see what central's strategy is. but i support fully israel's rights to defend itself and defend its citizens. >> todd: meantime senator ruby had scathing reaction to the response biden told netanyahu the u.s. would not participate in any possible counterattack on iran. listen. >> joe biden telling netanyahu take the win, don't do anything. and then his people leaking it to the media. leaking it to the press.
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only one reason they leaked that that is so israel does respond we told them not to do it at least somehow, in some way appease the so-called peace activists by the way. these cease-fire now people out yesterday cheering the launch of hundreds of rockets and drones against israel. people out there cheering, military attacks of this scale and scope are not peace activists. these are anti-semitics, anti-israel pro-terrorist elements out there. need to stop calling them peace activists. >> todd: final thoughts to you. 10 seconds, congressman. >> bottom line senator rubio is right. you can't be pro-iran and israel at the same time. we have to be able to defend our allies. we also have to understand this happened because of joe biden's weakness on the world stage and because of his release of tens of billions of dollars in fungible assets. >> todd: cory mills, got leave it there. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: buckle up it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast and
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