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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 15, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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only one reason they leaked that that is so israel does respond we told them not to do it at least somehow, in some way appease the so-called peace activists by the way. these cease-fire now people out yesterday cheering the launch of hundreds of rockets and drones against israel. people out there cheering, military attacks of this scale and scope are not peace activists. these are anti-semitics, anti-israel pro-terrorist elements out there. need to stop calling them peace activists. >> todd: final thoughts to you. 10 seconds, congressman. >> bottom line senator rubio is right. you can't be pro-iran and israel at the same time. we have to be able to defend our allies. we also have to understand this happened because of joe biden's weakness on the world stage and because of his release of tens of billions of dollars in fungible assets. >> todd: cory mills, got leave it there. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: buckle up it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast and
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monday, april the 15th. and this is "fox & friends." >> ainsley: all rise. former president trump's historic new york hush money case begins today with jury selection. gregg jarrett is standing by, brian. >> brian: that is very true, ainsley. there is greg live. far left activist in chicago cheering on iran's missile attack on israel. >> has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [cheers and applause] >> brian: how is this happening in america? >> charlie: scottie scheffler the masters and credits god. >> my victory was secure on the cross. that's a pretty special feeling. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> ainsley: and we start with this fox news alert. jury selection begins this morning in former president trump's historic hush money trial.
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>> charlie: makes him the first ever president to take a stabbed in a criminal crime. >> brian: fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett standing by. eric shawn is outside the new york state supreme court and i'm choosing eric. eric, i'm going to start with you. gregg might be angry but i'm going to start with you anyway. set the scene for us. >> good morning, brian. ever watch law and order. >> this is the courthouse where the fictional show is broadcast. today in real life, getting ready are to the historic day. it is the people of the state of new york vs. donald j. trump, jury selection starts at 10:00 a.m. this morning just under four hours. there will be 12 jurors eventually and six alternates who will sit in judgment of the former president. this is how the jury selections is going to work. 100 people at a time will be called into the courtroom and judge juan merchan will explain the case to them and ask if any prospective juror does not think they can be fair and impartial. for those folks that raise their hand and cannot, they will be
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excused. the remaining people will be seated in the jury box in small groups and given the 42-question questionnaire before each one is questioned individually by a prosecutor and a defense lawyer. they are not using names. they will be assigned numbers. it's an anonymous jury. former president 34 counts falsifying business records. hiding payments during the 2016 presidential race. all to cover up his alleged affair with porn star stormy daniels. you know, he denies that also accused of funneling money through his lawyer michael cohen. those funds used to reimburse him listed by the trump organization illegally i, say prosecutors, as legal expenses. also, former playboy playmate karen macdougall alleged her pay off part of this claim. also claimed an affair with the former president. he has denied that she was paid 150 grand by the national inquirer to try to keep her story under wraps. the charges are using misdemeanors but manhattan
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district attorney alvin bragg bumped up those counts to felonies. he roped in the elections violations and also raised tax issues. as you know the former president has harshly slammed the case. here is one of his attorneys will scharf. >> one of the craziest things about this case is the fact that what we're dealing with here are misdemeanor offenses that threw this weird legal al chemical process alvin bragg has attempted to convert into felony offenses. i believe the truth is on president trump's side. there is nothing that any of these witnesses or anything the new york d.a. can do to change that basic fact. >> eric: jury selection should take two weeks. the trial itself six to eight weeks. to get on the jury you get that summons. you have to be a resident of manhattan, speak english. not be convicted of felonies and, by the way, brian, manhattan, new york county is manhattan in 2020 the former president received 12% of the vote. but that's better than did he in
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2016. back in 2016 he got 10% of the vote here in manhattan. >> brian: wow, eric, you will be there for like six weeks. i hope you have another outfit. appreciate it. let's bring in fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. so, gregg, finally going to happen. how many days do you think this will take to get 12 jurors and six alternates? >> greg: cook take as long as 10 days, maybe two weeks. but it's really up to the judge to limit the amount of voir dire the questioning of the jurors. and, you know, move forward. you know, but i must tell you, i have never seen such a tangled torturous prosecution that would be brought against no other person except trump. it's punitive. it's politically driven. bragg contorting the law, taking a business record misdemeanor barred by the statute of limitations and magically inflating it into 34 felonies as eric shawn pointed out.
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to do that, he had to attach it to a supposed elections law violation. well, it's not federal election commission investigated. and they said this is perfectly legal. it is not a campaign donation. the doj concluded there is no crime here. but, you know, enter alvin bragg who is charging under federal law even though he is a local prosecutor and has no jurisdiction and authority to do that. but the judge is letting him get away with it. >> lawrence: so i just got to stay on that point about the judge. because michael avenatti who is no fan of the former president, had this to say on twitter. he talked about the d.a. encouraging cohen and daniels to go out there and do media interviews. and then he followed it up by. they said to my friends on the left who insist that they want to preserve democracy and justice, you should be equally outraged by.
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this constitutional protections against either exist for including the former president or they don't exist at all. what is happening in this hush money case is a travesty. so, if you got michael avenatti who has spent his career -- now he is on the other side of justice -- trying to take down donald trump saying the judge is not being fair right here when it documents a gag order, how can the former president expect a fair trial? >> gregg: well, the gag order is a clear violation of the first amendment. the judges get away with it because, by the time it's challenged on appeal, the case is over. but this case is also something else, a classic example of unequal justice and selective prosecution. hillary clinton did pretty of the same thing. she, too used a lawyer to secretly pay for the phony steele dossier and booking it as legal expenses. she was fined by the fec, but
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she wasn't prosecuted and neither was barack obama. even though he was fined a whopping $375,000 for hiding donors and keeping illegal contributions. but, if your last name is trump, the standard of justice is completely different and turned on its head. >> ainsley: you are right. it's a double standard. gregg, let's talk about the prosecutor's star witness. it's michael cohen who used to be trump's lawyer. >> lawrence: ha ha. >> ainsley: he has been in federal charges himself. here is a reminder of what he said. he told the grand jury his goal was to tell the truth. but what is the truth? he flip-flops. listen. >> i will be in d.c., and new york anywhere mr. trump i will be there. i do not want to go to the white house. i was offered jobs. >> not only is donald trump not a racist. he believes that all people are
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part of one race, the human race. >> i know what mr. trump is. he is a racist. is he a con man. and is he a cheat. >> words the media should be using to describe mr. trump are generous, compassionate, principled, empathetic, kind, humble, honest and genuine. >> he is capable of behaving kindly. but he is not kind. he is capable of committing acts of generosity, but he is not generous. he is capable of being loyal, but he is fundamentally disloyal. >> ainsley: gregg, how can this be the star witness? >> gregg: either cohen who was never much of a lawyer, is good, it seems, at only one thing. lying prodigiously. bragg's theory in case well cohen pled go ahead to campaign
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finance crime, so donald trump must be guilty, too. well, that's not the law. the plea of one person does not determine the guilt of another. it's not even admissible evidence at trial. and cohen i can' gratuitously pd guilty to crime in exchange for leniency for his many other crimes including fraud. but, get this: recently in court he recanted what he stated in his sworn plea deal, which means he either, again, committed perjury in the plea itself or perjury in his recent court testimony and that prompted the judge to call michael cohen a serial purger. you had turley destroy on cross-examination and expose his lit any of lies.
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>> brian: thanks, gregg. appreciate it. instant analysis there. felony charges trump either false filed or caused business records to be entered false lay, which would be misdemeanor. a intent to commit conceal a second crime. so far alvin bragg hasn't told us what that second crime is. when are we going to find out what the second crime is. and don't you think defense needs to know? >> lawrence: to that point, brian, remember, the southern district of new york, which is the most aggressive prosecutors in the country, they passed on this. and, before they could even evaluate the information that the southern district of new york had to give, alvin bragg brought this case. they have not turned over all the information to the defense as well. instead of looking at the legal reason why the southern district of new york decided not to go with this. alvin bragg said i'm not even going to review that i'm just going to go ahead and do that anyway.
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the time he paid a vendor walmart shopping bag $12,000 cash and one boxing glove. not two but one. kind of a shady character. this is all, obviously, political. and the idea and, you know, how much are taxpayers in new york paying for this? >> brian: and the security. >> charlie: security, all of it. jury selection 10 days, two weeks. trial another four to six weeks. it's going to be massive expensive. the idea that you are going to find a jury of 12 people in new york city who don't have an opinion about donald trump? good luck. >> ainsley: and taking him off the campaign trail. owe said that's the goal. he's saying he has denied any wrongdoing, donald trump, saying they could have done this and makes a good point seven years ago. why wait until now? questionable right before the election. >> lawrence: that's the big question. now to another fox news alert. president biden will meet with the prime minister of iraq in the czech republic today. it comes after he told israeli
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officials that the u.s. would not participate in any counterattacks against iran. >> ainsley: iran attacked israel over the weekend. targeting the jewish state with 300 drones and missiles. you can see them there. most of which were intercepted by the idf and the allies. >> brian: trey yingst covers it all. he was there every stretch the way through the bombing. he joins us now from israel. hey, trey. >> trey: good morning. today president biden will meet with iraqi prime minister in washington. the pair likely to discuss this iranian attack against israel over the weekend that included hundreds of drones and missiles. reports indicate president biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the americans will not support or participate in a counter strike against iran. and just over an hour, the israelis are set to hold a meeting of their war cabinet here in tel aviv. they will discuss what their response against iran will be. israeli media says the cabinet wants to see a response but they
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disagree on the timing and scope of such strike against the iranians. all of this comes as we are learning more about the attack over the weekend. we could see the interceptions here in tel aviv as israel's advanced missile defense systems intercepted. so ballistic missiles and drones. the majority of them taken down outside of israeli airspace and reports do indicate that were confirmed by fox news around 50% of the ballistic missiles actually failed upon launch. so it's an indication the israelis understand iran is not prepared for a prolonged conflicted but, again, they could try to use their proxies in the region, like hezbollah, or the houthis in yum men to target the israelis in the future. guys, back to you are you surprised in retrospect try to overwhelm the missile defense system? that was intentional, correct? >> trey: absolutely intentional.
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iranians understand they only have a few lever points and hezbollah is largest proxy. they have 100,000 groans and many precision guided missiles that they brought into southern lebanon through syria. remember how this attack started over the weekend. it was a response to an israeli strike in damascus, syria, that killed a top iranian general, along with six other members of iran's irgc. now, that general, mohammed is a haddie was responsible for the missile and component shipments to syria. and ultimately into southern lebanon to be used against israel send a clear message to iran. this will no longer be accepted. they understand they are facing threats from seven different fronts across the region and starting to take offensive actions despite the fact they are still fighting a war snidz gaza that is approaching 200 days. >> lawrence: trey, do you get the impression -- because just like our country -- there is differences in policy when it
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comes to some of the leaders in israel. do you get the impression after what happened on saturday that they're on the same page right now, as it relates to the response? >> trey: absolutely. a new equation was set over the weekend in the middle east. the iranians for the first time in history directly attacked israel from their own soil. and this was not a small attack. hundreds of missiles and drones soaring through the skies. many of them were intercepted by american fighter jets and israeli jets outside of israeli airspace. but this was a significant attack that also caused damage to an israeli military base. and if this missile defense was not working correctly, you would have seen casualties across israel. we could see israel's most advanced system, the arrow system in the distance here in tel aviv. firing off interceptor rounds soaring near to outouter space to intercept these ballistic missiles. the scale of this attack was something israel has never seen
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before. one reason why the israelis are walking a delicate line. they don't want to start a regional war across the middle east. they don't want the iranians to feel emboldened and can attack israel at will frir own territory. consider key proxies across the region. israelis have seen continued attacks from iran backed hezbollah in southern lebanon. really a few minutes before the show started red alerts sounding in the northern part of this country, hezbollah on a daily basis, continues to launch drones and rockets into northern israel. and the israelis have to remain on high alert. >> lawrence: trey yingst, excellent reporting. thank you. >> ainsley: our president has said we will not get involved. he doesn't want to be involved in a counterattack. he's right, they have to walk a fine line. do they attack back and say you can't do this to our country? what does benjamin yahoo do? his time as prime minister is coming to an end. does he go ahead and respond? >> brian: i think he has got a few apps.
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the election is august. that would even be a little quick. i would say this: i think they have to attack. i mean, how do you possibly let something hit with you 300 ballistic missiles, drones, cruise missiles from various locations and you know some of those rockets were heading towards jerusalem where palestinians are are on a regular basis. that holy site. and then when you get up in the morning and find out as bad as it was it could have been 50% worse? that seems to me less and less measured and more like ineptness and also jordan, france, u.k., u.s., and this sophisticated defense system had had to combine to stop. this if you accept iran is going to be attacking israel, you up the thresholds because we never thought in the beginning hamas rockets into israel were going to last. now it's part of their daily lives. what now hezbollah part of their daily lives. now we're supposed to say iran every day they could attack? >> lawrence: brian, you talked about accepting. and one of the things that i have been quite vocal about, the
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stuff that's happening here at home, these chants that are going on this is a chant that started in chicago after they got news what was happening in israel. watch. >> i just have to report something to everyone, and so it begins. iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [cheers and applause] >> there are reports of drones having been fired on israel from yemen and iraq as well. [applause] >> this is when this country and the world needs us because the united states is going to, quote, unquote, defend the criminal israeli state. and all the antiwar communities here, all of the palestine support coalitions here, must be ready immediately to be out in the streets and to stop the u.s. from expanding this war on iran:
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>> that's right. [cheers] >> lawrence: charlie, we keep pretending that we don't understand what these people mean. it's all over the country. they are saying that they hate the country. they are saying to the river to the sea. we keep saying oh, it's just free speech. it's free speech until they decide to attack us here at home. >> charlie: yeah, ache october 7th, there were a lot of people who said that they were upset and, you know, stood up for innocent civilians in gaza. and, of course, serve concerned about innocent civilians in gaza. this rips the band-aid off of that there are people who don't care about innocent civilians in gaza. they hate israel. they hate the united states. they want to s see both destroy. they are not pretending to window dress it by claiming to care about innocent palestinians, which, of course, they don't care about. the leading terrorist making the lives of palestinians miserable are hamas and their supporters like these clowns in chicago. >> ainsley: there were 300
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antiwar activists meeting in the basement of the teamster's union headquarters on saturday. they were describing their plans to disrupted the democratic national convention, which is coming up in august. we will all be there. this happens. the man takes the podium and he announces that there is eruption. 9/11 that room was wearing the n 95 masks. one guy in the back takes it down and starts whistling. >> charlie: can i say one thing about this? what is so appalling about this is that democrats are still going to try to curry favor with these people. still trying to win these people's votes. >> ainsley: you're right. >> lawrence: real quickly before we go brian, the masks, because i have been to these protests are not because of covid. they are putting the masks on because they don't want people to know who they are. >> ainsley: hide their identity. brian are new support of giving wednesday to israel. in october 47% outstanding low which now it's 32%.
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next generation of democrats is not there that is exactly the what the palestinians wanted. that's exactly what iran wants. their propaganda effort inside the u.s. is working. they have to feel like they are making progress. >> ainsley: don't you think that's why joe biden has said he won't support a counter attack. >> brian: afraid of losing michigan and minute societies. >> lawrence: it's unbelievable. deigns deigns turning to more headlines a fox news alert. police officer and deputy are dead after shooting in upstate, new york. authorities say syracuse police officers tried stopping a, quote: suspicious vehicle last night when the driver fled. the suspect then fired at officers after they tracked him to his house. officials say the suspect was also killed in the shootout. a texas doctor is facing life in prison after he was found guilty of putting dangerous drugs in patients' iv bags. surveillance video shows him tampering with the iv bags in dallas clinic retaliation for medical conduct probe. hits poisons led to the death of
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another doctor and caused several other patients to suffer from cardiac emergencies. he is expected to be sentenced in two or three months. check out this wild video from southern california. doorbell camera footage capturing the moment a car goes airborne into a neighbor's house. whoa! the crash happening earlier this month when firefighters say the driver lost control of the vehicle while making a turn. according to firefighters, the crash caused major damage to the house. thankfully, no one inside the home was injured. and to the masters, the world number one scottie scheffler second green jacket in three years. after the tournament he credited his faith for helping him reach that moment. >> my victory was secure on the cross. that's a pretty special feeling. i believe that today's plans were already laid out years ago. i could do nothing to mess up those plans. i have been given a gift of this
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talent and i use it for god's glory. >> ainsley: what's up with these guys from dallas they are all good guys. scheffler's stellar performance came while his wife is expecting a baby. expecting first child at any moment so she wasn't able to go to the tournament. >> lawrence: she has a lot of money coming her way? >> ainsley: $3.6 million. she is like honey, go work. >> charlie: maybe i can take up golf if god is going to help people out. >> brian: needs a lot more than god. need to practice a lot more and should have started 40 years ago. meanwhile, 23 minutes after the hour. >> ainsley: jury selection underway in trump's hush money trial. >> brian: next guest worked stunning case in new york. i have three seconds.
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>> a fox news alert. in just a few hours, jury selection will begin in former president trump's hush money trial. our next guest actually worked on a case against the trump organization and questions whether the deep blue new york jury pool will be able to deliver a fair process. new york criminal defense attorney ken bell ken joins us now. >> good morning. charlie set the stage for us. how tall of an order is it to
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find in manhattan a jury of people who don't have a strong opinion about donald trump one way or the other? >> it's funny you mention that. you said i did do a case that went to trial against the trump organization. during jury selection, trump's lawyer, that was the first question he asked the pool. is there anyone here that has strong feelings either positive or negative about mr. trump? and let me tell you something, everyone in that jury pool raised their hands. >> charlie: it's kind of his brand. >> is kind of his brand, strong opinions of him. >> charlie: reading through the jury questionnaire ridiculous questions about your participation in politics which seems to me to be kind of an odd thing at some point you could ask people are you a democrat or a republican? did you vote for trump in 2020? did you not vote for him? i mean, those seem to be the relevant questions for this jury. >> ask him hey dual in new york city? most people who live in new york city are not a big fan of donald trump. it's just a fact i mean, look,
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me and my wife registered democrat. married to a republican. not buying the narrative on trump. i have had my come to jesus moment so to speak since the russian collusion hoax. the reality is when you go out with friends you hear a common sentiment donald trump is a criminal. well, hold on, has he ever been convicted of a crime? no, that doesn't bother most people that i think are going in the jury pool. there is this common sentiment in new york city that he is already convicted. this trial is a mere formality. >> charlie: what we are talking about here is paperwork stuff. it's kind of complicated you bring in federal law. misdemeanor upcharged to a felony in order to get around the statute of limitations. so it's kind of complex and jurors are going to be kind of left to kind of whatever their initial opinion is. >> complicated is a good euphemism for what i would call bogus. because they are really stretching the law, in my opinion, to the breaking point. as you said. look, he is accused of falsifying business records in
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the first degree. what that means in a new york state law is that with the intent to defraud, he made false entries into business records with the intention of aiding the commission of a crime. first of all, what is the crime that he was aiding the commission of? and, secondly,how do you prove the intent to defraud. better prosecuted as the misdemeanor version. but, like you said, there is a two-year statute of limitations on the demeanor version. these allegations are from 2018 and he wasn't indicted until 2023, way past the two years. they have kind of boot strapped this theory that it is now a felony. >> charlie: we are out of time. real quick what would happen to a normal person who wasn't donald trump and committed these violations. >> any normal grandfather of 77 years old charged with e class felony he would be given a plea deal with a conditional dismissal and maybe some community service. he is facing the possibility, if convicted of a maximum sentence of four years in jail. >> charlie: it's insane. thank you, ken belkin,
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appreciate it. >> thanks, charlie. >> charlie: now carley shimkus. >> carley: hanna gutierrez reed sentenced for the 2021 movie setting that killed cinematographer halyna hutchins. prosecutors seeking the maximum sentence of 19 months in prison. found guilty of involuntary manslaughter last month for allowing a live bullet to be loaded into the prop gun that killed hutchins. the "new york post" reporting that o.j. simpson's remains will be cremated and that means simpson's brain will not be donated for cte research despite multiple requests from scientists. simpson's long-time lawyers says simpson's family made that decision. and a. list celebrities turning out for the 10th breakthrough prize gala to celebrate achievements in science and math. attend years attended robert downy jr., kim kardashian and elon musk. >> we should celebrate
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breakthroughs in technology because they help make life better for people. >> event is considered the oscars of science and gives out more than $50 million in prizes annually. those are your headlines. charlie, back over to you. >> charlie: thank you, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> charlie: salman rushdie describes the moment he was stabbed. a live report is next. >> i just thought when i saw this murderous shape rushing towards me was so it's you? to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. ♪ so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business.
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he barely survived. in a conversation on "60 minutes," his first television interview since the attack, he describes what he saw. >> then, in the corner of my right eye, the last thing my right eye would ever see i saw the man in blackruning toward me down the right-hand side of the seating area. black clothes, black face mask. he was coming in hard and low. a squat missile. >> rush did i became a marked man after iran's 1989 khomeini issued religious decree calling for sis assassination. fourth book satanic verses was considered blasphemous and insult to islam. he went into hiding thinking he was safe. in a surprising take he says he had been waiting for a moment similar for what took place in august 2022. >> i confess i had sometimes imagined my as sass sin rising up in some public forum or other
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coming for me in just this way. so my first thought when i saw this murderous shape rushing towards me was, so it's you. here you are. >> madeleine: rushdie reflects on the multiple death threats against him in his new book "knife" his book he initially didn't want to write. 20 months after the attack fully recovered despite having lost his right eye. he still lives in upstate new york. rushdie's attacker has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial. brian? lawrence. >> brian: thank you so much, maddy. amid mounting fears of a full on regional conflict after iran's attack in recall have a. this as president biden tells netanyahu the u.s. will not support an israeli counter attack. our next guest says biden's biggest foreign policy flaw is always playing defense. never offense. abraham accords negotiator and former senior trump administration official adam boehler joins us now. adam, do you think that
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statement was necessary? what's the point behind it. >> it's a point where ten forces u.s. policy of always defense. they did a great job defending israel. they make some great statements but that's where everything stops. and if you're never playing offense in this region, you're not pushing deterrence by doing that you're pushing -- you're losing in afghanistan. you're losing in ukraine. you are losing to the houthis, and now you are losing to iran if you don't make any response. if you have no offense. >> brian: we're saying we're not going to have a response. but do you believe that israel should have a response? as you know, president biden said take the win. i believe that israel has to go into rafah quickly. israel has a list of iranian targets. they get hit places where they make those drones. hit your top five in your targets. hit them quick, and then go back because you have an opportunity to attack iran. i would find those top five
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targets. hit them, get it done tactically and see what happens. >> brian: do you l look at thiss israeli win. >> yes. i think it was a huge israeli win it. showed the strength of israel. it showed the strength of our allies. look at the people that came to support israel. jordan, egypt, saudi. the french. people that you don't know -- the u.k. people that you don't know whether they would support israel stepped up against iran. and, you know that, is the whole point of the abraham accords. when we worked on the abraham accords, it's uniting against iran. and this is what you see. this is the policy they should be pursuing because we have got to get against iran. that's the right policy. >> brian: speed matters. why? >> speed matters. speed matters because the world is going to call for israel to not do anything. that's what happens every single
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time. it took the united states 30 seconds to tell a message of not to do something right away i was actually expecting them toe do it before the united states. the u.n. issued a statement. my favorite, the u.n., issued a statement oh, don't do anything. don't do anything. if we act quickly, more statements will come for iran not to do anything. but i would say if we're going to act, we don't need to act. but if there are strategic sites we act and we act quickly. >> brian: yeah. it's really one enemy. they plotted and planned this attack for hamas to pull it off. they plotted and planned and armed hezbollah to continue to evacuate the north in israel. and then now they directly attack. it is iran is the problem. the only other people involved are when they have moved into lebanon, when they have moved into yemen. when they moved into syria. it's still just one country. adam, thanks so much. appreciate it. thanks for having me, brian. >> brian: meanwhile a new poll shows how americans view the
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trump years first as the biden years. the results may surprise you. jason chaffetz, come up next.
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>> janice: we had a rough night
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across the northeast. hail reports for ohio in towards pennsylvania and upstate new york. we could see more of the rain for parts of the mid-atlantic today. but look at the temperatures. we're going to enjoy almost 80 degrees here in new york. bumping it down a little bit on tuesday. and then back to, you know, cooler temperatures on wednesday. so, that's just a reminder to enjoy it while you can severe storms moving into the mid-atlantic but the boston marathon is going to enjoy warmer than average temperatures. we are going to be at 68 at 2:00 p.m. the race kicks off this morning. no bad weather. that's the good news, but warm temperatures so prepare for that showers, thunderstorms, even severe storms for parts of the central u.s. behind that. that's where we have colder air in place, and some measurable snow for the rockies. we will continue to keep you up to date. fox for all of your latest details. happy monday over to you. car queer will take this whether or not. >> janice: at least one day. >> ainsley: most voters feel pretty good about the way donald trump handle the economy when he was president with 64% of them
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giving him a thumbs up. that's 30 points higher than how they feel about president biden's handling of the economy as he faces a dismal 34% approval. fox news contributor and former congressman jason chaffetz joins us now. good morning to you. >> jason: good morning. >> ainsley: why do you think that is, jason? >> jason: because it's the reality. it's the truth. i mean, quick, think about it. what is joe biden going to do to improve the economy and drive down the cost of everyday goods for america? he doesn't have one. elections are always about the future. and people look back at the time of donald trump. your money was worth more. gas was less. the streets were safe. the border was secure. we didn't have to, you know, have these overseas flareups and everything. life was good under donald trump. people remember it and you have a feckless joe biden who cannot communicate, doesn't have a plan for the future and.
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>> watching the conch down at the border and a shot of donald trump on one side donald trump had a lot of energy, shaking hands with the border patrol agents and president biden was very slow. so, when asked in this poll is biden too old to be an effective president? 69%. almost 70%, jason, agreed with that. 28% disagreed. is that's what's happening here. people are comparing the two? >> jason: yeah, it's not so much his age it's that he is so feeble and so weak. if you look at the corps of core of his policy he puts forward, like i said he has no plan. you can't look at a single thing. what's he want to do at the border continue doing what he is doing. how is he going to fight crime? he doesn't have anything. promising that he is going to raise taxes. he has no energy plan. we were energy independent under president trump. joe biden, he's raising taxes,
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making it more difficult to go out and get that permitting to actually be more energy independent in this country. >> ainsley: you are right. prices are up at the gas pumps. prices are up at the grocery store. seeing what is happening down at the border. seeing crime in your city. you are seeing what is happening in ukraine and israel and taiwan. so this girl that was interviewed in the article, the "new york times," her name is mya garcia. she is 23 years old. she works at a restaurant in california. she said i was a former trump hater but i have dom believe his contentious style has helped control crime and maintain order. now she says she is voting for trump. will we see more of that? >> jason: i think. so joe biden has been much more concerned about lunching to the left and locking arms with his progressive left he has done nothing, joe biden to reach out and become more centrist. he didn't learn the lessons that
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president clinton has learned. lurched further to the left in unrecognizable way. donald trump is out there like the energizer bunny. beating the drums and talking about making this country great again and that resonates. >> ainsley: ratings went up for george w. bush when he left office and president obama got 15 pours boost after he left office, too. we will see if that helps president trump in this next presidential election. great to see you. >> jason: thanks, ainsley. >> >> ainsley: hand it over to brian. >> brian: one of the most anticipated wnba drafts ever said to take place in brooklyn. the indiana fever get the number one pick. guess though he had are going to take caitlin clark. they will televise every one hefs games. reese is expected to be selected in the top 10 to see if she ends up in new york. bow bine member rosavich seems to miss a free throw on purpose to win free chicken for everyone in the crowd miss two free
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throws in row. that's what he said. [cheers] >> nicest guy in the league. >> brian: that's a genius idea. set owner of the team. the rockets promising fans opponent missing two froes. go on to miss 116 to 105 h mike tyson firing off a new warning shot youtuber turned boxer jake paul ahead of their fight. he posted this sparring section this saturday on x with the caption can't wait for this. to be jake. last week paul appeared on "jesse watters primetime" saying tyson was under estimating him. paul will face iron mike july 20th in arlington, texas. we will cover it and do our show leading up to the fight all week long with a series of interviews. i'm not sure if we're going at all. but i mean we should. that was my personal lobby.
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meanwhile this: pennsylvania democrat john fetterman breaking with president biden on defending israel. will any other democrats follow that? he is the tallest after all. more on that in a moment. ♪ to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift.
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months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. >> ainsley: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. monday, april 15th, and this: today is tax day. this is "fox & friends." >> i'm not paying them. >> lawrence: all rise, former president trump historic new


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