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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. >> ainsley: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. monday, april 15th, and this: today is tax day. this is "fox & friends." >> i'm not paying them. >> lawrence: all rise, former president trump historic new hush money case begins today
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with jury selection. gregg jarrett says it's all politically motivated. >> gregg: seen such a tangled torturous prosecution that would be brought against no other person except trump. >> brian: meanwhile, the media is giddy for the start of the trial and what it means ahead of november. alabama senator katie britt joins us live at the top of this hour. >> lawrence: plus, pennsylvania democrat john fetterman breaking with biden on israel. >> i would never capitulate to the french. i'll never pander to that as well. >> charlie: this second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ a >> ainsley: and we start with a fox news alert. jury selection begins this morning in former president trump's new york hush money trial. >> charlie: first president ever to take the stand in a criminal
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trial. line. >> brian: that is not news to eric shawn he is outside the new york supreme court. jury selection starts today, eric. >> eric: that it does, brian. former president donald trump will start much of the next month and a half or so in the carveness courtroom in the criminal court building behind me. this is the start of the people state of new york vs. donald j. trump jury selection starts this morning 10:00 a.m. if you are a want are of manhattan, hundreds of them summoned for jury service here on this monday morning to try to get the 12 jurors and six alternates who will eventually sit in judgment of the former president. this morning, about 100 people at a time will be called into the courtroom. that's where judge juan merchan will then explain to them about the case and ask if any prospective juror could be fair and impartial. those who raise their hands, they will be kicked out and excused. but those remaining, they will be seated in the jury box in small groups. they will be handed the 42-question jury questionnaire
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to fill out. and then each juror will be questioned individually by a prosecutor and by one of the former president's lawyers. the former president charged here with 34 counts of falsifying business records. that for hiding 130,000 in payoffs during the presidential race in 2016. to cover up his alleged affair with porn star stormy daniels. he denies doing that he is also accused of taking money from the trump organization to reimburse his lawyer, michael cohen who made those payments from his home equity and the company then allegedly -- listed those as legal expenses. that was the charge of illegality here. former playboy playmate karen macdougall also part of this case. she, too claimed an affair. said she was paid 150,000 by the national inquirer as part of the catch and kill to keep that story quiet. the charge is usually misdemeanors. there have v. been cases like this before on the filing false instruments.
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but the manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, the indictment has been bumped up to felonies. because he has roped in election violations and, perhaps, tax issues. the former president has slammed this case. here is one of his attorneys on it, will sharp. >> i have faith get the best possible jury. important to note that this case is being brought at the height of election season makes the process of picking a jury even more difficult here is the 42-page jury questionnaire asks if the prospective jurors could be fair to the former president, what they believe about the case, what they know about it, if they can put all that aside. it also asks if they are members of some political groups like antifa or members of the proud boys and also includes questions about what networks they watch and, yes, fox news is part of the jury questionnaire this
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kicks off about three hours from now. back to you. >> brian: they can't say how voted for. they are not going to say -- one of the questions can't be who are you going to vote for, why? >> they are not going to ask who are you going to vote for and not going to ask if you are democrat or republican. the feeling is that someone's choice for president is not related directly at all to the charges here. get a pretty good idea. republican or democrat or someone is a supporter of the former president or not. >> ainsley: all right, eric, thank you so much. the judge will excuse show of hands that they can't serve and can't be fair or impartial. jurors will only be known by numbers. only the legal teams will know the names of the jurors. >> charlie: i love how they are putting window dressing -- they are not hiding how partisan all this is. why -- just go for it. just say we want a jury of 12 democrats. 12 people who hate trump. be open about it. >> ainsley: the trump team gets to choose jurors as well.
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all they have to do is get one republican, that's all they have to do. that's how insane this is. it goes to the heart of all of this. it's an attack on the judicial system as much as it is an attack on donald trump. this is not what we should be using our justice system for. go after the people that are attacking people in subways. put them in jail. >> lawrence: such a good point. i look at this case in two prisms. i look we had the criminal defense attorney on yesterday. there should have been a plea in a case like this. then i look at the southern district of new york who is the most aggressive pro prosecutor's office. they couldn't build a case out of this. i look at alvin bragg and never see him unless it's involving donald trump. city overrun. attacking cops on a day-to-day basis. people stabbing, taking women's purses. criminals being released every single day and more focused on this trial instead of keeping the city safe it. goes to the point gregg jarrett was on yesterday saying this is
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only about politics. watch. >> gregg: i have never seen such a tangled torturous prosecution that would be brought against no other person except trump. yet to attach to a supposed election law violation, well, it's not federal election commission investigated and they said this is perfectly legal. it is not a campaign donation. the doj concluded there is no crime here. but, you know, enter alvin bragg, who is charging under federal law even though he is a local prosecutor and has no jurisdiction and authority to do that. but the judge is letting him get away with it. >> ainsley: brian? >> brian: so, a couple of things. the person that was gonna charge and didn't cyrus vance is on the record of saying this about the indictment. he says the person who really knows why he made this decision is alvin bragg. and the facts will support or not support his decision laid out in the indictment is exist
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until then. we have to take our political viewpoints. he doesn't understand, i remember jeb bush came out and said i don't think anyone would mistake me for a maga republican. he goes -- he says there's a reason why bragg's predecessor didn't take the case. the justice department didn't take the case. bragg first said he wouldn't take the case. this is political. this is not a matter of justice. i'm wondering when this case ends if the people are going to feel the same way that it is so obvious that it will be like the primaries. or is this going to be so salacious that it does hold him back? so that's going to be the key. >> ainsley: attorney we were interviewing earlier this morning, he said i have never seen anything like this. he said i am a registered democrat. and he said this is so unprecedented. he should have received a plea, he said. and we asked him will he be in the courtroom today when they are doing jury selection for the next two weeks? and he said if i were his attorneys, i would tell donald trump to be in the courtroom and i said why? because he could maybe possibly influence the jury or intimidate the jury? and he said no, just to get a
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lay of the land. just to find out the temperature of these jurors. >> lawrence: you want to see the reaction of the jurors. >> charlie: he is going to walk out every day and hold a press conference and going to be fantastic. >> ainsley: even with a gag order can he do that? >> charlie: i don't think he cares. going to run right through it. it's kind of funny, of course, you know, the it's so patently obvious. i think most people that it's a political game. and most people, the salacious details, they already have heard them all. there is nothing new there. the only thing that's ongoing is this pursuit of trump. >> brian: michael cohen has promised surprises. i would say this. the judge will decide the sentence. >> charlie: he paid a guy walmart shopping bag $12,000 and one boxing glove. >> ainsley: he also went to prison. >> brian: the problem is when you insult the judge, the judge will decide the sentence. i don't know tactically if that's a great move. >> charlie: need to go right to the appeal process.
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>> brian: in the interim, if ife is found guilty. does he go to jail? >> ainsley: went to jail he has to take secret service with him. >> charlie: you are not going to. >> lawrence: daniel steele and no gag order for them. telling israeli officials that the u.s. would not participate in any any counterattacks against iran. >> this after iran attacked the jewish state 300 drones and missiles as you see there. that happened over the weekend most of which were intercepted. >> brian: 50% didn't reach their mark, period. gillian turner joins us from the white house. >> gillian: white house came in hot defend military support for israel and also take a quick jab at the previous administration's iran policy. take a listen. >> hard to take a look at what president biden has done and say that we somehow have gone soft on iran. it was the previous administration that decided to get us out of the iran deal and now iran is so much
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dr. particularly closer to weapon capability than they were before -- before mr. trump was elected. >> gillian: president biden himself taking a little bit of a victory lap saying at my direction to support the defense of israel, the u.s. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week. thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our service members, we helped israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. reporting on the ground so far appears to bear out these claims fox news confirmed half of iran's ballistic missiles either failed to launch or crashed according to a senior u.s. final. official. the white house now needs to overcome. listen. >> mr. president, iran, in this moment? >> don't. >> i have one word, don't. >> to any actor, state or non-state, trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel: don't. >> we have just one word:
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don't. >> gillian: well, the iranian regime, obviously, not heeding that warning. the president is now very busy conveying the same warning to israel. is he telling them behind closed doors and through u.n. officials not to try to retaliate against iran in the aftermath of this remains to be seen. what the israeli government is going to do. back to you guys. >> ainsley: thank you, gillian. interesting they all say don't now because they are trying to protect the president. because they know that's the stupidest message and so weak. one word answer to a country that's attacking one of our biggest allies. >> brian: and they did. >> ainsley: and they did. what are you going to do about it. don't, if you do, i'm not going to do anything about it. >> brian: question is why is it to the benefit of us or israel for him to leak out to msnbc that the president's concerned that netanyahu is going to act to tempestuously and just attack without thinking and also let it
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be known that they were upset about the takeout of those irgc leaders? why does that work to anyone's advantage? written later in a book according to a souter i understand it. but they leaked it out on purpose in the middle of the attack which we didn't even know was over yet on saturday and has not been denied. >> lawrence: such a ridiculous way of action for the president. you don't treat your friends that way. and, to be clear, israel is not asking us to fight a war for them. these people are very capable of doing it. they were back to -- i was actually scheduled to be in israel this week. and they are back to normal. they are back -- because they are so accustomed to this lifestyle now of going to shelters every single day. they are ready to fight. the second thing let's not pretend iran is our friend. like we are doing israel a favor while getting involved with iran. i mean, we essentially empowered them to get the weapons and the missiles to do what they did on saturday. i saw admiral kirby on sunday
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with shannon bream. she pressed him on that issue. you guys kind of put them in the situation to do this. and then his response was, well, we contributed by making sure we took out the missiles though, excuse me. so you want a cookie for you guys taking the missiles out after you guys empowered them to get the weapons? it's just such a ridiculous foreign policy from this administration. >> charlie: it really is that's a total lie that john kirby said about how iran was empowered, got closer to the nuclear bomb under donald trump. during the trump administration, trump left iran the iran regime destitute. they did not have any money. they could not trade oil. they had nothing. if anything during that period, their march towards the nuclear bomb was retreated. it's been under barack obama, when joe biden was vice president, and under the biden administration, that iran has marched steadily with under the tutelage of john kerry has marched steadily towards a nuclear bomb.
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and for him to go out here and lie about that is kind of staggering. >> ainsley: senator marco rubio said the white house leakings information about biden talking to netanyahu, that conversation was offensive. he said it should never have been leaked. but he said he is doing this because biden is trying to appease that far, far wing of the democratic party. senator fetterman, democrat, represents pennsylvania. he was on over the weekend. and he agreed with that he said i would never pander. i'm not can a pit laghtd. because that just shows weakness. and it empowers hamas. listen. >> the president is entitled to his own views and what he decides to do. i would never capitulate to the french. i'll never pander to that as well. in fact, that helps -- that empowers hamas. hamas, they are actually convinced that they are winning the p.r. war. and they're never going to negotiate at this point. they think that they're going to hold on until the very end.
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and i know why they are not willing to provide any kind of proof of life. and i don't know why there is not more of that conversation in the media. >> brian: looks like there is only about 20 hostages left, according to some reports, considering there is 130 names still out there. hamas just walked over the biggest sweetheart deal ever. 900 prisoners are going to be out for 40 hostages. many people believe they can't produce the 40 hostages. that's how brutal this is. they are walking away. >> charlie: we started with 240 hostages. we believe there are 130 left and hamas now says they can't produce 40 hostages. >> lawrence: the president is -- he is entitled to his own view. but, i would question his motives as well. because it looks like it's politically motivated with what's happened in michigan. the last thing i say on this. there still have been no comment from the president from all those chants in michigan. there has still been no comment to what we played earlier in the show what happened in chicago. i don't think we need to hear from the white house press secretary when you have people
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chanting death to america and people in america that are celebrating the attack on israel. we need to hear from the commander-in-chief on where he stands on this. and he needs to check his party and check the pro-hamas side of them, brian. >> brian: let's talk about 2024. and last week i talked to governor sununu, old fashioned popolitician, i backed somebody else, nikki haley didn't get it. so i backed trump. among the people that can't believe that is george stephanopoulos whose deranged with january 6th syndrome. january 6th, bad day. we all know it, absolutely. nobody says it was a great day. but he acts like there is no other issue in the country. and governor sununu went on there and said, yeah, i thought that donald trump did play a role in it by giving a speech. i thought it was a terrible day. and i don't like the way he acted after the election. but, still, if you look at where the country was and where it is, i'm voting for trump. he just can't handle. they has
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done this so many times, too on sunday on the few times he hosts his own show. listen to this clash. >> will your support for donald trump continue even if he's convicted in manhattan? >> yeah. look, this trial is not going to have major political ramifications that a lot of people, i think it may have. >> are you going to be swayed by it? you are a governor. >> no. >> you are elected official. i'm asking whether you are going to be swayed by it? >> look. nobody should be shocked that the republican governor is supporting the republican president. do you know what the real story is the average american gone from biden back to trump. >> but he will be your president. >> bringing that mentality back. >> that doesn't make any sense to me, governor. i'm sorry. you are saying it's not about trump. he would be the president. and you've said he is someone who has contributed to an insurrection. >> i understand it doesn't make sense to you, george. look at the polls. >> brian: he went on to say you are in a new york bubble. you don't understand where the country is right now and where it was. that's why we got to get these
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democrats out and replace them with the people around donald trump. i think he is being honest in both ways. >> lawrence: this is what happens when you sit in a new york studio and don't go out there and talk with the american people. there is a lot of americans that say, listen, i don't agree with the tweets. i don't agree with some things that donald trump has done in the past. but, i still think he's the best person for the job. life was better. the border was secure. our enemies feared us. there's a lot of americans. but this tells you right now it just won't be the democrats that do this. that it will be the media that tries to shame the american public. if you decide to go for donald trump. it's that you can't do that they're not asking questions. they are telling you how to vote. you cannot vote for him because he is a threat to democracy. >> charlie: like they never learn. it's like lucy with the football. the media every single time lose their minds and go after these things and fall on their faces because nobody is buying and they are losing their credibility every step of the way. remarkably still had enough credibility to, i think,
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influence the 2020 election. but, you know, they are losing all credibility. >> brian: charlie, it's not as -- as chris sununu says it's not even a top five issue. keep bringing it up. all right? if the republicans only brought up afghanistan, i would go guys, what are you doing? i wish it was a top 1 issue. but it's only one issue. and it should be historic issue. it should be a disqualifier but it wasn't in 2022 so you move on. abortion looks like it's going to be maybe a top three issue instead of the top issue. you have to respond. at least ask questions about what is if about donald trump that is resonating with 93% of republicans ask yourself what am i missing as opposed to how awful other people that don't agree with me. >> ainsley: new york bubble. focus on one issue. they don't know what the average american's life is like where they are struggling to put food on their table because food is expensive. gas prices are going up again. compare gas prices to what they
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are now to what they were under donald trump. i mean, under donald trump when they left they were $2.40? now they are creeping up again. we have seen $5 gas -- more than $5 gas in various parts of the country. $7, $8 in california at some point. those are the issues that matter to people. when you go to a restaurant with your friends. when you talk to your family at the kitchen table, are you talking about january 6th? no. >> brian: i don't even think democrats are they want to jam that down -- they think that donald trump should be disqualified all right already and they can't believe he's not. governor sununu is an example of a republican that's. in he also said i said do you think nikki haley needs to endorse him? he said no. nikki haley's voters are going to vote for donald trump. they want no -- i was surprised to hear that. >> ainsley: they think like he does. they think like he does. if i'm a republican. maybe i liked nikki haley but if she is out i'm going to vote for the other republican. >> lawrence: bottom line she signed a pledge. republican voters. >> brian: did hillary clinton become secretary of state for
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the guy that beat him. barack obama? this happens all the time. is marco rubio up to being number two after they argued or tore each other's heads off in 2016? >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> charlie: like all healthy people, voters have the ability to prioritize what's most important to them and what's most important to them right now are gas prices, grocery bills. >> ainsley: crime, the border. >> brian: most important in the control room. >> lawrence: headlines. >> carley: good morning to you guys. ainsley, you must mentioned crime. that's another top issue. that's where we begin with a fox news alert. a police officer and a deputy are dead after a shooting in upstate new york. authorities say syracuse police officer tried stopping a, quote suspicious vehicle last night, when the driver fled. the suspect then fired at officers after they tracked him to his home. officials say the suspect was also killed in the shootout. to another fox news alert. australian police say they have arrested a suspect accused of stabbing a bishop and worshipers at a church service in sydney.
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footage of the incident streamed online. it shows the bishop looking up in terror as the attacker swipes at his face and head. this coming just days after a man killed six people at a shopping mall in sydney before an officer shot and killed him. more than 250 survivors of the 22017 bombing that killed dozens at ariana grande concert in britain are suing the countries' domestic intelligence agency. the attacker set up a knapsack bomb as thousands were leaving the manchester concert. 22 people died and more than 100 people were hurt. on to a fox weather alert. 70 million americans are under a severe weather threat this morning. thunderstorms, strong wind, and even hail and tornadoes are in the forecast for parts of the northeast and midwest and take a look at this: that is not a bucket of golf balls on your screen. it's a cup of hail fell outside
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of pittsburgh. scottie scheffler you don't have to hit those. nike facing backlash uniforms for female track athletes. former track star saying online the high cut will make it difficult and uncomfortable to compete as oppose to the men's design which covers most of the thigh. that is quite the high cut. nike says athletes can opted in or out of the new look. >> brian: why don't they ask the athletes? >> ainsley: they should. usually on the outside. this takes. >> brian: talking a lot about this. >> lawrence: alabama senator katie britt joins us next. thank you so much. ♪ suspicious minds ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. the fbi is opening a criminal investigation into the container ship that crashed into the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. this investigation is separate from the investigation already being conducted by the national transportation safety board. six people died when that bridge fell last month. and we have a fox weather alert. texas' grid operator is warning residents after asking power suppliers to postpone planned outages tomorrow and wednesday
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because of the rising temperatures. the operator saying the delay would, quote: help alleviate potential tight conditions through the evening. temperatures are expected to reach the upper eatsz and low 90's. and those are some of your headlines, now down to you, lawrence. >> lawrence: thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: you're welcome. >> lawrence: a fox news alert donald trump speaking out as jury selection for his hush money case begins today saying quote as virtually every legal scholar has powerfully stated the biden witch-hunt case among other things barred by the statute of limitations. this trial should be ended by the highly conflicted presiding judge. a left eye lean-leaning media an meltdown mode. >> we know how you feel and don't feel about this guy. how do you get a jury to ignore all of that and look at the facts. >> jury selection is kind of going to be the whole ballgame. all trump is needs is one. one cultice, one dive in the wool prosecutor to sneak into
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that jury and he or she can hang the whole thing. >> donald johnson and not donald trump, he would not be on his social media site posting. he would be in contempt in a jail cell. >> trump is going to use this courtroom and other courtrooms to come as really the centerpiece of his campaign. >> lawrence: unbelievable. and "the washington post" presses new yorkers on whether they can even be impartial in the case. alabama g.o.p. senator katie britt joins us now. so, senator, you're a legislator but also a lawyer. do you feel like the president can get a fair trial here in new york? >> no. i mean, look at what we are seeing. this is the left continuing to meltdown over donald trump. they are obsessed. i mean, there's a reason both the federal prosecutors and state prosecutors said we are not going to move forward with this. and then you have alvin bragg enter into the arena and want to make a name for himself. people know that people are sick of the two tiered system of justice that we are seeing. and i think that the more the media can talk about this, which
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we're going to see them do, then the less they have to talk about a what a disaster this country is under joe biden. they know people want donald trump back in the white house and they absolutely cannot stand it. >> lawrence: it's a perfect transition, senator, because you have the political ramifications of this and legal ramifications. you also have the calendar. the president makes the argue wants it is election interference. he can't be on the campaign trail. >> right. >> lawrence: if you have got this calendar full of days he has to be in court. look at it from today to may, november. when will he get the campaign if he is in the courtroom? >> that's exactly it. the thing is they know that people want donald trump back, want the policies back. look what is happening to the country whether it's our border or abroad or how far your dollar goes at home. it is a complete and total disaster under joe biden. we need donald trump out there. given that message that obviously bringing more people in. and they know that when that happens, he is going to win in november. and they absolutely cannot stand it. we got to get him back out
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there. get this wrapped up, and save our country. >> lawrence: senator, i have got some other news for you, obviously a big issue for every single state that we have been going to that the border is not being secured right now. the house passed impeachment, over in the senate's hand right now or at least they want to get there. >> katie: that's right. >> lawrence: what's the timeline on actually will there be a trial or not? >> this great question and continue to keep the pressure on chuck schumer. chuck schumer would rather spend his days putting very partisan judges on the floor and us not actually doing our job. so, what you see right now is we are waiting on the transadmission of that impeachment to come to the senate. we have got keep this momentum building. what truman wants to do is motion to table. he wants to completely sweep this under the rug. and, lawrence, the american people deserve better. this has been 150 years since we have been dealing with something like this free open trial in
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front of the american people. lawrence, whether it is drug cartels, whether it's human traffickers mayorkas or failed policies. somebody needs to answer for it. this is what you're not going to see in the media. let me tell what you chuck schumer doesn't want people to know. he doesn't want us to be able to say look at the drug cartels. look at the fentanyl poisons. it's the leading cause of death between the ages of 18 and 45 in this nation. when you look at human trafficking. under president trump, it was a $500 million industry. it is now a $13 billion industry. under joe biden. that's men, women and children who are suffering and paying the price. and then when you look at terrorists, lawrence, we had the fbi director just a few months ago say in a senate hearing, he sees blinking lights everywhere. we know under president trump there were only 14 known terrorists that came to the border. we're looking at upwards of 350 and more.
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and that doesn't even account for the known got-aways. people, 1.8 million and growing that we don't know who they are, where they are going or what their intentions are it's absolutely despicable and the american people deserve better. >> lawrence: no change in policy from the administration. >> none. >> lawrence: also, to your point a lot of democrats in swing states, chuck schumer doesn't want them on the record. >> he doesn't want them on the record, that's why senator lindsey graham put a letter forth and almost g.o.p. senators signed it saying we demand a trial. so we're going to keep fighting for the american people while chuck schumer tries to protected, like you said, senators in swing states and sweep this under the rug. the american people sincerely deserve better and we're going to make sure they get it. >> lawrence: senator, thanks so much for coming by and seeing us. >> thank you. >> lawrence: iran launches missiles at israel over the weekend. trey yingst live on the ground in tel aviv with an update. that's ♪ ♪ c is smart here, right ?
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>> brian: fox news alert. president biden will meet with prime ministers of iraq and the czech republic today. it comes after he told israeli officials that the u.s. would not participate in any counterattack against iran, and they wanted everybody to know it. trey yingst joins us live from israel where i understand their cabinet is still deciding what next to do. right, trey? >> trey: yeah, brian. good morning. that's absolutely right. today president biden is set to meet with iraqi prime minister mohammed al sudany. the pair likely to discuss this iranian attack against israel over the weekend that included hundreds of drones and missiles it does come as president biden reportedly told benjamin netanyahu that the united states will not participate in or even support a counter strike against iran. as we speak, israel's war cabinet is meeting here in tel aviv, israel's version of the pentagon to come up with their
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response. we understand, according to israeli media, that there are key disagreements within this cabinet about the scope and timing of such a counterattack. it does come as we are getting more information about what took place over the weekend. israeli and american fighter jets were able to shoot down the majority of these projectiles and you can see in some of the video they intercepted them outside of israeli airspace. we watched here in tel aviv as israel's most advanced air defense systems intercepted ballistic missiles and drones far overhead. all of this as the iranians are showing their true colors. they fired so many missiles and drones, but the damage here in israel was not as extensive as they hoped. and so now the israelis have to make a decision about keeping themselves in the middle of a very difficult situation. they don't want the region to go to a broader war. but they also don't want iran to think they can attack israel from their soil. brian. >> brian: all right, trey, thanks so much. so much analysis. so many experts are needed.
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we very never been down this path before. trey yingst, thank you. our next guest says iran would not hesitate to use nukes if they had them. joining us right now is former that daca commander retired general david perkins who famously did the thunder run as iraqi documents meet with our president today. general, why do you believe that iran would have used nuclear weapons last night did they had them? >> what we saw the iranians do the attack they had was pretty disvictim that the. it wasn't focused on any particular military aspect of it also show that the iranians now have never had a weapon and not used it when i look at the long term especially in that part of the world.
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if the iranians were to get a nuclear capability and the fact that so many gulf arab partners, maybe even behind the scene that part of the world tenuous but very effective. >> not the only country in that part of the world concerned about the iranians. >> 450% of the ballistic missiles fired by iran failed to launch. so your sense, dhiewble president biden was right to tell israel take the wind and don't hit back? take the win definitely. three levels of war. this was a loss for the iranians, a win for the israelis and the coalition they put together. i think the israelis need to focus on keeping that coalition tenuous as it is together because it was very effective.
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there are lots of ways to go and get back at the iranians covert ways, non-attribution ways. and i would let the iranians know that there is a pretty large capability to do that and done at a time of israel and coalition's choosing and let them stew on that for a while. something right away i don't think would be the most effective way to deal with this. >> brian: but you say they have to finish off hamas. would you say they have to go into rafah. do you agree with the prime minister? >> what has to happen is the israelis have to assure that hamas no longer has the capability to exert control over the palestinian people and export the terrorism and attacks like they did on 7 october. and so they have to make sure that threat is gone. keep support. that's a very difficult process
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to do, but they both have to be in the forefront of the israeli tactics. >> brian: right. let the civilians out but finish off hamas. general perkins, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. have a good day. >> brian: all right. mean while the straight ahead far left activists in chicago cheering on iran missile attack, chicago. that's next. >> has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [cheers and applause]
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. holy moly beautiful right now in new york city. going to get to 75 today. i'm so excited. let's take a look at the maps. the temperatures are into the 50's and 60's. we are looking at the severe storm threat today and tuesday and also for portions of the mid-atlantic. large hail, damaging wins, isolated tornadoes will be possible. but, look at the temperature departure, especially for the two thirds of the country on monday. 234 million above average. and then wednesday, things will start to, you know, even out a little bit. but, enjoy it while we have got it. 77 in dallas. 79 in houston. 82 in new orleans. 77 here in new york. that's pretty nice, carley shimkus. i know you're going to enjoy it. >> carley: living it up. let's go to central park and have a little picnic. why not? >> janice: i would love that.
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>> carley: okay. everybody is invited. everybody watching right now. all right. janice, thank you so much. hey, check out this wild video from southern california. doorbell camera footage capturing the moment a car goes airborne into a neighbor's home, wow. that crash happened earlier this month when firefighters say the driver lost control of the vehicle while making a turn. according to the firefighters and that footage we are watching, the crash caused major damage to the house no. one inside the home was hurt, thank god. what a moment. that is so scary. this wild video shows two dust devils combine in arizona to form a single advisor texas according to the storm chases who. tumble weeds air powerful winds. dust up reach as high as 1,000 feet in the air. typically only last a few minutes. they just wanted to be friends and combine forces and they did, guys. over to you.
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>> ainsley: wonderful. thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: a bunch of activists in chicago. was it last week or a week and a half ago in dearborn, michigan and they were yelling death to america. this activist, recent activists there were 300 taken war activists in the g ng happens this august. that's when they found out iran was trying to attack israel. and the crowd got excited and was cheering when that was announced. listen. >> i just have to report something to everyone and so it begins. iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [cheers and applause] there are reports of drones having been fired on yemen and iraq as well. [applause] >> this is when this country and the world needs us because the
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united states is going going to defend the israeli state. and we august of the antiwar committees here. all of the palestine support coalitions here must be ready immediately to be out in the streets and stop the u.s. from expanding this war on iran. >> that's right. [cheers] >> lawrence: just wonder when we are going to start taking radical islam seriously in this country peaceful muslims that love the country as well this country is full of islamic radical terrorists. when israel is bombed they call for death to america and we allow them to do. we deserve whatever is going to happen if we don't get these people under control. >> charlie: normal americans are shocked and outraged by. this the biden campaign is looking at this figuring out how
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do we win these people over as supporters, they're honestly trying to figure out how to win them over. >> brian: right. here's the thing. we have had one enemy 1979 consistently. even the soviet union and russia. always been iran. history classes you know about the ayatollah. you know through democrat or republican administration. i thought we could all agree that the iranian government is the enemy of america but we can't even identify that anymore. >> ainsley: the biden administration did condemn the anti-semitic chants but gretchen whitmer stayed silent on this. the governor of that state. you have rashida tlaib not condemned the chants. and polling shows, according to this interview on meet the press yesterday, less than 20% of arab americans would vote for biden as long as this war continues. >> brian: as soon as they find out what trump administration's is, it's even more different than that but they will keep quiet about it. >> ainsley: jury selection just hours away in trump's hush money trial. can he get a fair trial here in
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