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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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pants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. >> brian: it's 8:00 a.m., monday, april 15th, this is "fox and friends." in two hours, jury selection to
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begin in former president trump historic new york hush money tr trial. plus it will cost more to cool your summer this summer as energy costs surge. >> ainsley: and scottie scheffler clenches his second masters in three years. >> my buddies told me my victory was secure on the cross, that is a pretty special feeling. >> lawrence: dallas, texas, baby. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. remember, mornings are better with friends. fox news alert, jury selection begins in former president trump historic new york hush money trial. >> brian: first ever former president to stand trial in a criminal trial. >> ainsley: we begin with eric shawn outside new york state supreme court. eric. >> good morning.
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this is the building manhattan criminal court where the show "law and order" is taped. the screen writers probably never imagined along with common criminals would be former president of the united states. this is where donald trump will be sitting, behind a wooden defense table as the historic case begins this morning. jury selection starting under two hours from now. hundreds of manhattanites called for jury selection to sit in this case. 100 people thea a time will be called in and the judge will explain the case and ask if anyone thinks they cannot be fair or impartial. those people that raise their hand will be excused and small groups put in the jury box and
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given a 42-question questionnaire before they are questioned by the prosecutor and one of mr. trump's lawyers. mr. trump is charged with falsifying records for allegedly covering up his as affair with porn star stormy daniels. he says he gave payments through michael cohen for legal expenses. the charges are usually misdemeanors, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg bumped them up to felonies. the president has attacked this trial, this is truth social this morning. why didn't they bring this lawsuit seven years ago? election interference.
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>> if i fly over a democrat state, they call it a blue state, i get subpoenaed before a grand jury. it is horrible. h honestly, they are ruining this country, destroying the country. not a thing he's done has been good. this is blatant manipulation of the law. >> here is the 42-page jury selection with the questions, question 32, do you have any feelings or opinions about how mr. trump is being treated in this case? one way to find this out if you look at election results in manhattan, jurors are only from new york city. in 2020, mr. trump got 12% of the vote, and in 2016, he got 10% of the vote, that is the jury pull as they start letsdz than two hours from now.
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>> lawrence: that should be fair. >> ainsley: not surprising, it is new york city. >> brian: what we know right now, we need an attorney to break it down. >> lawrence: carrie, what is the charge? what is the crime he xhcommitte? >> according to d.a., with falsifying business record, except there is one problem, the statute of limitation has run out. so he's manufactured it into felonies, he said he was to conceal an underlying crime. no one knows what the underlying crime is. and alvin bragg said vaguely he violated state and federal electric law. >> ainsley: going into a trial and his team does not know how to argue this case?
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>> not just because it is donald trump, we are supposed to have a free and fair justice system and know what you are being charged with. accused has right to know what they are being accused of, that is a hallmark, something we are guaranteed to have. alvin bragg talked in a press conference and to look, you say, if he's concealing a crime and it involves state and federal election law, how could they do that unless bragg is converting hush money payment into contributions to himself and didn't report as such. charlie is laughing because it is ridiculous. >> brian: we're talking about paperwork violation in the worst case if guilty and looking at jail time. it is no victim, it is a victim
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l less crime. but like what is appeal process? as a nonlawyer, looking at this, i assume the whole thing is rigged. how does it, what is the appeal process look like? >> jury returns sentence where they convict him of crimes, he would appeal this. i i am convinced new york justice system is committed to crushing trump. they are attempting to remove him from public life by boot strapping misdemeanors to felonies, which carry jail time. up to four years per charge. 34 times four. >> ainsley: and the judge will sentence him. how long do you think the trial will go? >> six to eight weeks.
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you are looking potentially at week before memorial day with case of closing arguments and jury returning a verdict and if they convict him appeals will play out at that point. >> brian: michael cohen, he has issues, witnesses are devastating, like sammy the bull, he was used as a witness. here is michael cohen. >> i did not want to go to the white house, i was offered jobs. >> donald trump is not a racist, he believes all people are part of one race, human race. >> i know what mr. trump is, he is a racist, a con-man and he is a cheat. >> the words the media should be using to describe mr. trump are
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generous, compassionate, principled, empathetic, kind, humble, honest and genuine. he is capable of behaving kindly, but he is not kind, he is not generous, he is capable of being loyal, but he is disloyal. >> michael cohen goes to jail and comes out and writes a book and wants donald trump to pay the price. when you talk about election inte interference they are saying if voters knew about stormy daniels and karen mcdougal, they would not have voted him into office. >> what is the crime? you would have to reconstruct hush payment into campaign payment or way to promote
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yourself as candidate to do that. these are all known things, star witness and case hinges on this guy. if the judge is concerned about ap appearance of impartiality and f fairness that gag order should not just be slap against trump, but michael cohen. when he does media interview, there is no penalty of perjury. he would know better than any anybody. he can go on tv and do shows with no consequence and say whatever he wants true or not. >> lawrence: does the judge have the ability, is there a law being broken, did he have the
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opportunity to throw this out based on standing? >> he could have thrown it out on a number of grounds. the judge could have looked at the indictment and said take this back and make it more particular, it is unclear to me what he did. how are we at felony stage when statute of limitation has run. he could have said come back with something more specific so the defendant knows what is going on. >> brian: clock was not ticking during the time -- >> well, it is because the pandemic but everyone is explaining why they did not do it at the time. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> brian: only need one. >> that is right. >> lawrence: to another fox news alert, president biden telling israeli officialsz will not
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participate in a counter attack against iran. >> ainsley: after iran attacked the jewish state over the weekend, most of which were intercepted. >> brian: gillian turner is live at the white house. >> gillian: defending military sfoert for israel and criticizing the trump administration iran policy, take a listen. >> it is hard to say we have gone soft on iran. previous administration got us out of the iran deal and now iran is closer to nuclear weapon capability than before mr. trump was elect. >> gillian: president biden said mission accomplished. thanks to deployments and extraordinary skill of service
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members we helped israel take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. reporting on the ground bears out claims, fox news confirming half of iran's ballistic missiles failed to launch or crashed. there is messaging the white house needs to account for. >> message to iran in this moment? >> don't. one word. >> any actor, state or nonstate trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel, don't. >> we have just one word, don't. >> the iranian regime clearly did not heed that warning, john kirby was on another network and reiterated biden administration does not want this to escalate and as far as the administration is aware, israel has not decided if they will retaliate to the
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iran strikes. >> brian: last month white house extended waiver that unlocks frozen funds into iran by enabling iraq to pay the iranian government for electric ity services. that is how they are getting money to get weapons that end up here and in ukraine and hezbollah and hamas. if people want to talk about we've been tough on iran and previous administration let them out of a nuclear deal. the previous administration said, we don't trust and and we're going to separate you from money and income. these guys had given them money and not controlled the nuclear program. it is lose-lose. >> and promise of the nuclear deal put under on path to have nuclear weapons. >> ainsley: they wouldn't let
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inspectors in. >> lawrence: exactly, then you have energy policy which empowers them. on all elements of this, president empowering iran. another thing, talking about the trial and for american people that is a lot of noise. when they look at trump administration compared to right now, if you're the president, you are worried with what the american people are saying right now. do you approve or disapprove of biden's handling of the economy? only 34% approve and 63% disa disapprove. >> ainsley: when asked about donald trump, i think we had it up, flip that, do you ashgsz prove of the way donald trump handled the economy? 64% approve and 33% disapprove. >> this is why trump is going up in the polls when slapped with new charges and more use of the judicial system.
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most people, it is noise, they don't care about it, it is like entertainment on tv. what they care about, what they are paying at the gas pump and grocery store, or a crime. those things matter to them and this is proof that democrats don't have solutions and they want to change the subject. >> brian: who do you think is too old to be president? joe biden. and only 41% say trump. i guess they don't have television or have seen video. au how respondent views of trump have changed? how he left the country better off, up 9, maintaining law and order, up 8, unifying america plus 4, covid plus 3 and supreme court plus 1.
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his four years against joe biden's four years. so far people are looking at last four years even with pandemic better. >> ainsley: barack obama approval rating went up after he left office and george bush went up and donald trump has. it may have helped him take last four years, he's doing better in the polls than joe biden. >> ainsley: he is helping, we show video of them at the border and joe biden is barely wal walking -- holding on to border chief and donald trump is shaking handing with the border patrol agents. >> lawrence: every single issue, when you have two presidents across the street campaigning, they are seeing donald trump is a threat to democracy.
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not saying donald trump is -- secured border and not saying we have peace, can you not look at every international issue right now? we didn't have this going on. remember, we were told that donald trump was the one going to break out world war iii. you can't trust this guy with nuclear code and now this guy is inching close. iran is empowered and russia attacking ukraine. reasonable voter, looking at issues on day-to-day issues can't go with joe biden, which is why, you saw in the george george stephanopoulos with the governor. you are broke and you can't afford things at the grocery store, how do you vote for this guy? >> for these people who have
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blind trump derangement be syndrome, if they let trump win in 2020, he would be gone and leaving now. but because of everything that happened, we stha /* /* they are going to have to put up with trump for another four years. >> ainsley: many are critical because of the way donald trump has acted. imagine if this were happening to you, you felt like you were innocent and as carrie said, they are changing the rules to indict and prosecute donald trump to get him behind bars, wouldn't you act the same way? he's strong, how he deals with this and plays golf or has a good day and in a positive spirit. >> brian: and stress of trying to pick a college for your son, he is a senior. >> it helps he is tall. >> brian: 6-9, unbelievable.
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>> ainsley: power bills have surged 30% since president biden took office. >> brian: jeff flock is in philadelphia. explain this story. >> i'm in front of an old coal-fired power plant in philadelphia. been out of business for 40 years. we've been decommissioning power plants. it is more complicated than that. take a look at numbers, cpi numbers, you would think you are talking about food prices, this is gasoline. electricity is highest of the big numbers and we have had pretty calm electricity prices for a long time under obama and trump. up about 5% over last seven or eight years and then president
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biden comes in and it is up 30%. not just decommissioning of coal-powered power plants, we need more electricity, they are eshg lectifiying cars, data centers, updating the grid and now we have ai. listen. >> the most recent thing is artificial intelligence, it uses a lot of electricity, we were not planning for these things to happen together and not planning for new information after chatgpt took off and ai is everywhere. >> so hold on to your electric bills, the states where it is worse, we researched that and maine in the last year had 25% increase. washington, d.c., almost 18%,
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connecticut and arizona, up there. so you think gas and food costs a lot, electricity, too, shocking. >> ainsley: turn the lights out when you leave the room. as my father would tell us. >> lawrence: mine, too. >> brian: or put on a sweater or clap on, clap off, are you surprised we have not done that more, didn't you think you would do that forever? >> lawrence: what is that? >> ainsley: he's too young to know. >> brian: like this and -- >> ainsley: they had commercials like elderly people in bed and didn't have to get out of bed. >> lawrence: i'm glad ainsley found that cute. >> carley: there was a song, clop on, clap off. ing >> now they just spy on you and
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send it to china. >> carley: fox news alert, horrific story. police officer and deputy are dead after shooting in state new york. authorities say syracuse police officers tried stopping a s suspicious vehicle and the suspect fled and fired at officers after they tracked him to his home. officials say the suspect was killed in the shoot out. australian police have arrested a subject accused of stabbing a bishop. the attacker swiped at his face and head, this is just days after a man killed six people in sydney before officers shot and killed him. and terrorizing los angeles highways with a brazen string of
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day-time robberies. one jeweler was ambushed while driving home with valuable merchandise in the back of her car in october. number of thieves from south america nations to commit robberies has soared over five years. today is tax day, if you're still waiting to file taxes, experts say don't use tax advice from tiktok. claiming your car as a business expense, hiring your kids and writing off pets. >> brian: it alsos donate to china. israel weighing options, should they hit iran back? we'll discuss it. >> lawrence: trey g trey yings next. for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face,
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life
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>> ainsley: a fox news alert, president biden will meet with prime ministers of iraq and czech republic today after he told israeli officials the u.s. would not participate in a counter attack with iran. >> brian: trey yingst live from israel. >> trey: today president biden will meet with the prime minister as reports indicate --
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briefing with top israeli air force official who gave more information about coalition efforts to shoot down hundreds of missiles and droned launched over the weekend. officials did not know what the attack might look like, they had some advanced notice and were able to shoot down so many missiles and drones. israeli war cabinet is meeting a few miles from here in tel aviv. local media reporting there are key disagreements of response, but the cabinet does agree israel must send a message attacks like this will not be
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accepted in the future. >> brian: thanks, trey. israeli counsel to southwest join us now. thank you for being with us, israel. the lay of the land now in terms of iran? you feel like iran was already a pariah in that part of the world, that can only have become a worse problem at this point. >> correct. i think the fact that iran regime still exist and control iran, it is stand on western democracy, it is anti-human regime who destabilize region from first day and go against western interest and against israel, we need to come together to make sure that we are isolated iran by reinstating
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creeping sanction to strengthening israel american and arab alliance and it is about time to name iran a terrorist organization, that is what we need to do right now. it is time about to stop hypocrisy on the world stage dealing with iran on democratic level or any conversation with them. i think this regime sooner is better. >> ainsley: when hamas attacked, we as america, supported israel. when iran attacks, we are not, by biden told your prime minister netanyahu the u.s. will not support a counter attack, what is your thoughts on that? >> we are grateful for the united states and army and
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administration that support us. we in israel believe if we need to attack, we need to do it by ourselves and never ask any other country to do it for us. we do need diplomatic international cloud and definitely america has power to give us this clout. it is not beg your pardon personal matters, it is about understanding the reality, understanding where we are at on the world stage and world need to understand and decide if it want to go with approach or with a decision what to do against iran. so israel is going to do what we need to do end of the day and decide a time and this -- against iran that need to be seen. but we do appreciate american people support this endeavor.
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>> brian: israel has proven to be effective at standing up to bullies in the region, thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much, good morning. >> ainsley: we are ashgsz awaiting form upper president trump's departure in the hush money case, stay with us. await form upper president trump's departure in the hush money case, stay with us. awaiting form upper president trump's departure in the hush money case, stay with us. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles,
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anyone that would bring this forward. >> ainsley: bret tolman, why do you say that? >> intelligent, thoughtful p prosecutor, statute of l limitations has passed, which is a misdemeanor. only other avenue is to suggest fraud that was committed. justice department declined to prosecute and they have proven they will go after mr. trump and that would be intelligent prosecutor to say, i don't want to go to court and address judge and jury with worst facts there are to pursue the former president of the united states in a criminal trial that will be known for the rest of my life.
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>> brian: right and here are fans, the previous district attorney that alvin bragg replaced decided not to bring this case forward and asked while alvin bragg is, listen. >> we began our investigation in roughly 2017 at the same time we learned the federal prosecutors were looking at mr. trump, as well. i was asked to stand our efforts down and prepared to defer to them. i was surprised when michael cohen pled guilty the southern district never went anywhere with that case and it stopped. >> brian: that was 2023 and he does not know what changed. do you? >> i do. i tell you what changed, one of the prosecutors on the case investigating and upset they were not bringing charges
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resigned and wrote a book about how he thought the case should be brought. they bullied alvin bragg into the courtroom. i've faced juries when i've had bad facts -- >> ainsley: this is donald trump coming out of trump tower heading to the court because jury selection begins today. are you surprised he's going to courtroom, would you recommend to be there? >> i think it is important, they may be missing the best charge, jay walking. i mean it is important for him to be there. this jury selection will be interesting, each side will be able to get rid of 10 to 15 jurors and the first set of jurors that are acceptable and it is all about their political leads and whether they have bias
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toward the president or not. >> this is the spectacle everyday of this trial except for wednesdays. worse case alvin bragg will forever be remembered for. if the past is any indication, donald trump will make a lot of political hay out of this? >> that is exactly right. it is interesting, alvin bragg raised according to newsweek million dollars already based on bringing this case. donald trump grows more popular as they use bad facts and law to bury him and take him out of the election. >> brian: how much money has gone into security defending him, secret service, traffic stops. >> and everybody in the courtroom is getting paid,
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mass massively expensive operation here. >> lawrence: i know we want to talk about the politics and any but is there any recourse for these judges? they have become political. they could say, you don't have standing here, this legal maneuver to make a misdemeanor a felony, what are the judges doing here? >> yeah, i think you're rhythm, what is the recourse? we can file complaints and ethics complaints to the clerk, judges are virtually untouchable and so are prosecutors because we have expandedexpanded immuni. there may be enough there to get passed notion to dismiss.
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other than that, many of us have been saying, be careful when you weaponize the justice system because we have allowed it to grow with no accountability or trans transparent transparency. >> brian: after the president has been sparring with this judge, doing everything to get him kicked out, going after the gag order put into place and that guy will decide to put donald trump in jail? >> he has authority to take him forth with if convicted at sentencing, he has that authority to put him in custody at that moment, opening a new can of worms. >> ainsley: what about choosing jurors, 12 plus six alternates. what are you looking for if you are donald trump's attorney? >> what you want, he's unpopular
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in manhattan, people know that, there are pockets of popularity. you want individuals that are in intelligent and don't have a clear bias for tz left in politics and you want ind individuals that are going to be able to see through, this case hinges on serial perjury personneling chl perjor urer and unlikeable lawyer as his main evidence. should not be hard to find a couple jurors that don't feel comfortable with this. >> brian: we have m manhattan wired and this will be everyday except wednesday. >> lawrence: any legal reason why stormy daniels and michael
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cohen can talk and donald trump is gagged in this case? >> purely unethical, unlawful b based on application, it is one thing to issue a gag order in a criminal case, done typically to protect the defendant rather than the government, but to do it and allow some ability to talk and others is biassed decision-making by a judge. >> assuming trump abides by the gag evorder, i assume he will n, he is a master. he walks out and sees a bank of cameras and he doesn't need to talk about the case. he will take advantage of that. and it is going to be, it -- >> brian: he will talk about the case, you know him. >> he will, as well. and do it in pig latin and talk
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about whatever else he wants to talk about, he will take advantage of cameras and people will tune in, this will be better than the o.j. trial. people will tune in to see what hilarious stuff he has to say. >> the plan was to utilize multiple prosecutors to take down donald trump. that fear is likely in their eyes, a good strategy. it changes when you get there and start to realize, did we do this and have we given him a massive platform? >> brian: how do you win this case? most people did not vote for donald trump. say you get someone on the jury that wants to be open minded, if you are defense, how do you win it and exonerate your client? >> you only need one juror really to be thoughtfully
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looking and say, we have a se serial perjuror, telling me this is hush money, we are not bringing that case, in their audits they categorize this as legal retainer, which did go to a lawyer, but we think it should have said hush money, because it did not say hush money, that is campaign violation because we think, we're not sure, we think that money came from campaign funding. that is the case they are presenting and tell me there is not a thaoughtful juror in new york. what is on trial is new york justice system. >> ainsley: you know what, think about that, if you live in new york, that is completely pretty much democratic and you're on the jury and one person that thinks this is not a fair trial, you will not go with it, --
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lawyers will know the names of the jurors, how good is our government at protecting the names from bei leaked? >> not very good, one thing that is difficult to protect is identity of multiple individuals, this is trefl 12 individuals on this jury, some will want to talk and some will be able to talk and a lot of due d diligence will be a factor. >> lawrence: do you worry about tz president's legal team running out of challenges in new york? that should be a concern when selecting this jury, right? for any defendant, right? >> that is right, lawrence,
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depending on the case you get 10 to 15 challenges where you can pull somebody off because you don't think they are the juror you want, you can't pull somebody off based on any protected fact, race or gender, but you can pull them off for political beliefs and bias. lawyer's challenge is to ask questions that reveal bias. if they can do that, a judge removes the individual and you save challenges to make sure you have the jury you want. >> brian: one thing, forget about presidential candidate and electoral, this strains the president's relationship with melania. don't bring up the access hollywood stuff. they will bring that up. they will talk about things that
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the president has no interest in talking about and that is another reason you want this thing delayed. this does not work for him personally, it is a challenge. >> yeah, it is -- it will take its toll. think about this, this judge has indicated he will be politically leaning on this case and make decisions that make all of us scratch our heads. he will make decisions on evidence and side with the government often. getting into information that is uncomfortable personally. more he does that, he is establishing better basis for appeal if convicted. >> i have a nerdy legal question, that i don't understand, i did not go to law school and did not learn to be a liar. how is it possible that a local prosecutor is using a federal statute to go after somebody in
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a local courtroom? it just doesn't make sense to me. >> not a bad question, many of us are scratching our head, you committed a federal crime and in the state of new york, if you commit a crime, we have another crime we can bring based on com on your commission of the federal felony. you don't have a government, or justice department willing to bring that case. >> i'm curious, you were talking about the judge making decision on what evidence is brought into the courtroom and you know michael cohen is their star witness and defense can bring that up in court. do you think the judge will allow the video of the double speak?
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>> it is admissible, rules of evidence should allow that in, you are given great latitude to try to discredit a witness and show that witness has motivation to lie and history of lying. >> brian: this is manhattan, alvin bragg did not specify the other crime in trump's indictment. evidence shows actions were minute to conceal finance and tax crimes. what could the other crime be and why were they not require to tell the defense what they are being charged with? >> first and foremost, other crime, only one they -- that seems apparent is allegation he committed federal campaign
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allegation and crime is hiding that for purposes of their state felony they are bringing. keep in mind, this is why it is so difficult for alvin bragg, he has to try to convey at this point, it is easy with a grand jury. he could hide facts and just present hear say. now he has to unfold what is that other crime and they have to have enough sufficient detail and has to be sufficient to show that crime occurred. this is a very difficult case. >> ainsley: that is why in a grand jury jury, the defense does not get to speak. 99% of time, they are indicted. we are watching donald trump heading down the fdr to the courtroom, jury selection starts
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today. how can this happen in america? is there not safeguard or protection for american people to protect us from politics in the courtroom? >> sadly, what people are seeing and what is happening to president trump, they are seeing what millions of americans have already realized and have been impacted when a prosecutor wields that power and uses discretion, abuses their discretion, has impact on community, on family, on homes and has been happening for years. we've increased the number of crimes. under reagan, several thousand criminal statutes and now over 300,000 criminal statutes that can be used. when you do that and inject politics, you have almost
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untouchable government agency that can wield power without any accountability. >> lawrence: question is, most defense attorneys tell clients to be quiet and then you have a trial that is going to be ongoing as they select the jury today. you have a person on trial that is also running for president, what do you tell your client in a situation like that? >> i think one, we all know very difficult to -- for client management purposes, difficult client in this case, he will talk. i would be imploring him to talk about other things, to let the lawyers talk about this case, let the court do what it is going to do. american people see what these prosecutors are doing and focus on his other messaging he can go
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out and talk about other than this case. >> brian: assembling this are mr. plai jury, can you tell us what it is like, how many challenges can you have and do you wheel and deal and say if you give me six, i will give you three. how do you do this? >> reality is, it is set by statute, you are given 10 to 15 pr pr pr preemptory challenges and the voir dire and questioning of jury pool, individuals you ask questions to, what are your thoughts on this, how do you feel about republicans what is your impression of democrats? asking these questions to understand what is the potential bias in an individual and then implore this judge to remove someone you think you have sufficiently shown is
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politically biassed. if you can do that, the judge removes them and you maintain challenges to allow you to remove 10 to 15 individuals. >> brian: he just got off the highway and on the road to courthouse right now. >> you spent time picking juries, have you been so focused as these lawyers will be on the political affiliation of potential jurors? >> i've had a few public corruption cases and it was a factor, but nothing of magnitude what is going on here. this is pure and simply, you are hoping that you can find that one or two or three individuals who deep down don't like what is happening to donald trump and the level of scrutiny going to be done with each individual they are questioning that might be a potential juror is
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unprecedented. >> brian: we have the caravan and will be doing it everyday, this might be most important of the whole trial, jury selection. >> lawrence: former president of the united states heading to jury selection and could face jail time. >> ainsley: this is unprecedented, never seen a president stand trial on criminal charges, this is a first. donald trump left trump tower and is heading to the court. >> far greater damage being done to justice system than donald trump. >> brian: more than likely former president will be speaking some point today. that will do it for >> lawrence: "america's newsroom" starts right now. >> bill: day one of the trump hush money trial. jury selection in an hour. the former president will be


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