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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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last fiscal year, bill. >> bill: mike tobin in el paso, texas, beginning another week of coverage down there. thank you. >> american leadership was vital to helping israel defend itself. we had american fighter pilots in the air. israelis have said they couldn't have done what they did without american help. >> dana: john kirby with us earlier as the israeli war cabinet meets about the attack over the weekend. president biden is urging restraint. general jack keane is ahead with more an iran's first ever attack on israel. the white house response and israel's military options coming up. former president donald trump arriving for jury selection minutes ago in the first criminal trial of a former president. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. interesting weekend. >> dana: yeah. >> bill: a lot going on. >> dana: a lot of news and a lot
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of fun, too. got a chance to see harold ford junior in the wild with people. this guy is a good politician. tell you. >> bill: hope you brought pictures. the search for an unbiased jury in new york. jury selection to this trial will determine who gets to decide whether the former president of the united states is guilty of a crime. in this case the jury pool is limited to a heavily democratic manhattan. >> dana: how do you go about finding an unbiased jury in new york when it comes to donald trump? this trial features a number of key players including the prosecutor, judge, adult film star and model who received those hush money payments and trump's former lawyer. trump arriving to the courthouse moments ago calling the case a sham. >> many legal scholars say this case is nonsense. it should never have been brought. there has never been anything like this. there is no case. >> bill: fox team coverage. jonathan turley with analysis on
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the legal front. eric shawn is outside the supreme court building in lower manhattan. let's begin with you for a brand-new hour. >> good morning, bill. can you be fair and impartial to former president donald trump? that is the the key question that prospective jurors will be asked this morning as jury selection in this trial has gotten underway. when he arrived this morning at the manhattan criminal court the former president pumped his fist in the air almost seeming as a victory. in the hallway he again slammed the prosecution and called it an honor to be here. >> the assault on our country. a country that's failing, a country run by an incompetent man who is very much involved in this case. this is really an attack on a political opponent. that's all it is. i'm very honored to be here.
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>> 100 people at a time will be called into the courtroom for jury selection where the former president will be seated. the judge will explain the case to the jurors and ask them if any of them cannot serve. then those who are weeded out, the remaining jurors will be given a jury questionnaire that's 42 pages. as part of what's' known as voir dire they'll be individually questioned by the prosecutor and lawyers about their views. among the questions on the form decide to ferret out the juror's opinions do you have any strong opinions or beliefs about former president donald trump or the fact that he is a current candidate for president that would interfere with your ability to be fair and impartial juror? this, do you currently follow donald trump on any social media site or if you have done so in the past? do you follow any anti-trump group or organization? the former president is charged
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with 34 counts of falsifying business records and hiding $130,000 in payoffs during the presidential race in 2016. all to cover up his alleged affair with porn star stormy daniels. he denies that and accused of reimbursing his lawyer, michael cohen by illegally hiding those payments, legal fees for cohen and cohen will testify. the jury selection process will take two weeks. the whole trial perhaps a month and a half. all the noise you heard behind me happened to be a pro-trump motorcade, a big truck has been driving around the courthouse honking that horn loudly. protestors for trump and also those against him showing up at court this morning. >> bill: got it. we were wondering, clarification noted. thank you much. eric shawn, lower manhattan. >> dana: joining us now is jonathan turley, i believe we have this just in photos from inside the courtroom. no rolling cameras in the
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courtroom but a still photo. the first to come out of this historic trial starting down in lower manhattan. jonathan, you wrote about cicero saying the more laws, the less justice and you see the same here. how so. >> the more cases against trump, the less justice we receive as a people. the opponents of trump would have been far better off with just one case, the mar-a-lago case based on real law and precedent and we can disagree with the interpretations. but it is not a reach in the sense of this case. this case is creating something. it is creating a criminal code just for trump. you have a misdemeanor whose time has expired. the statute of limitations ran out and it was revived in this rather curious way. he is effectively arguing that trump was filing false business records through his counsel to hide a federal crime.
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but it isn't a federal crime. this wasn't a campaign contribution. none of that appears to matter. and that's why a lot of us are looking at this and recoiling. this is not how the law is supposed to be. new yorkers appear to like it this way. they elected james, who ran on bagging trump for anything. didn't even mention what. and they now are lionizing this district attorney putting together with what many think it is -- >> bill: the perjurer is michael cohen. >> it's the same thing over and over again. poor donald. donald the victim. he is now being the target of the biden administration. all of us, the average people, then there is those in power. then there is donald trump who
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seems to be able to skirt the law whenever he wants and however he wants. that doesn't -- i don't acknowledge what these folks are saying. >> bill: "politico" got in on it. michael cohen, admitted liar, will be the star witness against trump. is this normal? >> it was just recently that a federal judge really eviscerated cohen and said you are a serial perjurer and still gaming the system. that wasn't last year, that was just recently. he will take the stand as the central witness. what is really bizarre here he is basically saying put my former client in jail for following my legal advice. now, a lot of jurors are scratching their helped about that one. there is also this disconnect. the general counsel of the clinton campaign was just -- the campaign was fined for hiding
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the payments and support for the steele dossier as a legal expense and find for that. no one criminally charged. in this case you take this misdemeanor, reviving it because it was dead, suggesting a crime that doesn't exist, and then hitting trump with dozens of counts. most citizens, at least outside new york, see that for what it is. it's the weaponization of the criminal justice system. >> dana: wanted to ask you about the fact that today jury questions. they will have things like this. have you ever attended a rally or campaign event for donald trump? do you currently follow donald trump on any social media site or done so in the past? have you ever attended a rally or campaign event for any anti-trump group or organization? what do you think of these questions? >> the problem is that courts don't feel comfortable asking who did you vote for and so they are working around the edges to try to show bias.
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the most important thing here is to try to isolate the worst of the jurors, those are jurors who just desperately want to be on this jury, many people will want to be and are prepared to lie to do so. what the defense counsel has is not their veracity on these forms but their names. even though we won't see them, defense counsel can look at social media and see if they are lying. what is troubling is that in a couple of past trump cases, they found out after the conviction or after the trial that jurors had lied about their past political involvements. the judges refuse to toss out the verdict. you have to try to stick that landing up front to show that bias. also keep in mind you only get ten strikes as a defense counsel but you can have unlimited strikes for bias. as you bring forth evidence of bias, it is a freebie where you can try to remove some of these
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jurors. >> bill: 12 jurors, six alternates trying to get to in the next two weeks and i guess if you really want to be on it and didn't want to reveal a political persuasion you would scrub your social media now or last week. >> dana: i don't know if that works. >> good luck with that. >> bill: thanks, professor. >> it's about time that we get serious about helping our allies from a foreign policy standpoint. democrats and republicans need to get a foreign aid package passed like the one they did in the senate to help our allies. >> bill: house lawmakers wiping other priorities until an aid package to israel is passed. aishah hosni is watching it from the hill with greater urgency today. >> i'm told that house republicans will immediately return to capitol hill and get
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into a room, a policy conference meeting 5:30 this evening and talk about a number of bills. we're told 17 different resolutions and bills pertaining to supporting israel and condemning iran. one of those bills includes sanctions for iran and china. another one terminates the tax exempt status of any organization which helps terrorists. now, the big package we're all watching is, of course, israel aid. $14 billion for israel. the white house wants speaker johnson to take up that large foreign aid package passed by the senate. speaker johnson seems to want to go his own way and it will get very hairy over ukraine aid this week. last year johnson passed an israel aid bill with off sets. this was dead on arrival. he tried clean israel bill but that didn't make it out of the house. >> there are many democrats, 166 as i remember in the house voted against. why? president joe biden said he
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would veto that. the house republicans and republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel and we'll try again this week and the details of that package are being put together right now and looking at the options on all these supplemental issues. >> pay attention to how this is going to put people on the record here. any israel aid will tick off people on the far left. the israel war room account tweeting a reminder how aoc was crying on the house floor when congress passed money for the iron dome back in 2021. really bawling her eyes out there. guys, pay also attention to the other moving part here, the mayorkas impeachment. remember, once the house sends those articles of impeachment over to the senate, the senate freezes, cannot take any other action or take up any other work. that could also get delayed. there is a slight chance of that. >> bill: we delayed on that for some time. thank you for that on the hill.
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we have breaking news now back inside the courtroom. we have more photos of the former president. i believe there are three. you shared one a moment ago. we'll see how many and which ones of these are different or not. that's one. do we have more? >> dana: that courtroom is a disappointment. not a pretty courtroom. >> one from his left side, one straight on and i believe the one we saw a moment ago from his right side. some of these other cases we have seen a video photographer go into the courtroom. >> dana: to give us a little tape before they get started. used to irritate the other judge, looks like they won't bother in this case. we do have eyes and ears in the courtroom and through sources on the trial team. we will keep you posted as it gets going. now this. another dark day for officers in the line of duty. police officer and sheriffs deputy shot and killed in syracuse. what we know so far. >> bill: iran's unprecedented assault putting israel's iron dome to the test.
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we'll show you how it managed to deflect so many of these iranian proper aisles. almost all of them. >> dana: general jack keane is coming up next. >> for those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we dare not tempt them with weakness. complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct.
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>> bill: is that was early sunday morning in israel. also in jordan and other areas. what defends israel today is a complex system. one is called iron dome. a little about how it works.
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the iron dome. there are others now but want to give you an example here. enemy rockets are fired here point one, then the radar system defect the rocket and tracks it. the third part is very important, okay? this control system estimates the impact point. the system is designed that if you fire a missile into israel and it's determined to land in the desert or maybe even into the sea they will not go after that missile in most cases. they will let it land harmlessly. if it's threatening a population center the launcher fires a missile to intercept and the missile explodes near it and destroys it. they were very successful saturday night and sunday morning. a number of interesting points. the thing about hezbollah in lebanon and houthis and hezbollah and hamas. what are they thinking today after iran's raid was weak?
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>> well, they have to be stunned, frankly. they have been urging iran to get more involved in what they are doing. they wanted more direct assistance from iran. and they finally got it. but what happened is, it was historic, as you mentioned previously because iran has never invaded israel before or fired on them consequently. but the reality is, overwhelming defeat for iran and humiliation. their national leaders certainly humiliated. irgc humiliated and i believe the proxies are completely stunned by the results that iran was not able to achieve anything other than prove their willingness to attack israel. and yes, i think there is huge opportunity here for israel and the united states going forward to leverage this. >> bill: i think you are right about that. there is plenty of time for israel to respond.
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you think they should go patiently now. how come? >> well, i think -- think about it. israel is in the best position they've been in in some time given america's criticism of their operational warings and how they are executing them. the international community widespread condemnation of israel. after this attack and israel's ability to defend successfully against it, they are really in a pretty good place. i think this opens a window here for the international community and the united states to get really tough about sanctions on iran. there are discussions taking place in the u.n. about it. discussions in the congress of the united states. as you know, this administration has eased up on the sanctions on iran, which has gotten them flush with money. so use this as a window of opportunity to do that. i don't think it changes anything for netanyahu and his team. they are going to retaliate.
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i trust them in terms of how to do that and what the targets are, what the scale is. their judgment has been pretty sound for six months on how to deal with adversaries. i think we should give them that kind of credit. but if they exercise patience here, maybe make some progress on the diplomatic front. >> bill: let me make one point and ask you a question. the former prime minister of israel we always fought -- we didn't get the iranian head. what do you think about the success or failure of the biden administration here? how do you characterize that now? >> from the very beginning, they have made significant strategic mistakes. they believed, even though the evidence was to the contrary, that the best approach with iran is not the strong arm approach that president trump and his
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team took in confronting iran but appease and concede to them to get back into the nuclear deal. that has been the policy for three years. it has been a miserable failure. the reason is it emboldened iran. as their strategy in dealing with russia. they didn't deter them. they emboldened them. we're losing the competition with the china and the president says we'll compete. we are losing that competition. the reality is we have an emboldened iran which directed its proxies to take the actions that we've all been seeing here. why is that? because they think they will get away with it. the evidence to date is the united states is not going to take strong measures against iran even though iran has a weak military and we could take measured attacks against iran's capabilities and literally begin to shut down the proxies by telling iran if you don't shut it down we'll continue these attacks to systematically take down your capabilities that you
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value. not a go to war strategy or anything like that. not talking about war with iran. we talk about deterring iran. we've lost that ability to deter them. >> bill: you make a great point. see whether or not the pressure is big enough and the moment is right as you describe. great to see you on this monday morning. >> great talking to you, bill, as always. >> dana: meantime we have an update on the young girl critically injured in iran's attack. the 7-year-old is fighting for her life in intensive care. she was the only person seriously hurt by the iranian barrage and was injured after shrapnel fell on her home in southern israel. you can block the missile but it doesn't mean the shrapnel comes down. it was unfortunate she was in the path of that and fighting for her life and we pray for her safety. >> bill: cardinal tim tee dolan was leading mass there and described having to take shelter
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in bethlehem after iran's drone and missile attack. >> it seems calm and bright for us in bethlehem. that wasn't true in the middle of last night when the air raid sirens went off and when we had to go down and seek security at notre dame center. right now things look good and we are grateful for that. >> bill: dolan has a story to tell. maybe when he comes home he will tell it to us. wouldn't it be great to go to the middle east with them? he would give a great tour. >> dana: i would love to do that. we have breaking news for you here unfolding if manhattan. day one of the trump hush money trial happening now. the former president is in the courtroom while the jurors are being selected. we have five new photos trickling in. he is in the courtroom now. all photos from inside the
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courtroom as they begin jury selection. that's about -- projected to take two weeks. he will be there in the courtroom. so history being made and also some pretty interesting takes on what alvin bragg, the prosecutor, is trying to do here. we'll keep you updated as this continues. >> bill: the iranian strikes in the middle east. can president biden find a solution in time? >> our country faces tremendous challenges. adversaries are on the move. it is a time to put together an effort to pull us together.
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah >> there is no case. they've said it. people that don't necessarily follow or like donald trump said this an outrage this case was
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brought. a political persecution. it is a case that should have never been brought. it's an assault on america. that's why i'm very proud to be here. this is an assault on our country. it's a country that is failing. a country that is run by an incompetent man who is very much involved in this case. this is an attack on a political opponent. that's all it is. i'm very honored to be here. thank you very much. >> dana: that was president trump sounding defiant as usual moments ago as he arrived for the first day of his criminal hush money trial. jury selection will take two weeks. trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business record. the first former president to stand criminal trial. >> bill: he will probably talk at lunchtime and going in. every morning around that time around 9:30 we'll get comment from him. the reason he is there. he has chosen to go to the other cases. that was voluntary.
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he is required to be in court because this is a criminal matter. it could take up to six or eight weeks. how he campaigns around this will be a very interesting strategy to watch. >> dana: interesting to compare that schedule to president biden's indeed. we'll keep you updated. photos from just inside the courtroom. >> bill: police officer and sheriffs deputy dead in a shoot-out in syracuse late last night. there were questions about the suspicious vehicle before that deadly incident. what do we know, alexis? >> it all broke overnight. a tragic story out of upstate new york. the syracuse police are calling boat of these men who lost their lives in the line of duty heroes. look here. this is where it happened last night in upstate new york in a small town outside of syracuse. you can see the layout. gunfire was ringing out after police followed a suspicious car. investigators tried to pull the car over during a traffic stop
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but the driver refused to stop and drove off. officers followed. later finding that car parked outside of a house. police spotted what looked like guns inside the car and manipulating a firearm. bullets were fired and police shot back. both the officer, deputy and suspect were all shot and rushed to the hospital but did not make it. so far this year there have been 13 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty across the country. 43 were killed in 2023 and 55 killed in 2022. shocking numbers. just last month nypd officer diller was shot and killed during a traffic stop in queens. the 32-year-old lost his life and family still grieving. the gunmen had a lengthy rap sheet. we got new sound in from the syracuse police chief about this
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case. watch. >> we lost two heroes tonight. two men who answered the call to duty, put on the badge to protect the community, protect and serve. we lost two of them tonight. >> that chief very emotional. we don't know who the gunman is yet. nichole malliotakis took to truth this morning or took to social media this morning saying how many times will we have to go through this before new york's leaders get tough on crime? >> bill: thanks. alexis reporting on that. >> dana: iranian attacks on israel sending shock waves through the oil market. edward lawrence live at the white house with the latest. how does it shake out this morning, edward? >> the price of oil mid to upper $80 a barrel and gas refineries
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shipping over to the summer blend of gas. that has happened already. the attack from iran on israel destabilize es the middle east and ukraine hit russian oil refineries. the average is 3.63 a gallon. $0.20 more than a month ago. almost the level it was a year ago. the president of the american petroleum institute believes higher gas prices are by design. >> i think what you are seeing right now is where they can cut back on production, on federal lands and federal waters, they are doing everything they can to do that. these new blm rules will undercut production on federal lands by increasing costs for american producers. what that will mean is less production in the future on federal lands and federal waters. >> here is what the interior department is. increased royalty fees by 17%.
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bond price for leases by 1400%. that price -- and limited off shore leases in gulf of mexico the next five years. three leases on that. discouraging future investment and limiting u.s. production. the source tells me the president told advisors to speed up electric transition. >> advance environmental justice and make investments in climate ever in all history to delivering clean energy and jobs across america. >> according to the oil and natural gas industry, it will keep gas prices higher for longer the way the president is doing this. >> dana: thank you. ♪ >> bill: it did for a while anyway.
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cbs pulling the pluging a piano man. late last night in the middle of billy joel's televised performance his 100th concert at madison square garden cbs turned off the music in the middle of piano man. watch. ♪ >> next donald trump's historic criminal trial just hours away. >> bill: i'd say that ruined the moment, don't you think? network wasn't in the mood for a melody. well done. enraged fans said how do you quit a billy joel concert in the middle of piano man? the masters went late pushed back 60 minutes and for folks in the eastern and central time zones got ripped off. not in every city, a lot of cities went to news. >> dana: i was at that concert and i can't believe that
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happened to billy joel. reair, reair. >> bill: it was a happy moment. >> dana: it is frustrating when sports gets into 60 minutes. >> we don't want to see a war with iran and a wider conflict in the region. we'll make the posture changes to try to prevent a wider war. >> dana: the middle east sitting on a powder keg as israel weighs its response. the former president begins an historic criminal trial as new polling shows more voters are looking back fondly on his presidency. bret baier on that and more coming up.
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>> dana: fox news alert.
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the world is waiting to see how israel with respond to this weekend's direct attack from iran. let's bring in bret baier and get your take on all sorts of things. the "washington post", we know david ignatius talks to the current white house and a view on foreign policy. he wrote this. a stunning victory with the shield creates an opening for israel. what would that opening be, bret? >> good morning. i think that the opening is a change in tone, a shift in how israel is perceived. this attack with ballistic missiles and drones from iran, the first direct attack changed the dynamic. israel was largely successful with the help of the u.s., fa15 eagle striker jets, jets from britain and jordan taking out 70 drones. 99% of them taken down. half the ballistic missiles from iran didn't launch. we're being told that just in
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the past few hours, the israeli minister of defense has told defense secretary lloyd austin they have no choice but to respond to this unprecedented attack. i think what ignatius is getting at, the world perception of israel has changed in this one defense of its property and its people and we should also note the muslim holy sites that were also protected. >> dana: they were also targeted, right? >> they were targeted. >> dana: and they were protected. >> bill: take a look at the death to america chants in chicago, they may grow now. roll this over the weekend. [chanting] >> death to or down. we can do this.
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[chanting] >> bill: there is the divide here. i don't know how they'll manage it. what's the best course of action for fetterman politically? >> to speak out loudly about this inside the u.s. i think that's from chicago. he said we're seeing more and more of this and we haven't really heard the president directly take it on. we've heard a couple of things from the white house after they were asked by jacque heinrich and others responding to it. but in the wake of what just happened, there has to be a shift, too, one would think, of the rhetoric coming out of the white house on those kinds of things happen. i want to go back to the attack quickly in the wake of their touting all the success. and i heard john kirby touting the success of the shield and missile defense. it is worth pointing out that in the budget put forward by the biden administration there is $5 hundred million in cuts of missile defense for the u.s.
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so in the wake of seeing all that they did well in israel, to see those cuts, there is a lot of hawks saying maybe they should rethink that. >> dana: we didn't get a chance to ask kirby this. i want to ask you this. bill and i are talking about it. the chinese provided a lot of those weapons to the iranians. they have been humiliated. one, because the defense system worked, our allies worked cooperatively together, but also are the chinese weapons sub par? >> yes. i think it's easy to say this was a really failure to launch. if half of your missiles either don't launch or crash, that's not a good sign of walking with a big stick in that region. middle east deals with strength and that was not strength provoking firing. i think this is really going to say again the shift of tone looking like israel is strong, the question is that the administration is trying to say
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we'll handle this diplomatically don't step up the aggression. israel so far is saying we can't do that. they just fired 100 plus missiles and drones at us. >> bill: great point. we'll see you at 6:00. no shortage of topics now. thank you for coming on. thank you. >> sure. >> the stardom confirmed. >> scotty scheffler wins another green jacket. this guy dominated. clay travis ahead on this incredible sunday victory that all america took a pause and watched and said look how beautiful those georgia skies are. we can't wait for summertime. clay is next. rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa.
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and after iran's massive attack, israel is not ruling out air strikes to retaliate. critics are going after president biden for what they call his weak and timid response. there are other words you could use. lieutenant colonel daniel davis, congressman brian mast. and others, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> it's hard to put into words how special this is. its been a long week. to be sitting hear wearing this jacket and taking it home is extremely special. >> bill: scotty scheffler, a class act. your masters champion for 2024 winning the green jacket for a second time. he is the force to beat. clay travis with me now. founder. i said to my colleague this morning i said the amazing thing about golf, when you are on and
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playing well you look unbeatable. scheffler, he is in that crease of his career right now. then you look at all the guys that blew up this weekend. rickie fowler, justin thomas and johnny roth. rahm is the defending champion. they looked unbeatable in their crease and the argument for tiger woods as well. how good is scheffler now and in the future? >> well, i grabbed a couple of stats for you, bill. he has won three of the past four tournaments coming into this one. he came in second in the other one, all right? he hasn't had a round over par so far this year, which is pretty unbelievable. he is obviously number one in the world by a substantial margin. but also i love this whole story line of what he was going to do if his wife, who was pregnant with their second child had gone into labor. they had the ability to reach him on the course and i just -- i think this had the potential
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to make scotty scheffler, who was maybe the most-liked golfer out there now. i haven't heard anybody say a negative word. could you imagine if he had walked off the course leading the masters to go watch the birth of a second child? how controversial that would have been? i was talking with my wife and also with several buddies and i said this is to me like really kind of an interesting debate question. i think it would factor in one where you are ranked now, right? where are you in the masters flow chart, first place, a few strokes back? what number kid are you having? because the more kids you have, the less worried and nervous you get about the birth. and also what does the wife think? happy wife, happy life. all those factors coming into play here i think made for a little bit of extra story line than maybe -- >> bill: that's good stuff here.
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the minute i have left, i have elated that tiger made the cut but his rounds on thursday and friday were really tough going. what do you think his future is? are we closing a chapter on one of the greatest of all time? >> i think the chapter is closed. i hate to say it. i just look at his physical -- he looks pained out there on much of the course. you have to walk eight or nine miles. people the end to overlook that and put it four straight days if you make the cut. that's tough when you are 50 years old. tiger is approaching 50. even if you've had great health throughout our life. i would love for him to make another run. it is highly unlikely. he finished plus 16. now he becomes sort of the elder statesman of the golf tour. can come out, play the masters like older guys have, jack nicklaus, palmner for years and years. i think his odds of ever contending at augusta again are
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low. i think dana owes you $20, i have to say. i think she is trying to welch on you a little bit there. >> bill: viewership when tiger woods is on the course is through the roof. and i hope it's not over. thank you, clay, nice to see you. by the way, we dropped a great piece on fox nation on tiger woods. the amazing thing is when you watch him during his first tournament at the masters, he was in that crease unbeatable that i was just talking about. >> dana: if you find a jacket you like, you should get two. now he has two. before we go, this back seat driver is a dog. had the time of his life. how you keep a dog busy chasing the windshield wiper back and forth. i have to try that at home. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin this monday with breaking news. the nation's 45th president is right now in


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