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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 15, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> jury selection is underway in the hush money case against former president donald trump who has now become the first former u.s. president and the first leading presidential candidate to ever stand trial on criminal charges. the case is being brought 8 years after it allegedly happened in 7 months before the 2012 for election. many legal analysts are arguing that manhattan d.a. alvin bragg never should have pursued. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno with my cohost harris faulkner and carley shimkus, hudson institute senior fellow rebeccah heinrichs, and coanchor of "america's n newsroom," which we will get you l later on in te show >> he says that the case is political persecution and it's an assault on our country.
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listen. >> it is an assault on america. nothing like this has ever happened before. there's never been anything like it. every legal scholar said, this case is nonsense. it should never have been brought. never anything like this. there is no case. people that don't necessarily follow or like donald trump said this is an outrage that this case was brought. this is political persecution. this is a persecution like never before. nobody has ever seen anything like it. and again, it is a case that never should have been brought. it is an assault on america. that is why i am very proud to be here. this is an assault on our country. it is a country that is failing. it is a country that is run by an incompetent man who is very much involved in this case. this is really an attack on our political opponent. that's all it is. i'm very honored to be here. thank you very much.
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>> emily: with that, let's go live to eric shawn who is outside the new york supreme court with more details. >> maybe you can hear it behind me. trump motorcade that supports the former president. it's going to be kind of loud. back from a break and just before that break, the prosecutor indicated that the prosecution is going to ask the judge to hold the former president in contempt. contempt of court for his attacks on some of the witnesses as you may know earlier today, declined at the defense request that he recuse himself because of alleged conflict of interest. it turns that the judge's daughter works for a political consulting firm in chicago that has done work for president biden's campaign and other prominent democrats. the former president has been attacking this case as well as attacking many of the witnesses and others despite a gag order that is in place that he not
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attack jurors, witnesses, the prosecutors, the lawyers, or their family members. we will see what happens as the trial is back in the proceedings are now back underway. the judge declined to recuse himself saying he has no agenda that he wants to follow the law. this has not stopped of the sparring between the prosecution and the defense attorneys. judge mission and aided presidents trumps defense a victory over the access hollywood tapes the prosecution wanted to let those into vacant. the judge says avote bell remarks have nothing to do with the charges here. they were salacious and the other allegations of sexual misconduct by the former president is just hearsay and have not been proven. that will not be allowed. he will allow the "national enquirer" situation with a former "playboy" playmate model who claims she had an affair with the president. he has denied that. that of course part of the so-called catch and kill scheme
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in order to have her paid $150,000 by the "national enquirer" to keep her story in quiet. quiet by michael cohen. speaking of the convicted felon who went to federal prison for campaign violations, right now both sides have been discussing how much of his background will be allowed in the trial with the jury will be told about his pleading guilty to various campaign violations that put him in the pokey for a while. we will see how that turns out. as it stands right now, no potential juror has been seated at all and any of the questioning pair that will be a very lengthy process. 42 questions about their views of the former president and the views about this case. i probably won't happen until after lunch. this looks like a slow moving trial, this process expected to take 2 weeks before the opening
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arguments even began. emily, back to you. >> emily: george washington university law professor jonathan turley is one of many legal experts sharing their opinion on the case. he argues that d.a. alvin bragg doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. watch. >> everything about this case is in my view legally absurd. this case is basically a state misdemeanor that had run out of statute of limitations. he was forced after he declined to bring this charge to do so. his predecessor rejected it. they took a dead misdemeanor and bootstrapped it into effectively trying a federal crime. the federal crime here under election law was rejected by the department of justice. they didn't feel that this should be charged. you have this crazy case that's gonna go forward. it's going to turn on the testimony of people like michael cohen. michael cohen just recently had
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a judge call him a serial perjurer. he's going to appear as the center of this case. >> emily: bill hemmer, so much to unpack here. walk us through what we need to know in what stands out to you. >> bill: here's what i've learned. misdemeanors to felonies, which is what jonathan turley is talking about. there's a statute of limitations that expired for this case. did you know that? it was extended by a year because of covert rules. we live in new york. can you name a case in new york where that has applied? there are parking tickets or speeding tickets out there. andy mccarthy who andy mccarthy whose opinion i trust thoroughly as said earlier today. as a legal hallmark in america, the accused must know what they are accused of. this elevated felony, he was acting to commit another crime. the department of justice -- the southern district of new york had a chance to go after donald trump and they passed. what does that tell you?
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i don't know necessarily if bragg had to take this case. he could've waved it right through. you know what donald trump -- do you know what is voting percentage was in 2016 and 2020? carley? >> carley: 10%, 12%. >> bill: as bragg brought a case that he can win? i don't know. if he gets the right jury, there's a chance. >> my bet is the answer is no. when we talk about that jury, part of the motions this morning that the judge assessed was a motion on behalf of the jury and the jury pool. are we going to get up very jury here? this is the most exhaustive questionnaire he is ever seen. there will be no doubt how the jurors feel about a trump. at the end of the day, he saw him standing there before the cameras. he's saying, americans, i'm standing for you. speak to you brought up the 12%. i was reading an op-ed this morning that set of the jury is made up of 12% of people who
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even now the thought that there might be reasonable doubt, whether they support trump or not, that's a hung jury. it is interesting that 12% number or any percentage. what you talked about that the w czajkowski was talking about on my show, defraud the books. this is what the prosecution has to prove. what bill hemmer just said, specific intent to commit a crime. that's a high bar. that's why you bring in the salacious nests of karen mcdougal who says she had a 10-month long hot steamy affair with donald trump. and was paid by american media $150,000 to take her story and kill her story allegedly. she got that money. that's why you bring that up in a case that has nothing to do with any of that. because you're going to have to prove all these other things. one bottom line for donald trump today. this is the weakest of the cases. no matter how he goes forward, it is rather uphill.
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i liked what he said earlier. i like when any defendant talks this way. it is my honor. it's a pleasure to be here. respecting the court. i've heard you talk about that and the importance of doing that when you got a wall against you. >> emily: he consistently does. dive into this. at the end of the day, what we are talking about, the right to know what you are accused up in specific intent for the underlying crime. why are we talking about this? you still haven't told me -- if it's a federal law meaning that's what you're saying. you have no jurisdiction over it, alvin bragg. it ran in the statute of limitations. that's why my money is that this is gonna be thrown out. normal minded american will sit in front of that and say, yes, this rises to the level of 8 felonies. at frankly doesn't. it should have been tossed out years ago. we have already spent millions as taxpayers paying for this. >> carley: is so much to talk about when it comes to this
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case. a year ago when alvin bragg brought these charges down for the first time that we are 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. i remember thinking, how do you charge somebody for allegedly mislabeling something in your own personal bookkeeping? i was talking about -- she was saying, that's going to be a real big problem for prosecutors. they are going to have to prove -- get this. they are good have to prove that trump or whoever when they physically wrote in the logs, "we are paying michael cohen -- trump's lawyer for his legal services that they did that with criminal intent." are they gonna prove that when trump never knew that these records were going to be looked at by anybody? the only reason alvin bragg has them is because michael collins house got rated. i will wrap this up. this is far from an open and shut case. >> harris: what else would you call it? you're getting legal services. isn't that what you would put on
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ledger? >> he called him a serial perjurer. he is supposedly the linchpin upon which the whole case rest. he doesn't have a gag order. he's been running his mouth telling what he thinks at her oath. there's no threat of perjury charges for this person that is the star witness for new york manhattan d.a. >> rebeccah: rich lowry, this was committed by andy mccarthy. i respect him. rich lowry said, "speaking about bragg, lesser prosecutors with a been daunted by the prospect of creating a national melodrama and norm breaking prosecution about former president what is in essence a misdemeanor business records charge." i want up all that thread. donald trump has regularly been accused of this president who is norm breaking. here we have him respecting the courts, walking in, respecting what the court is going to do in respecting the institution while you have the prosecutor doing all of the norm breaking.
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like the contrast. >> emily: so much more to it, including in the united states policy lead to iran's unprecedented attack on israel? stay with us. we will discuss it next. toughen the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> harris: israel's defense minister is warning the pentagon that they have no choice but to rereretaliate against iran. we are waiting for a win and how israel might make its next move after this weekend's unprecedented attack on the people of israel. what you are looking at right now -- now you are looking at iranian missiles flying over the temple mount in jerusalem, the designated holy site for jews,
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christians, and muslims. thanks in part to u.s. forces helping to repel the strike. israel is promising to exact a price from iran at a time that's right. live with the latest in tel aviv. when my at time be right? >> good afternoon. reports indicate that time could come at any moment. we do know, following this massive attack by iran that included drones and missiles, the israeli war cabinet has been meeting. they talked over 3 hours to determine what their response against iran will be. there were reportedly disagreements about the scale, scope, and timing of a counterattack. broadly, the israelis agree they must do something. they are walking a tight rope. they don't want to start a broader regional war. they don't want iran to feel emboldened to launch attacks from its own territory. we were on our briefing today with a top israeli air force
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commander. he indicated that u.s. central command played a critical role in helping israel to shoot down these missiles and drones over the weekend. today we are getting their first reaction from the iranians following their attack. >> are advised to our supporters of the criminals in this regime is to -- the ones responsible and -- in this way, the committing wicked acts which will bring incalculable consequences to the regime itself more than anyone else. instead of using inappropriate word about iran. >> the iranians are expected to continue with the statements that can be best described as propaganda. he comes as the israelis are facing many different fronts. nearly 200 days to the war in gaza, they are still fighting hamas. they launched raids into the central part of the strip trying to destroy hamas battalions
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there. it is a very challenging moments for the state of israel. officials in tel aviv understand that if iran feels overwhelmed by the amount of the response that israel imposes following this attack over the weekend, they could activate some of their larger proxies including hezbollah in southern lebanon. it would be a very difficult battle ahead. >> harris: can i ask you a quick question in terms of being around people they are, citizens who are not on the military or the government, what is the appetite for a retaliatory strike? >> the appetite is quite high. this is a country that has been at war for more than 16 months. there were thousands of rockets fired by hama. the israeli campaign continued into the strip to clear out different locations across gaza. the human facing daily rocket fire and drone attacks from iranian proxies not only in
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southern lebanon but also in places like yemen with the iran back cooties. you see -- people understand the equation has changed. if it were not for the american support over the weekend, there may have been casualties across this country as a result of these ballistic missiles sawing through the skies and hitting the soil below. >> harris: how is 7-year-old? >> we understand that this young bedouin child is still in critical condition in the hospital. one of the casualties as a result of this missile attack over the weekend conducted by iran. >> harris: praying for her. thank you for the update. rebeccah, there are so many sides to this. hearing him answer that question about the appetite for a retaliatory strike on the streets of major cities, that response that is high, what do you make of it? >> rebeccah: nobody has better moral clarity and strategic
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clarity than israel. constantly living under attacks. people need to keep in mind, we are all very thankful that israel's layered defense system was so successful, but there are 300 drone and missiles coming towards israel. half of them, my understanding has failed or they had some kind of problem. the others were intercepted by this integrated area defense. most of them. with the help of the united states, the jordanians which is an amazing international effort. imagine had these come through the system. i think that people need to keep in mind that iran had every intent for these two had these targets. you look at what they are able to do. that is what they meant to maximize harm with those missiles and drones. what israel has to do now, you intercept them, the second phase, you have to levy a price against iran in order to establish the terrence.
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that's why i think the israeli people are so right on this and so clear. >> harris: work in levying a price look like? >> bill: it could be substantial. channel 12 was reporting out of israel, any response would be coordinated with the united states. i don't know if that is true or not. >> harris: biden said that wouldn't happen. >> bill: maybe it is changing. maybe it is diplomacy behind the scenes. the most significant thing in this entire story, the middle east has changed likely forever. we have never seen this before in our lifetimes are in the lifetime before that. the war of 1967, there were no arab partners for israel. 1982 in southern lebanon, the same story. the war with hezbollah, the wars and gaza including the one this past october. jennifer griffin reported today that not only saudi arabia not only the jordanians, but the uae is also involved in trying to do terrible drones or take down
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these missiles that were fired from iran. that has never happened before. this is a whole new ball game for this region. there are more people in the middle east. they want peace and prosperity now than one war as we have seen it. >> harris: look at the statement from saudi arabia to your point. the abraham accords have brought about so much of that unity around the issue of peace, the abraham accords that were put in place under former president trump. emily, my question is, do they jump and at any point? saudi arabia saying, both sides need to stand down. they mention peace in their statement. >> emily: we won't jump into the united states. i refer to the former israeli ambassador to the united states. the message being sent by the way is that you can launch another 350 missiles, and it will send one message to the
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ayatollahs. launch another 350 and try to get israelis by any other means, the united states won't stop you. i pointed out because you can argue historically that we have always been a close ally of israel. ever since the obama administration, we have ignored their serial aggressions. sending a letter of reconciliation to the supreme leader. he referred to the terrorist around the country he legitimize that oppressive regime in the 1st of june of his presidency. it goes through all those years except for the drop administration. we rewarded it. i see biden doing here. the other countries are stepping up in a way that is unprecedented for the discord goes far longer. what matters most to me is the united states response. that is failing. >> harris: i learned from congressman last hour that it might not take an outside doctor who would be a friend for them to put a new colony warhead. 60 tons of warheads came toward
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israel two nights ago. what if one of them had had fissile material? it doesn't have to be something so perfect as orchestrated. >> there are so many uncertainties. the future is very scary. i guess you can call it a positive development that we learned is that roughly 50% of the ballistic missiles fired by iran failed to launch or crash before reaching their target. the u.s. official who confirmed that to fox news said so much for the vaunted ballistic missile capability of iran. >> emily: all you need is one to make it. >> this is the moment that united states of america needs to lean forward. you have a country that has a weak military and iran. the united states can be the backstop to lead a coalition to support the israelis and do what is necessary to make sure this doesn't happen again.
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>> harris: france was one of those countries that stepped up trying to shoot down what was going toward israel. coming up from a disturbing moment right here in the united states, anti-israel activist celebrating iran's unprecedented attack and embracing the "death to america" movement. [chanting] gy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology.
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>> growing concerns over the "death to america" sentiment at home. watch this shocking video with activists in chicago celebrating after news broke of attack on israeli soil. >> after report something to everyone. so it begins. so to speak. 12 days ago, israel brazenly hit an iranian embassy compound in
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syria, violating international law, again. violating international law again. and, iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [cheers and applause] they have sent it -- is from the uranian revolutionary guard directly. drones and missiles against specific targets in occupied palestine, and israeli targets in occupied palestine. they believed that they will be in palestinian -- palestinian airspace between 2:00 and 4: 4:00 a.m. which means in about 2 and 4 hours from now.
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there were reports from drones having been fired on israel from human. [applause] je>> it's our responsibility to stop this country, the united states, from trying to expand this war and from heading iran. [chanting] "hands off iran." >> live in chicago with more details on this disturbing movement. >> this is not just any crowd. this was a group of around 300 people from pro-palestinian and antiwar groups across the country they came to chicago to work on plans for disrupting the democratic national convention less than 4 months from now. you saw how the crowd reacted when organized -- even before
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that during a breakout session, one organizer taught attendees how to chant "death to israel" in farsi. the crowd took it further calling for chance of "death to america." >> i'm going to teach you a change in persian. if you ever encounter those zionist breaks. you are going to say -- [speaking in a global language] >> that is too many. [laughter] it can mean "death to" or "down with." [chanting] [speaking in a global language] >> organizers also argue that president biden is feeling the pressure as a result of their
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efforts. they plan to make sure biden and the entire democratic party hears them during the week of the convention. >> we will all shout les logan "joe" and his fellow war criminals and those powers, wits and sounds of the united center. down the river to the sea, palestine will be free. >> following this weekend's conference, this morning, we got about preview of what we can see during the convention as pro-palestinian protesters blocked off the highway entrance to o'hare international airport, bringing traffic to a standstill and forcing some passengers to get out and walk along the highway to their terminals just in order to make their flights. >> emily: thank you so much. bringing this back to the accounts, you and i were talking
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about that the man at the podium originally, he made headlines recently. they wanted to meet with activists in chicago. never mind of the rave that the fbi conducted in 2010 for potentially providing material t organizations. there's a lot to unpack here. at the end of the day, what we are seeing is fomenting up american american adrian on our soil. >> harris: where do you find that people who sit in the room whose home is led by a man whose home has been rated by the fbi who is a bad actor, and we know it? to teach them to go from english to farsi? who are these americans who say let's all meet at his house at 5:00 or wherever they are meeting. i am curious about that. we said it earlier as we were going to the commercial break. i thought about it. is it really a movement? apparently, it's becoming one. what is the movement? that we hate our own country? we hate our own people? we hate ourselves as an extension to that?
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what happened to all of the people who wanted to feed the palestinians? i guess they don't really want to do that. >> emily: how is this helping them to get food? rebeccah, i feel that this is a predictable thread. we were allowing "death to israel" and that horrid hatred. isn't that a natural progression of that? >> rebeccah: it's anti-jewish hate. it is actually genocide against israel. they chant anti-american sentiment. this kind of sentiment really grows. this toxic social contagion which is anti-semitism. it's a symptom of grievance culture, anti-americanism, anti-west. which is why i take this deeply deeply seriously. one more point on the rise of anti-semitism. since october 7th, the bureau of the fbi open three times more
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anti-jewish hate crime investigation is not in the previous 4 months. this is terrible for our jewish americans in this country. what do we have to do to get attention on these people? maybe if we had paolo's likely saw in charlottesville in the country was angry about that. because these people are coming from all walks of life and really have this very leftist view, it's almost like it is not that big of a deal. >> bill: keep in mind where it's happening, chicago. >> harris: and michigan. >> bill: i did notice the sign. at that as the nc 2024. the third week of august. august nights on the streets of chicago. i think it is a confounding -- continuing to defy his democratic colleagues. he said it is astonishing that we are not standing firmly with israel. he said if you launch hundreds of drums toward israel, i'm not going to be talking about conditions vary.
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"the wall street journal" said end the cold war with israel over gaza and recognize and understand that the war is against iran. there were people in this administration who believe that and think that and will decide that way. i don't know if there are enough. but we will see. >> the folks in chicago, the people who are plotting the iranian attack, antiwar protesters. how funny is it? how quickly does it go with the antiwar cease-fire crowd applauded violence when it is directed at israel. their movement is clearly mislabeled. as for this "death to america" stuff, infuriating for obvious reasons and also so dangerous. when you start to see a group of people doing that, that good insight somebody to violence. you clearly have anti-american submit all night sentiment. couple that with the rise of isis case since we left afghanistan. "believe these terrorist organizations when they say they are going to attack america."
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>> bill: that is what rebeccah was saying. they are fueled by hate. >> rebeccah: congress is debating this. can we go after terrorist? this is why because of all the things you just mentioned. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. and in psoriatic arthritis, can mean less joint pain, and help stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions
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the events that took place in you know, iran launched an unprecedented attack against the leaven. an unprecedented military effort to defend israel. together with our partners, we defeated that attack. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: the united states is committed to israel security. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: we are committed to a cease-fire that will bring the hostages home and prevent conflict from spreading beyond from what it already has. [speaking in a global language]
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>> president biden: we are also committed to the security of our personnel and partners of the region including iraq. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: partnership between iraq and the united states is critical. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: we have seen over the last decade as our troops have served to side by side to help defeat isis. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: we have seen this most strategic framework agreement as well. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: i want to personally thank you, mr. prime minister for your focus on strengthening iraq's
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economy and in independence. [speaking in a global language] >> president biden: that is a goal we shared today with you. we will discuss that later to today. >> harris: this is such a critical time for the president of the united states to meet with the reports that 300 projectiles including grounds and benign, has by law, and iraq. the question first is fire on it airspace? that's not where they started. we will stay on this of course. this is a very important meeting at a very critical moment -- israel decides what it will do next. who are their real enemies, and who will stand with israel and
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>> former president trump set to return in moments as jury selection begins in his criminal trial. we are watching for any and all developments are live remarks from him as we will bring that
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to you live. the first white house briefing since iran's attack on israel. a lot of news to cover this afternoon. come join john roberts and me live as "america reports" starts at the top of the hour. >> emily: we are so excited to tell you about a brand-new fox nation special called "battle for the architect." it comes out wednesday ap april 17th. bill hemmer takes you on a trip to the arctic circle. >> it was 29 below when we arrived. >> it is negative 55 with windchill. we asked people to stay within the area in case there are polar bears. >> bill: this is navy admiral. >> this is an opportunity for allies and partners there, the united states and get a sense of how to conduct military operations here. >> bill: if you look at the globe and rotate the earth to
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the north pole, eight countries have territory north of the arctic circle. seven are members of nato. russia is the outlier. >> russia is what is on the admiral's mind. >> russia considers this their backyard. they would love nothing more than to take claim to the entire arctic region. it's full of resources. trade routes are opening more and more each year. they consider this a place that they have dominance. >> bill: we chopper farther north to rendezvous with the uss hampton, a nuclear submarine out of san diego and saw this. in a rare move or any of the worlds military powers, the navy will burst through the arctic ice in a submarine. getting to the hatch takes a chainsaw. with temperatures so cold and ice so thick, it takes more than an hour to gain access to the hatch.
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>> stationary dive. >> bill: mike brown is the hampton's commanding officer. >> i don't want us to go to some type of shooting match with russia. i'm going to lose friends, and people are going to die. i think the u.s. submarine force is ready if that is what we are called to do. >> bill hemmer, that is so exciting. >> bill: ladies, this is your kind of drama. >> harris: now, ask not. i'm claustrophobic. >> bill: 20 miles the north shore of alaska in early march. it's 50 below. you sleep in a tent. this is getting your kind of trip, ladies. i was being sarcastic. in all seriousness, there are so many stories happening. what is considered the first final frontier. whether it involves the u.s. and russia or potentially china.
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there are stories about arctic ice melting in the summer time around september of that good may be perhaps someday change the way that we ship our goods through ocean liners. then you just have the personal experience of having opportunity to live with these navy guys and talk to scientists on top of the world and an opportunity to see that kind of life they have for 3 months at a time in a nuclear submarine. which hopefully invades detection of moscow or beijing or someone else. we were there for a 70 hours. they were on camera and audio. between the three levels, we have a pretty fair amount of life experience. none of us have done any of this before in our lifetime. it drops wednesday. check it out. u.s. navy is doing way up there. >> emily: we cannot wait to watch that.'r
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>> harris: we are awaiting the white house press briefing with press secretary karine jean-pierre and the national security council coordinator john kirby. they no doubt will face a lot of questions about what is the next move i therefore israel and/or the united states and allies after a iran strike. we know the president says we are not can i do anything in a counterstrike with israel. we helped them defend what was coming in from iran. we called the prime minister of israel, take the win. unbelievable. fox news is peter doocy is in attendance. we showed you a little bit of moments ago. it is a busy afternoon. keep a right where you know you will get the news, fox. "america reports" now. >> this is political persecution. this is a persecution like never befo


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