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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> harris: we are awaiting the white house press briefing with press secretary karine jean-pierre and the national security council coordinator john kirby. they no doubt will face a lot of questions about what is the next move i therefore israel and/or the united states and allies after a iran strike. we know the president says we are not can i do anything in a counterstrike with israel. we helped them defend what was coming in from iran. we called the prime minister of israel, take the win. unbelievable. fox news is peter doocy is in attendance. we showed you a little bit of moments ago. it is a busy afternoon. keep a right where you know you will get the news, fox. "america reports" now. >> this is political persecution. this is a persecution like never before.
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this is an assault on our country. it is a country that is failing. it's a country that is run by an incompetent man very much involved in this case. this is really an attack on our political opponent. that's all it is. >> john: court will resume this hour in new york city. this historic case marks the very first time a former president will stand trial on criminal charges. with that begins a monday afternoon. i'm john roberts in washington. in. short weekend, sandra. >> sandra: i am sandra smith. this is "america reports." falsifying business records for alleged hush money payments made at the end of the 2016 election. >> john: jury selection is underway. the judge says they could take out a 2 weeks to put a jury together due to the amount of prospective jurors. all of whom are being pulled from a pool in manhattan. >> sandra: the former president says this case never should have been brought in the first place and pleaded not
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guilty to all charges. fox team coverage starts right now. we've got jonathan turley on deck. let's kick things off with eric shawn. he is live outside that state supreme court here in manhattan for us. lower manhattan at this hour. what we know? >> this trial really hasn't even started yet. already prosecutors want to hold former president trump in contempt of court. the prosecutor saying that he has violated the gag order by attacking witnesses, michael cohen and stormie dowdaniels. 5,000 dollars for each infraction, a total of $3,000 per other former president doesn't like that. he does not agree with that at all. the gag order covering family members, witnesses, jurors as well as staff here at the court. the former president posted this ultra socialist money. "i want my voice back. this crooked judge has gagged me
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unconstitutional. the other side can talk about me. i'm not allowed to talk about them. rigged trial. >> they should never have been brought. it doesn't concern anything like this. there is no case. people that don't necessarily follow or like donald trump said this is an outrage that this case was brought. >> the rulings this morning, the judge ruled that the jury can hear about the "national enquirer" do about karen mcdougal with whom trump whom allegedly had an affair paid $150,000 and that catch and kill scheme to give the story about their alleged affair quiet. he did say that the jury cannot watch trump's infamous "access hollywood" tape when he made those vulgar comments about women. they can hear evidence about his words. a lot of the court session has been held up dealing with michael cohen. the convicted felon, former
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trump fixer who went to federal prison on campaign violations. the judge ruling that his guilty plea in that cannot be used as evidence against a former president in this case. that's quite a big win it seems for the president's side. they will of course attacked michael cohen as a liar for the prosecution will show that he is telling the truth at the alleged scheme to keep the former president's alleged affairs quiet and away from voters during the 2016 presidential campaign. just before the trial broke for lunch about an hour from now, the judge looked directly at the former president and said that he has a right to be here at the trial. if you disrupt said, he could be held in contempt of court. he admonished him that if he does not show up, he could issue a warrant for their former presidents arrest. the former president said at the defense table, he understood of those blunt directions. lunch break right now in about 25 minutes.
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>> sandra: we expect that we'll be back on your way shortly. we will stay in touch. thank you. john. >> john: jonathan turley, fox news contributor and constitutional law attorney. nondisclosure agreements in exchange for compensation are crafted every single day. why is this one in court? >> there is a novel question, john. i'm not sure. this is a frankenstein case. they took a dead misdemeanor. the attached it to a dead alleged federal felony and zapped it back into life. many of us are just amazed to watch this actually walk into court. it is not a recognizable crime that any of us have seen. this does not appear to be a federal crime. that is the theory that is being used. to go into the wayback machine, this state misdemeanor tied because of the statute of limitations. what bragg said was, well, i'm
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going to allege that you did false filings on business records to hide a crime. he was very ambiguous with that crime might be. he still is ambiguous. it is assumed to be a federal election crime. the problem of the federal government does not view it as a crime. they decided not to prosecute -- most election experts say that is the type of thing that has failed in the past. this bizarre indictment is going to be a bizarre trial. and to this day, there is some confusion as to bragg's actually theory. what was that a crime that trump was hiding from all of this? >> john: this is what "the wall street journal" said about bragg trying to bootstrap this up to a federal felony. "7 months before the 2024 election, it is a trial that shouldn't happen and a bragg shouldn't have brought.
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the stormie affair was sorted business. the d.a. strategy might bother skeptical juror or an appeals court. this quote they are in jury selection for probably the next couple of weeks or so. will the prosecution find jurors that are favorable to its case, or do you think jurors have already made up their minds to say as you have said, why the heck is this evening court? >> this is the worst jury pool that trump could pool unless you took everyone at the dnc headquarters. it is as bad a pool as you can get. that doesn't mean that they throw up their hands. they are not going to try to find someone who likes trump dreher there's not many people available that that that description in manhattan. what they are looking for is someone who is independent, maybe a little feisty. jury advisors looking for people that have great conviction and confidence. they may dislike trump, but you
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want people who like the law of more. that is what you are really looking for. you are looking for what i call a trojan juror. these are jurors who will live to get into a high-profile case, and they will be hiding within them, bias and past conduct that they won't reveal. that you can often find out through social media. there is a lot of work that's in they have to be done in the nex. >> john: correct me if i am wrong, you have suggested if you are counseling trump's attorneys, you would suggest to them that they could instruct the jury that they can convict on a lesser offense that i'm a misdemeanor. at the statutes of limitations has run on the misdemeanor, how it that ever happened? >> because they have revived this case and reframed it under this felony law. usually what will happen is after arguments are over before the jury gets the case, defense counsel will stand up and asked where the court to consider an
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instruction to the jury that they can convict on a lesser included offense, misdemeanors. that may be key here. i am hoping that there's going to be a couple of jurors that say this is a very weird thing. i don't see that a major offense here. they may find a misdemeanor. for iran, that would be a considerable victory in manhattan. >> john: we will be talking to you a lot over the days and weeks ahead. thanks, professor. this is going to be something to watch. first time this is ever hap happened. >> sandra: he is expected to be there and attend the full trial which could run through june. got underway at 10:00 a.m. this morning i could take 2 weeks. going to be interesting to watch how he is able to campaign through this, john. a lot of looming questions and we expect this to be back underway in new york shortly. >> john: the benefits of having your own jet and secret service protection. you can get to where you need to go very quickly. >> sandra: now this.
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[sirens] [speaking in a global language] >> iran's unprecedented attack was met with an unprecedented defense. >> this empire of evil has shown what it wants to achieve. >> iran has attacked israel from its own sovereign territory publicly and proudly. the mask is off. >> we don't want to see a war with iran. >> sandra: we are awaiting a very important white house briefing at this hour. why? because this will be happening. live look at a white house podium in the briefing room as israel is considering whether or not to retaliate against iran's historic strike. it appears that the u.s. is not on board.
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live in tel aviv for us. any word on what israel's response may look like? >> good afternoon. the entire world is waiting to see how the israelis will respond to this massive drone and missile attack launched by iran over the weekend. we do know israel's war cabinet met today for more than 3 hours running through a variety of possibilities. they are walking a tight rope here. they don't want to drag the middle east into a broader regional conflict. they don't want iran to feel emboldened to launch attacks from its own territory as we saw over the weekend. i was in a briefing earlier. there was a top air force commander from the israelis talking about the situation. he praised the u.s. central command for their assistance in planning and ultimately executing the defense of israel as this attack was unfolding for the iranians made their fair statement since they launched this massive assault on israel over the weekend.
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>> are advised to our supporters of the criminals scientists regime is to -- measured act and dissuade the zionist regime for committing more wicked acts which will bring incalculable co the regime itself more than anyone else. instead of using inappropriate world about iran. >> iran is threatening more strikes against israel if there is a retaliation to the attack over the weekend. israeli forces are on high alert understanding that iran could activate its proxies in the region like hezbollah to fire on major population centers across israel. >> sandra: with the news live in tel aviv for us as we await those next steps, thank you. as we mentioned, we have got you and this story covered from all angles this afternoon. a spokesperson for benjamin netanyahu, u.s. lawmakers from both sides of the
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aisle and a retired navy captain. they are all here as we cover this news live. >> john: we have also got you covered keeping an eye on the courthouse in new york. jury selection underway and donald trump's hush money trial. we will bring you any new developments in that. >> sandra: anti-israel activist barking outrage for iran's attack against israel. we will speak to democratic congressman about that next. >> you have watch the president shift from october 7th today leaning more towards where this democratic party is going. appeasement to a terrorist organization. we are less safe today because of it.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> john: sentencing is underway in santa fe, new mexico, for the "rest" movie
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armor they did not detect a live bullet that was loaded into the bullet ultimately killing the cinematographer. it will bring you a lab report coming up. >> iran launched an unprecedented attack against israel. we mounted an unprecedented military effort to defend israel. -- >> sandra: that was president biden at the white house. we are awaiting the white house press ribbing as israel considered its response to iran's unprecedented attack over the weekend. joining us now, spokesperson for the israeli prime minister netanyahu. what is next? >> thank you for having me on again. israel is making its own considerations. deliberations taking place in the highest levels of our government. idf talk military brass. we can discuss all options on
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air. what i can tell you definitively is that there's not going to be any taking chances on our security. israel will make its own considerations like any other country would have had it been attacked by more than 100 ballistic missiles in such an unprecedented attack that thankfully wasn't matched by an unprecedented response. as you know, iran fired to kill as many as possible. per the results of this attack of -- that took place during the weekend could have been devastating as we are speaking by the way, there is a 70-year-old israeli arab bedouin girl who is fighting for her life. i prime minister articulated this concept by which we are acting, if someone is trying to hurt us, we will hurt them. we are always seeking peace. we have a record in the region to prove just that. if someone wants to annihilate us, wipe us off the map, we are not going to sit idly by and the
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situation in which 100 ballistic missiles targeted our territory over 60 tons of explosives where fired our way. it's not going to become the new normal. nothing like we have had for 16 years with hamas. >> sandra: as i just mentioned, the bottom right corner of your screen, a white house press briefing will begin. that will be important to get any sort of update or clue where the president stands on the next moves. john kirby joined our air early this morning and thought about the u.s. role in this and supporting israel and avoiding an all-out war. >> going forward, we will continue to prove that when it comes to defending israel. what that president has also said -- i believe the american people would agree, we don't want to see a war with iran. we will keep making the posture changes in diplomatic efforts we need to do to try to prevent a wider war in the region. >> sandra: as this is happening, we are told we have
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some live video coming in right now. i will get your reaction to this as we continue to see these protests growing in number all over the country. one in chicago there's money shutting down a major highway to o'hare airport where this is live out of oakland right now. anti-israel protesters are shutting down the golden gate bridge. it seems like there's more and more of this by the hour and d day. >> i would not call them anti-israel. either you are with israel or team hamas. the anti-palestinian, because of somebody truly cared about the palestinian people, they should call for hamas to release the hostages were stolen people, 133 of them for more than six months. we know for a fact that some of these girls are being sexually abused as we are sitting here and speaking, hamas rejected by the way another proposal that was on the table.
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they want to remain in power. they want to rule gaza. they want the idf to withdraw all the forces and to live another day to carry out another october 7th the massacre. if somebody truly cared about the palestinian people, they would have called on hamas to surrender and release all hostages. some of these people can call themselves the anti-israel, you know, but i think you guys covered it in some of these protests, you also hear chants like "death to america." in some of these protests, i have seen these videos circulating online, you can see them chanting for iran. >> sandra: this video is incredible. that aerial shot of just the amount of delay and back out, just a few people are causing on the golden gate bridge. in oakland, obviously causing major delays. they wanted chicago this morning
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was causing le to miss their flights and not get to work. 10:30 there. this is still commuter tr traff. as we continue to monitor that breaking news, the u.n. secretary general antonio get terrace, he said this about using maximum restraint at the u.n. real quick, let's listen. >> them me middle east is on the brink. confronting a real danger of a devastating full-scale conflict. now is the time to diffuse and de-escalate. now is the time for maximum restraint. >> sandra: so what messages that's ending? >> iran is not only a threat to israel, let's put it on the table. at that threat to all the good forces you have in the region, to move forward to move towards
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peace. and you have these dark evil forces, iran and its proxies they want to take us to the darkness of the middle ages. iran is not a threat to their regions, it's a threat to the world. as the number 1d stabilizer. we see iranian drones of the same suicide explosive drones that were lost our way this weekend, you also see them in the war in ukraine targeting ukrainians. iran is a global threat. it should be met with a global response. yesterday, there was no session underway at the u.n. security council that was convened following this unprecedented attack. we call on the free world to sanction iran, defined the revolutionary guard corps as a terrorist organization. this is what should be done and make sure that iran will never acquire nuclear weapons. >> sandra: i just got a view of us sign the protesters were holding, "stop of the world
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gaza." just a few protesters are causing on that bridge, the coming hours are going to be crucial in all of this. do you feel like as i let you go here, do you and i israel feel like they have the full support of the united states? >> i think we just witnessed it over the weekend. washington and jerusalem, we see eye to eye and the goals of this war as we define them after october 7th. more so, we sent an unequivocal message to iran. we see you for what you are. don't try us. don't test us. don't mess with us. don't mess with the free world. >> sandra: always good to have you in new york city in studio with us. these are incredible images as we are talking about what we are going to see and hear from the white house moments from now to see this major disruption. another one that is happening on the golden gate bridge. >> john: it really is
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remarkable that they have it shut down in both directions. originally it was shut down southbound coming out of marin county. now it is both ways. anybody trying to get into san francisco from points north are going to have to go all the way around to oakland and across the bay bridge. interstate 8081 is blocked for a while. i don't know if it still is. just a handful of protesters. it looked like there was fewer than 10 of them are causing all this havoc. now i see police moving in. will they hold their ground or will they say enough is enough, it's time to go. you have caused enough problems for motorists trying to get across that bridge. at the moment, it looks like they will go ahead and keep doing it. >> the first protest on northbound at fifth avenue, the protesters brought barrels onto the highway. they chained themselves to the
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perils and law enforcement had no work to cut through the perils and arrest the protesters. it doesn't look to be a similar situation. i see a rest happening right now. you can see one of the protesters being let off with the law enforcement in the yellow vest. >> john: they don't seem to be chained to do anything. they are holding onto that banner. i am wondering, we see another person in an orange vest being put in handcuffs. it looks like the police are slowly going to remove these protesters. probably to keep a minimum of footage off a video of people perhaps -- remember what we saw when the burning man festival -- the main road into that in nevada got blocked and what happened when that police officer from the tribal police rammed into the barricade they were using to block the road. that made a lot of news. perhaps the police are trying to do this quietly as possible so that there's not a lot of negative video that is out
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there. it looks like they are slowly trying to get this situation resolved so that all of those cars -- 1.5 miles long or 2 miles long? got that huge backup of traffic all the way across that bridge. nothing getting in on the san francisco side. >> you talk about the economic impact of these protests. people not getting to work. not getting to where they need to go. travelers who are not making it to their trips on time. business trips, pleasure, or otherwise bear the economic impact is huge of these protests. to them on your screen, you talk about a few people that are having an impact on potentially thousands of people. especially the amount of flow over that bridge right now, 10:30 in the morning. this is a crucial time of passage on that bridge. >> john: it's 1.5 miles long.
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you're looking at it at least a mile of traffic blocked up on that bridge. you know not every one of those vehicles going across that bridge are electric cars unless motorists have decided they are going to shut down their engine. there is a lot of gas being burned right now. >> sandra: most people watching this are in quite a bit of shock that they are not able to remove these. there is another arrest being made right now as you can see. the right of the person in pain. it looks like the law enforcement are taking another one of those protesters. they will eventually be removed from the bridge and the traffic will flow again. it's not happening right now, john. and the rest is made. >> john: it looks like this is going to take a number of minutes long as they are doing this one by one. i think we will keep watching this being advised that we need to go to break. any minute now, the white house will hold its daily briefing. as the first sense iran's attack
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on israel. democrat congressman from california, not far from where the golden gate bridge is up next on how he thinks the u.s. should respond. first, peter doocy live from the briefing room with what we can expect later on today. peter. >> president biden told iran "don't" but they did anyway. we hope to find out in a few minutes from karine jean-pierre and john kirby. we will have more after this. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans,
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because i know there are will works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer
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>> sandra: a live look at the new york supreme court and lower manhattan. former president donald trump's hush money trail. the former president walking back into court just moments ago before their break. i should say as he returned from the break. prosecutors asked the former president to be $53,000 for allegedly violating his gag order. the judge has not yet ruled.
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we will continue to monitor that i bring you updates for the court room as we get them. there was the president a few moments ago. >> john: looking forward to that as the afternoon wears on. any moment, the white house expected to give the briefing for the first time since iran's unprecedented direct attack. peter doocy standing by in the white house briefing room. how much transit -- >> he want some, john, as he continues to try to have it both ways where he is putting it publicly that the united states will not support a counterstrike that's strike that israel makes against iran if that is part of their plans. the u.s. will support israel's defense when they are targeted. >> president biden: iran launched an unprecedented attack against israel. we mounted an unprecedented military it defense -- go together with our partners, we
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defeated that attack. >> president biden told iran "don't," and they did anyway. iran policy from this white house is layered. president biden has noted for years, they sponsor terror groups and he unfurls billions of dollars for iranian leaders for humanitarian purposes. offering clarity of what happens next specifically about the u.s. knows or does not know about israel's plans to possibly strike back at iran on their o own. >> john: peter doocy for us. looking forward to their briefing in the minutes ahead. >> sandra: anti-israel rally, one in chicago broke into tears after learning of iran's attack this weekend. democratic congressman ro khanna will join us in a few moments with his reaction to that. live in chicago with more on that. what should we expect from these americans supporting tehran?
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>> we know some of these groups are calling for the democratic national convention in chicago to be canceled. they plan to have a big presence there. some of these groups have called for militant action against police during their protest at the dnc. on saturday, this group of around 300 people from pro-palestinian and antiwar groups from across the country were working on those plans to disrupt the dnc when news of iran's attacks came out. here's how they reacted. >> iran has just responded that about 30 minutes ago. [applause] there are reports of drones having been fired on israel from yemen. [applause] all of the palestinians support coalitions here must be ready immediately to be out in the streets and to stop the u.s. from expanding this war on iraq.
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>> during a breakout session, one group was taught how to chant "death to israel" and took it further calling for a chance of "death to america." [chanting] >> it can be "death to" or "down with." [chanting] >> the lessons to practice blocking enough -- dozens of passengers getting out of cars and having to walk the rest of the way to the airport in order to make their flights. activists say these kinds of demonstrations are only going to continue happening more often all the way up to and through the dnc. >> sandra: if you saw that on paper that it was dozens of protesters, it doesn't sound massive. the impact on all of those
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heading to o'hare, heading to work. that is massive. thank you very much. >> john: for more on all this, let's bring in democratic congressman ro khanna of the house armed services committee. a representative for the 78th congressional district in california which is not far from where all of this is going on on the golden gate bridge. congressman, we see this is from the marin county side of the bridge. we see protesters who have blocked traffic in both directions on the golden gate bridge. earlier, i-880 north of where your district starts was blocked off. blocked off at o'hare airport. what do you say to these anti-israel pro-palestinian protesters who are causing so much havoc for people in ame america? >> first let me unequivocally condemn the chance of "death to america" or "death to israel." i believe israel has the right to exist as a jewish democratic state. the reason i love america as we
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are one of the only countries in the world that allows where this kind of protest and is actually putting the protest on tv. where else would you allow that? china, russia, and other parts of the world? i am proud of our first amendment tradition. i totally condemn their chance. >> john: o be watching right now on the screen. it is the golden gate bridge closed off in both directions. no traffic getting across the bridge from san francisco to marin county and points north. the same is happening in the opposite direction. >> what i would say is the law enforcement are handling it appropriately. they are making arrests of course. in this country, we have a long tradition of protests and marches most famously on the bridge. you can't stop people from doing there. they have a consequence of being arrested and law enforcement is showing appropriate restraint
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interesting but not using violence. what i will say to protesters, i'm not sure this is the most effective to get their voice across. if they want to go outside the state department or want to come outside congressional offices are elea capital, i understand that. having people stuck in traffic and not getting to work, i don't think they are getting their point across to build sympathy with the american public. >> john: not necessarily sure that blocking traffic wins hearts and minds. as we saw the report, a lot of people had to get out of their cars and walk the rest of the distance to chicago's o'hare airport. the stand-alone support a bill for israel after what happened over the weekend, speaker mike johnson is saying it is that much more urgent at this get passed relisten to but said yesterday. >> we passed our israel support package. it's been sitting on chuck schumer's desk ever since. the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel. we are going to try again this week. >> john: in the wake of what
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happened, congressman, in the clear depletion as well of israeli defensive armaments, she had this thing be passed, and should it be passed now? >> if there is a clean bill, i would support a clean bill for defensive weapons. i voted for iron dome. i voted for the arrow 3 and david's sling. in the past, what the republicans have done have a link to that with tax cuts for the very wealthy. what i will not support is offensive weapons to netanyahu. i think that bombing in gaza has gone too far. while i initially supported the right for self-defense, and i support defensive weapons and have voted for that, i will not support more offensive weapons. i would hope you could get a clean bill they could get iron dome and arrow three to israel. >> john: let me ask you about
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defensive versus offensive weapons. israel is defending itself against what happened on octobe. is that in your estimation now turned into some sort of offense against gaza? they are trying to root out hamas. that is a defensive posture of what happened on october 7th. >> i believe they have a right to defend themselves against hamas perpetrators? >> john: went up the weapons? >> i think netanyahu has prosecuted the war in a way that has been indiscriminate. some of the bombings of hospitals in refugee camps has gone too far. i don't think they have done what the american military would have done which is take all precautions to minimize civilian casualties. if they had a leader, that is one thing. netanyahu has created havoc. he is not a peacemaker. he is not prosecuted this war well. he has offended everyone from
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president obama to speaker pelosi to half the voters under 40 in this country. >> john: should he stop and leave hamas in place? >> of the battalions have been destroyed in many ways in hamas. the question is, is the way he is prosecuting the war the correct way? i don't believe it is. i have supported israel's right to get the hamas perpetrators. app support at the right to have the distraction of hamas' battalions. not in a way where it has led to over 30,000 men and women and children die in the way that netanyahu has done that and not with the extreme right wing government which is talking in some places up taking over gaza. and some of the extreme right wing. and occupying it. >> john: real quick, what would you do? >> when i would have done in a supportive had a surgical, thoughtful plan to get that
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perpetrators of october 7th. many of them by the way aren't even in gaza. some of them are in qatar and around the world. i would've done that systematically and methodically. i did support that instruction of hamas' battalions -- which they achieved by mid-november. when i would not have done is created a new generation of terrorism -- which is what is happening today in gaza. because you have so many people who have been orphaned and lost families, that's not the way to a two-state solution or peace. i think netanyahu is not going to go down. he's going to go down as one of the worst leaders israel has h had. >> john: we continue to watch the traffic jam on the golden gate bridge. thanks for joining us. i appreciate it. >> sandra: let's keep our eye on exactly that with bill melugin. take us through what we are seeing on our screens here as it appears some have been arrested now. anti-israel protesters, there are a few that remain. the cars are still there.
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that bridge is backed up for what appears to be miles. >> as far as the eye can see, sandra. believe it or not, this has been going on for several hours. first reports about this protest on the golden gate bridge coming in at 7:30 a.m. pacific time. well over three hours now. you can see the result. law enforcement, everyone is surprised it's taken a hands-off approach. we've seen a handful of arrests. you see the guys in the ten uniforms. that is chp, california highway patrol. the guys in the blue and darker outfits will be your local law enforcement. these officers and these highway patrol, they are pretty content to have a standoff. you've got drivers parked with their injuries off watching this. constructors workers what has happened now is this small little group of anti-israel protesters have completely shut down of the
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golden gate bridge. you mentioned that traffic is going as far as the eye can see. initially only the southbound lanes of traffic were stopped. now we have got the whole bridge shut down. this is a major, major thoroughfare, obviously, high profile one in the bay area. you can see law enforcement still just kind of standing there content to let this small group block traffic like this. this isn't just stopping people from potentially getting to work or going about their day. think about the fact that there could be emergency vehicles that they go on that bridge. think about the fact that it probably isn't very safe to have all those cars stalled on that bridge for hours on end like this. you will have to see if law enforcement takes a hands-on approach and gets a little more aggressive. it looks like there's only a few folks left at their still blocking traffic holding up a sign that said "stop the world for gaza."
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as a been going on for several hours now. we're just waiting to see of law enforcement finally moves in and scoops up the rest of these folks. so this traffic and start moving again. these pro-pale pro-palestinian/anti-israel protests going on in oakland in the bay area. that is what we are looking at right now. it looks like law enforcement will hopefully have this thing wrapped up shortly. >> sandra: we have no indication at this moment. we will tap into some of our legal experts on what options law enforcement does have to end this. block both ways. this is incredible. this is ongoing. golden gate bridge. anti-israel protesters have had to shut down for hours. i guess you could sort of hint as to their geographic locations from both ends of the bridge, who might be on there at this hour and where they are going. this is causing massive economic disruption.
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>> absolutely. there's going to be trucks and commerce and people trying to get to and from their jobs. they are going to be thousands of people stuck on that bridge right now. it is not like they can turn around and go back the other way. there is a center divider. they are stuck there for a long as this is allowed to go on. that is essentially what is look liking is happening. in other parts of the country would potentially go in there get them off. that's a main thoroughfare for commerce. we are talking over three hours now, sandra, where police have essentially been standing in that line with the protesters across from them. you can still see there's a handful of them still blocking the traffic. when are they going to finally be cleared out? that is the question. >> sandra: can you imagine if you are the first cars where they stop the traffic there that has been a long haul. we are going to have more on this after the break. we are going to stay on the breaking news. thank you very much for joining us. >> john: we should point out
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that if you are at the tip of that bridge and you want to get into san francisco, you've got the devil back. it's a 35-mile trip around and across the bridge to get into san francisco. we will keep watching this and be right back. these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient, i appreciate that. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. what more could you ask for? call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans
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>> john: all right, we continue to watch what's going on on the golden gate bridge. it has been shut down for about three hours, forcing motorists who were stuck on the bridge to take a 35-mile trip around through oakland and richmond on up into marin county and back down. to get around all of this. our bill melugin is watching what is going on. we only see what looks like three or four or five protesters. everything is still shut down. i'm curious, there are protesters who are very close to those cars. i'm wondering, how they attached themselves to the cars? >> it seems like it may be possible. this is unconfirmed. i was saying reports on social media that they might have their hands bound in some sort of pvc pipe that has something to do with those vehicles. it certainly looks like they have their hands in their windows or something going on. that is unconfirmed. it does look like the way they
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are mar meandering. this is well over three hours of this bridge being locked in there. you can see california highway patrol standing in the land behind them just a standoff going on right now. this is part of really what's going on nationwide, anti-israel protests in different parts of the country. video out of chicago and o'hare airport. anti-israel protesters blocking traffic at the entrance of that airport. people he actually had to get out of their cars with their luggage and try to make their way into the airport and an effort to make their flight. you can hear some yelling and shouting. folks weren't very happy about that. we are talking opposite ends of the country right now. you've got the golden gate bridge live on your tv. this morning, chicago o'hare airport as this is part of a synchronized effort across the country by these pro-palestine, anti-israel protesters who are
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setting up protest in different cities around the country. we are hearing reports that there are other protest plans for other major cities. you can see a picture out of san antonio, texas, courtesy of affiliate ka bb. you can see palestinian flags and other traffic being blocked there as well. this appears to be a 1-they all across the country multi-protest effort taking place. the biggest high profile effort as the light fixture on the left side of your screen at golden gate bridge. this has taken place in multiple cities. traffic and commute getting held up all over the place. >> john: these protesters have used pvc pipe with chains to handcuff themselves together. we have also seen them glue their hands to the ground to other things. you've got to wonder, maybe the folks, the fellow in the dark jacket and the people on the right maybe they have their hands glued to the cars.
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we will see. and we will be right back with more coverage. stay with us. ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase,
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