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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> john: as we continue to watch the unfolding situation on the very famous golden gate bridge which has been shut down now for about 3.5 hours as protesters, anti-israel palestinian protesters have locks traffic near know that they have got the main protest group out of the way, we are saying that traffic is still not moving at all. we also noticed that the people who were in the front row of cars standing there, and fellow and a dark jacket on the left and the person in a vest on the right seemed to have their hands against the car -- which brings out the idea, how they like now there protesters that we have seen around the world glued themselves to those vehicles so that they cannot be removed?
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we don't have confirmation of that. for some reason, those folks aren't moving whereas everybody else did. >> sandra: are aerial shot is going back out again. is that incredible. you think about just how far back that traffic is now going. we saw police a moment ago on the live footage bringing more vehicles. there was a trailer they brought in. they were unloading some equipment. who knows what the plan is here now. we are trying to get law enforcement on the phone to explain to us what their options are for a situation like this. these images are incredible. >> moments ago, chp california highway patrol posted on x, "there is no timeline for the reopening on this bridge." this may be going on for quite some time. don was mentioning earlier, what may complicate the situation,
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they may not be able to walk them out. if some of these people have tether themselves to these vehicles are glue their hands on pipes or something more than meets the eye and we can see some of those people who haven't left both sides of the car as some of them appeared to have the arms inside the car. at this obligated more complicated, it will take law enforcement no longer time to get those people off the bridge. we have seen handfuls of them arrested so far. only a few of them remain. it was a wild live shot to see that traffic going as far as the eye can see. this is also chicago's o'hare airport. anti-israel protesters block traffic. the result of which were trying to make their flight. getting out of -- with their luggage and walking into the airport trying to make their flights. those people obviously not happy as all that traffic was backed up. we are also watching images out of san antonio, texas. you can see that in the bottom
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right of your screen. we are also getting where they were going to be protested in philadelphia and also protest forming in new york city. this is again a nationwide effort by the anti-israel protesters to disrupt traffic and commerce and disrupt low going about other people's daily lives. now you are taking a live look in manhattan. you can see those protest starting in new york city as well. this is coast to coast. what a dueling lives out there. you've got the golden gate bridge shut down for more than 3.5 hours in both directions. having people getting blocked and trying to make it to their flights. now you've got new york city live on your television right now, protest barking out there as well. this is going to be that concentrated after that these pro-palestine protesters have used in the past to try to disrupt people's lives to get their message out. will that be have active? you would have to ask that people are getting blocked and traffic right now. taking a live look at the left
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side of your screen. it looks like the fire department is now on scene. they've got a big bus. that's not a boast. some sort of a chp unit. the firefighters may be potentially brought any case, those folks are glued to anything, tied to anything, change anything. that is when we have seen the firemen have to break those chains before. that may be what some of the holdup is here. on the right side of your screen, new york city. dueling protesters and someone with a israel flag and an american flag waving it in the face with a pro-palestine flag right there. that is the sort of thing you can see there. counterprotesters squaring up in new york city. the golden gate bridge shut down for the better part of almost four hours now and chp reporting just 15 minutes ago. "there is no timeline for the reopening of that bridge. also watching scenes play out in san antonio, texas. we showed those scenes.
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a lot going on all across the country today, guys. speak to white house briefing is taking place with john kirby and karine jean-pierre. peter doocy is in the room. we are monitoring if any of this comes up, we will bring this to our viewers. stand by with us on the breaking news. >> john: let's continue digging into all of this. joining us by phone's inspector paul moreau. we don't have any confirmation of it. it is not anybody talking about it online. we see three individuals in the first row of cars who are standing right beside the cars and have not moved for as long as we have been watching these pictures. we have seen in germany and other places using industrial-strength fluted glue their hands to the road. i remember seeing a couple of female protesters who were in the hospital. emergency services had cut the road around her hand. they were standing in the emergency room with big chunks
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of asphalt attached to them. is that the situation here? >> from what i can see, it looks like one of the female protesters has her arm in a tube that extends into the car. something called a sleeping dragon. what they do is they change to each other. one protester to another inside a pipe. in order to disconnect them, you have to get through the pipe, and then you have to get through the chains. what they seem to have done is one of the protesters is in the car and one is not in the car. he may be locked in there as well. all these things -- sleeping dragons are common. usually they are chained together. it's a nightmare. you have to get them out and essentially blowtorch through them. it is very complicated. it is designed to throw sand in the areas of the police to slow everybody up there this is
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already gone on for hours. there's no timeline for the removal. that certainly is one of the reasons why. i distinctly, that's very difficult to do. this will go on for quite some time going forward. >> john: i don't think we had conceived up potentially this was a coordinated effort. we are not saying this is the case. are the people in the first three cars and live there part out this whole thing? are people on the outside connected to people on the inside as you suggest? >> it is difficult to see. it looked like one of them had her arm and the tube. if that is the case, i would argue that it is almost certainly what is going on there. that is a real difficulty. some of this stuff goes back to the '60s. some of it to occupy wall street more recently a lot of these techniques were tested out. generally people who do these protests are in college and go back.
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some of them graduate into management for a lack of a better term. it's a career path. they become organizers and are funded by nonprofits. they get money to do this thing. that is their lives. some of them make decent money. that is the institutional knowledge that they are able to access. that is why you see some of that techniques repeating over literally generations. this is the kind of thing that we saw a very reminiscent of occupy wall street. what it argues is that this looks really organized and receive various cities popping up on the same day. this will be with us through the summer, i would say. >> sandra: this is lower manhattan wall street screen right. on the screen left, the golden gate bridge and the situation that is playing out there. why wasn't there anything immediately they could do when the protesters were simply standing there to remove them?
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my question to you is, as we watch this happening more and more popping up in cities all over this nation, these protests. some of which, case in point, the one on the screen has incredible consequences. what can be done to send the message, don't do this? >> that is the deciding question. go back to occupy wall street which is a good rubric for this sort of thing. every time you make them mass arrests that occur from these things, you immediately get sued. they all have law years on speed dial. the courts are amenable to them and the police know that. they take a very gentle hand. everybody has a camera even more so during occupy wall street. one of the ways these groups fun of themselves is through lawsuits. they are regularly engaged in lawsuits against the city. the earlier and faster you get in there, the better.
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absolutely right. what you need is intelligence. you have to know what's coming. this looks like a pretty bad intelligence failure to me. this is coordinated online. they should have known it was coming. >> john: there is a pretty good shot. a black vehicle. he does seem to have some sort of a pipe on his arm. on the left, but a person in the vast has got some pipe on their arm as well. it may be that this was a coordinated effort. stay with us. we will see if we can glean some more information. maybe you can work your sources and california highway patrol to see exactly what is going on. speak to the protest in manhattan seems to be growing in number this hour as well. on golden gate, the update from law enforcement there as we just reported a few moments ago, a void u.s. 101 in the area of the golden gate bridge. no timeline for the reopening beer that was a few moments ago.
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arkansas republican senator tom cotton is joining us now. thanks for joining us in the breaking news. coast-to-coast we are seeing these protests pop up. bill melugin standing by with us and paul morrow as well. your thoughts as we watched us together. >> i feel very deeply for all the people that are trying to get to work or pick up a kid. very worried about the diversion of police resources that need to be stopping crime in cities like san francisco or firefighters who are having to go there when they might have calls for fires out. i have to say, sandra, i agree with you that you have to get to these criminals early. if something like this happened in arkansas on a bridge, i think there would be a lot of very wet criminals that would be tossed overboard, not by law enforcement come about by the people whose road they are blocking. if they glued their hands to the car or pavement, probably pretty painful to have their skin ripped off. i think that is the way we would
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handle it in arkansas. i would encourage most people if they get stuck behind criminals like this, try to block traffic to take matters in their own hands. his only usually a few of them and a lot of people being inconvenienced. it is time to put an end to this nonsense. >> sandra: clearly senator as we watched us together and do your point about the way different cities and states can react to do this, you are obviously saying that in your state, you would deal with this much differently. as you heard from paul morrow, speaking from a law enforcement perspective, they know that there's cameras on them. they know they can't obviously hurt somebody in the removal of these protesters. it is obviously a very delicate balance to dealing with this. the longer it goes on, it would appear the longer it's going to take to resolve it. >> i sympathize with law enforcement having to deal with this. it's time for a private are the ones being inconvenienced when
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they are confronted with these protesters to solve matters before the police even show up. most of these people could easily be removed from the streets. those are always the most popular people on the scene, their private citizens who took matters into their own hands. it is exactly this kind of radical activism, this anti-semitic, pro-hamas activism that are blocking the streets and calling out police and firefighting resources that you have democrats like joe biden trying to restain israel after it's been attacked with 300 drones and missiles october 7th. they face the worst atrocities since the holocaust. they are worried about this radical wing of their own party doing this kind of thing now and doing it all through the summer as you said earlier or maybe even at their convention this summer as well. it has to end now. we can absolutely not tolerate this kind of criminal activity. if you want to march around on a sidewalk or public park and wave a flag and support a terrorist
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group, that's one thing. to block the flow of traffic on major highways is a crime and it has to be stopped immediately. >> john: as we continue to watch the pictures, that context is the huge iranian attempted strike against israel on saturday night -- which was an amazing display of counter firepower with the israelis and the american air force and the jordanians as well. then we see people in america cheering the iranian attack. we use activists who are rehearsing chance of "death to america." what do you make of what is going on in this country, senator? >> it is a revolting display of moral equivalence. i would say it's going and then large parts of the country. large part of the democratic left wing base. that is why joe biden is doing things like threatening to withhold weapons from israel or telling them they should "take
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the win" as if it is so win to have 300 missiles and drones shot at your country. i don't think the people of israel can stand by and let that become the new normal in the middle east no matter how skillful and brave their troops and our troops were in almost stopping every single one of them. you will see, i think, more peace and stability in the region and in end to some of these criminal protests in america whenever you see an american president that stands strongly with israel and our partners against iran and its terror proxies like hamas rather than trying to appease and conciliate them both over there and here at home. >> sandra: stand by without us. we've got paul morrow and bill melugin joining us. we are watching the golden gate bridge. another arrest was made. we will listen to is happening in lower manhattan. we can dip in here and take some of the sound of life.
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[indistinct] >> sandra: it appears that there is a growing number of protesters gathering there in the wall street area, john. the goal of these protests is to disrupt every day. economic impact is a huge goal for them. >> john: i can tell exactly what is going on. are these israeli supporters who are countering an anti-israel protests, or are these israelis who are against the war? i'm not sure that context. speak to the camera swung around, the anti-israel protesters were on the other side i believe. as often happens in new york city at grand central or otherwise, you do get the pros israel contended that does show up to counterprotest. we are showing one side of that. law enforcement is on the scene.
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we will see if our camera gets able example of what is happening down there. >> john: we have seen in washington, d.c., a number who were against israel prosecuted the war in gaza shutting down proceedings at least in the house buildings. not necessarily congress itself. this is 200 -- 2:17 in manhattan. typically it is bustling with commerce. now you have the streets that are occupied by protesters as you pointed out, sandra. on one side of the fence you have the anti-israel side of the fence and pro israel, pro-america on the other side. both making a lot of noise, but thankfully, it is peaceful. >> sandra: one of our producers that is present at the dash on your screen says that the protesters are chanting "free, free palestine, palestine will never die." i'm just getting there read out
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for this right now. that not is not in quotations. "usa bombs -- how many kids do you kill today?" many in the crowd have watermelon balloons. watermelons are a symbol of palestinian solidarity. >> john: we will watch all of this and bring you their breaking news. wall street in the background of lower manhattan. noisy afternoon as we see, very, very difficult morning for commuters on the opposite coast. the golden gate bridge shut down now for almost 4 hours now. it continues to be a standoff with what i think we can clearly establish now who are protesters who have locked themselves in some way to people inside those vehicles. let's listen again for a second here. [indistinct]
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>> john: chanting "we are all palestinians." what we saw over the weekend, too, it was people cheering iran's attack against israel. you wonder what your perspective is when you are cheering sum of 300 explosive projectiles headed toward a very populous area. potential dangers at that if the u.s. air force, the israeli air force and jordanian air force hadn't shot down about 95%. we will keep watching this. we will be right back. is he? claritin clear?
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don't wait- call today. >> sandra: fox news alert. these live protests happening quite literally coast to coast, popping up all over the country. today, san francisco, the golden gate bridge is shut down due to a handful of protesters they are. we are told told thereof in 7 arrest so far. we have seen have a live on our screen. that is lower manhattan where anti-israel protests continue to grow in number there. this is the wall street area that was a planned protest. it is happening now. civil rights attorney leo terrel is joining us with his thoughts as we see this unfold. we try to estimate the impact this is having on so many. >> thank you very much, sandra. notice what is happening in san francisco and new york. i would ask you and john to get
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a call into governor newsom in california or other governor in new york and asked them, why haven't they appeared? they could stop this right now. california, gavin newsom patrols the highway patrol. i saw john's interview where he made reference to this protest on the bridge in 1965, how dare he? there's no comparison. this is criminal conduct at its worst. it's hurting americans who are trying to live their life. this is because the democrats are looking the other way as pro hamas activities in america. this is embarrassing. >> john: as we look at what's going on on the left-hand side of our screen go all the highway patrol officers who have been taken away from what they would normally be doing today -- it looked like there is probably a hundred of them. there is a huge line of cars as they deal with these protesters who we can see.
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it looks like they have their arms locked in some sort of tube. paul morrow was talking about this earlier. they have locked themselves to those cars. a coordinated effort, cars going across the bridge where they slowed down and stopped. look at the line of police cars. they slow down or stopped all the other traffic. they have unfurled a banner. the people who are holding the banner have been arrested. how do you get those people removed from the cars? this has been going on f for 4 hours. the amount a law enforcement that has been diverted for what they are normally doing to take care of this really would seem to me given police shortages across the country being i guess, leaving a lot of areas exposed at this point. >> john, you're absolutely right. this is why i have to go back to the day basic core. california, chicago, and new york. i would ask fox news to put in a call to the governors.
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there is the action? these officers are taking their marching orders from somewhere up top. i guarantee you, the democratic leadership in these states are missing in action. this could be stopped if they wanted it. they are not doing it, john. get the governors on the line. why are you allowing this? >> sandra: there is an open invitation for the governor to join, that is for sure. we have are called into the governor's office as we watch this together. i want to add this in right now. on the number of protesters that are just off the bridge there, in california, hundreds were gathered near seventh street. an arrest has been made there as well. you have the protest from early this morning than the one right on the bridge. one of the local reporter's shared video footage of the protesters standing in the middle of the highway. northbound 80 holding a sign
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reading "a 15 economic blockade for a free palestine." and the local reporters also reporting that the protesters had chained themselves to the barrels they are the oakland protest further announcement they would do this was part of a multicity effort called the 815 economic blockade to block major economic arteries. that is certainly happening right before us on this screen, leo. >> yes, sandra. it is nationwide. i would like to be your designated reporter for you and john to follow to see if there are going to be arrests, convictions, and imprisonment. that is going to be the key. these individuals are encouraged to do it again. there is a pattern or practice going on paired will there be any repercussions against these individuals who are breaking the law? i will be your exclusive
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reporter to find out if the district attorneys and soft on crime california are going to prosecute, convict, and in prison. i will submit to you, it's not going to happen. >> john: we will see if this is ever over. i'm sure at some point, it will be. what happened to the people involved. we thank you for being with us. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure, john and sandra. >> sandra: i'm thinking, what if someone has a health emergency in their car on the bridge? no one can get to you. >> john: what if someone has to go? they've been up there for 4 hours. you've got a 9-year-old in the car or a 4-year-old in the car. i remember our kids and then that they were stuck in the car in a snowstorm for 5.5 hours. my 4-year-old son had to go and he couldn't go for 5 hours. and you imagine that? i bet there there are at least a number of people on the bridge
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going through that now. let's bring in chris bedford and juan williams. these are people on the left. what do you think of what is going on? >> i don't like being delayed. i think you know my lifestyle. i have to get somewhere. it's a great inconvenience. it's a problem. it is not a crime. constitutionally protected. proud american. >> john: i think blocking a bridge like that may constitute some sort of crime. >> i don't know what the crime would be except blocking traffic crime. it's not a crime of the level we are thinking. obviously, the boston tea party, i guess that was a crime against somebody's property. the idea of protest is very un-american. what they are protesting -- you can point out, this is on the left. they are protesting against president biden. they are protesting against democrats in congress because of
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support of israel. gallup right now shows that most americans are very troubled by israel's fighting in the gaza strip. in a way, this is reflecting something in american life. income inconveniencing people. speak out this has been a large week for israel through the last couple of days, seeing them able to get a top iranian revolutionary guard commander. seeing them working with jordan and the united states and france to stop an iranian attack. you have seen no democratic support and congress has increased dramatically because of this attack on israel. you see the responses to block traffic. people coming back and trying to get to their jobs and get to school to get to a doctor's appointment. maybe women who are pregnant at people who were sick or elderly. this is not the way to win
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supporters. there are legal ways to protest. we see them over d.c. all the time. they knew they were doing something wrong and illegal here. you could tell because of the way they have chained themselves together with these pipes. it is an angel does originally started by the animal rights in the environmental groups. >> john: it is a state crime to block a highway like this. penalties vary depending on the jurisdiction. senator blackburn wants to make it a federal grant to do this. they have introduced legislation. it appears to be languishing in congress. this taken with what we have seen all over the weekend with people cheering the attack by iran against israel, people rehearsing other folks in calls of "death to america," "death to israel." people saying "from the river to
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the sea was quote means complete annihilation of the jewish state. the polarization is getting to a point where some people are looking at this and saying is it going to explode? speak up with good reason. obviously, when you see this kind of activity, you don't know what's next. let's just be clear. when you talk about explode, this is also far, thank god, nonviolent protests. we should signify that. this is not a violent act. to your larger point about us as americans, it's going global, low protest against israel. >> sandra: for now. >> john: final thought. >> one thing that is interesting about this, you didn't see the protest in the massacres of arabs in the syrian conflict or the libyan complex. you see this really only went in regards to israel. that gives pause for a lot of folks who say, what is it only when it involves the jewish state as opposed to in defense of arab lives as they claim?
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>> john: iran attack israel with 300 explosive projectiles. thanks for coming on. i appreciate it. >> a lively afternoon on tv. >> john: this always seems to happen between 1:00 and 3:00. >> sandra: beginning of a brand-new week. you are looking live at the golden gate bridge in lower manhattan. these protests are growing in number for joining us by phone is fbi special agent nicole parker. thanks for jumping on. can you answer the question -- we were just debating. is there a crime here with these protesters stopping this amount of traffic in the middle of the golden gate bridge? >> how i can tell you that obviously, people have their first amendment rights. they can speak up. you don't have the right to inconvenience others. you don't have the right to cause danger or potential violence. you don't have the right to obstruct first responders and law enforcement from doing their
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job. as we watch the images on the screen, this is an absolute nightmare for law enforcement. they are looking at it from it very different perspective for law enforcement are always looking at safety and the safety of the citizens and potential threat that could be going on right here for the most important thing obviously is to contain the scene. you've got a scene where you got a bridge. no one can even move. it's completely locked down. law enforcement is concerned about potential threats. i guarantee you, they are scrubbing all sorts of things, social media accounts and where they can find any intelligence that this was a preplanned event, anything that may have been planned that could transpire. that is their top concern right now. have people been checked? we are looking at these images. doing these drugs have these protests, have they been checked? does law enforcement identify who they are? have these people been checked
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for potential -- not to sound extreme come about for a potential -- if they want to cause harm or damage, potential explosive devices, anything that could cause harm, damage, or violence to americans right now. the golden gate bridge is iconic. that is a prime time target if there was to be a potential danger or attack. law enforcement is looking at that extremely closely right n now. an improvised explosive device or anything that would threaten the bridge or the integrity of the bridges of preeminent importance right now, protecting on that bridge. for instance in san francisco. have any of these individuals been identified? have many of them been on the radar of law enforcement or intelligent communities in the recent past history? that is extremely important to law enforcement. you have your right to speak out. you don't have the right to inconvenience our cause danger.
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>> john: we are getting some spectacular pictures of the golden gate bridge in the marin county shoreline as we look at the 1.7-mile long span constructed in 1933 and all the cars that are sitting there going south bound for marin county into san francisco. it looks like what happened here is 3 cars coming in the south brown lane, they slowed down mid span. people got out of the car. i guess they unfurled a banner and some of them used what paul mauro used "sleeping dragons" who chained themselves to the vehicle or someone inside the vehicle. that is what is causing the huge delay. they got all the other protesters out of the way and arrested 7 event. how do you get people out of the sleeping dragon devices? >> this is something that they are strategically planning right now. they've got to be taken off. they have got to let people get
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back to their life. people need to be safe. right now, what's even more -- yeah. >> sandra: go ahead, finish your thought. >> sorry. what's even more dangerous right now as we all know what happens. people become on edge. when you start inflicting on their lives, look at all those individuals that are completely trapped. tempers are going to be short. this is when violence starts to breaking out. everyone needs to remain calm, trust law enforcement. these protests, you have your right to make your voice heard. you do not have the right to cause danger or inflict or inconvenience on others for their sins. okay. >> john: these pictures are really something. look at the bus. there is an entire bus full of people that has been parked there for hours now. nicole parker joining us live by phone. we appreciate that. we are going to keep our eye on
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this as it is breaking news. there's also this breaking news on former president donald trump in court at this hour. the state supreme court. that's a live look outside of it here in new york city. the judge just announced at 96 jurors, prospective jurors have been brought into the courtroom. that happened just now. a total of 200 jurors present today. we are being sworn in, john. that is obviously breaking news. we will keep monitoring the courthouse for news. the one going back to san francisco and the golden gate bridge. most folks have been trapped in their cars for 4 hours. there were probably in the carlos pereira period of time before getting stuck on the ridge. speak to someone -- i told you that was going to be an issue. we should point out, it's 57 degrees. it's not like folks are stuck in 90 degrees temperatures. total inconvenience, a lot of discomfort. they are turning some vehicles
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around as you can see, heading them back into marin county. that is going to take a long time for that to happen. >> sandra: we will keep our eye on this. we'll be back on the other side of theey break with more breaking news.e a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at guess it's time to paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ what is going on next - ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself
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i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. >> sandra: fox news alert. all eyes on lower manhattan. the courthouse is donald trump's hush money trail continues. he's got the latest on what is coming out of that courtroom. hi, nate. >> judge merchan is explaining the case to 96 potential jurors who have been sworn in and are in the courtroom right now. 96 out of 200 jurors who will eventually be called into the court. explaining the case right now. the judge has ruled well while the individual questioning
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happens, each potential jurors will be asked to 42 potential questions at the other prospective jurors will be taken out of the courtroom to overly avoid an overly intimidating environment. we are learning about evidence that can and cannot be used in this case. the "access hollywood" tape from 2016 cannot be played in court. evidence surrounding payments made to a former "playboy" model karen mcdougal may be admitted. it will confuse the julie because the payments that president trump surrounded adult film actress stormy daniels. michael cohen's guilty plea to federal campaign finance violations cannot be used as evidence of president trump's guilt. cohen is trump's former lawyer. cohen's guilty plea is one of the possible strategies for manhattan d.a. alvin bragg to elevate business records charges to felonies. jury selection process could take up to 2 weeks.
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every juror needs to live in manhattan. where a former president trump received 12% of the vote for president in 2020. jurors will not be asked who they voted for or with a plan to vote for this november. but will be asked questions about any political involvement or connection to president trump who called the trial a sham. >> there is no case. people that don't necessarily follow or like donald trump said this is an outrage that this case was brought. >> the trial could last roughly 1.5 months. former president trump will be here for every single day of it. we will send it back to you, sandra. >> sandra: we are awaiting anywhere and after that courtroom. we are getting a little bit of color as those 96 prospective jurors out of the 200 enter the courtroom and took their seats. >> john: they are potentially sitting in a court case with the world's biggest celebrity apparently when the jurors came
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in and many were craning their necks according to reporting from inside the courtroom to get a look at donald trump. >> sandra: what we did see and hear from that, there are 6 members of that meeting in the courtroom that actually see the jurors. according to the court pool, many of the prospective panelist to file then sat in the back rows. they stretched their necks to get a look at trump once they took their seats. you can only imagine. >> john: one of them smiled and looked at the person beside her. when judge merchan said the name of that case, there was no visible reaction according to reporters in the room. this is the very first criminal case of a former american president. what a precedent that sets legalistic me. if you are to be a juror on that case, you will be famous for the rest of your life. >> they were sworn in at 2:34:00 p.m. eastern time,
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40 minutes ago. any news that we get from the courtroom, we will bring to our viewers. >> very interesting. pentagon briefing in the u.n. security council moments away after the unprecedented attack from iran. former pentagon official brent sadler is with us coming up next. elf again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the red. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for
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>> sandra: we are learning more from the highway patrol and the golden gate bridge confirming 7 have been arrested. they are in fact leached together. they are chained together through vehicles. at this point, we don't know if it is the first three vehicles blocking the lane or 40 vehicles. we just don't know. but they are chained together using pvc piping. they know this to be the case for at least three vehicles in the fronds where they couldn't tell how many vehicles on the bridge are part of the protest. that could be any number of vehicles. the fire department is on standby. they do face a series of charges at this time including refusal to disperse, blocking the bridge, blocking traffic. there's a whole lot of serious charges that they will face once they are removed but no timeline for that to happen just yet.
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>> john: i caught something at the very beginning if we could hold off on this for a second. i caught something at the very beginning. it looks like the people who were in the vehicle on the far outside lane have been removed from the vehicle. you can see them chained together with a pvc pipe. the beginning of the end of this is underway. israel's defense minister warning that pentagon that it may have no choice but to retaliate against a iran after what happened over the weekend very retired navy captain and senior fellow brent sadler joins us now. you had a thought first of all about what's going on on the golden gate bridge in terms of charges that these goals could face. >> to my mind, this is material support to a terrorist organization. whether or not the protesters are saying they are pro-palestinian or pro-gaza, they are in effect materially supporting hamas. hamas has been declared by the
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u.s. government a terror organization since 1997. under the antiterrorism act of 1996, there is perhaps a vehicle to more forcefully go after these individuals that are impacting people's everyday life but also putting people's lives at risk. >> john: that would be because they are impacting commerce. time for one more question here. israel says it has no choice but to respond regarding what happened over the weekend. biden is saying we are not going to support you if you do that. you are on your own. what do you think will happen? >> for u.s. and american's livelihood and security, we cannot allow the attack that the iranians launched, coordinated, and very complex extensive attack to become the new normal. what the israelis did by going after irg c members was targeted and specific to planning that was targeting and had targeted and killed israeli citizens.
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what the iranians did was take it to a whole other level. this cannot be normalized. p 1:30 seconds left here. biden warned iran "don't." they ignored him and did this. what does that say about american deterrence? we may be able to shoot everything out of the sky. >> we can't keep shooing it out of the sky. deterrence is gone. >> john: what does that mean for the future? >> the u.s. has got to ask. >> john: great to see you.ran we will be right back. ng out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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u john and other live image of protest spare california just off the bridge and many more protesters i need this is incredible thank you for joining as everybody i'm sandra smith. >> i'm john roberts. it always seems to be the 2 busiest hours of the day the story with martha maccallum begins now. >> martha: thank you both. here we go guys breaking news this afternoon i am martha maccallum and this i


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