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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 15, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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if they put this much effort in their own country instead of protesting for other countries, maybe things would be better in this country. >> neil: more protest as the days and weeks go by. what would you advise authorities to do? >> i think they should get on every social media platform and see where these are supposed to happen. getting people together and prepare in advance and don't let them access to a bridge. do not let them access it. the second it does turn into a large-scale protest that is impeding traffic and stopping the emergency vehicles, make the arrest right away. don't let them gather for 4 or . >> neil: sorry for the truncated time. that will do it for us. let's go right to "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino along with
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jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is t "the five." check it out, you are looking live at president donald trump on his way back to trump tower as the first full day of his criminal hush money trial wraps. the former president talk after the trial after spending his day locked inside a manhattan courtroom, he had something to say. he asked to be excused for his son but was denied. the judge warning trump that he could be arrested if he skips out on a day. >> i can go to my son's graduation. i can't go to the united states supreme court then i'm not in georgia or florida or north carolina campaigning like i should be. it is perfect for the radical left democrats. that's exactly what they want. this is about election interference. that's all it's about. >> dana: 96 prospective jurors
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getting sworn in. some dismissed because they could not be seen as impartial. only 18 will eventually remain for the unprecedented first criminal trial for a former president and leading candidate for the white house. donald trump will have to be physically in court every single day in a trial that can last until june which is one month before the rnc officially starts. many legal analysts ripping apart the foundation of the case arguing that alvin bragg should never have pursued it in the first place. >> everything about this case is in my view legally absurd. this case is basically a state misdemeanor that had run out on the statute of limitations. they took a dead misdemeanor and bootstrapped it into it into affectively trying a federal crime. a federal crime under election law was rejected by the department of justice. they didn't feel they should be charged. it's been a turn on the testimony of people like michael cohen. michael cohen just recently had a judge call him a serial
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perjurer. >> dana: let's get caught up on what everyone thinks about this if you could give us your take. >> judge jeanine: first of all, to go off of what jonathan turley was saying about the department of justice refused to go forward through the federal election commission refused to go forward. alvin bragg the d.a. refused. and then, mean spirited individual decided to write a book and embarrass alvin bragg and alvin bragg brings the charges. jonathan is right. this is an expired misdemeanor bootstrapped by federal crime. we don't know what the federal crime is. i don't know with the bill in particular says. i want to say something that i haven't heard anybody say. i was a d.a. the way you bring and try cases is you try and based upon what should go first. in new york state -- i've spoken to several of the as about
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people in jail yet a priority in terms of timing. a person who is charged with a violent crime gets a priority. think about the fact that we are backlogged because of covid. i'm not talking about the extension because of covid of the statute of limitations. because of the backlog, every major d.a.'s office in new york state is trying cases, violent felony cases from 21 and '22. if they are not trying cases where the defendant is not in jail and where it's not a violent crime. you come to manhattan which has 4 times the caseload of the d.a.'s that i spoke with. they are taking a case out of order. the defendant is not in jail. it's not a violent crime. they want to make sure that they can parade donald trump as a convicted felon in front of the american people. the idea of a speedy trial is not for the prosecution.
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it's for that offense. you cobbled this with a violation, the discovery violation of 30,000 pages of information that they should have had six months to review. they gave him two weeks. this is all in an effort to make sure that donald trump does not run for office in a positive w way. >> dana: he gets denied the opportunity to go and see his son's graduation. he can campaign. maybe that was part of the plan all along. >> greg: do you me to get out of the graduation? they are very long and very boring. it would be refreshing to see the other side rear frame honestly. last week, bill barr was talking about abortion. he said it's murder, but i'm okay with it. you can despise that, but it was honest from a liberal. it would be nice to hear a democrat get honest here and say, we get it. this case is bogus, purely
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political. but we are okay with that. we are just trying to bring trump down or we will lose the election. just admit it. our campaign strategy is to eliminate his campaign strategy. i go back to what i said on friday about o.j. that travesty of justice revealed that what is outside the court matters more than any evidence inside. we saw 50 of the jurors dismissed out of 96. the location of the trial, right? if that didn't matter, then why the resistance to move it? why are you seeing so many people drop out? ed mattered more than the evidence. what about the bias of the prosecutors who are actively democrats? the media still doesn't report that at all. that matters to them more than the evidence. this is not a federal crime, expired misdemeanor. the strangest thing about this to me is michael cohen being the lead witness.
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the person in charge of giving the legal advice to the defendant is a witness to the crime as well as being the responsible party for the crime. it's like the hospital suing the patient for a surgeon's malpractice. it makes no sense to me. it is incredible. just because i love how the media is indulging this, i wonder how many men and women in the media are cheering this hush money charge have signed nondisclosure agreements which are exactly the same thing. you paid money not to divulge information to the press. the last 20 years, the entertainment industry have been doling out ndas like they were bed bath & beyond coupons. i just find that -- this is not a crime. but it is a hypocritical one when the media thinks it is. >> dana: did you have a chance
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to digest all of this today to bring us your brilliant thoughts? >> jesse: those coupons are great. 50% off sometimes. you never bring them. [laughter] >> j>> greg: you get there and realize and should i go back home? >> jesse: is like the bags at the supermarket, and you never bring and they gouge you. alvin bragg is arguing that donald trump should have paid with campaign funds stormy daniels. and filed it with the fec. you don't think alvin bragg would have charged donald trump with a crime to use donor money to pay off stormy daniels? he is if he does and if he doesn't. you're not allowed to use campaign money for personal expenses. it's illegal for politicians to use campaign money on haircuts, plastic surgery to make themselves look better for the
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election. golf club memberships. those type of things that make you more appealing before an election, you can't use campaign money for. those are personal expenses. what is more personal than your marriage? this is all this is about. this is a personal expense. bill clinton when he was president paid off paula jones. it is alvin bragg saying he should have use donor money for that? of course not. he used private money. that was a private matter. this is the most corrupt prosecution. this is a guy who ran on getting donald trump. he's a democrat. the judge is a democrat donor. his family is getting paid by the biden campaign and got paid by adam schiff. the jury pool is 90% democrat. the jury pool is basically like
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the o.j. jury pool. you will have people trying to wiggle into that jury and send a message just like they did with the juice. donald trump is eyeballing all of these prospective jurors which is the best part. i'll try. this is going to be fun to see him the size jurors. the fact that if this judge says that he can attend barron's high school graduation, he wins in a landslide. >> judge jeanine: donald trump right now as a defendant in a criminal case. he will issue a bench warrant if the defendant does not appear for trial and have him arrested. >> dana: do you think any of this what we're saying saying here is crazy? >> jesse: the most pathetic, petty self harming acts of political suicide i have ever witnessed. donald trump should go to his son's graduation.
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right? go to the graduation. if you're watching, just go to their graduation. every parent in america, whether they like you or hate you will go, i would have done that. this case is utterly ridiculous. i thought this was the one that came up first. plenty of reasons to criticize trump. plenty of cases down the line. this is completely nonsensical to me that you would take a former president of the united states and put him in a court room over hush money to potentially a one-night stand with a start. if he is guilty, he may get a 10-year prison sentence. have you all lost your minds, in america? what a demeaning way to treat a former president anyway. if you are on the left, why would you think this would possibly work? why would you not think that what you are doing here is going to almost guarantee donald trump when's the next election? the only thing that could absolutely guarantee it is if he's found guilty and put in a prison cell.
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at that moment, trump wins by a landslide. this is a farcical case. if anyone on the left is watching this and doesn't agree, you have lost your minds. take it to the bank. >> dana: i hope they can take a telling. that's a good british phrase i just threw it in there. >> greg: i've never heard th that. >> dana: it is a british phrase. he told them don't, but they did it anyway. iran strikes israel despite biden's many warnings. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: old joe tried to tell them "donald." >> president biden: i have one word, "donald." >> what is your message to hezbollah and its backer? "don't." don't, don't, don't. >> what do you have to say to iran in this moment? >> greg: all they heard was don't listen to this old fart. there was only one injury. there hasn't been a military flop this embarrassing since piers morgan and his crew lost the revolutionary war. historic iran attacked while the white house cooks up new ways to blame it on the orange man. >> is hard to take a look at
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what president biden has done and say we have gone soft on iran. it was the previous administration that decided to get us out of the iran deal. now iran is so much dramatically closer then they wear before mr. trump was elected. >> has president biden considered beeping up the public iran posture to be more than one weird? >> you are referring to "don't." he made it clear that he didn't want to see escalation in the region. he added even more military resources to the region. >> greg: dana, okay, it's quite an accomplishment to send hundreds of projectiles and not kill anyone, you know. it's either deliberate as a face-saving exercise, or they are bad, or it is the amazing iron dome. that is our nickname for jesse, by the way.
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what is going on here? >> dana: i don't think you send that kind of armor without intending to hurt people. there is a 7-year-old girl who is fighting for her life. it was intended to do a lot more harm. all of those things can be true and we can be very glad that we have good allies that were helping us. it was the u.k. thank you, piers. also the jordanians given the saudis, and uae offered intelligence. the other thing is that technology works. here is something we have not talked enough about. where to iran get most of its material and defense weapons? from china. it was made in china. that is exactly the kind of weapons that they have. it's a humiliation i think were china and iran and maybe will help people rethink some things. i thought peter's question was an excellent one. where have we heard this word before? what did kamala harris border czar tilde migrants? don't come. what did they tell the taliban,
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don't retaliate against the women. what do they say to russia? don't accept a minor incursion would be okay. the other thing that's happening in the administration as they are being very cute to have it all different ways when it comes to that communications. first of all, you have biden who would publicly praise netanyahu and say mission accomplished. we have your backs, no problem. at the same time on background to reporters, they say, they better not do anything more and undermine netanyahu and prioritize iran's feelings. because that's on background, they send of the only person who can articulate a message from the administration out on the sunday shows to say it was good, it was great. we are on top of things. in the meantime, somebody is undermining both him, the president, and netanyahu about how they want him to back off. >> greg: it is weird after this unprecedented attack of it
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is historic. we are all good in no way. i think it is "the jerusalem post" claiming biden was aware and was okay with a measured response from iran. i don't know if that is real. >> jesse: they had to respond, iran, or else they would look weak. they called their swiss pals, because they are the conduit. we don't talk to the iranians. we are going to launch this many drones, this many missiles at this time. here are all the flight paths. the swiss tell us. we were able to get all of our people in position to intercept and the israelis were able to intercept all this. hundreds of missiles and not a single fatality. iran comes out afterwards and says mission accomplishments. it was the most highly
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choreographed, well produced war i have ever seen. that is an expensive way for the iranians to save face and pretty risky too. i guess now it looks like netanyahu is not going to retaliate. he's going to show a little restraint. he is going to keep hammering hamas in gaza while the rest of the world is saying, thanks for showing restraint. he's got to be happy that the united states -- she took out these iranian generals. they defended israel for the first time ever. pretty good deal. >> greg: do you think it was to check on our resolve? jesse, it is rare that he's right. >> jesse: it is the iron dome. >> greg: it is a risky move to save face and test our resolve. do you think it was a failure? >> piers: far more significant than the united states coming to help israel. i think it was the speed that
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jordan and particularly saudi got involved. if you are iran, i am not a conspiracy theorist. let's paint a picture of what may be going on behind the scenes. iran sees the abraham accords, hates it. iran sees -- join the normalization with israel and hates that even more. something we have october the 7th where we know there was serious funding from iran to hamas on an epic scale which is intended to goad israel into a massive over response. and potentially drag america in. and that hasn't worked how they hoped, you now have 300 missiles and rockets heading straight over into israel in unprecedented action. you put it all together, and you have got iran who is facing what they think is the ultimate nightmare which is normalization of a number of major middle east and countries. how do they stop it? the only way they can stop it is
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if they are successful in goading israel and america into a full-fledged war in the re region. when i saw what happened, i posted -- it was a bit controversial of a post. i think israel should show a bit of restraint. it means you take your time and you are smart about how you execute a response. i think what iran wants to do is have a full-fledged conflict in the region which will destroy all this normalization and rip up the abraham accords. i would like israel in the united states and everyone else involved to look at what saudi did in relation to this and thank you, this is the way we should all be going. we should be pursuing normalization in their region. it was great that despite everything that has happened in gaza, saudi arabia was straight into help israel when these rockets came here. >> greg: what do you think of piers' crazy conspiracy? >> judge jeanine: i think it
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is great that the arab nations were supportive. when i think is significant here is the fact that people are saying, again, to israel, you know, nobody really died other than this 7-year-old arab girl, in fact who may die as a result of her injury. let's be proportionate again. it looks, the that iran launched 300 drones, crews, and ballistic missiles, they targeted israel and didn't make it is not an excuse to say let bygones be bygones. it would be like if i am the d.a. and somebody gets a gun and picks a victim and shoot the gun, the gun doesn't work, that i'm not going to charge attempted murder, and i'm going to walk away. this requires a response by israel. israel is not going to go quietly because iran will never go quietly. i will tell you what else. when israel strikes, they should strike the military
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installations. there is an island, iran's principal oil exporter. take that out too. because joe biden by giving $6 billion last week to iran is funding this war. the fact that iran is clueless. they can't even get at their stuff is made in china, they can't even hit anything that isn't repelled by us doesn't mean that they are not going to continue to fight to destroy israel and america. joe biden and as for his "don't," no one listens to him or anywhere else. now is the time, the strategic petroleum reserve is that the lowest point ever. we are going to start seeing the prices go up for oil. maybe it is time to hit that oil on that in the the world. >> greg: it does feel like the best and only time right now to
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break this business model with iran. you know? october 7th. this is the correct response. up next, pro hamas lunatics block traffic and offering "death to america" lessons. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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luggage across the road. they also block commuters in san francisco by shutting down traffic for hours on the golden gate bridge and chaining themselves to cars. weary travelers force to use the porta potty on the bridge. that is a taste of what to come. far left activists gathered in chicago for holding a conference to discuss their plans to disrupt the democratic national convention. they cheered on iran's attack on israel while teaching others how to say "death to america" in farsi. [speaking in a global language] >> iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [cheers and applause] in addition, there are reports of drones having been fired on israel from human. [applause]
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>> greg: we talked about this last time we discuss this. is this actionable? you have hundreds of people chanting this and cheering on terrorist attacks. >> dana: i would like to say piers has been here for 32 minutes and you have already changed your pronunciation enough hamas. i think we will all follow your lead. it is very influential. i think that all of these protesters like the climate protesters are the most unpersuasive people in the world. they might have sympathized with them before they bridge and they are furious. i don't know if that is new york city. we are watching this video of people being completely inconvenienced and actionable. on the legal front, perhaps especially when you block a bridge. i'm sure the judge could talk more about that. there was a pbs poll that showed biden only has a 33% approval
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for his handling of israel. i think that is because he is gone so far out of his way to say to the far left in the people who live in dearborn, michigan, that i've got you. he has been so critical of israel. he's prioritizing being friends with them and trying to make sure that he has their votes. he is basically losing the support of democrats who support israel and are against stupid protests. >> greg: i believe "the five" will be in chicago for the democratic national convention. should we warn the pro hamas convention that the judge will be in town, and if they try anything, they should watch out? >> judge jeanine: i used to have the grand jury behind me. i don't have that anymore. the amazing part of this is when you listen to these people. these are people who hate trump because of the way he talks and yet they are okay with "death to america." when you think about the left on the democrat party, progr
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progressives. i see them as self-loathing and self hating. they hate the west and hate america and everything about it. they are trying to inconvenience us. we saw this on the west coast, and it's happening on the east coast now. this is a well organized, well oiled group. it is a problem that we are not the head of this. we should have known about this. these people are joining somewhere to figure out how they are going to meet, what they are going to do, how they are going to connect. some of them use the industrial glue like they used in europe that connects them to the asphalt and the cops end up having to cut the asphalt road around them because they can't dislodge their hands. now they've got their hands and a pipe that goes into the cars. this is very organized. the fact that law enforcement, maybe the fbi isn't on top of this and where it's going to happen, because this is stopping
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traffic. it stopping, or spirit is stopping emergencies. this is a real problem. if the fbi is looking at parents and catholics and everybody else, maybe they don't have time for this. this is open on social media. it's easy to find this and stop it. >> greg: there was a lot of radical rhetoric of muslims across the pond as they say. are you seeing similar trends? 's 85 i remember when october the 7th happen within 48 hours at the end of the street where i live in west london. the israeli embassy. a large crowd turned out. i mistakenly assumed that this was a pro israeli demonstration of support. it wasn't. it was a pro hamas demonstration of support for what they have just done. now you see the same thing happening after the iranian strikes. i would say to these people, you are very lucky that you could do this in a country like america or the u.k. try going somewhere like the
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gaza strip and chanting "death to palestine" and see how long you last thing. in relation to your point about who they hope to convert to their cause, how many people stuck on these bridges do you think are going to say you know what? that is persuaded me. it reminds me of greta thunberg and her eco-warriors. i buy automatically a barrel of oil. it has the opposite effect of what they think it's going to have. if i am netanyahu, if i am the israeli government right now, i'm probably thinking, this is one of the best vote winners we could have actually for our cause, these people chanting "death to america" when they are very lucky to be in america with the freedom to say what they are saying. >> greg: these hamas holes are the same people in a different uniform. these are the same people that she cheered blm riots, the crime
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epidemic. everything that subverted the society they are behind her and when they are saying "death to america," they actually do mean it. this is a system that they believed is a oppressive. they are well organized. there are some very well done science up there that show up. once the cities decide to stop babysitting and let the cops do their job and start charging these people, a highway is in public property, right? it's not like a park. you can sit there. you are going to start seeing people take the law into their own hands especially people that are in a desperate situation and have to get to the hospital or have to get to a job interview. >> jesse: order to get to fox. >> greg: a short drop. "death to america" is by the
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liberal definition, hate speech. if i said go back to your own country, that would be xenophobia. but death to your country is somehow considered the voice of the oppressed. excuse me. i want to finish with -- a great point. we were talking about o.j. goes back to o.j. the way the left defends hamas sympathizers is no different than how the left defended o.j. they did bad things, but it's part of a larger conflict of oppressors and racism. which now you can see is excused everywhere. i'm sure they used it to justify killing jews and the '40s. they will justify anything. including killing you, jesse. >> jesse: finally, someone made a great point on your show. it's about time. up next, it's the poll that's driving the liberal media insane. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: piece in the middle east, economic prosperity for all and a secure border. it's no surprise that americans are having trump nostalgia. 25% of americans a few biden's term as mostly good for america compared to nearly half move you trump is the same way. what do you say, piers? >> piers: i remind myself that had it not been for the covid pandemic, i think trump would have won by a landslide in 2020. the economy was peering along very nicely. with trump, i always think, the other the utterly insufferable way that the left go about
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dealing with trump, the constant hysteria, the constant attempts to finish him off, bury him, stop them running and so on and so on. that has the opposite effect and it makes people think, how bad was he? how bad was trump. he didn't go to war anywhere. he had the economy going pretty well. he had a big idea for dealing with the southern border which he wasn't able to finish but it seems a better idea than the poor state of the border right now. if you can remove trump's rhetoric which is part of his appeal. if you could take away their rhetoric, then you are left with a reasonably moderate republican president who got landed with the worst health crisis in a hundred years. it doesn't surprise me. you've got a president who let's be honest, he can barely string a sentence together and can't stand on his own two feet which is not that encouraging.
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>> judge jeanine: consistent with my toby keith questioning, what do you think? >> greg: i think that media has been trying to figure out why americans like trump. because he is a cult leader. we want a dictator on day one. that's a bunch of racist hillbillies. no, we just like having more money and safety. that is the bottom line. >> dana: i believe that it wouldn't be surprising that "the new york times" ended its entire polling division. in the last 1.5 years, oh, my gosh. i have to go get their eyes checked and make sure that math is correct. president trump is benefiting also from -- i don't think people blame him for covid. i think they blame china for covid and they have prebiden nostalgia. biden came in and spent all his capital and things that basically ran up inflation. now he is having to pay the
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price for that and president trump benefits from something you might have heard before that time heals all wounds. it's another phrase. >> greg: is a british? >> judge jeanine: this is toby keith. what do you like? >> greg: the further you get from trump's pregnancy, the better it looks. the biden presidency felt like the worst halftime show. imagine where the performer destroys the field. that is exactly what we are experiencing. there is nostalgia for trump but nostalgia for a grown up by your and the values that coming from being an adult where men wear men and could identify what a woman is and where crime is considered prime and a border is treated like a border. these are all adult concepts that adults understand which children don't. children throw tantrums and demand things were their tantrums under the false guise of compassion through that's what you see on tiktok every d day.
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whether it is no bail or asylum or pronouns, we have had it. we need the adults to enter the room and say go to your room. sp>> jesse: the oldest president of all time as a baby. >> judge jeanine: destroying ancient rock formations. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> piers: tourist causing trouble. check out these block as destroying a delicate natural rock formation in nevada by shoving sandstone to the ground. if caught, the vandals could face x months. there is a girl out there with them who is shouting "daddy, don't fall" for the rest of us are thinking, daddy, paul and paul on one of the rocks. >> greg: he could get out of this. say the rocks have been here since slavery and the rocks did nothing. they are a symbol of white privilege and patriarchy, a solid formation reflecting the prejudice and oppression of a country that protects it. those rocks need to come down
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and be replaced with a statue of joy reid. >> piers: judge. >> judge jeanine: the only thing i can tell you is obviously it is a crime. it is disgusting and dangerous. here is the problem. the day that it occurred is not significant. if it were january 6th, we would know who we whereby tonight. >> piers: what should be done? >> greg: as the teddy roosevelt at fox and one who has at one with nature, i find it deplorable. i want the chair. also, guys like to push stuff down. we like to roll things over and break stuff. i can kind of see what they are doing. >> piers: as a parent, why would you want your little girl watch you do this want an stupid vandalism? >> dana: maybe they will find out that they were not sober. maybe it will be child
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endangerment that they could add. that's the way to deal with it. meanwhile in afghanistan, they have brought back stoning against women for offenses. they are lucky that they don't live there. >> piers: "one more thing" is up next. wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today.
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♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever.
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." breaking news from the "the five." jessica tarlov and wonderful husband brian had a new baby. baby girl. this is -- what's her name? [laughter] >> dana: teddy tarlov mckenna. i want to make sure i have it right. thursday april 11th. 8 pounds, 4 ounces, 21 inches long. adorable photos. she met her big sister clio and they had a wonderful time. these are such beautiful pictures. that's my favorite picture. i think it's so great. congratulations to you. enjoy your time with your baby. we can't wait to meet her and
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then to have you back. also, perino on politics with brian brenberg on the economy and tax day. brian brenberg such a crowd favorite. jesse, you are next. jet jet rupert murdoch attended the gala to celebrate achievements in science and math. charitable foundation is dedicated to advancing knowledge of scientific and technological innovations to improve people's lives. other notable people attending, what's known as the oscars of science include robert downy jr. kim kardashian and a elon musk. >> i think we should celebrate breakthroughs in technology because they help make life better for people. >> jesse: breakthrough prize presents $3 million in prize money in the fields of life sciences, fundamental physics and mathematics. over the weekend i was in fort myers, a lovely town. selling a book. maybe you have heard of it called "get it together." everybody came out.
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very if he has been outfits. and they did touch my hair. i got a little carried away with the hair-touching. we don't need to rub your fingers down my scalp so aggressively. >> dana: did you sign that guy's head? >> jesse: i did. >> i usually don't sign foreheads but it is what it is. >> dana: we have to hurry. >> jesse: tonight on my show mark geragos talking about the jury selection of the trump case. now, greg, promote your show. >> greg: mike baker, jim dickson, jim florentine, kat timpf. i was at that science event. food wasn't that great. i left early. >> dana: we have piers and the judge. have a great night. [laughter] >> bret: all right. dana. good show. >> bret: all right. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we are following two major stories a history-making trial begins in new york as former president
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