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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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how will he handle that? a motion to dismiss? again, in the weeds, can you count on us to be in the weeds and explain it to you why it's important. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east. 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. is had a busy day all across the country, all of those protests in city after city and everything after what we saw in israel over the weekend. we'll see what happens next with iran. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts in just a moment. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. my angle in moments.
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but, first -- >> we got a real problem with this judge. we have a real problem with a lot of things having to do with this trial, including the d.a. because you go right outside the people being mugged and killed all day long and he is sitting here all day with about 10 or 12 prosecutors over nothing. over nothing. over what people say -- over what people say shouldn't be a trial. >> laura: imagine if every four years instead of an election a small group of new yorkers led by a few overeducated liberals were allowed to select our president? well, that's what democrats and their press stooges are hoping effectively occurs with the so-called hush money trial now underway in manhattan. >> it's incredibly embarrassing to the former president that puts stress on his marriage with melania trump, the former first lady. it's the heart of this entire issue is an alleged affair with a porn star. >> we will hear from other women who had what they will say were sexual experiences with donald
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trump triggering for him, embarrassing for him given his personal situation. >> i'm sure that they are dreading this week and what happens to come. >> laura: now, their ultimate fantasy, of course, is a guilty verdict. but even short of that, they hope that keeping donald trump off the campaign trail and any sort of details that emerge, that will all turn the tide for biden in november. you cannot risk, after all, the people actually choosing their own president. can't do that especially when new polling shows that trump is leading biden in five of six swing states. now, according to echelon insights on behalf of the heritage foundation is he up 10 in georgia. 7 in nevada. 6 in michigan and in arizona. and he leads biden by 4 in pennsylvania. biden nips trump by 1 point in wisconsin. and it must have killed axios to report on a "new york times"
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siena college poll that was just out. the poll found a big increase 9 points in registered voters who believe that trump left the country better off. we're going to dive more into this later in the show. well, look, everyone knows that this case against trump, like the fulton county and the classified docs january 6th case, none of it would be happening if trump had retired from politics after the 2020 election or if trump was one of those politicians who just played ball with the establishment. and most honest people know that a fair election where campaigns actually happen, trump gets to actually speak to people coast to coast without the distraction of all these lawfare attacks, well that would likely end in biden's electoral humiliation. again, they can't risk that hang. just as the democrats hope that the russian collusion investigation would be their insurance policy in 2016, they think that these cases will be their insurance policy in 2024.
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now, think of manhattan for a minute. it's a bastion of liberalism where registered democrats outnumber republicans by nearly 10 to 1. and where looters are given payouts instead of prison time. of course, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, he's perfect for the place. himself, one of the most far left prosecutors in a country of left wing prosecutors. now, the violent criminals stalking, beating, raping, murdering, innocent new yorkers, they have never been bragg's priority. since taking his job in 2022, he has been most impassioned but one cause and that's taking down donald trump by any means necessary. and, of course, attempting to portray his 34-count indictment, as doing the people's work. >> at its core, this case today is one with allegations like so many of our white collar cases.
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allegations that someone lied again and again to protect their interests and evade the laws to which we are all held accountable. as this office has done time and time again, we today uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law. >> laura: no amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring american principle. >> laura: oh, yeah? the only enduring case radicalism. but at its core, the bragg case is just a brazen exercise in election interference new york style. andy mccarthy has been writing about this brilliantly in national review. he put it best saying this case was not brought as so much as it was forged by bragg who inflated a case 34 felonies what may have been falsification of business
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records. bradbragg had to do a switch rao because the statute of limitations run on the misdemeanor cases. involve payments to stormy daniels before the 2016 elections. yeah, that's two elections ago. but trump's defense is not necessarily to establish that he's not guilty. the better defense, rather is to establish that if he is guilty of anything, it's merely the misdemeanor. if the jury so finds, mccarthy writes that the case would have to be thrown out in his estimation. now, this case should never have seen the light of day. judge juan merchan should have had the ethical spine to recuse himself given his family's political activism. because, look, in this case, even a whiff of a conflict is way too much. and then there's trump old attorney, michael cohen, the prosecution's star witness. he is an admitted liar, zero credibility there. then, of course, the case itself
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bragg has to show that trump committed the alleged fraud as illegal campaign expenditure to make it a felony. now, this is absurd. a new york d.a. has no authority to make federal campaign finance determinations. a fact that conflicted judge should have cited to dismiss the case at the outset. now, the fact is, stormy daniels thought she had leverage over trump back in 2016 and she used that leverage to extract the money. and, like other politicians who had made embarrassing mistakes, donald trump was apparently trying to get that episode behind him. this is a political show trial. it's designed to do one thing, to blunt trump's momentum and give bragg, perhaps, a shot at higher office. in the end, as is often the case, donald trump is right the fact that new york is spending
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untold amounts of money we will never know. as violent criminals roam free, it is a travesty in one of the most important periods of our history, i might add. it's also election interference of the highest order. joining me now chris landau, former scalia and thomas clerk and ambassador to mexico and from outside the courthouse mike davis article iii projected. also in a new documentary called exami"chasing trump" he may havo miss his son barron's graduation due to this trial and currently under a gag order from the judge. your reaction? >> yeah it, shows that this democrat manhattan judge juan merchan is a partisan activist in a robe. this judge donated to president biden's campaign against trump in 2020. he donated to another anti-trump cause. his adult daughter, lauren merchan is a leading democrat
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consultant including for joe biden kamala harris, adam schiff and many other democrats. she has a clear financial interest. she raised nearly $100 million on her father's criminal prosecution. criminal trial president trump unprecedented trial of a former president and a leading presidential candidate. he should clearly recuse a former federal clinton judge in new york came out on cnn and said this on april 5th. but he is refusing to recuse. so it shouldn't surprise anyone that he has trump illegally gagged and in this criminal trial for the next two months instead of on the campaign trail. >> laura: now, we'll get into more of that in a minute. chris, today on msnbc, they were trying to discuss jury selection and kind of put everybody's concerns to rest. watch. >> can donald trump get a fair jury in manhattan? it's overwhelmingly democratic. but there are republicans in this city. >> the challenge you see in any
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case of a high profile nature is always about whether people are overly prejudiced from what happened. we don't ever say that means you don't get a trial or you're let off scot-free. chapo was notorious. al capone notorious. people heard a lot of things. >> laura: he doesn't mean to compare trump to al capone or chapo. throw that into a sentence can trump get a fair trial here? >> of course not, laura. that's not the point. this is really a sad day for our country. we are a democracy going on 200 years. and, again, our election should be decided at the ballot box. i mean, this is a norm-shattering development that we're having these criminal trials of our politicians during an election season. it would be one thing if this were a clearly established crime. or they are making this up as they go along. they are trying to make the crime fit the facts. so, when they say well, nobody
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is above the law. at least you should know what the law is the problem here is that they have twisted and turn the law to basically try to get trump. and that's what bragg campaigned on. that's what letitia james campaigned on this. is the new normal in our country, laura. it's just a sad day for our country. >> laura: what about this issue, mike, of the jury itself? again, they are trying to claim that oh this can -- this can be overcome. not everybody follows the facts that closely. but, a jury of his peers in new york? really? that's why i don't try former presidents in the egg campaign leading candidates on these bogus criminal issues. >> justice department political appointee to bring this unprecedented criminal prosecution against a former
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president and a leading presidential candidate. before this democrat-biased judge, juan merchan whose daughter has a financial stake. and the jury poll voted like 85% against president trump. and he is supposed to get a fair trial in manhattan? there is no way that is ever going to happen. >> laura: now, chris, this idea of boot straption this case -- bootstrapping this case. taking a misdemeanor and enhancing it into a felony, there was a six-year statute of limitations, right, that advantage that went to bragg by turning it into a supposed felony. but, couldn't this be nullified, essentially, with what is known as the lesser included offense doctrine? mccarthy and others have written about that. and that seems the way the path forward for trump's attorney. >> again, laura, i mean, you are 100 percent right. trump is 100 percent right. legal analysts who look at this dispassionately and are not just
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politicians who, you know, are claiming some kind of, you know, disinterest, realize this is totally bogus. i mean, first of all, they are bootstrapping these federal election alleged violations, that's the heart of this case. >> laura: which the fec never found. the fec never found any violation. >> you have a federal agency. you are 100 percent right. we have federal agency entrusted with. this what the heck is the manhattan, the local d.a. doing trying to use these federal -- these alleged federal offenses that the feds never brought, not even under the biden administration, okay? and making that the basis for alleged state law charges? i mean, where does this end, laura? i mean are we going to see? this is akin to, you know, next year, let's say biden loses the election, are he and mayorkas going to be on trial let's say in the western district of oklahoma? is that what we're coming to in
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this country? >> laura: yeah, for violating our sovereignty. >> i mean like, again, this never -- we used to fight our political disputes out at the ballot box. we didn't used to cheer on the idea we are going to put our political opponents behind bars. this is what the democratic base demanded and demands to this day. and this is what their politicians are giving them. it is so bad for our country. >> laura: they can't risk trump winning again. the establishment cannot risk that. >> i get it. >> that's what this is about. >> let me tell everybody watching this tonight and chris and mike, i think you know, this but, this is the warning to anyone who will stand up to the machine of washington. you do this, and we're going to do this to you. this is not just about trump. it's about anyone down the pike who thinks like trump. and this is a warning shot across the bough. that's what they are with these trials. chris and mike, you didn't need me on my soapbox but thank you. what democrats are really
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getting out of the trump hush money trial, that's next. ♪ cordless outdoor power, brings you the ego power+ string trimmer with powerload technology. feed the line, push the button and get back to work. ego, exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers.
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>> if do you not show up, there will be an arrest, merchan says. >> donald trump doesn't have a choice here. >> it's more diminishing for the president to be seen in a courtroom than to be rallying outside one. >> the candidate for president
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could be doing something else today besides dozing off in a courtroom. >> the split screen will be donald trump in a courtroom, joe biden on the campaign trail. so i think that's very important juxtaposition. >> laura: it was like the super bowl, the oscars. you know, all of it in one today. celebratory mood across most of cable news today as trump started with, of course, this idea that he is being forcibly removed from the campaign trail for the next six to eight weeks. the equivalent of being put on the injured reserve if you are not injured. for opponent this trial could not come at a better time. get to more of this "new york times" poll. and wouldn't you know that voters aren't as stupid as democrats think they are. more voters are wishing that they could turn back the clock to the better days under trump. 42% say that they remember the trump years as mostly good for america while just 25 percent said the same about the last three years under biden. i should say.
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so joining me now byron donalds, florida congressman, trump campaign surrogate. congressman, the economy is driving these numbers, also immigration is a top, top concern. but, do you think that this bogus trial in new york will have the intended effect, again, the real effect is to try to turn the tide back to biden away from trump in this campaign. >> well, first, laura, it's good to be with you this evening. i think the impact of these trials is going to be the same impact from the indictments. people are going to look at this. they're going to say why are the democrats and joe biden and these crazy d.a.s wasting our time with these stupid trials? why are the media networks fawning over this conch left and right while the country is a mess. inflation skyrocketed and the world is on fire? joe biden is the one who is the master of disaster. joe biden is the one who has led america to its weakest point in more than 40 years.
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and for you guys to want to focus on donald trump as if he's the problem, that is ridiculous because, when he was president, america was significantly better off. it's going to backfire this november. >> laura: well, congressman, the media are having the regime media as i like to call them, they are having a bit an identity crisis right now. because they have told everyone that they are going to be very careful about showing trump speaking because he just -- they claim it's just a big lie all the time. but now nicolle wallace over at msnbc, you know, a former republican,. [clearing throat] she promised her viewers something and wanted to warn them about something. watch. >> let me just tell our viewers so i don't startle them what we are doing. we have made a decision on this first day that if donald trump comes out and starts talking we might want to listen to him for a little bit. we're going to do something. we're going to do it together. i promise we will come out of this. if he starts lying or threatening people this is donald trump.
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>> laura: because joe biden always tells the truth, economy is going to be a soft landing. the border is secure. you know, it's just -- that's where we are. >> listen, these days joe biden only has one word in him. and frankly the rest of the nations and the world don't care about his one word. they are doing whatever they want. it's about time they start listening to donald trump and airs his words there has to be truth. there has to be reality there has to be leadership in our country. joe biden is not providing it. senate democrats give me a break. don't even ask me about them. don't waste my time because they have wasted everybody's time. these trials are a joke and everybody knows it. only the extreme radical left wants them. it's not going to work. it's going to fail. >> laura: i think they are making him into a martyr of a failed establishment. all they have is to throw lawfare at him. that's all they have. your life isn't going to get any better over the next several months. certainly not over the next four years heaven forbid if weekend at biden's is remains in power.
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all they can do is. this that's all they got. congressman, always great to see you. iran's attack on israel is a small problem compared to what biden is setting america up for. my angle explains it all. you don't want to miss it, next. ♪
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in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile is now available for just $79. order at or amazon. >> laura: suicide of a super power that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: it was more of the new normal in biden's america today. [chanting] chanting.[. [chanting] >> israel go to hell. >> free, free palestine. >> free, free palestine. >> laura: it was more peace and love for the pro-iran coalition
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in chicago on saturday. >> i'm going to teach you a chant in persian that can you use if you ever encounter those zionist freaks. you're going to see marred barred. >> marred barred israeli. >> we can get a marred barred. yes we can marred barred israel. dakota israel, death to america. these are the voters that joe biden was desperately trying to court over the weekend by telling israel to bring down the temperature after the attempted drone attack on sunday morning by iran. it's been a muddled mess and embarrassment to the united states. >> mr. president, what is your message to iran in this moment? >> "don't." >> the u.s. confirmed iran fired a barrage of missiles towards israel. a significant escalation in the middle east. >> has president biden
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considered maybe beefing up the public iran posture to be more than just one word? >> you are referring to "don't." yeah. >> and he said "don't" and they did it anyway so now what? ible. >> laura: let's pause for a moment and realize, first off, that this isn't 1994. it's not 2004. america, sadly, is not the force she once was. now, how can we be? we welcome people into our country who stand deeply opposed to our traditions, our judeo-christian beliefs, and who can blame them? look, after all, remember what our top leaders say about america. >> america has a long history of systemic racism. >> addressing profound iniquities, including systemic racism. >> we're going to rip out the systemic racism that still effects our laws, our institutions, our culture. >> laura: now, these aren't the words of a super power because a
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super power is proud and resolute. america under biden is ashamed and shaky now, way back in 2011, pat buchanan predicted all of this in his best seller suicide of a sewer power will america survive until 2025. >> the west is disintegrating. it's the greatest civilization the world has ever produced and i think it is dying. in 1905 western emperors controlled the entire world with the addition of japan and asia, six or seven countries, america include controlled the entire world. we went through two world wars that carried off something like 100 million people. all these western nations they all lost their empires. almost all have lost their armies and navies. they have lost their basic fundamental christian faith. their culture has begun to disintegrate and the people have begun to die. >> laura: now we see that
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buchanan really was right as usual. today the same people who got us into this mess are now somehow stunned that americans are opposed to more foreign intervention? more money for ukraine? and those same people think that america is weaker and our enemies are stronger because the american people are the problem. and their representatives in the house lack the willing to stand up to our enemies. and the same people think if we just agree d agreed to borrow my and take on commitments to other countries and agreed to trust biden and his team even more then things would be better. well, they are completely wrong. the american people are still loyal, they're still patriotic, they are still committed to building a richer and safer world for everyone. most still support israel. they still mistrust vladimir putin, they still want america to be number one. the problem isn't the american people. the problem is what our leaders
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have done to the american people and america. measured on the bailiffs of purchasing power parody, china's economy is now larger than ours. the united states is over 34 trillion in debt and counting. the united states intel community lacks credibility. and young people, they're not interested in joining the military anymore. government geniuses gave in to globalization and gutted our jobs. look. the united states is hated around the world. that wasn't an accident. it resulted in part from the constant drum beat of anti-american propaganda put out by hollywood and our own government. by the way, both constantly tell the world america is irredeemably greedy. polluting everything. who can forget obama's apology tour? now, these conditions mean that
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the united states doesn't have the type of leverage that we once did in world affairs. and, of course, biden, he has just made everything worse. is he simply not credible as a global leader. we have become, sadly, under biden, a laughingstock. can you ever imagine him putting him on the phone with other world leaders? imagine listening to those calls? they know he's not serious and, therefore, they think that we are not serious. after all, we elected him. it's not surprising that evil countries everywhere are on the march. and it's certain liver not surprising that washington seems helpless to stop them. but the answer here isn't to criticize house republicans or write more podesta, calling on americans to make sacrifices for ukraine. let me be clear. americans will not support a government that they do not trust. and they're not willing to support throwing away resources
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on policies that are doomed to fail. that was true when we left vietnam. it was true when we left iraq and afghanistan. and it's true now. look at the chaos that has been sown around the world in biden's first term. and then, then imagine how much worse it will be after four more years of biden's decline. and that's the angle. joining me now robert greenway, director of center for national security at heritage, former national senior director for the national security council under trump. robert, i want to remind everyone what biden said about iran, while trump was president. >> the world has changed because what trump has done. and the american people, including independents and some republicans know how bad he is. know how much he's misrepresented. know how he is close to getting us into war. i said as the walls close in on this man i'm worried is he going to get us into war with iran. unfortunately, i may have been
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right. >> laura: robert, one of many old clips of biden's, america is going to be stronger, going to go back to normal. is any of this normal? >> no. no. thanks for having me, laura. look, there are two remarkable consistencies in the biden administration's approach around the world. the first is to constrain our partners and allies and the second is to empower our adversaries whose g.d.p. growth actually exceeds ours in every case. both china, russia, iran, venezuela. all exceeding us in terms of economic growth. you could argue that the biden administration has done more to improve the situation of our adversaries than we have our own country. and certainly those of our partners and allies and the attack against israel, i think is evidence of that. a dangerous escalation and tantamount declaration of war. biden was right the world changed under trump. everyone recognizes the benefits of the policies of peace through strength and everyone equally recognizes the consequences of the biden administration's policies. >> laura: well, robert, we are
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seeing live video from seattle pro-palestinian protesters blocking the main artery to the seattle, tacoma international airport, the major airport there, obviously. this is happening across the country. and back to buchanan's point. one of his points, many, many years ago before trump came on the scene politically. we had to be careful who we invited into this wonderful country of ours. not because we don't love other people. but because holding together a country under strains and difficulties and challenges is very difficult. and we got some of these people are still like we got to bring in more refugees from this country or that country, including from countries that literally despise everything about the united states. i guess except some of the freebies you get when you get here. so, they're complaining. but they caused this mess. >> yeah. it's interesting to know that, you know, this nation was built on immigration but on legal
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immigration. not on illegal. we are now at some 13 million individuals that have come across our borders since januarw many now on the terrorist watch list. we're looking at over 26,000 chinese nationals have crossed since 2021. i'm sure they are not all looking for work. and, look, many of them are coming from the regions of the world that we were just talking about plagued with chaos and whole lot of ideas applicable to u.s. values. i also find it interesting that there weren't a lot of protests when bashar al-assad gassing. he needed so many he needed a crematorium to get rid of the bodies. when israel taking actions there always seems to be a protest that managing to close down -- >> laura: are the protests against china? a few little things here or there. but, they have been running the table in the united states having their own little private police forces, you know, cybersecurity breaches. spying on us through our universities. buying up our land. i mean, and the people who protest against that are considered freaks by the
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establishment. oh, you're anti-china. he is not anti-chinese. you're against what's happening. a lot of these people at the protest coming from middle eastern countries, not all of them but a lot of them. the bushes started this policy of bringing in a lot of these refugees and they come from all over the world and look, they are here illegally. these aren't people coming across the border yesterday. these are people that have been in the united states for many years. we reap what we sow. >> it's absolutely right. some know what they are doing. many are being manipulated. in either case this shows you how close the threat is to us. this is not a distant problem for us as we look at the escalation of conflict. >> laura: good to see you tonight. dental 401(k)s and cy psychedels the latest workplace perk to leave you numb and dumb. we'll get into it next. ♪
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psychedelics. companies are turning to alternative therapies as a way to help employees lower costs. this includes cycle lick assisted therapy with substances bike ketamine and silo sigh bin. what could possibly go wrong? come on, the the "new york times" reported while the data on these drugs is scarce they can trigger psychotic or manic episodes according to a pharmacology professor at u.n.c. chapel hill he said they took lsd and schizophrenia, since. they had some underlying schizophrenia and tipped them over the edge. joining me now dr. nicole saphier, board certified radiologist and fox news contributor author of the new book coming out tomorrow "love mom." dr. saphier, great to see you as always. what do we really know about these drugs. >> first of all, laura, this is
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a two-prong problem. grassroots organizations insisting that the employers are actually starting to cover cycle lick medications for some of their mental health treatments. i think we have kind of gone way too far in what we expect our fliers do and our health insurance to do which is why our premiums and everything else, the cost of healthcare continues to go up. but i will leave that there. you know, when we are talking about these medications, specifically psychedelics talking by psilocybin. lsd, ketamine and more. they all work very differently. they are not one-size-fits-all. historically they were used 50, 60 years ago to treat some psychosis. people stopped using them in the 1970s. they became a controlled 1 substance and really restricted them. fear of misuse, the stigma and really we just had no idea what they did to the human brain. fast-forward 40 years, 50 years we still don't really know a lot because we have neuroimaging, majority of animal studies and
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some smaller human studies on the effect of some of these psychedelics on the brain. there is the hypothesis that these effect what is called neuroplasticity certainly disrupts the neuroconnections in your blaine. when is this a good thing? this could potentially be an okay thing in someone with a severe clinical depression ptsd where they have that depression reward cycle where they are deeply depressed and have alcohol and that rewards them. typical ssris and antidepressants can cause increased suicidal thoughts and actions in people. we started to see that people who are coming back veterans suffering from ptsd taking ssris they actually may have been more predisposed to suicidal actions. what can be done? and so there's a lot of research right now on these psychedelics. of course they are subtherapeutic doses. this is not trying to go out and get them a high. it is altering their reality. americans we love the quick fix, right?
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so my biggest concern is here there may be a very small subset of people who may benefit from. this i need to see more data to put my stamp of approval on it. i think this will be overused and cause a lot more harm than good you have a book out about motherhood and here's my concern. okay? there is always -- we need more money goes into this. big money backing this i have three teenagers. do we not risk harm to children and young people by mainstreaming drug use just as we have done with increased use of high thc, marijuana dr. saphier among our youth. very quickly on. this i have a 24-year-old son. my other kids are younger. i am extremely scared about this. we have completely normalized alcohol, cigarette smoking, vaping, a lot of drugs and now psychedelics? like this is not normal. we want our children to be healthy and happy. we need them to be able to cope with the reality with covid
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social media. causing effects in these children. they are not going to be able to function as they become adults we need to get away from normalizing drug use. >> thank you so much. the white house turns to a sitcom to push its agenda and hillary hits broadway. will it hit back? raymond arroyo has it all "seen and unseen,"ods. next. ♪ and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today.
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and i've never found a community like that, ever. >> laura: temper our seen and unseen segment revealing the stories behind the headlines. all right raymond, the president was laser focused on foreign affairs today. >> laser forecast? he was barely awake. there was a whole moment where he read the entire statement to the iraqi prime minister today from notecards and then when the iraqi prime minister decided to talk back, abided thought that was a good time to check the time. he started looking at his watch, i don't know if he was looking for updates on the donald trump
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trial or what was going on he was very focused on thought watch, maybe candy crush, i don't know. >> laura: and apple watch? they were closing his eyes today, i mean, falling asleep at that child to. but i mean, this was another embarrassment. >> i agree. it was a mess. below, while the what -- chaos is still engulfing the middle east laura, and the president is going through his routine,'s failed diplomacy, the vice president is doing what is most important. she is partying with the old sitcom crew from a different world. [ ♪♪ ] ♪ i know my parents loved me. ♪ what i can become one day. ♪ >> now laura, what i love about this, you heard the different
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word theme song there for a minute. what a love about this is a kamala harris' recruiting get this cast. he remembered his show it's about 40 years old, it was a spinoff of the cosby show, historically black college. >> laura: it was actually a good show, i mean i actually like that show. about about this raymond, the cost is trying to raise awareness. >> now the white house is recording him to support the presidents student loans forgiveness plan and i guess it lead the occasional pressroom dance party. ♪ it's a different world. ♪ than where i come from. ♪ yes, it is now. >> the 44th president did not get rid of his student debt or his loans until he became
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president. >> just down, that's what i see, student loans and college works fine. i was able to pay off. >> laura: now laura. >> that's right would it do. here is somebody who wanted to go to college, they got alone, they waited until he got work, they deferred the loan and any paid for it. that's all with the president is doing here, he has already committed, hundred and $46 billion of student loan cancelations. this just goes too far and i'm sorry, a cause beat spinoff that's almost 40 years old, a cause beat spinoff is as needed now as an og memorial. >> that is a fair point but they're all kind of having fun. at least of this is the most entertaining thing i've seen come out of the white house and some time. was i. k. gp there? was that she? okay.
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>> yes, leading the second line there. pretty good. she's having fun. >> laura: the countries gone down what lease are dancing and having fun. but kamala harris is on the only one using pop culture to put her gender, now hillary is a broadway producer. her show is called sauce. it's about, the audience suffering, depending on what your perspective is. i'm not sure this will go the way of the carry musical, one of broadway's biggest flops. here is a bit of the excitement to be had. ♪ emma great american [ bleep ]. ♪ i earn my own wages and bison to rages ". ♪ when men say no. ♪ emma great american lee bleep [ bleep ]. ♪ i seduce whoever i please. >> hamilton hold your purse.
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over the performances and all that exciting, perhaps this side of hillary will entice audiences or maybe not. >> in 1913 woman in this country were not allowed to vote. but we were allowed to fight students that's what we did. >> we marched in hats, really big hats and very ungovernable shoes. >> of the road to equality is a long which is why we keep on marching. >> up button way more comfort will shoes. >> good lord. they tried a revival of something 76, this past year on broadway with the all female cast, transgender and binary, it flopped and closed early. last time we had a play about hillary clinton it also closed a month early. broadway's not ready for hillary i don't think. >> laura: i'm just gonna stay home. it great to see you, jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight. >> of this is an assault in our country, a country run


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