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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: -- only three days to go until you have the power to get this country to change course. that all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us and making this remarkable. please set your dvr and never missed an episode of. >> everyone: hannity." in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled greg gutfeld ready to put a smile on your face. have a great night. [cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] >> ♪ ♪
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>> greg: all right! happy monday everybody. over the weekend iran launch an attack on israel involving nearly 200 drones. meanwhile america responded with one. [laughter] of course, of the biden white house is blaming trump for this turmoil. true if only trump had one we wouldn't be in this mess. [applause] out to get. but president biden remains resolute on iran saying he won't rest until they release our hostages. [laughter] that's a thinker or make meanwhile joe biden called donald trump a bully at a campaign stop. then he spent the rest of the day forcing a confused an elderly man to remain
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president. [laughter] oh here's a fun one. i know you'll love this. a politician in spain has resigned after video circulated online of him -- using his own poop. [crowd groans] i know! talk about a [bleep] way to lose your job. [laughter] he once tried to dine at a restaurant in san francisco but he never made it passed the sidewalk. [laughter] the good news is he got a sponsorship deal from men mentors. reporters ask what he ate his own poop, he said of course -- of course, i wouldn't eat someone else's excrement, i'm not some weirdo." the audience is left in a daze. on sunday at the masters, video of tiger woods appeared to show him shaking hands with a tree.
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apparently tiger was apologizing for the time he almost killed his brother. look at it, it's a tree. but judging by this photo of all was forgiven. [laughter] washington dc has been name america's hardest working city. [laughter] unfortunately though, that only applies to plastic surgeons. [laughter] on this day, 1912 catholic titanic sank less than three hours after hitting an iceberg. to commemorate the date that lizzo is taking a nice lunch. [laughter] -- an ice plunge. and, of course, finally today is tax day and preparation hunter biden spent all last week sending 1090 nines to prostitutes. [laughter] all right, to the news. like i said over the weekend
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iran latched on a light attack on israel shooting as many as 300 drones and rockets at the jewish state. and i don't mean florida. [laughter] the result? one injury. one. by that metric it was far more dangerous to be on the new york subway this weekend than strolling around tel aviv. seriously, you have a better chance of getting hurt trying to get a burrito from will be goldberg. [laughter] give credit to israel's air defense system, iron dome, which is the same nickname we gave jesse watters' head. [laughter] now however, give the iranians there do. is an encouragement to send hundreds of protect -- project out and tell no one. no one has bombed this badly since jimmy bailey got his own show. [crowd groans] when he gets preempted by disaster coverage, viewers can tell the difference. [laughter] but it's all a reminder that iran typically prefers to do its dirty work by proxies.
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grimy organizations like hamas, hezbollah and the university of top -- california berkeley. but this was an escalation and any time an enemy nation does something hasn't done before, you have to ask why what's changed. iran certainly hasn't the -- same charming jarin stevenson 79, and that is 979 in client -- in case you're counting. so then what has changed? while america. namely a president who is weaker than jimmy carter and 79. how he is weaker than jimmy is now. remember the old phrase, speaks softly and carry a big stick? now is mumble incoherently and use a walker. double that he -- we've got a broken southern border, disgraceful connect and retreat in the military is more concerned with trans torpedoes. our best hope is that our enemies die laughing. if you don't believe me consider the difference between october 7th and april 13th. iran's doctrine has always been "let the people we supply and train have the
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robot on our hands." -- on their hands, will steal later graven crawlers crawlers we are." except for the saturday, sure the iron known works but come on, iran can kill a single person? obama's drone strikes killed more than that accidentally. the lesson is when iran has to do the dirty work themselves they don't count they farmed out like one i have interned deeply in my jacuzzi. so why did they bother with this? may be deceived biden would answer the 3:00 am call? or svpm call? or if he would respond to his home health aide trying to help -- shake him away. remember obama's redline when -- that showed the middle is that america's resolve was softer than bill clinton seeing hillary stepped out of the shower. [laughter] not say what you want about trump but one of the things that mediated about him was his and particularly the rich kept stop from -- like this from happening. it's funny when academics or
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the state department used a strategy to give it a fancy term like buttigieg ambi ambiguity, strategic ambiguity. i guess it applies here. [laughter] but when trump its called unstable. erratic. but it's the same thing, make the enemy wonder what you're capable of and keep them worried. you know, like a good football coach would do. just ask friends of seller money the iranian general who was a major problem until trump's extract turn him in to a carpet stain to make you think anybody in iran is afraid of biden' national security team? the team that brought up -- products afghanistan? let's say, about a president who can barely walk, of the neck and very talk at a secondary defense who disappears for weeks at a time, a secretary of state who looks like you've seen a ghost. and a national security advisor who looks like that ghost. [laughter] i haven't seen a less impressive group of five people since i let that menudo cover band sleep on my couch. [laughter]
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so we are in the red zone now. and biden's attempted -- may bring them under piles of money, that flopped. things are changing faster then the girls swim team with leah thomas in their locker room. were in a dangerous place and that's not me talking, peers fbi director chris ray. >> our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland akin to the isis-k attack we saw at the russia concert hall just a couple of weeks ago. >> greg: sounds serious back to back our so-called leaders aren't. in the old days, the battle of the three letter agencies meant cia and fbi versus kgb. now it cia and fbi worry more about the er and we have a dhs that is mia on the bor
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border. is top -- packet without an -- sos. we haven't seen weaker and the bad guys can see and what they see is a president who thought this would work. >> president joe biden: i have one more don't. don't don't don't, don't don't. >> greg: maybe that was joe reacting to god -- dr jill approaching him with an anal thermometer. [laughter] now, plopping over the old poop joke -- no record -- for dura draw from the back of -- by beating israel into doing something out of proportion to the attack there is one thing iran and other anti-semites will never forgive israel for. affected 6 million of them were murdered permit must be part of the jewish plan for world domination. that was iran is an micah is also something you and i could normalize more direct attacks on israel. and while john kirby blames trump for all of this, the white house has been busy
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enriching iran by waiving sanctions against iran selling oil. glibly people would've been a lot easier, joe. so really the big day wasn't saturday, it was sunday and all the other days after the attack. please ask someone expand that to joe. even if you have to use flash cards. [applause] let's walk him tonight's guests. he claims hollowpoint bullets as a tax write a former cia operative and host of the president's daily report,, mike maker. [cheering and applause] it's -- michigan would not be retching former michigan gubernatorial candidates [cheering and applause] at his favorite bar snack is gravel him a comedian gym quarantine! she is like a boomerang oddly shaped and refuses to go aw away, new york times best selling author, pakistan jupiter, kat timpf! [cheering and applause]
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>> greg: micah someone who has had thousand people murdered -- do you think it all that iran cannot kill anyone youth you think this was a face-saving retaliation or was the response of israel and its allies without good? >> first of all i can argue with your numbers. [laughter] at the top of the intro. this was -- they were played to a home crowd. eurobank on audience in part mark now couple of things. first of all for the biden administration to blame trump for this, they blame them for everything so that's just kind of the theatrics but it's nonsensical. biden spent the past few years putting in iran apologies into all the iran focused positions, depending on, the department, white house. they have this mindset that if you appeased iran right, that somehow they would join up with a committee of nations and we would all, you know, have unicorns playing out of our actions. but, so -- >> greg: as opposed to the
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reverse. >> yeah, there mack but what's happening at this point is i don't know where the unicorn -- unicorn thinking forum i'm sorry about that. >> greg: that's okay. you almost made it the company point. >> was there, thank you for pointing that out but now i've forgotten where i am -- remember. my point is that what they've done with this particular attack was a telegraphed it so they advised the u.s. government i suspect he probably advised the regional allies of the u.s. what was coming down the pipe. they had to show something to the home crowd their population that they were strongly responding to the killing of the others in damascus. but they can't win the war against israel. in direct conflict with israel and the u.s. counter not going to win it and then with a mighty understand that. so they soon as they do this copy provided an offramp israel and said reading this matter down and concluded and, you know, ever since then they've been standing around hoping that israel
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doesn't take the next step. >> greg: there is an interesting risk to take, due to a face-saving operation and hope that they don't blow it to smithereens after sending 300 projectiles that could have killed more than one person? five people, ten, 100? >> i think that they thought that they would put joe biden in a real pickle and he would have to come out and say that he doesn't support israel. and ultimately, i think this is a huge win for donald trump. because now the american people are, like, well where is joe biden? and joe biden said he was with and he help that night but now he's telling netanyahu back off and ultimately, you're in a situation where women across the country are saying "i just want someone to stand for me." and ultimately guy that was, like, jo registered at the council of money. and now, joe biden is an even worse position. so ultimately his $6 billion that he sent to iran cannot a good investment for him because it thanking him as the president. >> greg: -- >> is an interesting point - --' -- he has lost, you know,
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this concept, he never had a position of strength but he lost that, is also lost voters on the democratic si side. he is losing really on all counts when it comes to the middle east at this point. is a very interesting situation. >> greg: yeah, you can't -- appease anything. jim i ferment a long-term follower of the middle east. i read a lot of your books. [laughter] they are amazing, can't believe you do all the research on your own. how do you see the snow -- you think is a perfect opportunity for israel to take iran out based on all this stuff -- you will never get a better chance to kind of turn over the applecart, i know what your face in your last book, turnover the applecart by jim florentine. >> yes, it was. israel have to do what they have to do. have -- they got attack, -- didn't know it was kind of lame. i saw the -- better fireworks show in my neighbors fourth of july party catholic -- the -- just like we did after 911
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immigrant afghanistan because we saw a video of, like, for ocular guys on monkey bar -- saying there is threat and we decided to sign up for 20 years. you know, it was like a crossfit, you know, motor run or whatever -- does hazard and was completed 40 plus, we have to go in with our country so israel had to do what you have to do what biden is also telling israel listen i will stay -- i will do nothing if you attack ir iran. which is like this -- is border policy, do nothing. >> greg: nobody buys the "don't" thing. he says i don't about everything but nobody takes his word for it because it's got no power behind it. >> and he told israel take the wind, you got to win. >> greg: yeah. >> he probably thought he was talking to a woman from south carolina wonder college basketball team mckee was probably congratulating -- you got to win, take the win gimmick you didn't know he was talking to israel. >> greg: yeah, that's true. kat, welcome back.
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you were gone for a while. you were so missed! [applause] what should joe biden do in the situation? [laughter] >> who's that? >> greg: it's hard for me to do as you're stopping on a monday. >> yeah,, no. i think that you're right that it is put him in a tough position. i think it's probably was a way marked off before iran i'm assuming. i mean how did that conversation go with all those dudes? oh man or were there like that was good. i don't know, it's tough remember going back to another point you made in your monolog too just about what the military is focused on is something i thing for years and have gotten for it before is that military spending you spend so much on the military, i would say too much on the military and people are like you need a strong military okay but military spending, of course need a strong military
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cabinet are spending doesn't always equate to military strength. and i think that it's never been clear when you look at some of the things that the military is focusing on that as the case. i have -- some -- with the way a lot of these themes are run in terms of there's all these different motivations. biden is not just weighing what to do in terms of the country but also in terms of politically and the election year as people are pointed out and there's all this money involved and i just think -- you know, i think that we all need to just pay very, very close attention to everything that is going on because as you pointed -- 20 years in afghanistan and the look of what happened after all that. >> greg: strong military -- >> strong military is just as resource issue kulpeksa leadership issue. primarily as a leadership issue. we can have other users and military that we want but if i could just make one quick point is that the problem that we've got right now is all the instability cut everything that's happening in the region right now is down to iran. iran resources and plans and trains and guides hamas,
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hezbollah, the houthis of islam and jihad got a variety of other groups. and in fact, the general who was taken out in damascus was responsible in part for planning october 7th, ri right. so that was e1 good reason to remove him from the planet. but the problem is its true. if you took out iran right no and the one thing that could assure midterm, long-term peace in the middle east would be removing the iranian regime. so it is a perfect time to do that? i mean it sounds very mercenary and people will call me a warmonger. i'm not proposing that. what i'm saying is that in a practical sense if you step back, took a breath see what's causing the instability and violence in the middle east? is the iranian regime. what the problem is once you start down that path, you can't control it. right gimmick it spiraled out of control and we have no idea about a complication gets. >> greg: it's like one of your sentences. [laughter] take that!
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take that challenge them. >> thank you. >> greg: for you in the month -- area middle east politics -- policies. up next america plunges in to the abyss, it's trump who voters miss. [cheering and applause] >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like to get to see "gutfeld!" go to foxnew and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> ♪ ♪ so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> greg: even biden voters have seen they were better off in 2019. -- they mr president with gorgeous hair. it took four years but americans are finally coming to their senses and looking back positively at trump's presidency according to a new york times pole. yes, it was in -- in new york
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times pole. having the new york times run the story is like hearing joy replay something pleasant about white people. [laughter] forty-two% of registered voters survey said trump was mostly good for america permit as compared to only 25% say biden's been mostly good. and that it is folks from the and ballmer certain union. there is a difference of 17% what i see are not -- save by not tipping so anyway -- but -- followed 2019 was able to fall of rome, it's no wonder voters are seeing how could we had it's. it's a stunning rebuke of the current administration. and is glad joe biden is not alive to see it. [laughter] so how could there be such event look back at the orange godzilla? well biden can't win an election, he can't put two sentences together. >> mr. trump: he can't win an election, he can't put two sentences together. he can't find the stairs or the platform to walk off after he makes about ejim
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expert -- minute speech. two, three, about wanting the backup i got them all over the place. he can find them, he's working -- looking around where the stairs? >> greg: and i bet biden wants to have men play in women's sports. >> mr. trump: he wants to have men play in women's sports. [boos] >> mr. trump: i mean i think it's terrible but i just say from a common sense, it's just ridiculous. i'm always embarrassed when i say -- who the hell -- did you see the weightlifting record the other day? i mean, i don't want to get into -- and i love woman more than and i love -- [cheering] >> greg: and finally, what is biden done that is good? nothing. has anything he's done turned out? >> mr. trump: what have you
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done -- has anything that he is done turned out? everything that he touches turns to shirts. [cheering] [applause] >> greg: tutor, i don't think i can top that one. you know, it's kind of -- i mean the times reported this is kind of insane. >> but they were the last people to know that this -- because they are like we've been telling people that they are supposed to help -- hates trump at the same time there are like did that help get the right you are in the fridge this time or are we having the value occurred? there are -- these are the leaders of the elite. didn't have no idea what's really happening in the country and slowly put this call out and there's opening this polo trying to say remember these are the reasons you don't like him because if you read the new york times article even though he didn't -- and even though he did this these people to like him, how can this be?" and you're like him because the grocery shopping and buying gas. [applause]
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>> greg: we've talked about this a lot, and gym got that the further you get away from the trump presidency and the better it looks, you know? is because like you start to get -- you start to see things from the prospect -- perspective away from all the emotion that was tied in to the trump hate. >> it's like an ex-girlfriend, you know, when you first breakup can you think about all the bad st stuff. and a few years later you know what, it wasn't so bad, you know? she was crazy, you know, but she was good and bad. she was fun. [laughter] maybe i get in touch with her after a few years again. [laughter] so like without -- it's like a political booty call for trump right now. [laughter] >> greg: that's right! the one they say donald, you up? [laughter] >> greg: that's so funny. i was going to say it feels like biden is like a substitute teacher and people are feeling like she's going to be gone soon but i like the political booty call.
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we'll have to call unified tomorrow our character then like i came up with it myself? [laughter] >> you can take it. >> greg: yes! >> will trade shirts mike or because i always have to -- [applause] >> amount of calls cash the. >> impossible. >> by inflation. >> by the way is that a paul smith? >> greg: it is about smith, how nice of you to notice. >> you're welcome. >> greg: see? what is that. >> as close. [laughter] >> greg: kat that it feels weird to even though joe biden is the oldest president in history the american public is longing for an adult in the room. is that weird? >> article didn't really say that. >> greg: no i know.
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>> kind of what you said, right. i mean a lot of the theory -- thing that they fear mongering about a lot of the, you know, there will be world war iii, it's like well however looking on that right now? how are -- is grocery shopping looking and a lot of the people in articles said they do feel the same way about the, you know, they had been offended by things that trump have said but at this point there just like whatever. that's how they really feel. anything the other thing that we haven't talked about this conversation yet is they said well people still say that trump they didn't like the way that he divided people. what you think about it and joe biden was supposed to be the guy, would -- he built himself as again it was supposed to unite people. he hasn't done that, either. >> greg: no, he's rated more division. >> along with all the other stuff the inflation at other things on in the world. he's done these exact things of -- if you support, and then you're about person and then people are like well, you know, people don't want to be told that all the time when they're struggling in their daily lives re/max before that is true, you
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know, mikey? i do a small joint afternoon called "the five" you might have heard about. >> i'm usually busy recording the president's brief, otherwise i'd watched before tell me about it. anyway, peers morgan made a really good point which surprised me, that the judge in from's trial that he would put -- would arrest him if he goes to his sun's high school graduation. burned from's high school graduation. crump wants to go to his sun's graduation and the judge says if he goes he will be arrested. and morgan said he should go and get arrested and -- i mean, you would win in a landslide because -- does that make sense? >> it does --'. >> greg: i know! i will take credit for that. i'm going to the credit for that, most people won't remember i cited peers morgan anyway. >> widow remember that the booty call was jim's joke. >> greg: exactly. he got that from me. >> exactly.
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there's this whole idea of looking funky back, right, at presidents. there are some sins to it. i don't look back on -- no offense the president carter but i look back at that time with fondness. he looked back on the previous administration which was just there in the rearview mirror because the world wasn't on [bleep] [bleep] fire at that point in time. >> greg: yes. what your mouth, young man. >> i'm sorry. >> greg: what is this, joe rogan? [laughter] >> you know, and the things that tutor and for kat appointed already because the economy there's a reason why we look back on those administration and go you know what, it was pretty go good, because right now the instability in the world well there's a reason why putin moved on ukraine, there's a reason why the motors -- there's a reason why they spent that past three years planning that attack on southern israel on october 7th. so, yeah, i mean [bleep] look love or hate -- sorry.
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[laughter] story. you can love or hate trump, right, but you had to look at what was happening in the world and the policies. another personality driven person, i prefer lucki at the policies. and i get it. and is and why people are looking back no and saying, yeah, i think some of that before i agree, about a personality person. i look at the booty. [laughter] up next, the lives screams and chosen cries and pouts. [applause] all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you
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support of the city council introducing a cease-fire resolution makara fee that you will do this, you guys are all horrible human beings and jesus probably would've killed you -- you guys parade gandhi around as a hindu holiday -- i remind you that these holidays that we practice that other people in the global south practice believe in violent revolution against their oppressors and i hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and killed all of you [bleep]. will see you at your house, will murder you. >> greg: i feel bad for her. how do you clap, young man. she does have a point. many times i look at the unrest in the middle east and thought, bakersfield city council, you really done at this time. [laughter]
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jim, did you enjoy the perform -- before and after -- after like i did? >> i loved it. but is that she really thought that they could do something about it. [laughter] like a hundred years from now in the history books okay how did you get a cease-fire? bakersfield city council. he pulled it off, some little town two hours outside of la that's known for crystal meth, you know? [laughter] they stop this war remarked it's true, kat i do say. did you feel bad for are did you think that she needs to learn her lesson? >> i mean we have the first amendment so it's very, very hard to say something that will get you arrested. and she -- as i was watching i was like okay that's mean but still, you know, jesus will have you killed okay mean and weird to say. legislative goes "will see you at your house, we will murder you." yup. they will do it! [laughter]
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and she did it in front of the government. like, -- man, there is a very narrow thing you can do to actually get arrested and you pulled it off. >> greg: you know, he make a great point because when you think about it, like, mike, as a killer, you have never actually told people and accomplish personal killer doesn't know people out of time "i'm coming to kill you." >> know, you just wait until the very last second. >> greg: yes! [laughter] >> everybody with his friends knows that [bleep]. [laughter] yeah. i mean do kat's point about the jesus comment, i didn't know he was out there busy walking people. and so apparently that was a jesus thing. but -- a lot of these people, take the people who brought the golden gate bridge today and the variety of other protesters. they're battling something, right? there's a lack of something in their lives. there's -- i want to call it a mental health issue, but they are lacking something.
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>> greg: i know what it is. there lacking a law mike baker in their lives. you just -- if you were just in their lives little bit, they would feel so much better, you know what i mean? >> i've often been referred to as a ray of sunshine. >> greg: yes. [laughter] poisonous, toxic sunshine. tudor? she pled not guilty to eating felony counts. you believe those tears of hers? >> know. i just felt like it was aggressive to choose the guillotine, you know, because i feel like you need a lot of committee support for that. is the community that you are going to use it against. >> greg: yes. and his heavy to move. >> exactly and go home to home? at a certain point -- >> greg: no. >> it doesn't work out. >> greg: does a machete -- >> i like the fact they were think about the logistics of this. >> i'm like, this isn't going to work for you. >> greg: she would've been a great governor. [laughter] [applause] i'm going to go ahead and say i would kidnap you. [laughter]
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>> greg: oh, god. [laughter] >> oh, god. >> greg: allegedly grandma coming up, a ufc fighter grade as a libertarian wri writer. [applause] >> announcer: if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to go see "gutfeld!" go to and click on the link to join the studio audience. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ relax into a caribbean state of mind. visit or call 1-800 sandals. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive.
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>> greg: all right, kat otherwise ufc star rate on a tomato -- ice -- i hope accident write i don't want him to come after me. [laughter] i'm sure you're familiar with them. >> we went over -- i think he did very well. [laughter] i really thought the last place -- thing i could watch and feel redundant would be mma fighting but everything he said i would like yes, and also that and also yes. so now i will smack him up on now. >> greg: exactly. [applause] >> every bite ever i will be watching it. >> greg: i think every fighter after the fight they have to make one book recommendation that concerns economics, economics only, tudor. this is what the big one misys -- is that if history can teach us anything it will be up every property is intimately linked with civilization. [applause] >> i think what happened is that women -- i said this
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earlier, women want to feel protected and taylor swift turned on the dams, she went with travis kelsey and she just shot david a male. he's dead, you know? so now people look at this and they're like taylor swift would go for him. i man. i'm in mack we are all about personal property. >> greg: >> taylor swift would go for a router or before ludwig? who are we talking about? >> no drei nada. >> greg: le guin von moses also said the worst evils which mankind has ever had and there were infected by but government. >> yeah. >> greg: and mike baker, he adds. [laughter] 's. >> he and i have gone sideways. >> greg: this is kind like a weird rogue in effect of these -- this accommodation of thinking and fighting -- >> a lot of these guys -- we are very smart. this instrument is one of discipline in this arena, you know? the sport. and renate ticket -- he smack
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he pounded in to the -- got a significant run before the end of the second round fantastic by. was a goodbye going all the way around but the point that when he comes out and think about that he still doesn't have any soap on the and this is what he comes out with. it's brilliant and -- if i'm not mistaken i think, sideways with the nazis and go to germany, i think in another -- >> greg: interesting. if he succeeds any brain damage will know when he turns in to a liberal. [laughter] >> greg: jim can you read a lot of austrian economics. care to share the appeal ludwig had with you? >> that's a problem. most americans will not read a book on economics, they're not going to -- i wonder if amazon sales went up after -- midnight on saturday night after he won the fight, like oh i have to read this book. -- have to go read a book i
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just want some money, want to smoke some weed and drink at some point. [laughter] no have to go read a book? >> greg: i think it shows that he's a very diverse individual. i'm also thinking about adding a yvonne to my name. like gregory von got out. don't you think. [laughter] you. [applause] iq. hope you feel smarter. >> one gutfeld is a great -- has a very good ring. >> i'm going to go sell some books. up next,'s show was added so someone mailed him a spread. >> ♪ ♪ everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5!
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> announcer: what to say "? "? " live in new york i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking.
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and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking.
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and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg >> ♪ ♪ ♪ nobody is watching the. ♪ sad but it's true. ♪ it means we can do whatever the hell we want. ♪ yeah, nobody is watching what you. [cheering and applause] >> greg: back in january, our old punching bag brian sutter was making the podcast wants to dip his latest book a click bit garbage. nobody wanted including us but we're still shocked to discover we watched -- miss this magical moment. hit. >> ailments -- wants had a potato multimeter came in a fedex box, it was a natural potato and ice with my kids, the had no idea why someone was manning the audio because within the fox university use
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-- used to be called humpty dumpty and from there it became brian is a potato. >> greg: there is so not sure that mike. and pmt was an egg. how stupid -- >> pretty stupid. >> greg: he's very stupid. the potato came from somebody else who thinks he's a pot potato. humpty dumpty is a fricking egg. >> in that big picture a cover of his book? >> greg: why would he show his book? >> i don't know. i was just asking, i can believe that he was still around -- >> greg: 's buddy buddy? that's funny. >> greg: tudor were you ever interviewed by spotty buddy? >> no but i -- our governor identifies a potato sometime. >> greg: that's right! i forgot all about. >> that's right and i watch this and i thought your kids didn't wonder why you were sent a potato. [laughter] >> greg: there like oh look daddy someone made a -- doll out of you. quickly jim did he threw it in the microwave and then smother it with chile and cheese?
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>> he is probably mad there was no shower -- our agreement terms with it. they sent me a plate -- pain one? this sucks mckee's kids are probably calling the potato little value now, you know? [laughter] i think his head looks more like a spaghetti squash. >> greg: yeah. >> i would get without. >> greg: yeah, you're right. you think when the peter became he was like it's a long last tell. the potato went on 23 and me and found out it was -- and went to his place kat. weaving out a german this story. >> intra ever called him a potato? >> greg: probably. >> because he was not talking about -- he was talking about you. [laughter] the foxnews universe not true, you. >> greg: yeah, it was me. >> literally just you. and also i'm sure if he was merely a potato maybe it was a fan of this show that it. milling someone a potato is [bleep] weird. >> greg: okay but what kind of food would you like mailed to you? right now -- >> no.
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>> greg: i'm going to say whatever you people do, do not mail me an erotic cake. [laughter] see? that's going to make them mail me erotic cake. how about you, jim, do you like mailed to you? >> update your leftovers. [laughter] >> greg: you haven't changed a bit, jim. whatever you mailed to mike has to have a file and it. [laughter] i guess we should move on. don't go away will be right back. that was fun. [cheering and applause] is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. live claritin clear®
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