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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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together. everybody came out very festive outfits and they did touch my hair. >> i got a little carried away with the hair touching. >> we don't need to rub your fingers down my scalp so aggressively can just be a guy's head. >> i did. oh, i would usually don't sun men's foreheads, but it is what it is. we have to hurry because greg has talked about it. well, tonight on my show, we're going to have mark geragos talking about the jury selection from the case. >> now, greg, you can promote your show. i have two tonight, 10 p.m., mike baker, tudor exchange, jim florentine, kat timpf. you know, i was at that event that they had science event. >> food was not great. no, no. >> i left early. told you about that. we i shall get you tomorrow, piers. hod the judge. >> have mea great night. welcome to jesse waters. >> primetime tonight. this is an assault on ouris i country and the country that'se,
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my brain is confident. matt is very much involveds is in this case. this is really an attack on ak n political party. democrats put trump on trial po >> we go inside the jury in crooked joe biden is the demented tyrant, is a demented tyrant. okay. you think back to our downward dog. thr >> my god, the real threat to democracy. where's biden? i hope where one day somebody bs the guillotine and kills all of you. >> this mother. hey, there's more people underneath the boards. my migrant crime in the fast lane, dog, the bounty hunter on how to track them down. >> you are a crackhead. oh, plus, give me your best,: joe biden impression. >> i got..
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>> it was day one of donald trump's hush money trial, he but the only one being harsh was him. because if he criticizeshim.becl the case, the judge will throw him in jail. a democrat prosecuto just thror alvin bragg, keeping the republican nominee off the campaign trail for six weeks. >> that means donald trump isn' meanst even allowed to attend his son, barron's high school graduation if th tries to go, the judge will throw him in jail forrol fo that, too. >> as you know, my son justgrad graduated from high school and it looks like the judguahige will not let me go ton of the graduation. and my son is worked very, very hard and his grades. so try to do that. it is so and i was looking forward four years to have graduation with his mother andue brother there. and it looks like the judge even allowed't managed to escape this scandal to stand trial. i can'e tot go to my son's graduation. i can't go to the united
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states supremegrad court that io not in georgia or florida or north carolinali campaigning lie i should be. it's perfect for the radicalleft left democrats. that's exactly what they want. wat election's exact interference. >> and so it's about piers morgan actually had a good idea for once and said trump should go to baron's graduation anyway and make the judge arrest him while everyone's throwing their caps in the air. >> who is this judge anyway? >> he's a biden donor. and the biden-harris campaign and adam schiff paid his family members millions. >> who's the prosecutor? alvin bragg. a lazy soros funded day fights. trump instead of crime. >> half the felony charges that come across his desk, he downgrades to misdemeanors, but not this one. he takes a bookkeeping misdemeanor and frankensteins it into 34 federal felonies, a form of legal acrobatics that's never been seen in the
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history of american law. >> barack is arguing that donald trump should have paid stormy daniels with campaign funds and filed it with the fec. >> if donald trump had used campaign money to pay off stormy daniels usepaig, he wouldag have been indicted years ago. you can't spend campaign fundss- on personal matters. >> the campaign finance laws say politicians cannot use campaign moneyance wou on pl expenditures like plastic surgery orstic sur buying new sl golf club memberships. en tho >> even though those things technically may help the campaignug help in their personal. m >>ore and what'pes more personl than spending money to protect your marriage? >> he used his own money, his own lawyer, to handle a personal matte tr. he pa bill clinton paid off paula jones while he wasid president and he didn't use campaign cash.e camp >> if donors were allowed o to pay off politicians personal expensesf for thingshappen
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that happened years before they ran for office. juu think the systemed yearss c? now, just oh, and who's the star witness? it's a convicted felon, , admitt admitted liar michael cohen. >> but the democrats thinkar, ms case is marbury versus madison. >> how should we think hment about this moment in history? well, you know in , the trumple people would like to trivialize and diminish the meaning of this trialike tializel, but , it's perfectly emblematic of the othery emblems that are l there. >> they're all about electoral interferencel abou and manipula. it's a very serious case. and i think the trump wil people are going to be shocked how tuned in america is to what's going on hereshocke. dot the media doesn't even read their own polls. a new york times poll says three quarters of americans aren't even paying attention to these show trials. >> the people who are paying attention are the onesine watching the mainstream media, and those anchors won't even tellamors you. the case has been brought by a
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democrat and overseen by a democrat donor judge whose family's being paid by democratsgic . you know this because you watch fox, you read, you do your own research, but the media thinks you're just a poor, dumb hillbilly and you're just jealous of the smart democrat lawyers who control, the establishment socioeconomic disparities are a lot and class resentment. it is a lot. what and anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of thes mane these anti-establishment, whicha are trump voters. i don't know if you've ever been jealousouter kn of some w what someone else has or resentful. it is suchhaon a corroding and bitter almost by ill feeling. >> katy saying, if you think these trials are a scam, you e trt smart enough to understand actually, we
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don't think they're smart at all. we think empty jails, opening border, wes and printing a gazillion dollars is stupid. ifrders an anyone's jealous,, th the media's jealous of trump, his wealth, his statusa, the waa he captivates a crowd like they can't write katteay, s driv his drive, his connection to voters, his confidence,n toet and let's face it, his records just better than biden's. they saw trump killing it, killing it with the crowd. then you come to a panel of six people who all just do nothing but dump on him and call himica a liar. and america goes, ohgoes o, did you just see that? we lik se him. he's killing it. he's not a stand up popular. it doesn't andup co matter. he the people loved him and what he was saying not to defend trump, but to defend the people who still vote for him because what they see on the other side to them is even more dangerous because
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it's very closer to home. my kid is coming home from school, myming and he thinks hea racist in five. what do you been telling him?g those kind of things are whatt' they say. y >> that's why i'm voting for trump. for truma doesn'tediwere understand. they can talk about democracy all dap.y, but it doesn't stickt because people know when they're being liedes not to. >> we had more cash four years ago. we hade less crime. >> it's that simple. americans are willing to putto p with trump's drama in exchange for peace and prosperity t. that doesn't make you a cult member. it means you just have a good memoriny. >> we know the trials are rigged. that's not going to stop us froe tria, itm getting rid oe one who's rigging them. >> will your support for donald trump continue even if he's convicted in manhattaevf h >> yeah, look, this this trial is not going to have major political ramifications that a lot of people, i think, think it t of may >> how you can say we should have him back in the oval office .
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>> it's not because for me, it's not about him>> as much. it is having a republican administration. we're going have a pro-businessc economy. el we're not going to have a cancel culture that has really infiltrated all across america. >> it's not about trump with me. that doesn't make any sense to me. 's notrump wit.governor, i'm so. you're saying it's not about trump. you're saying he would be the president. what you're tellinp, butd be thu don't understand why 51% of this country is supporting donaldhyt of trump. it's not about just supporting trump. it's getting rid of what we have todayt ing . >> the issue is the majority of us don't get to decid don'te the outcome of this case. 12 men and women from manhattane do a place where 90% voted against trump. >> jury selection now underway, and trump's lawyers spents trie the day trying to spot sympathizers. trump sizing up potential jurors personally. today, he quote, smirked at them and made one woman giggle, which raised eyebrows, according to court reporters. es >> trump's gazing into the eyes of jurors and trying to catch ju and why pay a juryant, t
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consultant? trump will just eyeball him and knowrumpebal who wants a diw on day one? >> remember what happeneandith with o.j.? >> those jurors went in thereoji to send a message like, we know trump can't get a fair trial. so how do we know who's who on the jury? >> mark geragos is a criminal defense attorney and featured in the fox nation special. >> menendeez brothers, victimssc or villains? >> all right. garrigiaa. al you're doing jury selection already. we founde doin out there are a h of white women. we're coming in and masks and just sk had to leave becauset be they said they couldn't be fair. >>fair how do you pick jurors fr this case? >> well, you know, when johnnien cochran would still alive after o.j., johnnie used to basically rent himself out to go around the country for jury selection. and johnnie would sit at the table and basically he wouldcal,
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eliminate all the people that d they didn't want, the people who hired him. he was likt,hee a magnet. was he actually was kryptonite fortt the jurors that they the people who hired him did not want. dwe've got the opposite here. there are people coming in.s pe and byople the way, this judge o trump has been vilifying hasbend gone bend over backwards to ensure that this trial is going to last longer than la you can even imagine. and it's actually under the guise of being extremelyr fair because he's doing an individual voibehe's doir dire. he's actually letting the jurors answer all of's letti the jury questions individually, which is something that's unheard of in 40 years. i've never had that. even a death penalty cases. an and they're going to be able to read out. i think, in my humble opinion, i all of what i call stealth
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jurors, because you worry in high profile case"stealths tv will have stealth jurors. that's your biggest fear as h ia trial lawyer. >> i don't know if that'sa tria possible in manhattan,l >> jes but they'll probably give it the best shot in this trial will probablt shoty last 700 yel >> and then donaldas trump won'l be able to go to barron's high school graduation. could you believtoe this judge might not let trump go see his sons graduation? >> well, i had a case many years agd o with a i was defending a republican, believe it or not, and he wanted to go to his daughter's high schoolgh graduation. and this judge, who was a federa schooonl district court judge here in california here, he recessed that that trial so that my client could go to his his daughter's high school graduation. mind you, the same judge did har oft recess when there were all kinds of wildfires going on around the courthouse.ou there wase.s a massive calamity,
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so i'm very surprised and i would be surprised if the judge. held to that. >> all right. well, if he if he holds to it, >>y, it be trump wins in a land, because you can see momsn and dads acrosses the country, even if they hate trump, they don't like that. mark there. >> go see even defense republicans want a lawyer. s >> thanks, as always, mark. p >> thank you, jesse.ay well, clay, travis lits. up the left today. all it took was one tweet says ifk you're a trump supporterne in new york city who's a part of the jury poolw yos , do evero you can to get seated on the jury and then refus seate to convict as a matter of principle, dooming the case via a hung jury. it's the most patriotic thing t pa you couligd possibly do. >> and clay joins us now. ay joi >> clay, you are suggesting that there's a stealth juror that maybe is dishonest during jury selectionhonest d and totay
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boosts this trial on purpose. would you be suggesting something like that? >> jesse, you know me.n th there are few people on the planet with higher standard rds of ds of just decorum. and as you can well see, by the way, i am dressed a few people who are just more beloved in the entire peopi legal profession than me. so, jesse, of course, i would say all legall e y, i want everyone to behave in the baso. te perfect fashion but based on the indictment that we have seen, that yo indit have read, that we have all been talking about for a year now, thia s is a bogus case. alvin bragg should be ashamedal of himself for bringing this case, for tryingbr to pardon upp trump up 34 felonies associated with it and to use a rigged r jury pool like he has in new york city to try to curry favor with a 12 person jury. i think trump, based on all the evidence that i have seen,of is innocent of these crimes cre, one, i think,
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alvin bragg, typically he takes every casek that is a felony and drops it to a misdemeanor. right. he doedinto as that in over half the cases that he gets. in this case, he's takinn g a misdemeanor that i believe is outside the statute of limitations, and he is elevating it to a felony based on what i believ e leg is legally insufficient, means trying to use anotheinsuffr crie to justify elevating this to a felony. so what i would encourage everybody to do is to look at all the facts loo of these case,acts the facts that are already out there. >> now, maybe, jesse, there't sun some massive smoking gun that has not been revealed yetas that could change my impression so far. but based on everything that i have seen, trump is innocent. i do not believe that he is likely to gets ive h a fair n in new york city based on voting records. and by the way, i would t encourage, if you're going to strike anybody from the jury pool a, anybody who wearingd be a mask should be going immediately because they ain't goinely becag to be trump fans e as a general rule.
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not going to get to what if you were going, i think to find trump not guilty, but you might be able to find one or two who will actually apply the law here in and say, i'm not goingt goin to try to get a i'm not going to give a guilty verdict.t enco >> so you're not encouraging this, but you wouldn't be surprised if you saw thisuril happening, considering the fact that they've been planning prosecutors, they'veconsfact be colluding with prosecutors, and everything they've done so far has beenpr completelyd an unprecedented and unfair. >> you wouldn't be surprised if there were stealth jurors who maybe went into areae intos they maybe went in there with like purple hands. >> this is a political hit job, right? everybody on the planet understands this is a political hit job. >> so the idea that you're going to find jurors anywhere who have made e idha wnd no preconditions and haven't analyzed this, they've done everything they can h thi to try to get trl i think they're going to fail in d.c. time wise,l in southwis florida. we know that fani willis, your buddy is a disaster, your in atlanta. they only have this left with -s alvin bragg, and it's
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the weakest of all the cases. it is bogus. it is illegitimateses, i. om a and that is both from a legal perspective and just a rational ,reasonable man or woman standard. and so i hope that trump gets a jury that is willing to actually lookhat at all of s and realize that this is unprecedented, that in 240 plus years, if we want to have a jury. jesse, i'd rather have a juryn 2 of 150 million voters than 12 people in new york cityle i trying to judge donald trump. that's what 150 million people judge. not 12. this is a sham. everybody know,t 12.s and well l >> and everybody go watch runaway jury with john cusackgow tonighatt. >> thanks so much. i appreciate it, jesse. thank you. >> well, johnny goes to fort for myers beach. wit what's going on with all these trump trials? no reason foall thr that at all, >> that is not okay. what's even on trial for nofor? clue? cashba
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because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. >> grow your business easily with freelancers. five. fri >> on friday, joe biden had a simple message for iran.messag in that is surprise to iran in this moment? : don' >> jon't the president say don't? if he knew that iran wasesse: pg to do that anyway after israel targeted iranian generals at an embassy in syria, the mullahs had to save face and respond.t >> but they couldn't respond effectively without feeling and the full wrath of israel and the u.s. so they telegraph si half their punches. >> since we don't have a relationship with the iranians v ,the iranians picked up the phone and called the swissss and told the swiss, this is the date. >> we're going to do something. do sthese are the missiles we're going to use. >> and this is the flight path. and e flige on tob
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the americans. >> and the israelis had all thet timeheisraelis in the world to their forces. so when iran did launctheih thoh drones and missiles, we shot every single one of them down. ever onenot a single and afterwards, irand af said it was a success and we're done. b this was the biggest assaultn on israel since the 1970s and nobody died. we're produced fighting wars now, political theater. so the iranians save facee face and the israelis get credit for showing restraint and can go back to wiping out hamasr and gaza for a little longer. >> this was the most highly choreographed attacks in saving private ryan. but now israel's defenseey a minister says they're going to have to respond t. so israel not sticking to theso script. major that's not going to makeun biden happy. he needs gas pricehappy. s low in an election year. >> biden is funding iranian missilesg ir and israel's iron
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dome. >> this entire production is taxpayer funded. we hope you enjoyed the show. joe biden is playing a dangerous game here. and i'm to see how this ends. >> pro-palestinian groups led uprisings all across america today. >> in san francisco, protesters shut down the golden gate bridge for 5 hours, chaining brid to barrels. >> pro-hamas sympathizers targeted o'hare internationalato airport in chicago, blocking every lane of the freewanal hicg forcing travelers to ditch their cars and sprint to the airport with their suitcases. the nypd grappling with hundreds of anti-israeli activists trying to shut dow isn the brooklyn bridge traffic ground to a halt, wreaking w havoc in manhattan. >> protesters parading around with the hezbollah flag, lighting our flag on fire and shouting death to america.
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>> they aren't just threateningo the american way of life. they're threatening to kill lis. olitician >> i remind you that these t holidays that we practichee, that other people in the global south practice believe othen thin violent revolution aa their oppressors. and i hopega oppress one day sos brings the guillotine and kills all of you. >>f we'll see you at your house. well, murdered ms.. patel. that was threat. what you said at the end. and so the officer hs are goingr to escort you out and take care of that. ch that woman was charged with 18 felonies and then cried in court after threatening to kill a roomful of elected officials. democrats have been catering kil to these folks. squad leader rashida tlaib won't even condemn her own conds death to america chants. and it could turn deadly soon. this summer's national democratic convention in chicago. summer's naonalit's going to bo for the hamas wing of the democrat partyhama.
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left-wing groups gathered in chicago this weekend gad on iran's attack against israel and then began chanting death to america, order for israel. bah, bah, bah, my god. >> you've got to because we've got to avert the so we get a our war on the border fort re america. oh, my god. oh, my god. ohy nnabe ho, my god. >> so get ready. these homegrown wannabe jihadist are threatening us in broad daylight. biden silent. .den p >> is the president hiding because he's afraid of losineca? michigan? >> president biden, you can end . you k you know it's wrong. i know you know it's wrong. and i know i sound like a broken record. and i know that, you knotew that you're going to lose this election in part because too many people are going to stay home. they're not going to vote for trump.
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they're not goin theot votg swih their vote from you to trump. no, that is no, thatt how this is going to play out as what happened to hillary in michigan. >> shehillar lost by two votes r precinct, two for the whole state, two and that's what's going to happen to you. >> biden playing politicu.s. >> the muslim vote better not be risking lives because those are deatlives beh to america. mk chance when i've seen them abroad, usually end in actuall t death. >> former navy seal and fbi agent jonathan gilliam joins mew now. >> jonathan, i've seen. a rea l massive uptick in some of this violent rhetoric. the fbic ti doesn't really seem, to be that involved. biden's been silent. are they going soft because of politics? ? >> well, i think they've gone soft because of ideology. and that's g the reality.of pol this politics is a is justit par a part of the toolbox that thet
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left uses these activities. those are anotheesr part of it. they used careerists as well that are in the federal government and state and local governments. >> they use those individuals who have hooked their wagonsis f to the left or to whoever is in office. , thatthey want to get up in rak in these different agencies. df >> so they have all these different tools in their toolbotools t thx that they cand and it's i find it very interesting what you were just sayingg, what about the hamas g of the democrat party. well, that's how hezbollahallyan actually came about and their power in lebanon is that they started off as activists then gained over 60% of the government. so, you know, these are tactics that they use that are proven. and asd as we see here, one pern in a city council meeting candem determine that somebody did something illegal and the cops will go after that girin l tha who made that threat.
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but yet all these people make these threats every datt aly, dy all day. and nobody, including the fbi or state and localludingare st and law enforcement are doing anything about it. >> how doe s take so long to get these freaks off the bridge? t n >> how do they getbr on the bridge? because that's that'idges o the reality of this. if this was conservatives or pro lifers, this would be called insurrection or it would be callethis wou d a national security issue or some kind of threat to our rights in this and in this country. the reality is, again, this is another tool in theirolbox, toolbox. they get out there, they do these things over and over again. oe they cause enough trouble to wear law enforcement when it occurs e. >> they try to tiptoe around it and not hurt anybody because it's going to end up on the news. and so they've they've crafted all these tactics and that's the way that they work. >> yeah, i just don't don't block bridge the s in philly. philade that's not going to end well.d i know a few guy
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s. they won't put up with that. jonathan, always a pleasure. thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse.>> jes dog isprn deck. >> they have you surrounded. staff builders for reflection. it gets freeze ufeed ip at one e skills read stands comcast and keeps it growing strong. get a bag of scotts triple action today it's guarantee feed alone feed it. g orde start your day with nature meets the number one pharmacist the number one pharmacist recommendestartingd vitamin. and supplement brand. >> okay. are we not seeing orders coming in? garden and business is never easy. the starpeople wer, eight monthw pregnant. that's a different story. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left anr right, and so did our business means the chase car and madeth i
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let's put it to a vote. this is going to wreak havoc tan on all the type of products. >> anything can changeything. the world of work. from h.r. to payroll, adp designs, forward thinking solutions to take on the next anything. >> we don't really know what awt second biden term would look like a. fro >> we hardly hear froment an the president. and then when we do, he's just trumng to convince us our problems aren't real. >> trump, on the other hand, he's an open boo thed k job. trp >> number one is going to bewe and as soon as we take office, we will seal the border. >> is that okay? and we're going to stop t the invasion and sendlegal joe biden's illegal aliens back home in texas, a smugglerar was trying to outrun authorities veering his truck off the road t, then taking offo on foot when the trooper searched the the truck, they fos 23 illegals under the flatbe ud the smuggler still on the loose. >> there was also a shootout
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in a bar in san juan, texas. two of the people arrested weree later detained by ice, probably illegalsd e, in new mexico. fox fox's drones caught coyotes, scouts on the top of aa mountain, spying on law enforcement down by th spying e. and then they started pelting nices at our drone peltings. look at this guy. well, nice try. e told you how in new york police were called when a migrant was getting violenta at a hotel turned shelter. cops tried to detains ge the illegal but were swarmed by migrants trying to protect the perp blockin legalg the dooo police couldn't haul the alien out back there. i mean, you know, m m: the
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the chaos continuecad outside where a female migrant launched her body onto the cops car tom p stop police from opening the door. the door assaulting the officers before she was offirained and then arrested t out. move out. the way. oh, yeah. wow. love getting out over my 1097. >> okay, now, if trump's elected, you're going to see a lot of deportationrump's vides that may look a little like that. and the media is going like to melt down. dog the bounty hunters, the author of nine lives and counting a bounty hunters journenine ly to faith, hopeon
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and redemption dog before weantc get to the book, which is fantastic, we got it right here. >> thank you. very ordergo right on amazon. can and while you're at it, you can go get get it together. you knows, when you approach these people, whether they're migrants or outlaws. >> yes, sir. this is what we're going to be w looking at. >> do you have any advice fororh donald trump ie isf he assumes office again? is he going to make you deportation czar? i would like a job like that. t and it doesn't matter who youha bee, what nationalit mattey, what tribe you belong to. if you're a lawbreaker and you're in thisloif your coy illegal and you were booted from another country because, an you were a felon and told to go to america, that's where we're goinhag to start. the is the high priority the top t of the echelon. and they are going back and or they're going to jail. and/ going twhen i first starteb hunting 45 years ago, thereuntyh were two bounty hunters. todauny there's 6500.yo you have there's new laws. you can't be convicted n of a
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felony in the last ten years. we use non-lethal weapon ts that will drop a mule. >> so get ready. what kind non-lethal weapons would you use? >> well,on the newest one they'e got is the new pepper ball gun. and it's designe nd to spin and the body and it does not enter. if you'd lik note you, i had to take a 40 hour course. you cannot shoot above the neck' or it would kill him. so pop u down. ere that's it. i and what you want to do is pute the person down to cut them and and then go from there. >> right. this is obviously the last tactical resort. we're not advocating just >>tting people with no. >> but -- but but dog knows how to get things done and you've got to do ig knowt ie past. the book is out. it's going to be out tomorrow. in t ig. counticountin tell us why thisng book is soy s important for people to buy. >> well, it talks about myl m life, my walk, jesus christ. c and rii am sorry i was there. a lot of people help me write it. pl
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and i was thinking, you know what? i've put ovee writr 10,000 felos in jail. and now, granted, i startcina s speaking to people in the churches and youtao know the sty about the two felons that were crucified withwo . that one of them said, your god, you get off the cross, and the otheu gee r one said the two wo, remember me? >> and said, todat y you're going to eat dinner with me and my daddy. >> and so i'm supposed to follo w the steps of as i be like, so i'm going to take a as many felons to heavent thati can at this book's going to help me. it's like a calling cardp me, i. read that. and i don't mean just necessarily a felon. a athe felonious person. but you know, a lot of people committed felonies and haven't got caught. so my job now is to get them to heaven. i love you. i love you, brother. >> j>> i right here. >> nine lives and counting. get it on amazon right now"nine >> and it's a good thing you're wearing sunglasses. and i have cry all the time. ou
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i swear to you, you know, don't help me,be doug. >> i'm sorry. thanks very much. aloha. all right. all right. >>, thank p, new hope for a new hopeful or new hopeful. same. hopeful or new hopeful. same. >> you know, i spend of time thinking about her at three in the morning, any time of day, what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. l from miracle grow. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that itlaugs really is about the dirt. you're dirt nerd]. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of iwith a qt. >> progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to do list. really get a quote at aggressive commercial .com. saturday on fox ford motor down
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so when you go to launch jesse: new hotel or we have a new hoax alert as we said that's all the left has. >> so primetime is going to be exposing each hoaxe left o as tn in. >> and this week's repeat offender is the biden campaign. it started with this post on the official twitter account adturday night clipping justht 20 seconds of trump's hour long rally in p.adrf trum. with this, trump wants to be able to override the constitutionre l and to pick when elections are held. >> here's what trump actually said. >> you look at this crowd, which you can't see the end of it, but you look at this h crowd. fairn and in all fairness, we're six and a half months awaye from. that's a long time. thst of these candidates on the night before the election would have a crowdw that would be their largest crowd, and they wouldn't have anywhere near the people that we have rightd ld now withx and a half months away.
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>> i wish we could movecoul electhe election into tuesday. is there anything we can do? a to move the election to tuesday. >> you know, in the u.k.,n th they can pick their election. he they say we're going to have the election next week. i want to be ablnnext we to do . would that be possible? >> jt is.i >> move the election hoax added to the list, which for thoseounn of you counting at home, the dictator on day one hoax, the bloodbath hoax, the animal hoax, and you can't forget about the abortion ban hoax. this is how dumb hoa they thinku you are. all they have are lawsuits ar. hoaxes >> the fbi's officially openeds a criminal investigation into the giant container ship thatk n lost power and took down the francis scott key bridge in baltimore last month. national correspondent matt finn with. >> a new video today shows investigators climbing on board
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the dali cargo ship that crashed into the bridgy carge mh in baltimore last month, killing six people. peop has now launched a criminal investigation into the 985 foot container ship which carries a singapore d flag. the probe is said to be aimed at finding out whether staff t o on board may have been aware of any technical or electricalnr problems with the vessel beforeb leaving the port of baltimorlem >> you'll recall the massive ship lost power in the moments before it slammed into one ofris the bridge's support pillars. >> in a statement to fox state digital, the fbi confirms the fbo foi is present aboard the cargo ship dolly conducting, quote, authorizet ai law enforcement activity. >> the president and theg governor of maryland have promised the people responsible will be held accountable. u. >> jesse, thanks so much, matt.e sure. johnny: goes to fort myers beach. if donald trump gets back ine wh the white house, what is the first thing he should do? atforcing the economy. h
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>> welcome to talladega man's golf course to match you all you need a crazy goes half the field for some action the nascar cup series or talladega coverage begins sunday at two eastern on fox. page reporting missing person travel influencer last seen this morning the governor just declared a state of emergency thank buildings on lockdown. no one. some of these kids out there and they are in trouble going to sit here. commissioner heck thought i might take you lied about when she disappeared. anybody it's my job. you have no idea. you walk in there to alert and be on tuesday 19th century on fox.
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lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news across the country to the global events shaping our world. we'll bring you there and have a live report, special report with britt baer weeknights on fox news channel america is watching. >> i was in fort myers beacheekd this weekend to sign copies of i don't know if you've heard about it. sign nav for fans.ogether" >> thousands of people came,e td 3000 people, police told us. >> and they all loved donald trump and may, of course. so they also love johnny a little bit. >> he went out to the beach. >>o who's going to win florida, chuck? donald j. trump. and everybody knows that. give me your best,onald trd no n impression. >> oh, i can tell you. show us. just show.
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>> stop playing around and then it's blue. i don't even know where to start. i don't even know whert. e to. what's the first thing you want to see donald trump, too, if he gets back to the white house, give us our rights back. borderwhite ho ice for sure. the economy made peace. i mean, we have a lot of warr. right now and retribution, certainly. who do you want to see him give retribution to the most? pelosi o giveution to oh, who should d. trump pick as his vice president? i do like byron donalds ron desantis nikki haley is she she's well-liked. >> i don't think so. what's going on with all theseum trump trials? >> yeah, i know. they're trying to take our man down. you know something?an dow >> i think it's a disgrace. it's all fake news. no reason.s grazian for that at.
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>> that is not okay.. what's even on trial for no no l clue? ue >> well, your guess is as good as mine picks up. he's on triamy gues l. >> it. sorry, dad. how are we going to secure these elections?rry dad. educate the dumb people that don't understand. we cannot have all these colegals coming in and voting vote in person. get out there. clean up the voters. my grandma i and my great granda still getting ballots. is that true? my great grandmother wouldill oe have been 120. god bless her. and she voted for trump in the last electio0 anvote n. >> imagine that. just kidding. you cannot say[ laug that sir, you can. please, please take that back in florida, we know the results of the election. >> on electionf the night, butm some other states we don't. why corruption? we 't. in we have to have our ids goes is the best man and april 15th tax day did you pay your taxes? i was supposed to payou pay y ma
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>> i got ran intreosome some problems. the irs is going to come hunt you down. >> i hope they do. to be honest. come and get me. you o are you out of your mind? i retired. uti turned 65. >> i'm too old to pay taxes. trm y being 110 again. >> how crazy are these taxes? crazdoing thy. the middle class is being wiped out. taxes are nuts. it's unreal. thesxes?e days. unreal how about inflation? oh my god. i cannot stand it. >> biden does not know what he's doing. he just wants to take everyone's>> bid w money and tht like our world's happy. >> inflation is absolute insanity. what's more expensive now than it used to be? . ck somethingsane >> everything is more expensive now than it used to be. me. wee it used love meat. gummy bears are $5.ears a fithey're $5. i had to pay almost $40 for a six month gym membership, razors . >> this is not a good look for. me, jesse. us here in fort myers.
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did you feel? yes, we did sedie hiu sem. waters signed our book that fort myers loves you, jesse watters. fort myers beach. we're all supporting you. arerigh ssing' blessings. >> before we get to the book, our stage manager, akeelah, had a birthday. >> there shethere is.k fr >> she's back from vacation. just looking sunkissedacation,.y >> happy birthday. hwon't tell anybody how old you arowe, but she's not single guys. >> she's taken. >> all right. we had a great time over at fort myers. >> sold a lot of books. tito ortiz kid made a cameo and people got a little creative with the costumes i saw in that man's little cforehead. didn't think i'd sign a man's forehead, but there is frenchie firecracker. she's alwaysran' emailing us at the five. greg who exactly? exactly. >> we got a lot coming up.t comg beach haven, new jersey, april
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20th, april 27th, vero beach, florida, new jersey on may 5thns and may 25th. yorba lind maya, california. >> let's do some texts. diana from fort myers. jesse, does your hand hurt from? all those autographs in fort myers? >> no, but my doey butt ds. >> martin from ohio, trump needs to go to barron's , trs tograduate. n an this is a milestone for barron, and he deserves to have his dad there. >> that's right. go anyway. make them arrest you, don, from florida. biden's foreign policy. it depends from a on what. the definition of don't is. >> don't duke from west dorginia send dog to clear those bridge protesters. yeah, with that little pelleg tt like waters and this is my world. and welcome to hannity. tonight, we begi sean: wn with a fox news alert. tonight the world is on high alert o


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