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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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exciting, perhaps a side of hillary will entice audiences. >> in 1930, women were not. allowed to vote, but we were allowed to fight so that is whas we did, we fought, we marched. h atand very uncomfortable shoes. o equality is long which is why we keep marching. >> but way more comfortable shoes. >> good lord!g laura,76 they tried revival of 1776 this past year on broadway with all-female castal transgender, people nonby her nares. it flop and closed early. the last time they had a playwright hillary clinton and also closed a month early. broadway is not ready. >> laura: i'm just going to stay home. >> todd: a fox news alert, a senate impeachment trial against alejandro mayorkas could kickoff as early as tomorrow with house
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republicans set to hand deliver impeachment articles to the upper chamber in matter of hours. an angel mom is here to react. >> carley: and president biden campaign strategy as he heads to his hometown. wait until you see how much scranton joe made last year. >> todd: it is official. >> with the first pick in the 2024 wnba draft, indiana fever select caitlin clark, university of iowa. [cheering] >> todd: caitlin clark headed to indiana and we're digging into the four-year deal she just signed. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we'll get into all the stories on this busy tuesday morning.
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former president donald trump will be back in the new york city courtroom today for second day of his historic hush money trial after the first day ended with no jurors being selected. >> todd: brooke singman. >> brooke: jury selection begins in president trump's hush money trial. first 96 perspective jurors were sworn in. dozens need to be questioned. trump's legal team has asked if he can skip the trial next thursday while the supreme court hears his case that he is immune in the jack smith interference case. judge merchan said arguing before the supreme court is a
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big deal, a trial in new york supreme court is also a big deal and we'll see him here next week. that decision did not go over well with the former president. >> next thursday we're before the united states supreme court on a big hearing on immunity and the judge will not allow us to go to that. i have a real problem with this judge, real problem with a lot of things having to do with this trial. >> brooke: he's worried he could miss his son's high school graduation next month. looks like the judge will not let me go to graduation of my son. i was being looing forward to years to have graduation with his mother and father and looks like the judge will not let me escape this scam trial. bruksz this is first of trump's
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four criminal trials. the federal election inte interference case has been postponed. florida congressman byron donalds says this will backfire on democrats. >> the impact will be the same from the indictment, people look at this and say why are democrats and joe biden and crazy d.a.s wasting our time with stupid trials. it is going to backfire november. >> brooke: jury selection is expected to take a week but could last longer. >> todd: i've heard up to two weeks by legal analysts. alina habba. downtown this morning. israeli military vowing to retaliate against iran
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unprecedented missile attack on the jewish state. >> carley: president biden is dodging questions about what comes next on our end. good morning, madeleine rivera. >> madeleine: israel's decision to respond to iran attack flies in the face of president biden and other leader's urge for restraint. u.s. is worried this could cause the war in middle east to spread, threatening actions could be more extensive. on monday president biden ignored a question from peter doocy. [indiscernible] >> thank you, guys. >> madeleine: john kirby was willing to elaborate. >> has president biden considered beefing up public iran posture to be more than one
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word? >> you're referring to don't? >> peter: yes. they did it anyway. >> let's talk about what we did, peter. talk about don't and did. you can talk about don't word, but talk about what did happen. iran utterly failed. >> madeleine: iran fired 300 projectiles, 90% were it's00 foreign aid bill includes 14 billion for israel and $60 billion for ukraine. house speaker mike johnson wants to split aid into four parts, vowing to pressure from far right to keep the issues separate. >> we have terrorists and tyrants like putin and xi and in iran and watching to see if america will stand up for its allies and we will.
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>> madeleine: johnson face ire. voting could happen by friday if text is released today. >> carley: thank you. house speaker mike johnson will be live on "fox and friends" to talk about israel's response to iran and four separate funding bills. anti-israel protesters blocking traffic in new york city, chicago and san francisco to demand a ceasefire in gaza. [chanting] >> todd: unreal and we're learning identities of the police officer and sheriff's deputy killed in syracuse. i'll tell you how many police officers have lost their lives in the line of duty this year.
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jeanine jensen jensen sesquicente
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>> janice: good morning. take a look at the threat for severe weather today, we have another risk of hail, damaging winds and tornados, you can see the severe storm reports over last 24 hours for central u.s. we have cold air and potential for snow for the rockies. ahead of it, we'll see risk for
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severe storms very likely for portions of iowa in to kansas, missouri and arkansas. this is the time of year we have the clash of two air masses with the spring-time heat ahead of the cold front and risk of stronger storms. potential for ef-2 plus tornados in some areas, especially afternoon hours. not only today, but wednesday as the system moves across parts of lower great lakes and tennessee river valley. rain still to come, that could cause flash flooding, be alert, don't travel across water you can't see the bottom of. risk for severe storms behind it cold enough for snow in higher elevations and very warm ahead of it. we will set day-time records toward the southeast and part
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ofs of florida will set day-time hi highs. temperature departure going through thursday and friday with 90s in jacksonville, florida, 82 in miami and you can see record high for the southeast in parts of south carolina, georgia and florida. we are into that time of year, we have a see-saw effect, areas getting warm temperature and bringing potential for showers and thunderstorms. we enjoyed close to 80 degrees yesterday in new york. we'll enjoy 71 and go back to the 60s. >> carley: 60s we can accept. >> todd: everybody was happy yesterday. aren't you enjoying the weather? i am. >> carley: i had that conversation 150 times yesterday, it is true, we were enjoying the weather. >> janice: today and tomorrow
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and then back to spring. >> carley: see you later. >> todd: on capitol hill, house ready to send alejandro mayorkas impeachment articles to the senate after delay last week. house impeachment managers will walk the articles to the senate this afternoon a few hours after mayorkas testifies about his department's 2025 budget request. house judiciary committee pushing mayorkas to hand over d data. jim jordan renewing the request saying dhs failure to provide the requests document is unacceptable and preknow vents the committee from doing their duty. joining me is josephine dunn. she lost her daughter to fentanyl.
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you testified against secretary mayorkas during his impeachment inquiry. here is your emotional testimony. >> every time i close my eyes, i see all of the tubes. when it is quiet, i hear all the machines that were keeping her alive. in my opinion, mr. mayorkas border policy is partially responsible for josephine's death. >> todd: why do you feel he is partially responsible for her death? >> he insists on allowing the border to be open. he has not completed his job as head of homeland security. he was installed on february 2 of 2021 and fentanyl is pouring
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across our border. if he had done his job, fentanyl would not have crossed into this country as it has been over the last three years in his position. he gets paid $200,000, that is ta tax dollars, a year, to kill our children and one of those children is mine. my child did not overdose, let me just correct you. my child was poisoned by one half of one percocet that was counterfeit. it was made in mexico with products from chinas that poisoned my daughter. she did not overdose, let me correct you. she was poisoned, murdered by products made in mexico, brought
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into this country and welcomed in by mayorkas and this administration. >> todd: glad you made that clarification. these are poisoning, i'm glad you made that clarification. this is historic impeachment of mayorkas going from the house to the senate. beyond the congressional back and forth, when you look at the congressional inaction when it comes to mayorkas, what is your reaction as a mother who has lost a daughter and wants other parents to not go through your pain? >> first off, when i went to washington on january 18th, mr. mayorkas was not there. since january 18th, he has not responded to myself or any other parent in this nation. there has been over 300,000
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deaths since he was installed january 2 of 2021. there are 300,000 parents, including myself, that have not heard a peep out of him. there is not one ounce of empathy for parents, or it could be a spouse, sister, aunt, uncle. my grandson lost his mom. that man has no empathy for family member that has been murdered by this weapon of mass destruction. he has no sense of sadness for family members. i cry every single day still. my husband cries every single day. i have a grandson that cries for his mother. the d.a. will tell you seven of 10 pills contain a lethal dose.
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fentanyl super highway, 55% of all fentanyl that comes into this country comes in through arizona. nothing is being done, nothing. thankfully i have a governor that signed a law just this month. it is named after my daughter because i thought, i'm just a mom and i fought for three years. he's been in office three years, i'm a volunteer, i don't get paid $20,000 a year. i fought for three years with my legi legislature and we have a law passed. >> todd: your fight in memory of your daughter is more than the dhs secretary heads done. our prayers are with you and that beautiful grandson. over to you employs >> carley: terrifying moment caught on camera as a man exits
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his vehicle and approaches a driver behind him with a gun. let's say there is a twist the suspect did not see coming. women's college basketball superstar caitlin clark officially drafted to the wnba thea the league's top pick. cheryl casone will tell us how much she is making and where she's going. (vo) dan made progress with his mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair!
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>> carley: philadelphia police are searching for two suspects seen in this crazy dash cam video. one man exit a vehicle and approaches the driver behind him with a gun drawn. he quickly realizes that driver also had a gun so rushes back to
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his car before speeding off. gunfire exchanged from both sides, the driver was hit in the chest and in critical condition. and we are learning the identity of two police officers who were ki killed. je jensens just 25 years old and michael jensen was 37. the pair tried to stop a s suspicious vehicle. a shoot out arrived when officers arrived at the suspect's home. >> we are feeling sadness, loss and anger. we will be feeling eemotion for days, years, weeks, months and we will get through it as we always have as a family.
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>> carley: retired nypd police officer's partner was murdered and he joins me now. this is the worst kind of tragedy. two young police officers killed trying to do their job. what is your reaction after having gone through what you did with your partner? >> anger. anger is number one emotion that police officers are suffering now more than anything else. we don't have any more tears to shed for officers taken in the line of duty. we're angry, angry this is happening, angry we're not getting love and support from be communities we should be getting. angry at public officials, local, state and federal government by not taking action to keep there's predators, that
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is what they are, off the streets. >> carley: your partner, i am sure people remember what happened, she was shot execution style in a marked police officer and you were sitting next to her when this happened. can you tell us more about that horrific moment? >> yeah, that was the night of july 4th, going into july 5th. everybody was celebrating, as they should on july 4th, except that one individual out there in the world with evil in his mind and heart and nothing but one intention, that was to hurt or kill a police officer. my partner and i were stationed in a temporary headquarters vehicle and he was able to get
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the drop on us. never saw him coming, he fired a round through the window striking misosotis in the head. >> carley: that did happen seven years ago, usually when a police officer dies in the line of duty, we hear from lawmakers saying we need to do better >> were those promises made to you? have those promises been lived up to? >> every time something happens, same story, you get people who like to stand at the podium and say the right things and my anger toward these people now is just there to appease us and pacify us of our wounds of burying our brothers and sisters and give false hope to the community that they will do
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something about it, enforce laws, change bail reform, go back to placing people in jail, placing people in prison, taking recidivists off the street and holding them accountable before they can victimize other citizens or police officers, we're sick of it, we're tired and angry. police officers go the out there up everyday and do the most unappreciated job in this country and put themselves in between the danger and the innocent, putting themselves in between justice and insanity. they live on that line. and sometimes they pay the ultimate sacrifice. we are tired. we are tired of being given false hope, tired of being given false promises, we
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want actual change. people don't realize when we put one of our brothers and sisters in the ground, after services and memorials, you know what cops do? they go back to work the next day. >> carley: they do. they are the real heroes. they wipe tears and put uniforms back on and stand behind the shield and go right back out there. >> carley: they certainly do, we learned about these two officers in upstate new york murdered on sunday. it becomes more real when you see their pictures and learn about who they are and they were showing the images there. 40 officers have died in the line of duty, 1you 36 lost their
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lives last year. >> carley: thank you for joining us. >> todd: president biden heading to scranton, pennsylvania today. upons >> carley: cheryl casone is here with more. >> carley: yesterday was tac day, the 15th and bidens did file their return and they are not doing so shabby. take a look. adjusted gross income $61$619,0. tax rate 23%. they did pay $146,000 in taxes. fiscal 2025 budget president biden proposed, talk about taxes. they want to hike taxes on small business, hike up corporate tax rate, more taxes on gains and dividend, higher
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energy taking, energy tax and second death tax because the first one was not enough. this proposal from the president is anti-growth and most harmful piece is corporate tax rate and if this goes through, you see higher prices and fewer jobs and wages begin to fall and i'll give numbers 800,000 jobs is ballpark how many jobs we could lose. 2.2 economic output down and wages down 1.6%. the corporate tax rate would make us pay more taxes than china, the uk and france and we don't have universal healthcare. >> carley: nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes. >> todd: catastrophic for many
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people out there because of this. people will be hurt by this. switch gears. indiana has a fever and only prescription is more caitlin clark. >> carley: caitlin clark had a big night last night and did go from iowa to feindiana fever. she was first round draft pick, no shocker to anybody. watch. >> with the first pick in the 2024 wnba draft, the indiana fever select caitlin clark, university of iowa. [cheering] >> cheryl: she is set to make $338,000 over next four years, part of a rookie deal. $76,000 1st year, 97,000 as an
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option. and first player ever dressed by prada. >> great look, a like it. >> cheryl: she looked great. she strolled in prada. angel reese. >> todd: that jersey sold out in an hour. i wonder if that salary scale for first pick goes up? i feel like they are bringing more money. cheryl. >> todd: katie couric is having a deplorable moment. socio economic disparities are a lot and class resentment and antiintellectualism and elitism is driving many of these anti-esta
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anti-establishment -- >> carley: she did not stop there, she was talking about trump voters being unintellectual. tomi lahren is on deck next.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> todd: back with a fox news alert, waiting to see how israel
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responds to iran's attack this weekend. the launch of missiles into the territory of israel will be met with a response. >> carley: texas congressman randy weaver, has a landmark reso resolution. israel has made it clear they will respond and we are hearing the response could be imminent. what is your reaction and what does that mean for our security at home? >> it is about time people around the world understand iran is leading export er of terrorim and israel has been the brunt of it. iran calls israel lgs satan and
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america the great satan. we should condemn iran and sanction them and make sure they feel the pain of being alienated from the world community, we have to do those things. >> todd: this administration be doesn't seem to get that. john kirby, watch. >> now that we know that the iranians do not listen to president biden's public warning, any regret about unfreezing billions for iranian leaders during the president's administration. >> what are you talking about? >> unfroze -- sglp for iranian leaders? really? funds set up in an account go to the supreme leader, irgc, can only be used for humanitarian purposes.
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>> todd: is this administration that naive to believe that this money is not being used to fund terror like we saw on saturday? >> todd, are you kidding? it is only for humanitarian purposes,s didn't you hear him? i have oegszfrproperty in oklahoma i want to sell you. as if we just play fair with iran, they will eventually come around? nothing is further from the truth. >> carley: they want to pass a foreign aid bill and house speaker mike johnson said it account come in aid to taiwan, ukraine and another package having to do with tiktok. is the idea of four separate bill says going anywhere? >> we had the conference
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yesterday and discussed that. everybody gets to vote their district. i am texas, we love israel and all about making sure the chinese communist party does not get in our kid's tiktok accounts. everybody will vote their district. the fourth bill, repo-acts, let's us sell russian -- confiscated. we'll have debate, the speaker is committed to that >> we will hopefully see the rule passed and get something done. >> carley: interesting way to break it down to get as much support as possible. thank you. pro-palestinian protesters, did you see this? imagine being stuck in this traffic. they blocked traffic on major
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roadways and bridges and flooded streets across the country yest yesterday. >> [chanting] >> [screaming] >> todd: tomi lahren joins us now, we heard chants of death to america throughout the protest. your reaction of what we just saw on american streets? >> tomi: i believe in free speech and i'm a free speech absolutist, there is confusion of free speech expression and blocking trophic and thoroughways, people trying to get to work, or life-saving services or milestones in their
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life. to the individuals screaming and be chanting death to america, death to israel, if they are noncitizens, they should be deported. there is no tolerance or shouldn't be for noncitizens to chant death to our country. this is staggering, fact our administration is courting votes of people like this and as shgs frad /* afraid to condemn, that goes to show how far the democratic party has fallen. it is happening on college campuses, that has gone without criticism from this administration. democrats need to decide what they stand for and it does not seem to be israel or jewish americans or the united states of america and our peace and sovereignty. that is something they'll have to work out themselves and come
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november, it is pretty obvious cho choice they need to make. >> carley: there was a hezbollah flag at a protest in new york city. you would think the president would wake up and say, i'm commander-in-chief, the buck st stops with me, maybe i should address this before something horrible happens in the country he leads. get to this about katie couric, she was on with bail bill maher yesterday, listen to what she said. >> socio economic disparity are a lot and class resentment and anti-intellectualism sxp and elitism is driving antiestablishment trump voters. i don't know if you have been
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jealous of what someone has, it is corroding and bitter, almost bile feeling. >> carley: people are calling that her own deplorable moment, tomi. >> tomi: i think that would be worse than the deplorable comment because katie couric has been a journalist for longer than i have been alive. the fact she has not gotten out of her elite bubble and understand, to me, that is stunning. maybe i should be more stunned, unfortunately i'm not. it is disgusting you have somebody who claims to be a journalist and seeking truth and reporting it and she has open maybe i guess looks down her nose at half or more of the country and that is concerning and disturbing here.
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that is why american public, trump supporters are losing trust in the media because you have someone like katie couric, who i grew up watching thinking she was a trademark of journalism saying that. i encourage her to get out to middle america and visit sutrum supporters and maybe she wouldn't look down her nose so much. >> todd: tomi lahren we appreciate your time. former president trump back in court as jury selection in the hush money trial continues. >> carley: alina habba is here next. steve doocy will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." hello, steve. >> steve: hello, carley and todd, busy tuesday morning, it starts 10 minutes and two minutes from now. liz truss is endorsing donald trump, saying if disaster has taught us anything, we need a
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conservative back in the white house. we'll talk to her live this morning. and speaker of the house mike johnson, has major announcement about aid to israel and ukraine as well as foreign aid that hangs in the balance, he will join us live. the house is sending alejandro mayorkas articles of impeachment to the senate today. we will ask the speaker about that. only day two of donald trump's hush money trial but the main-stream media seems to have their mind made up. lara trump says they are so obsessed with donald trump, they don't realize it issure on democracy that hangs in the b balance and changing the game, number one draft pick caitlin clark heading to the indiana fever, we'll talk to her old high school coach from west des moines about caitlin historic
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journel to the wnba. all that and more, tune in at the top of the hour. todd and carley back in a couple, you're watching "fox and friends first." hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ how do you transform your outdoor space into your favorite room?
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you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. yes! that's how you waffle! a romantic weekend escaper at a cambria hotel. or mr. get the party started! various: hey-y-y! be a pool lounger. or, a big-room relaxer. with 22 brands and the best value for your money, choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct at gotta get the corners. >> carley: a fox news alert. former president trump's hush money trial is set to resume at 9:30 a.m. in new york city after day one wrapped up with no jurors selected. >> alina habba is a spokesperson for the former president and she
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joins us now. halyna, great to have you both on the program. based on what happened yesterday. do you think donald j. trump will be able to get a fair trial? >> no chance. there is no chance of a fair trial here. remember, just because it's a jury doesn't mean that the judge can't sway them to go one way or another or make things difficult so that jury selection is impossible. that's what's happening yesterday. they spent the first few hours doing things that probably should have been done before a jury was waiting. that discourages jurors to want to sit on a panel. and then they come in and they are told that they can't get off from passover if they observe it. that you will have no break other than wednesday in the middle of the week. that messes up everybody's schedules. and people don't want to sit for that. that's why we saw half of the jurors say they could not be impartial and want to walk. >> carley: what's your reaction, alina to the judge saying we understand that former president trump wants to go to the supreme court for his other case. it's not going to happen? might not be able to take off
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one day to see his son graduate high school. is this standard for judges to turn requests like that down or do they make those sorts of accommodations, usually? >> no. accommodations are always made by judges. that's why you go over the schedule. if there wasn't such a rigid schedule you wouldn't be doing that in practice. did you go over it. you look at holidays and things of that nature. remember, something about this, carley. this case has been investigated for 8 years. it wasn't brought by cy vance and now d.a. bragg is bringing this case after the president had announced that he was running for office again. there's no coincidences here. so now he wants to rush it because november 2024 is an election and is he probably hoping he has got this in the bag. even though it's on a completely discredited witnesses, that we know have perjured themselves. it's ridiculous. so, yeah, that's an accommodation that would normally be made. it's not just a discourtesy to the president.
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it's to all the people in there, the jurors. the attorneys that observe hollywoods, never mind barron's high school graduation. there is absolutely no rush after 8 years other than the fact that november 2024 is election day. >> todd: and to your point on the quote, unquote rush job that merchan is doing he said well, i may grant the president allowance to go see his son graduate if we are moving along. that's a warning shot. don't slow this thing up, donald trump's attorney and ie don't slow it up doing your job, attorneys, which is to advocate for the best interest of your client. before we let you know, we know the media is going to have a lot of influence in this case if they haven't done so already. washington releasing too much personal information on a potential jurorrer with lives, works, multiple details about his family. should that reporter get reprimanded by this court for literally jeopardizing the anonymous juror rule so important to the ju jurisprudene in our country? >> yeah.
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i think it is important. i think being a part of a jury is a -- generally speaking it will discourage people from sitting on the panel and they will say they can't sit even if they could serve. yeah, it's a problem. they should not be able to do it. >> carley: this style expected to last until, what, june? the former president is required to be there every day that this trial is in session. thank you for joining us on another busy day have a great day. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts now. >> steve: that's right, todd and carley. it's 6:00 in new york city. this is tuesday, april 16th, 2024. welcome to "fox & fries.


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