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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: well, good morning, it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's tuesday, april 16th, and
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this is "fox & friends." pro-palestinian protests burning american flags blocking our roads jamming up our airports. this as israeli response to iran could be imminent. we have house speaker mike johnson who going to join us live on aid for israel. >> brian: and president biden hits the campaign trail in pennsylvania as liberal filmmaker michael moore warns that his support for israel will cost him. >> i know it's wrong. i know you know it's wrong. and i know that you know that you are going to lose this election. steve okay, more on this. miracle right off the ice. an incredible moment a hulk fan mhockey fancaught a puck to sav.
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>> vow following missile attack over the weekend that action could be eminent. >> lawrence: trey yingst is live with the latest on the conflict. >> good morning. the entire world waiting right now to see how israel will respond to this brazen attack by iran over the weekend. that included hundreds of missiles and drones. some in israeli media are reporting the israelis are preparing to target iran directly in response to this attack. other western intelligence officials say the attack may include strikes on iranian proxies across the middle east. he overknight vanderbilt wants chief of staff released a rare statement in english about the situation. >> we remain at our highest level of readiness. iran will face the consequences for its actions we will choose our response accordingly.
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>> as military preparations continue, israel is trying to put diplomatic pressure on iran. the country's foreign minister reportedly calling dozens of diplomats around the world asking them to put new sanctions on iran's missile program. this as there were soldiers in northern israel today bracing for the possibility of a wider regional war. wrapping up drills there and just about an hour we are going to see a piece of a an iranian ballistic missile fired at this country. we will bring that to you next hour. guys, back to you. >> steve: all right, trey, thank you very much. live here in new york city let's bring in mike sarraille, host offer day warrior podcast. mike, good morning to you. >> thank you for having me. >> as we just saw israel is getting ready to do something but at the same time we heard from the white house on sunday that we, the united states, will not support anything that israel does to counterattack them. so, it sounds like are they on their own? >> i will tell you what,
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netanyahu probably gets off the phone with biden and says one word, feckless. they are -- they probably lost 100 percent confidence in the u.s. right now knowing potential there is there is a reset with trump. israel has always been prepared to go alone. there is two sort of scenarios here. the direct attack which would most likely be against that tans or nuclear facilities, in a tans is so far down in the ground no. bunker buster can reach it most likely indirect approach. warfare through subterfuge. cyber shut down comms grid, energy grid to make the dissidence rise up. israel knows. this the ayatollah and this religious theocracy is on its last breath. iran only exists because of the two wild cards in this that is russia and china. >> brian: took over a military facility last week. they are rising up within iran.
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so insane that we are protesting for iran in america yet in iran they hate their government. i understand the irgc has made it clear. if you attack us back, we are going to attack you again from your soil -- from our soil it. shows you the game has changed. >> i will tell you what the protest, one i assure you they weren't paying taxes yesterday. my best advice is get a job and be a net positive on society. a sad commentary on society we are struggling with moral confusion and social deviancy, fueled by low exceptions and the fact there is this intellectual arrogance amongst a lot of american people that they see the world through roz colored glasses. we have been so safe for so long. it's become entitlement. but the biggest flawed notion is that foreign wars stay foreign this is the closest we have been to world war iii since the cuban missile crisis. there is intel and this goes to the open border that irgc, pla,
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isis, al-qaeda, irgc all have cells here this is disintegration warfare led by china and allies. >> ainsley: he said in his entire career at the fbi christopher wray has never seen this many threats all at once. what was your reaction when you saw them carrying the hezbollah flags. protesters here in america, burning the american flag, chanting death to america? >> it's disheartening, knowing that my generation went to war for 20 years but, ainsley, i say you can't cure stupid. you just can't. and the good people need to effect in great reset in the 2024 elections. we can't afford any more of this poor performance. >> lawrence: do you worry about the state of the country when military recruitment is down. kids i speak to on the street don't remember 9/11. some of them weren't even born. they don't understand -- i mean, i saw these protesters with this flag in lower mid-atlantic whereby the towers fell. i felt like that was untouchable
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at one point in time. is there some anguish in your heart as someone that went and fought the war then you come back home and people don't respect that. >> if the next generation doesn't feel pride in our country. that's because we have failed them to set the example for them. quite frankly, you know, i have got a daughter on the way. we just found out. >> ainsley: congratulations. >> thank you. it's almost like a wake-up call for me that when you come back from 20 years of war, you just sort of want to be left alone and build a business. that's what i focused on. if you don't take an interest in politics. politic also surely take an interest in you. this baby is now making me wake up that i need to get involved. i need to effect what i can whether on the local level, the regional level or the national level. >> brian: on what planet are we all of a sudden on iran's side? since 1979 death to america. wrote that phrase. now protesting for iran, a people that just ayatollah they just person my are phi
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intolerance. everything these people want they want gender confusion. they want to be able to talk about equality and all theology things. iran represents none of those things. palestinians represent none of those things it's this deviancy. it's insane to me. i will say this iran has been our enemy since 1979. the fact that this administration gave billions to them is the akin to giving. >> brian: continues to do it? >> continues like giving money to antifa. it makes no sense. in this administration i would love to sit in one of their national security meetings. episode of veep. what's the worst idea we can come up with and go with that it's shocking. don't vote on politics vote on performance for this election because we can't sustain. this administration is systematically moving us toward world war iii.
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>> ainsley: congratulations on the baby. it sounds like you are hinting around you might run for office? >> no, no. other ways. much like israel the indirect route. >> ainsley: thank you for your are service. >> brian: that means maybe. >> steve: talking about aid to israel and ukraine and so much more with speaker johnson. he's going to be with us less than 10 minutes here on "fox & friends." meanwhile, this topic of the war with -- between israel and hamas has jeb rated so many headlines over the last couple of months where remember in michigan where so many people in the primary voted uncommitted. it was an organized effort to show our current president, joe biden, hey, unless you back off the support for israel, we're not going to vote for you. tens of thousands did not vote for him. >> ainsley: yeah, michael moore who is the filmmaker and liberal activist, he was being interviewed about this. and he said the reason we had those uncommitted votes in michigan was to save biden from
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himself. he says the president is working against democrats because he supports -- he says is he working against democrats because the president supports this massacre, that's what he calls it, of israel slaughtering these people and he says i know his aides are telling him he needs to go into gaza. owe needs to repair gaza, rebuild their homes, give them aid, give them water and give them food. but he says he is not doing that listen to what he said yesterday. >> president biden, you can end this now. you know it's wrong. i know you know it's wrong. and i know i sound like a broken record. and i know that you know that you're going to lose this election. in part because too many people are going to stay home. they're not going to vote for trump. they are not going to switch their vote from you to trump. no. that is not how this is going to play out. as to what happened in hitler in michigan she lost two votes precinct. two for the whole state. and that's what is going to happen to you.
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>> he has the cadence of joe biden, did someone tell him to whisper there is a toddler in the room next door? number two is so he is saying don't be stupid. side with the palestinians. before it's too late. meanwhile, he -- if you actually wanted to go tactic you could say donald trump would be even tougher. i don't even know what he is talking about. he says he is being advised to really abandon israel and he's not. yet, we're looking at some of his policies. it seemed very anti-israel. and that's not anti-israel enough for him because he is a socialist. and a fitness model. >> lawrence: brian, what happened to doing the right thing? no one is saying when it comes to the strategists in the democratic party that joe biden is on the ride wrong side of history. they are saying you are going to lose votes. i think that's a bad political calculus. the other thing is he missing out on this. everybody is talking about the pro-hamas side of the democratic party. but what about all the israelis, ault jewish americans that have
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supported the democratic party in large for years that are upset with the fickle approach from this administration? >> brian: the younger members of the jewish community are not pro-israel. that's a scary thought for the future of u.s.-israeli relations. >> steve: this is one of the reasons why apparently behind the scenes according to the "new york times," jill biden the first lady is saying to joe just stop it. just end it now. get it over with so that they can move onto the convention and people in his party will vote for him. >> so interesting that that has become the line from this administration get it over with. you want speed and careful. you can't have both. either you want israel to be careful or want them to have speed. you can't tell them to get it over with and then blame them when innocent civilians get targeted as the a result of this like you can't have it both ways. >> ainsley: the bible is very clear about this. and the israelis are the chosen people, according to god. i think that god will protect
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them. but we also need americans to be on the side of israel israel is our ally. they always have been. when you hear, when you see individuals carrying hezbollah flags, burning the american flag. chanting these pro-palestinian messages and these iranian messages, it is flabbergasting. >> steve: we will talk to speaker johnson about aid to israel in less than five minutes. >> brian: president biden is headed to scranton, pennsylvania today where he was born and grew up. er with plans to hit former president trump's tax plan as a billionaire bailout. >> lawrence: jacqui heinrich is live outside of the white house. good morning, jacqui. >> good morning, guys. president biden heads to pennsylvania to contrast his vision for the economy with former president trump's saying that while trump wants to bail out billionaires, biden wants to make the ultra wealthy pay their fair share and lower taxes for the middle class. he often talks about upbringing in middle class home. tax returns released last night
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show he has certainly climbed the brackets with he and the first lady filing a joint tax return 619, 976. paying uncle sam 46 grand. state income tax for delaware was just under another $31,000 for the payment. and the first lady who also teaches in virginia also reported another $3,500 in state income tax there. the first couple's effective federal tax rate for last year was 23.7%. biden's proposed increasing the corporate income tax to 28%. right now it sits at 21%. he also said that billionaires should pay a minimum tax of 25%. biden has vowed not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year which is coincidently. both he and the first lady reported more than that for every year they have been in office. so, today, biden is going to lay it all out in scranton,
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pennsylvania. this will make his 30th trip to the swing state since taking office. trump has a narrow edge over biden there among registered voters. 49 to 47%. but on the issue of the economy consistently a top issue for voters, trump has a 12 point edge. we will see biden trying to make the case for his re-election there later on today, guys. >> steve: all right you, jacqui, north lawn. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> brian: they totally mischaracterized the president's tax plan tax reform from 2018. so, i mean it is not for the rich. it took 1% off the top rate. it was the corporate tax rate that made us more competitive with other countries. at the focus of it. it was a middle class tax cut predominantly and the facts bear that out. it's not an opinion. >> carley: hand it over to carley for headlines. >> carley: hello. here's a clip that's getting a whole lot of attention today. katie couric taking a jab at the intelligence of trump supporters, watch. >> socioeconomic disparities are
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a lot and class resentment is a lot -- and anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these -- these antiestablishment, which are trump voters. >> carley: that clip going viral on social media. critics are slamming the former cbs news anchor's remarks saying she is out of touch. former u.k. prime minister liz truss endorsing donald trump for president citing the conflicts overseas in israel and ukraine. she joined "fox & friends" last hour to discuss. >> the only thing these authoritarian regimes respect is strength. the free world felt safer when president trump was in office because those leaders were afraid of what trump might be. they are not afraid of what biden might do. what we are seeing is wars breaks out around the world. >> p.m. praising trump for
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cutting regulations and taxes while boosting america's energy supply. and happening today on capitol hill, the house is finally yesterday to send impeachment articles against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate after a delay last week. house impeachment managers will walk the articles over to the senate this afternoon physical walk they take to do this just a few hours after mayorkas testifies before the house homeland security committee about his department's 2025 budget request there is also this: convicted murderer cot peterson will be back in court as he fights for a new trial. attorneys plan to ask a judge to seal court records to help protect the identity of potential witnesses. the los angeles innocence project took on the case earlier this year pointing to new evidence that could prove his innocence. peterson was convicted in 2004 for the murder of his wife lacy and their unborn child. over a dozen g.o.p. attorneys
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general are accusing bank of america of, quote: debanking conservatives. in a letter to the company's ceo, they say, quote: your discriminatory behavior is a serious threat to free speech and religious freedom. is potentially illegal and is causing political and regulatory backlash. they claim b of a has previously denied services to gun manufacturers and contractors for ice among others. the bank though denies any wrongdoing and how about this? a 9-year-old boy in oklahoma had his dream come true after his father was able to get him a pet octopus which they named terrence he likes to see whatever we are doing. although she has plenty of hiding spots, terrence always wanted to be social. she loves helping with all the chores. >> what a cuddle fish. >> carley: terrence has become an internet sensation with over 400,000 followers viewing her
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and her family's stories on social media. and those are your headlines, guys. a pet octopus named terrence. how wholesome. >> lawrence: what happened to kids having lizards, hermit crabs and rabbits. >> ainsley: please do not show my daughter that video. she comes home every day animals she is in to rodents, guinea pigs and hamsters. >> steve: how are you going to take octopus out for walk. >> ainsley: we bought a beta fish, they are pretty. larynx lawrence i went through. >> ainsley: when they die mom finds another beta fish. >> brian: put a top on. they commit suicide at night. they will jump out. get a top. >> ainsley: has this happened to you. >> brian: all the fish. we thought it was like a burglar come take the fish out like a mobster.
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we got to put a top. they don't like it. >> lawrence: did i not know that. >> brian: get a top. >> steve: what was going on at the kilmeade house. >> brian: they were bored to tears sit in this tank my whole life put me back in the pond. i was a child. >> steve: only working 18 hours a day. >> ainsley: remember when we were little go the to fire and get your ziploc bag with a fish in it. put it one of those round without a top. now it's more sophisticated big tank with the top. and buy the heater and the light. >> brian: so if you have a fish and you feel crest fallen because it does nothing for you except swim, write us. all eyes on capitol hill over u.s. aid to israel after iran's unprecedented attack over the weekend. >> ainsley: house speaker mike johnson joins "fox & friends," next. ♪ 'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that?
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♪ steve all right. 25 minutes after the top of the hour. fox news alert. this morning, as tensions grow in the middle east, congress is under pressure to take up a $95 billion senate foreign aid bill. >> ainsley: house speaker mike johnson announcing his plan to split it into four different parts, separating israel aid from the more controversial ukraine vote. and it could come to the floor
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as soon as this friday. >> brian: what are we going to be doing in the meantime because it is tuesday. joining us now is speaker johnson. mr. speaker, thanks so much for joining us. >> ainsley: thank you. >> brian: what is the method to the madness of four separate bills. give both sides a chance to weigh in separately because such diversity of mach opinion on it. >> yeah. we didn't think it was fair for the house or the senate to be rolled by sent us a bill mergeted together senate supplemental. that was not the will of the house. the will of the house is to address it in single sungs in regular order. amendment process. that's the way this is supposed to work. that's what we are going to do this week. you will have four different bills as you said. you will have israel first in the order. then you will have the indo-pacific region. then the ukraine matter. and then a fourth bill will introduce our other national security priorities that will include sanctions for additional sanctions for russia and iran and the repo act which is the seizure of corrupt russian
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oligarchs' assets to assist with all. this we're going to introduce the loan con as i want into these products. and so this will be a very different, i think, products in the senate and we'll let the house do its will. that's what we have to do. >> lawrence: mr. speaker, what's the vibe in your caucus? it seems like when it comes to the republicans, there's more support for the israeli package but not as much support for the ukraine package. how do you get the feel it's going to go? do you see more republicans voting for that package and then more democrats voting for the ukrainian package? >> that's probably the way it will shake out. and the beauty of this process is, again, that every member, republican and democrat can vote their own district and their own conscience on this thing. and that's the way it should work. look, i think there is a lot of support for israel, obviously, on the republican side. clearly on the democrat side. they have a real division over that it's been pretty shameful, actually, the leading democrats are turning their backs on israel at this most desperate
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and important time. then, of course, the inverse is true on the other side. the most of the democrats i think are in favor of the ukraine funding and some of the -- my republican colleagues are more, you know, a little less bullish on it. let's say that there is a big difference between lethal aid, right, and some of the big humanitarian things. if you convert assistance to a loan, i think that's more palatable for people. we will break this down. look, 68% of the ukraine fund something going to replenish our own stockpile. that is american jobs making american weapons. i think that's something that people understand and they will support. but we'll see how this plays out. >> ainsley: mr. speaker, i know you talked to the president yesterday. did you talk to him about his plans for israel, his plans for gaza? what did you all talk about? >> well, i called the president to give him a heads up and explained to him exactly what we are doing. we are not going to be rolled by the senate. the house is its own body and the house has to work its own will. this is not what the president wanted. it's not what chuck schumer
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wanted but i have to govern my chamber and i told them how this is going to go down. >> steve: mr. speaker, ultimately, they have got to pass the rule first, and they will. and then everybody gets to vote. but there are a number of members of your own caucus, republicans, who have said, you know, if you bring up the ukraine thing, this was a week or so ago, they would vote to vacate you, kick you out of your job. two questions, one is, that still a worry? and, go, if they do vote to vacate, and you are kicked out of your job. if you were to resign from congress you could theoretically give the majority the house of representatives. >> none of that is going to happen. i don't worry about the vacate motion at all. i'm here to do my job. i don't think that's going to happen. i think what a lot of people were concerned about is us being pressed to pass the senate supplemental again where everything is merged together. this is what conservatives like me and all my friends, freedom caucus and otherwise, this is what we desire. this is what we work towards is
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to have the regular process of congress work. and that's exactly what you are going to see this week. again, everybody gets to vote their conscience on each of these measures separately. i think that resolves the concern. no, i'm not worried about that at all. >> brian: 60 billion for ukraine. 14 billion for israel. 9 billion for humanitarian assistance gaza. 4.8 billion for indo-pacific. two phases to this question. number one, do you see this passing or not passing by friday or is this going to be the beginning of the process? and, number two, have you met a republican that doesn't look up to ronald reagan and what do you think ronald reagan would say about ukraine aid? >> well, look, i'm a reagan republican, i'm a child of the 80's. we were all raised as you know, brian, all of us, we understood the concept of peace through strength that america is an exceptional nation, entry exceptional role in the world. the only reason that the world order has been maintained since world war ii. we are perceived as the super power that can defend freedom.
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it doesn't mean we need to be the world's policemen at all it. means we have an important role in the perception of a strong america is good for stability around the globe. so that's what we're going to project here, i think we will do our duty, our responsibility. with regard to the numbers some of that still being decided. the bill text will come out later today. one of the important things to note here is that in the amendment process to all of this, our members can bring amendments to, for example, add pay fors for a lot of this funding, this is going to make sense to people. i think this is the process what the american people should expect. >> ainsley: mr. speaker, there were all these chaotic protests yesterday in new york and california and chicago. i know you were following that five hours on the golden gate bridge. people couldn't move. the senate is introducing this new law to make it a federal crime to purposefully obstruct public roads and highways. what is the house doing? >> yeah. look, we will do the same. what's so shameful about august of this for all the obvious reasons is that we're turning our back on israel, our critical
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ally and important friend. but, the most shameful part about it, i'm afraid, is the silence, if you hear from washington, there are so many leading democrats who refuse speak out about this. you know, i think they are appeasing the pro-hamas wing of their party now. that's a serious problem. we need to stand with israel unequivocally. i spoke to my counterpart the speaker of the knesset. speaker owe hanna about 36 hours ago or so. will he thanked me and us the republicans and others who have stood strong with israel with our voices. and that's a very important thing for them. i spoke with prime minister netanyahu about a week ago. and he expressed the same sentiment. we have got to stand strong. we have got tell the world and show the world that israel is not alone here. >> lawrence: mr. speaker, something has changed. because we covered the event, the march in washington where you had you, hakeem jeffries gave a powerball speech. you guys were all linkedin arms, and you all said that you are going to stand with israel. but it seems like some of the
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people on the left now are a little fickle. and right now israel needs this. they have the same enemy as we have, which is iran. hamas is not a friend of ours. have you had any conversations with the leader about his party? because you got rashida tlaib that's in there and in her district, people are saying death to america. >> yeah. it's unconscionable that anybody would stand by that and it's shameful that we have house members who do. you know, schumer is really respondent cybil for israel not being funded yet. remember, we sent over an israel funding package back in october. it was within the first week of my being the speaker. we did a pay for. we took it out of the irs expansion slush found take care of that but he refused to even address it and it's been sitting on his desk. we tried to pass israel again about a month ago. and 166 house democrats voted against that funding. boy? because joe biden said he would veto it. it's really shameful.
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>> steve: speaking of chuck schumer's desk. you are going to march over and drop on his desk the articles of impeachment for alejandro mayorkas, the department of homeland security secretary. you guys passed that months ago. why is this taking so long? >> well, the timing is important. look, the biden border catastrophe is the number one priority of house republicans. and it remains the number one priority of the american people. we are fighting for border security every single day. we have passed our legislation. we have passed resolutions and now we pass the articles of impeachment. that's our constitutional responsibility in the house. we did a long, methodical deliberate process as the constitution requires of us. and we got that con. done. we are demanding that chuck schumer have the full trial that they hear the evidence. let us put it on for the american people. and then remove in individual from office. desperate times call for desperate measures. secretary mayorkas is in my view the worst cabinet secretary ever
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served in the history of the united states. it's a catastrophe that was committed by design. they allowed. this we all know the facts and the terrible tragedies that have come from it. there has to be accountability. >> brian: speaker johnson, in all that aid, nothing that you are requesting for friday, none of it has border in it. why not? >> well, we are trying to merge some of that into it. but the difficulty with the border provisions is that, you know, the schumer senate won't move it. we have sent over our legislation as i noted we have sent over resolutions. we have sent a lot to the senate and it dies on his desk. >> lawrence: hr 2. >> hr 2 our signature piece and solve border catastrophe. what's important to emphasize president has executive authority and he needs to use it. i think most of the american people understand that he will could close the border today. he could have closed it two and a half years ago. he refuses to do it. >> steve: indeed. mr. speaker, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> ainsley: thank you so much. praying for you. thank you for your faith. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> lawrence: thanks,
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mr. speaker. >> steve: we're going to step aside. more "fox & friends" coming up in two minutes. ♪ nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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visit today. >> ainsley: welcome back, two former kentucky swimmers filing lawsuit against the university, its athletic director and the former head coach lars majoringenson. filed by former senator and assistant coach briggs alexander and a woman identified as jane doe alleges sexual assaults including rape by gorgeousson. discredited multiple reports enabled juror goneson to foster a toxic hostile sexual environment in the swim program and prey on sexual harass and commit horrific sexual assault and violent rapes against young female coaches and college
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athletes. alexander, who according to the lawsuit now identifies as male, claims that jorgenson spent years grooming him. kentucky's athletic director says he can't comment. jorgenson resigned as kentucky's coach in june. the university has not said why he left. over to you, carley. >> quite the story there ainsley, thank you so much. >> more news to get to here. the long time voice of the new york yankees john sterling stepping away from the broadcast booth. the yankees announcing monday that after 36 seasons, the 85-year-old is retiring effective immediately. here is the voice that has become synonymous with a yankee's win. >> donaldson squares. throws to first in time. ballgame over. yankees win, the yankees win! >> carley: we all know that voice that sound that phrase. derek jeter posting i have had
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the pledge of listening to working with john for decades. major part of yankees history and greatly missed. sterling will be honored by the yankees during saturday's game in the bronx. and the flame for the 2024 paris olympics has been lit in the ancient greek town of olympe i can't. spectators gathered in the stadium where the first recorded olympic games were held in 776. 776 b.c. to watch the lighting. the flame will now be carried more than 3,000 miles to france's capitol. the games are set to begin on july 26th. check out this video showing the moment a 4-year-old boy was saved from an out-of-control hockey puck at hockey game. watch this. [screams] >> oh my god. >> carley: it all happened so fast. the puck at the cleveland monsters game suddenly smashed through the protective glass and came flying towards that little boy. the brave man reacted at the
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last possible second to deflect the high speed slap shot. the monster's organization tracking down the man and reuniting him with that boy and his mother. the puck was so close to hitting the boy that his mother says ice particles were in his hair. those are your headlines, guys, oh my gosh, that could have ended so much worse. >> brian: what a great reaction. >> steve: absolutely. good hand eye coordination and the mom, you know, there she is right there. you can see the guy. she thought about what had almost happened to her son and went on tiktok and said did anybody know this guy? and eventually she was reunited with this guy andrew p ovlak they were reunited the mom and son had the ceremonial puck drop as you can see right there at the cleveland monsters hockey game. >> ainsley: she was going to bed that night and said it kept running through her mind. she had so much trouble sleeping that puck she said it picked it up. so heavy, if it hit her son she
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was imagining the worst. she went on tiktok and woke up the next day about 10:00 in the morning. she had over 600 views. now it has 4 million. and one of the guys who responded to that video was mr. potalack i had tickets in different area. sitting in seats i was in the right place at the right time. she said it was not luck, it was fate. he was supposed to be there. >> it's a lesson. if have you bad seats sneak down to better seats and save children. [laughter] >> steve: well, in that game, he was that kid's guardian angel. >> lawrence: this is why you need strong men to save the day. >> ainsley: that's right. >> lawrence: a weak link is not going to do this. a beta male is never going to do this. >> brian: hockey fans are just as tough as the hockey players. >> ainsley: measure mesh so the pucks can't fly into the crowd. not on the sides. >> steve: went over the glass. why you should wear a hell note
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a hockey game. >> brian: and a mouthpiece. >> steve: faith links to healthier life. >> ainsley: we needed a study for that? i could have told you that. >> brian: she has brand new book. >> ainsley: yes she does. "love mom." ♪ take our kids down there one ♪ i know she wasit ♪ 's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )
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everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. it is a beautiful day here in new york city. we won't get as warm as we did yesterday. but we will hit the 70s and you know what? it goes back to spring, 50's in the next 48 hours. take a look at it though because some of that warm air is ahead of this next cold front that's moving across the central u.s. you can see where we have got that warmer air and colder air behind it in the rockies where we have snow and the potential for tornadoes today it. looks like we have a tornado warned storm for kansas moving in towards missouri. that is doppler radar. we do have a tornadoes watch in effect until 9:00 a.m. that's the local time for kansas up towards nebraska. where we could see the potential for hail, damaging winds, and, yes, tornadoes today. so, have a way to get those watches and warnings if you live in those areas shaded in red. and not only today, but tomorrow for the lower great lakes and ohio valley. this is the time of year we see
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severe weather. just prepare in advance. fox have a way to get those watches and warnings. all right, ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. >> janice: you got it. >> ainsley: faith may be what you need to bring on a happier and healthier life. new study outlining how places of worship can, quote: provide community and belonging which are big drivers in mental well-being and help counter isolation and loneliness. here it reaction is fox news medical contributor and author of this new book, love mom. dr. nicole saphier. we are going to talk about the book. congratulations it comes out today there are a lot of faith components in this book. do you find as a doctor, as a physician who saves people with cancer, have you found those who have faith or go to church are in a better place when you have to deliver the bad news? >> you know, ainsley, can i tell you that i never believed more in the power of prayer until i became a doctor and started seeing people and those that are faithful and the comfort that that brings to them. you know, it seems a little
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crazy to me that we needed the "wall street journal" to kind of put out this article talking about faith and the importance of it. and what they did was they looked at all of these surveys, these international surveys that talk to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people. what they found is those involved in their local worship, synagogues, mosques, churches, whatever it was, those who were actively involved had better mental health. they had better feelings of belonging. and, truly, just fulfillment in their life. and as we start -- have been seeing decreased attendance to church services and other things here in the united states. we are also seeing the rise in mental illness and dissatisfaction, depression and anxiety. why is that? it's really two-fold. one, just the believing in a higher being, knowing that there is someone there guiding our way. you know, helping us carve a path. won't put anything in front of us we can't overcome. that's certainly something that gave me comfort as i have been growing up throughout my entire life. on top of that, communities of worship gives you a sense of
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belonging. and you feel connected to people. undoubtedly, isolation and loneliness are driving our mental health epidemic here in the united states. >> ainsley: right. when you go through a tough time, can you lean on god and the bible is very clear. he has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. jerjeremiah 29:11. blessed me with so many things including my friendship with you. you wrote this book called "love mom" tell us about it? >> a beautiful collection of stories. ' starts off my journey not very traditional. started out when i was 17 became pregnant and had my son when i was still in high school. i have kind of grown up since then. i really leaned on my family, my faith, and my friends during that so what we have done is put together a collection of amazing stories. one is your story. and you talk about so much how you leaned on your faith in times of adversity for you. you talked about going through divorce. you talk about losing your own mother and how faith guided you
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along that way. and there are so many stories, many of our other fox moms, martha mccallum, janice dean and carley shimkus. and a lot of non-fox moms are in this as well. i can tell you these stories highlight the beauty that is motherhood. i really want people to know we are not in it alone. we may kind of put out this perfection on social media or even on tv the reality is we all have the same trials and tribulations. and so by reading these stories, it warms your heart. it will make you laugh. it will make you cry. but, at the end of the day, we are all in this together. >> ainsley: yeah we have been through a lot together, haven't we behind these walls here at fox. we have all had crazy stories. but it all ended up being beautiful and you write about that. you also hosted, "love mom" the live show on fox nation. we can watch it now it's streaming on fox nation. >> that's right. it is streaming now. so fun. candid conversation with martha mccallum, janice dean and sandra smith. we had a live audience and took questions. we tackled everything from raising kids in the era of social media and mom guilt that
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we all kind of deal with it's a real thing. and talking about work-life balance if there is really such a thing. this book is so beautiful. it has tidbits of advice. it has scripture. it has quotes. easy reference for anybody. it's just a beautiful book. i'm so proud of it. >> ainsley: i'm so proud of you. it's called "love mom" pick it up. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪
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