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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 16, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift.
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>> brian: it's 8:00 on the east coast, tuesday, april 16th, this is "fox and friends." pro-palestinians blocking roads and jams airports. they have been enabled. >> lawrence: true. >> so many leading democrats refuse to speak out about this and appeasing the pro-hamas wing of their party, that is a serious problem. >> lawrence: true. former president trump back in court for day two. lara trump says theeck stakes couldn't be higher. >> this country is irreparably damaged. >> steve: and caitlin clark goes pro, selected number one overall
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pick in the wnba draft. her proud high school coach will join us live from iowa this hour. >> ainsley: she is unbelievable. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> brian: anti-israel protesters flying the hezbollah flag in front of the new york stock exchange ever in various languages while marching through the streets. [screaming] >> death to america -- >> lawrence: unbelievable. protesters jamming traffic on the bridge and some burning the american flag. >> steve: in san francisco, 40 activists arrested for shutting down the golden gate bridge and another group blocked the
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freeway around the bay area assic things ground to a halt. >> ainsley: what if you have to get to work, have a baby. >> steve: or catch a flight. >> ainsley: forced to drag luggage down the highway after the main terminal was blocked. 54 were arrested there. >> steve: it was accord nalted effort by protesters, the a-15 protest, april 15th, tax day demanding the u.s. stop using tax money to support and fund israel and help the people of gaza. >> brian: president of the united states would not talk yesterday, how hard to say i'm getting reports of jammed up golden gate bridge or wall street being overrun by
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protesters and this has to stop. how hard would that have been to jot down on a card to say. you may have different opinions about foreign policy, can we all agree shouting death to america should be nonstarter to people that want to stay here? >> lawrence: we all support peaceful protest. >> steve: 100%. >> lawrence: we have people obstructing traffic and spewing rhetoric that is anti-american and representing flags that are direct threat to the country. a jewish friend sent me a photo of the protest yesterday and you had people there saying all jews must die. this guy hated donald trump, he said, if the democratic party is going to be hijacked by people that are pro-hamas, pro-hezbollah, then this is what
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we're going to do, vote for trump. >> ainsley: it is a free country, you are allowed to protest, you can burn the flag temperature is so sad knowing our grandfathers fought for this great country and we ask men and women to go across the sea and fight for our country and this is how they are repaid. this is a terrorist flag in the streets of new york. how can they have this mentality? you have marsha blackburn and tom tillis. it should be illegal, they are trying to make it a crime to obstruct police roads and highways, many people might have needed to go to a hospital, what if a baby is delivering a baby. it poses serious danger. >> brian: i asked andy mccarthy how legal this is? he said under first maeamendmen
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people can brandish flags, but they are terrorists and it is a felony to give them material support. you have a case to scoop them up. i love to know who is paying these people. no way you get up in the morning and say, hezbollah makes sense to me. >> steve: one thing if you are taking up the bike laptop, but when you stop traffic on a main artery. we've seen it in washington all the time and the california cops let those people sit there for five hours and arrested a bunch of people and charged them with conspiracy because it was coordinated and false imprisonment because drivers were trapped on the bridge.
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part of this backfired because how many people caught up in traffic on their side but they missed a meeting or a flight. >> brian: they want coverage. >> steve: i understand, it is like-minded people who are like, did they have to do it day i needed to get to o'hare? >> lawrence: are you seeing your kids? they have been indoindoctrinate college camps and you are paying for it. have a conversation about how we have had 9/11 and your kids are sympathizer with a terrorist organization. where did we go wrong? w wokeness and gender study. >> ainsley: some parents teach this at home. >> steve: these are in soft on crime cities. it will take five minutes and
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i'll be out. there were protests in florida, why are we not talking about those? because cops immediately took action. downtown tampa, traffic stopped for 15 be minutes, in miami protesters dragged off the streets by cops. this is a street, you are going to get run over. >> brian: how can 40 people shut down the golden gate bridge, that is embarrassment. here is speaker johnson. >> we are turning our back on israel our critical ally and important friend but most shameful part is silence you're hearing from washington. that is a serious problem, we need to stand with israel uneissu
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uneissue -- equivocal. we stand strong with israel and that is important thing for them. i spoke with prime minister netanyahu a week ago and he expressed the same, we haves to stand strong and tell the world and show the world israel is no alone. >> lawrence: no condemnation from leadership when it comes to rashida tlaib who chanted from the river to the sea. >> brian: i think moskowitz has in new york because he is jewish. senator schumer you would think would speak out as the most powerful jewish person to ever hold office, never says anything about office. >> ainsley: and kamala harris husband is jewish. >> lawrence: a lot of words for bibi, they won't call people out. >> brian: they are all about
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politics. >> lawrence: they got rid of sa santos, with nothing being proven in court of law and it is okay for rashida tlaib to do what she does. >> steve: we're talking about all the protests, they will do it again and again and again until joe biden does exactly what they want and apparently he's not going to. >> brian: they should be forced to vacation in gaza and iran. especially young girls, as long as you don't keep your hijab on wrong, they won't hang you from a tree. awaiting president trump's departure from trump tower. >> steve: he will be back for day two of jury selection in his hush money trial. >> lawrence: after tons of media turned out for the historic trial opening. >> ainsley: eric shawn live
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outside new york state supreme court. he is on the street working for the media. hi, eric. >> that we are, working for fox news. here at court yesterday, they are not even batting 500. more than half of jurors questioned said they could not be fair to former president trump. first batch of jurors are brought into judge smerchans an questioned. 46 were dismissed because theyed they could not be impartial. one said, i feel no one is above the law, the press or a janitor, one left the court telling a court officer, i just couldn't do it. others said they acccould be fa.
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the president received standard warnings, if he skips proceedings a warrant could be issued for his arrest. the president's son barron is set to graduate next month. he claimed the judge will not let him attend barron's graduation. >> being loos like the judge will not let me go to the graduation of my son who has worked hard. i can't go to the high school or the supreme court or georgia or north carolina campaigning like i should be. it is perfect for radical left democrats. sglp the judge will not so far bar mr. trump from going to barron's graduation, he said he has not made a decision and will make a decision later.
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supreme court argument next week on the president's presidential immunity case, the judge said he would not be allowed to aknow tend that. back to you. >> steve: in an hour. >> brian: has to be so boring, president has to sit there issue not say a word, sit there for hours. >> lawrence: eric? >> brian: silent treatment. >> that is what -- >> brian: just keep walking, internal politics on the morning show. >> ainsley: you did not say his name, he thought you were talking to us. he can't see us. eric, you did a great job. >> brian: he does not want to answer my question. >> sorry, brian, i thought you were talking among yourselves.
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you're a defendant, that is what the former president will be doing the next month and a half. >> steve: that is why "new york times" reported he may have dozed off. were you in the courtroom? did you see that happen? >> no, we did not see that, the "new york times" reported he may have dozed off several times. >> brian: i don't blame him. >> his lawyer was passing him notes, he seemed teed over that. we'll see what happens today, sometimes you can't blame him as this continues. we'll see what jurors say today. >> brian: bye, eric. >> steve: yep, day two starts in 75 minutes. >> brian: access hollywood not allowed in, they can lread the
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transcript. >> lawrence: interested to see if the judge will allow him to go to his son's graduation, that will be a bridge too far. you can't skip one day to go see his son. >> brian: not like he's up for murder. >> steve: judge said he had to be in court next week when his case goes to the supreme court. >> brian: what is the delay? >> steve: judge said it is too early to rule on whether or not i will give you the day off for your son's graduation, trial might not be going on. >> lawrence: i would take new york judges more seriously if they did not have criminals out skipping court dates. >> ainsley: what is frustrating to republicans, they listen to donald trump speak, they listened to his argument, it is election interference.
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joe biden is out. donald trump will be stuck in this courtroom for weeks on end. >> steve: election interference is what the d.a. accused him of yesterday. the d.a. accused trump of orchestrating a scheme to influence the 2016 election. >> brian: the one russia gave them? he can't have it both ways, stormy daniels and russians working together to get him elected. >> steve: one juror today, justice zero. >> brian: the today show they were wondering what the internet was, today was brand new and today show was number one for about 20 years and they were top hosts for a long time. she's had trouble getting
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traction, running yahoo news, so she wrote a hit book against the people she had worked with. she took invitation to bill maher's podcast what she thinks about donald trump fans. >> steve: let's hear it. >> socio economic disparities are a lot and clas resentment is a lot and anti-anti-intellectualism and elitism is driving antiestablishment, which are trump voters. i don't know if you have been jealous of what someone has or resentful, it is corroding and bitter, almost bile feeling. >> ainsley: i never hear republicans talk about disparities, never hear republicans talk about they're
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jealous of another class or class resentiments. most republicans are very in intelligent and have clear arguments, they are not elitists, i think of bernie sanders. he says if you're a billionaire, you have to share the wealth with people who don't have money. >> steve: that is her opinion and bill maher said, let me tell you about people who support trump and said, some of the people their kids come home from school and they say, i think i'm a racist, dad, and they don't know if i'm a boy or not and bill maher said, that is stuff that is going on in the heads of american voters and that is why they are siding with trump. >> lawrence: i missed her town hall or her book talking with trump voters.
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these people providing analysis are not talking with them. they talk about elite, donald trump is elite, they should all know. he decided to run as republican and he became hitler-esque. before, it was cool to be a donald trump fan. someone that will be doing three diners next week and spending time with trump supporters, the entire country is madder than hell with the economy, the border, it's00 >> brian: spending on illegal imknow grants. >> lawrence: kicking them out will school, kicking granny out of housing in harlem, keeping kids out of rec center and you complain when they are on the street. everybody is upset with the president, you need to be concerned about black voters,
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hispanic voters, moms that are outraged you shut them down during the pandemic. >> brian: we r giving 30 million a month to palestinians over in gaza. 30 million to dig tunnels where they assembled huge arsenal of weapon and use palestinian people as human shields while building hospitals. >> ainsley: what is that money supposed to be for? aid? >> brian: yeah. >> steve: 8:20 in the east. >> ainsley: carley has headlines. >> carley: two former members of yoo university of k kentucky swim team are filing a lawsuit alleging sexual assault and rape by jorgensen and says the school
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disregarded their reports. jorgensen resigned, they have not said why he left. and a brawl breaks out in parliament. watch. [screaming] >> ainsley: that is not something you see everyday, that lawmaker is pushing a new foreign agent bill that critics say is inspired by russia. protesters in the capitol say lawmakers are bending to moscow's will. sgls a and you see this athlete throw water at this fan and hit him in the back. the fan was escorted out by
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security. and a dangerous mosquito species found in san francisco, called ankle biters, they can carry diseases. these mosquitos have white stripes on their back legs. get your microscope out and you will know if you're in danger or not. best story of the day, nine-year-old boy in oklahoma had his dream come true, his father was able to get him a pet octopus and they named him te terence. >> she likes to be social and helps with chores, she is a cuddle fish. >> carley: family found out terrence is a girl octopus sxps
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she had babies. they have 400 followers on social media. this guilty boy, they have 90% of the species in the state. this guilty little boy is 9 and has 10 of them. >> lawrence: everyone in the neighborhood will want a baby. >> steve: they can have one, they have 34rplenty. >> brian: can't octopus im impregnate themselves? >> i want to say no. >> carley: it is costing them an arm and a leg to keep them alive. >> steve: costing them eight arms. >> brian: ask that question. >> ainsley: what is plural of
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octopus? >> steve: octsioctipi. >> brian: back to the war, trey yingst is next in part to talk about the iranian missile that landed in southern israel, he'll talk about that in a moment. there it is. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 >> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't contain more than 12 minerals? you can't get much benefit from 8 to 10 minerals when
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>> brian: fox news alert, action could bei imminent. trey yingst is live next to one of the iranian missiles that hit ground. employees that was that knocked out of the sky or did that ran? >> trey: this missile was recovered by israelis following the attack this weekend. you see the sheer size of this missile, 36 feet long and this is 70% of the missile launched from iran ian territory. israelis don't know the exact target, it was either shot down or separated as it entered israeli territory.
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there was a warhead on top of this missile, one of 110 ballistic missiles launch ed toward israel this weekend. here is a statement discussing what the israeli response might be. >> we remain highest level of re readiness. iran will face consequences for actions. we will choose our response accordingly. >> trey: waiting to see how israellet react to this launch over the weekend. israel's war cabinet will meet for the third day in a row tonight discussing how israel plans to strike back against the islamic regime.
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>> brian: president biden told prime minister netanyahu the u.s. would not support a co country -- counter attack. here is pete hegseth. your thoughts about that, what would you do next if you're benjamin netanyahu? >> you have to do what preserves e existential nature, that be doesn't preserve the status quo. joe biden saying don't and he did. president biden telling prime minister netanyahu to take the win, you knocked them out of the sky. he is telling them to accept the fact they can lob missiles at you and you don't retaliate what are chances we have american
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assets in the area for years to come. if you don't retaliate, you are acceptings status quo imposed on you by the united states of america. you are in a fight in gaza. hezbollah could begin launching rockets for real, they have been since october 7. iran could continue and you have other terrorist activity in west bank. they could choose an approach and israel has to decide what to do to put iran on its heels and say, we don't want to mess with this country like 1967 and 1973, that does not mean american involvement, american boots or american encouragement. it is giving prime minister netanyahu space to defend his country. right now the country shouting death to israel and death to
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america is launching at them. >> brian: he is looking at places like oilfield and nuclear programs and drone factories, which help the war in ukraine. iran is looking to answer from soil and will hit back on israel, making that normal and this just crossed, iran threatening to attack israel with weapons not used before, as they get help from russia. your thought about what is rhetoric and what is real? >> pete: a lot of stage craft and performative nature. iran had an idea more than 1% of what they sent would make it through. now you have israel and iran c
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c ch choreographing. they would like to make them look like a pariah in gaza. i don't think either side wants nuclear conflict, obama and biden allowed them to get to this point if they do have a nuclear bomb. >> brian: protester upos in the streets in iran and for palestinians, hezbollah and hamas flags turn up in protests. if you like france better, but to like she's despicable regimes, i can't get my head around that. your thought? >> pete: anti-american islamists who are in our country, who knows how they got here? do you know who they are?
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that is fair question after wide open border pumped anti-american views, if you are stopping traffic, you ought to be arrested quickly and no question there. if you're waving flags of the enemy, you shouldn't be there, especially deemed terrorist organization. we have lost our minds and let these things go. >> brian: if you are a protester, hezbollah is hiring and palestinians will welcome you, i'm sure there are things to do, have a wonderful life there. keep in touch with us. thanks so much, i look forward to your brand new book coming out shortly, i look forward to reading it. we just saw and understand president of the united states leave trump tower, this will be day two of trial number one and maybe the only one, we'll discuss that as we see it and follow this path down the fdr.
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go to brian, for when i will be there, cosponsored by fox nation. donald trump wants to bail out billionaires, will that fly? scranton joe made over half million dollars, how much did they declare? bill hemmer is next with his ta taxes. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months,
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>> ainsley: today president biden heading to scranton to pennsylvania to push his tach plan and cast trump's agenda as bailout for billionaires. bill hemmer joins us. >> bill: nice to see you bright and early. >> ainsley: you are always here this early. you know pennsylvania, what does the pennsylvania voter want and will this message fly? >> bill: we will talk about taking billionaires 25%, get back to scranton joe roots in pennsylvania. if you look at the map, if democrats don't win pennsylvania, it is very difficult to win the white house. where is he going to go? scranton today, pittsburgh on wednesday and philadelphia on thursday. if you look at raw vote turnout from 2020, margin of difference
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in pittsburgh and philadelphia, in philadelphia, he picked up 81% of the votes, the raw vote margin different was 471,000. in pittsburgh, the different was 147,000, he won the state by 81,000 votes. where you need to go and get v votes out, deep blue counties of alle allegheny. that is pittsburgh. >> ainsley: tax returns released and he and his wife made nearly $600,000, how did they make that money? >> ainsley: selling books? >> bill: interest, dividends. on the tax issue, for a democrat, they need to focus on the area. they can make somebody like
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donald trump really rich business man seem vulnerable in an area like that, not saying it will work, that is strategy. >> ainsley: high interest rates. >> bill: inflation, this is a big deal, and i was home in ohio over the weekend, gas $3.50. gas was $3. moving toward summertime and everybodies they will hike it up, you could be looking at $4 a gallon. >> ainsley: you are available on fox nation starting tomorrow, battle for the arctic with bill hemmer. let's take a look. >> the united states has partners, what difference does that make? >> tremendous difference. our ability to stay in this environment and work with canada is somebody nobody can replicate, russia and china cannot replicate that.
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app do you have frost bite? what did you wear? >> bill: my big toe has not come back. what do we wear? you wear everything. this is your kind of trip, 50 below, dressed head to toe, two sleeping bags pulled over your head and you are still cold. the u.s. natvy runs five-week exercises in the arctic ocean and they invited us to come along this year. so many stories to be told that u.s. and russia, the u.s., russia and china are all vying for some aspect of the world's final frontier, you have continued melting arctic ice, you have the u.s. navy and to live on a submarine, talk about new york city apartment, talk about commodity of space. it is like, your life goes from
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here to here to here and you deal with it. >> ainsley: how many days were you here? >> bill: three, 72 hours. that was enough. >> ainsley: your show -- >> bill: it is fascinating, look at it fox nation tomorrow. >> ainsley: your show coming on in 15 minutes. >> bill: kim reynolds is taking page out of -- and sabrina singh with the latest on israel, possible counter attack on iran and where the u.s. stands, big show. >> ainsley: thank you for stopping by. new reporting on china profiting off america's fentanyl crisis. if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed.
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help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended
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subsidize it, through action, the chinese communist party is telling us it wants more fentanyl entering our country, it want says the chaos resulting from this epidemic, that means more dead more thanes. >> griff: ccp provides to companies that manufacture fentanyl as long as it is sold outside of china in the form of rebates that increase export from china for other goods. house prepares to send alejandro mayorkas articles of impeachment to the senate to begin trial. here is how this will go. house managers are expected to walk the articles to the senate 2:15 this afternoon and trial expected to get underway tomorrow and senators will be sworn in as jurors. unclear if chuck schumer will try to table or dismiss those
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two articles. you probably will hear some of this new information coming up about china's complicity in the fentanyl trade, that is coming across our border. >> lawrence: unbelievable, poisoning of americans. thanks. so caitlin clark goes pro. her high school coach is next.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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all >> pick in the 2024wnba draft, the indiana fever select caitlin clark. university of iowa. [cheers and applause] >> steve: the wnba has caught caitlin clark's fever. we have her high school coach and she joins us now. good morning. how much pride do you have as her coach that a kid on your team just was picked number one in the draft? >> it's pretty surreal to be honest. we all knew she would go number one but to see it happen
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appeared hear her name called is just an incredible feeling. so proud of her and happy for her. >> steve: you had her as a freshman in high school. at what point did you realize this kid has something going on? >> right away before i saw her play before spring of freshman year and her court vision, passing ability, ability to make shots. she just stood out right from the get-go. >> steve: i read something you said one time you went into the gym before practice and there she was doing karaoke. >> we had a little free time before a game and i went to go do some coaching things, come back and she is doing karaoke on the microphone, an empty gym besides her teammates. that's the type of fun personality she has. very competitive on the court but off the court she loves to
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have fun and loves life. >> steve: when she was in second grade she said get a basketball scholarship and play in the wnba. >> that's incredible she set that goal as a second grader. she put in the work to achieve it. a lot of people dream some really big dreams but to actually put in the work to make your dreams come true is incredible. >> steve: what was the last text message you sent to her during the tournament? >> it was just good luck, have fun, enjoy the experience, and go win a national championship. >> steve: she listened to her coach because that's what she did. thank you very much for joining us live. congratulations. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: that's awesome. all right. bill and dana next right here. >> bill: good morning, former president trump in moments back in court for day two of his criminal hush money trial in new york. jury selection resumes


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