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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 16, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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are you ready? the grok with an unconventional first pitch. i think it's fenway. have you seen it? >> martha: i have. >> bill: i haven't. >> what it looked like. not throwing the first pitch, right hand for one of the great tight ends of all time he spikes it. >> bill: he wimped out throwing a pitch from the mound is hard to be honest with you. >> martha: he couldn't do it? >> bill: it's nine inches higher than home plate. >> dana: i'm pretty sure gronk could get the ball across the plate. >> bill: i know you like the jets, too. >> martha: i have two homes, new jersey and massachusetts. "the faulkner focus" next. >> harris: we begin with this
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fox news alert. your screen right now is split with two things we're watching develop this hour. let's get to it. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas is in the saga of his impeachment and on that side on the other side, rather, a attorney general mer i can garland is testifying. both of these men are under hot button issues and pressure right now. for mayorkas, the raging border crisis and his impeachment over that crisis. for garland, accusations of a weaponized justice department. >> the department of justice over the last four years has picked sides on prosecuting and ultimately failed to up hold the rule of law equally and fairly when it comes to american citizens and even american businesses. it is not surprising that two phrases notably absent from the
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budget request are, quote, equal justice under law, and quote, respect for separation of powers. >> harris: garland could also face questions on refusal to release the tapes of special counsel robert hur's interviews with president biden. those interviews led to the report that called biden an elderly man with a poor memory. also on the table hunter biden and donald trump's federal trials. we are monitoring the action and will bring you the news. i wanted to mention they had pulled away from mayorkas and there was another gentleman that the cameras was focused on at that moment. it is mayorkas and merrick garland today who we are watching. anti-israel protestors are out in masses. they took over the streets and the bridges in cities across the united states yesterday. it was coordinated.
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they blocked critical transportation hubs like airports, highways, ports and more. and their dangerous messaging as anti-american as it gets. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." here is a taste of that messaging. [shouting] >> harris: death to america. something we have been hearing more and more often as israel fights the hamas savages and now the response to iran's attack on israel. yesterday's protesting. it was organized. the group is a15 action apparently for april 15th. and they planned it and they carried it out. it is a newly formed group that worked to coordinate what it
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called a multi-city economic blockade. their blockade stopped traffic on the golden gate bridge for hours. we began covering it on "the faulkner focus." disrupted airports in seattle, chicago, and the port in miami. demonstrators took over the brooklyn bridge here in new york and when they got to the manhattan side, there was a scene bigger than we had seen. they were burning the american flag, waving the flag of the hezbollah terrorists of lebanon. those terrorists also hitting israel on a regular basis before october 7th and since then. a look now at the liberal money trail. the major democratic political action committee act blue backs a15's bail fund. that goes to the community justice exchange which is linked
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to liberal billionaire activist george soros, while all these other groups, act at the top of your screen, it all fu funnels down to one man's money george soros, he is behind the soft on crime and senator tom cotton says enough is enough. >> i feel very deeply for all the people trying to get to work or trying to pick up a kid. worried about the diversion of police resources who needs to be stopping crime. i would encourage most people that get stuck behind criminals like this trying to block traffic to take matters into their own hands. there are usually a few of them and a lot of people being inconvenienced. time to put an end to this nonsense. >> harris: desantis's, in florida we drag these people out of the road and arrest them. we will give them a chance to put up the video.
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republican senator marsha blackburn is in "focus" now. let's go to fox news correspondent bill melugin. >> the california highway patrol says they arrested more than 20 of those pro-palestine protestors who shut down the golden gate bridge in san francisco for hours yesterday and they could be looking at serious criminal charges. this was the scene on the iconic golden gate bridge as the pro-palestinian activitys chained themselves to each other and cars. an effective shutdown in both directions of the bridge for five hours. chp told fox news the protestors' conduct was illegal and incredibly dangerous. the san francisco d.a. may charge the protestors with more serious offenses including false imprisonment, unlawful assembly and unlawfully stopping on a
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bridge. at the o'hare airport protestors blocked the highway going into the airport. commuters had to get out of cars and take luggage and walk to catch their flights. at least 40 protestors there were arrested and so far here in california governor newsom hasn't made any public comment or statement about the protests or shutting down the golden gate bridge. we have reached out to his office and waiting to hear back. >> harris: a whole day and still. i know people started calling immediately to find out about that. and gavin newsom is responsible for the transportation in his state. so i would think that he would have like a hot phone on him at all times to be able to get those messages. bill melugin, thank you. republican senators marsha blackburn and thom tillis have introduced the safe and open streets act and they did that late last year. now it is getting a huge push and a direct response. it is now to these anti-israel
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protests. it aims to quote establish a criminal penalty for interfering with commerce by blocking public roads. we've needed this for some time. now we desperately need it. senator blackburn of the great state of tennessee, member of the judiciary committee joins me now. you were always a step ahead. every state is a border state from you two years ago. now we have a situation where you could almost see this coming and we need legislation. what does that look like and how do you think it will go? >> yes. the safe and open streets act is something that is getting attention because it would put in place fines and up to five years in prison for people that willfully block these streets. and harris, you are exactly right. going onto a bridge, blocking ports, blocking airports, not allowing people to get to their work, and closing down interstates, this is not safe.
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it certainly impedes safety of the traveling public. it impedes commerce. these individuals need to be arrested and there need to be stiffer penalties for this. it is shameful that groups connected to george soros continue to do this. it is shameful that web sights like act blue continue to raise money to embolden people who are purposely, intentionally trying to endanger the traveling public. >> harris: it is a bigger issue and you and i are talking about the danger. can you imagine if you are having a medical emergency inside your car. this happens all the time. it doesn't have to be the ambulance with a siren, something has gone wrong and you need to get to an urgent clinic or get someplace. maybe on parole and out too long. these are all realities and you are stuck somewhere for hours and hours and hours as they were
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on the west coast in the golden gate. people have lives whether these protestors have them, i don't know. look, i mentioned what they do down in florida according to the communications director for governor desantis. we have the video now. the caption for this is in florida we drag these people out of the road and arrest them and that's what they have been doing. states now again, senator, are left to do a job that they have to do because the federal government just says what is going on? >> yes. you are exactly right. again the states are picking up the slack. local law enforcement is picking up the slack and that is why issues affecting immigration and border security and public safety. you see different members of the senate bringing forward legislation that gives power and authority to these local and state authorities because the federal government is not doing
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their job and the public is being endangered because of some of this activity. so we're continuing to push on this issue, whether it is the safe and open streets act, whether it is dealing with the different immigration issues, the clear act i have that allows local and state authorities to secure their border when the federal government is not securing that border. >> harris: we will get into that right now. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas began the day testifying before the same committee that led his house impeach -- led to his house impeachment earlier this year over the border crisis and now at capitol hill, we don't see mayorkas, he spoke earlier. he is facing some stark criticisms right out of the gate. watch this. >> you refuse to come fly with the laws passed by congress and breached the public trust. you facilitated and encouraged record levels of illegal
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immigration since your first day in office and we have all witnessed the devastating results of your open borders agenda. >> harris: hours from now house republicans deliver his two impeachment arms from the senate after a delay next week. what happens next? i'm glad we have is ten senator with us. >> now we demand that chuck schumer have the full trial. that they hear the evidence. let us put it on for the american people and remove this individual from office. this desperate times call for desperate measures. separate mayorkas is the worst cabinet secretary ever served in the history of the united states. a catastrophe committed by design. they allowed this. >> harris: what will happen when it reaches your chamber in the senate? >> we are aware that chuck schumer is going to try to table the articles of impeachment. previously we've always moved to
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a trial. it is important we do that. the american people need to know that 9.4 million illegal aliens have crossed on joe biden's watch. you have somewhere between 1.7 and 2.5 million gotaways. that is your unknown and your known gotaways. you have hundreds of people from countries of interest. you have hundreds of terrorists. you have 25,000 chinese that have entered this fiscal year already. and that is as many as came in last year. it is more than came in all of last year. harris, there have to be answers for why these people are coming in. we know it is because joe biden's border policy is an open border. alejandro mayorkas has done joe biden's bidding. he has been the foot soldier. he has lied to congress, he has
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lied to the american people. he deserves the impeachment the house gave him. he should be tried. he should be removed from office. >> harris: when you and i first started talking about a possible impeachment for secretary mayorkas we were focused on the 85,000 children who were being moved around the country that had come across our southern border that his department had lost track of and those flights that were going into states like florida and tennessee dropping people off in the middle of the night, that sort of thing. so all of that has gone on under his watch at his direction. we're watching all of it. i have to think there will be a replacement for mayorkas who might wear the same shirt. your last quick thought. >> yes, we know this administration does not intend to close the border. we know that they are trying to backfill population losses
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they've seen in the big blue states. they want a whole new host of voters, get them in here, register them to vote and let them vote. this is why we'll be focused on election integrity and why we are focused on giving the border patrol what they need to shut that border down. it is imperative for the safety of the american people. you look at the fentanyl, the drugs, the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, the crime, and their intent to backfill the population in these big blue states. it is wrong, not fair to the american people. >> harris: acknowledging that they will backfill the person who wears the same jersey as biden's border crisis crew, mayorkas, is important. it is a bigger issue of who you vote for in november. >> that's right. >> harris: always great to have you in "focus", thank you. the search for jurors in former president trump's hush money
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trial goes on today. can they find anyone impartial in a deep democrat blue manhattan? >> i worry the most is about someone not being truthful that does have biases that can't be fair and impartial but wants to sit on this jury. those are the people that really concern me. >> harris: the former president with more choice words for the trial and the judge. leo terrell has a few words himself next. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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about dupixent. i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking.
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and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg >> harris: breaking news. u.s. congressman thomas massey of kentucky has now joined congresswoman marjorie taylor greene in the mission to kick out the new house speaker mike
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johnson. congressional correspondent aishah hosni is on capitol hill for us. we know in recent days speaker johnson has been fighting this off. is he in jeopardy? >> speaker johnson's speakership is getting complicated by the minute. marjorie taylor greene started it off with her motion to vacate. cannot activate it. she wanted to bring the conference towards her side and she has continuously told me that she has been hearing from members privately and quietly that they are frustrated with the speaker and now she has one more congressman on her side. congressman who sits on a very powerful committee. this is what they are saying. they are demanding speaker johnson pre-announce his resignation, not stepping down immediately but pre-announcing it to give the conference time to find a replacement so they don't want to plunge the house into chaos. they don't want to go back to october when the house had to
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take vote after vote after vote trying to find a new speaker to replace kevin mccarthy. here is thomas massey earlier this morning about what he told speaker johnson face-to-face. >> the motion will get called and then he is going to lose more votes than kevin mccarthy. i have told him this in private. weeks ago. >> so speaker johnson is responding today saying that he is not going anywhere. he will continue to do his job. listen to this. >> i am not resigning and it is in my view an absurd notion that someone referring to a vacate motion when we're trying to do our jobs. it is not helpful to the cause or to the country, not helpful to the house republicans advance our agenda which is in the best interest of the american people. >> it is weakening the speakership as he tries to -- i
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asked him about the foreign aid package. it is not helpful to him at all. massey sits on the powerful rules committee and you have to pass a rule before you can put a foreign aid package or anything on the house floor. you can only lose two republicans because we expect all democrats to vote against the rule. now we have three republicans so far that have said they will not vote for the rule. it is dead on arrival. not only is the speakership in jeopardy, this foreign aid package that speaker johnson has presented a few hours ago is in jeopardy as well. >> harris: to spend extra time with you speaker johnson had broken that out country by country and separated everything out. where does that stand now in terms of what we could see moving forward? does everything get lumped back in? what happens? >> it is really interesting. last night we heard a lot of different members from different corners of the gop conference
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saying they were pleased with this. what speaker johnson is offering is by separating everything out, he is offering political cover for folks who may want to pass israel aid but don't want to pass ukraine aid because they have suspicions about it. it was something they have long wanted. a lot of folks now this morning have come out and said look, i like the idea of separating but there is no border security in this. how could we even take a vote on foreign aid when we aren't talking about our own southern border? eli crane is one of them. he likes the idea of separation but does not like the fact there are no border provisions. senate republicans are jamming up the senate floor right now trying to help speaker johnson trying to motivate him to hold the line because there is an israel aid package that the house passed in the senate right now that schumer will not take up. >> harris: there is no more urgent situation than the wars that are going on particularly that one, our strongest ally in the middle east. then i'm wondering why we
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couldn't have stuck with considering the republican-led hr2 stand alone border bill that came out of the house and went to the senate in may of 2023. why couldn't they take a look at that? why couldn't they at least put that on the floor? chuck schumer wouldn't do it. they wanted their own version and look at where we sit now. thank you for the breaking news. come back if you get an update. a very busy day two of jury selection in former president trump's hush money trial. the court has excused several juries today alone. yesterday they dismissed 50 people looking at 96 saying they could not be impartial. the people themselves said no, i don't think i can be impartial. we are also waiting on the judge's ruling on whether he will allow donald trump to attend his own son's high school graduation next month. add to that manhattan district
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attorney's office, alvin bragg, filed a motion to hold trump in contempt. bragg is claiming trump violated the court's gag order with posts on truth social. trump spoke today at the courthouse on his way in. >> we have a trump-hating judge. we have a judge who shouldn't be on this case. he is totally conflicted. but this is a trial that should never happen. it should have been thrown out a long time ago. this is all coming from the biden white house. the judge should recuse himself. >> harris: "wall street journal" writes that trump faces a deep blue jury pool. trump's lawyers have said the former president cannot get a fair trial in manhattan citing what they describe as negative media coverage of the cross and strong anti-trump sentiment of
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residents. they will look at 500 people total. at this rate, it could take a while. they kicked out more than half of them yesterday who said they couldn't be impartial to the case. i know you are probably not surprised about that. you have said how do you get a fair trial for donald trump in new york? >> you can't. trump said this before the trial started and you cannot get a fair jury pool. there needs to be a change of venue, harris, i will tell you right now it doesn't matter to alvin bragg and this judge. the democrats are obsessed with a conviction. they don't care how they get it and time is of the essence. they want a conviction so they can attach that to president trump as a convicted felon and the left wing media will do the rest. it is all politics. >> harris: look, the gag order. we've talked about the unfairness of one person under a gag order and other people in this trial and others not being
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or other cases not being under a gag order. what is the point bragg is trying to make? he runs his mouth constantly. >> again, we talk about this all the time. this trial is political. if you look at it from a legal standpoint the gag order is unconstitutional, a 1-way street. trump is silenced but you have michael cohen going on msnbc and throwing trump under the bus and trump cannot defend himself? are you kidding me? right now the appellate court, full panel will hear about this unconstitutional gag order. it doesn't matter. this judge excuse me language hell bent on proceeding with this trial and getting a conviction. the obsession for a felony conviction so the media and biden team can spin oh, trump is a convicted felon, you shouldn't vote for him. that's the whole purpose of this. two impeachment. now convicted felon. that's the whole game here. >> harris: not to mention alvin
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bragg. he had to look across the river in new york and said look at what happened with the ag letitia james. if he puts trump in his mouth and you can read about the money he raised as a candidate talking about, you know, trump. so there is no gag order on any of these other people. it is mind-boggling. leo terrell. go ahead. >> just simply unfair. alvin bragg should focus on crime in new york. he is a political hatchet man for the democrats. >> harris: thank you so much. come back. we'll need you. israel is still considering its options for a response to iran's massive drone and missile attack. the biden administration telling israel what to do when it comes to its own defense. will they listen? no. npr is facing major backlash against an editor who exposed the liberal bias at npr. that editor now has been suspended without pay for telling the truth.
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>> what you have is sort of liberals against more people who are trying to prove they are more liberal. that's the conversation in that very niche media environment. i think this is highly regrettable. >> harris: now npr is paid for by taxpayers as you know. now it is facing fresh criticism of the new ceos old social media posts. you know you can't delete stuff. it never goes away. we'll show you the receipts. steve hilton next. -electric for short trips... -hmmm? ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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>> harris: israel, we're told, is weighing its response to iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack over the weekend. israeli media reporting the jewish state may directly attack iran while also trying to thread the needle and avoid a wider war
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in the middle east. president biden, secretary of state antony blinken with this. >> the united states is committed to israel's security and committed to a cease-fire that will bring the hostages home and prevent the conflict from spreading what it already has. >> we have been coordinating a diplomatic response to seek to prevent escalation. strength and wisdom need to be the same sides, different sides of the same coin. >> harris: trey yengst reporting from israel. trey. >> good morning. the whole world waiting to see how israel will respond to that brazen iranian attack over the weekend. we know israel's war cabinet met for the third straight day looking at their options as the southern and northern fronts remain active. more rocket fire from gaza today. attack drones from southern lebanon and a firsthand look at some of the ballistic missile parts that landed in israel over the weekend.
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behind me is the fuel cell from a rareian missile. at 36 feet long this is 70% of the missile. the israelis say more than 110 of these were launched along with cruise missiles and drones during the iranian attack this weekend. right now israeli forces remain on high alert across the country as israel's chief of staff said this overnight. >> we remain at our highest level of readiness. iran will face the consequences for its actions. we will choose our response accordingly. >> right now as military planning takes place, israel's diplomatic front is quite active. the country's foreign minister calling on allies to sanction iran's ballistic missile program.
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>> harris: thank you very much. npr's new ceo is already in trouble after veteran editor berliner told the truth about the liberal bias at npr. he wrote an article published in the free press and it happened last week. we learned npr has put that editor on a five-day suspension without pay. here is some of what he said. >> at one point i got so frustrated with what i saw was the lack of different perspectives in our coverage that i decided to look at voter registration, 87 registered democrats on the editorial staff. 0 republicans. i presented this at an large news meeting and said look, something has gone wrong here. >> harris: a former colleague spoke anonymously with fox news and praised berliner for
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identifying a real problem. the new ceo questioning whether our people is disrespectful and demeaning. there she is. then some of her old tweets resurfaced, oops. one called former president trump a racist. others referenced concern over white privilege and, quote, white silence. a new opinion piece argues the ludicrous tweets. j it's the fundamental question of why we should be subsidizing any media outlet. steve hilton, fox news contributor. why are we? >> very good point. i know all aspects of this story very well. first of all in terms of state funding for a broadcaster. back in the u.k. where i was raised we have the bbc, british
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broadcasting corporation, billions of dollars of taxpayer funding. it is absolutely required, strict rules about impartiality, doesn't always meet them but all laid out clearly in its charter. coming to npr you may not believe this, harris, i listen to npr every day. i have it on in the morning making breakfast for my kids. i believe in having a balanced media diet. i get the "wall street journal" and "the new york times." that's the point. npr is part of a balance. it is clearly on the left. i hear every day it wreaks of the kind of left leaning establishment group think in every interview and script. what is hilarious, they are so sanctimonious and self-righteous and lacking in self-awareness and out of touch with mainstream america they probably sincerely believe they are not biased. >> harris: what happens next with mr. berliner. this could be a slippery slope
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if npr isn't careful. what are your thoughts on it? steve, are you still there? did we lose him? yeah, i think we lost his audio, apologize for that. katie couric had thoughts of her own about trump supporters and she is getting taken down over her big thoughts. free speech. you make the judgment. plus the warnings that failed, failed, and failed. >> iran in this moment. >> don't. >> don't. >> don't. >> harris: i'm not sure that would have worked when my kids were three and five. it has critics calling out president biden for weakness on the world stage. the great debate is next.
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i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war.
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rated pg >> what is your message to iran in this moment? >> don't. >> i have one word, don't. >> any actor, state or non-state trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel, don't. >> we have just one word, don't. >> harris: man, you would think
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with all that brain trust they could have come up with a word that worked. we know that don't failed. iran launched its very first ever direct attack on israel three days ago. more than 300 drones and missiles. now the white house is facing tough questions about president biden's weakness on foreign policy. for the white house, john kirby. >> president biden considered maybe beefing up the public iran posture to be more than just one word? >> you are referring to don't. >> they did it anyway. >> let's talk about don't and did. let's talk about saturday night. he made it clear that he didn't want to see escalation in the region. >> and there was. >> let me finish. he added military resources to the region right after october 7th. when we thought this kind of thing was coming he added more military resources to the region. you can talk about the don't word all you want.
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let's talk about what did happen and what did happen is iran utterly failed. >> as a journal lift he is feeling what we all feel when someone is scooting stuff by us. yeah, i got my next 50 questions for you, mr. kirby. the president is facing growing political peril over his israel stance. iran's attack seems to have widened the rift between democratic moderates and anti-israel left and we could see it was taking effect in november even. "politico" reporting the drone strikes on israel don't appear to have changed the larger dynamic and the divide is continuing to play out in democratic races across the nation. gianno caldwell and leslie marshall. let's start with the word don't. it's like they caught a cold and everybody said the same word. >> what's bizarre to me, this is
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the same person who ran in 2020 that people said our world leaders would respect. he wouldn't cause any wars in the middle east. he would clean up what trump did. and as a result we see over 170 attacks on u.s. military, three u.s. soldiers killed in the line of duty, and chaos everywhere we look around. the word don't means nothing to the terrorists that are out to get our allies and us as a country. >> harris: the whole time kirby was speaking yesterday trying to defend, i kept wondering why they didn't hire you to be the spokesperson because making the argument for well, we did this and that but they still did really wasn't the question. the question is what do we do now? >> there are a few things. the element of surprise is number one in any battle. i don't believe any leader in any nation should forecast what we are going to do.
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first of all, israel for decades has been saying to syria, your alliance with iran is a no no but they have largely avoided casualties. the knew they wouldn't avoid casualties this time. they knew iran would respond. three, the united states has assisted 99% of those 300 projectile attacks were shot down and four, you know, if we will mock joe biden for don't, do we mock the israeli prime minister? what did he say? we'll respond in the way we see fit when we see fit. >> harris: they've been hit, october 7th was a game changer. more jews died on october 7th than the holocaust. behind closed doors is why this is costing him such a problem. he is duplicitous on the matter. he said he supports israel. we know he gives them weapons up until this point.
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nancy pelosi would prefer he didn't. but he tells the protestors i get your point in me supporting israel, wink, wink. >> he is politically handicapped. 56% of democrats say they don't want the president of the united states no matter if it's joe biden or anyone else to send military aid to israel. this is a problem for him. as i mentioned plenty of times before, his donor base especially those giving the big money, many of those individuals are jewish, almost half of the donations that he received are from those individuals. he has to stand up for america's ally in the middle east. thats the right thing to do. many other people agree. you can see he is tossing in a win as he tries to say he stands with israel and you have to do it this way. it is what the activists want and that's a problem. >> harris: we got that vibe across the board. when you tell netanyahu take the win it is obvious what's going on. he is trying to have his cake
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and eat it too and put the left overs in the refrigerator for another day. critics are lashing out at katie couric. she made comments about trump voters. watch. >> socio- economic disparities are a lot, and class resentment is a lot, and anti-intellectualism andy letism is what is driving many of these -- these anti-establishment, which are trump voters, anti-establishment voters. so i think that is a huge problem that we have to address. >> harris: anti-intellectualism? social media fired back with this. this is what you call projection, another the arrogance and condescension on the left on display. she is completely out of touch with reality. what was going on there? anti-intellectualism, leslie? >> first of all, i think she is
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confusing that with education or looking at the majority of the trump voters not being college educated. let's be clear. just because you have a college degree doesn't mean you are smart and just because you don't does not mean that you are not an intellectual. look, what i do think is when you see some of these interviews on tv, online with some of these maga rallies, it is not necessarily the best person you are putting forward for that interview. they don't seem like an intellectual. ma marjorie taylor greene, you don't make a broad sweep and generalization of all people and supporters of the former president and neither should they for my side of the aisle. >> harris: you know that people in power on your side -- by the way, taylor greene is a congresswoman. >> to your point, a basket of deplorables, you have all these
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individuals on the left who continue to try to demean folks who voted for donald trump and that's exactly why there has been so many people who have rejected the left leaning ideology, which is an elite group of people. you are talking about many individuals in 2016 who were working class who voted for democrats their entire lives but they had enough. they felt donald trump heard their screams and cries and then they flipped the switch and became republicans. the republican party is the the party of the working man and woman now. the democratic party is the party of the elites. >> harris: it is interesting as black and latino voters continue to leave as well. that might not be an economic statement but cultural difference. that your for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. ut for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this.
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9:00 am
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