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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: fox news alert as we topped off a new hour here we are moments away from history a house replicant about to said articles of impeachment against secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate. one cabinet official has ever been impeached in u.s. history. >> we have fox news cameras and reporters on the hill to capture the moment we expect to see house impeachment managers escort the articles across the capital to the senate chamber where the articles will be read out loud. >> you can see they are gearing up, hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in new york and it's great to have you here today, trace. >> trace: great to see i'm trace gallagher in los angeles, john is off, this is "america reports" and we will bring that to you when it begins but we begin with a fox news alert on president biden. >> president biden you can't hide stop funding. president biden you can't hide
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stop funding by to my genocide. speech luke being heckled in his hometown those anti-israel protests shut down major across the countrtry the political headache getting even bigger now for the president. >> trace: and as israel creeps closer to a response to iran president biden and world leaders no urging caution to prevent igniting a wider conflict. what exact options are on the table? >> sandra: we will talk to iowa republican similar joint wow joni ernst. >> trace: first rich at the white house, has a present been in contact with prime minister netanyahu yet? >> good afternoon, trace, the white house says that he called him over the weekend on saturday. this as a president says he and his administration are trying to prevent a further escalation of
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this conflict in the region. president biden left the white house earlier today a couple of hours ago on his way for three days of campaign in pennsylvania, thousands of miles away israel has warned iran will face consequences for it's massive missile and drone attack on israel this weekend. white house officials say the successful coalition defense against that attack sends a strong message to iran and officials in washington stressed the president wants to dial down the fighting in the region. >> that is a sovereign decision for israel to make the president has been very clear we stand with israel in their self defense but we really don't want to see a wider war or wider regional conflict and we do not seek war with iran. >> treasury secretary janet yellen said that the u.s. will work with its allies on economic sanctions to continue disrupting the iranian regime's to s destabilizing activity although there've been no announcements today. republicans accused for an administration of relaxing pressure on iran to commence the
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regime to restore the iran nuclear deal. >> we need to enforce these sanctions. we need to redesignate the rebels as a foreign terrorist organization for god's sake, i don't understand this accommodation and appeasement to the ayatollah. >> officials say they have sanctioned iran more than 500 times and iran and iranian entities. >> trace: live for us rich johnson at the white house thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in joni ernst now a member of the senate armed services committee senator, thank you for your time. this is speaker johnson earlier on the party divides over support for israel, listen here. >> i think there's a lot of support for israel obviously on the republican side. clearly on the democrat side they have a real division over that. it has some pretty shameful actually leading democrats are turning their backs on israel at
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this most desperate and important time. >> sandra: can you add to that what we are seeing as far as the party divide on an issue? >> yes, i think there is some frustration out across united states of america but bottom line, sander, we need to step up and support israel. they are our close friend and ally in the middle east. as you see with this unprecedented escalation by iran against israel, we have seen arab nations come to the defense of israel, so we can say it is iran that is the aggressor. they are the ones sponsoring hamas, hezbollah, you name it but again unprecedented escalation by iran and this is a time when we all need to come together and stand by our friend israel. >> how do you want to see as israel weighs its response how do you think they should respond to what we saw over the weekend? >> that is entirely up to is
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israel. the point is whatever israel decides to do, the united states should support that decision. in the short term if they do decide to retaliate immediately against iran, the united states should be there to support whether it's the supplemental package providing you additional munitions to the state of israel or providing logistical support and perhaps even targeting data for our friends in israel. in the long term we have to get serious about enforcing the oil sanctions against iran. i heard in the clip that you played yes, we have sanctioned iran but the point is this administration refuses to enforce those sanctions. so it's one thing to put on a piece of paper, it's another to actually stand up and to do. we have to start gaining revenues and make sure we continue to put pressure on iran. >> we are awaiting this pentagon briefing it will be crucial to
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see where the u.s. stands on israel's response here, the press secretary was on this network earlier this morning, sender. and she appeared to not to directly answer the question when asked if the united states would support an israeli response. watch this exchange. >> president has been very clear we stand with israel and their self-defense but what we really don't want to see is a wider war or wider regional conflict and we don't seek war with iran. >> back to the question. will be u.s. help israel? if and when it chooses to respond? >> that is a question for israel to answer. >> benjamin netanyahu asked united states for help, would we answer that call? >> look, i'm not going to get into hypotheticals or conversations we are having in private channels. >> that was the deputy pentagon press secretary what does that exchange tell you, senator? >> it's a continuation of 3.5 years of appeasement of this administration to iran.
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they are not willing to say publicly that b.s., israel, we are going to stand with you. the answer to the question should be clear. we will unequivocally stand with israel. ends this administration simply can't do it because they don't want to get the ire of the iranians. what a sad situation that is. we used to be a world leader but with this administration we have fallen so far, sandra. >> sandra: senator i want your thoughts on this senator mallorca's impeachment push from republicans this is chuck schumer along with president biden they are all calling this a sham. i want to get a response, listen. >> as i've said repeatedly we want to address this issue as expeditiously as possible. impeachment should never be used to settle a policy agreement. or a policy disagreement. let me say that again. impeachment should never be used
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to settle a policy disagreement. talk about awful precedents, this would set an awful precedent for congress. >> them under your response and where this goes? >> yes, we will receive those articles of impeachment in mere moments. we must have a trial. this is unbelievable. we had 7.5 million illegal entries into the united states. our homeland is not as secure as four years ago. we need to have a trial. as our constitutional duty in congress to take up those impeachment articles and hold a trial. this will be the first time in history there has not been a trial. is chuck schumer decides to table the articles of impeachment only one of the time have we not had a trial which was simply because there was a resignation. we need to have a trial. secretary may work a should be
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held accountable. >> sandra: sounds like we will see action in the next few minutes on the hill. senator, appreciate your time, thank you. >> appreciate you, sandra. >> chants like that heard coast to coast as anti-israel protesters brought traffic to a standstill shutting down traffic at the golden gate bridge for hours. what are they facing? >> some pretty serious consequences based on what we are hearing. those protesters who block the bridge yesterday we are told by the d.a.'s offices will not have
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court appearances just yet because it is too soon from their arrest but we will take you to yesterday this was the scene on the iconic golden gate bridge those pro-palestine activists chained themselves to each other that said "stop the world for gaza" on the sign it shut down traffic for both directions for five hours. showing just how those protesters were able to bind themselves together using pvc pipes, chp tells fox news more than 20 of the product on my protesters wound up being arrested. the san francisco d.a. may charge them with more serious offenses including false imprisonment, unlawful assembly, conspiracy, and i'm awfully stopping on a bridge. look at this on the i-80 they went to some pretty extreme measures to make themselves difficult to remove. you are looking at somebody who chained themselves to a 55-gallon barrel filled with cement and the stuff their arm in a pvc pipe in that cement
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which is why it took so long to get them ou out of there. the anti-israel protesters all across the country yesterday may got to helping hand from dark money. their website directs people to a civil defense fund in active blue the online fund-raising juggernaut which asked people to donate here to support community members who are criminalized in the u.s. for their solitary with palestine. gavin newsom hasn't made any statement or comment shutting down the golden gate bridge for hours, we have reached out to see if you've made some consequences for them we have yet to hear back. >> no surprise on that, bill, thank you. you get this feeling when all these chants of death to america
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and you look at the posters and do look at the burnings of the flags and you realize these are american citizens making these chance. and it's starting to say the least. >> where the president will deliver his message on taxes a few moments ago. he was suspected to begin at 2:00 eastern time but in the president's hometown earlier we were talking to some that were happening like "welcome home grant and joe" major gaza has a home also. also chance of biden you can't hide we charge you with genocide come of this is what he will see in these signs. >> and not against hamas why then not chanting to free the
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hostages? why or not they not chanting against hamas to surrender? you have to wonder what is if you are going to have a chance you can lead at a protest you believe is righteous and just, why not call for these hostages to be released? >> sandra: it appears at least they are not stopping traffic like was the case in your state yesterday. they were on the side of the road, they have turned off now, and again this is a head of the treat the macspeech. can we alert to lower manhattan where we could be seeing and hearing from the former president, donald trump, as he is expected to possibly step out of the courthouse any moment now and as he did yesterday he could walk directly up to the microphone and deliver a message to those watching. the door just popped open, trace, we could see and hear he is. it was a little later than this yesterday let's just listen and hear and see what we can here as
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he had toward -- okay. is he departing? okay, okay, he is going back in the courtroom now. he went back in about top of the 1:00 hour, right? trace? do part of the gun on occasion he will stepped in front of a microphone and speak come he did not this time and he is headed back in the courtroom. we are monitoring all of the developments. >> it's important to note that when you talk about the microphone the former president has come out and this will be a pattern. we have been told he will as many times and opportunities he gets to step up to the microphone he will do that because these are kind of planning these campaigns the visits he is wanting to make so he is using this. he knows the world is watching and he is using this as his megaphone. if he gets a chance to go back up to the megaphone we estimate he'll probably do that. >> he has expressed a lot of frustration with the fact he is
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there and not campaigning as we are about to see from the current president also running. they are in pennsylvania. so we will continue to watch that courthouse in lower manhattan. meanwhile this, that noel killing tens of millions every year and get beijing's role in all of it? >> impeachment articles will soon be on the move, on capitol hill with the play-by-play. chad? >> chase, 303 paces that's the distance on the house side of the capital. been three or 4 minutes more on that coming up. distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. >> sandra: you heard it from
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senator ernst a moment to go any moment now the senate is expected to receive articles of impeachment against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. a live look in the hall at the capital. we expect to see the house impeachment managers. we will see this happen live. they are going to walk through that hallway first before they deliver the articles of impeachment. chad pergram is on capitol hill and knows the ins and outs of all of this and the historic moment what are we about to see, chad? >> center, good afternoon. not seen on capitol hill and 148 years descendant asked by the house to sit in judgment of the cabinet secretary. the house impeached alejandro mayorkas in february but after a false start the house is sending them to trial. clay higgins will prosecute the case before the senate. >> secretary mayorkas is not only betrayed the trust of the
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american people, his service as secretary has left a scar on our nation's soul that may never be removed. >> it's a split screen for mallorca's, he testified this morning which impeached him, they are pushing them to have a full trial. saying they may terminate the trial as quickly as it began. >> it would be booming the senate's dignity and the charges we will hear today. with thorough consideration. senate majority leader chuck schumer has not tipped his hand about how he will handle the trial. >> talk about all full precedents comes this would set an awful precedent for congress. every time there is a policy described in the house they send it over here to type the senate and not to do an impeachment trial, that is absurd, that is an abuse of the process. that is more chaos.
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>> senate republicans are threatening to bring the senate to a screeching halt if democrats hold the trial. the senate squares in senators as jurors tomorrow in 202045 senate republicans voted to dismiss articles of impeachment for former president trump before the trial was complete. sender? >> sandra: okay, chad. live shot in capitol hill, can you tell us who we are going to see what this will look like we are told this is literally happening any minute now >> we are looking at a shot outside the house chamber by the will rogers statue and the 11 house republican impeachment managers these are the prosecutors. they will come out of the house for a while book and clerk room stomach to my cloakroom one alleges mallorca's broke the law from the other one says he breached the public trust. and will be seeing these 11
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impeachment managers walk the articles from the house to the senate escorted by milt bill mcfarland and kevin mccumber who is the acting clerk of the house of representatives. what they will do is walk the articles over here that it's hakeem jeffries the democratic leader right now. keep in mind he was a prosecutor back in president trump's first trial in 2020. the lead is marcus greene republican from tennessee. he is the chairman of the homeland security committee and it was ironic because i set a couple of seconds ago you had mae mayorkus testifying his budget request for the next fiscal year this morning you also michael mccaul. he is the chair of the foreign affairs committee in the house represented abs, andy biggs republican from arizona, klan of virginia, andrew garbarino of new york from a michael guest mississippi, harriet hagman, she is a republican from montana, from wyoming i should say, clay higgins who you heard a
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second or so ago, laura lee a republican of florida come august pflueger of texas and marjorie taylor greene the republican from georgia. they will walk past the scammer here and you will see a couple different shots as they go through the house side to the senate side and they will be received on the senate side by the sergeant and arms carrying. >> chad, you know, as you were talking i had one of the past tours i think anybody could ever have at the capitol years ago. you gave it to me. it's a special place. what we will do here, chad, we will keep our eye on this. we will split screen it as we go to our next report and as soon as we see this happening we will jump back in there with you, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> trace? >> trace: import we go back to the source of all of this, let's check the international border which is el paso here a live look on one of our drones, mike tobin his life. texas is the third busiest border sector in the nation,
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mike, have you seen a lot of migrant traffic coming through today? >> the traffic is concen, constd you get to go different flows. the of those who want to turn themselves in and apply for asylum and the others want to sneak in and never be detected. yesterday at the border we saw two large group of 100 migrants each come off the border at least one of these groups had to cut the concertina wire to make it to the texas side of the border and this is concertina wire that has been put down by texas national guard as part of "operation lone star" all of those people across are in the stages of processes right now. across the new mexico side of the border in the mountains it is a very different dynamic. that's where we saw the coyotes at work. just about every mountaintop we can see out there had someone on top of the mountain with binoculars looking for a chink in the armor, a place they could
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scramble down the mountain and not be picked up by law enforcement. we saw groups of young men scrambling around the hiking pass in the mountains. apparently there was some communication. putting the drone up there to look at coyotes at the top of the hills they did not like it, they threw rocks at our drones but apparently there was communication because as soon some cars pulled into the parking lot at the base of the e mountain some young men we saw scrambling came down and made a break for it. at least some of them have been apprehended. i should note the el paso sector is number one forgot aways. they escape and are never a detective just shy 50,000 got aways in the sector alone peer review have the other group or the people applying for asylum but you should also note syracuse university as the backlog in asylum cases greater
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than 3.5 million. >> trace: and going back to that, might, the two different modes here because you talked about those that are climbing up and getting hope from the cartels and you see here the line of people turning themselves in with asylum claims for the bottom line is they will all more than likely end up in the country and many of these people with asylum dates could end up in the country for years and years before they received judge. >> particularly when you look at that number with a back log of the seven cases they will wait for the case to come up which could be years from now and who knows where we will be on that time, trish? >> trace: that's right. center? >> sandra: might come as we continue to look at these flights team images out of el paso, texas, you think about what has happened on capitol hill screen left. we are waiting on articles of impeachment to be delivered for mayorkus with chad pergram here.
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we are told is a few minutes behind. it reminds you as you take these live images in el paso of the political divide on this issue and how the white house and democrats say this is republicans fault for not funding the border bill and sending the money they say they need to fix this crisis. speak of the portion of this that is apolitical is the numbers of people coming across. they just released a number of numbers or a swath of numbers i should say but they do show in a decrease in the number of encounters at the border for the month of march. it's the lowest march during the biden administration. but it should be pointed out it is dramatically higher than the numbers before president biden took office. also there has been a dramatic increase in enforcement on the mexican side of the border. they suddenly have a quarter
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million in encounters on the mexican side of the border which increases the traffic before it gets to hear so you still have before you get to the new mexican border and frankly the arizona border the tucson sector seeing this free and uncontrolled flow and this random effort to bring them into legal process and some who are thwarting legal process altogether, sandra. >> trace: mike tobin for us we will get back to you as the news warrants. minutes away from the start of the pentagon's press briefing and as israel weighs the response to the drone and missile response jack keane is there to break down what israel might do and how the u.s. might respond plus this. >> i was paying a lawyer and marking down as a legal expense and mark it down as a legal expense, that's exactly what it was. and you get indicted over that?
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>> sandra: former president donald trump returned back to the courtroom just a few moments ago, that's a live look, lower manhattan as the d.a. gave him a new legal hurdle toys overcome o. lab report from the courthouse just after this kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof!
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speak of the pentagon said to hold a press briefing in a minute as they wait for responses to the drone and missile attack over the weekend the u.s. has warned israel not to spark a wider war in the middle east. let's bring fox news analyst general jack keane who serves as chairman of the institute for the study of war and previously worked as the former vice chief of staff in the army and by the way we have been waiting for this we talked to chad pergram earlier this is the walk of the impeachment articles for dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. they are impeaching him because they believe he has violated the law of the southern border
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letting millions and millions and millions of people in. the other side of this legal argument is this is a policy debate. this is a policy dispute and you can't impeach someone for a policy to tell mike to spew course conservatives disagree with that and they are hoping, sandra, the senate takes this. that the big question, now. they will hand it off. question now, does chuck schumer allow a trial or dismiss this out of hand? >> this is the historic walk we had anticipating become our own chad pergram is there are watching along with us and we heard from senator joni ernst and we have heard from senate republicans who have been demanding that schumer hold the mallorca's impeachment trial. as you see them walking these articles of impeachment 33 senators including ernst called on the senate to fulfill what they call is their constitutional duty by holding
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trial to consider the impeachment alejandro mayorkas. so, trace, this is the highly anticipated walk. this is what is happening is republicans pressure democrat colleagues not to dismiss this. >> it's interesting as chad pointed out no one has seen this is the first time this has happened in 148 years. that is the last time that you had, you know, you had a bureau person that was literally impeached. you think okay, well, this is the first time in 148 years and the debate is still on. just today during the hearing all hunger mallorca's made the claim there is nothing he can do. there is nothing the president can do. the only remedy for this whole thing is for congress to get involved and for congress to stop. >> sandra: chad can you talk us over these live pictures? >> right now they have just walked past the ohio clock in
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the main corridor outside the senate chamber what they are waiting now is for karen to gibson the sergeant and arms for the senate to formally welcome the men. they are house members they can't just walk and so she will come out and officially greet them. you see right now on the senate floor senate majority leader chuck schumer is preparing senators to stand up. he asked them all to sit at their desks and they will receive them into the house chamber here. karen gibson will read a proclamation. she will say hear ye, hear ye, all persons are commanded to keep silent on pain of imprisonment as they begin the impeachment trial of alejandro mayorkas. what will happen as soon as they get in they will recognize them, they will also present the articles to the senate, and that should be it for the day. we are told republicans want to try to stretch this out by making a motion or anything like that is certainly technically not an order at the stage as they read the articles today and receive the impeachment managers by the book, what they should do
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is come back tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern time and that is where they will swear in senators. that is when they would dismiss and here is karen gibson. >> madam president and members of the senate, i announce the presence of managers on the part of the house of representatives to conduct proceedings on the behalf of the house concerning impeachment of alejandro nicholas mallorca's. secretary of homeland security. speak of the managers on the part of the house will be escorted to the one the center.
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the sergeant and arms will make the proclamation. >> hear ye hear you hear ye, all persons are commanded to keep silent on pain of imprisonment while the house of representatives is exhibiting to the senate of the united states articles of impeachment against alejandro nicholas mallorca's. secretary of homeland security. speak of the managers on the part of the house will proceed. >> mr. president, the managers
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on the part of the house of representatives are present and ready to present to the articles of impeachment which have been preferred by the house of representatives against alejandra nicholas mallorca is secretary of homeland security. the house adopted the following resolution which will with permission of the senate i will read house resolution 995. resolved. set mr. green of tennessee, mr. mccall, mr. bigs, mr. higgins louisiana, mr. cline, mr. guest, mr. greg moreno, miss greene of georgia, mr. pflueger, miss hagman and miss lee of florida are in the impeachment trial against nicholas mallorca's that a message may be sent and the manager so with the conduct of the trial may exhibit articles of impeachment and take all necessary actions which may include the following.
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one, employing legal, clerical, and other necessary assistance and incurring such as may be necessary to be paid by homeland security under applicable expense resolutions or for the applicable amount of the house of representatives. two, sending for persons and papers and filing with the secretary of the senate on the part of the house of representatives and the pleadings in conjunction with or subsequent to the exhibition of articles of impeachment that the managers consider necessary. with the permission of the senate i will now read the articles of impeachment. house resolution 863. resolved that alejandra nicholas mallorca's, secretary of homeland security in the united states of america, is impeached and high crimes and misdemeanors and the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the united states senate.
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articles of the united states of america and the name of itself and the people of the united states of america against alejandra n mallorca secretary of homeland security in the united states of america in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors. article one. willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law. the constitution provides that the house of representatives "shall have the sole power of impeachment" and that civil officers of the united states including the secretary of homeland security "shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" in his conduct while secretary of homeland security, alejandra n mallorca's in violation of his oath to protect the u.s. from enemies foreign and domestic to their allegiance to the same and
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to faithfully discharge the duties of his office has willfully and systemically refused to comply with the federal immigration laws in that. throughout his tenure and secretary of homeland security alejandra n mallorca's has repeatedly broken laws with border security in large part because of his unlawful conduct of millions of aliens have illegally entered the united states on an annual basis with many unlawfully remaining in the united states. his refusal to obey the law is not only against the separation of powers in the separation, constitution of the united states is also threatens our national security and has had a dire impact on communities across the country's. despite clear evidence his willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law has significantly contributed to unprecedented levels of illegal immigrants insurance the
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entering of the vertebrate drug cartels and the impositions of enormous costs on states and localities from the influx of aliens, alejandro n mayorkus has continued in his refusal to comply with the law and thereby acted to the grave detriment of the interest of the united states. alejandro n mayorkus engaged in this scheme or course of conduct through the following means. 1, alejandro n mayorkus willfully refused to comply with the detention mandate set forth in section 235b2 letter a in the nationality act requiring all who are "not clearly and beyond a doubt required to be admitted" shall be detained for a removal proceeding" instead of complying with this alejandro n mayorkus implemented a catch and release scheme whereby such aliens were
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unlawfully released even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearance before immigration courts for removal proceedings are to ensure removal in the case of aliens order removed. 2, alejandro n mayorkus willfully refused to comply with detention mandate set forth in section 235b1b2 of such act requiring an alien placed in expedited removal proceedings determined to have a fear of persecution "shall be detained in further consideration in the application for asylum" instead of complying with this requirement, alejandro n mayorkus implemented a catch and release scheme whereby such aliens were unlawfully released even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearances before the immigration courts for removal proceedings or to ensure removal in a case of aliens order removed. 3. alejandro n mayorkus willfully refused to comply with the
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detention set forth in 235b1b34 of such act requiring an alien placed in expedited removal proceedings and determined not to have a credible fear of persecution "shall be detained until removed." instead of complying with this requirement alejandro n mayorkus has implemented a catch and release scheme whereby such aliens are unlawfully released even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearance before immigration courts for removal proceedings are to ensure removal in the case of aliens order removed. 4. alejandro n mayorkus willfully refused to comply with the detention mandate set forth in section 236c of such act requiring a criminal alien who is inadmissible or deportable on certain criminal and terrorism related grounds "shall be taken into custody." when the alien is released from
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law enforcement custody instead of complying with this requirement alejandro n mayorkus issued "guidelines for the enforcement of civil immigration laws" which instructs department of homeland security hereinafter referred to as d letter hs officials that the "fact that a nonremovable citizen should you not alone in the action against them" and that dhs "personnel should not rely on the fact of conviction alone" even with respect to aliens, subject to mandatory arrests and detention in section 236c of such act or take them into custody. in texas versus united states 40f2052022 the united states court of appeals concluded these guidelines had "every indication of being a general policy that is so extreme as to amount to an
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abdication of statutory responsibility ." and that is "replacement of congress' statutory mandates with concerns of equity and grace is extralegal and plainly outside the bounds of the power conferred by the ina." number 5, alejandro n mayorkus willfully refused to comply with the mandate in 241 a 2 requirement alien order of removed "shall be detained" during "there removal period." instead of complying with this mandate, alejandra n mal mayorks with immigration laws which instructs officials that the "fact an individual is removable noncitizen should not alone be the basis of an enforcement action against them" and that dhs "personnel should not rely on the fact of conviction
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alone." even with respect to aliens subject to mandatory detention and removal through 241 a of such act. 6. alejandro n mayorkus willfully exceeded his parole authority set forth in section 212d5 a of such act that lets parole be granted "only on a case-by-case basis" temporarily "for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit" in that a alejandro n mayorkus paroled aliens and mass in order to release them for mandatory detention despite the fact as a united states court of appeals for the fifth circuit in biden 20f4928 probably every alien dhs cannot attain is the opposite of
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a case-by-case basis determdeterminations and heard y law." and "dhs's pretended power to parole aliens while ignoring the limitations congress imposed on the parole power is not known enforcement" it's miss enforcement suspension of the letter i litter and litter a and both. b alejandro n mayorkus created, reopen, or expanded a series of categorical parole program to authorized by congress for foreign nationals outside the united states including for certain central american miners, ukrainians, venezuelans, cubans, nations, nicaraguans, colombians, salvadorans, guatemalans, and hondurans which enabled hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens to enter the united states in violation to the laws enacted by congress. alejandro n mayorkus willfully exceeded his release authorities set forth in section 236 a of
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such act that permits in certain circumstances the release of aliens arrested on an administrative warrant and that alejandro n mayorkus released aliens arrested without a warrant despite there being subject to a separate applicable mandatory detention ornament set forth in section 235b2 of such acts. alejandro n mayorkus released such aliens -- >> sandra: talking to the house impeachment manager mike ream from tennessee come this moments after the impeachment managers for the house physically walked the house past articles over to the senate side to deliver them to the majority leader there, chad is with us. chad, talk us through what's happening now and what we are about to see happen next. >> this is where the house impeachment manager, base of the prosecutors as i stated earlier and mark ream is the leader is deleted manager get to make their case. if this trial actually goes on for a while, which we are not
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anticipating at this stage, we will probably hear from each of these managers resenting a section of a case that they were presenting to the senate. this may in fact be the only time we hear from mark ream or any of the impeachment managers if the senate majority leader chuck schumer has his way potentially tomorrow sometime after 1:00 and prospectively to dismiss or send this to a committee or something below those lines, chuck schumer the majority leader has kept his cards very close to his vest here. he has not indicated exactly what he would do only to say that he wants this wrapped up quickly and wants the best way to get this done. the other thing i should note is it is not just up to chuck schumer, they have to vote. as i always say it's about the math. they have to have 51 votes to move to dismiss this. that is not out of the ordinary to have some people who are absent, that's why chuck schumer indicated he wanted all senators in place today. if they moved to dismiss tomorrow, that's it, came over. they have ended this impeachment
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of alejandro mayorkas. patty murray as presiding she is the most senior member of the party. and mike leave the republican from utah wants to extend this and may try to offer any motion but chuck schumer because he is majority leader, he gets recognized on the senate floor so he may be able to maneuver around and likely these republicans who want to extend this trial and finish this rather quickly tomorrow that would be it as they swear in the senators as jurors at 1:00 tomorrow those are the only things that have to happen. when they wrap up presenting today that maybe the only time we hear from these impeachment managers, guys. >> you mentioned, just to clarify you mentioned chuck schumer has the ability may be to send this to committee. if that happens does this become some kind of protracted effort? >> it would protract it but it would also flee up the senate floor. mike lee has been throwing up procedural roadblocks to do some
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of the most basic things and the senator in the past couple of days to votes to go out of executive session on a nominee to go into legislative session to decide what time to recess these are done very quickly and that is something they could wrap up pretty quickly if they get an agreement. they've done it before they'd ended with hastings, from former congressman and former federal judge in 1989 who was referred to a committee, guys. >> sandra: chad, i know you will stay right there with us as we cover this news live from the senate floor, mark ream continues to speak there we will continue to monitor this for the next movement and by the way we are told several republicans including senator mike lee the republican from utah will be holding a press conference following the article delivery so we will watch for that and news out of the courtroom with former president donald trump just a few moments ago with news on something that judge just said. we will have that for you after break
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12:00 pm
>> martha: fox news alerts and you are looking live at the courthouse in lower manhattan here as we just got word from the courtroom leisure time ago that the judge in the courtroom admonished the former president and his team, the judge said that the former president was audibly muttering while a juror was speaking and the judge said "i won't tolerate that." so that just happened at the courtroom. >> and the challenge was also the fact that the juror was -- he wanted him to have -- because they thought that she said she could be impartial but had social media posts that apparently had her celebrating trump's loss in 2020 an


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