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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 17, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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and resentment. >> take a look. socioeconomic disparities are ao lot and class resentment is a lot. what and anti-intellectualismis and elite ism is what is driving many of these theseyf anti-establishment which trump voters or anti-establishment voters. so i think that is a huge i problem that we have to address that elite attitude is why shete failed miserably as the anchorh. of cbs evening news. all right. that's all the time we have left this eveningur timu . thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. please dvr it. neve show etr ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greaof hanniett is next to put e on your face. have a great night.
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happy birthday, everyone. ll rit delicious is all right. all right, all right. so during a meeting with iraq's prime minister, president biden's crib sheet was caught on camera, which included directions to pause. here's another that simply said, i if lost. go to 1600 pennsylvania avenue.o and here's another one.0 and another. >> he works for iraq, notanothe 7-eleven, ohio.o spot and also spotted was this othetr car that said don't. >> it coulouldd be be anywher.
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the u.s. olympic uniform, four track athletes. apparently it sparked concern over being too revealing. >> female athletes have complained that the outfits are so sheer you could see their . love it. tation traffic citations in san francisco have nearly plummeted . >> they credit their revolutionary new speed bumps. >> senator elizabeth warren criticized turbo tax for overcharging taxpayers for simple tax returns. she recommended citizens pay taxes the way she does with $24 worth of beads and trinkets on this day in 1922, marked woman annie oakley said a >>man's record by 100 clay targets in a row. >> coincidentally, als a recoros day, and his husband stopped with a sassy backtalk. d with >> sassy backtalk.cktalk
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all a new survey finds that the most stressful time of the mos y is 8:15 a.m.. >> you'd be stressed, too, if you got woke in by this. o.j. simpson is still dead, but his body is set to be cremated, although he denied it in his new book. >> if i cremated myself myself ,the white ford bronco used in his infamous chas.e sooned be up for sale. the seller says it's rarely been driven except forfamous and after killing people. the first golden bachelor and his wife have announced they're divorcing after just months of marriage. they claim they just want t things. she likes the metamucil berry flavored fiber supplement. he prefers the miralax laxative powder for gentle constipation relief, according to newa laxa research. >> south african womentive,
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the largest in the world with an average hip sizwomee of 41.73 inches. >> needless to say, the research was conducted by an expert. >> all right. to the monologue. so according to legal expert jonathan turley, trump is on trial for allegedly falsifyingtrumia records related to payments to star stormy daniels. >> early added that it's a misdemeanor and the statute of limitationsut ran out. somehow none of that matters in new york city where guys who randomly punch kids are given a pat on the back and a ke wy to the city. key >> but when it comes to a porn star payment, you'd better keep records more detailed than a cbs receipt. at's u but first up, what's up with hush money? you're notush mone to talkaboutl about sleeping with a porn star. >> if that were meh , i shut up about it. my friends would be like, yes,,e we know.
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greg. then stormy tied you down and you unconsciou know gres with a pickleball racket. how many timesckle bal you going to tell us? >> me sleeping with adult film stars. i wouldn't por be able to keep d a secret, and neither woul tdeyo they. >> but they should. they should shutul. that's the deal. when you charge for. the you break that time honored pledge and you soiled what is otherwise a noblge youe that gae us matahari heidi fleiss and eleanor roosevelt. i might be wrong on that one. >> any who? >> trump's not happy. as you know, my son justyway tru graduated from high school judge and looks like the judge will not let me go throughl the graduation. my son is worked very, very hard and he's just tried to do so well and was looking forward four years to have graduation with his mother aniod therehere and it looks like the judge
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isn't going to allow me es scam to stand trial. >> i haven't seen him this ticked off since i rejected his offer to be the spokesman for trump'f s steaks. what can i say? i'm a dedicated vegan closest i come nowadays to putting meat in my mouth is when i don my downward facing dog in my w new yoga class. of course, in their zeal to destroy trump, dems are doing him a favor again. >> for one thing, high school graduates are boring. you sit there for hours in a hot, sweaty auditorium and listen sre to a bunch of nas of strangers, kids just to see 20 seconds is when the only important one is getting his diploma. y th >> if you're lucky, the kid in the wheelchair might pop a wheeli e. >> what's wrong? and it's not like it's hardet a to get a high school degree. everyone has one except greta thunberg. ybody ha >> it's a high school diploma, for christ's sake. exce lik e adderall prescription. >> at that age, everyone gets
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one. >> plus, it's just stressful being around all those seniors. how many times can i repeat? can >> call me when you're 18. but i'm just resentful becauseew nobody cared when i graduatehedd from cosmetology school, i was class valedictory and hadd received the vidal sassoon award for outstanding achievement in hair treatmenfor i came up with the first pubic hair straightener for inmates. . >> it was called hair straight . but trump wants to go to his son's graduation. >> he should but. on he sh graduations are like losing your virginity. it only happengraduations are ss and trying to stop him is the biggest favor the dems can do for him. they'll give him martyrs status. hes already like and that he'ans the only oneo ca who could raise joe biden fromee the dead. >> just imagine if trump blows
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off a day of this dumb trial to watch his son graduate in the cops show up and arrest him. you want bad optics? it'll look worse than the time jesse wore leggings to harassment training. >> sure, the libs in every newsl room will cheer. jon st >> jon stewart will jokeew about it on the daily show or tde abous, i like to call it. had a swing that gig. anywayhow did like chris chriss personal trainer. >> this guy only works one day a week and those clucking hands the view will high fived each other so hard joy will break both break her wrists and have t her hay and oats bent over a trough. but the rest of america,the re the actual voters, they all got to go to their children's graduations or hope to. one day they'll see the injustice and they will go nuts are h wil. so if you're watching president trump, just go to the graduationoug . >> you know, i bet some brit per will steal that line. if you're watching president trump just prior to the graduation. every in america, whether
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they like your paycheck, will g oo, yeah, i'd have doneeo that, too, because this case is utterly ridiculouneecause tsy why would you not think that what you're doing here is going to almost doing guarane donald trump wins the next election? >> the only thing that coulde nt guarantee is if he's found guilty and put in a prison cellp ,because at that moment, trump wins by a landslide. a for once, a brit is rightitis about something. wit well, it's easy when you're competing with prince harry, the teletubbies, and mr.d . >> but once again, charlie said it best. everything it best. legally this case is, in my view, legally absurd. s ba you know, this caseate is basically a state misdemeanor that had outon - on the invitations they took and missed a dead misdemeanor and bootstrapped it into effectively trying a federal. l >> but the federal crime here under election law was rejecte d by department of justice. >> they didn't feel that this should be charged. dehe's got great eyebrows. anyway, he's right
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it's lawfare. they can't beat trump politically because solito far defied all the laws of politics. so they've decided to defyvin bg all the laws. alvin bragg is like oj, except slower lik fatter and more aliv >> they're twisting the law like a balloon animal with scoliosis prevent a second trump term and they could very well end up bringing isis and t. on the first day, over half the jurors were next after sayingwere they couldn't be impartial. >> no, the city is bluer than a smurf's after sitting on anitg ice block. so it's not within the court that matters where the evidence is key. it's what's outside the courtrooe the m. >> the pressure to crush trump matters more. bottom line, the deme the presie trump so much that they're willing to destroy the legal system and now they're on the verge of cementing their own worst nightmare. the verg cementianother trump t. and this time he'll be older,wie wiser, and hopefully less . .
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let's welcome tonight's guestsr . her swear jar is an aquarium. how's it outnumbered? companion. he draws big crowds and sometimes them. writer and comedian joe devito . seems like gene simmons. she wears tons of makeup and can't sing. f makeup"new york times" best sg author and fox news contributor kat timpf. and his doctor uses. r come a surfboard as a tongue depressor. "new york times" best selling authordi, comedian and former. v >> emily, as a lawyer, i haveu s to ask you this questionn th that was confusing. you're the lawyer. >> they could have easily the changed the venue and notat have this problem with the jury, but they chose notos.
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>> and the jury is proving the point that this is a contaminated sitgthise. >> how can this go on? and the judge doubled down by saying is the most thorought questionnaire he's ever seen and so have no questio, he saide end, we will, in fact, empanel an impartial jure y. but to your point, it's been proven along the way that ther e is no amount of people here that can be impartial. i argue, because i live herey too, not because they're anti-trump, but becauste they see the legal absurdity, the absolute that this is any normal person can see this is an absolutes an. and to add on a postscript to jonathan turley's point earlier, notpoin only ist only the federal crime the statute of limitations has run, but what jurisdictiois theten ds a state, a manhattan d.a. have over a federal law anyway? >> it makes no sense. i have to say this, too, about the high school graduation. >> he is punishing barron because the person parents, of course, they want to see their kid graduate. of course, that is so important, but it is most t importee o the student to se
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your family there in the audience. i've been at a millionn scheduling a million hearings and every judge always, oh, you got a dentist appointment. tell me you operate based on that in part to coverha yours at the appellate level. so the fact that he's doubling down and treating him has alreadthe fact iy convicted, aly incarcerated, were you do say no, i'm sorry. it's your mother's funeral,o grn but. >> nope, i'm not going to grant you leave. he's doing that not e he's doint all of this is setting up. if a conviction happen, heaven cofor forbid. it will absolutely be overturned on appeal. no questiod itn. >> joe, you know, it's interesting. bill clinton not only went to chelsea's graduatide during his whole mess, he spoke at thel ceremonyinto and then afterwardr banged three teachers. this is hypocrisy at its finest ,but it is also multitasking at this point. yes. as a >> yes. well, as a lawyer myself, yes, i think trump's given us the best way to get ou thet of. any social obligation is to just say, i would love to goo go to that. t
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but unfortunately, i've got this trial with a porn stahavers escorting me. >> she keeps telling everybody th hadellingex to each other. i think all this doesn't make trump look like a good dad. makokcompare him to the last o. hunter biden had to go courto to admit he was someone's father. >> but here's trump saying, court toe someon to go to my kin graduation and you don't mess with barron trump. >> i don't know if you'v n't e seen him lately. >> the big boy. he is the trump yes child of all time. ye s. mp because, you know, trump says everything is huge. tremendous. everythi his kids 11 feet >> so i can't wait until the election of of 2044 when because at current growth rate parents can be about 30 feetnt t tall. so i want to see him againsto se hunterbi biden. that's the trump i want. i want my brain soaking at a vat of biochemicals. so i'll be here when barron trump is president and i willll be behind the scenes pulling all the strings. kathe strit what a contrast, ri? you can beat the hell out of ahe woman on the street and get off and 3 hours. but you know, you see your kidet graduate.
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i think i might have smoothed that a little too muchha, but yu get the picture. >> yeah, i think the the really remarkable contrast is kind of what you alluded to, which is what we're talking about here is in a the charges here, it doesn't really i agree with emily with the wordn't real that you use. >> i agree. it doesn't really hold upfrom t the they tried to do this at the misdemeanor, etc., but it does stem from these hush payments that because becau he had with a star allegedly to cover that up. right. and because of what they're doing here and they're pushin let so far and if they do not let him go to the g the graduationra, there's a potential here if he goes anyway, gets arrested is a potential here for the headlin eto about this trial to be coming and to paint himcoming o as a te family man. >> and it's just i fee feel theo this. >> it's even to make him look like a victim in general is har td. vic i mean, he's very wealthy, is very successful. his wife is supehyr tha and they've managed to make a man like that look like a victim, which seems impossibleoka to take.
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what this was trial is about. what's at the core of this trial and make hima the ye the headlines like date of the year. >> it's just it's the thingsd to that they keep handing to him. >> it's really, truly remarkable to you know, the judge says he hasn't decided not to. idedhe's not decided he can't gm >> but trump was wise to juste n sense that opening and just use it. >> well, alsd use ito i'm not le the president. i'm not going to some man coming. well, i'll think about it.g ab yeah, kiss my . i'm going do what you got to do. and i thin wilk he'll make bail. i'm just guessing. s >> the funny part to me about this is how they talk, p how trump was paying hush moneyr and houmw trump was he wasn't doing that. he probably didn't even know it . that's why you have lawyers. yeah, that's why he hadcohe a horrible one in court. and you go to jail foro ther already. >> so it's like they're trying to tell this like he was looking at his bank statement. he tried to cut the check. no, we're not paying her. like, do make sure she gets in this. no, he's a businessman who runs
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empirea busi. was literally. it was probably. oh, we're going to take don't worry, boss. we're going to tak't we careorry tof it. that's about as far as it went.e so the person they really should be going afte br is the h lawyers, because michael cohen, who's going who's the witness, which literally the one who signed the deed, made the papers, made t the moves, cf corners, did it himself because he's a lawyer who passed w the bar. so you assume that when he became a lawyer, he had integrity and knew what he waswe doing. tru so it seems more to me likee th trump should be a witness against cohes again. n. yes. you know what it is? i said this yesterday on the five, but i'll say it again. reg: saiy onit's like the hospi the patient for the doctor's malpracticr the, it makes n absolutely no sense. >> you know what landed better yesterda h y? next, why couric went to great to insult maggot brain. od fresh imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over intoour pl the things that keepan food fresher, our family safer,ate io
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hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. she wants delivered the news but still holds stupid views. >> katie couric brings us our video of the day. here she is until mars podcast slamming trump voters, calling him anti-intellectual. >> toland, doristi- inte, i feee to your point, bill, the social disparities are a lot and resentment is a lot. what? and anti-gang intellectual ism and elite ism is what is driving many of these these anti-establishment, whichwhic are trump voters are anti-establishment winnerse . so i think that is a hugem we problem that we have to address. >> the honeye to a i shrunk thek totally like a little munchkin living at a tree, like a keebler elf. e
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>> but what she meant to say was maga voters are stupid, s op you know, as opposed to the cerebral thinkers behind cerey show.t and you thought matt lauer was nbc's biggest embarrassmen de at he had the decency to leave the airwaves. granted, though, it would have beecen nice if he put his pants on first. but that's the difference d've bee putn people and liberas in a bubble. it took her 50 words to call people dumb when she could have just said to call.have t >> oh,ak i know. tuals sorry, katie. intellectuals in the last five years have given us covidis covid lockdowns, vaccines that don't work, runaway spending, ay that didn't think would cause inflation, and dudes in women's locker cas. think so fine. call us anti-intellectual. we'll consider the source i can see why televising her calling us skippy was a career highlight highlight. that has more credibility than this one.
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joe. do you think she was just confused by the termsfuse anti-intellectual and anti-establishment? wed up she was all free. everything was is all screwed up in there. i she was confused by that. >> bill maher chair that seems to have a conveyer belt on because everyone was on his show. you just watch them slowly starting 30. it's just head on a cushion. it's a perfectly the relaxer. they get on club random. we're like, yeah, yeah, like, look at that. >> completely in an iron lung. who is what? richard dreyfus. remember remembe sli had come to the fl, slipped out of the studio into the part this is got i think people might be resentful ifk hd you pay your bills worked hard and saved your money and then someone fromd save a family saie have to pay their debts. i could see how people might about that because you don't see the people saying, well, my point is, if you're s io smart and so elite, why did you take out student loans? you can't pau takey i can't gett that because the people that she's insultingth are, w
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the plumbers, the electricians, the truck drivers, the peoplemae who this society work so that people like her can say, of we live in a technology driven society now. w or wins out, ther goe what is the technology driven society going to be doing? i know what i'y societym to be . i'm going to be begging electrician, help me out. i have a liberal arts degree isr and hands. >> i'm useless. yeah, that you are. you knoweensoft han, whenever i, it reminds me that, likedi the media, people in the media have a blind spot and everything they miss has to do with that blind spot. it's their ego.everyt >>hi it's like their ego is in the way of everything. so has to be right.ople a >> and those millions of people are stupidre, right and you ando i have no ego. >> i know i ever ey morningog i wake up and i let go of my ego. yeah, especiallylet go you remer that. got my ego. nice. thanks. she's too young to know that when i get up every mornin eveg and i look good for being born late. >> i know you're know,
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i'm going to keep saying it until. >> somebody claps. >> isayingtil somebody colk you. thank you, thank you. exactly what someone would do if they had no ego ways. she can't understand. cat why millions of people her don't agree with her. >> and i thinky thin am she's complimenting herself. she's like, i'm smart, they're stupidt an. but honestly, i think that a lot of the support for trump comes from people saying stuff like that. >> yeah, a lot of people thing are tired of people who have way more money than them , easier lives of themthem i in so many ways, fame, all these things, sayinganvote how they're supposed to vote and how they're supposed so thinkd to, and that if they e something differently, then that's because they're stupid. if you actually wanted to know ,you could talk to these people, you could read things. >> these c people, right. >> this is a lazy answer, i i guess, does make you feel better. all you have to do is just vote for the other persobetter a
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and all of a sudden you're a smart person and you're so much better than all these other people. asmart better thanthe harsh rs a lot of stupid people on both sideboth sids. that is true. >> s your letters to kat timpf . i know stupidity transcends politicsdity tra. i know. i know. you know who joe klein for being? i heard that from a golfer. hey, tyruseers do you know that >> piers made a great point today on the phone. morgan made, a great point. he said that it's he saysy he it's so funny seeing her talk about people being resentful be wrote memoir where she on every female in the business . >> she was like, that's so bitter. gee, wonder why. how's her new show doing? yeah, i think it's gone. is it? yeah. listen, all she did was she described the democratic party.d that's because that'semoc the only interaction shera. obay like she said, i've talked h to five maga voters and. >> oh, we're in trouble. okay? and she actually did the worhe k. se
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she drew her opinion based on interviews or shouldn't do dit. f thas or wha she sat bill's had a little too much to drink and started saying some dumbk star dum and d to invent words. yeah. and then apparently thought she wathought s some form of leaderp because we got to address that. who would like katie couric calls you up. hey, tariffs to talk to you about the click. here's a dayt tho gis . yeah. you know, i'm saying like they alwaym themses tell on the. i am so out of touch, so i'llsh trash my own party and blame it on the other party becauseblam the reason why most americans like trump is becausoe they look at trump and go, here's a guy who did it l and.o did high leve i dig that and i want to be like that. so i'm going to strive to do this. ts his dad gave him $1,000,000. okay, cool. in dad apparently runs in his family and took down any man he minute he made it into something bigger, which is every person here who's like, look, i bought my first small business. d one little shop, i hadoven t one oven to make my pizzas. now i have a pizza dynastyo my everyone kind of looks at that thing before he even got into politics. presiderumppresident went on mn
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as trump, you know. how old were you have to be when you're in a movie as yourself? yeah. and everyone knowsy knows you m sooc if he would have ran democrat, they would have beencs talking about how awesome he is. because remember, thes e all people who wanted to be buddies and friends with him and wanted his moneynd. katie's career, she's pretty mad. she didn't get into politics, pd into pobut she's getting atteng trump did it. and yet one else is crying over spilled milk. else emily?rump on she was once america'ss once sweetheart. maybe you are next in line as america's sweetheart. >> well, i don't whether to take that as a compliment. >> just say something, for god's, wearing me ou. thanks so much. so i have so many feelings f about thisee. the tragedy to me is that dle supt hard to fin the reason why people support trump. so when you talk about the blind spot, which you're absolutelpo talke blind t
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the media holds dear and that the democrat party has, why do people so gaga? >> i don't know. it's so easy. it is so easy to find with everyone. with over half of america saysu my life was better under him and here's why. or he fights forhi people likeou me. the number one answer out of the iowa exit polls. ioway. s.east he fights for people like me because people likuse peope thaa telling everyone else who they are and what theeverybody standt and how they should vote and what they are valued at, which is nothingar which. >> she represents the media and it's perfect for him, which reisu, you willr smo never be good enough. you will never be smart enough. you will be never. you will neverarough or be valh until you serve in the military theydie for this country. >> so those can have a's that is what those people represent and that whynob trump will win in november. all righeruse thatt. coming up, more stuff when coming up, more stuff when you have chronic kidney disease
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down. it's time for a hockey hero . ro australia. women favor dudes who were braver there when they risked it all to defend their in the suburbs of sydney, australia over the weekend, a knife wielding attackers murder sprees was subdued by two bravepr civilians. and since then the australian women are reportedly swooning over the handsome heroes for rig risking their lives to save others. es here's one of them describinge e why he decided to act. >> act we would really like to o something. do something that is like you could do something. so let's try to do it. and i don't know, i don't think you like. we didn't thin yok like you can actually have opinions, just like adrenaline, actually. >> yeah. they're lucky they didn't try that kind of bravado dn't in the states. >> they would have been arrested for obstructing a murder in progress. and then. and the media would blame them
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all for white privilege. >> harryhe area. so, kat they stumbled upon this mass stabbing murder scene at the shopping mall, and they they were armed with a bollard, a small metal post. >> but the over arching message in australia was finally some real man. >> is that a universal plea in,p a world besieged by a collapsed masculinity? e th >> oh, thank audience like that. >> i mean, sometimes it is really hot, though, to see a man cr sometimy. >> as long as it's as long as it's over. ove me? yeah . were they? no, no. i'm saying you said masculinity. i'm saying it's okaymascul. i'm telling men it is okay for you to cry as long as you're cryings you're over me. >> yeah. you know what? i love you so much. >>d you find these guys appealing? >> of course. also greg: also having your lifu
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saved. also hot. verylife s. s and also, that guy just is hot. yeah, he's a hot guy. iou sathoughght het he was hot firs, and then i saw he had a gap tooth, and i was like, i don't d know you're thatid hot. >> so do you think emily would be. anll, i'd. >> he didn't save anybody. would you just still think he's hot? heyes,'s a i to forget. duso, the other thing that happened during this thistt spree, this terrible spree, is that a dad walked a towarddee the the murderer. and he left. he was with his wifer is and, their kids, and he walked toward them. the video showed, and the nice guy ran away in one ouncee co of masculinity. and these cowards who are murdering people in public totally dissipate. totally oint --t with here in this country, you've got men paying 20 grand to go to men's, right. remember when we covered that? i mean, bravo to these guytos. >> bring them over here. yeah, i know. it's kind of interesting.. >> there is a serious point here and that is like, n a
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you know, we live in a culturecu where everybody film stuff. crw they just film it when a crime is happening. well, in itself is a problem. but yeah, cowardic itses. is contagious. so here's the thing. luckily this happene the td in another country besides america, and i can't remember telling my wife, but i would never something like that because their statement ke thamave been a big proble these toxic males didn't think before they acte md and they attacked. we don't even know what gender the attackerd an . this could have been a hate crime of some sort. and that'se of the miss the poit they did. in every society matter what its looks at, the ones who guard the gate are the alpha malesha, whether you like them or not. you know what they're there for? to control other g other males,s sub males. and we talk about this all the time. this ain't hard. men are horrible. we are horribl re horrie. >> until we get wisdom orom a a bigger man to say, shut up, it'sreguid doing it.
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and it's literally it's across the board. d it and it's not jus'st people youst take away elephants, gorilla pe chimps. you take the alpha males out, all hell breaks loose and it's always the same thing and attack and beating women. it's always savage s. the alpha shows up and the subadult go, oh, no, no, no. so the a n that's what happens. because to stand up forre s that over there, all they're saying is where have the men gonegone t? you no, they've always been there. you've just done everything you can to get rid of them. toand so you need one. yes. no one wants one until their house is on fire. yeah, well, someone're osomebode in the house. nobody. where's joe devito when i need him? where's dadd to winy? daddy, you are. my hands are. you know my hands because i have to put them in my all the time when something goes wrong because i don't want to get sued or be like mr. penny. end up looking at face some time in jail. for what? saving a group of people tl fo.u so congratulations that they're getting it. holly this will remind us over here the next time you see a man stopping somethinnext timg. praise him for mm-hmm. protest him to get out of jailet . yeah.
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joe yet? . >>e? i put joe. i yeah. i mean, you were saying in thege green room that you wish there were more. >> dylan mulvaney's yenrreers bs that's when i moved to the top of the food chaiin. n >> yeah.t lo that's when i start lookingokin butch. yeah, well, there are.tav there were brave men like that in new york yesterday. tha i saw two guys break up a purseo snatching. and if it hadn't been that, that mugger would have made off with my purse. >> sf my purseo i appreciate. yeah, it's true. and i just want to make it. it's good that there are guys like that because there isn't a person in this room. when the trouble came to town, i wouldn't cower behin thered yn >> i want to make sure that you understand, but. but i respect the point. e good like when people talkn about toxic masculinity, the t the problem is the toxicity. >> it's not the masculinity. and whenox the problems show upu these are the guys who suddenlyw ouu realizhoe, oh, we need these people around to save our lives. and liker s righ, get serious. you remember years ago, the the shooting at the theater in aurorootinga colorado, of thl
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12 people who were murdered by that crazy gu by, four of thn were men who jumped on top of their girlfriendsed o to they and they didn't think about it. they didn't need to take a men's retrea aboutt and they t need someone to tell them, maybe you should think about this first, because maybe th too close.they wink >> interpersonal like they were strong men ander. they knew. this is my role as a protector and a smart society would encourag the smae boys to grow e like them. >> yeah, i would definitellike i would definitely do that for i little gus. coming up, an actress says her eighties flicks had too many white welcome to fox nation, where history held sacred. in one night, they showed the world that free people could up against unchecked power and heroes can shine. pilots are laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. a place we look to the future. i was determined to be out there and toast our past.
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at the miami film festival. she discussefrom td the 80s movd that made her a star. films likeher a pretty in pink, 16 candles and deep throat. but in her opinion, they wouldn't fly today. >> hit it. those movies, the moviesr thei that you know are i'm so well known for. ove toere very much of a time,h you know and if you were tha to remake that now, i think itte would have to be much more diverse and it would have to be, you know, you couldn't make a movie that white. >> now, those movies are really ,really very white and they don't represent, you know, what it is to be a teenager or in a school in america today. >> it's true i f they did those movies today, the actress would be hotter. tyrus okay. does this go this both ways? i want to see a white versiowane of shaft and a white version of superfly. and maybe i've been thinkingr sr
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about a white version of the wiz, and you call it wizard of oz. yeah, i'm pretty sure every it>> i thise movies, i think one was starsky and hutch. listen tarsk, how dare she? okay, how dare she? because the the coolest character in allar those movies was long duk. >> yes. and he was, i believe, asian of some sort. >> mm-hmm. nobody care. here's the thing. she's obviously trying to get work, and wolk is in charge, so sh ie on her pride previous to college. and maybe she'll get picked up for a ne will gew movie. here's the cool part. what role are you going to play, molly? becausydon'e you don't fit in te movies. like. one of the things we've seen died during the wolk ad is white families in commercials. yeah. like, find a white c in a b commercial anywhere. and even black families. we don't evefamiliesn have to mh skin tone. they just throw us all together, you know wen? but that's the problem, is likes
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you, these are cult classics. >> mm-hmm. when i watched them. >> i didn't say, man, i really wish there was a brother showing up in here. resome. this is the bottom line. we don't matter that much a mov it's not about you. it's a movie. and you know what it wasie k about midwestern white kids growing up in middle class. so e-clas assuming that there's a there's a genre for that out there. okay i i didn't go to high schol like that. but that and that's fine. i don' andt to be there. i'm not upset because darth vader had a black man's voiceac and he's dressed in all black, but it was a six foot white guy walking around was in it. i'm not like, oh, thisthis is crazy. it's ridiculous. like is cry , i bad for her. p i wish she had a higher platform and was more successful and be proudladd of her work. but people will do anything to stay in the limelight, even an iy in this case, shoot her himself in the foot. >> joe. well., know, to answer you your question what she's been doing. she was in the jeffrey dahmetio series as his stepmom. >> speaking of white people behaving badly. yeah serie this ste, you know, the jeffrey dahmer movie. >> but, you know, theseing up
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the movies i watch when i was growing up and i didn't want those movies to be realistic about high school. >> i don't wanna watch a movie about acne. istic't wani don't want to watce about that. >> non everyone was 30. yeah, but look at beverly hills 92 and oh, it's got to be le kid that have arthritis. >> they. it's ridiculous. but i think it's okay. >> john hughes's experience was growing up in a predominantl aya white area, and that's what he wrote about. and they were great stories. e wrote theyi wouldn't expect se who wrote about growing up in a black community y to haveulous. to update it. >> it's ridiculous. and it's, you know, it's a good point. >> you know, emily, if they have to update it, they should just include g more. right. m but that's the only change in schools is people beatingt of the out of each other. >> and i also likeh othe space r everything. why can't she say john hughes >>y that time was so special? i'm so grateful to have they have been able to kiss jakeo be ryan and thank you for my fame. >> and you know what? to dewere to direct a movi today, this is what it would h be about. like, why do you have to bash stuff on the pasbash stufft to o
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with something from the present? that was a really special chaptether and films for people. what do you think that.r seen >> i've never seen any of these >> my block party right now. ii see that one right now? >> because it looks like the coach gordon bombay from the mighty ducks is in it. >> yes, he is. yeah. good job. well done. i've neverseen a seen any of th. but, you know, i think she was s actually kind of cleveher the we she praised us because she was like, oh, it could never be made this way today way. t rather than saying shouldn't have made it that way because likey well, thent' who of your costars you say you should not have had the role. >> exactlyurr . >> name them.e lady name that. exactly. no white lady ever gives up her job. she always says they should. >> but she's already done the job. so you can't say her. typical. >> awful. coming up, a frosting mistake that takes the cake when you don', hands,t read. >> dan made progress with his mental health, but his medicationso his d caused unintl
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of potential problems. a story in five words the brilliant walmart cake troll emily, a 22 year old, ordered a cake from walmart and told them she wanted cape thes baby in small cursive in the middle of the cake. and this is what cak she got the cake, says aries o baby cursive. middle of the cake.
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brilliant. right. guess what? i actually don't believe this. i thin.k that she manufacturede the whole thing because afterwards she put a picture of herself. since she wants to be anshe a and she had the aries baby and she was like here's how i got it right. ow ii that she totally manufactd this even though these mistakes dos ev joe this is too clever te manufactured. you know it's so we first of all, if you need a cake, don't buy it at walmart. all ifi they sell tires at walmo this have you had their tire cake shaped like a tire this walmart cake is an emergencyyo cake because you need you forgot to buy the cake someplace good and the. >> you went in there and bought it at a walmart. and anybody who buys walm their own cake themselves. you're just telling the world you're having friends that's a lose telthe wodon'r. >> someone else should pick upre your cake. well, that hurts me deeply. i always buyg: my cake and theni i sit in a bathtub and i smeared all over my pat. m >> do you think this is real? >> i hope it's real, because otherwise it'd be horrible for her to besmirch the walmart employee. yes. thank you. yel otherwefos.
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as a former walmart employee, it's not a joke. i stack cans for like six nights, maybe for the stuffs was late at night. >> it was a lot of cans. i won't do that. i but it's a tought job. >> this isn't manufactured. she's an and there was a young tigress taking her order that day that she wa- ofs beingh that she kept saying yeah, small cursor below the cake smoke. >> so and he looked at his buddy went yeah. ve she said, he's made me smile. so i would have done i t if we would were working at walmart, we would have done it. we would totally done that and then blamed it on greg. >> there you go. t. >> there you go. all righgh don' they'll go away. we're right bac' scary. with fl. >> allergies don't have toe allo be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief . ed scott flonase good. also, try our allergy headache d and nighttim ge pills. stronge
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