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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 17, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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have access to any genetic information from americans. >> todd: the fear is that they would bioengineer a weapon that somehow, based upon genetic markers able to target americans while allowing chinese individuals to live. that is wild technology. that's sci-fi stuff. quickly in 10 seconds. this is not happening in wuhan and beijing. these labs are on american soil. 10 seconds to you. why haven't we shut them down yet. >> we need to shut them down clearly, do it tomorrow, today. >> carley: this is why christopher wray calls china the greatest long-term threat to our nation. the country is playing a long game here and we are, unfortunately going along for the ride right now. congressman whitman, very interesting, scary findings as well. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> brian: i just checked my watch. it's 6:00 a.m. on the east
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coast. >> steve: mine too. >> brian: so did too. this is "fox & friends." everyone is checking their watch. let me show you what's on our show. new york groove. former president trump swarmed by supporters in deep blue manhattan making the most of his hush money trial campaign style. >> it makes me campaign locally. that's okay. we are doing better now than we have ever done. we are going to straighten new york out. >> ainsley: pro-palestinian google staffers arrested for taking over company offices across america. >> brian: that's unbelievable. >> this as some far left lawmakers refused to condemn anti-israel protests. >> burning the american flag and chanting death to america? do you condemn this type of rhetoric? >> steve: maybe she should google that. plus, bust a move. one war vet brings seniors to their feet as you can sees a a d.j. sweet. nice. >> lawrence: "fox & friends"
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starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ circled around this town ♪ try to sing something with meaning ♪ something worth singing about. >> brian: looks so familiar. i feel like i see that place every day. >> ainsley: you do. >> brian: that's right. sixth avenue, avenue of the americas. >> lawrence: feels like we work there. >> ainsley: i heard you do the tease to our show and you said gradually get dressed. i had a question for you. why gradually? >> brian: i don't want people hurting anything. a lot of times when people get older oh my goodness look at the time reach down to get their socks there goes their sciatica, l 4-l 5, right, ted? >> steve: ted is one of the older people you are talking about? [laughter] >> ainsley: put a shirt on, wait a little while, watch some "fox & friends." then put your pants on. >> brian: i don't want people getting injured to start the day. >> lawrence: that's why you give them step-by-step.
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>> brian: i want them dressed. my image is i have people dressed. at no point is anyone watching us naked because they are wearing something. lawrence ha ha ha. >> steve: those are the things i don't want to think about. i know a lot of people are watching. they need the news. more interested in news than nudes. >> brian: that's true. depends on who you are. just goes to show you in my image people are doing two or three things at once while listening to us. write us, tell us what you are doing while listening to us, i'm very curious. whatever you can tell. >> lawrence: whatever can you. >> lawrence: so interested in the audience. >> brian: i want them to know we care. >> ainsley: seven jurors picked and 11 more that still need to be picked. if you read about them. one is a tech worker. an english teacher. software engineer and two lawyers. trump left the courtroom and he
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went up to the 130s. >> lawrence: harlem. >> ainsley: in harlem to go to that bodega where alvin bragg said the guy who worked in the bodega, he charged him with murder for self-defense. >> brian: put him in refresh my. >> steve: this guy menacing him looked like he was going to kill jose alva. everybody on the channel made it clear from the get-go. it was clearly self-defense. but it took three weeks for alvin bragg to drop the charges. and a lot of it was pressure from fox and other tabloids and stuff like that. and so, essentially yesterday, after they were done picking for the day, the jury, donald trump tried to turn the tables on alvin bragg by going to -- up to that same spot and say, look, this alvin bragg guy, he is going after me. he has a fake case. while real crime is hang in a place like this. listen. here's the former president. >> this is all politics.
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this is coming out of the white house. and, you know, it makes me campaign locally. that's okay. [shouting] [chanting we love trump] >> we're doing alberto now than we have ever done. i think it's having a reverse effect. do you know what? all i isn't fairness. and these people have to be treated better. the bodega association. bodegas. because every week they are being robbed two, three times, it's crazy. it's crazy. and do you know what? the police can do it. they can stop it. but they have to be allowed to do their job. [chanting four more years] >> lawrence: i mean, this is unbelievable. this is harlem. >> brian: did you see how thick that crowd was. >> lawrence: that crowd was diverse. you had all different type of people in that crowd. comes to a election of the 2020 voting tally in queens donald trump only got 27% of the vote. in manhattan only 12% of the
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vote. in brooklyn he got 22%. in bronx 15. of course in staten island he got 57% of the vote. what i'm hearing from the trump camp is they are trying to shake it up in new york city. every single day you're going to hear from the president about some sort of victim of alvin bragg. and i think the reason why he is doing this because you never see alvin bragg talking about the criminals in the street. he's releasing them. but he is so invested in getting donald trump, ainsley. >> ainsley: you know i love this city so much to see this and hear him say if i'm elected for four more years i'm going to clean up this city. because he does have to stay in new york for this trial, if he does something like this every day, it really resonates, i think with voters in new york. we are so -- we love the city, we have chosen to live here, our jobs are here we are raising our kids here, we have the pox of our community where we live and we want to keep them safe. we are so worried about crime. so, when you see him go out and say i'm going to protect new york, i'm going to help new york, it really gives a lot of new yorkers hope.
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>> steve: invention is the mother of, if he is stuck might as well figure out how to capital rides on it. that's what he is doing. listen, there were protesters yesterday. we saw those people right there. but interestingly enough, in that area, to show you how enthusiastic it was, i was just reading this morning. a group of women up the block called for -- yelled at donald trump in spanish. and they were calling him my tiger. so they were referring to donald trump as my tiger. and then employees of the romantic depot which apparently is a lingerie store in that neighborhood waived a red banner advertising a product named after donald trump. >> ainsley: oh, gosh. >> steve: i have no idea what that product is he got a very enthusiastic welcome yesterday. interesting. the guy jose alba, the bodega clerk is not in attendance. is he currently suing the city of new york. >> ainsley: didn't he say he is
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moving? >> brian: president is going to be here. he has to be here. pockets of -- everybody knows him in new york city. they knew him before he even ran for president for about 30 years. might be a good time to get that madison square garden rally. he could do it. this would be the time to do it. you got to timing. the earliest we can get this trial through, this city can get through this is by memorial day. >> ainsley: what's the latest on the msg rally? >> brian: he is saying that i'm open to it. would very a rally? i mean, there is other small theaters if he doesn't feel he could do a billy joel situation. billy joel's piano is still there. we will see if he can do that. could you imagine if he goes i'm going to a rally afterwards and begins to sell that because, president biden says i'm going to use this opportunity to go to the battleground states and to areas of pennsylvania which i got to do. and i got to come to nate. i question the content of his speeches. he's going back to bidenomics in
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his own special way by mischaracterizing the people that are voting for him and the ones that are voting for trump. trump is so rich he is at the mar-a-lago, i'm scranton joe i never made over $400,000 which by the way did you last year but we're not going to get into that. another misstatement. here's him yesterday. >> if you look at the economy from mar-a-lago where he and his rich friends embrace the failed trickle down policies of the failed working families for more than 40 years. scranton values are mar-a-lago values. under my plan nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny. i hope you are all able to make $400,000. [laughter] i never did. >> brian: did you last year. did he check his own taxes? >> ainsley: what did he make 640. >> brian: he got 5 million for his book. >> steve: his basalry as president is 400,000. >> ainsley: okay. >> brian: okay, case closed. >> steve: he said he never made
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more than 400,000. >> brian: his taxes he made more. >> steve: interest and social security and stuff like that. do you know what is interesting about the president of the united states? do you know what you have to pay for when you are president? >> ainsley: your clothes. >> steve: you do have to pay for your clothes unless diners donate them. pay for your own food. end up with a white house chef but pay for your own food. the "new york times" did homage to joe biden who is a snappy dresser. and the piece is called the biden guide to dressing younger. and essentially it was their opportunity to say this guy has been a close horse his whole life and donald trump could take some style points from him. [laughter] >> ainsley: i love that you are laughing. >> lawrence: what part of it is you? the aviators are definitely old. the suits barely fit. he has the old shoes now because he can't walk. let's not forget donald trump was in the fashion business. i remember when i was a kid
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before i was even in politics if you got a donald trump tie from the thrift store i felt like i was a millionaire at that point. so i just don't understand -- and, remember, this is the same thing when it came to melania as well, actual model couldn't get on the cover of any of magazine at all. >> ainsley: a fun way, kind of a silly way of them trying to highlight his age compared do donald trump's. but both of them wear blue suits. >> steve: and white shirts and solid ties. >> ainsley: they dress like most men going to work. right? >> brian: looking e. doing everything to make him look younger. the problem is he has about 12 face lifts that doesn't work. doesn't move well because of arthritis i would own to up to it. he looks older than his age. nobody doesn't think he doesn't. older people look better than him. is he not aging well. i don't think his face lifts did much help for him. >> steve: face lifts? >> brian: come on he doesn't look anything like the person
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from a few years ago. >> ainsley: talks about joe biden is the dapper guy one of the best dressed in the senate. when he was a senator. gatsby. when jill met him used to dating guys in t-shirts and clogs. this is never going to work because he is such a dapper. >> brian: wasn't she his babysitter? >> ainsley: yes. >> steve: when you see potus, just think man that guy can dress. >> brian: something else i want to bring up what is going on at mawrming not just rich friends powerful people. the foreign minister cameron came and visited. tonight the president is going to have dinner with president duda of poland. met wit wi with or boca raton of hungry. he has excellent shot at winning. they are letting him know what they don't like and do like. >> lawrence: also whether it comes to the rich friends, we just played sound from katie couric yesterday talking about
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that the ultra maga base they hate the rich people. meanwhile you have joe biden the next day talking about donald trump and his rich friends. they got to pick a lane. either the republicans are upset about the rich people or they. >> steve: this goes to show you the biden campaign has ran out of ideas. in 2020 his campaign slogan essentially the mantra was scranton vs. park avenue. now it is scranton vs. mar-a-lago, that's why he was in scranton yesterday. is he going to be in pittsburgh today and philly tomorrow. jaw dropping news. imagine if you did this where you work. google staffers staged sit-ins from coast to coast including at google company headquarters in california yesterday. >> brian: some of them forcing to their way into the ceo's office before being hauled off by police. >> lawrence: the pro-palestinian
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employees demanding the tech giant scrap a contract with israel. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson is live with the latest for us. >> hey, ainsley, good morning. in california google staffers bombarded the office of the top cloud executive protesting that $1.2 billion contract it has with the israeli government. and here's what it sounded like. >> google, google, you can't hide. >> you are funding genocide. >> google says the employees were put on administrative leave and access to google system was cut off. in new york, some anti-israel protesters were seen flying the hezbollah flag and burning the american one. on capitol hill our own hillary vaughn asked democratic lawmakers for comment. >> anti-israel protesters have been shutting down bridges and blocking entrances to airports. are you okay with that type of protest? >> doing that type of protest go. after people doing it. >> do you support burning the
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american flag and chanting death to america? do you condemn this type of rhetoric? >> next event. >> that was congressman katy porter there who lost her senate bid in cafe. iran launched massive drone attack. >> brian: google all of a sudden their employees upset they are supplying anything for israelis. isn't google employees also upset that they had a pentagon contract? didn't they try to cancel that project but yet still do business with china? >> correct. and were very upset that the pentagon was, you know, trying to drone terrorists and that's what project maven was helping them do. lawrence. >> steve: let's see what happens to these people who went into the boss' office and sat down and would not leave. lucas, why don't you try that some time and let us know how it turns out. yeah, good thinking.
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>> brian: lucas tomlinson, thank you. >> lawrence: what you get to go to your office and protest. they run to the mics all the time. the squad. they're the people, supposed to be the men and women of the people. but suddenly, when there is any controversy whether it's this or tlaib, they have nothing to say. >> brian: except for fetterman. fetterman answers. >> ainsley: do you know what's interesting if you are super liberal and do a stunt like this, the bosses are probably going to listen. if you are super conservative, you get fired. look what happened to the npr guy. he is no longer -- >> steve: he is suspended. >> ainsley: without pay. >> steve: a lot of people don't realize that your first amendment protections end as soon as you walk on to private property. >> lawrence: except for if you are a democrat. >> steve: it applies to them, too. >> lawrence: it should apply to them. how many workplaces we report on have blm protests inside of the workplace. there is no suspension. >> steve: last month google did
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fire somebody during a tech conference who was yelling about the policy with israel. and this google employee got fired. so let's see what happens. >> brian: probably at yahoo now. ainsley, have you ever tossed to yourself? >> ainsley: should i? this is ainsley earhardt. so listen and slowly get dressed. iran gradually -- gradually get dressed. iran's president vowing that the quote tiniest invasion by israel would bring, a quote, massive and harsh response. keep it here, trey yingst will join us live from israel in just a few minutes. a sea of blue appearing in the courtroom for the arraignment for one of the men charged in the death of nypd detective jonathan diller. lyndhy jones pleaded not guilty. he was behind the wheel of the car when diller was shot and killed. the president of the police union calling out jones' criminal past. >> why was he back on the streets? everyday you pick up the paper. i read in the paper another
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violent recidivist by our justice system back on the streets. shame on some of these judges who continue to allow violent criminals back on the streets. our criminal justice system needs a complete overhaul. >> ainsley: detective diller was a husband, he was a father, and he was only 31 years old. happening today, the head of ice is set to testify before the house select committee on the ccp. is he expected to face questions on the border crisis, migrant crime, and the fentanyl epidemic. and later today senators will be sworn in as jurors in the impeachment of dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. g.o.p. lawmakers are demanding a mull trial. louisiana senator john kennedy is going to join us coming up on that very issue. in a few hours the house will hold a hearing on protecting kids online. discuss data privacy rights. 10 bills will be discussed. as of now 15 states have put forward legislation regarding the use of personal information.
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and check out this intense footage of a heroic rescue in pennsylvania. a neighbor scaling the roof before pulling a woman and elderly man from a window as fire was tearing through their house. people watching this unfold could not believe their eyes. >> come on, buddy, come on. >> pull him out he is like 80. >> oh my goodness. 19 people were displaced. no word on the condition of those victims. storm chaser was almost hit while covering tornadoes yesterday in iowa. while he was driving near salem a twister picked up a silo that flew across the road right in front of his car. fortunately, weighs not hurt. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. janice? pretty incredible. >> janice: my goodness the storm chasers go out there. they are doing science but you have to be so careful. right? we tell you to stay indoors. lowest portion of your home when
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it comes to tornadoes. severe storm threat today for kansas city great lakes and tennessee river valley and tomorrow from texas all the way up towards the ohio valley. here's the live radar so we don't have any watches or warnings but lightning with some of these storms and could see the potential for heavy rain causing flooding. over 500 reports of severe weather yesterday, including iowa. the dakotas, kansas, missouri, and then we also had some large hail and damaging winds this, the situation over the last 24 hours and again today some of the same areas that could get hit again. here is the evident to today. watching the threat for severe weather across the ohio river valley and front brings showers across the gulf coast. cold enough for snow in the northern rockies. keep you up to date fox for all of your details. steve, ainsley, brian and lj back to you. >> brian: dvr the show and by the night you will find out how accurate she was.
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your family can bet on it. don't they have that at draft kings? >> lawrence: i like that idea on janice dean's weather report. >> ainsley: the pressure you are putting on janice. >> brian: i will bet with her. larches i will put my money on her. >> steve: thank you, j.d. child care costs outpacing inflation even more expensive than college in dozens of states. >> lawrence: tailor reeves is up next. look at her. ♪ life changes ♪ you can't hop on a train ♪ you never know what's gonna happen ♪ you make your plans ♪ and end up laughing ♪ life changes ♪ and i wouldn't change it for the world.
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>> brian: back a fox news alert. tensions escalating. continue with though story. iran's president warning of a massive response if israel launches a counter strike following this weekend's missile and drone attack. trey yingst all over the story joins us live from tel aviv. trey? >> >> yeah, hey, brian, good morning. the united states will impose new sanctions on iran's drone and missile programs in the after math of that attack against israel over the weekend. the move is meant to put new pressure on the islamic republic and try to dissuade israel from
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launching a heavy counter strike on tuesday jake sullivan said oin a statement, quote: we will not hesitate to continue to take action in coordination with allies and partners around the world and with congress to hold the iranian government accountable for militias and see destabilizing. threatening regional war and sending a message to iran while avoiding a larger conflict. threatening to attack israel again if there is any military action taken against heir country. the british foreign secretary david cameron said this about the situation on wednesday while visiting israel situation very concerning right to show solidarity with israel. its right to have made our views clear about what should happen next. but it's clear the israelis are making a decision to act. >> the regional tension comes as israel's southern and northern
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fronts remain active. yesterday the israelis took out two senior hezbollah commanders in southern lebanon and just a few minutes ago were receiving new reports from the north about an antitank guided missile attack that wounded at least five people in northern israel. brian? >> brian: here we go again. thanks so much, trey. appreciate it. carley, you have the other news? >> carley: i certainly do. more news to get to here. authorities are searching for two tourists seen destroying ancient rock formations in lake mead in nevada. two men moving big pieces of stone and pushing the rocks over the cliff, if you can believe it. if the vandals are caught they will face up to six months in jail and at least $5,000 in fines. several protesters storming the stage as new york city mayor eric adams delivered a speech to community activists. >> in a real way. and that is what we have to accomplish show them -- show them off the stage.
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>> carley: protesters say they upset over big money influence in new york's policies. they reportedly did not have tickets to the event and used fake badges to get in. and how about this one? a 94-year-old korean war veteran tells fox news how he became a d.j. as a senior citizen. >> it started accidently, somebody goes after me in a senior center to do some karaoke and i said certainly. i would love to. so i went out and bought the equipment. i put it together. i use a laptop and a computer. i never saw a laptop in my life. it makes me feel good to see these people enjoying themselves dancing and having a good time. >> veteran who goes by the name captain kirk because his name is kirk johnson, is in the d.j. booth. he turned 95 in august and he plans to keep on rocking.
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ain'tly, how great is that? >> ainsley: oh my gosh. >> carley: i love his shirt. >> ainsley: i don't know if is he married but if he is single i bet he has the ladies lined up. women love a fun guy. jerome powell delivering this news yesterday on the state of inflation. listen. >> the more recent data shows solid growth and continued strength in the labor market but also a lack of further progress so far this year on returning to our 2% inflation goal. >> ainsley: and that lack of progress is hitting families very hard. child care costs, if you are a mom or dad you know how expensive it is. it's now outpacing inflation leaving parents across the country struggling to cover those costs. so let's crunch the numbers. on average, day care and preschool costs look at this are up 4.4% just from last year. per child for day care costs almost $17,000. that's just an average. some are more expensive than that infant care almost $12,000 per child. and if you have a full time thane, a mary poppins, almost
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$40,000 this is very expensive. look at the cost crisis. all right. so, child care 24% of your household income. that's a fourth of what you bring home goes to child care. 28% of parents working multiple job to cover all of these costs. child care more expensive than college tuition in 33 different states. so here to break it all down for us is the big money show co-host and new mom, she has a 7-month-old taylor taylor riggs. >> thank you for having me. what a story. >> ainsley: how do we keep up with this. a.a lot of people aren't able to keep up with this. whole host of issues. first of all inflation is the great tax on the american people. every time you go to a day care or drop off your child with the thane, it feels like a sales tax. it is a tax that's why inflation hurts everyone the lower income the people who can least afford it. when you think about child care at love the stories i'm hearing people are stuck in that in between. i make too much to qualify for
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government assistance but not enough to make ends meet. that's why people are working multiple jobs. and while child care is really such a problem. people feel like they can't make ends meet. >> ainsley: when you hear the fed chair yesterday say inflation is not getting better. interest rates are not going to go down any time soon. it just makes you feel so defeated because we work so hard. we work crazy hours. some moms and dads are working two and three jobs to pay for college or pay for child care. >> child care is almost the cost of college as well. that is what is so crazy. i think jay powell hit a lot of things yesterday that really hit home to the american people. when he talks about inflation is not going down. we got the january and february numbers. we thought, okay, maybe it's an anomaly, one off. inflation accelerating got things under control. then last week we got the march numbers they are reaccelerating. things are picking back up. people feel defeated and working multiple jobs. unfortunately what that means interest rates have to stay
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higher for longer. the cost of a mortgage, the cost of your auto loan. the cost of everything around us has to stay high because the federal reserve is trying to cool off demand to slow inflation. but effectively inflation hurts everyone and that's why this is such a problem that they have to tackle. >> ainsley: this is probably this and immigration the number one issue for most americans. >> and it really brings up a lot of the societal problems. when you talk about people either working multiple jobs. let's say you are a mom or dad and now thinking maybe you have to pull out of the workforce all together. if i'm working and salary just enough to cover the nanny or not enough to cover the day care. >> ainsley: stay home with your child. >> what does it mean for productivity. wage growth, labor force participation. if you now have these groups of people pulling out of the labor market, long term what does that mean for society, for the economy? i think that's why this is really an important issue. you want people back in the workforce, especially in those peak years, when you your earnings power, your earnings growth should be at the max in your 30's, in your 40's.
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and a lot of people are dropping out because they can't afford it, that is a whole host of issues, not just for a family, but really for society. >> ainsley: is this the biden administration? >> i will say eric adams has proposed cutting $400 million from pre-k and 4 k programs to help fund the migrants. that is one issue that people are angry, they're really ticked off if you have a lot of spending problems on super plus hinges free things for illegal immigrants or massive spending from this biden administration on things that people don't feel like is worth it, that leads to inflation. and it leads to budget cuts that hit families in other ways. >> ainsley: right. right. we are paying taxes. >> we are. >> ainsley: that money going to families here illegally. meanwhile it's hard for us to afford child care for our own children. >> and why big picture all of this biden spending is such a problem because it increases inflation and the cost of everything around us. keeps going up.
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>> ainsley: yep. all right, taylor, we will be watching your show today. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: work hard. you got to pay for a nanny now. her show is on at 1:00. big money show. npr editor who called out his own n network for liberal bias w suspended without pay. >> got so frustrated with what i saw was the lack of different perspectives in our conch. >> ainsley: law professor jonathan turley says it's the bias. not the editor, that's the problem. ♪
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah.
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yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
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seated. brooke singman has the details on that. >> good morning, lawrence. yeah. 11 more jurors still need to be selected and sworn in before opening statements can actually begin. one potential juror who was excused due to scheduling conflict spoke about the process on another network. watch. >> the question was do you have any -- any prior beliefs or opinions, i believe it was worded, about the defendant that would prohibit you from being fair and impartial and i said i would be able to be fair and impartial. >> here what happens we know about the first seven jurors who were selected so four of them are men and three of them are women. all of them live in new york city. their professions include a salesman, uncon nurse, two attorneys, teacher, software engineer and it consultant. un. >> how do you feel about the seven jurors who were selected
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today i will let you know after the trial depending the outcome. as you know we are appealing. there shunt be a jury. if you take a look, every legal scholar, every legal pundit said there should be no trial. this is no -- there was nothing done wrong. this is all politics. >> the trial has been adjourned until tomorrow. steve? >> steve: they have wednesdays off. that's right. brooke, thank you very much. >> thanks. >> steve: meanwhile an npr editor now suspended without pay for calling out the bias and lack of viewpoint diversity at npr. >> at one point i got so frustrated with what i saw was the lack of different perspectives in our conch that i decided to look at voter registration, 87 registered democrats on our editorial staff. zero republicans. i presented this at a all hands or large news meeting and i said hey, look, something has gone wrong here.
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>> steve: no kidding. someone who knows that is professor at george washington university law school and fox news contributor jonathan turley. jonathan, good morning to you. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: so, you already got in trouble because apparently he didn't ask the boss can i write this thing that stills the beans on what lefties we are. >> right. it's ironic moment. he said, look, there is no viewpoint tolerance at npr and he said that publicly so they suspended him. but, you know, the larger problem here is that he was really articulating something many of us have written for years. that npr has radically changed. many people had hoped that the new ceo would be an opportunity to bring in someone that was a traditional journalist. someone who would say, look, we need to tack towards the middle particularly because we are a publicly supported media organization. instead they picked someone who was pretty far left and fairly activist. and the situation has gotten even worse.
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and she basically responded by saying go pound sand. we're not going to change a thing. >> steve: right. no kidding. why does npr need federal funding? i mean msnbc doesn't need federal funding and they're doing just fine. >> yeah. that's the real question, steve. i don't think it matters what the slant or bias is. most of us see a very heavy slanted npr. but the issue is really should we have a state funded media at all? >> steve: right. >> the distinction between msnbc view and npr is really nonexistent. i mean, they are both basically coming from the same place. only one is getting a subsidy. many of the people at npr would be outraged if there was a subsidy going, for example to fox radio or some other organization. >> steve: sure. >> so the question we have as a country is, do we need to look at this and say that npr needs to survive on its own and that the states should -- the government should not be able to pick between different media outlets that they like.
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>> steve: right. >> that's a debate that we haven't had really substantively in a very long time. >> steve: especially since public broadcasting gets hundreds of millions of dollars going forward maybe that will be a discussion. in the meantime at the top of the show we showed this video that google employees apparently unhappy with the fact that goal has got contracts with the country of israel and they -- they had a sit-in yesterday in new york. and in sunny vale at the ceo's office. watch in. >> google, google, you can't hide. >> google, google, you can't hide. >> you are funding genocide. >> you are funding genocide. >> steve: okay. those aren't people in front of the will building who don't work at google. those are people who work at google calling out their boss. what's going to happen to them, jonathan? >> well, this is part of the rather perverse universe we find ourselves in.
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they're google. their employees have the company. most of us would not try sit-in with the boss. it's generally not a good thing to move ahead. maybe it is at google. there is a sense of entitlement here. there is also this idea that it's all free speech that disrupting others, preventing others from speaking or occupying your boss' office is all part of my entitlement free speech. that's not the case. you will find no one with a broader, more robust view of free speech than myself. but, free speech does not include disrupting others from speaking. it also doesn't include taking a salary and going in and stopping your business because you have a few things you want to get off your chest. >> steve: sure. jonathan, what would happen if you walked into the law school dean how worked there for at the university in d.c. and you brought a bunch of people and started yelling about them?
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>> something tells me it wouldn't go over well. i'm not just sure i will be trying that any time soon. i would caution people that this is not a resume plus. >> steve: right. well put. jonathan, thank you very much for joining us from d.c. stay out of the dean's office. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, you know, about 46 minutes ago brian asked and you answered the viewer response is pouring in about what you are doing when you tune in to "fox & friends first" thing in the morning. but, first, fast and furious, mike caudill is refusing up for ford mustang 60th anniversary. them some cool cars. ♪ guns outs ♪ ♪ zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months,
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dressed. >> brian: i also think they are not just watching the show they are doing a million things. >> lawrence: multi-tasking. >> ainsley: get your news but not in the nude. steve something like that. that was the shot of the morning. brian watched and answered what are you doing when you are starting to watch "fox & friends." we got some email from many of you. >> ainsley: this is from jean. brian, i am retired so i am not getting dressed. >> brian: oh, no. >> ainsley: i'm drinking my coffee in my pjs she is dressed. >> brian: there you go. >> ainsley: getting minus and laughing at you guys. love fox. jean could be a boy or a girl. >> brian: that's true. >> lawrence: 4:00 a.m. from colorado showered, shaved, dressed listening to you,. >> brian: brian shows you are not watching but i'm glad. >> steve: email from lisa doing my tea and doing my daily wordle. >> ainsley: sounds like steve. >> steve: getting dressed while watching "fox & friends." have a great day. lisa says she gets gradually dressed.
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>> lawrence: so everyone is getting dressed. >> steve: except jean, she is still in her pajamas. she has nowhere to go. >> lawrence: at least she has the pajamas on. >> brian: a lot of people writing me directly and they are multi taskers. i'm a teacher. i'm getting ready one person is writing checks while they are watching our show. >> lawrence: that's what i'm talking about. >> brian: maybe not to us. >> ainsley: i love it when the show goes off the rails and we goat your responses. >> brian: because no one in the control room does. [laughter] >> ainsley: they are producers. they produce that segment. >> steve: that's right. meantime time to switch gears. anniversary of the iconic ford mustang. >> ainsley: go over to where mike caudill is live for the celebration. mike, he had -- brian had. >> brian: 69. >> ainsley: '69 mustang and developed in '64. >> that's right. good morning, guys. do you know what? it is historical day and
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automotive industry as a whole i'm here with seven generations of mustang. i will show you one of my fan favorites in a minute. a little bit of history that's right, ainsley, introduced in 1964. you could buy it in 1964 but it was model year '65. what is interesting as ford motor company relates to mustang one of the world's most iconic cars. they race on six different continents all over the world with the mustang. brian, this is absolutely one of my favorites. this is a 67 mustang fast back. it's a first generation. they have sold more than 10 million since it was first introduced at the world fair in 1964 in queens, new york. and the brand for the last 10 years, the decade, it's been one of the best selling iconic pony cars in the world. the camaro is gone. the challenger is gone. you have now got the only v 8 left which is the ford mustang. i was in dearborn talking to ceo jim farley from ford motor company about their future in mustang. take a listen. >> it's a car that kind of captured the imagination of
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america. it's kind of like the f-150 or harley davidson or apple product. it just was a right product, the right time we never stopped investing in it. >> all right. i promise you guys a world exclusive for "fox & friends" in the morning. and it is the 60th anniversary edition right here at wimbledon. they're only going to make 9165 ofever these. that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at
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