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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 17, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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chuck schumer to set the senate trial ablaze here so he objected so what happens then, you have a vote. basically work chuck schumer says all right, guys, i gave you a chance so he made a point of order and they are voting right now to kind of get rid of what eric schmidt objected to so that is the procedural vote going on right now. at the end of this, there's a couple of different ways this could go. you could go back and have additional points of order made by republican senators to say we want to hear from mayorkas, we'll want to have him submit some written responses to our questions, that was one of the proposals out there, and you could go to the same process two or three times but at some point here chuck schumer will say look, i was willing to give you some debate time. we have limited for traffic in the senate, we have a deadline of friday night to approve liza which is on the clock right now the house approved that last week and they have it sync up your and we're waiting for the
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house the next couple of days to approve this international aid package and bring it across to the senate. we don't have time here. i will give you a couple of hours to do this, but it will go away. when chuck schumer offered at the end if you listen to the second part of his request, he said at the end after all of that, and again this will not be agreed to because there is will call vote going on right now to get rid of what they were trying to do, they would probably then have a vote to dismiss these articles of impeachment against the alejandra mallorca's. they may do it in one fell swoop they may have votes on each of the two individual articles of impeachment and he would have a vote to adjourn, the senate is meaning in a rather art of parliamentary construct called a court of impeachment. no all of the senators have been sworn in. this is where we think it will be wrapped up in the next three or four hours and the significant thing that republicans will drive home here is this will probably be the
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first impeachment trial to end without actually having an up/down vote on whether the accused has been convicted or exonerated. >> sandra: all right, chad, we have our eye on the senate for their so as you just described and how we heard from chuck schumer as he was speaking he is pushing for some sort of agreement to allow for some debate on this it impeachment before voting to dismiss altogether the articles of impeachment. that was senator schmidt who objected to that agreement saying he thinks there needs to be a full fair trial. what should we watch for next? >> that is the question. it's not written down what is a full, fair senate trial who customarily and that's the point that republicans are driving home here is we have heard from the impeachment managers who presented their case. we heard from the defense counsel as i indicated to you earlier we don't even know who the defense counsel necessarily would be for alejandro mayorkas
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because the department of homeland security and the biden administration basically said we don't think it will go very far so we technically are not preparing for this so that's why you will have a lot of these motions, probably at the end of this roll call vote another proposal that will be made either by schumer or maybe some of the republicans or the issue will be on the other foot here and republicans may be making a proposal if she were objects and forces for a roll call vote but at the end this is kind of a fate a complete. if not less than not we will have finality in this trial. alejandra mayor chris is not going to be exonerated necessarily but what will happen is they will have cleared the decks on this. which is important because you have some sort of framework that is agreed to. if you go back to the president clinton trial in 1999, go to president trump's trial in 2020 and the second one in 2021, there was an agreement of framework that senators voted on
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and set up how long they would hear from the impeachment managers. how long they would hear from defense counsel and a proposal there where the senators would submit questions at different times. they would write them on a piece of paper and send them up. the question would be red and the councils for both sides would respond. this will not take very long today, but there is an interesting movement i am always or minded of you are not allowed to eat during an impeachment trial. all senators are supposed to be at their desk and chuck schumer reminded everyone about a couple of days ago, but the other thing is you can only have water and milk. if we saw in president trump's impeachment trials in 2020 and 2021 sometimes senators brought milk along. it goes back to impeachment trials in the early 20th century when you had some senators with digestive issues and some thought milk would help them deal with that so they got an agreement you could have milk during an impeachment trial. i don't know that we will have any milk today. one side the democrats may say the republicans are trying to
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milk this for a little bit but we think this will be wrapped up. >> bill: i feel like i'm watching jeopardy. >> the only one who can bring us that information. chad, thank you. we will check back in with you in just a second. former white house chief of staff fox news contributor joining us now what are your thoughts as we watch this historic moment? >> i don't know, look, this is as chad said this is a very unusual moment. someone suggests it is unusual impeachment because the fundamental question i don't that was really answered in the house of visit policy disagreement or high crimes and misdemeanors as is required? the u.s. senate majority does not rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and as a result they will do everything they can to make this thing go away as rapidly as possible given the arcane rule of the
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senate, they are absolutely right it will take a number of shuffles back and forth. it will take a number of hours but as long as the democrats keep themselves together with 50 senators and the vice president casting the vote, this will all go away by the end of the day today. >> politically though the issue will not go away. it is an election year. >> it will make it worse in some respects. because look, ordinary americans are looking at the saying they may not get tied up in the issue of does this rise to the constitutional requirement of high crimes and misdemeanors. they say he's not doing the job are you keeping them there? and it looks like democrats don't want to talk about it. that will speak weakness to a great many americans and a number of people saying this needs to be talked about and something needs to be done. this issue has spread. it used to be an issue affecting the borders and states in the united states but as we have seen it in the last year/year
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and a half as large numbers of migrants and illegal immigrants in washington and new york and denver, this issue has grown beyond. >> sandra: to that point, you know, might as well pull up the live images of the border the drone shots because this is happening while we speak. those borders continue to be open and those migrants continue to pour over it to the point of the reaction we are getting right now as we watch this together on capitol hill. roger marshall vote to block the impeachment trial of secretary mayorkas today is a vote against our nation's safety and security. pay attention, he tweeted a few moments ago, this is why we are here, right, carl? what we have seen over the past three years and the flood of migrants over the southern border that is no longer just a border issue. this is an issue for cities and towns all over this country right now that are dealing with the consequences of this.
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>> look, even those who have dealt with the border issue like senator marshall who came hunting last year on my lease in south texas and saw the evidence in the past year this is kennedy county texas with 460 people living in it. it is half the size of rhode island. we saw evidence of groups of migrants making their way across the ranch from which i lease and hosted senator marshall and it was eye-opening for the senators to see what kind of an operation is used to move people from the river north to pass the communities along the rio grande river through what is called the wild horse district and to bring them north to big cities like houston and dallas and chicago and so forth. it is jaw-dropping for people who are not up close and personal could have seen it. saying what people are going through in order to come into the united states and how porous our borders are. >> carl, democrats will jump on
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republicans and say we have a deal. you turned your back on it. do you think they should've taken that deal or push to make it better? or do you agree with walking away? >> i am one that thinks technically it would've been better for the republicans to a past it and of taken the lead and said too late, not enough, here are five things i would have done that or not the bill. that would've allowed him to put the focus in things like remain in mexico and things that need to be done that were not in the bill. i think it was a mistake politically. not to have accepted the bill and to use it as if you will as a place to move forward and put the spotlight clearly on things that the administration is not willing to do and to say i like that as a result why don't you want more border patrol agents? why don't you want more detention facilities?
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why don't you want other changes? as opposed to we took what we could get but we won't get what we need to get until we have a republican president and a republican congress willing to do these four or five things the democrats will never ever do. >> sandra: a little more reaction in here, carl, sen senator braun the mallorca mayorkas impeachment trial americans need to see how mayorkas has failed to enforce our country's laws and endangered the citizens. they say senator schumer is trying to muddy up the water and make it look deep. it's pretty simple, says the sender. the couch piece mallorca mayorkas and they have a full trial. reaction continues to pour in as we watch what is happening on the senate floor as we all wonder where this goes next. >> well, the democrats have majority. they are likely to get what they want. chad did a magnificent job.
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in explaining the myriad of ways the house and senate are arriving at these decisions. it is a competent process. it will take some methodical action by the senate leadership but at the end of this if you got the votes you will get what you want to do and senator schumer makes it clear who knows what he wants to do. shut this down, he does not want a trial. and he apparently has the votes. i think we know what is coming in four or five hours. >> bill: carl, thank you for joining us. andy mccarthy is waiting in the wings. we will get his analysis as well as we get a quick timeout from the senate floor. with the articles of impeachment now delivered and the trialis underway t. r strength and energ. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners,
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>> bill: if you are just joining us the impeachment trial of the secretary alejandro mayorkas is in the senate. we got a check of the news in the white house and a reaction from jacqui heinrich for more. that afternoon. >> good afternoon, bill, nothing from the white house today on what we are watching transpire on capitol hill but broadly they have been painting this effort by house republicans as a sham, as a political stunt, they have been citing constitutional scholars who have made the case that it is unconstitutional because the basis for this impeachment according to the white house view is one of a political difference. and they cite scholars who claim that high crime and misdemeanor that level is not met here. that this is based on policy disagreement and therefore is unfounded. the white house is also sought to turn this back around and use
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it as a moment to jump republicans for voting against or failing to take up a bill in the senate that would've implemented reforms of the border under a bipartisan basis many months you will recall that failed on a test vote in the senate after trump and speared on some of the house expressed it was dead on arrival there. white house has been capitalizing on that and shifting the blame for what we are seeing at the border, shifting the blame to republicans for undercutting a chance to address some of those issues and at the same time pursuing impeachment articles of impeachment against the dhs secretary. that is the view here. but today we have not gotten anything new from the white house reacting to what we are seeing. >> meantime the president is in pennsylvania we saw him a few ago jackie back to you with more news when it happens, sandra. >> and we are getting color from
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inside of the room there. senator apparently has milk on his desk. but that was 1:48 p.m. >> no food but milk is allowed. not sure if it's 2% or whole of spring in andy mccarthy fox news contributor. andy please jump in here and give us your thoughts on this historic moment. >> sandra, the thing to remember about impeachment always is it is a political process, not a legal one. it looks like a legal trial but it really is defined in the constitution and in the control of the political branches in this case the article one political branches so the house is in charge of the proceedings by which articles of impeachment get filed out. the senate is in charge of how they conduct trial. we have a lot of due process rules in the criminal justice system generally about how they
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have to conduct proceedings once there is an indictment or there is a complaint, that is not how it works in a political process. and we are seeing that. >> bill: and the, carl was talking with us he said it's hard to see because you don't know if you have a policy disagreement or a high crime misdemeanor. >> i respectfully disagree with carl on that. and with a number of people who i like who made this point of not a high crime and misdemeanor i wrote a book about impeachment after a lot of research back in 2014 called faithless execution. dereliction of duty is a classic impeachable offense. when we talk about high crimes and misdemeanors they are not the crimes i used to prosecute in court when i was a prosecutor. what hamilton says in the federalist papers is that they are political offenses that go
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basically to the trustworthiness and of the fitness for office of someone in whom a high level of public responsibility has been reposed. and failing to enforce the laws at the border including the law of the united states which is set for decades that when someone enters the country illegally, that person is supposed to be detained until the end of the preceding. that is an important law they are refusing to enforce. and i frankly don't understand, i mean i understand the politics of it, but i have a long enough memory to remember all the way back to 2019 when the democrats impeached trump without finding penal crime. they impeachment for dereliction of duty and what they said with obstruction of their investigation. >> bill: could mayorkas argue
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unfulfilling duty and responsibility by policy by our boss which is the president of the united states question marks become my objection to the impeachment, i am not against in presidents impeaching a official in this policy but i think they don't understand why the republicans in my work as i think it is a fair seeing that he is not making policy carrying out bidens policy and i think for a long time, bill it's very peculiar the republicans would fight as hard as they fought to finally get approval in the house of an impeachment inquiry and they don't have the border is the main thing they are looking at in the impeachment inquiry. i'm not suggesting that the biden family influence peddling stuff is not important, it's very important. but it pales in comparison to the border which is the president's top responsibility.
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mayorkas is carrying out biden's policy. i don't think that is in defense of mayorkas i think that's biden. >> part of that may be a political question too, andy. i don't know what your interpretation would be but maybe they felt like it was just too hot to touch. i'm sorry, just coming out of two impeachment of president trump, would they go there yet again? >> i would say two things about this. number one to the extent of the democrats saying this is a political stunt, i would not call it a political stunt but it is political. it's about accountability, it's not a stun. is trying to focus the country's attention to put the attention on the crisis of the border and this is a good way of drawing the public attention to it. the fact that democrats are fighting so hard against having a trial is an indication that even though they know they will be deeply criticized over that,
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they think it's better to take that hit then actually to have a trial where you show the country the border day after day after day. speed to andy, some of the senators are tweeting while on the floor or stepping off the floor for a moment. case in point senator eric schmidt we've heard from objecting in the middle of schumer's statement a few moments ago. senator schmidt has just tweeted out we have seen a 7000% increase of chinese nationals illegally entering our country compared to fiscal year 2021. mayorkas and biden have failed to keep the board are secure in american's save, he is siding with the six months into the fiscal year 2024, border patrol apprehended a an unprecedented 24,000 chinese nationals illegally crossing between ports of entry. you know, jason chaffetz is also pointing out any tweet that democrats haven't even held a
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single -- they have not had one full committee hearing about border security where illegal immigration pointing out that in itself is wrong for the country. knowing that this crisis is happening, and he. >> that's exactly right, sandra. the point of this everybody knows there's not enough of a majority you need a majority of the senate to move somebody who has been impeached. we know the purpose of this is going to convict and remove mallorca's is much as the people who decided him for impeachment would like to see him convicted, the point is to get what we haven't been able to get in three years which is political accountability for a catastrophe we have of the border where the national government tells the state they don't have the authority to protect themselves and the national government is not going to come to protect them either. >> thank you.
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i don't mean to cut you off glide and finish there. please. >> i was just going to say it was one thing at the beginning, bill, but now it is being faced and felt by the welfare systems, the education systems, law enforcement systems of every single city and virtually every state in the country because of what a catastrophe. >> and many republicans in houincluding current speaker mike johnson committed themselves to this. they felt they had to carry it through. this is where we are now. the point you make about knowing you don't have a majority in the senate is very well taken. they are making a point about we have all watched for the past 3.5 years. >> that's right. they knew they didn't have the votes to impeached trump. that did not stop them from doing it. they wanted to hurt him politically that's what it was about. >> bill: when you look at american cities now you think about where this crisis has gone. and the strain it has put on mayors and governors and
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lawmakers from coast to coast. it is issue number one for a reason. >> yes. spewing from pittsburgh, pennsylvania, now president joe biden arrived he is spending three days in pennsylvania. scranton yesterday, philly tomorrow in pittsburgh today and this is what was there upon his arrival. the protests continue. anti-israeli protests really from coast to coast as we saw the other day april 15th, sandra, reached into the cities like san antonio, texas. who knew? and how far does it go? taking you live to pittsburgh momentarily
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however long this lasts, 100 u.s. senators are on the senate floor. back to that momentarily when there is something untold on -- >> sandra: there is that glass of milk. on the swing through pennsylvania he took to the stage outside with the protesters, there you have screen right pittsburgh the critical corner in what may be the critical battleground state november. he is speaking to steelworkers there and on capitol hill columbia university leaders defended their response to anti-semitism in a house hearing that wrapped moments ago on the other side of your screen columbia university today. where students have set up a gaza solidarity encampment demanding the school cut ties with israel. >> this is about the systems that minutia fee that the board of trustees columbia university
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is complicit in. >> bill: live on capitol hill which concluded moments ago what we know? >> it did, columbia university's president several hours this morning with a are doing to combat anti-semitism, dozens of jewish columbia students in the audience today watching their university president testified. many of them saying that administration is not doing enough. >> a tenured professor insisted that people who are religiously observant and go regularly to synagogue or indoctrinated. a student's start of david necklace was ripped off her neck as she walked to class. on several occasions jewish students have been accosted by federal micro columbia students. fellow columbia students. >> punished faculty members and says others are under investigation perry one of them
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professor joseph who celebrated the october 7 terrorist attack on israel perry columbia president says he is still there and unsure if he is teaching in his online as the committee. >> will you try to remove him as chair? >> i think that would be -- i think -- yes. let me come back with yes. i just want to confirm his currents -- >> we will take that as yes as you will confirm he will no longer be chair. >> while the university president here on capitol hill, more protests on campus. gaza solidarity encampment appeared on the south lawn of the campus in new york today. also chairwoman virginia foxx says if the developments don't get better at columbia they could have the same and when a including the president back before this committee perry we asked chairwoman fox if she
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plans on calling any other university presidents to testify and she says she has not decided yet. tender? >> sandra: i'm sure you have posted on that thank you, rich. "new york post" columnist now, carol, glad to have you want today. are these universities sharing a strong enough message this anti-semitism cannot exist on their campuses? >> no they are not. it has been six months since october 7th and jewish students have been abused, yelled out, really targeted on these campuses. for columbia university to shrug their shoulders at those for that long, and then find out the professors, i mean things we have known all along the professors are anti-semitic, they are targeting jewish students, we all knew this. box has been covering it since the beginning and at columbia university is acting as if they just discovered it. it's ridiculous. i don't think it should take a congressional hearing for jewish students to be protected across the country. i think we need to hear more about this from the left.
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i think the left has gotten completely complacent to this prof thomas basis they have and they are not fighting back at all for these jewish students. >> bill: this is the issue and that's what we learned monday of this week. and other far left progressive organizations are there to support it. in an election year, how do democrats get an advantage if you are going to see protests in the streets everywhere the u.s. president goes, including a major convention in august and chicago, who knows what happens in september and october. how do they win? >> that's right. i have been a jewish conservative my whole life. i always thought that jews should vote republican more often than they have been but i have to say that the jewish vote has been trending republican. donald trump won 24% in 2016 to my 30% in 2020. and then you have the jewish
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vote in the midterms that year even higher than that in florida donald trump ends up getting 41% of the vote in 2020 governor ron desantis gets 45%'s are not small numbers. i want to ask jewish democrats why don't the democrats care about your boat? why do they allow this to go on? why don't they care that you are shifting to the republican side? they are fighting for the muslim vote in michigan. they are writing for each of those, why don't they care about jewish democrats? i think it's a question jewish democrats need to ask themselves. >> sandra: we have seen a lot of this and a lot more of it, carol. >> right. i think the in america need to wake up and see who's on their side, who is defending their children on campuses, who is taking the threats to them seriously? i think largely about the republican party large in the conservative side. i really do hope we see some eye-opening stuff happening in this next election and it's the
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right way to go. up i am seeing it anecdotally i would like to see it play out. >> you been following, listen, she had the advantage, right? she had the advantage to get a well presented statement together, and i think if viewers have the chance to read it, they should. because i think she has the right message. is that the indication? >> again i would love to see that be the turning point. she has the right words from what we are hearing from students on campus they are subject to threats. what other group would that be okay for her to just have threats to those groups on campus? none. no group would be targeted. no group would be allowed to be targeted. it's only on ivy league campuses this is happening. and i like she has the right words she said some good things but i would like to see it in action and i think people should demand to see it in the action.
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>> carol, great to have you on today and good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> sandra: live look back at the senate floor where the senate has officially kicked off the dhs secretary mayorkas impeachment trial. we saw them a short time ago the senators sworn in as jurors in this trial of mayorkas we do know what democrats are expected to dismiss this expeditiously we will continue to watch for all of the activity on the senate floor, a quick break we will be right back
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>> bill: action now a senator ted cruz out of texas -- >> to the original connor's stomach understanding of the constitution when it was ratified and the explicit position of the biden department of justice as argued before the supreme court of the
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united states. the majority leader's position is asking members of the senate to vote on political expe expedy to avoid it listening to arguments the only rational way to resolve this question is to debate it to consider the constitution and consider the law. >> the senator will recognize the senate is in a nondebatable position the senator has a right to offer his point of order, or his motion but we are in a nondebatable position. >> and my motion is to change that so we can actually debate the law senators care with the constitution and law says. i therefore move the senate proceed to close session to allow for deliberation on the question as required by impeachment rule 24. >> president. >> majority leader. >> in our previous request we gave your side a transfer debate in public. where it should be. and your side objected. we are moving forward.
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>> the question is the motion. is there a sufficient second? there is a sufficient second, the clerk will call the wall. >> ms. baldwin, mr. barrasso, mr. bennet, mrs. blackburn, mr. blumenthal, mr. booker -- >> bill: we will watch how this goes, it's not easy to shut down ted cruz. as a senator and a former lawyer who argued in front of the u.s. supreme court. his motion is under review right now. >> sandra: chadha, very clearly when he was informed the senate floor was not open for debate he said that was his intention to change that. chad, your thoughts on what we are watching right now?
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>> they are not allowed to have debate among senators during an impeachment trial. if you look back at the senate impeachment rules which were agreed to back in the 1980s that is not allowed. the only thing they can do is debate the articles of impeachment in a closed session. we have seen that in recent senate impeachment trials in the last couple of years which is what ted cruz was trying to do to put the senate in a closed session to debate this. again we are at a very unique parliamentary construct right now this court of impeachment and rules are a little bit different. so what they were trying to do is get a vote on putting the senate into that closed session to debate that, but as i always say, it's about the numbers, it's about the math. if all 51 senators who caucus with the democrats prevail here, they can basically beat back any point of order and emotion ted cruz or any of the other republicans had offered. and you noticed senator schumer, the majority leader, raising his voice just a little bit there and part of the reason was a little bit of that was for show,
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frankly, because he wants to indicate i gave you guys an opportunity to have an hour of debate on the floor. again, you can agree to that be at unanimous consent with all 100 senators agreeing to something to actually have debate on the floor giving you seven points of order on one article of impeachment that new york has violated the public's trust from one point of order and in stomach an hour of debate on the floor and then there was an objection by from i in that stasis there was a lot of confusion on the senate floor when we last visited a couple minutes of what they were trying to do. they were not sure what we move because this is an atypical senate sessions for they finished calling roll, they got things back on track just a little bit to hear from some of the republican senators offering their points of order and that's while we have this procedural vote right now to vanquish what
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ted cruz was trying to do under senate impeachment rule 24 which allows for you to have a private session and debate the articles of impeachment. this is probably the first of several other round robin votes we will have this afternoon but again, the end is a fate promptly. of the democrats all stick together and they have 51 senators who caucus with the democrats in the democratic caucus, and of man they can finish this trial and again there will not be a final up/down verdict there'll be a motion to dismiss. and the other thing that is important here, chuck schumer earlier took his hand a little bit he said we want to to end of the court of impeachment as a final vote of the very end to go back to being the regular senate and that is something everyone would have to agree to too but that is why it is so important that chuck schumer wants full attendance on the senate floor. it is a narrowly divided senate
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and if someone is down the hall, someone who is out meeting with constituents that creates the problem you're supposed to remain on the senate floor and in your seat may be drinking your milk as we alluded to earlier as you hear the senate impeachment proceedings. but again, these are just points of order they are making and we will probably have some of these roll call votes where they go through the entire roll up vertically and end and it will go a little bit faster than some of the other roll call votes we have because they have all senators present. and we will see what else the republicans have a sleep. >> bill: did ted cruz come back? or do we move to someone else customer >> they can, it's a unique situation. it could be him, we heard mike braun from indiana could also offer something, we were told senator smith had a rule, and a league, the republican from utah. there are several people in play. i would look back there have been a couple press conferences by these republican senators who were really with their dander up about chuck schumer trying to
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end the cloud, john kennedy the republican from louisiana, they may be the ones, the names i would look for in the next couple of hours, but again, the other scenario is this may end pretty quickly, chuck schumer potentially could move to end of the trial at the end of this. he may give them a little latitude on that. motions to table or to kill a provision are in order. i go back to the first presidential impeachment trial of andrew johnson in the 18 1860s. there was a question from a senator of oregon at the time who asked this very question and salmon p chase, the chief justice of the united states over that impeachment trial because it involves the president of the united states, not patty murray, but ruled that motions to table were in fact ordered because that is consistent with the senate's operation as said it was not within his purview to change how the senate does business. so we could have these motions to table these back-and-forth
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boats over the next couple of hours. the other thing i want to emphasize that's really important especially on these final votes at the end of the day, we don't know if they might vote on article one and article terkel, both articles of impeachment together or do them separately, but republicans are going to look at people like sherrod brown from ohio, jon tester of montana, tammy baldwin of wisconsin, bob casey of pennsylvania, jacky rosen and nevada and say look how they voted. they voted to truncate this impeachment trial. i can hear the ads being written right now at the national republican senatorial committee. this is the wing of the republican party to get republicans elected to the senate and say they were not serious of border security they voted to end the impeachment trial early. that will be a central issue the border is already a central issue in the 2024 election. they will try to weaponize what's going on here in the senate trial especially the fact
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is they truncate this and use that against democrats in the fall. you will see in november if that in fact works. the strategy they're pulling out right now on the senate floor in the middle of april. >> sandra: getting color from the floor we see senator coons walking around the aisle there. chad we just got word they are voting on the senator cruz motion that would allow for debate on the constitutionality of the articles of impeachment. so what do we see happening in the next couple of minutes, chad? >> again they have to finish this roll call vote here. then as i said you can do this all day and here's patty murray right now, let's listen. >> and 51 the motion is not agreed to. the pending order is a motion made by a majority leader on the point of order. >> that a president. >> senator from louisiana >> madam president i have a notion and i think my notion takes precedent having heard
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senator schumer's serious allegations which in my judgment are speechless about the constitutionality of these impeachment proceedings. we find ourselves in the awkward position because we are in impeachment proceedings of being unable to discuss in public the merits of senator schumer's claim and at the same time, my democratic friends have refused to go into closed session so we can't discuss it. for that reason, madam president, i move we during this court of impeachment immediately until 12:00 noon on tuesday april 30th and i ask for the eaas and theys. >> there sufficient second? there is a sufficient second.
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>> ms. baldwin. >> mr. barrasso. mr. bennet. mrs. blackburn. mr. blumenthal. >> sandra: all right, chad, here is what is next. >> as they would say in shakespeare the game is afoot here. john kennedy the senator from louisiana who i say may be one of the key players in this is trying to turn things around and boomerang things on democrats who said they wanted to get things done rather quickly so he is like all right, we can't debate in public under the senate rules of impeachment. they have denied us the opportunity to debate in private under the senate rules of impeachment so let's just call the whole thing off until the end of the month. he said noon on tuesday april 30th. again, they have to have 51 votes to do this. so what is going to be ironic here is democrats because they want to terminate the trial. republicans want to stretch this
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out. on one thing what john kennedy is trying to do is elongate this is much as possible to get more bang for the political box. to use this against schumer, use this against jordan brown use it against jon tester the next couple of weeks and say you see they are not really serious about the border and alejandro mayorkas. what schumer might do and what you may see at the end of this will call vote is democrats ironically may vote to keep the trial in session. again, we are making this up as we go along. we don't know it's going happen here. and they say you know what? the decks are pretty full, we have to deal with fisa, the next couple of days they need to look at this foreign aid package democrats had all right, with go for a couple of weeks and come back. we don't know, these are decisions that are being made on the fly on the floor.
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democrats and republicans don't really know what is coming, it's like you are at bat in baseball and you don't know well the pitcher throw a splitter? a curveball? a fastball? high or low? you have to make that decision and swing the way you want. that is what's going on the floor right now. this is as organic as it gets. >> bill: chad, hang with us on that point. kyrsten sinema from a border standpoint. she will not run for reelection this year. could she be a wild card in this boat? >> you know, she could potentially, but as you say she decided not to run for reelection. she is somebody who generally has worked with the department of homeland security and alejandro mayorkas think to the beginning of the year december, november, she was part of a group of senators along the democratic chris murphy from connecticut and james lankford be republican from oklahoma who they put together to try to get some sort of a border package
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together. so whether or not she would try to do something here to stretch this out remains unseen. >> it is razor tight in the senate as we know. and a vote this or that way could really set us off in a whole new direction. standby will get the results of this boat after a quick timeout we will continue our coverage right after this. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. great job astro-persons. over. boring is the jumping off point for all the un-boring things we do. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. taking chances is for skateboarding... and gas station sushi. not banking. that's why pnc bank strives to be boring with your money. the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring.
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