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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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did and to say what he did. i'm glad he did it. >> bret: it's a battle that's going to be brewing. panel, thanks. ♪ finally tonight today's throw back. >> we show you it really looks great. >> bret: on this day 54 years ago nodule returned to earth. launching from earth april 11th, 1970 supposed to land on the moon. one of the ship's oxygen tanks blew up forcing the astronauts to make emergency return to earth. houston we have a problem. the crew managed to gently splash down in the ocean that does it for us. tomorrow new polls on the presidential race all across the board. you don't want to miss that, fair, balanced and unafraid. here is laura. ♪?
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the ingraham angle from washington tonight. thanks as always for being with us. brestles socialist mayor trying to shut down a national conserving tim conference for public safety reasons nigel farage speaker at the event. he was a warning. first trial by fire. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: no one on earth, not anyone honest with themself anyway believes that donald trump is going to get a fair trial in new york no world leader believes he will get a fair trial either. here is the angle rule of thumb. if liberals are writing articles trying to argue that the process is fair. well, that just means they know trump is going to get convicted. judge merchan's kangaroo court naturally being defended by the "new york times" by some guy named jesse wegman. to say give you a sense about this person,er used to work for
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the daily beast, npr, and wrote a book about abolishing the electoral college. >> donald trump likes to say oh, i'm being victimized. i have never been -- nobody has ever been treated this badly. and i think it's important for us to keep in mind and not forget while he is saying all these things that, in fact, the system is operating as intended. he is getting exactly the guarantees that the constitution affords to all criminal defendants. he may be acquitted. he may be convicted. but, he's ending up getting all the quarantines that the constitution offers. >> laura: yeah. if the constitution didn't include the first amendment that is threatening to put the president in jail if he speaks uncharitably about the process that's fair, jesse? not to those of us imagine if
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some conservative d.a. in, i don't know, mobile, alabama had decided to indict biden for violating some corrupt business practice's statute for all the shenanigans he and hunter were involved n china and so forth and then the judge in the case was a g.o.p. appointee and the judge's daughter or son was a big consultant or fundraiser for trump? then imagine that this judge issued a gag order printing biden from speaking out about what is an obvious conflict or at least apparent conflict of interest. now, would the left sit there and say oh, gee, this is all taking place in good faith and the jury system is working just fine? certainly the "new york times" wouldn't be writing that. no. they would be complaining that alabama is a deep, red state that doesn't respect women's rights and they would also say that biden can't get a fair trial there. now, look at what they're saying by the way about judge aileen
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cannon in florida. >> i'm having a hard time defending judge cannon's actions. not just because it's against trump. but here's somebody who has already been humiliated by the 11th circuit. like one of the most conservative circuits in america. and i just got to say her rulings are just mind boggling. i don't understand them. >> laura: now she is literally by the way done nothing to have her integrity or impartiality questioned it doesn't matter. the left wants trump in jail they will object to anyone who stands in their way. this is why for 250 years america didn't put its presidents on trial. because we knew we would make the country look ridiculous in the eyes of the country and the entire world. now we are seeing it is further eroding trust in the judicial process that was already at the bottom of the barrel. frankly trust in the entire system we have never forget
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bragg's indictment against trump is farcical. remember, he accused trump of making payments to cover up a felony that the d.a. bragg didn't charge him with because he can't this alleged campaign finance violation federal issue. the fec passed on the trump case years ago. come see the amazing alvin. bragg is a magician but a bad one. he was trying to pull a rabbit out of a vizor, abracadabra now watch him make the constitution disappear. during oral arguments at the supreme court yesterday justice neil gorsuch spoke about the dual standards of justice. specifically referencing how left wing protesters seem to always get away with it.
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never being charged like the j-6ers for disrupt ago congressional proceeding. >> would a sit-in that disrupts a trial or access to a federal courthouse qualify would a heckler at today's audience qualify or at the state of the union address. would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify? for 20 years in federal prison? >> laura: well, we all know the answer, don't we? no, because congressman jamal brown, who pulled that fire alarm when the house was in session, was charged with a nothing burger misdemeanor by the d.c. attorney's office. yeah. that's justice voters need to understand that the legal assault against donald trump in new york and georgia and in d.c. it will become a regular part of american politics unless, unless democrats are made to suffer at the polls. until then, if you're a conservative or some type of
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traditionalist, you dare to stand up for the middle class or donate to someone who is and you stand against the washington swamp. the deep state, the doj, federal agencies, state ags and city d.a.s will ignore ethical rules, they will contort the meaning of any law or even makeup laws to come after you. and that's the angle. joining me now is david schoen, former trump impeachment attorney and sol wisenberg fox news contributor and former deputy independent counsel. sol, could trump still get a fair trial in new york if this judge merchan is still presiding over it? >> i think it's going to be difficult for him to get a fair trial in new york irrespective of whether with her chan is presiding because of the overwhelming hostility to trump by members of the jury pool. but, certainly merchan is making
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it more difficult. you know, he wasn't chosen by random selection, which i find shocking. he was picked by the chief administrative law judge there supposedly because of his great judicial learning and temperament. but, i understand that, in fact, he is not that good of a judge and that he is very thin skinned and has temperament problems. i heard that from a great lawyer i know by the name of david schoen. >> laura: speaking of, david schoen. david, judge merchan allowed one of the jurors to sit in the case despite obvious political bias. watch this. >> they had things on their social media posts that donald trump and his lawyers found troubling. the juror, juror number one had taken a video at a distance of what looked like a celebration in the streets of new york for a trump loss in 2020. i think that was it. it showed that she was biased
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and there was some language that suggested she might have a bias. the judge found in this case in this juror that this juror could continue. >> laura: david? >> listen, he agonized another juror who had horrible social media posts and finally only decided to excuse for cause because she also wrote that trump should be locked up. he seemed to think that was a close call but he did strike her for cause. people residence wondering why the jury selection is moving faster than expected. he is not properly exercising challenge for cause. he is letting people in who clearly have a bias. listen, this judge has no business being on the case. we have said it before. under new york 22 crr, 100.3 e 1 d 3. it's mandatory that he recuse himself. it says a judge shall disqualify himself if he has a relative to the sixth degree who has an interest that could be substantially affecting the case. we know the daughter has a
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vested interest in the case. we know the judge has an interest in making sure the case isn't dismissed and now to make sure that trump never leaves the courtroom that he sits there every day? we well know that the right to be present at the trial is the defendant's fundamental right under the new york constitution article 1 section 6. under the sixth amendment. it's the right of confrontation of the defendant. the court of appeals of new york has said it can be waived. it's the defendant's right. but he wants to make sure he is not out there campaigning. >> laura: on the campaign trail, yeah. >> laura: whatever happens, don't go out and like go harlem and convince a lot of people that this is a total sham. and that they should vote for you because you will stand up for the working people. can't have him do that, sol. but, right now, everyone i think, and back to what i was saying in the angle that i think everyone understands that in our country right now, it seems at least the democrats and liberals have more rights, more leeway, more freedom than a lot of republicans and it's going to be impossible, i think, sol, to
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persuade most americans or even non-americans that any trump conviction will mean anything. so, my question, long winded as it is, how corrosive and dangerous is this? >> oh, i think it's very corrosive and i think, in particular, this prosecution, you know, laura despite the wackos that you see on msnbc that we have seen some clips of. there are actually quite a few liberal scholars who are very -- have very much questioned this prosecution. judge sugarman who is a constitutional law professor, i think, at bu has said as much on twitter. randal alive so aeliason very ty this prosecution. keep in mind supposedly what makes this a felony is that trump's attempt to interfere with federal election, the doj,
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as you've said many times, not only did the department of justice under bill barr decline to prosecute there is nothing that kept merrick garland's justice department from reviving this case still within the statute of limitations and alvin bragg's predecessor declined and alvin bragg originally declined to prosecute it. >> laura: not going to be a fair trial it never should have been brought in the first place. david, a question i had and i don't think our viewers know the answer to this. there are two lawyers that have been seated in the jury. corporate firm and other civil litigator. that could play both ways, could it not? i don't know much more about them to moo it would seem that trump might want one of those on this jury. it takes one, only takes one person to hang this jury. >> yeah. certainly have to know a lot
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more about the juror than we know and that is permitted to be known from the limited voir dire that they're doing. generally, i would have said that's not a juror that i wanted on. i also am not sure how especially the big firm lawyer is going to take off this kind of time from work. but, the bottom line is this jesse wegman you quoted earlier certainly has it wrong. trump's first and sixth amendment rights in addition to the first amendment rights are clearly being violated in this case. he doesn't even know what is he charged with, the target felony is the judge proved that in his denial of the motion to dismiss he said well the government has put forward four different theories and at least three of those are okay. how defend at the same time whether he doctored against the business records to commit a tax crime or for an election crime? it's absolutely absurd. the gag order is absurd. but the judge is trying to cover full circle. i think we as lawyers have an obligation to speak out about this for this country and around the world. you saw this week, maybe, liz truss wrote a column in the "wall street journal" saying the deep state will arise again unless we put a stop to it now.
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>> laura: yeah. got to be big, big pain at the polls for the democrats for trying to pull this one. david, and sol, thank you. by the way, in my angle, when i was talking about the dude who pulled the fire alarm, the congressman, i said jamal brown, obviously it's jamaal bowman. coming up, trump celebrated harlem visit has the liberal lawfare radicalized going nuts. i'm going to explain it, next. ♪ fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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♪ [chanting u.s.a.] >> [we love trump. [chanting four more years] >> laura: well, to the regular folks in harlem yesterday, the working people, donald trump appeared to be the fighter against the corrupt judicial system. they wanted him tangled up in court all day. he decided to go hang out with the people for a few moments. >> but the blow hard on the other cable nets they are totally oblivious to that and just continued their campaign of dehumanization. >> the fact that this guy has to sit in a courtroom six, seven, eight hours a day. >> oh, that's not good for him. >> he has a legendary short attention span. >> like a caged animal. a dangerous situation is he
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feeling very threatened. he is out of control. and so we do expect him to lash out. >> laura: joining me now victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institution. victor, i love the split screen, two presidential candidates in deep blue districts but biden has to go you know where it's all controlled. trump goes to harlem, a place where republicans would, you know, traditionally not venture into. what's happening here? >> well, he is very effectively doing this split screen and he's the candidate. he is telling america he is the candidate of normalcy. the return of the normal, democrat additional. and they are the radicals. they are the people who are crazy. and he's not. and these split screen differences remember when he was at the rainy wake of an nypd officer while biden was leveraging 2 # million dollars from movie stars and campaign contributions. and then he hit it again at
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chick-fil-a biden had at the white house stars girlfriend glitzy dresses as if they were at the oscars. if he can keep doing that shows you redefining the republican party maybe america middle class people. class starts substitute race. people are identifying more in common with their economic status than they are with their tribal affiliations. so those people you saw in harlem are saying i have more in common with your agenda than i do with oprah or the people -- i have more in common with the people of east palestine than i do with the people on msnbc and if he is able to pull that off, he can win. he is under enormous pressure as you pointed out, laura. they are trying to break him physically, financially. if you can keep h cool and keep appealing to the middle class, can he win. >> laura: victor, i think every day they make him sit in court he should do one of these types of events.
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i think he should go to new england. i think he should zip up to new hampshire i would head to massachusetts. go over to new jersey. pop down pennsylvania. i think this could become what the democrats never thought would happen this could become trump's real lee election strategy. standing against the system that wants to break you for the people who support and fund the system. i don't think they know what they have unleashed here with the electorate. you. >> i don't think they understand how angry the middle class is anyway because of what biden has done to the border and the economy. and, again, if trump can campaign in the places that you talked about, to working class whites, mexican americans, latinos, blacks and say we are all in this together, what they are doing to me is what joe biden did to you we're going to rise up as a new republican party. a republican nationalist political party. let the elites on cnn and the
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networks news and pbs scream to high heaven we are going to ignore him. i think he can win. i think it's a very successful. you are exactly right. he should be campaigning in all of these nontraditional. >> laura: all 50 states. >> laura: vic door, joy reid taking a victory lap in how this is all being handled, watch. >> the first person to actually criminally prosecute donald trump is a black harvard grad. donald trump is being held to account by the very multicultural, multi racial democracy that he is trying to dismantle. something poetic and wonderful about that. go dei. my deis are bringing it home. >> laura: victor? >> well, she can't finish a sentence. she has shown she can't finish a sentence without playing the racial victimization card. and what she doesn't realize is that blacks make up about 13% of the population. which is great. but, according to her racial
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spoil system they don't make up 75% of the prosecutors in america. so when she is saying is he going to be tried by people of color. what she is saying people of color are overrepresented in the judicial system and, according to the logic of wokeness. >> laura: pay back. >> that's not right. >> laura: payback. it's time to get even. victor, great to see you as always. >> you are welcome. thank you. >> laura: you remember how a few weeks ago and days ago the left was indicating that we are going to see this whole series of interest rate cuts. do you remember that how they bragged about how inflation was under control? >> global economic performance has in part been powered by a strong u.s. economy. u.s. g.d.p. growth is strong. and expectations have been revised upwards. inflation has come down significantly since its peak. >> technically it doesn't pan out. biden's pals at axios starting to push a new narrative high interest rates are likely to be
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the new biden normal. here is an ominous quote. the recognition that the 2010s would be a period of persist lently low growth did not happen overnight. rather, it was a gradual process of discovery by bond traders and fed policymakers alike. now, this statement is incredibly misleading because as early as 1020 the voters were electing tea party members who complained that the economy wasn't recovering properlied from the end of the housing bubble. and almost every election of the 2010s the voters complained about the economy: the press wanted to help obama. then the press wanted to help hillary so, they would not admit that the economy was not doing as well as it should have. now we are going through it again if we reelect biden wevel a lost decade. come up, anything to get reelected biden is copying trump's policies or pretending to, next.
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apparently having spectacularly as president joe biden is trying to play the role of trump on the china issue. >> america's steel work did not work out compete as long as they have fair competition. but for too long the chinese government has poured money into chinese steel company pushing them to make so much steel as much as possible. they are not competing. they are cheating. they are cheating. >> laura: but this is purely performance art. the real truth is that biden is a committed globalist who is spending an open border has devastated working people and only enriched china. now, his treasury secretary janet yellen traveled to beijing recently and threw out a few perfunctory lines warning china to behave. the big picture is that despite
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china's covid cover-up, the spy balloon, aggression against taiwan, the entire biden administration is trying to work overtime. >> i underscore again the united states does not seek to decouple from china. our two economies are deeply integrated and a wholesale separation would be disastrous for both of our economies. is. >> laura: please love us, president xi. in a new congressional report just out is revealing that under biden the chinese have directly subsidized the manufacturing and export illicit frent material. no kidding. wait a second. i thought biden was going to get china to stop all of that? as a result of our recent diplomacy, china has already taken steps to shut down companies dealing in illicit trade and precursor criminals. we are not going to trust that this is happening. wowould we have to verify it.
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that's going to save lives. >> laura: fentanyl is the leading cause of death for americans ages 18 to 45. but, surely our new populist president from scranton, no less, succe succeeded in pulline critical manufacturers from china didn't he. china is still in the driver's seat in prescription drug manufacturing as well. joining me now gordon chang senior fellow of gay stone. author of "china is going to war." is it feasible or reasonable to conclude that china might have been given a heads up by yellen on that 15% steel tariff and doesn't look like anything but, you know, an election year stunt to this point? it is certainly an election year stunt. biden has been president since january 20 -- you know, 2021. and he has not done anything about tariffs until now when he realizes he is in trouble in michigan and he knows that the
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labor rank and file is violating for trump. so he decides to do something. got to remember the contrast. and as soon as trump became president in 2017, he started the process to impose tariffs under section 301 of the trade act of 1974. which he started to do in early 2018, as fast as possible. and i think that labor understands that there is only one guy in this election who really believes in tariffs, who really believes in protecting the american worker. who believes that american factories should have a fair shake. and, by the way, that guy's name is not biden. one thing we know china's protestation to the contrary, they have been taking us to the cleaners for decades. this has been cheered on by the people who sucked up to xi at that big corporate ceo trip to china earlier this month. so, all of these big fortune 500 ceos went to china, big meeting
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with xi, and many of them are also biden donors. so is it no wonder that biden is getting all this billionaire money fueling campaign. contrary to the fake biden populist message? >> clearly. we can see where the globalists are going. we can also see the trend of chinese propaganda. in 2020, they supported biden over bernie sanders and the democratic primary. they supported biden over trump in the general. the same thing is happening now, laura. so, it's very clear where china is going to vote. >> laura: yeah. and tiktok. of course we forgot. biden is campaigning on diamond and silk. china's favorite social media platform. gordon, always good to see you. all right, we're also seeing a flood of chinese nationals crossing our border. this is extremely disturbing. so far this fiscal year border patrol has apprehended more chinese illegals than they did in all of fiscal year 2023. i'm sure there is nothing to that.
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still six months more to go. now, the vast majority of them, 85% of them, are single adults and most of them are men. joining me now missouri senator eric schmitt. senator, that's only 7,000 percent increase from 2021. what's up here? >> well, that's what i was going to say, laura, it's 7,000 percent increase. i mean, this is insane. but it's the consequence of having an open border, right? they have wanted this. getting exactly what they desired. you have no enforcement. you have chinese nationals now being caught at military installations, potentially spying on, you know, our military. and it's part and parcel of what happens when you have a completely wide open border. and, you know, the democrats don't want to hold them accountable. we had an impeachment, you know, proceeding today in the senate that wasn't a trial. for the first time in senate history, laura, we didn't have a trial. mayorkas was impeached. we didn't have a trial bull dozing our constitutional order. they are not interested in it. they are open borders. they are playings for the census
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play in 2030. get as many people here as they can to effect reapportionment. now a total disaster. we have 7,000 percent of chinese nationals crossing the border. >> laura: i have got say it would have been nice if mcconnell had dismissed the ridiculous impeachment of trump when that arrived in the senate. they play for keeps. you know we play to be liked. but, senator, speaking of mayorkas. he addressed this issue of what they are doing with this obviously china sanctioned influx of illegals into the country. watch. >> for the first time, i had an engagement with my counterpart from the people's republic of china, to ensure that china would begin to accept removal flights so so that we can deliver a consequence regime for individuals from the people's republic of china who do not have a legal basis. >> laura: senator, there has been one deportation flight to
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china. one tens of thousands of them are in the united states. most of them adult males. my question is what are they doing here and isn't it the case that no chinese national who lives in china is going to be making their way to the united states without china's knowledge? the ccp's knowledge. >> not like leaving st. louis. it's very difficult to get out of the people's republic of china a brutal dictatorial communist regime. so they are coming here and we don't send them back. that's exactly what we should be doing. that's not in the d.n.a. of this administration. we shouldn't trust mayorkas. we certainly shouldn't trust communist china on any negotiation at all. that's not what they do. they will give these folk as court date sometime in the 2030s and hope they show up like the other 9 million people. >> laura: i don't think they hope they show up. i don't think they care if they show up. come, welcome, work for cheap, and then they will welcome hundreds of thousands of millions more. but, moving to the diamond and
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silk question according to politico chinese diplomats are in d.c. meeting with hill staffers about the legislation that would force the sale of the app. now, is it true that they don't have to register as foreign agents, the lobbyists for diamond and silk? why is that? >> yeah. that ought to happen. and we ought to make sure that diamond and silk is sold. there's no reason why, again, a communist regime should have the access to the information, key stroke information. they are spying on people's location. they can hear what you are saying. they know what you are doing on other apps. this is china. this makes all the sense in the world. we need to move forward on that legislation. again, i think the democrats are blocking this. and, you know, it's a terrible situation, laura, because diamond and silk, it's like having literally 100 million censors. we would never allow anybody to have that information on 100 million devices on this
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country. that's exactly what diamond and silk is. >> laura: propaganda 101. they are really good at it. senator, thank you. all right the left's latest tactic to silence conservatives. speaking of censorship and shutting down free speech. nigel faraj is here. next. ♪ i' when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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laura lawyer other see democrats like europe and canada more than america? they say things like the french are so enlightened on social issues. right? they are so enlightened on climate change. but our liberals are also like other country's approach to ideas that they don't like. speech that supports traditionalism or, i don't know, judeo-christian moral teachings and national sovereignty. it's often branded by the elites as misinformation or hate speech, even anti-lgbtq or even pro-nazi by the globalists in europe and the socialists in canada. we have seen canadians who rock the boat get thrown in jail. we have covered those stories. and in brussels this week, a conference on national conservatism was shut down by the local mayor. >> close this down. so, if you are going to close it down, then close stage. won't they?
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[inaudible] >> laura: yes, mayor amir thought the ideas of nigel farage, victor or ban and others were too dangerous to be heard. joining us the founder of the brexit movement the aforementioned nigel faraj. i understand the high court in brussels suspended the mayor's order. but what should americans take away from what has happened. trump here the gag order on him and all the other developments in the last few years? >> yes. i mean, look at what is happening in every american university as is hang here where ideas that are perfectly reasonable, legitimate, ideas are branded somehow being extreme, mad and dangerous. what happened in brussels yesterday was extraordinary. you saw that clip of me on the
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stage. the police came into the room be, to close the whole thing down. and vict victor orban the prime minister of hungary said in the late 180s when the soviets were in control of hungary, his political party repeatedly attempted to have meetings only to find the venues closing them out. i said what we're see something a new form of communism. where unless you agree with the globalist view, with whatever ever more support for globalist structures like world health organization. the european union, the u.n., you disagree with these things, you are mad, you are bad, you are dangerous. and you must be shut down. well, we fought back yesterday in no uncertain terms. i refused to leave the venue. i said to the police you want to take me out. you will have to drag me out. and they withdrew. we did win the cold war overnight. this has turned into. >> laura: a fight. >> village tri for free speech.
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whenever we talk about cancel culture. the left always say it doesn't exist. the event yesterday has now gone global we can see that it does happen and that it is very pernicious form of censorship. >> laura: reminds me of what happened during covid where people were dragged out of trains who didn't have the masks on or doctors being -- losing their jobs or their privileges because of something they said about vaccine or shots. and now emir kier the mayor who did attempt to stop this conference sent a police there. quarantine tore of pu guarantord of public order which motivated the ban. nigel, protection actual much? >> let me tell you in that meeting rural families,
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academics, successful businessmen and women. elected conservatives. leaders of political parties, who are going to top their nations polls in the european elections this year. this was the most respectable bunch of people you could ever imagine. their sin was not to support the project of european union. and it's unusual to say this, but the "new york times" had the best headline of the lot. they said a conference, the wanted to talk about cancel culture got canceled. so i think actually, this time the shot themselves in the foot in the most extraordinary way. don't think because we have had this win that this goes away. >> laura: no. >> it doesn't. it doesn't. the liberals are now so full, laura, of their own moral entsuperiority. they believe they are better people than us and we have ton canceled. >> laura: they are not going to stop. i think they are worried and they don't want to debate because they know they are actually destroying much of the
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prosperity and freedom that we all love. nigel, keep at it. thank you so much for joining us. all right, a war breaks out at npr. and is travis kelce smarter than a fifth grader. raymond arroyo is here next with "seen and unseen." ♪
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>> time for our scene and unseen segment where we expose the story behind the headlines. rake, we reported on that npr editor last week, totally left wing after trump's election, failed to fully report on russia, the hunter biden laptop issue, et cetera. >> and he was suspended for five days for his honesty. the new npr chief who suspended him said his comments were disrespectful, hurtful and demeaning, particularly the comments that npr was more focused on diversity then quality journalism.
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remember npr is government funded this is the new ceo in action. >> perhaps for our most tricky disagreements, seeking the truth and seeking to convince others of the truth might not be the right place to start. i'm certain that the truth exists for you and probably for the person sitting next to you but this may not be the same truth. the number 1 challenge that we see is of course the first amendment in the united states is a fairly robust protection of rights. >> totally. >> as a result of wonderful comments like that and the ceo justifying looting in the name of racial justice, now the whistleblowing editor has resigned. he wrote today, i cannot work in a newsroom where i'm disparaged by the new ceo whose divisive views confirm the very problems at npr eyesight in might free
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press essay. i mean this is the last thing they should have done. it speaks to what he called the lack of absence of the viewpoint diversity in that newsroom. where truth is just fungible. >> first of all, republicans showed have pulled the government out of any involvement in npr. no government support, none of it. get rid of it. we've had republican control of both the house and the senate at times in the last 25 years. this is no secret that this has been the case for a long time. >> or at least perform it. if you aren't going to defund it, reform it. import different viewpoints. but the truth doesn't change according to your ability to stomach it. speaking of truth, while former president trump held that impromptu rally you showed in harlem outside the bodega, president biden headed to scranton and today to pittsburgh
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to tout his everyman intimate side with a touch of cognitive decline. >> my mom did not live in scranton since she was 1954. wall street did not build america, middle-class did not build america. i'm pittsburgh because of -- and i really mean it. says f biden and having a little kid standing with his middle finger, seven years old, eight years old. shower, toilet and sink. i've got a towel on me and shaving cream and i hear bam, bam on my door. >> okay, let's just stop there. i don't mean to deprive you of these charming tales but i imagine he continued to share them with these poor children when he visited his home,'s childhood home. if you are battling the perception of senility, why are you playing ring around the rosie with the children around your home? it looks like a rest home production of the pied piper of
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scranton. what is he doing here? he took no questions, no questions at all. >> well are you smarter than a fifth grader? this is are you smarter than a second-grader. no you are not. also related a story about his uncle posey finnegan. >> shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there were a lot of cannibals for real in that part of new guinea. >> okay. there's only one problem. none of this likely happened. we pulled the pow mia accounting agency report. the plane went down but it's because the engines failed, not because it was shot down, and there is no mention, none of cannibals being in the area so again, joe biden's mind and the funds ability of it, it's a mess. finally some entertainment news depending on what you call entertainment. super bowl champion taylor swift plus one travis kelce has landed
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a new tv gig. he's hosting a spinoff of the game he just mentioned, are you smarter than a fifth grader? it's called are you smarter than a celebrity? this is travis kelce last week at the university of cincinnati. >> to all my fellow students, i got a few words of advice. you have to fight for your right to party! [♪♪] [♪♪] [ cheering ] >> there you have it, laura, there's the answer, you are smarter than a celebrity, at least that one. i will leave it there. >> a great football player and apparently, i don't know, that's it. that's how you connect with the kids, that's it for him. that's it for us tonight. don't forget to set your dvr. jesse is next. welcome to "jesse waer


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