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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> they were reunited and this year was able to do the puck drop. you know nas what? that is just it happens at the start of the game. so that happened and also theree is a new quiz at the quiz box. you know, i love. a quiz and yos can take it every day. it takes you less than c lovenutes and we can compete as tyrus loves to do. >> we're going to take the quiz together one of these days. i could beat you on jesse's show? i believe i did. a. fic., i was in montan not could not have imagined what caused the afternoon traffic jam. no, it wast me. i'm usually the elephant in the room, but i will takee room a backseat to biola, my newest sweetheart, and she can come s live with me. had she escaped fromng the circs during that time, she was captured and you know, she wasd just walking around town during that time. during that time. and of course, you know, i bf you want to see more elf in the room, you can check out my live events coming up. a comedy tour. ht jesse, everywhere. i know we're going to have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters, primetime time tonight.
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me liberals losing their mind. latinos love trump. >> come on, you're not bleepe bleep with the mic. my. donald trump became the first former president to go on a criminal trial the. w you on't cheer too loud. we need you to get picked for jury duty. jesse: primetime investigates the jury. >> you're losing me. my jury. t you can say that the cia played thmajor role in bringing lsd to america. c the cia brought lsd into this country and created a research industry. >> jfk, the cia, and lsd. plus, it's not like it wasn'tky hot chili daway in 1970 seven,
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president jimmy carter walked through what he called the worst slumrter walh he in ameriu the south bronx, american decay symbolized by the burnt out borough. >> and carter promised to, quote, turn it around. three years later, ronald ree year by to see ifhi carter had lived up to his promise and when he arrived,do said he hadn't seen anything like this since london after the blitthe blitz. r, but unlike carter, reagan got in the middle of a crowdth of blacke midd americans. >> they yelled at him, bring back jobs, and reagan shouted, i can't do a thing for you if. you don't get elected. and he promised to try as hardss as he could. it was a bold move for a white republican to go deep in the south bronx, and it paid off. reagan won almost every state in the country, including new york. the last republican candidate to do it yesterday in yestaerda reaganesque move, trump hit up a bodega in harlem, which showed himdega and a lot of lov. >> but we just we got here. jese
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>> donald trump wasn't treated like the racist dictator: t. tt the media paints him as he wasa greeted with love and affectiopy by the very people the presshe tells you he hates. ng f yearharlem chanting four more years to trump. what's november going to look like? i lovelike? this city and it's gotten so bad in the last three years. infour years, and we're going to straighten new york out. so i'm running for president. cn we're putting up with a half a million migrants at brought in to take oven migranr the pa . they take over everything. o it's so you know what they've done? they've destroyed so many people. the african american community s. e s not getting job migrants are taking their jobs and are here illegally. hispanic as are not getting jobe
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migrants are taking the jobs and have to do something becausdo e no country can sustain it. these are prisoners and people from atlanta to la. >> harlem's chanting, trump, jes trump,se: trump. >> while donald says mentally ill bad brains are taking their jobs, that momentmexica destroys all the propagandnsa, t the spontaneity, the humanity, the reality of a moment likehe points that renders all the talking points and all the hopes is powerless. chain he's setting off chain reactions with moments like oments lthis. don't c >> and last week in atlanta, i have what the media tellhes you. trump we okay for yeah, we d o p m in la give you a come on, come on, come on. let me get way to get ridf
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of biden. get trump gets indicted in georgia. e love atlanta says we love you.p trump gets indicted in new york, harlemisin says four more years. >> donny from the block. has b >> we've been trying to tell the you johnnie's been out in the streets and they didn't believ eu -- us. >> what do you want to hear the 2024 election, joe biden or donald you the ele trump?[ chan donald trump. i want donald trump. chop chop. when he was in, it was noime. crime. crime was down. oh, good. donald . okay, that's a nice guy. trump is straight up and down like 6:00 at least. i know with when i get when it comes to him, i was more comfortable with donald trump and also for trump. trs right.i said i i said, that's right. what i said, what do you likeab about donaldout tr trump? >> he like, boy, he don't care. like, you know, i like that white republican billionaire is hugging the block harder than spanish hollywood >> jesse. >> it didn't dawn on them until the bodega. excuse me for a second, please . when you bleep, bleep, bleep[ b
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to make it funny, my buddy, though, it looks like and the democrats are in trouble. and you might be thinking, how isou b this possible?ing la donald trump is winning. latinos builtid a wall. donald trump. that's right. for latinos, this electionabou is all about inflation. and that makes sense. ann is bad right now. they're going to have to change. and the name of th of the game show to the price is what now they're panicking because trump's picking off >> j. people just because you leave the streets doesn't mean you lose touchyo. >> inflation, crime and migrants don't touch limousine liberals. >> but a man who's been riding limos his whole life still knows the costriting of living and knows migrant crime can cost you your lifean. kind o bodega owners for a trump kind of has a nice ring rin to it.
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>> both know what it's likechare to be charged with a crime for defending yourselfd . ow the media knows they've . leashed a political animal he walks outside of the courte courthouse and does the speeches, going to this bodega and having hundreds of people wanting to meedred pem and using these momentss covered by fox news and other far right networks as sort of campaign events. i think there is some i thinko there is something to be said for what he can do with this eventuallyd. he's like a caged animala and that's a dangerous situation. he's feelingcaged very threatened. he's out of control. and so we do expect hiroand somt out. does trump seem out of control to you for a guy facingd be 91 counts? i mean, i'd be doing acupuncture if i was sit doipune with one misdemeanor. >> how's trump in harlem?mp stack with biden in pittsburgh? no buenole. i don't.
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wow. joe's got to go chants in pittsburgh. imaginesse: jos gotte what theyg in georgia. >> probably can't eric these two campaigns day and night. s about your issues. biden talks about himself. >> i was in the motel at aal local motel. i couldn't chang e and i was ten in an almost eight by ten bathroom. you know, they hav e shower toilet in the sink. and i got to tell them i made shavining cream and i heard, ba, bam, bam. i hear realldly loudlyy.. e do and when i went to help out,d i walked to the door and openedt up. and standing there was the former governor of the stat thee of da openaid at and carville, a big guya towe about six five talk that you're like, yes, i'm standing a towel shake in my faced while trump is talking policy, biden says his uncle was eatenn by
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by cannibals can. >> my uncle called me ambrosia girls common cause. he was to , man. you tell me you kill. and he became an army airon. corps. and before the air force came in, the single engin e planes, as you can see, were used. you got shot down in new guinea ,and they never found the body because you used to be in a lot of cannibals. for real in that part of new guinea. n thw >> j the pentagon says biden's uncle was a passengeessr when the plane's engines failed and the aircraft ditchedd th ine ocean. >> plane wasn't shot down, his uncle wasn't the pilot e plane t him. and cannibals didn't need him. >> and the men holding suc biden signs. >> and you ever seen such a sad group? those poor those , poor hostages? look at this photo. re more people were outside of a bodega than a pittsburgh rally a for biden.
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>> biden straight up plagiarizing trump's playbook. now, steel tariffs in pennsylvania then pops into a fast food joint.if >> tell me if you spot the difference. you know, knowing that i didn'tf see a lot of love. >> biden should borrow some ofdl trump's caged animal energy. you knowou, they said this s election was a choice between love and hate. >> what they really meanis is they hate how much you love them. >> they senator ted cruz joinsr now. >> that was not a very interesting appearance at the fast food joint, not what i'd call chick-fil-a energy.k-fil-a
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>> senator. now, look, i got to say, it wass pitiful, but, you know, i would look at it. it speaks volumes. the biden record is a train wrecthe bide i k. worse >> the american people are doing much worse after and three and a half years of badd nomics and inflation and open borderion and s and crime, notio to mention two wars and the disaster. >> biden'srs brought in. had and you contrast it when we had donald trump, when we hadwhena a republican house, when they had we had a republican senate, we had the economy was booming. we had peace and prosperity. people's lives were better. and you're right, this entire campaign, trump's campaign be abouts campai your life was r because our policies make sense for you and your family. biden' maksenss campaign is all, he says donald trump is the devil, and that's a difference. and it's a difference we're seeing in races all across the country. lookeingl ache , in my race in texas, i've got a left wing democratho who can't run on biden'son record. >> he doesn't run on the open border that he and biden supports the tha. h
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he doesn't run on inflation or crime. he just argues that trump's the devijust arguel and i'm the. that's all they have to say. and instead, what campaigns should be about is actuallyle'sl fighting for people's livesiv and policies that work. >> the inflationthat and the bod are just destroying the working clase s americans.o me does biden see that coming? because this to me just looks like a landslideok. does no, no, he doesn't see itt coming at all. he's out of touc h. listen, joe biden is down in his basement. he's hidden. he doesn't interac basehe'stdinary with ordinary people. >> look, when biden tried to even referencen bide bodega, he couldn't say the word bodega, right? >> he called it a bottegk ata. i mean, you look at how this is not a man who is dealings the with the people who understands the working class. ty the democrat party has abandoned the working class. they've abandoned the blueoned collar. and his strategy is hide in the basement, spens hid lots of mony and just attack trump. and it's it's a strategy we'reos seeing across the country. that's how democrat candidates
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run. my opponent calling all read is bgleft winger is bein funded with millions and millions of dollars from george soros, from chuckschumer, schumer. they're flooding cash into texas becaus floe they want to e me out. but he doesn't talk to reporters. he hides in his basements no t. i'll i guess, along with joe biden, doesn't talk about his record, just spends money and they think they can fool t the american people.f people but just like millions of people are supporting to hisnd contributing campaign, we're seeing people all over america go intno ted cruz .org and supporting my campaign because they're not going to get g let let left-wing democrats just flood cash with lies and attacks. and that's their game plan. that, thmean, it is lies it's hoaxes. >> and then the moments he does interact with regulae momentrch- americans in a bodega and chick-fil-a, it totally ob iterates all of their livesfi . he's going to be pinned down in manhattan for quite some timmanhattae. do you have any other suggestedd campaign stops? n, i mean, he could go to
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madison square garden. he could go to central h park, f maybe feed the birds. what would you do if you were ifou you were donald trump on o wednesdays or after the court is out of session? >> look, i think the beautyng a of stopping at the bodega is that highlights real people's livesth i that were ber under trump than they've been under biden. the classic question in anys election is, are you better off noarffw than you were four years ago? >> and unless you are a big tech billionaire or a drug cartel lord, in which cases the answer is yes, you're better off under biden and you oughu art to votea biden. if you're a drug lord. biden's your guy. re drulordi listen today in the, we had what was supposed to be the impeachment trial of alejandro mayorkas. >> every single senate democratr voted to throw the case out, not to hear any evidenceow. her they don't want to hear about the people who are suffering with theirt open t borders. they don't want to hear about the people who are dying. they don't want to hea the ran about the children being abused. they don't want to hear
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about the women being raped. they don't want to hea beirt comi about the terrorists coming into this country or the criminaln e countrs who arek americans every week. they don't want to hea. r about any of it. and every single democrat, all of them, that means jon tester in montana voted to hear no evidence. he doesn't wan t to knowhe about the failures of the democrats open borders. fail bob casey in pennsylvania, sherrod brown in ohio, jacky rosen penna. right every one of these democratsno running right now, they want to hide from the issues. they don't want to talk about them at all. o ta tm atthey didn't want to ln to any of the evidence because they don't care about the people who thee becaus are sufft they don't care about the car people in the bodegas who are facingople t crime. >> instead, they just want to say trump that trump bad, trump bayd. >> that's their whole message. sure is. i mean, if i were trump, i'd go to a grocery stord goe, notot a whole foods regular grocery store. >> yeah, maybe i catch a rangers gamehole after court'f out of session. >> who knows? but i mean, you lossion, wt to . >> ted cruz. i'm sure you're staying busy down in texas. good luck downbusy i there.
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>> thank you, jesse. >> well, we knower ant who the undercover anti-trump jurorsi- are. right back there in our family . as always, trusted bass pro shop for all their outdoor pro shop for all their outdoor needmy familup for and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, i grew up shopping here, and no my family here to gear up for all our adventures togethesr. oe and now bath pro shops club members enjoy speciadl savings and earned points towards three year, which is rewardin'se when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones that's been our family tradition that i'm proud to carry on right now. >> someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home
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year when i wake up, i'm going to see that you came to my house to donate today. more time system was originated mr. easter because for thousands of years beforse that individual judge had the power to hang, for example, in a youngdg man he simply did not like. >> yes, your honor trumpson bre new york trials on breakak. but tomorrow, jury selection continues. tomroseven jurors have been pi. the stories are hysterical. more on that in a second. >> but trump's lawyers already catching a handful of livebu activists trying to sneak on to the jury. have you ever postedthe jury ang about donald trump on social media? >> why? i don't believe i have.
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well, right here, you posted i hope trump goes to prisoin. >> oh, that one. it keeps happening.oo >> and the media is rooting for them. ting fthe official name of the l is the people of the stated trum of new york versus donald trump. >> the people of the state of new yor [ thk. >> that's us. okay, hold on. hold on. weknow you're excited, but don't cheer too loud. >> we need you to get picked >>r jury dut n pickey. having a democrat, prosecutor and a democratocrat donor judgen a democrat city isn't enough. they need to rig the jurcrat cii it's like me taking steroids when i fight, gutfeld. fit's already not fair, but the view's worried. >> a republic can might slip through what could happen in a cased happen like this is if yoe someone and we were talking about this morning, someonso we named clay travis is sort of telling people to get onto that jury. get oo thyou get one person th onto that jury with untowardth t
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feelings. that person can hang that jurohr . and that's like twitter. you have to be cool. you lie or you lie. you say, yeah, i hate trump. i but i can be impartial. the you think saying i hate trump makes you impartiae l. >> cnn says don't talk about the stealth libs trying to sneak on to the case.g >> you're putting their lives in danger. sneak thei'm a little surprisew are learning all of this because i do not think this juryning becau is to remain anos necessarily. if this if you keep if safe keep this u iey keep, you're worried about their safety. >> yeah, i'm worried about their safety. i mean, it's up to them if >> i am.t to write a boo thek ar all this is said and done. but that's their option. they shouldn't be ouid ande buts way. >> they're not supposed to be out of this way. so wayy ar the seven jurors whos already chosen, can we trust them? and coulen, trust d this be a hung jury? let's bring in susanonstan constantintie, jury consultanttn and body language expert. e fore let's look at the foreman. all right. so the foreman is a salesman from harlemalesman from, but hen in ireland, didn't finish college, married, no kids.
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>> do you think this guy's a defense juror? he's a defense juror. this is a juror that's come into this countromy, right. he's looking at this as a land of opportunity. and he's trumpeting everything that he believes. and so when i look at thislieves particular juror and that he is also a middle class citizeass cf and the type of position that he has is not authoritarian, i think pat thisy is a definitely a defense juror and a very strong one. >>r an okay. a salesman is not an authoritarian. okay. an is not auth i have met a few salesmen that would maybe differ from that number twos, the nurse. >> this nurse scares me. if i'm trumps , she's fromt si the upper east side master's mad no kids,marriede lives with her fiancee, gets her news from the new yorkk times and seeing that. yeah, goodbye. you know, it was a sound. it sounded really good until i heard the cnn part of it and all the automatically
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strike strikes out so you can't strike. all right. and then you got an asian lawyer>> then yot. yeah. and he's he's a corporate guy. he,'. sayrm you go right it says dea all over it.i al what do you thin k about him now? >> definitely. no, because he's doing whenm you get him into the he got himl into deliberationsib and he can sway those jurors that are in there. so absolutely no , not this. >> we usually don't liken' lawyers as jurors. i understand that. now, here's a juror that i like, puerto rican born there,ys says trump's fascinating and mysteriousascinati and he hc grandchildren. >> i mean, that'hildres that's y good, right? >> yes. and i see this one is a trump apprentice. trys is someone that is really fascinated with donald trump. he finds a mysterious and ld tri think that he's going to be sitting there in on wonder, justllde watching, you know, dod trump and the jury during that whole jury process. sog th i think he is definitelyd a great defense joke. >> and iefiny t only takes one h
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have it hung. >> juror number five. ju, one, i couldwoma go either way. black woman in her twenties doesn'n innties,t follow the neh knew nothing of any of the trump charges. she's a teacher, not married, no kids and all of her friends hate trump. buw. what dn't kno >> i'm not so sure about her. what do you think? yeah, i what? >> i'm concerned about her for number one. usually i don't like teacher nue on the defense side, i usually, you know, those are one of my eliminations.. >> the other. why don't you like teachers? because usually veryiniona opinionated. they're very right and wrong. ted. ghand think that's going to be a real problem. because i see donald trump's the jurors being the ones that are in those gray areas, not those black and white authoritaria not thosn jurors, more egalitarian. and also, is she going to be influenced by her own >>mmunity, her. >> within the african. and when she goes back in between. yeah j s. hes backnow now juror number six woman in her twenties works for disneyjun in likes to dance.anc.
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>> i mean that is not a trump n jurootr. it is not. and you have to think about, too, you know, disney is filled with all these young people. i think younl thesg people is al issue on this one because they're sohis one. they're acti, you know, so they're always trying to find something to stand fortheys tro . big pro >> i think this is a real big problem for for donald trump. now, lasnald trump.t you think this guy's going to be all right, middle aged, balding white guy with a tanghtn and then you find out more. so a corporate litigator a whose websites filled with esge. nonsense. goodbye. yeah. see you later. >> bye bye. go. okay. all right. se: okay more jury selection y tomorrow. >> maybe we'll have you back and we can see who's ouck andn seauthoritarian and w. >> thank you so much. okay. you're welcome. jesse is the new npr ceo, deep state. te? straight ahead, the people you know, the voices you trust.
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his own company for its liberal bias, np o cr whistleblower uri berliner quit after thist. new ceo suspended him withoutinr pay. >> berliner says say, i cannot k in a newsroom where i'm disparaged by a new ceroom l whose divisive views confirm the very problems at npr. emi cite in my free press essays >> and who is she? o iscatherine ma. she's an anti-trump, white guilting pronoun enthusias guil now she's breaking her silence. listenreaking . >> i >> i read every letter and i never had the chance to meet him personally a. s and i wish in some ways that i had had that chanct e so that we could have talked about what his concerns were. people come from ople all sorts of backgrounds. they have different lived experiences, but they come to the table to do the workd and uphold journalistic ethics and integrity. ournalisethicsare we covering ts from a wide variety of perspectives? wide eis it reflected in how wel the audience feels? do we have a widdo we audience p
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that is representative of our nationre and so that, i think, is the priority, and that's actually the way that we should be thinking about this. should b. . >> i don't even know what you just said. if only there was a way ma could have spokee waen to yuri o about his concerns instead of silencing them. silehim. out. she's not interested. she hates the truth fornt our most tricky disagreements. k seeking the truth and seeking to convince othersinhers of the truth. might not be the right placee to start start. in fact, our reverence for for the truth might be a distraction that's getting ge the way of finding common ground and getting things done. we all have different truths. they're based on things like wher n the come from, how we were raised, and how other people usc . >> tricky disagreements are when we need the truth joe mostkyreementsn we. you can't call yourselfur a journalist and say you're basing your coverage on vibes your co. >> bad ma wants everyone ainshare their truths except
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when those truths go againstno their agenda. not a new phenomenont a ne. tory >> they have a long historyut of cutting people loose when they don't toe the line. tinge loosi confronted npr as fa president way back in the dackyf >> it just seems like you firedr them not for his opinion, but fonot fos opinior his perso. is that how you run a news organization? we terminated it once contract because he was. there was a series o of violations of our news ethics code. f ouwe had talked to him about s and nothing changed. this was the latest in a series o was t lates serief inc, but you've had npr, even npr adc people advocate the killing of christians, advocate the killing of jesse helms.were were those people fired? that's not true. re, yes, it is. i have it right here. i have the quotes right here. vivian , i mean, as i spoke to you, i've given you my statement and then let me go on to my feeling. okay. coverin >> who was that handsome devil? we've been covering shenanigansg in washington for years, and biden's energy secretarytor
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is a scoundrel. jen granholm held offon wor on selling $1.6 million worthth of stock and this electric bus company until she became energy secretarly. >> and then biden started his crusade for evs. she d abd about her trades, and then she lied to congress. senator hawley confronted >> watch. you did own multiple individual stocksna dividual and you neglectedhi to report it to this committee for months afterwarde fos. comm >> why did you mislead this committee? oh, my goodnesitoodness. that was exactly my response. so why did i believe thiswhy di committee? i believed that d yoi had sold all individual stocks and i was incorrect. >> so i came back. just don't know the portfolio. >> pretty much the big one, i guess, huh? no, it's extremely small. >> apparently not. granholm not alone. i mean, this whole thing's a feature, not a bug on entrepreneur and original wolf of wall street. >> jordan belfort joins me now.,
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jordan, i mean, come on, you're buying this? >> listen, you know, jesse, i got to just say that, you know, people ask me to run for congress. i really swear on that. and i'm like, no way, not in a million years would i ever do this. lit i've been searchin but i'vgn edge in the stock market for like 20 years,ked and i can't d one. but somehow it seems like this is the edge that youth get get into congress. and nancy pelosi got this really? now, some in the cabinet. i meansi, , th andlike, it's in, right? here's the truth, right? he the trus&p 50the s&p 500 come a year on average. right. no one can beat the s&t thp. it's like four or five people that consistently do it. yet someholiker orw people in cs and in power a magic to make these outlandish returnss and it's obvious what's going on. this insidninside informatio flowing and they all they're getting tips from people that want to get favors back.- or and you know, that wouldn't be happening. ite it can't be happening.s >> and that's sort of the simplest explanation for what's that? >> jess is when wolest e you're in the real world, wolf, and you get caught colf,u get cu
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just say, oops, i forgot or i heard it somewhere, i don't remember. >> maybe it's my husband who sleeps rey husb next to me.ay >> is there any way you can get away with this? yeah, with after you do one,r pr two, three years for perjury. and, you know, and then,ah you know, and destroy records and all this stuff. yeah, you got away with itu go.d but listen, there's a different set of rules, and i think they really need to passk a law core that people cannot trade stocks ball. they're in congress or in the cabinet. it's a conflicng t it's at of interest.erage and it really bothersamer the average american becauseic, you know, you're sitting there trying to make a living and all your money work for you. you're seeine yo youg what we're doing you're getting magically they're beating you by like, magi, 500% a year.u're l you're like, what is going on here? it's insanik on e. >> you never got any inside information, did you? you would never doon did y that. >> but right now, you know, we're going to out of jail. we're gonna see commercial
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sweat, you know, stay out of trouble. >> did jfkjfk take take lsd? we think we know and treat this man. they see these signs on the beat. i mean, they see it in my bag like a bunch of groceries. >> all this cheese and grease just come to me. freedom. you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator. jeep. there's only one. start your spring with a great deal during the jeep celebration event where right now get the 2024 jeep wrangler starting at 33,008 90. and as r.p. transfer your i.r.a. or your old 401k to robinhood by april 30th and we'll give you a 3% boost with the biggest match of any i.r.a. on the market. robinhood gold gets you the most current time now, just
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we always knew defense contractors were bilking taxpayers, but we didn'tors werw it was this bad. >> how much would you pay forth ofbag of bushingis bad ws? >> you know, like a washer forwr a screw? guess how much f the pentagon pays. >> this, mr. secretary, is a bas.g of bushings. this bag of bushings stamped by machinists don't need a heist, don't need a, you know, a high school don diploma. >> it's not not anythinghi high tech about this. hol of this bag is compliantg with the faa specifications. >> how much do you think the air force paysw much for th. of bushings? >>don't know, congressman, $90,000. this,000. is a $90,000 bagu need of bushings that you need. t tub any jeint turbine engine just to operate. so the exhaust at cost due
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to dod only buying commercial of partsg co from the oems, whih is essentially sole source, is literally driving us out of business. i mean, the interest on our debt alone is now exceeding for the first time in american historn americy the entire defee budget. >> we can't afford it anymor e. d ar >> that's why we have inflation and we're up to our eyeballs in debt. flower power, woodstock, the merry pranksters, haight-ashbury, the 60s were an era of free love and psychedelics. >> but the countercultureulture didn't necessarily happen organically. lsd was discovered d in a swiss lab and was then commandeered by our intelligence agencies at the dawn of the cold war, lsd ican intelligence believed lsd could be used to brainwash communists to control people'sst thoughts and as a truth serum, during interrogations, the ciaei started a secret project and culture whera secre americans we unwittingly dosed with psychedelic drugsreed
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and studied addicts. >> hippies, mental patients st h quantities of lsd. even >>so even soldiers. here's s here's someone who participated in the psychedelic operationtice watch. >> i took the injection that i didn't like it, and it really p did create a poisonous psychosis. the room became very distorted and i thought my bones were all melting and i saw the squirrels outsidand e and i thought, they're not the squirrels, i'm the squirrel. i'm in this cage and id can't get out. and i started to throw myself from side to side in the rooarte m i don't know, it was like some kind of funny hail i'dd no fallen into and i couldn't get out. and i just felt that my life was threatened. >> i could never go backt to what i'd been. >> the cia experiments with lsid continued through cutouts. millions of dollars were directed to america'tinued tcuts top research universities, and for a time, the unitedas states was pioneering
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the boundaries of human consciousnes boundars. a you can say that the cia played a major role in bringing lsd to america, and we think of thee counterculture in the sixties. i think we can think a lot of the ciawethink and say by m, the cia brought lsd into thisth inuntry and created a research industry. >> but lsd became so widespreadd and abused for hedonistic purposes that it discreditednd the peace movement, which was kind of what the cia intende thd >> and although lsd was proving to provide substantial clinical benefits for alcoholics or depressed people, people with or day, the drug was nevere br allowed to be brought to market by pharmaceutical companiesican because the american government's war on drugs and coldovernmen war agenda more important. >> but after decadessd i of criminalization, lsd, seeing a resurgence therapeutically but is still struggling to escape its cultural still ta. >> author of tripped nazi germany the cia in the dawn of the psychedelic age, normana ane dawn adler joins use
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>> norman, describe these radical experimentse on americans by the central intelligence agenctelligeny. >> you're right, it's absolutely crazy what happened. >> and where did this come from? it actually cameappened.d this a because the were the firstir onesst one to do psychedelic rey in the concentration camp. of dahl. and when the americans liberated the camp and liberated germany from national socialism, they found from n by the ssne and they thought if the are so into using lsd as a potential weapon, maybe we can also try to use it now in the cold war against the soviet union i. : w >> was lsd ever shown to be useful for interrogations, or brainwashing or nonot?t? >> not really. i mean, it is. it proved to be useful to makenr
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someone extremely insecure because if you don't, someone unwittingly, that person suddenly has a very strong td effect in the brain and doesn't really understand what's happening. so you canreallywhat's use thatn advantage in interrogation. but ls d never proved to be that that magic key with which you can unlockt yo the mind of someone else. >> it actually has very, very, very different effects.iffe >> and in fact, interesting chapter in your bookrentfects i you suggest that john f kennedy may have experimented with lsd ma have moved him away from the cold war and to more of a peace messenger. >> i mean, and this is speculation. t we know for a fact that he had a very intimate relationship with merry pancho, who was in the white house quite a lota lo and they were seen smoking weed together. and it is a fact wer that panchn
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then received lsd from none other thansd timothy leary, the harvard professor who was then the lsd guru. she visited him saying that she has a very important frient shdi and he would like to try it. she didn't say jfkshe di, but v. important friends. she leceived the lsd in apri 63 from leary and then a little bit later, like a few weeks later, kennedy gives fewye his famous peace speech at thece american universitys and presents ideas that are completely unusual for him,m. because before that, he was she was quite a cold war warrior. >> he was into the arms race and suddenly he talks about that. we and the russians, wat we all have the same you know, we live by the same principles. >> we all love our childresame all share the life here on planet earth. >> so he kind of talksn planett. >> yes, in a way. so it seems like that very pancho influenced him. we don't know whether it was
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through lsd that she gave him or whether it was just lovethers making or whether it was just the weed. but that was for sure was a changee mi within the mind of jfk. >> and he probably got in touch with lsd, i would say. >> what are the main wn therapeutic uses in your opinion, for lsd i? >> what? i studied it quite thoroughly because while i was researching for the book, my mother developee bod alzheimer and we discussed it in the family. i had read a repor t. lsd actually stimulates the same synapses in the brain that at that time itso degenerates. so lsd has the opposite effect in the brain lsde and it seemsk it can help against dementia. so we decided to actually use it in our family and the results were quite stunning. were. fewto saylt i can think of a few people who could use some doses who cou, bm not a doctor. >> i was thinking about the same thing. ithig but i don't want to say ay names right now, but it certainly seems to be
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a cognitiv certae enhancer.>> js >> all right, norm, thank you so much. the book much. is tribute.d it i enjoyed it. it's just an incredibly fascinating timecredibly in amen history. >> while we were just doing some wild things tripped. norman oehler, thank you so much. >> thanks a lot, charlie. on deck. that f >>re they need a lot back. buckfast scotch toasted the grass. it was gas two times better to see the lord giving you a stronger last minute freedom. and it's got to build a rapid grass today. >> it's guaranteed feed alone. feed it right now someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy. so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your piece of mind can all be stolen
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>> well, listen, i would love for men and women to be paidisn' the same. but this is not about misogyny. thist abny is solely about busii when you look at the revenuene that comes into the wnba versusy the nba. the nba generate generats $10 bn a year. >> wnba. 200 million dollars a year.s so their salaries reflect that. it's not about not wanting to pay the womensa year, althouo feel for them because $76,000 when you're drafted, number one, and you see the nba numberl one draft getting 55 million for the same length of contract,lime l whichen is fr years, it's kind of embarrassing. >> you are little embarr embarre no one watches and so there's no revenue there to.e's no >> yeah, i mean, listen, if joe biden really wants to make an impact, this is somethings to that he really wants to dedicate his time and emotions towardse his. >> i say he buys courtside seats for the entire family to everyr thmily single family. >> yeah. and all, hunter. that'd be great. father son bonding time? no. would you trust huntert-son bon. on sideline on a wnba game? maybe that's what he needs. a little bit of rehabbing. >> he does need that.
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we have jason kelsey from put on a live event with his k brother at their alma mateelserg making students crawl through kiddy pools of chili. he was attempting to find a sock with a super bowl ring in it. >> and the problem wasit the no one ever found the ring by legitimately my super bowl te ring in this event. searching through the chili to tryve and the sock that hadtt my super bowl ring in it. >> we have still mr bowl yet toa it. >> we can safely assume that mfy super bowl ring is now in a landfill. we've already put the insurance clai hinkm in which i think the insurance company might have some things to sa y about whether they're getting that. >> see, that's why you got to wrestle, angelo. tle and jell-oi have never wresi type of food. >> have you? puddinfood g? oh, really? butterscotch. wow. is the man. greatest >> yes. i mean, this is. this is not the greatest thing to lose in a vatve in chili. i mean, the super bowl ring costs, what, like $36,000. but the story of losing your super bowl ring in, a big
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bag of chili, priceless. >> this story is pricelessf chi all right. charlie, how do you say your last name? arnold . arnold. there you go. but you can keep it at charlie. one word is good. charli1 okay. >> not to be confused with charlie. hurt. hurt? who we love.t want who we love. >> gigi. happy birthday. se: happyou're one years old. yu and on your first birthday, you actually took your first step. >> i don't have it on video because i missed iset. because i have two shows, but i'm going to check it out o and. >> maybe we'll catch it on tape and we'll play it tomorrow. so happy birthday. we lovn tapey itw so e you. >> we got corbin shelbyville,by indiana you haven't aged a day from 2010. >> what's the secret? >> putting wrestling. it takes years off your face. takinthat's all for tonight.d >> dvr the show and always remember i'm wonders. and this is my world. world.


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