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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 18, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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travis kelce a spin-off of the game you oth just mention are yu smarter than a fifth grader?an it it is cold are you smarterrt than a celebrity? at the university of cincinnati. >> to all my fellow students, you got to fight for your right to party! [[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> there you have it, laura, there you are, you are smartertt than a celebrity, at least that one. i believe that there. >> laura: heappa is a great football player, raymond. apparently -- i don't know. that's it. how that is how you connect with the kids, all right? that is it for travis kelce. raymond thank you. don't forget to set your dvr. jesse is next. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] [chanting] >> todd: a fox news alert, anti-approach raging into the night with columbia university campus after the university's president forced to face the music in a house hearing pier that looks a lot different when i went to college. you are watching "fox & friends first" on a thursday morning and i'm todd piro. >> carley: carley shimkus, closing its doors to the public has hundreds gathered for demonstrations. only student with a valid i.d. allowed in. live with the details on this story, good morning. >> good morning, carley, todd appeared 24 hours, hundreds of students at columbia university with a human cane around the cas calling gaza solidarity in canton. to show support for palestine
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while demanding an end to make to's complicity in [chanting since the student led occupation, at least three simultaneous at the university in support of the liberated zone all raging despite orders from . meanwhile in washington, d.c., the president of columbia university testified in congress about her administration's record addressing anti-semitism, acknowledging the problem of anti-jewish protest on campus. >> death to the zionist state, out. you don't think they are anti-jewish? so you change your testimony on that as well? >> there have been anti-jewish
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protest. anti-jewish things were set up protests, yes. have you seen one against arabs? >> no, i have not. >> have you seen one against palestinians? no, i have not. >> the university has suspended students restricted protest and investigative faculty members. one of the professors notably celebrated october 7th terrorist attack on israel. the hearing to remove him from sheer academic review committee. as far as remedial steps, it had this to say. >> the ultimate solution to fighting this horrible bigotry is education. that is a huge focus for us at columbia. we are changing the way we do orientation for incoming students to make sure they are educated about anti-semitism. >> back on campus, the students at the encampment insists they will not leave until demands are met, which according to the protesters include a divestment
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of all columbia finances from companies that profit from israel or occupation and transparency in the financial investments of the university, guys. >> carley: thank you. from new york to california, employees without a job after they stage a protest over the company's business ties to israel. the pro-palestinian workers with storming a top executive's office with ten hours sit in protest. the officers in new york city and california come a google spokesperson said they were fired for "physically impeding other employees work in preventing them from accessing facility and clear violation of the policies and completely unacceptable behavior." nine workers arrested immediately after the protest. meanwhile, president trump back in court this morning for the third day of jury selection in his new york hush money trial. >> todd: brooke singman with all the details, broke. >> the trail set to resume 9:30
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where seven jurors sworn in only 11 were still needed. so far jurors include two lawyers, a nurse and it consultant software engineer salesman and a teacher. the judge looking to as jury selection cleared away by the opening week. the media is already reeling, watch. >> the name of the trial is the people of the state of new york versus donald trump. the people of the state of new york -- that's us! >> don't cheer too loud, we need you to get picked for jury duty. >> donald trump is being held to account by the very multicultural, multiracial democracy that he is trying to dismantle. for me, there were something poetic and actually wonderful about that. >> how do you get called to a jury? you live. you say, "i hate trump but i can be impartial." >> trump said the boy is to keep the president presumptive
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nominee off the campaign trail. listen. >> alvin bragg himself refused to prosecute the case until donald trump decided he was running for president. we can all see exactly what this is about and what the goal of this is. of course it is to keep donald trump from the campaign trail pure they want him sitting in a court room in new york city. they were going ahead to throw it out there to tarnish his name even further if they can with american voters. >> the former president is required to attend every day of his trial, which is projected to run through june. he says he thinks the effort to keep him confined to the courtroom will actually backfire and have "the reverse effect." trump will make campaign stops in new york like harlem to state and elsewhere during the we can hold his rallies on the weekends, guys. >> todd: we will see if he is right come november, brooke, thank you. cnn weighing in on this, watch. >> to my liberal friends out there, all you are doing is
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showing that you are scared you can't beat him on the issues and the merits. that is why he keeps saying, "it is a political campaign against me." that is why he keeps saying, "they can't beat me at election, at the polls posed quote. this is only way they can do it. we will use and see what extent the other side is willing to go through just to keep him in office. they can't beat him on her own merits. >> todd: the fox news poll shows trump five-point set of biden in the general. and stephen smith has a huge audience, whether podcast, always riding. he is out there and if he is making that point, again, i made this point yesterday, donald j. trump's jury preferences young, black men. stephen a. smith speaks to young people including white men and
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young black men and if enough of them vote come november, it could have implications. >> carley: donald j. trump. the middle initials are getting highlight action. what does the a dam for stephen a. smith? okay, we conclude with that. chicago residents furious as the windy city consider spending $70 million on migrant care. >> vote no and put that money back and opioid settlement funds. we need that money in my neighborhood! >> malcolm i won't put $1 millin in one neighborhood. >> todd: it is an important appointment in the meantime npr whistle-blower who called out the company for its liberal bias has quit his job and old post by speaking it and wait until you hear what she says. district media groups will talk about that. she joins us next. ♪ ♪
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and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> todd: we are back with a fox weather alert. across the great lakes blasting the region with suspected
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tornadoes and hail. significant damage reported in ohio. the storm damage power lines and destroyed homes and businesses across a state appearance be to look at those, family dollar retailer partially collapsing from the powerful wind unfortunately, no injuries reported. here with the fox weather forecast, hi. another day of storms, 100 reports of hail and damaging winds. national weather service will go out to see if any tornado damage, but happening across the great lakes, ohio valley, next round behind that could bring potential for strong storms from texas all the way up towards the midwest. we have a severe thunderstorm warning for western missouri. there is your severest weather storm threat from san antonio, texas, all the way to indianapolis. because of a pretty good cold front, pretty significant once we will talk about that in a moment. the significant risk where we could definitely see those large hail, damaging winds, tornadoes
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for parts of missouri, illinois, towards kentucky, indiana, tennessee. they were snow forecast at today and a strong cold front moving across the central u.s.. cold enough for snow for parts of the rockies and watch this as we go through the next couple of days. we will drop those temperatures feeling more like january, february 4 parts of the central u.s. euro and 58 oklahoma city. that is a pretty big departure from what you typically get this time of year. a lot of folks feeling cooler than average as we get closer to may. over 122 million and saturday below average for parts of the south pier that is something we will watch and severe weather threat will get though is your best friend. >> carley: thank you so much. all right, now to a fox news alert, has been restored in some areas after outages knocked out emergency services in cities across south dakota.
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nebraska, nevada, texas over a week ago the dhs warned of cyberattacks on the nation's emergency services. saving and a bulletin exploitation of stolen data can see emergency service sector likely poses a consistent criminal threat to exposure of personal information. meanwhile, police and del rio taxes claiming the outage caused by an issue for major cellular carrier and confirms whether outages stem from cyberattacks. a story we will certainly be following. >> todd: i think that was everyone's initial instinct. whistle-blower quit his job npr after the company suspended him without pay for exposing its liberal bias. he says, "i am resigning from npr, great american institute where i work 25 years. i don't support coast to defund npr. i respect my colleagues to npr to thrive and do important journalism. i cannot work in a newsroom
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where i am disparaged by a new ceo with divisive views come from the very problems at npr cited in my free press essay. his old speaking yesterday as well i'm a watch." how do we look holistically and make sure we are entering a wide range of perspectives and views? i think another piece of that is making sure active and robust wide variety of perspectives so those conversations are being had. by giving people the ability to feel as though those conversations are creating a culture where those conversations are welcomed. those are incredibly important priorities in order to be a service to the widest number of people. >> todd: active and robust, the president of district media group and fellow at the independent women's forum and beverly joins us now. nothing says quite active and robust funded by your taxpayer dollars, mind you. more or less forcing out the one guy who tried to start say
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robust debate. >> she is proving his point. if she meant when she was saying, i agree with her. there should be active from a robust debate that is what is being pointed out. what is so interesting about all of this, she can't even see it for herself. this is the product of groupthink among the legacy newsrooms where they all agree with each other. they think it is actually, their job to point out what trump is doing to hide stories they think benefit trump to cover things in a certain way so perspective about covid, covid protocols are covered. they make sure to tell people what to think out there instead of presenting facts and letting people decide for themselves. and giving the public what taxpayer money should be paying for. >> todd: just to set a clear picture of who we are dealing with in this new ceo, never took the time to meet with berliner. you would think with the
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controversy in the entire organization she would have taken the time. also on the truth point that you mentioned, here is a ted talk the new ceo gave in 2022 before she became ceo. watch. >> perhaps for the most tricky disagreements, seeking the truth and seeking to compensable others of the truth might not be the right place to start. in fact, our reference for the truth might be a distraction that is getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. one of the things we can all acknowledge is part of the reason we have such oreos chronicles to the human experience in all forms of culture is because we acknowledge there are many different truths. >> todd: incorrect! there was one truth and for an organization that is supposed to be presenting unbiased facts to their listeners, that should be
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clear. your thoughts, beverly. >> it should be totally clear. look mother reason uri berliner did pen his essay when he did is because of the new ceo taken over. he had concerns for a long time and has records when he spoke out to leadership at npr. i think the reason he did at this point knowing he would probably be suspended and likely his job would be over his he knew that ceo would double down on all the things he thought was going wrong in the newsroom. i think it is important to point out we are in an election year. how could they potentially be changing the election based on what they decide to cover and the narrative they cover and reference to that? and again, this goes back to taxpayer money being a part of this. if this was a media outlet openly leftist bureau that is their business model and people can determine whether they want to watch melia sent or read what they put out. this is supposed to be a network for all people in america they have a program called "all
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things considered," but not all consider these days because a ceo determining what truth is and what should be covered. >> todd: ultimate craddock. a fox news alert. new reports say it was prepared to retaliate against historic attack. they are prepared to do but on monday. we will tell you everything we know. >> carley: back here at home anti-israel demonstrations at columbia university rage overnight with contention between the president in washington, d.c. we are talking to columbia university student who witnessed some of this firsthand. ♪ ♪
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to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. united nations security council could vote as soon as today to accept a palestinian request for full u.n. membership. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with more, hi mayor lucas. >> good morning, curly. if anyone was ensure israel's next move the ambassador left little doubt on special report. >> this can't go unanswered because if you don't answer, the >> carley:s will fear strike on the middle east without any consequences here and so we have to respond and we will respond.
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how exactly we do it remains to be seen. >> despite repelling iran and the ambassador said his part of the world events is not enough to deter iran and ward if israel doesn't, iran could have nukes on ballistic missiles in a few years. and benjamin netanyahu said, "i want to be clear. we will make our decisions ourselves here at the state of israel will do whatever is neceo defend itself. you mentioned off at the top, carley, the u.n. president biden's and bester said the goal for the future but that does not mean palestinian authority with the united nations right now." >> president biden has said categorically that we support a two-state solution for addressing the situation in the middle east. we do not see that doing a resolution in the security council will necessarily get us to a place where we can find the
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solution, a two-state solution moving forward to. >> the u.s. navy secretary told congress magnates more than $1 billion to buy intercessors over the garage over the beacon. the proxy forces in yemen, house speaker mike johnson introduced the proposed bills to send more weapons to israel, ukraine, taiwan that would restock the warships at sea, carley. >> carley: lucas tomlinson live in washington my thank you. derek anderson six tours with army throughout the middle east running for congress in virginia. derek, good morning to you. what you think about israeli counter strike? timing and scale of it? >> yeah, carley, thank you for having me. we look at the statements prime minister benjamin netanyahu say is strong. has come out strong in his defense of what iran has done over the last weekend. he is the leader of israel and needs to show strength to the
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road right right now. because trained with idf and israel and the outskirts of gaza and the tunnel systems. i watch what struggles israel and the idf have to go through right now. and afghanistan come i understand the region and let's be key we are no one wants war. but it is still a threat and has 100 hostages and all the meanwhile, israel has a threat to the north, by the way, hezbollah and we saw the attacks iran had this past week and from homeland for the first time. let's be clear, this is not the first time iran has fired against israel. they've been doing it for decades by way of proxies, terrorist proxy organizations. we have seen how the iranian proxies have and even iraq iranian proxies using explosive penetrators killing and injuring thousands of service members. and iran, benjamin netanyahu
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cannot show weakness after this past week and said taxpayer they want to have the right to defend themselves. >> carley: you are right launching the strikes, but now that iran has, there are questions about iran's military capabilities. we have learned following this attack, the country is capable of firing 100 missiles all at once. at the same time, half of them failed to reach their target were crash before they even started the launch. so in terms of iran, how strong is the country militarily really? >> i think you are right, carley. this attack showed that iran likes to try to bolster their chest with puffery, sending hundreds of rockets over. about one, with all the capabilities of those rockets, even though they can carry nukes in the future, they kind of lackluster. more importantly, i think what
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was interesting about the outcome of the overall support that we saw from some of these middle eastern companies looks as though they don't want war either. so we did see counterattacks and the missiles being taken out not only by the united states and armed forces overseas, but also jordan and some of these other countries. so, at the end of the day, i think it was -- it started off as you watch the rockets coming through the air. we saw the videos from iraq, some of the people there, you know, chanting as the rockets were going across the sky. at the same time, a lot of the rockets didn't make it pure to i think israel's iron dome and some of the other things they have to prevent the rockets from hitting it were effective. so israel has the effect of resources to be able to stop the rockets from coming in. at the same time, iran was not necessarily successful in what they thought. >> carley: they certainly weren't.
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one of the big stories, derek pro-palestinian protesters popping up across the country in places like columbia university, google's headquarters, and also capitol hill yesterday defense secretary lloyd austin's testimony. watch this. >> you have seen exceptional skill and professionalism of our forces after iran's unprecedented assault on israel. we will stand ready to protect our troops in the region and to support the defense of israel. our commitment to israel's security is ironclad. speak with the committee will stand in recess until the capital can restore order. capital, please remove the demonstrators from the room. we are in recess. please remove -- >> we have blood on their hands! >> please remove all protesters from the room. >> carley: what you think about this? >> it is terra club speakership. the voters expect those. >> carley: go ahead, i think
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we have an audio issue but go ahead. >> no words, carley. we see how this is happening right now. a direct result of biden's week leadership and attacks by hamas. one of the initial attacks by hamas october 7th where hundreds of attacks by b12 back groups including our service members and the middle east here the biden administration secretary of defense lloyd austin a day late and dollar short on every response here at this lack of leadership and this empowers and enemies overseas as well as some of these pro-for 11 organizations at home. and these pro-hamas protesters supporting a terrorist regime that murdered people, kidnap them, drive their bodies in the streets and celebrations and suppress women's rights, and absolutely hate america. for those folks, that continue to praise hamas and iran for that matter, see how they will be treated in that country.
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it is an unfortunate situation. it is unfortunate the secretary of defense lloyd austin and the biden administration based on lackluster and gaining support for israel. >> carley: it is a very unique and on certain time. derek, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, carley. >> carley: taught over to you. >> todd: taking over the columbia university campus by setting up flares and chanting for the death of prime minister benjamin netanyahu pair of the demonstrations happen hours after columbia university faced lawmakers and chastised for failing to stop anti-semitism on campus. >> despite claims otherwise, columbia's leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemned jewish hatred on campus creating a breeding ground for anti-semitism and hotbed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students. >> todd: jonas, columbia university and editor in chief of columbia sundial joins me now.
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jonas, you were on campus yesterday during the protest and describe what you saw. >> it was absolutely surreal, let me tell you. the president was scheduled to testify at 10:00 a.m. these pro-palestinian sometimes pro-hamas supporters came out 4:00 a.m. to set up tents on the south lawn care they called it a cause of solidarity encampment. so once the day started going, they started having these mass protests, marching around the lawns, chanting what many would consider to be anti-semitic chance. such as the river to the sea. we don't want to costates. we want all of it. things like that pure jewish counterprotesters but a tense scene and the gates are usually open but anybody could walk in but you had to show your i.d. and scan it here they are being strict today. as well on broadway, there were people coming in from nyu and other places on the people not even students coming into protest here that is where some
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of the real action came in and the nypd was there. you see the flares at night so it was surreal. it felt like what some people would say almost a war zone on campus. >> todd: an unbelievable description there. what does it say about anti-semitic your campus has become much mark on the day your president is in d.c. talking about anti-semitism, you literally have hundreds of students protesting and demonstrating for more anti-semitism. i can't wrap my head around that, jonas. >> it is hard for me and students to wrap our heads around that as well. it is very ironic. we have president on one hand saving, we acknowledge there is anti-semitism here this is a huge issue appeared on the other hand, the protest, unauthorized protest and the administration is not doing anything. they are handing out slips of paper that say you are in violation of the rules, but they are not stopping the protest. the previous night a bunch of
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seniors came out onto the lawn and had a celebration of sorts. they shut that down and took them 10 minutes to do it. everybody was gone. but today, this protest went on hours and hours and administrators and public safety stood by and let it happen. >> todd: a great contrast. let's listen to the president's testimony and specifically anti-israel chance on campus, watch. >> doctor, as president of columbia, what is it like when you hear chants by any means necessary or into part of revolution? do these champ os violate columbia's rules? >> i find those champs incredibly distressing and profoundly i wish people would not use them on our campus. >> todd: but do they violate the rules is the question? you watch yesterday and did you hear anything from that or the president's answer to give any jewish students and parents any
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confidence that pompeii university is a place where they can go and feel safe? >> well, it will say that she was very clear. she gave clear answers when she was asked, is calling for the of against the university rules? all of the panelist said yes and it was a good thing that gave a lot of reassurance to the jewish community. we do have a large jewish community. but you know, we will have to see what happens on campus. we will see whether anti-semitic incidents or whether students feel like they can invite members of foreign terrorist organizations to be speakers on campus. so, we will have to see what impact this testimony has. whether what she says will be reflected in reality on campus. >> todd: my take away from this, the far left students around the campus and out the administration. i hope that is not the case for you and your fellow students, jonas, thank you for your time. being fair yesterday and a witness for us, we appreciated.
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chicago city council with a vote for $70 million to fund migrant care as the community revolts. >> carley: they are certainly revolting. fox business here with more, hi, cheryl appearance here kolko city council delaying the bow on $70 million for additional migrant funding. but that is on top, remember 150 million already spent that left chicago residents furious, watch. >> of the city doesn't feel the same anymore. there is a lot of stuff going on that is hard to process. >> on behalf of black chicago into the entire city to ask you all to vote "no" and put that money and opioid settlement fund. we need that money in our neighborhood. >> $70 million, y'all won't even put $1 million in one neighborhood. >> not the first time the city council-based heated backlash. in february, running all the resources to care for the migrants.
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neglecting the needs of the community of legal residence, the poorest areas of chicago. >> listen to those voices but in the meantime testimony against boeing. >> boeing get it on capitol hill during two senate hearings. when asked about how the company builds its airplanes, whistle-blower sam southport testified the production process is "defective." >> the altitude from the highest level is just to push the defective parts regardless of what it is, unfortunately. >> ntsb chair reiterated that boeing said there are no records documenting the removal of -- the door appears this is a criminal cover appeared records do exist. i know this because i personally pass them to the fbi. speak with this is on the heels of several major incidents involving boeing aircraft with the door plug blew out midair
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alaska airlines flight in march. an inch and fire, lost will and veered off the runway on landing. by the way, senator tammy going after the faa yesterday for allowing boeing to self certify their aircraft spirit the agency is "too hands off." i have talked about that with both of you. >> carley: cheryl, the biden administration with strategic petroleum reserve and secretary has some thoughts about that. >> no regrets. and as the conflict in the middle east particularly by the 19, new concern about strategic petroleum reserve. we are sitting 364.2 million barrels. when the biden administration came into office, 38.1 million and the energy secretary was asked if she regretted that decision. >> do you regret depleting our strategic petroleum reserves to
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historically low levels, which they currently stand out? >> i would like to set the record straight. >> i would like you to answer the question, do you regret that decision? no, i don't regret doing what is right to be able to help replenish the global supply. speak >> so u.s. reserves histw levels, china has enormous stockpile. china bought just over 1 milliom iran in the first ten months 2023. at this point, china accounts for nearly all of iran's 1.6 million barrel exports per day. this guy gives tehran anywhere $35 billion to $45 billion a year. we are squabbling about $10 billion in iraq he bank. their banking this on whale. and also, i know i've got to run but the washington journal pointed out earlier this week that the biden administration doesn't want to clamp down on
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iraq he oil sports and if oil prices spike, gas prices go up and voters don't like that. >> carley: and proving enemies are getting closer and closer as we speak. cheryl, thank you so much. and president biden may not be able to get his name on ohio's ballot this november. that is because democratic national convention is taking place after the state is required to certify its valid here this is a big mess. the attorney general of ohio here to tell us what is going on. attorney general, what is going on? that is a place to start. can you tell us in simple terms what is going on? >> yeah i'm a there is a law that has been in place that applies to all candidates regardless of the officer running for or party they are running for. the ballot deadline is 90 days before the election. that is to allow adequate time for the preparation and proofreading of the ballot and
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to get the machines loaded. that takes time. you don't do it overnight. it is the same rule for everybody. the democrats scheduled their convention to nominate joe biden after that deadline. and that creates a problem. >> carley: so ohio is a swing state. is president biden's name going to be on the ballot? if not, what will that do to the vote? >> well, right now, it doesn't look like they are compliant. but look, if anything the party has, it is a surplus of lawyers. they have several months to figure this out. i fully expect them to figure out a way to get their canada on the ballot. after all, it is one of the two major candidates and he's an incoming president but on my watch, they will do it by law. >> todd: gnomic >> carley: they will do it by ohio attorney general. thank you for explaining this to us and waking up with the house
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this morning. have a great day. >> you too. >> carley: president biden talked about his uncle serving in military in world war ii. watch this. >> he got shot down in new guinea. they never found the body because there are are a lot of cannibals, for real. >> carley: that came out of left field and the only problem is it's not true. tyrus is here next. >> todd: it is one of the problems. but first "fox & friends." it was amazing to me. black on all the networks meant that was happening. good morning, family coming up on "fox & friends," is really protest around columbia's campus go into the night after the school's president testified on anti-semitism. plus jury selection resumes today in trump's hush money trial. we will bring you the latest as the judge to opening statements
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monday. mpr trauma continues. now the ceo is pushing back on the claims left-wing bias. and blew the lid off of the culture resigns. joe concha will join us on that. plus we told you about the pup dating scene. but churches are using to find ways to share the gospel through the sport. all of this on this busy friday. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand
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♪ >> todd: president biden criticizing his rival, donald trump, as not being the best candidate for the working class. but, just days after trump visited workers at chick-fil-a joe biden taking a play to meet with workers at local gas station. >> back, back, right now, back. no, back. >> tyrus is a fox nation host and fox news contributor and he joins us now. tyrus, what do you think about president biden's trip to the gas station he? bought sandwiches for construction workers. >> that's amazing. that's amazing. how did that go? do we have more footage of him talking with everybody and shaking hands and answering questions and stuff? i mean, it's just -- just unnatural. i praise him for the effort but it's just unnatural lately to see him interact with people because it's so controlled. it's like watching a poor production of like public
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broadcast tv sitcoms. where they are just controlling everything he does. and who speaks to more questions you ask. and then the other side of it president trump is just walk anywhere and people are want thatting and you are hearing hundreds of people praising him. it's not the same thing. he just seems really out of touch with everyone. >> does the average, undecided voter see those authenticity differences that you just pointed snout trump, basically like a rock star in that chick-fil-a, everybody coming up to him and joe biden basically his handlers yelling at everybody to get back. him moving around like the human roomba trying to get attention and nobody is really excited. do they see those authenticity differences? >> i think they can. but i don't think this is enough anymore. on both sides. and i think it's great that they are going out there. but i think the average american voter is looking at the issues now. like for every hand they are shaking how many people are crossing the border? why is inflation so high? why is -- i make decisions on
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whether i'm paying my electric bill or car payment. i think those are resonating more with americans right now than how many babies they kiss or hands they shake. but, i think it's a little more -- i think people are paying a lot more attention because president trump has made politics so transparent and people are looking at politics like sports or paying attention. i don't think the shaking hands is enough. i think this hurts him when he sees how manufactured it is. it almost neighbors worse. >> so, yesterday, tyrus, president biden shared a very bizarre story that b. his uncle. listen to this. >> my uncle, they called him ambrose they called him uncle bose. hell of an athlete they tell me when he was a kid. he became army air corps before the air force came along. he flew those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones.
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he got shot down in new guinea. they never found the body because it used to be -- there were a lot of c cannibals. >> his plane was lost owe over the open ocean. he was not eaten by wit cannibat would seem. >> i did some researching turns out it was and island. the plane wasn't discovered but his uncle was tied down by little people. and he actually discovered the aisle of lily foot. really historic moment. again, this is what the american people are seeing. it's a great story. it's not his. he is making up stories. but you can't ask him a follow-up question either. it's a really sad thing to do. >> todd: island corn pop. >> carley: we thank his uncle for his service. >> todd: fox now. >> carley: there you have it. >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it i00


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