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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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they never found the body because it used to be -- there were a lot of c cannibals. >> his plane was lost owe over the open ocean. he was not eaten by wit cannibat would seem. >> i did some researching turns out it was and island. the plane wasn't discovered but his uncle was tied down by little people. and he actually discovered the aisle of lily foot. really historic moment. again, this is what the american people are seeing. it's a great story. it's not his. he is making up stories. but you can't ask him a follow-up question either. it's a really sad thing to do. >> todd: island corn pop. >> carley: we thank his uncle for his service. >> todd: fox now. >> carley: there you have it. >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley.
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it is 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is thursday, april 18th, and welcome to "fox & friends" live from new york. take a look. the shocking pro-palestinian protest happening on new york city streets just off of columbia university's campus last night. [cheers] >> steve: this was on the same day the ivy league president faced her day of reckoning on capitol hill. how did she do? we will tell you in 60 seconds. >> brian: media laughing off the possibility of impartial jury as trump's hush money trial resumes today. >> yeah, i hate trump. but i could be impartial. >> i know you are excited but don't cheer too loud. we need you to get picked for jury duty. [laughter] >> ainsley: plus the coast guard saves the day. look at this video capturing a pregnant woman on a news ship being airlifted from the middle of the atlantic. >> lawrence: look at all those guys.
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"fox & friends" begins right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. you got to see this. fox news alert. pro-palestinian protests raging into the night at columbia university. >> ainsley: heated demonstration coming after the ivy league school's president had to testify on capitol hill admitting anti-semitism is a serious problem on campus. >> steve: brooke singman is live in new york city with details. brooke? >> for more than 24 hours now hundreds of students at columbia university forming a human chain around the main long on campus. gaza solidarity encampment. it is to show support of palestine while demand an end to the university's, quote, complicity in genocide ♪ free, free palestine. [chanting] >> there is only one solution ♪ there is only one solution. >> antifad da revolution. >> since the student led occupation, at least three other demonstrations formed near the
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university in support. all raging on despite orders from the school to evacuate. meanwhile in washington, d.c., the president of columbia university testified on capitol hill about her administration's record and she acknowledged the problem of anti-jewish protests on campus are a problem. >> mr. abdul has been told he will not work at colombia again. >> he has been fired. >> he is leaving. brook brook she says the university has suspended students, restricted protested and investigated faculty members. one celebrated the october 7th terrorist attack on israel. she vowed during the hearing to remove him as position of chair of the academic review committee. as far as other steps the university is taking, shafik had this to say. >> solution to fighting this horrible form of bigotry is education. and that is a huge focus for us at colombia. we are changing the way we do orientation for incoming students to make sure they are
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educated about anti-semitism. >> meanwhile back on campus the students at the encampment say they will not leave until their demands are met, guys? >> brian: i would say it's a pretty significant problem. it is to in the -- thanks so much, brooke. so in the president's face to do that while she is testifying. they knew it could only get bigger. >> ainsley: she was supposed to deaf in december. she said she was traveling and she couldn't. so she watched those other presidents from the other ivy leagues and two of them had to step down. >> steve: that's right. so she learned from their mistakes. remember in december presidents from harvard and upenn who struggled with simple questions about anti-semitism if students should be punished if they called for the genocide of jews? both of them were ousted. the president of colombia learned from the mistakes. did i not realize there were 4700 jewish students on campus at colombia. and so this is one of the demonstrations last night that
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tariff as lot of them there are active protests and the students have been on our show. they described how they have been verbally and harassed and clashes with the administrators. so the limits of when they can assemble. the images on the screen left, that's off campus. so that -- the university can't control that. >> lawrence: right outside of the campus. just to put it into perspective, it was a jewish professor -- and we did some reporting on colombia so we have witnessed. this a jewish professor who has been warning about the anti-semitism on the campus for a while. and they suspended him. some of the events that have been hosted on the campus. there was a teach-in for speakers that called the hamas terrorists liberation fighters. then there was an event. >> brian: he didn't lose his job, did he? >> lawrence: didn't lose his job. then there was an event hosted on the campus by the students saying there is nothing wrong with being a member of hamas.
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then there was a visiting proffer that came onto the professor. here is what he said about the attacks. warriors resistant fighters in hamas number less than 1500. how they flipped the table not only on the entire colonial state with no definable border but rather the whole world. you don't need to be a mass movement to change the world. so this is what has been happening on this campus for a while with no punishment. >> ainsley: that professor she was asked about. she said he will never teach at colombia again and that will be on his permanent record. >> brian: by the way can you imagine if they were protesting muslims in america? do you think would cops be sent in there with right riot helmed shields? it's okay to do that if you are anti-israel. this guy stood out said it was awesome october 7th. he speaks out for palestinian hamas. different professor. she said what happened to him? well, he has been reprimanded he said. mass sad told cnn that no one has ever spoken to him.
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i was shown solidarity by my chair and the deans based on the threats that i received based on who he is. elias certify than nic questioned. chair of the academic committee joseph masad. and elise said would they remove the professor who called octobe? and she responded, y'all watched her response yesterday, was hesitant. she said i think that would be -- i think i would -- yes. let me come back with a yes. >> brian: that would be a good soundbite. >> steve: dr. masad came out and said it's unfortunate she didn't defend him. the investigation is news to him. i don't know i was the subject of inquiry until i heard it on tv. >> lawrence: if you are watching this and saying colombia is just colombia. this is not the only campus where this sort of nonsense and
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racism and bigotry is happening. you know, i used to run campus reform. type in the university that your kid goes to. i'm sure there is some type of professor or some type of student organization that is allowed to do this sort of hateful demonstration. and when you have the fbi director who testified before the committee and said over 60% of the hate crimes are directed toward the jewish people, you would think we'll start doing something about it. but they are openly doing this in our country. setting fires. this is not gaza. this is not palestine. this is america. and we have people chanting death to america and setting things on fire. >> steve: that was last night. 36 hours earlier -- remember, and we talked about this yesterday, there were some google employees who were pro-palestinian who had set-ins -- sit-ins in the boss' office for 10 hours the guy who runs google cloud out on the west coast and also in the
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offices here in new york city. well, eventually they called the coming and these people were carted off. i think these people did not realize that you do not have a first amendment right when you are on private property. and google wanted them to be working and here's the headline today and this is breaking news. 28 of them, part of this group, they were all fired. terminated after there was an internal investigation. the company said you can't do that. >> ainsley: no, it disrupts the office space and vice president of global security wrote in a memo leaked to the post. they took over office spaces defaced our property and physically impeded the work of other goalers. their disruptive and made co-workers felt threatened we will not tolerate it. >> brian: that happened one of the places that happened was new york. they would get fired. who would think protesting your boss would get new trouble. i have no idea. i will have to look at the bylaws here. i wonder if i'm at allowed to do that anti-israeli attitudes even
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though they claim assaults are down in new york. they say anti-semitism incidents have jumped 110% since the october 7th attack. more than 60% of the incidents reported in new york city -- in new york city but overall assault are down 25%. >> lawrence: i questioned if google would do the right thing. i have to applaud them for taking some type of action here. they said following the investigation, today we terminated the employment of 28 employees found to be involved. we will continue to investigate and take action. >> brian: keep in mind joe biden's own staff was protesting him and his attitude. they got to keep their job. >> ainsley: keep in mind that these people are protesting hamas going into israel on october 7th. they don't want -- they are not in support of the israelis on that attack? also, in iran, iran, i just saw this video, it shows the iranian morality police officers shoving these ladies in their vans and arresting them for not wearing the hijab.
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and one of the ladies, she a journalist and a university student, she was arrested from her home on tuesday, posted that on x that she had been detained, tased and sexually assaulted by the morality police at a local metro station. then, she was arrested, taken to an unknown location for posting that on x. then her x account was suspended. the wife and the daughter of iranian soccer goalkeeper, they were both arrested in tehran on charges of violating hijab regulations. >> lawrence: this is who they support. >> brian: they should go live there. >> steve: the lesson here this morning, as we started with these two protests, one last night and one the day before, is that now people are starting to get it. actions have consequences. if you remember, on this couch, we were talking, i think it was about two years ago. >> brian: not colombia. >> ainsley: hats off to congress though for investigating. this. >> steve: she said yesterday that a number of students have been suspended, although some are off us is the suspension. nonetheless, in 2022 i believe it was. on this couch we talked about
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how netflix, a bunch of employees at netflix didn't like the content. they were having protests at netflix. just like they were. >> brian: dave chapelle. >> steve: right, over dave chapelle. remember what netflix said. you know what? if you don't like our content. >> ainsley: too bad. >> steve: maybe you need to find another job. obviously that's the message to the people of google. you don't like who we do business with, work for somebody else. >> brian: to another fox news alert. two suspected spies arrested overseas accused plotting sabotage attacks on u.s. military facilities in germany on behalf of russia. german prosecutors say -- >> ainsley: their goal was to undermine support for ukraine. >> steve: lolucas tomlinson jois us the with the latest. >> espionage continues in europe today this time in germany. headline from reuters. germany arrest twos for alleged military sabotage plot on behalf of russia. and more from the report says, quote: two german-russian
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nationals arrested in germany on suspicion plot be sabotage attacks in u.s. military fingerprints in effort to undermine support for ukraine. russia making advances on the battlefield in ukraine. president biden's top diplomat in italy for g-7 meetings urged congress to get more weapons into the country to repel the russian advance. >> it is urgent that all of the friends and supporters of ukraine maximize their efforts to provide ukraine with what it needs to continue to effectively defend itself against this russian aggression. if putin is allowed to proceed with impunity, we know he won't stop at ukraine. and we can safely predict that his aggression will continue. other would-be aggressors around the world would take note. >> germany is home to 50,000 american troops. that's down from over 200,000 during the height of the cold war, guys. it's home to one of the largest bases for american forces
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outside of the united states. the concern on capitol hill right now is that if russian forces make more advances in ukraine, more u.s. troops would have to be deployed to europe when there is an urgent need in the pacific to deal with the rising need in china and let's not forget the middle east. >> steve: my brother-in-law is stationed in germany at military outfit. >> lawrence: my dad used to be stationed there. >> steve: my dad was stationed there. lucas, thank you very much. >> a fox news alert. 911 services have finally been restored in some areas after those outages in cities across south dakota, nebraska, nevada, and texas. it comes after the dhs warned that cyber attacks could, coat quote pose a persistent threat due to the sposh of victim's personal information. the cause of the outage still unclear. homeland security says the main suspect in the death of senator catherine cortez masto's adviser entered the u.s. illegally back in 2021 and that the 18-year-old
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migrant has now been put on ice hold. the senator's aide, there's his picture, was killed in a crash nearly two weeks ago, taking the life of 38-year-old kirk ingle hart. npr's ceo tells carnegie endowment that she wants to have an active and robust debate in the newsroom. >> how do we look holistically and make sure that we are ensuring a really wide range of perspectives and views? another piece of that is making sure we have active and robust debate in the newsroom. >> ainsley: good point, brian. she said that's why they suspended him. this comes two days after she did suspend that reporter uri berliner trying to spark debate covering the company's coverage and he has since resigned now. she said no pay and then he resigned. a tsunami alert issued in indonesia yesterday after volcanic eruption sent ash
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thousands feet high. the volcano had five large eruptions in 24 hour period. over 11,000 people were ordered to evacuate and 800 residents left the area. concerned a section of the volcano might collapse into the sea and cause a tsunami. now to some wild video. the coast guard, watch this, air lifts a pregnant woman off of a disney cruise ship on monday morning. she started having health complications. the ship was nearly 200 miles northwest of puerto rico. so she was taken to a hospital in puerto rico. no word yet on how she is doing. look at that they put her on that stretcher and airlifted her up. thank you coast guard. >> steve: let's hope she is okay. we don't know the condition. when you think about it. when you are at a certain stage in pregnancy you can't fly. you might think i can go on a boat. what could possibly go wrong. >> ainsley: right. >> lawrence: i agree with brian. i think i'm taking a break from crews. cruises.
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every week we are covering some sort of story with a cruise. >> brian: viking seems good. less time getting there and more time being there. >> steve: one of our biggest advertiser. >> ainsley: yes. i couldn't tell how pregnant she was. >> steve: it was not said in the story. they did -- the coast guard did thank the disney crews for being very professional and the coast guard acolytes to them. they sent a navy diver to go get her and harness her. wait a minute, i have got to go in that up there? he did. >> brian: you don't want to see a guy show up in a wet suit to save a pregnant woman on a cruise. certainly something to see and talk about. >> steve: usually the costumes on disney cruise. >> brian: you don't know what is real or not. >> ainsley: i wonder if she has other children she was on a disney cruise. >> steve: great point. >> ainsley: or maybe with nieces and nephews. >> brian: extra time with the baby-sitting service.
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>> steve: president trump back in third day of hush money trial. >> ainsley: judge looking have jury selection squared away by the end of the week to opening statements can begin by monday. >> brian: eric shawn is outside the new york state supreme court with more. eric, you are putting up with the rain on day three. >> eric: yeah. it's kind of cold for spring showers. i guess they will bring mayflowers. and testimony at this trial. 96 jurors get 12 jurors submit judgment of former president trump. they also need to get six alternates and this process is going much faster than first anticipated. they thought it would take two weeks. instead, they could get those opening statements as you say by next week. the selection has been ongoing with fewer potential jurors saying that their views of president trump would prevent them from being fair and impartial. the former president is
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complaining about the process. he accuses judge juan merchan going too fast and not letting his lawyers object to enough disbloors could be against him. he said this on truth social. i thought that strikes were supposed to be unlimited when we were picking our jury. i was told then we only had 10, not nearly enough when we were purposely given the second worse venue in the country. under new york state law both the prosecution and the defense can bounce jurors with no stated reason. that's called peremptory strikes. indicate fed is convicted he will, as he has in his two civil cases, appeal a possible guilty verdict. if you are take a good strong look, every legal scholar and pundit said there should be no trial. >> eric: the former president says he intends to testify at this trial and if he does da alvin bragg now wants to question him about the civil cases he lost from nearly half a
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billion dollars real estate fraud verdict to the e. jean carroll defamation award. so far the jury that's been picked includes four men and three women. among the occupation sales men, it consultant as well as a middle school teacher we will see who can get picked later on today when the jury is back here in court. brian back to you. >> one of them watches fox news how many alter nats do they then select? >> they need six alternates. in my experience few more than usual. they want to be safe to see if people drop out. so, they very well could get opening statements next week with the pace that this trial is going. >> brian: they haven't stopped the president from doing what he is doing. is he going to make appearance. sure he has something today i would imagine. number two do you see he is meeting with world leaders. met with the president of
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hungary over at mar-a-lago. met with david cameron over at mar-a-lago. did a phone call with mbs. yesterday the polish president had on radio for an hour. is he a huge fan of president trump. he said we need the steady leadership. he understands the threat of russia. and they had dinner last night. speaks good english. >> lawrence: just goes to the point of what the current administration was saying that all these current world leaders are so afraid of him and they don't want to have conversation with him a lot of world leaders want him back in when they look at the state of what is going on. what i want to talk about is the state of the media and how they have been reacting. all the media people saying criminal justice reform. we want fairness in our system. watch them celebrate though. >> official name of the trial is the people of the state of new york vs. donald trump. the people of the state of new york -- that's us.
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[cheers] okay. hold on. hold on. i know you're excited but don't cheer too loud. we need you to get picked for jury duty. >> how do you sneak on to a jury? >> you lie. you say i hate trump but i can be impartial. >> i'm a little surprised that we are learning all this because i do not think this jury is going to remain names, necessarily if they keep this up. >> you are worried about their safety. >> yeah. i'm worried about their safety. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> ainsley: is sunny teaching someone thousand prepare if they hate trump. i hate trump but i can be impartial? >> lawrence: a former federal prosecutors. >> brian: two lawyers on there amazing. >> ainsley: person who watches fox news read the "new york times" and watch msnbc. >> brian: i would like a follow-up question. name somebody you ever see on fox news. >> steve: homer simpson? >> lawrence: bart simpson. >> steve: one thing that donald trump has been interested in given the fact we are in the
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midst of new york city he wants somebody fair. and so, all of the defense questions of the potential jurors have been about fairness. >> brian: little confession. did i something, lawrence, you have effected me. first time i come in all dressed and wear the same thing all day. i did such a bad job picking out my clothes i totally revamped. >> steve: today? >> brian: yeah, today. i was any g thinking in my head lawrence going to judge me. i had to go more basic. >> lawrence: why didn't you think about that yesterday. >> brian: you didn't like my outfit yesterday. >> steve: you pick out your clothes same day? >> steve: night before. put it right there on the hanger that looks okay. >> brian: full life mannequin. bhi put it on me i go this looks terrible and i had to go change. >> lawrence: you changed? >> brian: totally changed. >> steve: ask dawn, how does this look? >> brian: dawn, i know it's 2:30 wake up.
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>> steve: do it the day before. lawrence. >> ainsley: keep your closets here and come in lulu lemons. >> brian: or sleep in my clothes. >> ainsley: you have to wear this an hour to work he lives out on long island. >> steve: you are learning a lot about our daily routine. >> ainsley: if you get dressed do it gradually. >> brian: yes. >> steve: new this morning, you won't believe accused idaho killer's alibi. we are about to tell you. >> lawrence: what a sicko. the number of chinese nationals crossing the border. it's a new record. is china allowing this? >> brian: look like college professors. ♪ queen to a party alone ♪ baby, you're not dancing on your own ♪ baby, it's ♪
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lawrches lawrence new this morning official alibi of the quadrupled suspect. chandler has details. >> good morning, lawrence. now we know where the accused mass murderer claims to be at the time four university of idaho students were brutally stabbed in the middle of the night in november 2022 and idaho and other states are prird to give notice of an alibi. his defense team wrote, this quote.
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mr. kohberger was out driving in the early morning hours of november 13th, 2022, as he often did to hike and run and/or see the moon and the stars. he drove throughout the area south of pullman, washington, west of moscow, idaho including wawa way park. the criminology student faces death penalty. indicted with the murders of four students around 4:00 a.m. on that cold november morning. and court filings he claims he was at locations far from the off campus crime scene in moscow, idaho. the defense plans to call an expert to prove the defendant's phone was in those locations and not at the murder scene; however, we know, based on the probable cause affidavit that prosecutors claim his phone was turned off around the time of the murders. and they can place his vehicle at the scene and, more importantly, his d.n.a. found on
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the knife sheath under one of the victim's bodies. we can expect that evidence to be highlighted when the prosecution files a response to this in the outlining witnesses it will use it rebut these defense claims. and now i'm going to toss it to carley. >> carley: that is quite development. chanly, thank you so much. more news to get to. two boeing whistleblowers testifying on capitol hill. one says he received threats from supervisors after raising safety concerns about the company's airplanes. >> the attitude from the highest level is just to push the defective parts. >> i'm not going to sugar coat. this this is a criminal cover-up. records do, in fact, exist. i know this because i've personally passed them to the fbi. >> the aviation giant is under investigation after a string of mishaps this year. including that door plug that blue ofblew off. meeting with congressional staff to lobby against a bill that
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would force the sale of diamond and silk. two capital hill staffer staffers diamond and silk embassy. it is not aware of the meetings. those are your headlines, brian. i'm sure you have thoughts on that. >> brian: unbelievable. these politicians going to sell their soul to china directly snun believable. 29 minutes before the up to of the hour. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas set to testify before the senate today just day after articles of impeachment dismissed. border patrol caught more than 24,000 chinese nationals crossing the border so far this year. like they just got out of laguardia airport. this already breaking a 2023 record. by the way, it's april. this is lawmakers reveal the chinese communist party is propping up america's deadly fentanyl crisis incentives to make money by killing us. here to react senior editor at "the federalist." your reaction to chinese multifaceted mission against us?
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>> good morning, brian. and you know, chinese government certainly has not stopped the chinese people from leaving china most people leaving china mainly still driven by economic reasons and the religious reasons. china has experienced severe economic slowdown. there's a very high use employment rate. so the fact that we see increasing number of the chinese migrants to the united states means the chinese government intend to export economic problem to the united states. >> brian: helen, can you get out of china just by boarding a plane and saying okay, i'm taking my stuff and going? they they allow that? >> well, the chinese government can issue you a passport. so those people can now board a plane to fly to south america unless the first obtain past port first. the fact that the chinese gene government continuing to issue passport knowing they're coming to south america.
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they didn't do anything to st.~paul them. again with very high youth unemployment rate and we see most of those migrants are young men. >> brian: but i thought china would say you're not going anywhere unless you -- you can't just pick up and leave china for good unless the chinese government is okay with it, correct? so, if they are okay with it, why would they do it? these people are working age. they have an economic slump right now. why would they let them leave? >> well, because they are very high youth unemployment rate and china is struggling. >> brian: all right. that's fine. that's something we would do but i don't think china would allow. here is what bill barr says about what china is up to and how they are directly responsible for 200 minimum deaths a day in america due to fentanyl. >> simply put, without china's production and export of fentanyl and fentanyl precursors, there would be no fentanyl crisis in the united
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states. the mass slaughter would effectively stop. >> brian: and now we find out corporations get incentives to produce fentanyl as long as it leaves the country. your reaction? >> well, we know that the chinese government has been complicit in the fentanyl crisis of america since 2013 because china always been the principle supplier of fentanyl chemicals and also chinese government all the chemical industries and all the companies have chinese communist parties inside. they the fact that people can still order fentanyl materials online and the companies are still allowed to export, that means they have the government's blessing. probably driven by two reasons. first the government is making money, collecting tax dollars. and they also probably want to use this as a bargaining chip for future negotiation with the u.s. government. >> brian: should would he be banning diamond and silk here in america? >> absolutely. >> brian: yeah. any clear-thinking person that
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knows what you know or knows puts a minute into this knows the answer is yes. thank you, helen, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> brian: all right, meanwhile npr's ceo speaks out after an editor resigns over liberal bias. joe concha says this is part of a disturbing trend in numerous. there he is. ♪ with the oreo shake ♪ and some whipped cream ♪ on the top, too ♪ two straws ♪ one sack ♪ girl i got you ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at dupixent helps you du more with less asthma.
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isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> steve: all right. a fox weather alert. powerful storms as can you see right there roaring across the great lakes states blasting the region with suspected tornadoes and lots of hail and rain as well. significant damage reported in ohio. the roof of a family dollar retailer partially collapsing. fortunately, nobody was hurt. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean. janice, this is -- we're now in
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day three of this storm. >> janice: yes, absolutely. a severe weather event that has crossed over into now day three or four as we go into friday. but, looking at the live radar, we have an area of low pressure and a cold front associated with this. we could see the potential for hail, damaging winds, tornadoes, a lot of lightning with these storms as well north of the st. louis area. here is the severe storm threat from texas, san antonio, all the way up to the ohio river valley including new saint lewis and minneapolis where we could see all of those damaging weather reports in some of these areas. here is a three out of five here for parts of missouri, illinois. kentucky and tennessee. just have a wave getting your watches and warnings. heavily populated areas like st. louis and up towards the chicago. here is the forecast today. watching those storms move eastward. cold enough for snow across the northern rockies and get a little bit of this rain over the next 24 to 48 hours in the northeast, that's going to cause travel delays as well. i think i'm tossing over to
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ainsley, right? >> >> ainsley: that's exactly right. thank you so much, janice. >> janice: you got it. >> ainsley: the npr whistleblower uri berliner leaving the company. in a new statement he calls out the new ceo catherine m mayer wo tried distance herself. >> the newsroom is entirely independent. there is no relationship between what we cover and what the ceo does. that is all set by our editor and chief. i mean i don't -- because of this dividing line, this firewall between editorial and management, i don't sit in our newsroom discussion. i red uri's letter i never hat chance to meet him personally. i wish in some ways i had had that chance so we could have talked about what his concerns were. i don't have any editorial guidance on the newsroom. >> ainsley: here to react fox news contributor joe con challenge. joe, your reaction? she is passing the buck. >> she is saying there is a firewall between her and the editorial side. do you really believe that,
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ainsley? right. we look at the tweets from catherine mayor she has literally a joe biden cap on. she calls donald trump a racist. she talks about gender identity and politics and identity politics and this is somebody clearly who is going to have her foot on the pedal at n rn. place where it was founded 53 years ago. its original statement was to speak with many voices and many dialects, unquote. now the only voice is to appeal to the far left because we have seen the stats that uri berliner shared. 87 democrats at npr. 0.0 republicans. how do you possibly have balance when you have an editorial room like that? >> ainsley: catherine the ceo took over that position in march. she hasn't been in this position very long. one of her ted talks from 2022 has re-surfaced. listen to what she says. >> our reference for the truth might be a distraction that's
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getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. >> ainsley: reference for the truth is a distraction. >> she also said the first amendment is a very tricky thing. not a good idea or not a good sign when you are working for npr. look, there's a lot the precedence here we have seen ainsley that should be disturbing for anybody who believes in the first amendment. for example, remember when tom cotton wrote an op-ed for the "new york times" in 2020 said, you know what? maybe we should consider using the national guard troops during riots that get out of control in. the 2020 were horrible. the editor of the "new york times" got fired for publishing that saw where an op-ed was written buildings matter, too. when buildings were being destroyed and businesses destroyed in philadelphia the december of 2020 that editor who won a pulitzer was fired. they hire one contributor over at nbc who may have some
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favorable thing to say about donald trump and the inmates took over the asylum and made sure we as fired. she appeared once and that was it. i could go on with the examples it. seems at this point we're seeing many people within numerous who are not journalists anymore. they are activists. if any dissenting voices get into that newsroom, they are going to be eliminated one way or the other. >> ainsley: especially when they are getting federal funds. i think that's the problem here. when he resigned he said i cannot work in a newsroom where i'm disparaged by the new ceo whose divisive views confirm the very problems at npr i cited. thank you so much, joe, for coming on. >> defund npr that's the take away. >> ainsley: it is allergy even. have you noticed? are your eyes watering, joe? allergy season full bloom. why this year is feeling worse than ever ♪ bring me a higher love ♪ oh ♪ bring me a higher love
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steve okay. allergy season is in full bloom right this minute. this year feels worse than ever. are you one of those people? i am.
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how can you get through the next several months without constantly reaching for tissues or eye drops or sinus rinse. dr. elliott is a allergist and spokesperson for the american college of asthma, allergy and immunology. she joins us now. doctor, good morning. thanks for making a house call. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: why does it seem like every year the allergy season gets worse? >> it has to do with warmer than usual temperatures. we had a pretty mild temperatures, above average rainfall. when you get that late in the season snow storm that march snow storm it saturates the air -- i'm sorry it saturates the ground and then the ground doesn't freeze, so that's the jump start that the pollen needs to just go crazy. >> steve: is it just my imagination? i don't remember as a kid having allergies. but now i am impacted pretty much by everything. do allergies get worse the older you get? >> it tends to. we start to see first peak in
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school age. and then by high school. and then wean the ages of 35 and 50, if you have one allergy, you're more likely to develop additional allergies. and then after the age of 50, you tend to start to lose allergies as your immune system is not as robust. >> steve: that's my problem. i'm not over 50 yet. just kidding. so you have got some tips. people out there, one in four americans substantially impacted by seasonal allergies. you say don't wear your shoes in the house because can you bring in the stuff. wear a hat and sunglasses. use nasal filters and rinses. and avoid outdoors after storms. i never realized that thunderstorms actually aggravate pollen. i thought it washes stuff out. it doesn't, does it. >> no, it doesn't it. aggravates it, especially if there is a thunderstorm. and there have been studies looking at this that people have more allergy attacks, more hospitalizations for asthma right after a thunderstorm
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because the ground gets aggravated, the pollen becomes airborne and then it stays suspended in the air so it's not true that the rain washes the pollen away. it's actually the opposite. so stay inside after a thunderstorm. >> steve: okay. before you go, doctor, there are a lot of people who suffer. they might need some over-the-counter medication. what should people think about having on hand if ne they are impacted. >> start experiencing symptoms over-the-counter i prefer sir tech kicks in 20 minutes where some of the others take longer. i don't recommend benadryl it can impact your ability to drive and lead to dementia long term. over-the-counter an that histamine and nasal sprays as well. i'm a fan of what you do sinus rinses. looked that the have it on hand. perfect patient. >> steve: i do. thank you, doctor. be prepared, it's going to be another bad season. dr. elliott, thank you very much for joining us live.
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>> thanks for having me. >> steve: all right. brian, now we know. >> brian: now talk a little bit of sports. kaitlin clark 8 figure endorsement deal with nike. this comes days after the iowa super star was selected number one overall by the indiana fever in the wnba draft. clark is expected to have her own signature shoe as part of the deal. i know a lot of girls that will buy it. retired philadelphia eagles star jason kelce admits he lost his super bowl ring in a pool full -- a pool full of skyline chili last week. it happened at the university of cincinnati where he went. the ring was placed in a sock and submerged into a pool of chill whether i students attempting to find it. >> legitimately lost my super bowl ring in this event. they could not find it. this is enter brand bra brandon, trying to find the sock that had my super bowl ring in it.
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>> brian: there are so many more questions i have. kelce says the ring is probably in a landfill somewhere in cincinnati. already put in an insurance claim. i'm pretty sure it's really not going to suffice for the memory. meanwhile coming up straight ahead for the next two hours flaming hot cheetos from lucky charles. health concerns driving a snack crackdown. don't tell me lucky charms aren't good for you ahh. it's a good day to cough. oh no. bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing at the movies!? hashtag still not coughing?! ahh! mucinex dm 12 hour doesn't just quiet coughs, it treats coughs caused by excess mucus at the source and controls them for 12 hours.
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it's comeback season. stubborn chest congestion? try mucinex 12 hour. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun.
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(woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here
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