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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 18, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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(vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast.
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it's thursday, it's april 18th, and this is "fox & friends." we start with a fox news alert. protests flaring overnight right off columbia university's campus after faced a reckoning on capitol hill. >> and happening today, former president donald trump due back in court case one as attorneys gear up for opening statements as early as monday. >> plus snacks under attack but could be for a good reason from cheetos to lucky charms. why they could be banned. >> that should be our lead story. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with snacks. >> we have a lot of breaking news overnight we begin with your headlines, two suspected spies arrested overseas. accused of plotting sabotage attacks on u.s. military facilities in germany. on behalf of russia. german prosecutors say their goal was to undermine support for ukraine. the suspects are german-russian
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nationals who were allegedly prepared to carry out a bomb and arson attack on military facilities. including at one of the largest bases for american forces outside of the united states where ukrainian troops are being trained. pro-palestinian protests raging into the night at columbia university. this video is right outside of the campus. the heated demonstrations coming after the ivy league school's president testified on capitol hill admitting anti-semitism is a serious problem on campus. >> the ultimate solution to fighting this horrible form of bigotry is education. and this is a huge focus for us at columbia. we are changing the way we do orientation for our incoming students, to make sure that they are educated about anti-semitism. >> black on campus the students at an encampment say they will not leave until their demands are met. also overnight. 28 google employees are now fired.
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after staging a protest over the tech giant's business ties with israel. the pro-palestinian workers stormed a top executive's office and held a sit in at offices in no, california and washington state. the google spokesperson says the workers were fired for, quote, physically impeding other employee's work and preventing them from accessing our facilities, nine workers were also arrested immediately after the protest. a georgia prosecutor from d.a. fannie willis' office, getting into a shouting match on wednesday during the trial of rapper young thug. he was claiming the lawyer for the rapper was unprepared. listen to this. >> earlier today the question was posed are chants from the river to the sea anti-semitic? you on the other hand hemmed and hawed say i herd them as such some people don't. >> ainsley: that was not the attorney of the video and the
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rapper. the attorney argued that her team tried discussing the evidence with the defense. the rapper is on trial for alleged gang violence which includes killings, shootings, and carjackings. washington, d.c.'s mayor muriel bowser visited the masters augusta, georgia on the taxpayers' dime apparently. wroft the expense as a business opportunity to promote sports and economic development in the nation's capitol. her communications director confirmed that the mayor was invited to the tournament by two people leading a new city tax force. and finally, take a look at this spectacular video from iceland showing the northern lights over an active volcano. the time lapsed video show the unique visual of the two coming together. the eruption has now been ongoing for 2 # straight days. >> this is from earth? i did not know we could do that as a planet. >> ainsley: not you doing it. >> brian: i can't really take
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credit for it. >> lawrence: someone in your family. >> brian: right. no, just camouflage. >> ainsley: that's really cool. >> steve: i wonder if that's part of the aurora borealis. >> ainsley: i don't know what that is. >> steve: northern lights. aurora borealis. >> brian: look at the lava. >> steve: it's hot in iceland. speaking of a hot story, former president donald trump is going to be back in court this morning for day three of his jury selection, here in his new york city hush money trial. >> brian: this is incredible. the judge is looking to have jury selection squared away by the end of the week that opening statements can begin by monday. he is in a big rush. >> lawrence: eric shawn is outside of the new york state supreme court with more. eric? >> hey lawrence, and guys, good morning all. seven jurors have been picked five more to get to 12 who will sit in judgment of former president trump and then they
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will need six alternates. as you said, the opening statements in this trial could come as early as next week. in about two hours or, # 6 potential jurors brought into the courtroom and ask if they could fair and impartial former president trump has been complaining about this process. he says judge juan merchan is not letting him side bounce enough potential jurors that may not like him. in new york state law both the defense and the prosecution have 10 strikes to try to bar people who they think would be unfair from being seated. the former president continued to slam in case at every opportunity. it's alvin bragg's fault. he does nothing. he goes after guys like trump, who did nothing wrong. violent criminals murderers they know there are hundreds of murderers all over the city. they know who they are. they don't pick them up. they go after trump. but prosecutor joshua stein
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glass told jurors, get quote: this case has nothing to do with their personal politics. it's not a referendum on the trump presidency or popularity contest or who you are going to vote for in november. we don't care. the case is about whether this man broke the law. so far the seven jurors who have been seated include four men and three women. two are attorneys. there's a salesperson and a oncology nurse, teacher and software engineer. the former president has indicated he wants to testify in this trial. we have heard that before. and because of that, judge merchan will hold a hearing to decide where prosecutors can ask him indeed he does take the stand. again, the former president expected here in about two nurse day three back underway back to you in the studio. >> steve: you know, eric, you have been doing a million trials. and when i was called for jury duty had no idea hot person on trial was. but every person who goes into that jury room to be rather into
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the courtroom to be interviewed by the judge and by the attorney, every person knows donald trump. they either love him or they hate him but everybody knows him and has an opinion. >> that's true, steve. what is. they don't know exactly what case it is. they may be talking about it. imagine walking into the courtroom and suddenly you see hot defendant is and you don't know that one woman was actually heard giggling the other day back of the courtroom because that's when they're suddenly shocked by seeing that -- not judging alleged mugger here is the former 39 of the united states signatures right there in front of you. >> lawrence: eric shawn, thank you. >> thank you so much. that would be something. >> lawrence: doing something that they didn't quite expect. is he on trial right now. but he is putting onus back on alvin bragg. and the prosecution of the criminals that are roaming the street.
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and what he is saying is, look there has been so much focus on me. what about the murderers, people raping people. stealing women's bags on scooters. >> brian: he should go to the roosevelt hotel. listen, look what goes on here. this is where your money is going to illegal immigrants just staying in a hotel for free, throwing out the free food they are giving them or exchanging it for debit cards or danny penny forced to stand up and choke out a would-be attacker. i don't want him in the subway. i don't think the president has ever been in the subway. i would stand in front of the opening. different places throughout the city. and go at different times. i didn't expect -- because that's uncontrollable situation. if he went to the bodega association invited him, i get it. that's expected. but what a risk it was to go to the bodega where you can't control the streets. there could have been anti-trump
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protesters like joe biden had yesterday. lawrence. >> steve: i read yesterday he did have campaign people there who were wrangling people into the right spot. there is the former president at the bodega on tuesday talking about alvin bragg, you know, he went after the guy jose alba who was trying to defend himself there. and instead -- and eventually those charges were dismissed and instead they are going after him. so, in the wake of that we saw joe biden yesterday attempt another. >> ainsley: trying to do the same thing. >> steve: a drive by, essentially with the common man. >> brian: see what he did? they go 20 deep. that's not his campaign. those are the people. >> ainsley: goes around and shakes everyone's hands. speaks to everyone and takes pictures. >> steve: screen left is at moon town township about 3:30 in the afternoon he went to a sheetz convenience store gas station to pick up sandwiches for construction workers. who he would on the way out of town he would drop them off at
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the pittsburgh airport for some of the guys obviously union guys who were wearing hard hats. >> lawrence: look at him. he was zero swagger. zero swagger. >> ainsley: no energy. >> lawrence: barely knows where is he at. not interring with the people and having conversation. as you can see, donald trump is not surrounded by campaign people or staff. is he surrounded by the secret service. you got donald trump -- you got president joe biden that is surrounded by the staff to let him know which direction to go. >> ainsley: he is there in pennsylvania. >> steve: the easter bunny is not there. >> ainsley: there trying to win over the working class. he saw donald trump do that went well for him. he is trying to do the same thing. but this time joe biden is met with bidenomics protesters and anti-israel protesters. a group of about 15 or 10. listen to this.
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>> right there, right there. back, back, back. back. back. right now. back. no, back. you need to go back. [chanting hey, hey, ho, ho, bidenomics has got to go] [shouting] >> that's more than 15. >> steve: that's a problem for him. you are getting hit by the working class, the hamas caucus, is there anyone that thinks joe biden is doing a great job? >> brian: the thing that stood out to me is the bidenomics. the other one -- the other anti-israeli protester sadly
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been everywhere. if you don't like joe biden policy with israel. you are going to hate donald trump's. to hear bidenomics, that's what he spent all summer, $40 million trying to basically brand himself. >> ainsley: they are yelling hey hey, ho ho, bidenomics has to go. steve just the fact that joe biden is spending three days in pennsylvania is substantial. that's a lot of time. but, he needs the keystone state. it's part of the blue wall. part of the industrial state that helped democrats win in 2020. and, you know what? somebody who thought that he -- the problem is a lot of those problem in that crowd right there voted for joe biden and they say they are not going to vote for him in november. >> brian: they are wearing masks. that's a give away. [laughter] >> steve: somebody said they thought that he had a very good appearance. and do you know who that was? >> lawrence: who? >> steve: senator john fetterman he said quote, on x, joe biden just won another term. >> brian: okay. good. why even follow it. he knows.
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>> lawrence: pack up. no conventions anything. >> brian: he had extremely small crowd. i don't know if you saw the wide shot. extremely small crowd and yesterday was 200 people union. wednesday had the union people, tuesday was even a tinier crowd. and the thing is, when he walks into these places he just doesn't have -- he does not have the star appeal. the kids don't move. the parents don't move. and the workers didn't want to stop working. to do that after watching president trump in atlanta and then watching trump in harlem. >> lawrence: brian, that's why the plan is to have the former presidents, bill clinton, barack obama be by his side. he can't do it. he can't get the people to show up. >> steve: when you look at this split screen, here's the problem for biden inc., essentially. that sheetz gas station is being so tightly stage managed okay, you guys stand over there. there will be a couple of people at the cash register. and what they have been trying
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to do and peter doocy has been with the president at all the stops in pennsylvania. they will not let the press anywhere near joe biden. there is a pool camera right there. but they won't let somebody like peter or any of the -- jacqui, any of the traveling press ask him questions. they don't want him to answer. >> brian: i don't think the press is the problem. >> lawrence: pushing secret service out of the way so he can talk to the people. >> brian: the key is the organic movement between people and the president. >> ainsley: yep. brian there is no natural i can't wait to see him i need my picture taken with him even if the secret service get in my way. by the way the way he treats the press is showing us he can't do the job. >> lawrence: won't let them ask him any question. >> brian: we need to find out what his policies are. we need to what what his approach is. >> steve: contrast is you have got donald trump and he takes all questions, not only just from the press but from, you
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know, people in the crowd right there. >> ainsley: another reason why they like him. they like him because he is relatable. they say this guy represents us, the working class. >> steve: i was talking to our white house correspondent last night when he was sitting in pittsburgh and peter said he wished he would have been close to joe biden yesterday. because he wanted to ask joe biden about this story that now joe biden is telling people that his uncle ambrose finnegan was implies was eaten by cannibals. a story that the pentagon. >> brian: didn't happen. >> ainsley: said plane crashed in an area. >> brian: we don't know if he got eaten by cannibals. >> ainsley: plane crashed in an area. >> lawrence: wonder if the fact-checkers will check. >> brian: cannibals said lunch? steve. >> lawrence: controversy. brian about to get in trouble. let me help him out.
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[laughter] >> lawrence: we have been telling you about the controversy going there the veteran reporter went out, blew the whistle, look, it's become way too perspective. progressive.not the biggest supe former president but got to be fair here. the ceo speaking out and saying she wants debate. watch. >> i read uri's letter i never had the chance to meet him personally. i wish, in some ways i could have had that chance so we could have talked about his concerns were. there are pieces to make sure we have active and robust debate in the newsroom from a wide variety of perspective so that those conversations are being had. >> brian: don't suspend him for five days. but suspend him bring him in the office and ask him by the way i'm go about to get this job and you recommend in the last two lines of your column what i should do. let's expand on that and then you are suspended. >> ainsley: she suspended him for five days. she said there is not one he said there is not one republican
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on the editorial board. there he is right there. he was suspended without pay for five days. then he decide i'm going to resign. yesterday he announced his resignation on x. i'm resigning. great american institution. i can't work in a newsroom where eye disparaged by the new ceo whose divisive views confirm the very problems at npr that i cited what he means by divisive views. she had a ted talk back in 2022 it's resurfaced and she talked about the reverence for truth, how it's a distraction. listen to this. >> for our most tricky disagreements, seeking the truth and seeking to convince others of the truth might not be the right place to start. in fact, our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that's getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. we all have different truths. they are based on things like where we come from, how we were
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raised, and how other people perceive us. >> steve: and she runs npr. listen, you know, it's extraordinary that somebody who was so clearly a partisan. she was on the national democratic institute in the 2020 cycle she was wearing a joe biden for president hat to have somebody so political run that, that's why so many republicans are saying why do hundreds of millions of dollars go into public broadcasting? it is a lefty operation and they should be able to sustain themselves. if they're not going to -- you know, present both sides ever the story. >> brian: uri berliner is not a conservative he is more like bill maher. we own up to the fact we got russia wrong and laptop wrong and own up to the fact we have anti-trump agenda instead of just american agenda being critical.
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they also encouraged all the reporters to be activists. this didn't stop there all the problems he left behind. ben mullen the "new york times" media reporter, it's not enough that uri berliner is not there. they want the new ceo to come out and rebuke everything that he wrote. number one she can't. >> lawrence: and he has all these awards. i think it's so hypothetical that there is no pushback from other leaders in the press. can you imagine if someone from our news division had a ultra maga hat on or someone in our editorial, or ceo or vice president comes out with a maga hat? do you know all the condemnation we would get? yet, the ceo there can do it and there being no pushback from the other mainstream networks? >> those 50 employees wrote a letter to the ceo. asking for more clarification and how we're supposed to handle this going forward. and, also, we have learned the ceo back in 2020 she tweeted out her support for joe biden. in 2018, she called donald trump
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a racist. >> steve: and the craziest thing about what she said yesterday. >> brian: company interview? >> steve: i never met him. i wish i had been able to talk to him it. hit the fan last week. she had a week to go and say hey, where is uri, i want to talk to him about this. >> lawrence: she just suspended him. >> steve: did a little soundbiting. >> ainsley: it's if it's a private company you can do whatever you want. you cover the news can you do whatever you want. this is getting federal tax dollars. that's what is so upsetting. >> steve: are you okay with your tax dollars. hundreds of millions of dollars going to npr. >> lawrence: if this is going to be the perspective they shouldn't get a penny anymore and they can do whatever they want. >> steve: up to congress. >> ainsley: uri berliner says please do not defund npr because he has a lot of friends who work there. >> steve: from radios to snacks. thousands of popular snacks could be banned in multiple states. avert your eyes, folks, as laws are being proposed to outlaw key
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ingredients that you need to know about. >> lawrence: carley shimkus. >> carley: bills are advancing in multiple states which could ban thousands of your favorite snacks. new york, illinois and pennsylvania are introducing measuring to ban 13 additives over suspected health risks. new jersey and missouri are considering this, too. the snacks that could be on the chong block include lucky charms oreos, gator aid and flaming hot cheetos there are concerns that the food dies in these products may cause health problems. lucky charms contains the yellow 6 additive that some say is linked to adrenal tumors. flaming hot cheetos yellow 5 and yellow 6 which studies show it can cause d.n.a. mutations in white blood cells. oreo contain blue 1 with concerns that it could potentially cause kidney tumors and damaged nerve cells. and the food dye gatorade cancer
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and hyperactivity. the food safety director says when consumers see that the fda has not been able to keep up with the latest research. they recognize that the states are the only ones trying to protect them from toxic food chemicals right now. last october, california approved a so-called skittles ban that outlawed four food additives linked to cancer and fertility issues. the ban is set to go into effect in 2027. banning these ingredients could force companies to change their recipes and their products and experts say that the foods could look and taste differently because of this. an interesting story that's been taking place behind the scenes, guys. i have a feeling a lot of people are going to be wanting to talk to their doctors about it this to see this these dyes are actually connected or a case of government overreach. >> steve: no wonder so tasty blue number one in it. >> carley: who knew.
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>> brian: only cereal that is really good for you and that is quisp. >> >> ainsley: they don't sell it anymore. >> brian: lytle styrofoam hats. >> steve: styrofoam sounds good for breakfast. >> brian: chewy. >> lawrence: that's why they stopped making it. >> brian: protests flaring up near columbia university. >> ainsley: next guest suing the school calling the antisentiment she experienced all-consuming. ♪ ed i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? my psoriasis was all over.
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♪ >> lawrence: this is a fox news alert. fiery protests pro-palestinian protests raging into the night at columbia university. this comes after the ivy league school's president testified to congress that anti-semitism is a serious problem. but still couldn't say whether some anti-israel chants are even offensive. watch. >> president shafik earlier today the question was posed are chants river to the sea anti-semitic? you, on the other hand hemmed and hawed and eventually said i hear them as such. some team don't. >> um-huh. >> what are you talking about there. >> even some jewish people don't hear that an anti-semitic whereas i would say the majority do. so, it's one of those phrases that is heard differently.
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>> lawrence: whatever that word salad was. assignments a column student suing for the failure to protect students joins us now. this should be a clear stance from the president of the university. right? >> i'm with you. i'm shocked that it wasn't. >> lawrence: why? >> i think she an issue you cannot be diplomatic about you have to set a line as part of being a leader and spoke about yesterday. how can you be a leader if you are not willing to take a hard stance on issues that require that and stand behind that. >> what is life -- you have to go to that school every single day what's life like there. >> it's my first year at colombia, i just got out of israeli defense forces. so, deeply disturbing for me
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israel. describe it. i wake up in the morning and i have to ask myself if this is real. i can't believe this is where i'm at. >> lawrence: you see the raw emotion on your face you're clearly disgusted. do you fear for your safety on the campus? >> yes, i do. i have had my friends attacked for showing judaism for wearing yarmulkes for showing dog tags and wearing stars of david. >> lawrence: what happens on campus when those sort of acts happen. >> public safety gets called or reported. what happens when it gets reported are there steps taken to prevent it in the future? so far, no. >> lawrence: if this type of behavior continues and judging by the statements from the president who wants to play both sides on this. will you stay there? >> i can tell you that right
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now -- right now i'm there. i can't tell you what i'm going. >> lawrence: why is it important for you to be there right now. >> it's important to be there right now because people in the military. my friends, my family, they are fighting a war, truly. and i'm deeply religious person and i believe i was put here for a reason and so i'm going to fight. >> lawrence: are you surprised that the war now has been brought here to america? >> am i surprised? >> lawrence: um-huh. >> yeah, i am. i had hoped that we would do better. especially at an institution like columbia, right? i was so exexexcited i'm stared this is the future generation, help. wake up, america. where are we? really? >> what is your message to our leaders caudal.
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>> i think a lot of their lack of clear cut condemnation comes from academic freedom and speech they haven't yet drawn the line between free speech and hate speech and said certain things aren't okay. xy and z haven't done that. that's scary how can i respect leadership can't do the abc and holding up their own university values? how am i supposed to learn from these professors when they can't say no, it's not okay for you to make your classmates to feel unsafe. that's how i feel. >> lawrence: do you feel protected? >> no, i don't. i don't. >> lawrence: thank you so much for talking with us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> lawrence: praying for you guys. unbelievable. biden heads back to the battleground state of pennsylvania knowed after his bidenomics event got less than warm. [chanting hey, hey, ho ho,
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♪ >> janice: good morning, everyone. we had severe weather last night and into today. look at the storm reports over the last 24 hours. a lot of hail and strong wind damage. we could see more of the same today, stretching from texas all the way up towards the ohio valley. and that's going to continue eastward. and i have a very special guest right now sam gordon who is our college associate or intern, right? >> yes. >> what school do you go to. >> i go to colombia. >> janice: what do you study. >> study film. cat scan january last day at "fox & friends." >> last day. >> janice: did you have fun. >> i had fun. >> janice: do you want to do the weather. >> okay. temperatures colder than average as cold front travels south and east. it's even cold enough to snow
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across the northern rockies. here in new york city we have a rain in the forecast and cooler temperatures but in florida, they will set record highs. back to you. >> janice: yeah, that was amazing. you were amazing. is this what you want to do when you get out of school. >> hopefully we'll see. >> janice: is this what you want to do. >> be in front sports broadcasting. >> janice: okay fox sports you heard it here first. she was amazing wasn't she? >> steve: thank you very much, sam, for all your help. >> janice: you got it. >> steve: meanwhile, president biden heading back to pennsylvania today, heading to philly aiming to sell bidenomics. the message he got yesterday wasn't received well. [chanting hey hey ho ho bidenomics has got to go] >> steve: yep, this as nearly half of the keystone state voters say the economy is in not so good or poor shape.
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pollster and maslansky and partners president lee carter joins us right now. good morning to you, lee. >> good morning. >> steve: those crowds are a problem for him. they pop up wherever he goes. >> they are a big problem for him. we have seen the protesters on palestine. but to see protesters on the economy, that's a big problem for joe biden. the economy is one of the top issues to voters and in pennsylvania we know it's more important than most states. >> steve: in fact we have a poll, pennsylvania voters say the strength of the economy is not so good or poor. 60% say that. and then a fox news poll are you better off or worse financially today than you were four years ago? 22% say they were better off. i want to meet those people. more than half say they are worse off. that's a big problem for joe, too. >> that is a big problem. it sort of lines up right away the sentiments. 73% of americans say we are going in the wrong direction. a lot of people think that joe biden is out of touch with their concerns. and so what he's got to get out there and try to say i
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understand. i feel your pain. and that's what he was trying to do. i'm not sure the message got out there yesterday. >> other thing is as we looked at what joe biden said during the last three years. it's just been kind of a crazy message. remember, it was like two and a half years ago when they were saying oh, inflation. that's just transitory. and then suddenly they turned it into bidenomics. it's working. they kind of abandoned both those things because they were wrong. >> yeah. they also tried say that the economy has never been stronger. they talked about the fundamentals of the economy and how strong it was. americans are saying the economy ♪ strong. i'm feeling worse. my paycheck doesn't go as far as it used. to say my paycheck isn't keeping face pace with inflation. cost of groceries and goods. you can't tell me that things have never been better. you also see joe biden go out there and he said the grocery shelves weren't empty when the grocery shelves were empty. doesn't know what the price of milk costs. he doesn't feel he is connecting with the real concern of voters.
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>> steve: yesterday he told that crazy story about his uncle ambrose apparently eaten by cannibals. probably not true. so here's the thing. on the other side you have got donald trump and a think a lot of democrats thought okay, once he is on trial, we are really going to make hay and joe is going to skyrocket in the polls. at the same time, mr. trump is able to capitalize on and he has got his talking points about how everything is going against him and people aren't. >> people believe democrats are seen as the elites. got this really big issue right now where people believe there is a two tiered system of justice. they believe this is completely unfair. especially this trial happening right now in, no. they are seeing that president trump can't go to his child's high school graduation. they think it's completely unfair. he's not able to campaign in a way that he says he should be. although he is capturing a lot of airwaves. meanwhile joe biden is out in pennsylvania trying to convince people that he has got their
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backs but he has got the economy under control. instead of talking about the economy and kitchen table issues that we're all concerned about, he is talking about tax cuts. >> steve: right. >> tax cuts aren't going to help people when they are talking about the price of milk. got him talking about the tax fairness act. trump was talking about making america affordable again. can you see who is in touch with the pain points of americans right now. >> steve: exit question. if the election were held today, who would win? >> donald trump. >> steve: lee carter, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: carley shimkus joins us with news with prince william back in the news? >> carley: prince william and the prince harry. prince william will be turning to royal duties today. he will be attending events surrounding around food preservation. the prprincess of wales treatmer cancer is not expected to attend. prince harry renouncing british residency. filed paperwork.
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the duke of sussex lists the u.s. of his new home. bill belichick revealing that he has never had a cup of coffee. >> trying to get him an expresso martini found out he hates coffee. >> never had a cup of coffee. >> two expresso martinis. give the speech past the cup you go absolutely not. >> carley: belichick says he prefers juice or tea in the morning. how do you kick off your mornings? we want to know. email us at i'm usually very caffeinated by 3:00 a.m. those killed in the october 7th terror attack in israel. todd piro is live from a new exhibit in new york city. coming up next.
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considered carrying out a counter strike against iran on monday but decided to wait. >> brian: yup. trey yingst is live in tel aviv to tell us when you were strike. >> yeah guys, good morning, israeli forces remain on high alert across the country waiting for orders from the country's war cabinet to strike back against iran. reports indicate that strikes against the islam republic were called off on two separate occasions over the past several days. we do know the israelis are waiting for the right operational window to respond to the drone and missile attack over the weekend. iran's top officials are threatening immediate retaliation if such a strike takes place forcing the israelis to consider the jewish holiday of passover that starts on monday. with that in mind, the israeli army is getting ready for the possibility of another iranian attack. with a direct attack from iran pending, israel still continuing to strike iran's largest proxy in the region, hezbollah. yesterday, israel struck deep inside lebanon targeting lessens
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air kevin's units, drone attack by hezbollah that injured four civilians in northern israel. on certain days ahead in the region, as the biden administration remains in close contact with the government of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. guys, back to you. >> brian: hey, trey, they did take out two hezbollah leaders, is that related to the retaliation in any way, do you think? >> it is the israelis are trying to send a message to hezbollah that if they get more directly involved in the fight and target major israeli population centers, they will be a heavy price to pay. >> brian: thank you so much, be safe. one of the first memorials to the victim of the october 7th attack is coming to new york city. >> ainsley: todd piro getting behind the scenes look. todd? >> todd: in a word, haunting. this is absolutely haunting. they have recreated october 7th at the nova music festival from everything to the tents left as they were on that fateful day,
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cell phones and belongings still in the tents to the market that people could buy goods to this. and i want to warn you, this is graphic. these are the cars, the burned out shell of cars from october 7th. and you can see absolutely destroyed bullet holes in some of them, chilling. now let's go over here to the portable bathrooms. and when you think about the horror of the individuals experiencing at that moment, can you see bullet holes as people tried to find cover inside these very portable bathrooms. that's a bullet hole. and this is terrifying. we are going to come over here to the bar. you think music festival, it's a fun time. everybody is drinking. everybody is having a party. the bar here left exactly as it was the moment that terrorists decided to murder people enjoying their life. and then finally, over here, you
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can see all the leftover items that still have not been recovered. because in all likelihood, the people that own these items are dead. we're going to go speak with some survivors of that fateful day right now. i'm joined by poz and shia. if you could come over here in a room with pictures with all those that in murdered that day. when you saw this exhibit for the first time in tel aviv, now here, what goes through your mind as to the authenticity, how they recreated that day? >> terrified. i lost more than 50 friends. and can see -- tough, not easy. but we here to. >> todd: send a message to remind people of this day. do you think that americans viewing this exhibit will truly
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understand the horror that people went through on october 7th? >> they will definitely understand the horror but one thing i think they will see the most is the beauty that was all of these individuals, all of these people from the ages of 65 to 17 are some of the best people in the whole world. and this is what happened to them. >> todd: going from an exhibit like this to just a few blocks north at colombia, when you see protests like that columbia university and throughout the city what goes through your mind when you see people not understanding that day and the plight of the israelis? >> it's heart breaking. it's heart breaking. no one wants. this we didn't want. this and the fact that people are cheering it on and encouraging it and are happy to hear about it, they are happy to hear about, you know, the death of a 17-year-old. the death of a 16-year-old, you know, couples being brutally murdered. it breaks my heart. not something i would have ever
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imagined. >> todd: when you see their belongs that brings it home. not just names. these are real part-time and humans who lost their lives on that day. so moving and poignant. back to you in the studio. >> steve: all right. todd, thank you very much for showing us what they are doing here in new york city. we are stepping aside. more "fox & friends" top of ther hour. ♪aves' or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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