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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> brian: all right 8:00 a.m. on these coast come april 18th. this remains "fox & friends." now, this story, shocking protest in new york city. it never stopped. it went through the night. just off columbia university's campus. most students after the ivy league president, by the way her reckoning on capitol hill. >> and happening today, former president trump due back in court as attorneys gear up for opening statements as early as monday. >> steve: that is right. yesterday, we told you about the pickleball dating scene. >> ainsley: forget dating app, pickleball arts are the apparently new hot spots for a young single. i can see at. >> steve: you know what, i've been trying to get lawrence. >> lawrence: knuckleball, i've changed my mind. >> steve: but now pickleball,
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it is true, churches realize the popularity and they are sharing the gospel through pickleball. >> ainsley: that is where you met your wife, yes! that's right. >> lawrence: brian, do you support this? >> brian: i am astounded with doing this because everybody will pray every shot stays in and prayed to wins. everybody will go to pray to win pickleball. and todd will have to make another choice. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts now. and remember, better with friends. >> steve: all right a live looking new york city 8:01 new york city supreme court lower manhattan where former president donald trump will be back this morning in 90 minutes for the third day of jury selection in his hush money trial. >> brian: all right, the judge is looking jury selection squared away by the end of the week so opening statements can begin monday. >> lawrence: eric shawn
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outside of the courthouse, it hey, eric. >> hey, lawrence, good morning everybody. they have seven jurors picked and just need five more to get to 12 to decide the former president's fate. after that well, they have to get six alternates to sit in and in case one of the main jurors are sick or can't continue to judge the case. then they are good to go. that could start with opening statements, as you said, monday. that batch of 96 potential jurors brought into the courtroom and judge warmer shown, will believe cannot be fr partial to raise their hands and those who do raise their hands and say, "no, they cannot judge the president fairly will be excused and picked for further questioning those quote. winter was picked said, "i don't know the manna don't have opinions personally. i am not aware of other losses but i'm not sure i know anyone's
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character." one cold trump, "fascinating and mysterious." he walks into the room and sets people up and i find that interesting, really. this one guy can do all of this, wow! that is what i think. the former president has been complaining that judge is going too fast and not living his attorneys block the jurors who could be against him but by law each side has the right to remove ten jurors without any reason, but the former president wants the right to remove more than that. he has also indicated if convicted here, he will appeal. >> if you look and you take a look, every legal scholar, every legal pundit said there should be no trial. speak with the former president says he does intend to testify and if he does, prosecutors say they tend to question him about the half a billion polar real estate fraud judgment found liable for sexually assaulting
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e. jean carroll. and the judge has set a hearing for that to determine exactly what prosecutors can ask him here that hearing date not yet set so right now we are waiting for the former president to arrive for it in those 96 potential jurors to start the process this morning. back to the studio. >> brian: hey, eric is her in way the judge will put a gag order on mic michael cohen rantg on these other networks questioning speed to to make it fair? >> that is not the case. they are free to speak and the former president has been gagged on witnesses jurors and family members according to the staff. >> steve: one quick question about jury selection, i think it was on tuesday where the defense attorneys were asking one of the potential jurors, yep, it is windy down there, was asking one of the potential jurors about social media posts. does the defense go into
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everybody's social media presence and say, ," oh, what the heck does that mean?" >> that is actually part of the process in one of the reasons the president complaining about it, the defense can't go into social media post and some of the potential jurors. they found one person videoing a celebration on election night and trying to indicate, that person was in favor of joe biden work up within the prosecutor said, "no, they were posting a party happening in manhattan." if you are anti-trump and set it on fb, you they will get it and if pro-trump, they will find that all's well's thank you. >> ainsley: what if people are taking it down? >> lawrence: that is one of the things, also, the person for the defense questioning actually lied about it here they said they didn't post anything, no, really because a picture in a post talking about locking him
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up. >> ainsley: that jury was removed, right? >> lawrence: the whole thing was removed. >> brian: we don't know the case against the united states president. it is not clear with the second charge will be, but it is clear everybody in the media seems to be rooting for donald trump to be convicted. listen. >> the official name of the trial is "the people at the state of new york versus donald trump." the people of the state of new york... that's us! [cheers and applause] okay, hold on a mold on. i know you are excited, but don't cheer too loud. we need you to get picked for jury duty. [laughter] >> you have to be cold. you lied, you lied. you say, "i hate trump, but i can be impartial. >> i'm a little surprise we are learning this because i don't believe the jury will remain anonymous necessarily if they keep this up. >> are you worried about their safety? yeah, i'm worried about the
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safety appearance before a federal prosecutor that is to respect the system, someone that should know the court system and how it works. i don't understand this. >> brian: you shouldn't lie. >> lawrence: what is it up with celebration, the height in a way that especially when you have the same people, a nonviolent offense allegedly have done and they are advocating for jail time for the guy, lock him up! >> ainsley: you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. but you have elected officials that ran on, "i will lock him up and get rid of this guy does quote. >> brian: his daughter will benefit if he wins. he will get more money, and definitely should recuse himself if they care about the system. and i also found out i may be on the last one to know this, this was not a rotation thing. for example judge cannon was picked imported because of rotation. but this was not rotation and
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judge merchan was selected for this. i didn't even know that. they handpicked them for this trial. >> steve: maybe he is the most fair trial judge in new york. >> ainsley: fair? if he were fair, he would gagged both sides. >> lawrence: his daughter was compromised. there was so much outrage in 2016 the people said, lock hillary up, and the former president said let's be bygones be bygones. the prosecutor, we don't need a system like that. he has shown more mercy to the democrats when actually credible case against them than they are showing against him. i just hope they understand what they were doing to the legal system. >> brian: write them a crazy three weeks. they have a shot of getting this done by memorial day. >> lawrence: president biden heading to philadelphia today in his third campaign stop in philadelphia this week. >> steve: jacqui heinrich from the one of the white house, hate. >> good morning to you guys.
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president biden heading to philadelphia where set to be endorsed by more than a dozen members of the kennedy family and not-so-subtle swipe at rfk jr. love at the focus is set to be on trump. here it is a portion what kerry kennedy will say, "donald trump is running us backwards attacking the basic rights and freedoms to court to who we are as americans. he said he will be a dictator day one wants to try to to suspend the constitution." that is in philly today and pittsburgh announcing a culture triple chinese deal aluminate aluminate tariffs, a sheetz gas station to buy sandwiches for construction workers made notable mostly by the fact that the first lady from philadelphia and there is infamous gas station rivalry between them. this followed former president trump to chick-fil-a last week that had a different reception. the most unexpected was yesterday a story we got about
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biden's uncles death in world war ii as part of a larger story that donald trump is not worthy of serving as commander-in-chief. listen to this. >> my uncle, they call him bozey, my uncle bozey, an athlete and they told me as a kid he became an army air corps for the air force. he flew though single engine planes over war zones. he got shot down in new guinea. and they never found the body because it used to be there are a lot of cannibals for real. >> according to the pentagon, biden's uncle was a passenger on the plane to ditch in the pacific ocean for unknown reasons and both engines failed low altitude appeared and he is still missing. the u.s. government service record does not attribute his death to hostile action or to cannibals here there was, in fa, documented cannibals in the
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region in the mid 20th century spirit a white house spokesman andrew bates did not acknowledge this discrepancy in the telling of the story when he delivered his statement for the press here and he said biden is making the case of honoring armed forces are not calling them suckers and losers against tying everything back to trump, guides. >> brian: which he allegedly said he denies or cope with the president leaves his uncle was eaten by cannibals. >> lawrence: right. >> brian: is that right? >> that is what it sounded like. >> steve: jacqui coming in the history the united states, is there any other president who would imply had an uncle invite cannibals? >> brian: can you look that one up? >> ike have to do a little research but i can certainly tr. my research this morning, i will get right back to you. >> lawrence: let's start with woodrow wilson and work our way back. thank you, jacqui.
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>> ainsley: thank you, jacqui, his relative a plane crash in an area or there were cannibals. >> lawrence: we never had a more diverse president than him too, part of the black community. what else, hispanic community. he has every single fact. >> steve: whoever he is talking to, he needs their vote. unlike the amtrak conductor story which has been debunked a dozen times, he still tells that one. >> brian: i will say this one of the biggest stories is not reported widely, this is the first time he in april. we will follow that story. >> lawrence: it was on last week. >> ainsley: so good. >> brian: it is chilly and i'm losing consciousness. >> ainsley: you know what, doesn't mind. i like that. >> ainsley: brianna, just take a day off. when you set a record we should pointed out.
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now we should point out some more appearance before the fire of the middle of the street. >> brian: fox news alert, pro-palestinian protest at columbia university. he did demonstration and just never stop coming after the ivy league schools president testifying on capitol hill mna to a degree in anti-semitism is a serious problem on campus. >> brian: brooke singman as the crazy stuff on this. >> more than 24 hours hundreds of students at columbia university forming a human chain around the main law on campus and solitary encampment to show in support of palestine, and alleged complicity and. >[chanting]
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>> sent student led occupation from at least three other demonstrations formed near the university and support raging on despite orders from the school to evacuate. in washington, d.c., the president of columbia university testified on capitol hill about her administration's record and said the university is going to be taken other steps in the future. >> ultimate solution to fighting this form of bigotry is education. that is a huge focus for us at columbia. we are changing the way we do orientation for incoming students to make sure they are educated about anti-semitism. >> meanwhile overnight 28 google employees fired after staging a protest at a giant business ties with israel. pro-palestinian workers formed top executive office and held ten hours said in an office as new york city, california, washington state. soon after the protest nine workers were arrested immediately, guys.
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>> b>> steve: brooke, thank you very much. those google employees shot back at google and said, the company is terrible because they've got this contract hold nimbus with the israeli government. and it is essentially blood money is what they are saying. i wonder how many of the 28 are going, "you know what my didn't think they would fire me. now what will i do?" imagine if you were one of the parents. you had a good job at google and what was going through your head sitting in the bosses office complaining about his decisions was a good resume builder. >> ainsley: these protesters are essentially supporting hamas. they are supporting iran and iran has their videos out this morning from iran showing women struggling as morality police officers are shoving them into bands and arresting them for not wearing a job. one lady university student and journalist arrested from her house on tuesday after posting on x detained, tased and
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sexually assaulted by the police at a local metro station so she was taken to on unknown location and x account suspended. >> brian: i'm sure >> ainsley:s columbia students fantastic race to get into columbia. the columbia students were out there not going to class but it seems pup tents and go on the street to say, "in-your-face," the president of columbia, don't pretend it is a minor problem. i will show you how big of a problem this is an let's get rid of the word problem. how proud we are to be pro-palestinian and anti-israeli pro-hamas appeared look at those, how many are visiting students here who got special student visas to be here? >> lawrence: during this america on this campus, the student group said there is nothing wrong with being a hamas member. you had one speaker also that said at ath-in, liberation
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fighters. we had a student on earlier today to talk about the state of columbia. why is she still there? she told us what it's like to be a student there. a watch. >> i think a lot of their lack of clear combination comes from academic freedom and free speech. and they haven't yet drawn the line between free speech and hate speech and said, "certain things aren't okay." and the reason is xyz, and that is scary. how am i supposed to respect leadership that can't do abcs and holding university values? i hoped that we would do better, especially in an institution like columbia, right? that is why i applied, we will leave the future generation. i'm scared. these leaders are our future generation. help! wake up america, where are we, really? >> ainsley: she is jewish. and she said she will stay at
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columbia chose to fight the fight because -- >> brian: she is suing. >> ainsley: so many friends are fighting for her country and she said, they are actually on the front lines appearance before fox news alert right outside of columbia university. it looks like the police have had enough for making right now. they decided that they will block and obstruct the traffic right there on the sidewalk. they didn't have a permit to be protesting there. it will be interesting to see what the charges will be. >> steve: a few days in jail, i hope. one of the bike racks, that is the structure as you can see, they made essentially a box where the protesters were supposed to be. that is where they were the night before they are as you can see, they had the fire appear the reason they were not on campuses because the the president of columbia was on campus and rather in washington, d.c., saying essentially, we are cracking down on this. what do they do? they stepped off of campus, like
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the fire, light the torch, the big protestant this morning someone is being arrested. >> brian: it looks like because of it, is new york city. what a great city this is. >> lawrence: we don't believe what they say. they are clear what they believe. you had one professor said the resistance of the fight in hamas number less than 15,000 he would how they flipped the table. now similar on colonial state but we know the borders and the whole world. you don't need mass movements to change the world. there are radical statements from the professors, from the students, and it looks like the cops are shutting this down. >> ainsley: what did you say, 4,000 students? 4,700 that are jewish that go to columbia. and the ones that we interviewed said they are scared. >> steve: we figure out what the people are being charged with, we will bring that to you right here on "fox & friends." >> brian: in new york, they are charging donald trump and new york city subways, instagram
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account have these people who have taken over subways last night stating some type of chant, "we are proud of iran. iran we are proud of you, yemen we are proud of you." and the students taped it appearance before we look at the live shots, to go different groups on the campus. the campus where you see the tenants actually on campus. those are students. the gaza where they have their little chat zone, pro-hamas group. then outdoors, these are the students that can't get on campus and they were the one setting the fire appear that is why the cops are moving in on tm right now. it looks like they were doing this all night long. >> ainsley: they were met by counterprotesters waiting for israeli last night. >> brian: we do have a job and it hopes to be able to party through the night. >> steve: somebody is talking to the cop right there. a problem being taken downtown. we will keep you posted but in the meantime 20 minutes after the top of the hour and carley
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joins us with news from germany. some arrest made in the nick of time. >> this is a fox news alert, two suspected spies arrested overseas plotting sabotage attacks on the united states military facilities in germany on behalf of of russia. german prosecutors say their goal was to undermine support for ukraine. the suspects are german russian nationals who had legibly prepared to carry out bomb and arson attacks on military facilities. and one of the largest basis for american forces outside of the u.s. for ukrainian troops to be trained. a tsunami alert in indonesia yesterday after volcanic eruption sent ash thousands of feet and they are a pair a pair of the volcano had five large eruptions and 24-hour. over 11,000 people ordered to evacuate an 800 left the area. officials are concerned a section of the volcano may collapse into the seat and cause a tsunami. take a look at the spectacular video from iceland showing an
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active volcano here at the time lapse video showed the two coming together and they eruption has been going on for 28, straight days, wow! seven-time super bowl bill belichick revealing he has never had a cup of coffee. >> i tried to get espresso in but i found out he hated copy to him is that real? never had coffee. i was to give a full speech. you have to get past the cup. >> he went on to say he prefers tea or orange juice to start his morning so we asked you guys what you thought? carmen said, even at 66 years old, she's never had a cup of joe. client agrees and says even diet mountain dew. and sandra believes the best way to start your day is to start with two diet coke spear that is what my husband does, coke zero, not coffee. i'm a big coffee drinker.
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>> steve: zero sugar. >> ainsley: all of it. >> steve: i didn't drink diet coke until 30 and then i need a coffee. >> ainsley: it is warm. you need something warm. back on now. >> brian: kids have coffee and european nations. and they also drink a lot a lot in italy. >> ainsley: they do not. >> brian: if you are in italy coming you get coffee and you are a child. >> ainsley: can our children have coffee and ice cream? you will give her coffee and ice cream? >> lawrence: what about can you give a child rum cake? >> steve: why do you think people are happy around the holidays? it is a cake. >> ainsley: news this morning, you won't believe accused idaho hiller bryan kohberger's alibi. >> brian: judge pirro has got the story and she is coming our way.
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>> lawrence: here to break down to new evidence, "the five" host jeanine pirro. he has a student of criminal justice. he used to work in the lab. so he was going to try some sneaky stuff. >> well, not only try sneaky stuff, but he knows defense, okay? we knew his alibi was going to be that he wasn't there, obviously. but now what they specifically said in recent value file papers, we have an expert to pre that he was not near the house where the four victims were killed. it is kind of interesting because what it tells me in addition to him going out to see the moon and stars when driving alone at night, now they are saying, you know, he really wasn't most of the house. this tees up the battle of the experts. what will happen now is that the state prosecutors are going to come in and say, "his cell phone
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pinged, by the way, 12 times in the area of the home of the victims." but on that night, the prosecution said he turned his phone off. we have him coming from the direction of the victim's home. so the defense expert is now going to say, look, he was not near the house here at the cell towers are going to prove that. no, what the cell towers and the expert will say is there is leeway of x number of miles or yards and therefore, they will take advantage of that area. what you can't deny is they are his videotape the white hyundai in the area. what you can't deny, bottom line, his dna is on the sheath of the knife to kill the victim spirit but this is, you are right, lawrence, this will not be easy. this will not be in and out. >> lawrence: slam-dunk. >> ainsley: all it takes is one juror. >> that is right lunch. >> ainsley: you have a
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fox news special and i love the name of it, "what did he do?" >> p. diddy has had a reputation of someone that were with other musicians and he has gotten away with a lot. he has been tried for crimes. you know, he starts his career with celebrity basketball game were nine people shot, dozens injured. he gets away and acquitted on gun charges but all these debts behind him. what you have are the feds who have executed search warrants of both mansions, civil lawsuits for sexual assaults, drug dealing, all kinds of things. look, the bottom line is all the rumors about him are coming home to roost. people have gone to jail for him, and people have disappeared for him. i think the chickens are coming home to roost. you have got to see the special! >> lawrence: here is a teaser effort my let's watch. >> i don't know. >> people are by and large scared of him so they don't rat him out. >> he is capable of violence and
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not just men and women but people. violent meaning if it is not done my way, we are not doing anything. >> he is a powerful guy. people were afraid of him. we have money to burn, and he thought people. and i think he will pay some music now. no charges yet. a lot of civil lawsuits. but we will see. >> ainsley: exactly, fox nation drops today. thank you, judge. will you stay here until 5:00? >> i will stay here for "the five." >> ainsley: we love your show. wake up all as police officers across the nation faced relentless attacks. >> why was he back on the streets? shame on some of these judges! >> lawrence: barstools dave portnoy are standing up for the men in blue, and they are next. ♪ ♪ we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce,
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♪ ♪ >> why was he back on the streets? every day you pick up the paper, you are reading the paper, and other violent service by the justice system back on the streets. shame on some of these judges who continue to allow violent criminals back on the streets! all criminal justice system needs a complete overhaul. we are not going away. >> brian: pba president there a sea of blue showing solidarity across soft-on-crime policies. if you are for the arraignment of the ex-cons charged in the death of nypd detective jonathan tiller was the driver. the ceo was in contact with the widow, stephanie and joins us with barstools board's, dave portnoy. welcome to both of you.
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we can roll the video, but go ahead, they have a hearing for jones who is back in court. look what is behind him in the courtroom, frank. that is a show of solidarity. we will be with you every step of the day until you are in jail forever. >> i know the police department. they all come together. this is a brotherhood that sticks together. they are getting upset and they should be because these criminals allowed back on the street and they are killing their partners, brothers when protecting us every single day. and it is just too much, too many widows out there and too many kids have lost their mother or father while protecting spirits but when you know everything about teams and team stick together. david portnoy have you ever seen men and women in blue supporting people and in some cases people they don't even know? >> yeah, it is great to see, but it is said to continually see it. it is sad frank and i were back
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in the seat. one week or two weeks before we were here before. but the support is great. we don't want to have to keep being here, but it is great to see when it happens spirit about again, no one wants to be in the situation. upstate new york, right near syracuse, and other shooting two cops are dead and you and frank, dave, raising money for the family now of lieutenant michael. one of the officers who were shot down. you met the family, frank, tell us about him. >> i spoke to the widow, kate and that family of three kids, 7-year-old, 5-year-old, 3-year-old. we tell what we tell all these great heroes, dying in the line of duty have kids left behind and we will pay off their mortgage. we count on your fox news and a coming together, but it is happening so often that it is hard to keep up with it. it is incredible. please come and it is important to donate $11 a month or
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whatever you can do. it keeps happening. >> brian: what is the barstool done to raise money for this family? >> so, we have shirts on sale. that is our way of supporting and helping. and i match everything that we get. dana white chimed in $100,000 donation. we raised 800,000 but fred is right, frank has been great and we are partnering with total for towers to help make sure we get the money. we have raised $800,000 for this family. again, it is kind of surreal we are back in this spot, but we are. we appreciate all the support. but we have to keep it going because these families need it. money doesn't solve the issue, but you know, it is a tragedy. as much as we can be there, we will try to be there. >> brian: you match it i'm a day, personally whatever the barstool fans do to support thie shirts, right? >> yeah, so it's been about
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$400,000 donated through shirts, personal donations. i have given $400,000 of my own money to match it. >> brian: families, police officers retire out 40 and do 20 years. those mortgages are usually outstanding. >> come on, they don't join the police department to become law enforcement to make money here they do it because they are born that way to protect spear they are protectors. now we have to protect their families when something like this happens. none of them are sitting with bank accounts to pay off their mortgage. none of them and tunnels for towers, what david's doing this is how we have to take care of the great families left behind. >> brian: dave, you have always been so pro-men and women in blue? >> always, from the beginning. i think it is more important than ever. common sense in the beginning, but the times, you know, it is interesting to climb up than ever the police officers, people
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in blue, first responders have to see this country has they were back up your that we are there for them not only financially but morally with all of it. it is more important than ever right now. >> brian: it is positive thing to say about barstool and patriotic as a people who run barstool. in your case found barstool. you donated or you can buy a t-shirt. dave and frank, thank you for what you are doing. it is sad that you have to do it. meanwhile, straight ahead, right now arrest happening outside of columbia university after chaotic night of unrest. we are watching it. don't move.
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>> ainsley: good morning, everyone appeared severe weather in the forecast bureau a lot of large hail across the ohio river valley in morro today. new york city, we have rain, yucky rain in the forecast today and cooler temperatures here will that will be ongoing to the next couple of days. you can see an area of low pressure in the cold front to bring a risk of hail damage, tornadoes as well especially ohio river valley. let's look at my friends here. what are your names and where you from?
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>> day from pittsburg, kansas. >> your sister? >> oh my goodness, hi. and... >> patricia garrett. >> you watch "fox & friends" every morning? >> every morning. >> i'm so sorry about the weather. >> 70 degrees yesterday in kansas city. >> i'm coming back with you. all right, say hi to lawrence for me. >> hi, lawrence. >> you have some fans out here appearance before they are troopers and the rain forest. chinese diplomats reporting to meet congressional staff to lobby against a bill to force the sale of tiktok. hillary vaughn from the sister network, fox business, lived on capitol hill, haley del mckay, hillary. >> not the best messenger for lawmakers to hear from if trying to convince congress that they had tiktok and nothing to do with the government that they work for. the chinese communist party. political said chinese lawmakers
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on behalf of tiktok trying to pretend that tiktok really isn't a chinese and put me at all putting distance between beijing and parent company bite the hand spirit a selling point to convince lawmakers the ccp not o influence the platform like lawmakers are worried about but we reached out to chinese embassy and they tell us, "thist about lobbing for a single compy but all chinese company's can be treated fairly. tiktok spokesperson said they were in the dark about the lobby efforts saying, "no point and we have knowledge of the may dates politico approached us since publicly vocal about why we oppose the ban bill." this lobby effort might do more damage to tiktok on the hill proving the point that the chinese government does have a vested interest to keep tiktok under its nose and public support is building back in tiktok than after the house tweaked a bill to allow a year r tiktok to divest into a u.s. company. the powerful chairwoman of the
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senate commerce committee who has now said she is on board with the new bill with these changes says, "i'm happy >> johnson and house leaders incorporated my recommendation to extend bytedance from six months to a year and updated legislation but the house has to pass that new version of the tiktok bill. it needs to get a vote on the senate floor. we will see when all of that will happen, lawrence. >> lawrence: this is great. they say the chinese government has no involvement until the diplomats are on capitol hill. hillary, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> lawrence: finding faith in the power of pickleball pier that is the story coming up but let's check in with bill hemmer coming up at the top of the hour. >> minutes from now trump is back in court, right? what do we know about the jurors so far. a deep dive coming appeared senate with their concerns of immigration to the curb. how does that play the number one issue an election year?
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>> steve: more churches are turning to faith-based pickleball. former major league baseball pitcher jerry don, j.d. serves as activities director at a baptist church in brownwood, texas and joins us live right where his congregation plays pickel ball three days a week and they're playing it behind you. good morning to you, j.d. this is a great idea. who came up with it? >> one of the ladies behind me. one of the members of the church came up with it and it never took off. one of the ladies behind us came to me and up here doing one of our laugh liners, senior adult line aerobics and said we have this gym, how about pickleball? >> we started one court and taped everything out and figured we could fit three courts in here. it blew up and we went to four
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or five from 18 to 20. >> steve: there are a lot of people not members of your church but invited by members of the church and say come on and play pickel ball on mob knifed and wind up going to church. >> we have some. a lot of our members play here. a lot of the community. little towns around us drive over three days a week and play and it is an open gym. we let everybody enjoyed. god has blessed this church and we want to use it to glorify him. >> steve: i'm able to play once or twice a week and sometimes where i play i have heard god's name used but it wasn't prayerful if you know what i mean. so jerry, let me ask you this. going forward, as a former professional baseball player, a lot of people say pickleball is too hard or easy.
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what do you think? >> i'm 66 and i get out here very rarely. i'll get out here and they run me ragged. i feel like i'm in good shape for a man my age. we have folks playing for 2 1/2 hours non-stop and i can't compete with them. they are my age or older. i can't really put it down. it is a great activity and people love it. it has gone crazy. >> steve: the guys i play with, it's a co-ed group and we'll play with two hours and between matches we'll talk and chew the fat. it is fun and that's why you are doing it in texas. jerry, sir, thank you very much for joining us live. good luck to all the people playing pickleball. >> thanks, steve. appreciate it. >> steve: that's "fox & friends" for today. let's go to "america's newsroom." >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go now day three. the trump hush m


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